Cafe Coffee Day Coalition Marketing Programme

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Cafe Coffee Day Coalition Marketing Programme

1.Introduction to the programmei. ii. It can be called CCD Loyalty Programme The programme may have stages of membership like Basic Member, Silver Member and Gold Member.

2. Objectives of the programme-Can be referred to Why should CCD start a loyalty programme 3. i. ii. iii. iv. 4. i. ii.

How to Enrol in the ProgrammeA customer can get his membership card if he has bill of 150 or above. He must be 18 years of age. A person can be member if he pays Rs 100. The member should send a SMS to get registered

How can a member earn points in the ProgrammeAt the time of billing in any of the partners of the programme, the member should present the card to the counter and earn points. Failing to present the card at the time of billing, the member can earn points by logging to his account on the specific website and type the bill number and earn points. Please note that the points will be detected if a member is earning the points through website form. A member can also earn point if his suggestions or ideas given are valuable. How can a member redeem the points in the programmei. A member can redeem points by converting it into gift vouchers of Rs 100, 200 and 500 based on the points earned. This voucher can be used in any of the partners of the programme. If a member have 50 points in his account, he might get a free coffee or any other product of CCD in any branch. By ordering gifts from online catalogue provided by CCD. Giving discounts in any partners brands,

iii. 5.

ii. iii. iv. 6. i.

Validity of the pointsPoints value can be depended on the partners scheme. For Example- If member is transacting in airline partner then he may get points according to the miles travelled. In case of transacting in CCD, 1 point can be equivalent to Rs 100. The validity of points can be for 1 year in basic programme, 3 years in silver and unlimited till the expiry of membership.



Validity of the membership-

i. ii.

The validity of the membership can be 3 years in case of you are Basic member, 5 years in case of Silver member and 10 years in case of gold member. The card can be transferred by a member to his family in case of any unfortunate situation.

8. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

Benefits of the ProgrammeSpecial discounts in any partner or CCD outlet Special discounts will be giving to the member in case if its the cardholders birthday ,Marriage anniversiry or other occasion related to members life. Preference for bookings in CCD outlets or any other associated partner restaurants on special occasions and festivals. In coalition programme, there will be large no. of partners. A member can accrue or earn points fast. The points can be multiplied faster. The card can also be used as payment card by recharging it in multiples of 100,500,1000..... Members can get special periodic offers with the partners associated with CCD. Invitations will be giving to members on special occasions and events like celebrity visits to any of the outlet, opening of a new branch, organising cultural events. Members can be given special preference in billing counter in the partners outlets. Reserve parking space in CCD outlets and in partners. Exclusive updates in launch of new product or services in any CCD outlet and partners.

9. i. ii.

Launch Plan for the programmeThe programme can be test marketed in major cities like Mumbai, Hydrebad , Delhi and Banglore. Feedbacks should be taken from the members and measures should be taken to check the acceptability of the card.

10. Coalition Concept-?????? 11. Programme Partnersi. ii. At first stage the partners can be the existing tie-ups with other companies. In later stages partners can be divided into different segments like Lifestyle, Banking, Retail, Finance, Hotels and Travel.

12. Partner Benefitsi. ii. iii. Partners can promote their products or services in any CCD outlets. Employees working with partners will be getting special discounts in CCD. Partners will be giving first preference in case there is issue of Shares or debentures.

13. Communicationi. All special offers, updates and your account activity details would be communicated to you through SMS, Direct mail and/or email.

14. Web presence- A website can be designed for better communication with the members and special login id and password will giving to the members so as they can check there accounts balance and transaction done using the card. 15. Help desk-????????

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