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Child Development

Does your child get poor marks ? Does your child have poor concentration and short memory ? Is he / she emotionally disturbed? Does he / she suffer from mental conflict ? Is your child suffering from low-self esteem and feelings of inadequacy ? Is he / she disobedient and resisting authority? Does your child exhibit anti-social behaviour ? Is your childs behavior erratic and impulsive ? Does your child find it difficult to mix with other children and to express himself / herself ? Is your child fearful and timid ? Is your child a slow learner ? Does your child suffers from low self-confidence ? Does your child lie to you? Do you wish to increase your childs mental grasping power ? Do you wish to increase your childs reasoning ability and sharpen his mind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As a parent you might wonder why your child is unable to perform well academically. You provide them with the best of the facilities available, yet they may be failing to achieve the desired result. As a parent you take every effort to provide your child with all that is needed to emerge as a successful person in all walks of life, especially on the academic front. However most parents fail to realize that every childs mind is programmed in a particular manner based on parental influence and experiences. At every stage, the physical, social, intellectual and emotional development of a child has to be monitored, and the influences analysed. They need to understand the root underlying causes instead of blaming the child. Every child is unique with its own behavior, thought-patterns, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, potentials, skills, habits, emotions, hidden talents, interests, likes, dislikes, ways of thinking, parental influence and other personality traits which play a vital role in the development of the child. These form the basis of the personality and psychological make-up and are responsible for all the actions both conscious and subconscious, which an individual undertakes. As parents and teachers we fail to understand that the root of all the problems, whether academic, behavioral, or social, lie in ones personality.

This is where the science of Graphology handwriting analysis steps in. Handwriting is like a mirror of ones personality and character. A thorough analysis of handwriting will help to create a complete profile and accurately reveal behavior, thought-patterns, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, potentials, skills, habits, emotions, hidden talents, interests, likes, dislikes, ways of thinking, parental influence and other personality traits. Therapy ( Healing and Remedying )
Grapho-Therapy is the most important part of handwriting analysis as it provides remedial measures for rectifying personality and psychological disorders. It involves deliberate changes in letter formation of your handwriting which allows you to eliminate those trouble-makers from the root.

How it Works
When you write your neuro-muscular connections have a direct impact on the neuropathways to the brain that hold patterns of behavior. Neuro-muscular movements are directly correlated with specific observable personality traits. For more details see Graphotherapy. It helps to understanding and eliminate the mental blocks that affect the performance of esp. students and gives them an edge not only in academics but also in various walks of life.

Further, it provides as a tool to enhances their strengths, abilities, potentials, hidden skills, abilities, interests, likes, creativity, intelligence and expertises.

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