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File No. AV-22025/28/2012 Dated 24th July 2012

Subject: Medical Standards for Cabin Crew Introduction The need to undergo medical examination for cabin crew is in keeping with their perceived role in flight operations (including aircraft emergencies). The cabin crew needs to remain physically active, mentally alert and comfortable in all phases of aircraft operations and to handle emergencies. They should be in good health and free from any physical or mental illness which may lead to incapacitation or inability to perform their duties diligently. The cabin crew is subjected to medical examination with a view to detect diseases early so that timely intervention can be done for better outcome and preventing disabilities. This shall be the guiding principle for medical assessment of the cabin crew. Guidelines for Medical Examination Following guidelines shall be followed for medical examination in respect of cabin crew. Frequency of Medical Examination Para 4.1.2 of Civil Aviation Requirement Section 7, Series M, part I issued on th 15 March2010 requires that the medical examination shall be carried out (i) at induction, (ii) every two years till age of 40 years and (iii) yearly thereafter. The frequency may be increased in case of specific cabin crew, where a disease/condition has been detected and a frequent follow up is required. History and Examination A careful history followed by physical and systemic examination is required to be carried out and all findings recorded. The findings may indicate need for specific investigations (over and above the mandatory ones) to be carried out on a case-tocase basis.






Mandatory Investigations Haemogram Urine routine and microscopic examination Stool routine examination Blood group & Rh type Lipid profile Serum creatinine Blood sugar (fasting and 2h after a 75 gm glucose load) Radiograph chest PA view Pulmonary function test ECG (standard 12 lead with long lead II) Height, weight, BMI, Waist Hip Ratio, percentage overweight Blood Pressure Complete Ophthalmic Examination (visual fields, distance and near visual acuity with and without correction, colour vision on Ishihara/TMC chart, ocular muscle balance) Complete ENT Examination including audiogram Haemogram Urine routine and microscopic examination Lipid profile Blood sugar (fasting and 2h after a 75 gm glucose load) ECG (standard 12 lead with long lead II) Height, weight, BMI, Waist Hip Ratio, percentage overweight Blood pressure Complete Ophthalmic Examination (visual fields, distance and near visual acuity with and without correction, colour vision on Ishihara/ TMC chart, ocular muscle balance) Complete ENT Examination including audiogram* (*Audiogram below age 40 to be done once in every 5 years starting from induction medical). Haemogram Urine routine and microscopic examination Lipid profile Blood sugar (fasting and 2h after a 75 gm glucose load) ECG (standard 12 lead with long lead II) Height, weight, BMI, Waist Hip Ratio, percentage overweight Blood pressure Complete Ophthalmic Examination (visual fields, distance and near visual acuity with and without correction, colour vision on Ishihara/ TMC chart, ocular muscle balance) Complete ENT Examination including audiogram


<40 yrs of age

> 40 yrs of age


Women cabin-crew - Mammography & Pap smear during the medical done after achieving age 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60. Male aircrew - PSA during the medical done after achieving age 50, 55 and 60.

Optional Investigations Additional investigations/ examinations may be carried out for the cabin crew based on the following: a) b) c) 2.5 History and medical examination, Prolonged absence from duty/illness, or In case of clinical suspicion of continued fitness of cabin crew member.

Medical Examiner Scheduled/non-scheduled operators may choose and empanel medical practitioners who would conduct the medical examination. The Airline Medical Department could also undertake this responsibility. In case a medical examination is being conducted after a prolonged illness/condition (maternity), a report from the treating specialist may also be requisitioned. 3. 3.1 Endorsement and Documentation Endorsement

3.1.1 The SEP Card of the crew member shall be endorsed of the medical examination conducted and its validity as specified in Appendix C of CAR Section 7, Series M, Part I. 3.1.2 Whenever, SEP card is reissued to a crew due to loss or damage or any other reason whatsoever, the medical test entry shall be transferred in the new SEP card. 3.2 Documentation

3.2.1 The record of the medical test shall be maintained till the employment of the cabin crew is active in the organization.

(Lalit Gupta) Deputy Director General Copy to: 1. All Scheduled / NonScheduled Operators 2. Private Operators

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