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Issue #1. Stark Gentlemen, Id like to introduce you to the next phase in the new direction of Stark Resilient.

Our new deep sea sonar scanning system. Its capable of topographically mapping the sea floor up to thirty thousand feet which is unprecedented in modern day. Not only can it map the sea floor but it can test for density and accurately map the type of terrain that would be encountered, creating an accurate portrayal of the ocean floor and separating natural masses from man made masses. Reporter Mr. Stark? Why the new direction for the company? First repulsor technology in your new cars and now this. Will you ever go back to weapons manufacturing? Stark Stark Resilient has taken a more humanitarian direction in order for the advancement and prosperity of our planet. The new repuslor car is our answer to the consumption of fossil fuels, it maintains renewable energy , in the end it becomes cheaper, more reliable, and hell, it looks good right? Reporter No one is arguing that, sir. But the weapons.. Stark Our new sonar is fully equipped with wireframe software overlayed on a three dimensional heads-up display. This feature will be relayed through our Global satellites and incorporated into fitting these pieces of information together like a puzzle until the entire sea is completely mapped like our continents above water. This technology can lead to numerous break-throughs in understanding our world. Weve done much space exploration but have failed to collect all the information our own world has to offer. So, we at Stark Resilient look for answers on our own biggest frontier before our final one. Reporter Is stark trying to rebuild itself and leave behind a new legacy not built on the bodies of the innocent? Stark Were purely looking for answers, many of our medical advancements came from initial military R&D and now we look for a more liberal and independent way of making this world a better place to live. So, lets have a drink shall we? Reporter Real quick, Mr. Stark, will the Stark name ever go back to making weapons? Stark Never know where a breakthrough might happen

The laboratories of Hank Pym Pym Well, Tony, technology isnt exactly my thing. Ive always been more of a biological scientist but I must say these bio-tech plans seem implausible. Stark Take a look at these calculations, Hank. The math is right, dont worry. Pym ya know, I have 3 P.H.D.s, one of them being in Quantum Physics and Mechanics, and I still dont know how you put these algorhythms together, the energy output seems unreal. Stark I have a bachelors in engineering and I still make Bill Gates look like a middle school science fair entry. Enough dick measuring, Hank. You know the biological workings better than anyone I know, and I know technology better than anyone I know, we can do this. Pym I just dont understand how you expect to have your brain read these signals coming from your tech. The brain doesnt fire nerve signals in binary code. Stark Remember that extremis project I told you about? Pym I still wish you would have let me study and analyze it. Maya Hansen may have been crazy for field testing it on that lunatic, especially without any clearance, but the extremis project itself was ingenious. Stark This new suit will be better in every way to the extremis formula. Pym But your technology integration into the extremis already made it better than Mayas original formula. Stark Correct, but this will be better in every way the extremis never even dreamed of. Pym Was the extremis sentient?! Stark

I was being hyperbolic, Hank. Pym Rightwell, how do you expect this to work? What exactly are you wanting to do with this armor? What do you want IT to do? Stark I want to take all metal out of the armor and make it completely biological. Pym Tony, I dont know how to do that. I wouldnt even know where to begin. I can make you grow 60 feet tall or half an inch tall, but Im not sure how to do what youre asking of me. Stark Ill leave the growing and shrinking up to you. By the way, could you ever concentrate that growth ability? Ya know? For Janets sake? Nevermind, anyways, I do know where to start. Were going to use the extremis foundation and build on top of it. Pym I thought the Extremis was depleted from your system when you were on the run from Norman? Stark (Cell phone rings) hold on, Hank. (Cell Phone) Hello? Rhodey Yo, Tony. Cap needs you to come on up to the Hellicarrier, got something you need to see. Stark Rhodey! Great to see you too, pal. Hows your super secret Avengers gig going? Rhodey Its not time for games, Tony. Steve caught something on your new radar, so get your ass down here, pal. Stark Its not a radar, Jim, its sonar. Rhodey I really dont care what you call it. Man, just get up here, Im just the messenger, Steve asked ya to come up, so quit dickin around. Stark Shit, relax, Rhodey. Got your armor riding up a little too high? Ill be there soon. (to Pym) All right, well, looks like I have to go take care of some business with the boys upstairs.

Pym Well, Ill do what I can here with what you gave me and start synthesizing everything I can until you come back, what are they concerned about anyways? Need my team of Avengers? Stark I feel like this world has enough teams of Avengersbut no, dont worry, this better just be about some damn buried treasure that the new sonar picked up or that it picked up the first live giant squid. Honestly, if it was the latter I wouldnt care. S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier On Deck Agent Good afternoon, sir. Stark Good afternoon, corporal. Stand down Wheres Rhodey? On Deck Agent Sir, the others are expecting you on the flight deck, sir. Rhodey Good to see you, Tony. You remember: Beast, Nova and Moon Knight. Stark Hey, yeah, Beast, Im actually working on something I could use some input on and its right up your alley. Beast Of course, Mr. Stark. And I reverse engineered some of your new sonar technology, I hope you dont mind, but its very impressive. Stark Thanks, Hank. So anyone going to tell me why I was called to this little tea party? Cap You know we wouldnt call a busy man such as yourself up here for a tea party. Stark Steve! Hows my old job treating you? Cap Keeps me occupied, but we seem to have pretty much everything under control. Stark

So, how has my new sonar tech fallen under SHIELD watch after only three days since its maiden voyage? Cap Three days? Tony this is shield weve had it for weeks. Anyways, weve found some irregularities in the new sonar data. Your new sonar doesnt just map the ocean floor but it also measures density of objects Stark One of many of its capabilities to ensure accuracy. Cap Ha, yeah. Well, weve found a mass whose density and all other readings do not match the surrounding environment. Stark What are we talking about here? A sunken ship? Where were you guys scanning that you found this object? Cap We were scanning the Aegean Sea and no, its measurements dont correspond with aging wood, its material is made up of something more like a stone according Stark To the radiocarbon dating software. This stone is about 2500 years old and still firmly standing huh? Can you pull up the ships digital recording from the sonar? Cap See there? The density of the object is much higher than its surroundings, that is why its reading as a different color. Stark Steve, I created the technology and the software, I know what Im looking at. Can you tell me anything I cant gather from looking at this data? Cap Alright, smart guy, how about we believe this structure goes down much further, like an iceberg, were only seeing the tip. Stark Might wanna re-word that next time, pal. Anyways, why is this such a big deal? Why arent you calling archaeologists? Or excavators? Or even treasure hunters? Why call me? And more importantly, why is SHIELD so interested? Cap Well, we sent a team down there to check it out. Here, take a look

(Cut scene, video recording) SHIELD Agent 1 This is team Alpha, we are coming into visual contact, hows the message relay? SHIELD Agent 2 Everything looks clear from our end, corporal. Video signal coming in strong. S.A. 1 This thing is a lot bigger than we initially thought. It must be at least 10 feet above the ocean floor. S.A. 2 The video is getting static, refresh the feed and enhance the clarity. S.A. 3 Sir, something is interfering with our signal, some kind of disturbance. S.A. 2 So, all we can maintain is an audio signal? S.A. 3 I can try and re-route our visual feed through their I.A.S. equipment, assuming theyve left it on. S.A. 2 Yeah, why dont you do that, JesusI want everyone to listen to me right now. You dont need my permission to save our field agents. Do what you need to, if you make a mistake then well deal with itHow are you doing down there Alpha team? S.A.1 Were okay but were getting some intense energy readings from this thing on the bolometer. S.A3 Commander, Ive got the visual feed but its not very clear. S.A. 2 What could interfere with our feeds? S.A. 3 I cant be sure, commander. Some kind of electrical current maybe? S.A. 2 Under the water?

AIIIEEEE!!!!! (watching the feed) S.A 3 Weve lost all communications, Commander. (End Transmission) Cap Thats it, thats all weve got. Stark HmmmI need you to rewind the transmission. Cap Thats all we have, Tony. Weve had 5 SHIELD expert analyst teams dissect this evidence, this lead is a dead end. We have to send another team down there. Not an ordinary team though. Tony Yeah, maybe get Namor down there for now. Mr. Imperius Rex can handle himself, he wont find much by announcing hes the king of Atlantis over and over, but whatever is down there Im sure hell come out alive. (all the while hacking into the SHIELD database) Cap Tony, what are you doing? You know how many firewalls and redundancies there are on a SHIELD Helicarrier? Especially on the flight deck? Tony I sure do. 7280 firewalls and plenty of cloned codes and decoy Front Doors that I built in. I also built in a back door for myself that no one could ever find because you need a specific worm created by me to access it. Basically a lock and key, but while most locks look like one little slit and the key the same, the lock looks more like the complexity of a spiderweb and no two spiderwebs look alike. So, the right key is impossible to find unless youre the one who spun the webgot it! Cap Remind me to not make you an enemy of SHIELD. Tony Normans fatal flaw. Cap So, what are you looking for here, Tony? Tony

The technology Ive incorporated in the newer version of the Ironman armor has a video feed as well, but what it has that SHIELD has yet to catch up with is a regenerating and refresh feed. Basically it means it continually refreshes the feed and scrambles the megapixels 1,000x faster than any other videocamera, making it much clearer. Im about to apply that nifty little app to a specific part of the recording. Cap All right, Tony. Ive known you long enough to know when youre trying to show off, although I cant say this time you were very subtle with it. What did you see? Stark Im trying to show you, buzz kill. There was a marking, some kind of glyph. It wasnt legible but it might be now. Cap I have no idea what that says (looking at the glyph) Stark Me either, any more finely tuned SHIELD analysts who can read ancient Greek? Cap Oh, now you want my help?...Hank, youre needed on the Flight Deck. Stark Seriously? A watch communicator? I always thought Star Trek was fantasy, who came up with Hank! Beast Hello, again, Mr. Stark. How can I be of assistance? Cap Well, looks like Mr. Stark here didnt have all the answers for once. We need to know if youre able to decipher this glyph. Beast Ahh, yes. Definitely of the Ancient Grecian era. Doesnt look like the time of Euripides (one of my favorite playwrights), more like the time of Homer of perhaps even earlier. Hmm, well, depending on what time in ancient Greece youre studying this can have two different interpretations. One would be death but thats more of the time of Euripides as I mentioned. I believe its a bit older than that, which would lend itself to mean the translation that troubles me moreDoom. End of Issue #1

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