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Round Table India Area 1 Annual Report 2011 2012

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Round Table India Area 1 Annual Report 2011 2012

Round Table India Area 1 Annual Report 2011 2012

Aims and Objects of Round Table .............................................. 3 Round Table India Song ........................................................... 3 Message of the Area Chairman ................................................ 4 Message of the Area Vice Chairman ......................................... 5 Message of the Area Secretary / Treasurer ............................... 6 Message of the RTI National President .................................... 7 Message of the RTI National IPP ............................................ 8 Message of the RTI National Vice President RTI...................... 9 Roll of Honour ......................................................................... 10 Area Executives and Convenors ............................................... 12 Notice of the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Area 1 .............. 13 Agenda for the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Area 1 ........... 14 Minutes of the 31st Annual General Meeting of Area 1 ............. 16 Annual Reports of Area Executive Members and Convenors ....... 37 Audited Accounts for the year 2011 2012 ............................. 66 Proposed Budget and Resolutions for the year 2012 2013 ..... 70 Profile of Area Chairman Elect ................................................ 71 Nomination for Area Vice Chairman 2012 2013 .................... 72 Nomination for Area Secretary / Treasurer 2012 2013........... 74 Topics For Workshop Discussion & Motion .................................. 75 Bid for the 34th Annual General Meeting of RTI Area 1 ........... 76


Round Table India Area 1


Annual Report 2011 2012


To develop the fellowship of young men through the medium of their business and

professional occupations and community service activities.

To encourage active and responsible citizenship by cultivating the highest ideals in

business, professional and civic traditions.

To promote and further international understanding, friendship and co-operation. To promote the extension of the association.


If we could consider each other A neighbour, a friend or a brother It would be a wonderful wonderful world It would be a wonderful world.....(Chorus) If each little kid had fresh milk each day If each old soul had some place to stay If each working man had enough time to play It would be a wonderful world.....(Chorus) If there were no poor and the rich were content If strangers were welcome wherever they went If each of us knew what true brotherhood meant It would be a wonderful world.....(Chorus) If people all over would trust one another Not thinking about their race or their colour If they did agree to join hands altogether It would be a wonderful world.....(Chorus) If Tables of India can properly plan To do for their country whatever they can If FELLOWSHIP brings about SERVICE to man It would be a wonderful world......(Chorus) Oh Boy! It would be a wonderful world.

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Area Chairman's Message

It has been an honour and privilege to serve you as the Chairman of RTI Area 1. My gratitude to all members of this great movement we call "Tabling" and appreciate the efforts each of you have taken to make this year a memorable one. "Unity is Strength" and this year through the collective "Power Of One" we have been able to deliver from our heart as a single unit. We stand committed and steadfast to this movement for it has given us a platform to rediscover ourselves through this journey of self improvement. The joint Area Sports Meet and Trek at Madurai was a fantastic event with great participation from every table. Innovative games like the Paint Ball spiced up things and fellowship was at its best. HRD too had a lot of focus with PTBATs being held in Madurai, Trivandrum & Cochin. We also had the Area Leadership Conclave at Thekkady, the National TTT at Cochin & the Photography Workshop at Kumarakom. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all members of the tabling community in Area 1, especially the team "UniTeam" that helped guide the Area for the tabling year 2011-2012. It is through your hard work, determination, perseverance, attitude, vision, passion and action that the year has been wonderful and the Area witnessing a closer association within its members and with those of the community. Every Table under dynamic leaderships have excelled in what they set out to do covering all facets and ensuring that the individual tradition of the Table lingers on till eternity. The RTI Golden year has given us the opportunity to do more meaningful services to the community through various FTE and non-FTE projects and many Tables in Area 1 have availed the opportunity. I'd like to thank IPC Sejoe & AVC Promod for being with me every step of the way. They are an inspiration and I'm sure Promod will take Area 1 to greater heights. The Area Honorary Tablers Rakesh & Santhosh with their vast experience in tabling were the true guiding spirit behind the scenes and AST Sridhar was a pillar of strength I could fall back on anytime. It was great working with you all towards the single goal of "Service Through Fellowship" through the "Power Of One". We continue to grow, not just by the internal and external extension of the movement, but in our belief that we can achieve what we truly believe as a team. Thank you! Enjoy Tabling Through The Power Of One! Thanks & Regards,

LMF Tr. Bejoy Varghese Chairman - RTI Area 1


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

Area Vice Chairman's Message

Area 1 is an Area that comprises of a fantastic group of Tablers who epitomize the collective power of one. Fellowship, projects, fundraisers, community service, HRD, be it any pillar of Round Table, Area Chairman LMF Tr. Bejoy Varghese and his team have been the force with the Area this year. Area 1 was well represented for all national events including the 50th National AGM at Chennai and the COB at Mumbai. Tr. Senthil Annamalai of Trichy RT 54 and Tr. Sunil Salunke of Trichur RT 88 represented the Area at the National Executive. Their leadership and contributions were well appreciated by the Tabling fraternity across India. The national initiative 'Train the Trainer' was organized at Cochin, where three Tablers from Area 1 got trained as Round Table India Trainers. We congratulate Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy and Area Secretary Treasurer Tr. Sridhar for an astounding year gone by. The theme 'Power of One' was demonstrated in all aspects of tabling and the area has grown from strength to strength. It's a pleasure to be a Tabler and even more to be an Area 1er. Let us all keep Tabling fun and keep the flag of Table flying high. Yours in Tabling, LMF Tr. Promod Joseph Area Vice Chairman

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Area Secretary / Treasurer's Message

Dear Tablers, Warm greetings from the Area Board! It had been a challenging journey for me from being a less travelled Tabler for several years to take up the position of Area Secretary / Treasurer of our ever vibrant Area 1. The motivation and encouragement to take up Area responsibility had come from several Tablers but it has been Past Area Chairman Sq. Leg Sujay Giridharan who was instrumental in me taking up this responsibility. I challenged myself to travel across the Area frequently and show greater commitment to the travelling aspect of Tabling in particular. Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese has been a great leader of Area 1. I cherished working under his leadership. He was most understanding during a difficult personal phase mid-year and maintained his composure and kept pushing me to come back and I salute his perseverance. The experience and the learning that I have gained being an AST have been immense. Interacting with the NST, fellow ASTs from other Areas, Table Chairmen & Secretaries in Area 1 and with Area Convenors and fellow Members of the Area Board has been an enriching and enjoyable experience. I wish to thank Past NST and Current NVP Tr. Harish Shenoy, Area Vice Chairman Tr. Promod and Immediate Past Chairman Tr. Sejoe for their support during the year. I also wish to thank Past ASTs Tr. Abraham George Jacob (Jeeth) and Tr. Jabyson Philip for being a source of guidance and support. The most enjoyable part of the responsibility came with the tested Tabling tradition of travelling to other Centers in Area 1 and meeting old friends and making lots of new friends too. The fellowship and bonding in Area 1 is something that is always special and this touches a deep chord within. To the best of my abilities, I have endeavoured to do justice to my responsibility as AST of Area 1. As I sign off, I wish to congratulate all the Table Secretaries of Area 1 for the impressive work that they put in for their respective Tables the last year! I wish to thank all the members of the National and Area Executive for their co-operation, and my Table MRT 14 for the confidence shown in nominating me and the entire Area for accepting me and condoning my shortcomings during the year and embracing me well. Last but not the least, special thanks are due to my dear wife Cr. Nithya and my dear son Twinkler Rishi for all their patience & understanding through the year. Best regards, LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary / Treasurer RTI Area 1 - 2011-12


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

National President's Message

Dear Bejoy, Area 1 has been bubbling with energy during the entire year. I wonder if it has anything to do with the leadership. Yes, it definitely does. You, my friends, have lead the Area from the front. Your participation, enthusiasm and ever smiling face would have definitely rubbed off on the rest of the Area. This year we saw wonderful participation from Tablers of Area1. This included participation in TEXT, Inter-Area Cricket, Intercountry cricket in SL, NLC in Hyderabad, NAGM in Chennai. We were also very happy to have AVC Tr. Promod attend the AVC meet in Goa and AST Tr. Sridhar attend the AST meet in Hyderabad. Over and above your Area came forward to host the TTT in Cochin which is also highly appreciated by all the Tablers of the country. Apart from this we have also seen innovative and wide variety of activities take place within the Area including support to building FTE schools under the Golden Jubilee Funding. With the momentum that has been set during this Golden Year of Round Table India by Area 1, I'm sure the new year will no different and even better. Hence I wish Tr. Promod and his team all the very best for the new Tabling Year and I look forward to close interaction with Area 1. In Tabling, Best Regards, LMF Tr. Vineet Parikh National Vice President Round Table India (Ahmedabad RT40) Mobile 9998805050, Email website :

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


National IPP's Message

Chairman Bejoy, Vice Chairman Promod, AST Sridhar, IPC Sejoe and Fellow Tablers of a fantastic Area I, Greetings and Best Wishes to you! Area I has always been a dynamic and vibrant Area. I start by complimenting each one of you to have kept the Flag of Area I flying high and certainly look forward to the same in the years to come! Friends, I strongly believe that Round Table India lives in its Tables. It is the participation and involvement of Tables across the country that makes RT India what it is! And, it is this involvement that will make you enjoy the joys this movement has to offer. It is great to see the participation of all Tables of Area I in all facets. Kudos to all the Table Chairmen, the Area Board for leading and motivating the Tables to do their best! Well done and Keep it up friends! It was an honour and privilege for me to have led Round Table India as its 50th National President. I hope you will agree with me that the Golden National Board did its best on all facets of Tabling. As I look back through the year, it does give us a sense of satisfaction and contentment. It was a pleasure to have on the National Board Tr. Sunil Salunkhe, Tr. Senthil Annamalai, NHT George Poothicote & of course Area Chairman Bejoy. It was wonderful working with you. Thanks so much for the valuable support through the year! Chairman BV has been a great friend and a fantastic pillar of support to all the initiatives of the NEX. Friends, I am very happy to mention that he has represented Area I extremely well on the National Board. Thanks BV. My compliments for the same and wishing you the very best always! Here's wishing Tr. Promod Joseph and his team a fantastic year of Tabling ahead. May it be filled with lots of Fun, Service, Joy & Happiness. Wishing you all a wonderful Area AGM Pooram Reloaded hosted by Trichur RT 88 at Coimbatore. Am sure you will all have a great time! Friends, Best Wishes to you in all your endeavours. Do enjoy Tabling you have time only till we turn 40! Thanks and God Bless! Keep Smiling, Keep Shining! Yours in Friendship, GLMF Tr. Ashwinni Kumar National Immediate Past President


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

National Vice President's Message

Dear Chairman Bejoy, AST Sridhar & folks of Area 1, Warm Greetings to you from your National Vice President!! Congratulations and a deserving pat on your back for the fabulous year gone by!! The year gone by has indeed been a momentous one. We witnessed all Tablers of Area 1 richly contributing to Tabling activities such as fellowship, projects, community services, fund raising & publicity with amazing zeal and enthusiasm. I can proudly say Area 1 has excelled in all the facets of Tabling with the Power of 1!!! Kudos to Chairman Bejoy for leading the Area extremely well! My compliments & appreciation to AST Sridhar for doing a fantastic job as the AST of Area 1 & for supporting the National initiatives like MOMO, C Form Online etc. Round Table being a purpose driven organization, all of us can look back and take immense pride in the fact that the phenomenal success achieved by us has been mainly due to the unflagging commitment drive and more importantly passion exhibited by every single fellow Tabler. It was my pleasure being a part of your TeXT at Cochin, Area AGM at Quilon & many other events of Area 1 as your National secretary Treasurer. My Best wishes to you all for your future endeavours. Keep Smiling, Keep Shining because Small Things Make a BIG Difference! Long live Round Table Cheers!!! GLMF Tr. Harish Shenoy

National Vice President Round Table India (MHRT 109) Ph - + 91 98451 16123
Round Table India Area 1 Annual Report 2011 2012


Roll of Honour
Year Chairman Undivided Area 1 Year Area 1 AGM

1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

Tr. A. P. Muralidharan Tr. Pratap Gokuldas Tr. Prakash J. Mehta Tr. B. S. Bapoojee Tr. D. Shantikumar Tr. V. Rajkumar Tr. Joe Nejedly Tr. Mohan Rajes Tr. Gurdip Singh Tr. M. Sriram Tr. C. Rajan Tr. R. Bhaskaran Tr. M. Jaikumar Tr. Abraham Markos Tr. P. S. Gopalakrishnan

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Kodaikanal Ooty Trivandrum Coimbatore Cochin Salem Trichy Kottayam Palghat Ooty Calicut Coimbatore Trivandrum Trichy

Year 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Chairman Divided Area 1 Tr. K. Vinodhkumar Tr. Jikku Isaac Tr. George Thomas Tr. John Chakola Tr. Satheesh Nair G. Tr. Joseph M Kallivayalil Tr. John Chacko Neroth Tr. Joseph Varghese Tr. Reji Markos Tr. Gauthaman S. Tr. Rajiv Kumar Tr. Suresh Kanagasabai Tr. Venugopal R. Tr. Abiruben G. Tr. K. M. Alexandar Tr. Deepu Paul Tr. Sujay Giridharan Tr. Sejoe Jose Tr. Bejoy Varghese

Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Area 1 AGM Madurai 'Madurai Mandram' Quilon 'Nuts-R-Us' Allepey 'Inqulab Sindabad' Trichur (Coimbatore) 'Vedikettu' Trivandrum 'Keela-Wee' Kottayam (Thekkady) 'Y2K' Allepey 'Vande Mataram' Cochin 'Arattu' Trichy 'Tollywood Tango' Quilon (Varkala) 'Nut City Knockout' Madurai 'Temple Town Tamasha' Trichur (Munaar) 'Kumbh Mela' Kottayam (Kumarakom) 'H2O' Trivandrum (Poovar) 'Capital Edition' Allepey, 'Venice Kondattam' Cochin 'Now' Madurai 'Pandimonium' Kollam, 'Casca Rija' Trichur (Coimbatore) 'Pooram Reloaded'


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

Roll of Honour
Year 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Secretary/ Treasurer Divided Area 1 Tr. John Chakola Tr. Regi Philip Tr. Joseph M Kallivayalil Tr. Prabhu M. Sikhander Tr. Mathew Alexander Tr. Santhosh KR Tr. Krishnasekhar Nair Tr. Abraham Kurian Tr. Suresh Kanagasabai Tr. Lenny Abrao Tr. Bechu Kurian Thomas Tr. Tiny Philip Tr. K. Ramesh Tr. MK Simon Tr. Priemal Thomas Tr. Ramprakash Natarajan Tr. Jabyson Philip Tr. Abraham George Jacob Tr. S. R. Sridhar Southern Star Editor Divided Area 1 Tr. Krishnan Pillai Tr. Philip Abraham Tr. Mammen Jacob Tr. Giridhar KLG Tr. Abraham Kurian Tr. Mathew Alexander Tr. KM Alexandar Tr. Ganesh MV Tr. Hari Krishanan Nair R Tr. George M. Thomas Tr. Raaj Sukumaran Tr. Deepu Paul Tr. Bejoy Varghese Tr. Arun Amarnath Tr. Vinod Balaji Tr. Rakesh Ramachandran Tr. Deepu Cherian Tr. Satish Pratap Tr. Suraj Varghese

Southern Star Awardees Sq. Leg Prakash V Nair Sq. Leg AP Muralidharan Sq. Leg V. Raj Kumar Sq. Leg Govindarajan Sq. Leg C Rajan Sq. Leg Bhasker Sq. Leg Mohan Pulimood Sq. Leg Abraham Markos Sq. Leg Gurdeep Singh Anand Sq. Leg Mohan Rajes Sq. Leg S. Rajeev Sq. Leg Prabhu Rajan Sq. Leg Suresh Kanagasabai Sq. Leg Vijay Venkataswamy Sq. Leg Joe Nejdley Sq. Leg GJ Ancheril Sq. Leg Jikku Isaac Sq. Leg Jeff Antony Sq. Leg George Thomas Sq. Leg Ravi Madhavan Sq. Leg K. Vinod Kumar Sq. Leg BV Ramanan Sq. Leg Reji Markos Sq. Leg Muralidharan Sq. Leg Gauthaman Sq. Leg Joseph P. Isaac Sq. Leg M. Sriram Sq. Leg Pratap Gokuldas Sq. Leg Beepin Patel Sq. Leg Prakash Mehta Sq. Leg Jagdish Mehda Sq. Leg Suresh Rajaratinam Sq. Leg Ramani Shankar Sq. Leg Suresh Mangaldas Sq. Leg Ravindran Sq. Leg Prasad Oommen Sq. Leg Shantikumar Sq. Leg Rajeev Kumar

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Area Executives & Convenors 2011-12

Designation Area Chairman Area Vice Chairman Area Secretary / Treasurer Immediate Past Chairman / IRO Editor Projects Corporate Alliance Fellowship Publicity Extension Fundraising HRD / LAPD Twinklers Mass Tour Greeting Cards & Supply House IT Trek Sports Sports Go Green - Earth Warrior 41ers Arts AGM 2011 AGM 2012 Mid Term AHT AHT Name Tr. Bejoy Varghese Tr. Promod Joseph Tr. S. R. Sridhar Tr. Sejoe Jose Tr. Suraj Verghese Tr. S. Raja Tr. Samith Thilak Tr. Jaspreet Singh Tr. Sharath Pulimood Tr. Dr. Muthuraj C. Tr. Anuj Gopakumar Tr. Zaheer Ellias Najeeb Tr. Antony Michael Fernandez Tr. Mathews Jose Tr. Sangiliraj M. Tr. Mohan K. Tr. Mathew Luke Tr. Vikram M. S. Tr. Vishnu P. Tr. Praveen Muraleedharan Tr. Balashanker Gopakumar Tr. Tijo Alex Tr. Raj Antony Feriah Tr. Paul Babu Tr. Tinku Varghese Santosh K. R. Rakesh Ramachandran Table CBRT 131 MRT 14 MRT 14 GCRT 102 ERT 214 TRT 54 GCRT 102 TMRT 108 CRT 71 NRT 176 CBRT 131 TRT 66 QRT 85 CBRT 131 RSRT 158 ERT 214 KRTRT 121 MRT 14 MCRT 99 TBRT 126 TRT 88 ART 103 QRT 85 TRT 88 KRT 79 TRT 88 CBRT 131

Table Chairmen & Secretaries 2011-12

Chairman Tr. Sathish Devadoss Tr. T. V. Aanand Tr. Sundheep V. Elias Tr. Deepak Narendran Tr. Varughese B F Tr. Raj Antony Feriah Tr. Bestin Joy Tr. Rajsanthosh MSR Tr. Madhu Radhakrishnan Tr. Francis Job Tr. Karthik V R Thondaiman Tr. Jabyson Philip Tr. Arun Suresh Tr. Rajesh Simon Tr. Ilavarasu Tr. Rajesh Ganapathy Tr. Razin Rahman CP Secretary Tr. M. Vijay Tr. Venkatesh Tr. Vaidyanathan Tr. Vikas Agarwal Tr. Zigi John Tr. Pepsin Raj Tr. Manesh Chacko Philip Tr. Shahul Hameed Tr. Samith Thilak Tr. Varkey Tharakan Tr. Badhri Narayanan Tr. Roopu Thomas Abraham Tr. Vinoy Koshy Tr. Jayanth Giridhar Tr. Shiva Sankar Tr. Saravanan Tr. Saurabh Gulecha
Annual Report 2011 2012

Table MRT 14 TRT 54 TRT 66 CRT 71 KRT 79 QRT 85 TRT 88 MCRT 99 GCRT 102 ART 103 TMRT 108 KRTRT 121 TBRT 126 CBRT 131 RSRT 158 NRT 176 ERT 214


Round Table India Area 1

Round Table India Area 1

CHAIRMAN LMF. Tr. Bejoy Varghese (CBRT 131) BCG Bungalows Annexe, Ambedkar Road, Vennala, Cochin 682 028 Ph: 0484 6452744 Mob: +91 98957 62006 e-mail:


27th June 2012


Notice is hereby given that the 33rd Annual General Meeting of Round Table India Area 1 shall be held on Saturday, the 1st of September, 2012 at hotel Le

VICE CHAIRMAN LMF Tr. Promod Joseph (MRT 14) T. I. M. E., No. 165, Vakil New Street, Madurai - 625 001 Ph: 0452 4379807 Mobile: +91 99444 84181 e-mail:

Meridian, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu at 01.30 PM.

Yours in Tabling,

SECRETARY/ TREASURER LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar (MRT 14) Oror Flavours & Chemicals P. Ltd., 19, Azad Street, Gandhinagar, Madurai 625 020 Mobile: +91 98421 81624 Mobile: +91 93603 22130 e-mail:

Sd/Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1

IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose (GCRT 102) MARVEL TOURS (P) Ltd, G-121, Panampally Nagar, Cochin - 682036 Ph: 0484 2323505 (Off) Mob: +91 98470 33091 e-mail:

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Round Table India Area 1

CHAIRMAN LMF. Tr. Bejoy Varghese (CBRT 131) BCG Bungalows Annexe, Ambedkar Road, Vennala, Cochin 682 028 Ph: 0484 6452744 Mob: +91 98957 62006 e-mail:

2011-12 AGENDA

for the 33rd Annual General Meeting of Round Table India Area 1 to be held on Saturday, the 1st of September, 2012 at hotel Le Meridian,Coimbatore, Tamilnadu at 1:30 PM and to be reconvened on Sunday the 2nd of September 2012 at 10:30 AM.

Day One (1st September, 2012)

1. Calling to Order the 33rd AGM of RTI Area 1. Toast to President Republic of India. Reading the Notice convening the Meeting. Roll Call of Member Tables and establishing Quorum. Reading of Aims and Objects of RTI. Round Table India Song. Communications and Greetings received. Welcoming of Guests and Dignitaries. Appointment of Scrutinizers.

VICE CHAIRMAN LMF Tr. Promod Joseph (MRT 14) T. I. M. E., No. 165, Vakil New Street, Madurai - 625 001 Ph: 0452 4379807 Mobile: +91 99444 84181 e-mail:

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

SECRETARY/ TREASURER LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar (MRT 14) Oror Flavours & Chemicals P. Ltd., 19, Azad Street, Gandhinagar, Madurai 625 020 Mobile: +91 98421 81624 Mobile: +91 93603 22130 e-mail:

10. Appointment of Sergeant-at-Arms & Marshals (including Acts) 11. Confirmation of Minutes of the 32nd AGM held on 3rd and 4thSeptember 2011 at Kollam. 12. Presentation of 100% attendance pins. 13. Presentation of Annual Report and adoption of the same. 14. Approval of Audited Accounts. 15. Introduction of Candidates and Election of Office bearers for theyear 2012-2013. 16. Approval of Budget for the year 2012-13. 17. Appointment of Bankers and Auditors for the year 2012-13.

IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose (GCRT 102) MARVEL TOURS (P) Ltd, G-121, Panampally Nagar, Cochin - 682036 Ph: 0484 2323505 (Off) Mob: +91 98470 33091 e-mail:

18. Resolution authorizing Incoming Office bearers to operate the bankaccounts. 19. Report on Workshop Discussion 20. Motions 21. Presentation of Mementos. 22. Presentation of Awards (Part-1) 23. Address by Trustee RTIF 24. Adjournment


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

Round Table India Area 1

CHAIRMAN LMF. Tr. Bejoy Varghese (CBRT 131) BCG Bungalows Annexe, Ambedkar Road, Vennala, Cochin 682 028 Ph: 0484 6452744 Mob: +91 98957 62006 e-mail:

2011-12 Day Two (2nd September, 2012)

25. Reconvening 26. Establishing Quorum 27. Report of the 33rd RTI Area 1 AGM General Convenor. 28. Presentation of Area Awards. ( Part -2) 29. Address by Area Chairman (Outgoing). 30. Investiture of Incoming Area Chairman 2012-13. 31. Investiture of Area Executives. 32. Appointment of Honorary Tablers for the year 2012-13. 33. Address by Area Chairman and appointment of Area Conveners. 34. Bid for hosting the 34th Area AGM. 35. Address by Chief Guest. 36. Presentation of the Mid Term Meet 37. Any other matter. 38. Report of Sergeant-at-Arms. 39. Vote of Thanks. 40. Toast to Round Table India and Round Table International. 41. Closure. 42. National Anthem. Yours in Tabling, Sd/Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1

VICE CHAIRMAN LMF Tr. Promod Joseph (MRT 14) T. I. M. E., No. 165, Vakil New Street, Madurai - 625 001 Ph: 0452 4379807 Mobile: +91 99444 84181 e-mail:

SECRETARY/ TREASURER LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar (MRT 14) Oror Flavours & Chemicals P. Ltd., 19, Azad Street, Gandhinagar, Madurai 625 020 Mobile: +91 98421 81624 Mobile: +91 93603 22130 e-mail:

IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose (GCRT 102) MARVEL TOURS (P) Ltd, G-121, Panampally Nagar, Cochin - 682036 Ph: 0484 2323505 (Off) Mob: +91 98470 33091 e-mail:

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


MINUTES of the 32

Round Table India, Area 1 Annual General Meeting held on 3 and 4 of September, 2011 at Quilon Beach Hotel, Quilon, Kerala
rd th

Casca Rija 2011 His Royal Highness, Rei Momo Faria The REAL King of Good times Commands your presence On September 2 to 4, 2011, In Quilon, at the XXIV Area 1 Annual General Meeting And for a fun filled weekend featuring Nuts, Caipirinhas, Samba Dancing & More

Carnival Casca Rija At the Raviz Resort & Quilon Beach Hotel Quilon Round Table (QRT 85)


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

A. DETAILS OF ATTENDANCE: 1. Area 1 Executive 2010 2011

Name L.M.F Tr. Sejoe Jose L. M. F. Tr. Bejoy Varghese L.M.F Tr. Abraham George Jacob L.M.F Tr. Sujay Giridharan Designation Area Chairman Area Vice Chairman Area Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past Chairman Status P P P P

2. Area Executive 2010 2011

Name Tr. Sathish Pratap Tr. Promod Joseph Tr. Nagaraj K. Tr. Mathew K. J. Tr. Zaheer Ellias Najeeb Tr. George M. George Tr. Faraz Javeed Tr. Dinesh C. Tr. Anwar Sadiq Tr. Jose Joseph Tr. Primal Thomas Tr. Sebastian J. Zacharias Tr. Praveen Muraleedharan Tr. Samith Thilak Tr. Arun Amarnath Tr. Raj Antony Feriah Premanathan K. Lenny Abrao Designation Editor Projects, FTE + Corp. Alliance Fellowship E-Buzz Newsletter Publicity Extension HRD Twinklers Mass Tour Greeting Cards & Supply house IT Trek Sports AGM 2010 AGM 2011 HT HT Table RT71 RT14 RT14 RT103 RT66 RT71 RT131 RT121 RT99 RT103 RT103 RT102 RT126 RT 102 RT14 RT85 RT54 RT102 Status A P A P P A P P P P P P P P A P P A

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


1. Chief Guest and National Observer LMF Tr. Harish Shenoy, National Secretary Treasurer 2. Representation of Tables of Area 1 The following are the details of the Area 1 Tables represented by delegates at the AGM:-

Name of Table MRT 14 TRT54 TRT66 CRT71 KRT79 QRT85 TRT88 MCRT99 GCRT102

Status P P P P P P P P P

Name of Table ART103 TMRT108 KRTRT121 TBRT126 CBRT131 RSRT158 NRT176 ERT214

Status P P P P P P P P


1. Ushering In Of Dignitaries To The Head Table The ladies and children of Quilon Round Table gracefully ushered to the dais the following dignitaries: Immediate Past Chairman LMF. Tr. Sujay Giridharan Area Secretary Treasurer- LMF. Tr. Abraham George Jacob Area Vice Chairman- LMF. Tr. Bejoy Varghese National Secretary Treasurer - LMF. Tr. Harish Shenoy Area Chairman- LMF. Tr. Sejoe Jose


Lighting of Traditional Lamp First Lady Mrs. Dia Sejoe, National Observer and Chief Guest Tr. Harish Shenoy, Area Chairman Sejoe Jose, Area Vice Chairman Bejoy Varghese and Area 1 Secretary Treasurer Abraham George Jacob together lit the traditional lamp and inaugurated the AGM.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012



Calling to Order the 32nd AGM of RTI Area 1 Chairman, LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose called the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Round Table India Area 1 to order.


Toast to President Republic of India Chairman, LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose raised a toast to the President, Republic of India.


Reading the Notice Convening the Meeting The Area Secretary/Treasurer LMF. Tr. Abraham George Jacob read the notice convening the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Round Table India Area 1.


Roll Call of Member Tables and Establishing Quorum The Area Secretary/Treasurer LMF. Tr. Abraham George Jacob took the roll call and established quorum. There was 100% attendance and representation from all Tables in the Area.


Reading of Aims and Objectives of RTI Tr. Arjun of QRT 85, who is the latest Tabler to join the Area 1 family read the Aims and Objectives of Round Table India.


Round Table India Song Round Table India song was sung by all present.


Communication and Greetings Received Area Secretary Treasurer Tr. Abraham George Jacob read the communications and greetings received. Greetings were received from the following persons:

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Name National President National Vice-President Immediate Past President National Past President Table Talk Editor Area 2 Chairman Area Secretary Treasurer Area 2 Area 3 Chairman Area Secretary Treasurer Area 3 Area 5 Chairman Area 6 Chairman Area 7 Chairman Area Secretary Treasurer Area 7 Area 8 Chairman Area Secretary Treasurer Area 8 Area Secretary Treasurer Area 11 National Blog Convenor National Supply House Convenor

Designation GLMF Tr. Ashwinni Kumar LMF Tr. Vineet Parikh LMF Tr. Vivek Vardhan Prasad LMF Tr. Himanshu Gupta LMF Tr. Punit Tr. Sandy Tr. Anand Gandhiraj Tr. Sanjay Tr. Avinash Agarwal Tr. Anjum Tr. Mukesh Tr. Ramesh Tr. Anand Kumar Tr. Ankur Tr. Rajpreet Singh Tr. Rajeev Kejriwal Tr. Hamir Sampat Tr. Jinesh


Welcoming of Guests and Dignitaries Area Chairman LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose welcomed the Chief Guest, National Secretary /Treasurer Tr. Harish Shenoy who was also present as the National observer for the AGM. He also welcomed, Past Chairmen RTI Area 1 SSA Sq. Leg Suresh Kanagasabai, SSA Sq. Leg Vinod, Sq. Leg Abi, Ladies Circle Area 1 Chairperson Cr. Rachana Binani, Area Honorary Tabler Premanathan and all Square Legs, Circlers, Ladies, Twinklers and all fellow Tablers to the 32nd RTI Area 1 AGM.


Appointment of Scrutineers Chairman LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose appointed Sq. Leg K. Vinod Kumar and Sq. Leg Umnath Pai as the Scrutineers for the AGM who duly occupied their chairs.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Appointment of Sergeant-at-Arms & Marshals (including acts) LMF Tr. Sathish Devadoss of MRT 14 was appointed the Sergeant-at-Arms for the AGM. Tr. Sathish and his team from MRT 14 put up very humorous acts as Team Rum Anna Kissare and Baba Bomdev and kept the gathering entertained.


Confirmation of Minutes of the 31st AGM held on Saturday 04.09.2010 at Hotel Taj Gateway, Madurai: The minutes of the 31st RTI, Area 1 AGM held on Saturday 4th September 2010 at Hotel Taj Gateway, Madurai was circulated with the Area Annual report. The correctness of the minutes was confirmed as proposed by ART 103 and seconded by TRT 54


Presentation of 100% Attendance Certificates Past Area Chairman SSA Awardee Sq. Leg K. Vinod Kumar presented award certificates to all Tablers in Area 1 who had 100% attendance at Table meetings. 100% Attendance Award certificates were given to the following Tablers:

100% Attendance Awardees Name of Tabler LMF. Tr. T. V. Anand LMF. Tr. Neel Samson D Cruz LMF. Tr. Unnikrishnan S. LMF. Tr. Pepsin Raj LMF. Tr. Rony Mathew LMF. Tr. John Thayyil LMF. Tr. Rony Kurian LMF. Tr. Jabyson Philip LMF. Tr. Thomas Chacko LMF. Tr. Bejoy Varghese LMF. Tr. K. P. Cherian Table TRT54 QRT85 QRT85 QRT85 QRT85 TRT88 KRTRT121 KRTRT121 CBRT131 CBRT 131 CBRT131

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012



Presentation of Annual Report and adoption of the same: Area Secretary Treasurer LMF. Tr. Abraham George Jacob thanked all present for the opportunity given to him to be Area Secretary Treasurer of Area 1. He said that though he assumed the role reluctantly, he received incredible support from Area Chairman Sejoe due to which he was able to undertake and fulfill his responsibilities of AST and that it was a learning experience. He especially mentioned the support given by past AST Tr. Jabyson Philip and thanked him for the unrestrained help extended to him. He also thanked AVC Tr. Bejoy Varghese and IPC Tr. Sujay for their support and guidance. He also thanked Area 1 and his Table KRT 79 for giving him this opportunity to serve as AST. He described his experience as the AST as truly memorable and stated that he thoroughly enjoyed the experience. He congratulated all the outgoing Table Chairmen and Secretaries for the wonderful job done by them in the year. He then proceeded to present the Annual Report of the activities of Round Table India Area 1 for the year 2010 2011 in the form of an impressive video presentation and all present applauded him for the commendable work he did in his capacity as the Area Secretary Treasurer.

The floor unanimously accepted the report of Area Secretary Treasurer as proposed by KRT 79 and seconded by ART 103. Area Chairman Tr. Sejoe Jose expressed his

appreciation for the excellent work done by LMF Tr. Abraham George Jacob and presented a memento to him as token of appreciation.


Approval of Audited Accounts As requested by the Area Chairman LMF. Tr. Sejoe Jose, the Area Secretary Treasurer LMF. Tr. Abraham George Jacob presented the audited annual accounts for the year 2010-11. He stated that the audited annual accounts for the year 2010 2011 and the interim report for the period July 1st 2011 to August 31st 2011 have been circulated. Thereafter the audited annual accounts for the year 2010 2011 and the interim report for the period July 1st 2011 to August 31st 2011 of Round Table India Area 1 were approved and passed by the floor as proposed by ART 103 and seconded by ERT 214.


Introduction of Candidates and Election of Office Bearers RTI Area 1 for the year 2011-12 The Area Chairman informed the floor that the Area Chairman for the year 2011 2012 will


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

be LMF. Tr. Bejoy Varghese of CBRT131 and that LMF Tr. Promod Joseph of MRT 14 has been unanimously elected Area Vice Chairman for the year 2011-12. The floor was also informed that LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar of MRT14 has been unanimously elected the Area Secretary Treasurer for the year 2011 12


Approval of Budget for the Year 2011-12 The Budget for the year 2011 - 2012 was already circulated along with the Annual Report and it is taken read. The budget statement is extracted below:

EXPENDITURE Bank Charges Area Sports Meet Subsidy Postage & Courier Printing & Stationary Southern Star Printing 255 x 400 Area Vice Chairman Travel 255 x 100 Area Chairman Travel 255 x 100 HRD Expenses Publicity Expenses Fellowship Expenses IT TExT Subsidy Miscellaneous Expenses Area Trek Subsidy Area Mass tour subsidy Audit Fee

Amount INCOME 3000 Bank Interest 10000 Sergeants Fine & Collections 10000 By D Form:50000 Annual Subscription 255 x 200 102000 Area chairman Travel Levy 255 x100 25500 AVC Travel Levy 255 x 100 25500 Southern Star Levy 255 x 400 10000 Extension Levy 17 x 100 2450 Area Sports Meet Levy 17 x 500 15000 HRD Levy 17 x 1000 10000 Area project Levy 17 x 1000 15000 16000 New Member Fee Rs.300 x 30 10000 RTI Subsidy 255 x 50 10000 2000 TExT Subsidy Rs.500 x 17 316450

Amount 8000 30000 51000 25500 25500 102000 1700 8500 17000 17000 9000 12750 8500 316450

Tr. S. R. Sridhar presented the budget and proposed that the same be passed. It was seconded by TMRT158.

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012



Appointment of Auditors and Bankers for the year 2011-12 LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar proposed that the following resolutions be passed:


Resolved that M/s. V. Radhakrishnan & Co., Chartered Accountants, Madurai be and is hereby appointed as the Auditors of Round Table India Area 1 to hold office from this AGM till the conclusion of the next AGM. Also resolved that a basic remuneration of Rs. 2000/be paid to them. This resolution was seconded by RSRT158 and passed.


Resolved that the Round Table India Area-1 SB a/c No: 909010043957355 with Axis bank Ltd. Kottayam be transferred to Axis Bank Limited, Madurai for the period commencing from this AGM to the next AGM. This resolution was seconded by TMRT 108 and passed.


Resolution Authorizing incoming office bearers to operate the Bank accounts LMF. Tr. S. R. Sridhar then proposed that the following resolution be passed: Resolved that the aforesaid bank account Round Table India Area 1 SB A/c No: 909010043957355 with Axis bank Ltd. Madurai be operated jointly by the Area Secretary / Treasurer and either the Area Chairman or the Area Vice Chairman for the year 2011-2012. This resolution was seconded by MCRT 99 and passed.


Report on the Workshop Discussion This year, there was no request for any Motions and hence the Workshop session was not held.


Motions No motions were presented and passed at the AGM.


Presentation of Mementos Area Chairman Tr. Sejoe Jose profusely thanked Area Immediate Past Chairman Sujay Giridharan, Area Vice Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese, Area Secretary Treasurer Tr. Abraham George Jacob, all the Area 1 Conveners, all Table Chairmen and the AGM Scrutineers for the support extended by them and presented mementos to each.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Presentation of Awards (Part 1) The following awards and certificates were distributed:

Award and Category 1. 2. Area Sports Meet Best Supply House & GC

Winner GCRT 102

Runner Up CRT 71

Certificate of Merit

CT71 & CBRT 131 (Joint Winners)

3. 4. 5. 6.

Best Fund Raising Best Table Magazine Best IT Award Tony Philip Memorial Award

TRT 54 KRTRT 121 KRTRT 121 & CBRT 131 TRT 54

MCRT 99 CBRT 131

CBRT 131

(Max no of Community Service Projects) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Best RTI Week Award Best International Relations Best Extension Award Best Project Award Best Secretary Award Best Fellowship Award CBRT 131 TRT88 CBRT 131 GCRT 102 CBRT 131 MCRT 99 TRT88 TRT 54 TRT88

After the conclusion of the first part of the Award Presentations the Area Chairman Tr. Sejoe Jose proposed that item No. 23 in the Agenda be deferred to the next day. The proposal to defer was seconded by RSRT158 and duly passed. Area Chairman Tr. Sejoe Jose thanked SSA Past Area Chairman Sq. Lg. Vinod and Sq. Lg. Umesh for consenting to be the scrutineers for the AGM and presented a memento as a token of his appreciation and gratitude. The Informal Night Convenor made an announcement about the event to happen in the evening and requested all to arrive early for timely start of the same.


Any Other Matter (Part 1) Deferred to the next day

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012



Adjournment of AGM The Area Chairman announced that the 32nd RTI Area 1 AGM stands adjourned to be reconvened at 10:30 AM on the 4th of September 2011 at the same venue. He thereafter raised a toast to Round Table India and Round Table International.



Reconvening of Area AGM The Area Chairman LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose reconvened the 32nd Area AGM of Round Table India.


Establishment of Quorum The Area Chairman LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose requested that LMF Tr. Abraham George Jacob, Area Secretary Treasurer, establish quorum. Tr. Abraham George Jacob duly established quorum.


RTIF presentation: LMF Tr. Abraham George Jacob presented a Power Point presentation on RTIF and its activities. He also presented the 100% LMF awards to all Tables that had 100% LMF status. He urged all Tables to maintain the 100% LMF status and also encouraged to make take up the GLMF status as well as to donate to the Millennium Donor Wall. National Secretary Treasurer LMF Tr. Harish Shenoy also appealed to all Tablers to contribute to GLMF and Millennium Donor Wall. He also requested Tables to take note that the cut-off date mattered for Tables to be considered for 100% LMF.


Report of the 32nd RTI Area 1 AGM General Convenor The Area Chairman requested the 32nd RTI Area 1 AGM Convenor LMF Tr. Raj Antony Feriah, to present his report. Tr. Raj gave a brief report and thanked all participants and stated that he and the entire Casca Rija Team was thrilled to see the response. He reported that there were 211 registrations translating into 357 heads (adults) plus 43 kids. He declared that it was a challenge for the Table to organize all the events and that overcoming this challenge


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

was the job of the core team. That the challenge was undertaken by the Table with a lot of young Tablers showed the grit and determination of the Tablers and he recalled and thanked the Square legs of QRT 85 for their guidance and support in organizing this event. He also expressed his gratitude to Area Chairman Tr. Sejoe for his great support and the management of the Venue Hotels Quilon Beach and Raviz for their co-operation and hospitality. After the report the Area Chairman Tr. Sejoe presented a memento to Tr. Raj Antony Feriah in appreciation of his efforts. The Area Chairman appreciated the wonderful job he did in organizing his team and a standing ovation was given by the floor to Tr. Raj Antony and the Tabling families of Quilon.


Presentation of Awards Part 2

The following awards were presented:

Award and Category Best Participating Table Best Dance Team Best Fellowship Couple

Winner TRT 54 GCRT 102


Certificate of Merit

MRT 14

CBRT 131

Tr. Anthony Michel & Mrs. Lucy Fernandes

Best Floor Tabler Award Best Chairman Award

Tr. Rony Kurian Tr. Ravi Shankar Tr Suraj George Varghese (GCRT 102) (ERT 214) TRT 54

Jacco Paul Award-Best Table


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012



Address by Area Chairman (Outgoing) LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose addressed the gathering. Excerpts of the speech are given below: Greetings to the chief guest! I first want to thank God Almighty for giving me this opportunity and help me lead Area 1. I remember the time when past Area Chairman Sq. Lg. Sujay and Tr Deepu Paul had come to me at the mid-term asking me to stand for the Area Chairmanship and I accepted the same. Though I was still in two minds, but at GCRT 102 stag trip my Table sends my nomination.

All was well while being the Area Vice Chairman. But then at Madurai last year when I took up the post of Chairmanship, the fear sank into me. The reason being, the history says that if one has to be area chairman you should have a family business and during the chairmanship you take a sabbatical from business and rest of the family members will cover for your absence. But for me I am one man show and also being in committee of other organisation like CII, SKAL and KTM.

I have also heard that the opportunity of being the chairman of Area 1 is greatest opportunity to develop oneself. Keeping both the positive and negative in mind I was ready to move on and lead Area 1. I would now like to share a video which will help me explain how I could lead area 1 as in area 1 you are not alone . As past national President Tr. Vivek theme stated Together we can Together we will ( A very moving video

presentation on togetherness ensued which depicted a child taking the initiative to clear a tree blocking the road and all onlookers who were just watching till then joining in the fray and clearing the road )

I take this opportunity to thank my Area Board for the excellent support during the year. I thank GCRT 102 for being there for me throughout the year. I thank all of you for your support and cooperation.

I also want to thank my parents and friends and two important people in my life my daughter Mariam and wife Diya who made lot of sacrifice and helped me be Area Chairman and lead Area 1.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

I would like to say to all Tablers of Area 1, that there is a saying that Round table gives you a lot and by taking responsibilities we give back to the wonderful movement. But I would like to correct, my friends that you are not giving but actually taking more by taking up responsibilities as you would learn more and make you a better person.

Wishing AVC Tr. Bejoy and team all the very best for a great year. I am sure Bejoy will make Area 1 grow. I sign off by saying: - Keep Smiling Keep Shining Let Area 1 Grow


Investiture of Incoming Area Chairman 2011 - 12 Tr. Sejoe Jose invested the Area Chairman jewel for the year 2011-12 on Tr. Bejoy Varghese.


Investiture of Area Executives Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese invested the following jewels on the respective Tablers: Immediate Past Chairman- Tr. Sejoe Jose Area Vice Chairman- Tr. Promod Joseph Area Secretary/Treasurer- Tr. S. R. Sridhar


Appointment of Area 1 Honorary Tablers for the year 2011-12 Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese bestowed the honor of Area Honorary Tablers for the year 2011 12 on the following Square Legs: Sq. Leg Rakesh Ramachandran of CBRT 131 Sq. Leg Santhosh K R of TRT 88


Address by Area Chairman and Appointment of Area Conveners Excerpts of Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese's address are as follows: Good Afternoon...the theme for the year is Power Of One. To emphasize tsignificance

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


of the terminology, allow me to present a video. <<< A beautiful and expressive Video Presentation is played >>> <<< Video ends with the logo Power of One >>>

Power of One

Chief Guest NST LMF Tr. Harish Shenoy, Immediate Past Chairman LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose, Past Area Chairmen Sujay Giridharan, Suresh Kanagasabai, Sathish Nair, Vinod Kumar, Rajiv Kumar, Abiruben Grahadurai, National Honorary Tabler George G Poothicote, Tablers, Circlers, Square Legs, Ladies and Children.

We are united under a single motto of adopt, adapt, improve. What began as an idea to one individual in England has been accepted by many and we in India are lucky to have had this movement inaugurated 50 years ago.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

You are one, You are unique, You are important, You are special.

One individual can make a difference, but One group can achieve the impossible.

We have the Power of One within us to usher in change, to initiate something new, but as a collective Power of One we can accomplish the unlimited. There is nothing we cannot achieve if we work as a team.

Let us Learn, Grow, Teach, Dream, Inspire, Hope, Pray, Listen, Help, Serve, Motivate, Share, Believe, Love, Protect & Experience together the Power Of One. Thank you!

Area Flag and Lapel Pin Release: Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese requested National Honorary Tabler George G Poothicote to come forward and present the flag to the Chief Guest, National Secretary Treasurer LMF Tr. Harish Shenoy.

Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese requested past Area Secretary Treasurer Bechu Kurian Thomas to come forward and release the lapel pin by pinning National Honorary Tabler Square Leg George G Poothicote.

Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese presented Square Leg Bechu Kurian Thomas with a lapel pin too.

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Appointment of Area Conveners: The following Area conveners were appointed by Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese:

Post / Convener Editor Projects, FTE + Fund Raising Corporate Alliance Fellowship 41ers Arts Publicity Extension HRD Twinklers Mass Tour, Inter Area Mass Tour Greeting Cards & Supply House IT Trek Sports AGM 2011 AGM 2012 Mid Term Arts

Name of Convener Tr. Suraj Varghese Tr. Raja Tr. Anuj Gopakumar Tr. Samith Thilak Tr. Jaspreet Singh (Sonu) Tr. Balu shanker Gopakumar Tr. Tijo Alex Tr. Sharad Pulimood Tr. Muthuraj Tr. Zaheer Ellias Najeeb Tr. Tony Michel Fernandes Tr. Mathew s Jose Tr. Sangili Raj M Tr. Mohan Tr. Mathew Luke Tr. Vickram & Tr. Vishnu Tr. Raj Ant ony Feriah Tr. Paul Babu Tr. Tinku Varghese Tr. Tijo Alex

Table No. ERT 214 TRT 54 CBRT 131 GCRT 102 TMRT 108 TRT 88 ART 103 CRT 71 NRT 176 TRT 66 QRT 85 CBRT 131 RSRT 158 ERT 214 KRTRT 121 MRT14 & MCRT 99 MRT 14 TRT 88 KRT79 ART 103

Bid For Hosting The 33rd RTI Area 1 AGM: Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese informed the floor that the lone bid to host the 33rd Area 1 AGM has been received from TRT88 and it was accepted. It was further resolved that LMF Tr. Paul Babu of Trichur Round Table 88, Convenor of Round Table India Area 1 AGM 2012 is and hereby appointed as the authorised signatory to open and operate all bank accounts of Round Table India Area 1 AGM 2012. This was proposed by the Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese and seconded by CBRT 131.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

The Trichur Tablers represented by the 2012 AGM Convenor Tr. Paul Babu made a thundering musical presentation recreating the Trichur Pooram environment. Tr. Paul Babu informed the floor that AGM 2012 will be held at Coimbatore in September 2012 and urged all to participate and he promised that it will be a memorable one.

Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese thanked QRT 85 and especially the convenor Tr. Raj Antony Feriah for the superb Area AGM experience given to Area 1 Tablers and families and asked that the efforts be applauded.

He then requested Tr. Raj Antony to pass on the THING to TRT 88. The passing of the THING signifies the passing of the most important responsibility in Area 1 that, of hosting the Area AGM and the Area Chairman was confident that TRT 88 would carry on the responsibility on their able and willful shoulders.


Address by Chief Guest Tr. Harish Shenoy, National Secretary Treasurer delivered his address. The following are the salient excerpts:

It is indeed a pleasure to be at the Area-1 AGM. Sejoe, the year 2010 - 11 has been a tremendous year for Area 1. The Area witnessed unprecedented level of activities. The Let it Grow Team has been especially successful in ensuring that the Tables of Area 1 are taken to higher levels of Tabling than ever before. The following activities of Area 1 are specially noted:

The manner in which the National initiative Tare Zameen Par was coordinated The Area 1 Mass Tour to Malaysia by Tr. Jose Joseph Area Trek by Tr. Praveen Record Supply House and Greetings Cards Sales Brilliant issue of Southern Star by Tr. Satish Pratap

Sejoe, you have made RTI proud with your support to all the facets of Tabling!

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Bejoy, all the best for the year ahead and may all your dreams come true.

Thank you Area 1 & the Casca Rija Team!


Presentation of the Mid Term Meet Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese announced that the 2012 Mid Term Meet of Area 1 and Area 7 shall be hosted by Cannanore Round Table 165 of Area 7 at Bekal near Kasargode. Since there were no representatives from Area 7, he played a Video Presentation on their behalf. He urged all Tablers to participate in the event in good numbers.


Any Other Matter Past Area Chairperson of Ladies Circle India Area 1 Cr. Rachana Binani and Chairperson of Ladies Circle India Area 1 Cr. Kaveri Annamalai offered felicitations to Immediate Past Chairman Tr. Sejoe Jose and his team for the wonderful work last year. They also wished Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese and his team good luck for the year ahead.

Thanks to some generous Tablers from QRT 85, who turned sponsors, the teams awarded prizes for the team skit were in for some surprise Scotch whisky bottles including one for a couple dance that went to Tr. Deepak Narendran & Reshmi.


Report of Sergeant at Arms: The Sergeant Tr. Sathish Devadoss informed the floor that he has collected a sum of Rs.48,500/-. The same was handed to the Area Secretary Treasurer Tr. S. R. Sridhar, who announced that as is regular custom now in Area 1, the Area Executive gives half of the sergeant collection i.e. Rs.24,250/- to the Casca Rija Team and promptly handed over the sum to Tr. Raj Antony Feriah of QRT 85.


Vote of Thanks Area Secretary Treasurer Tr. S. R. Sridhar proposed the Vote of Thanks.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Toast to Round Table India and Round Table International Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese raised a toast to Round Table India and Round Table International.


Closure Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese closed the 32nd AGM of Area 1, Round Table India.


National Anthem The National Anthem was sung by all present.

Place: Madurai Date: 18th October, 2011

Sd/LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1 2011-2012

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Memories of CASCA RIJA


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar, Area Secretary / Treasurer, RTI Area 1, 2011-12

Dear Tablers, The past year at Area 1 has been an active and enjoyable one. I am mentioning below the salient details of the secretarial and financial aspects of Area 1 during the year 2011 2012.

Meetings: 1st AEX 25th September 2011 at Hotel RR Inn, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu. 2nd AEX 18th February 2012 at Hotel Taj Bekal, Bekal, Kerala (Jointly with Area 7) 3rd AEX 27th May 2012 at Hotel Royal Park, Allepey 4th AEX 31st August 2012 at Hotel Le Meredien, Coimbatore. The first AEX was hosted by RSRT 158; the second AEX was hosted by Area 7 and the third AEX was hosted by ART 103. National Honorary Tabler: Square Leg. G. G. Poothicote was the Area 1 National Honorary Tabler for the year 2011 2012 and Square Leg Koshy Titus is the National Honorary Tabler for the year 2012 2013 for Area 1. Subscriptions and Dues: C Form and D Form dues where paid by all Tables of Area 1. Minutes: The 32nd RTI Area -1 AGM Minutes along with the AEX minutes were circulated in the RTI Area-1 group, Uniteam and in the Superstars (AST) group. All the National Head Table members and the RTI Secretariat were also provided with copies of the minutes. The Secretaries of all Tables of Area 1 deserve appreciation for the wonderful work done through the year and their support to momo. A detailed Minutes tracker of the Tables of Area-1 as of 30th June was maintained. All the mandatory communications were made to the National Board and Secretariat during the year. Accounts: The accounts cover the period from 1st July 2011 to 30th June 2012. The new Area Executive under the leadership of Tr. Bejoy Varghese took charge on 5th September 2011, therefore expenses would relate to two Tabling years and expenses pertaining to the previous year are also indicated. Expenses of the previous year were audited and circulated at the 32nd AGM and have been passed already at that AGM. An interim account for the period from 1st July 2012 to 31st August 2012 will be made and circulated at the 33rd AGM at Coimbatore. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese, past NST and current NVP Tr. Harish Shenoy, all members of the National Executive, Area Executive, Table Chairmen and Secretaries for all the support extended throughout the year. Yours in Tabling LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1 2011 2012

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Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Sejoe Jose IPC / IRO 2011-12

Dear Tablers, Let me first congratulate our Area Chairman LMF Tr Bejoy Varghese and AST LMF Tr S.R.Sridhar for the wonderful year. Area 1 in International relationship started with a bang with MRT14 hosting the world 14 meet at Madurai. With a good start there was nothing to look back for Area 1. All Tables of Area 1 hosted few International Tablers who were travelling in our region. Hosting the YAP delegates by the Tables of Area 1 was another feather in the CAP. In addition few Tables of Area 1 had gone for International trips as part of outstation table meetings. Each Tabler of Area of Area 1 on personal level also did their contributions towards International relationship. Those who travelled abroad ensured that they would meet the Table of that Country and exchange pins, Tr Kichu of KRTRT 121 and Tr Kuraikose of TBRT 126 are the best examples. Once again thank you all at Area 1 for all your co-operation and wishing our Incoming Area Chairman Tr Promod all the best for the year ahead. Thanks LMF Tr Sejoe Jose


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. Suraj Varghese Editor, Southern Star, 2011-12

Dear Tablers,

Taking up our Area Chairman's offer of a relaxed post in the Area Board was in my mind a safe bet. The post of Southern Star Editor seemed like a job, in BVs words, which was an end of the year affair where Tablers would be sending in articles and photos in the hundreds and my duty was to collate edit and put together neatly in a trendy magazine for the year. Little did I know that one had to be a master in the art of begging, cajoling and arm-twisting to get anywhere with this job. But nevertheless I hope that the magazine has come out well. It is going in to print as this is being written and hope to be in every Area1 Tablers hands in the coming weeks.

All said it was an enriching experience, thanks to LMF Tr. Bejoy Varghese it was a pleasure working with him and our ever resourceful team. Thank you all for the opportunity and please send me your feedback once the Southern Star is in your hands.

LMF Tr. Suraj George Verghese

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. S. Raja Area Projects Convenor Projects Convenor`s Report Tabling Year: 2011 2012. Dear Tablers, Dear Tablers,It's my privilege to thank the Area Chairman, LMF. Tr. Bejoy Verghese for bestowing me with the great responsibility of handling the main Portfolio of Round Table India`s main theme called Freedom Through Education, as the Project convenor for Prestigious AREA 1 with my chairman`s theme called THE POWER OF ONE, for the Year 2011 -2012. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my role as the Project convenor, as many tables had taken up the FTE Projects this year. RTIF and RTIT in association with P & G, has contributed enormous funds to promote the FTE Projects to earmark the 50th GOLDEN JUBILEE, celebrations passion and style during the year. All the tables of AREA 1 had contributed and done various FTE Projects during the year and the details are placed hereunder: Starting with MRT 14 has completed the Renovation work at Balwadi School at the cost of Rs.1 Lac. TRT 54 has kick started the FTE Project worth Rs.30 Lacs and it is under construction with 4 classrooms; a Kitchen Block and compound wall at ADHI DRAVIDAR SCHOOL at Nathakadu; 40 Kms away from Trichy. RSRT 158 has completed the MPK Pudhupatti Panchayat Union School with 1 Class room at the cost of Rs.3.50 Lacs, and they have applied for RTIF grant for Viswanatha Nadar School project with 7 Class rooms for Rs.30 Lacs and it is under construction. ART 103 in association with their same numbered international table has completed 1 Class room with the cost of Rs.4.00 Lacs. MCRT 99 has completed the project with their own funds with the cost of Rs.7.50 Lacs which was started last year. TRT 66 has completed one FTE Project with 1 Class room to the tune of Rs.3.90 Lacs. KRTRT 121 taking grant from RTI golden Jubilee funds has of Round Table India with great


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

constructed a school block at Veloor for the total cost of Rs.12.50 Lacs and various projects had also taken up during the year and they have totally done projects worth Rs.15.35 Lacs including the above mentioned School Block. All the Tables of AREA 1 had conducted the RTI Week projects as per the guidelines of Round Table India with the GO GREEN, Project as the limelight of the year. Regards, Yours in Tabling with the POWER OF ONE, LMF.Tr. S.RAJA, Project Convenor

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Samith Thilak Area Corporate Alliances Convenor

Dear Tablers, Plans for the year were quite up there during the start of the year as is for almost every convenor I guess. Tr. Bejoy Varghese our Area Chairman was quite hopeful that I would deliver as a Corporate Alliance convenor this year. The idea was to have every area of tabling roped in by things that people do normally.....Buying cars or having a meal at a popular restaurant, holidaying in nearby resorts , Shopping white goods and daily use items was something everyone did. I thought it would be a great idea if a percentage of the money spent on all these things by Tablers went into FTE projects for tabling. Especially, since it was a fact that most of the above regular things to do would have something to do with another Tabler. Either a resort would be owned by a Tabler or most showrooms - be it white goods or car dealers are owned by Tablers in the city. Easy Peezy Lemon squeezy.. I thought. Flash a card at each of this stores/destination. Have each of these stores display a roundtable logo... (Publicity) and get everyone to offer a small discount to the Tabler. The discount offered or a portion of it was supposed to go to FTE. Concept- Brilliant I thought. Little did I realise that the project I thought I'd deliver on was something which required a lot more manpower and a system which would take a lot more effort and mainly time. I don't think anything is not doable. The scale at which I had ideated and the issue of not being able to travel to all destinations to achieve it left me wondering on how I would achieve this. Also, I hear that there were similar initiatives earlier at the National Level which didn't really take off. The Magnitude of the idea got the better of me folks.. I should have tried to achieve this objective stage by stage. Next time for sure. As far as corporate alliance at the Area Level is concerned... It really went nowhere from where I took it on..I hope to make amends by contributing to tabling in whichever way possible in the years to come. Fellowship and other facets of tabling, I have been very much a part of and that's pretty much the reason for most of us to be a part of this wonderful movement. Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy... You have been a great leader for Area One. Thanks very much for having me in your board in SPIRIT. It was great fun indeed. The Power of One vested by you this year remains. Looking forward to fun times in tabling. Yours in Tabling

LMF Tr. Samith Thilak


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. Jaspreet Singh Sonu Area Fellowship Convenor

Dear Tablers, It has been a very active year of fellowship at Area 1. Enjoyable Socials across Tables in Area 1 and good participation by Area 1 families in most of the Area events! It has been a pleasure being the Area Fellowship Convenor of Area 1 and I wish to thank Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese for giving me this opportunity. Yours in Tabling, Tr. Sonu

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Sharad Pulimood Area Publicity Convenor

Dear Tablers, It has been privilege for me to serve Area 1 as the publicity convenor not only because I saw the role as one that was fulfilling but more so because of the fellowship and support of my fellow Tablers in the endeavour. The year was one that saw all Tables in Area 1 participate actively and it is hard for me to highlight just a few when each Table made an effort to ensure that their respective projects and activities got all the publicity they deserved. However, I would like to highlight a few events that were most noteworthy. Publicity Events of the year MRT14 Food FEST- Unlike many other food fests organized in most urban settings, the Tabler of MRT 14 decided to do something different. The Suvai Durbar generated huge publicity not because it was another wonderfully organized food fest but for something as special as the Guinness Dosa Attempt which was covered by leading TV channels like NDTV, IBN and some of the leading FM stations as well as getting widespread coverage in all the leading English and Tamil newspapers. MRT really outshone themselves in the event. TRT 66 - TRT 66 undertook extensive publicity this year with initiatives such as the Publicity Marathon which had 600 participants which was covered by print, visual and FM Media; TRT 66 Traffic island showing RTI FTE and Go Green Boards; planting of trees all over Trivandrum city and much more. GCRT102- Publicity has not always been about just entertaining events in Area 1 and GCRT's 102 helped to showcase their HRD program at St. Thomas School in all the leading newspapers in Cochin. It was really satisfying to see the effort put in by all the Tablers for an event with such great value. KRTRT121- Another noteworthy event was the superb food Festival organized by the Tablers of 121. It was an event par excellence and the food was simply mouth watering. In fact the event was so well organized that it received a lot of attention from the press and electronic media and was greatly appreciated by RTI as well. TBRT126- Among my favourite events of the year was the butterfly garden at Valapillashala. A very unique effort by the Tablers, and one that was aptly covered by the media. It just goes to show that Tablers can do more than just organize the usual events! CBRT131- Love on the brink, a fundraiser by the Tablers of 131 got a lot of publicity in the local media, which included the Deccan Chronicle, Times of India and the Indian Express. RSRT158- If Love on the Brink got a lot of publicity for 131 then the musical organized by the Tablers of 158 was an even greater hit with the people who attended the gala event. Needless to say it was also covered across all local media. CRT71- Infamous for their ability to organize the best parties in town, their New Year party was a grand success with noteworthy sponsors like The Muthoot Group and Mercedes Benz funding one of the greatest events of the year in Cochin. The event was attended by Tablers and their families across Area 1 along with a large number of Square Legs and there was a good mix of old and new age music provided by a live band followed by a DJ. ERT214- Even our youngest Table in the Area was not to be outdone and they came through with their own when the much talked about 'Sevens' football tournament was organized with resounding success followed by a well attended dinner at the Dreeme hotel. It seems some had to take their disability pension in advance and even in this matter we had our Area Chairman leading from the front!!! The following lines cannot even begin to describe the support I have received from all the Tables and their respective publicity convenors. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your efforts, enthusiasm and those crazy pictures! As always the Tables of Area 1 have lead from the front and my role as the Publicity convenor was greatly enhanced by the support and the enthusiasm shown by all. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity and wish the future Publicity convenor all the best. Yours in tabling, Tr. Sharath Pulimood


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. Anuj Gopakumar Area Fund Raising Convenor

Dear Tablers. Please find listed below the major fundraising initiatives carried out in Area 1: Major Fund Raising Activities of Area 1 MRT 14 Suvai Durbar TRT 54 Dandiya Fundraiser TRT 66 Jazz by the Bay helped raise Rs. 5.3 Lakhs CRT 71 Rockathon Fundraiser Rs. 3.5 Lakhs KRT 79 Bacardi Blast - Rockshow Fundraiser MCRT 99 Dandiya Night Fundraiser GCRT 102 - Poker Night Fundraiser KRTRT 121 Food Fest Fundraiser Rs.10.8 Lakhs CBRT 131 Love on the Brink helped raise Rs. 9.05 Lakhs RSRT 158 - Chittirai Kondattam ERT 214 Seven's Football Yours in Tabling, Tr Anuj Gopakumar

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Dr. C. Muthuraj Area Extension Convenor

Dear Tablers, First of all I thank the Area chairman Tr. Bejoy for selecting me to serve as the Area Extension Convener (Area 1) for the period of 2011-12. Hope I have fulfilled at least some of his expectations. Even though there were no table extensions this year, we have seen so many inductions in many of the tables amidst few retirements and resignations. I think this is a welcome sign. MRT14 stands first in having highest number of active Tablers and sadly TRT 54 yet to induct more Tablers to achieve the average table strength of 15. As you all know fun was not lacking in the previous entire tabling year, be it at the I AEX or III AEX, fellowship was at its peak. Once again I thank AC Tr. Bejoy, AST Tr. Sridhar, and AVC Tr. Promod and not last but the best my own Table NRT 176 for giving me an excellent support (3 inductions). Thank you all Regards Tr. Dr. Muthuraj C.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Zaheer Elias Area Leadership And Personality Development Convenor

LAPD Activities of the year:

LAPD 2011-12 has helped create a Sustainable Platform for the Development of Leadership, Character, Comradeship and the

Ideal of Service After a long gap orientation programs for Tablers were conducted. Three PTBAT (Proud To Be A Tabler) programs were conducted. The objective of these programs was to give Tablers a better understanding of Tabling and in helping them, perform better as Tablers. With the objective of taking things further, a Area Leadership Conclave was conducted at Thekkady to inspire Tablers to Lead, Engage, Aspire, Perform With the objective of overall d e v e l o p m e n t o f Ta b l e r s , a P h o t o g r a p h y Tr a i n i n g w a s conducted at Alleppey by renowned photographer Balan Madhavan With the objective to create a sustainable LAPD platform And new heights for Area 1 LAPD, a Training The Trainer was conducted at Cochin. What started off as an Area 1 TTT grew to become a national event as a South India TTT Creating a pool of 5 Facilitators for Area 1 - Hinfas, Murali, Mohan, Vishnu & Zaheer Yours in Tabuler Tr. Zaheer Elias

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Antony Fernandez Area Twinklers Convenor

Warm greetings to all fellow Tablers, Ladies and Twinklers of Area 1!

I take this opportunity to thank our Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese for entrusting me this prestigious job.

This year, Twinklers from all Tables of Area 1 have had many activities including the talent show. I have to mention that TRT54 took their twinklers to The HINDU press and showed the children how the newspapers were printed. The saying goes that normally you never forget the first experience in any activity. I just hope that the experiences of all the twinklers were memorable. Thanks for the support and co-operation ! Cheers! Tr Tony


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. Balashanker Gopakumar

Area 41ers Convenor

As a convener for 41ers was a relatively new initiative at Area 1, we started the year by encouraging Tables of Area 1 to host a social for 41ers during RTI week or in the week preceding the 41st day of the year. Another initiative of my tenure was the launch of a website dedicated to the square legs of Area 1. This website will serve as a connect for Tablers of Area 1 with the past stalwarts of the Round Table movement at Area 1. The website is access controlled and contains among others, contact details of all square legs of Area 1. As this is intended as a sustainable initiative, the website can be updated periodically by the Area IT Convener in conjunction with the 41ers Convener. I would like to thank Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy Varghese and Area IT Convenor Tr. Mohan for the guidance and support in driving this project at Area 1.

Tr. Balashanker Gopakumar

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Tinku Varghese Area 1 Mid Term Meet Convenor

Dear Tablers. Please find the report of the White Sensation White sensation hosted by CRT165, Area 7, was held at Bekal. The venue was Taj Bekal. The event was well represented by Area-1 and the hosts made sure that everybody had a fabulous time. The participation details are as follows. Area 1 Couples 49 Single 22 Total 71 Area 7 Couple 104 Single 61 total 165 Total Couples 153 Single 83 kids 25 Total registration 236 Total heads 389

Yours in Tabling, Tr. Tinku Varghese


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Sangiliraj Area Supply House/ Greeting Cards Convenor

Dear Tablers, First of all I thank Area Chairman Tr. Bejoy for giving me the opportunity to work as GC & SH Convenor. I thank Area 1 for the support and co-operation. It gives me great pleasure to present the Greeting cards and Supply house Sales statement of Area1 (2011-12)

Table # 14 54 66 71 79 85 88 99 102 103 108 121 126 131 158 176 214 Totals

Greeting Cards 4250 4675 3400 7225 34000

Supply House 4900 2500 3500 1500 6525 12525 18700 11850 5400 4000 12860 6000 20925 14800 13100 2280 141365




Yours in Tabling
LMF Sangiliraj

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. K. Mohan

IT Convenors report Tabling Year 2011 2012

I thank the Area Chairman, LMF Tr Bejoy Varghese for bestowing me with the responsibility of handling the IT related matters for Area 1 for the year 20112012. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the role, and during this period I had an opportunity to interact, and enjoy the company of a lot many Tablers in the Area.

Activities for the Year : Creation of Uniteam Groups : The activities related to the IT arena started with creating a forum for communication amongst the newly appointed AEX and Table Office Bearers. To this effect, going with the theme of the tabling year, we created the 'Uniteam Google Group'. All the AEX related communications were routed through this group. The group was formed pretty quickly and went on to become the backbone of communications among the group.

Whatsapp and Way2SMS We had created this group initially so as to have an alternate for AEX and TOBs who may not be online all the time. But due to restrictions in using these forums, both technologically and monetarily, we discontinued it later on during the year.

Area Calendar The accuracy and upkeep of the Area Calendar was one of the primary functions in this role. The following activities were done during the current year.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

The Area Calendar was set to repeat reminders only until Dec 2011, and hence we had an outage in sending reminders during the initial months of 2012.

Many of the new Tablers', and new Table's (ERT214) data were to be uploaded in to the Area Calendar.

Nearly 350 entries were redone in the calendar (including many of the Sq. legs information, as much as we got)

All these entries were set to repeat YEARLY. So from now on, these reminders will keep coming in to the RTI Area Group FOREVER, until the group is active.

RTI Area1 Email Group We have a very active RTI Area1 Email Group. We have moderated the group so that only RTI related matters are circulated and unrelated matters are not forwarded.

Facebook & Twitter: Facebook and twitter are two strong social media tools we have today in our midst. So this year instead of a Blog, which is 'text' heavy; we chose to use these two platforms to connect to Tablers in the area and across the world.

We have updated the FB page regularly with news feeds of tabling events across the area, and we are proud to have 305 likes in the FB page, which is more than double of what we started with in the beginning of the tabling year. This clearly shows the reach the FB page has got. More insights on our FB page following is given below in the charts.

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


As you can see when there is an update the usage surges, so its important to keep the postings on the Area page up, always.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

From Sweden to South Africa, from Madagascar to Malta, we have people from all over the world following our FB page; this goes on to prove that FB is the best way to share our activities not only in the Area , but also get more visibility in Round Table India and Round Table International.

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


The above chart shows the Gender and Age distribution amongst the visitors of the RTI Area1 FB page. FB and Twitter works hand in glove, so we have linked our RTI Area1 Twitter page along with the FB page. So when ever the IT Convenor updates the FB page it automatically updates the twitter page and further enhances the reach of the event. We are yet to be as successful with our twitter page unlike the FB page, we only have less than 50 followers on that page. Clearly Tablers are more in to FB than twitter. We have purchased the above URL for hosting a our own Area1 Website. Unfortunately, we have not been able to deliver a website during the current year.

Content collection challenges ruled more than the technology ones. But then we have every reason to cheer for the reach of our FB page; may be even with the best of websites we may not be able to gather so much traffic. As the year comes to a close, I would like to thank each and everyone of you in Area 1 who made my job a pleasurable one. It was a privilege to be a part of this year's AEX, and Area 1 truly rocks ! Before we forget, go and like that FB page of ours and follow it at Together with the 'Power of One' ! Cheers, Tr Mohan K , Area1 IT Convenor, 2011-12


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. M.S. Vikram, Convenor Area Sports Meet

LMF Tr. P. Vishnu Co- convenor Area Sports Meet

Inter Area Sports Meet Jaffa @ Bangalore, December 2011 Area 1 had one of the highest representations for JAFFA-inter area cricket tournament held at Bangalore during December 2011. We had as many as 30 Tablers participating in the event from across the area. We lost the match to area 7 in the last over but that did not hinder our Tablers from being on high spirits. Area Sports Meet & Area Trek March 24th & 25th 2012 This year's edition of the Area sports meet and Area trek was organized at Madurai. The first day of the event had badminton, tennis, snooker and table tennis at Union Club. Badminton winner was Bechu from CBRT131 and runner up Tr. Rajiv of MRT 14. Table tennis winner Tr. Rishwanth of MRT 14 a state player in table tennis and I am sure he will be winning many more trophies in area sports meets and runner up Tr. Hinfas of CBRT 131.

Snooker winner Tr. Rajesh of MCRT 99 and Runner Tr. Vikram, MRT 14. Tennis winner Pradeep NRT 176 and the runner up was Tr. Lakshan MRT 14. In the evening cricket was organized at Hotel heritance, with some new rules in place for the matches, Tablers took time to adjust to the new rules but once they got the hang of it we saw some power packed performances under lights. Cochin the underdogs in the finals against Kottayam (2011 winners) came out on top. Area Chairman Bejoy took a blinder of a catch to win the match for Cochin. The cricket convener for the event was Tr. Jayapradeep of MRT 14 who did a phenomenal job of making everyone happy which is never easy. Area trek was organized at Swarnabhoomi a hillock on the way to natham. Tr. Zafar of MRT 14 and Area trek convener Tr. Luke guided the trekkers to the crown of the hill. All the participants had a wonderful time. MRT 14 Badminton (5), Tennis (5), Snooker (5) Table tennis (10) Total 25 MCRT 99 Snooker (5)

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Mathew Luke Convenor Area Trek

KRTRT 121 Cricket (5) CBRT 131 Table tennis (5), Cricket (10) Total 15 NRT 176 Tennis (10) ERT 214 Badminton (10) We had representations from almost all tables in the area with QRT 85 being the best participating table to have travelled to the meet. I think we can be proud to say that we delivered one of the best sports meet in Area 1. I would like to thank all Tablers of MRT 14 and MCRT 99 for their support in organizing the event and special thanks to the hosts Promod, JP, Dr. Vijay, Sunder, Senthil, Sanjay, Lakshan, Anwar and Nikunj. This event would not have been possible without the inputs of Tr. Bejoy, Tr. Promod and Tr. Sridhar. I would also like to thank my Co-Convener Tr. Vishnu, Tr. Nagaraj, Sq. Leg Manoj, Sq. Lg. Riaz, Tr. Rishwanth, Trek Convenor Tr. Luke and H.T. Jagdish for their help and support and Tr. Samith Thilak for inputs from the previous sports meet. Tr. Vikram


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. Mathews Jose Area Mass Tour Convenor

Area Mass Tour April 28th to May 2nd Country Visited: Singapore Number of Heads: 19 Date of Journey: April 28th, 2012 Date of Return: May 2nd, 2012 Highlights of the trip 5 nights and 6 days @ Singapore Stayed at Hotel Orchard Parade, Orchard Street Fully day fun @ Universal Studios Full day fun @ Sentossa, zoo, Bird Park Dinner Hosted by Area Chairman Bejoy Varghese Fun filled Theme Dinners on all nights

LMF Tr. Mathews Jose

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Praveen Muraleedharan Go Green Convenor Earth Warrior, Area 1

I thank our Area Chairman LMF Tr. Bejoy Varghese for giving me the opportunity for being the Earth Warrior of Area 1. GREEN INITIATIVES TBRT 126, Rainbow schools- Trivandrum and Eco ventures had distributed 500 native tree saplings and host plants of butterflies Slide show on Biodiversity of Western Ghats to the school students and parents. Photography exhibition on the wildlife of Western Ghats. Planted 250 host plants of butterflies at Vilippilsalai school with the help of TBRT 126 and Eco ventures Planted 5000 tree saplings at Kovalam on World tourism day. Hon. Tourism Minister of Kerala, Mr. K P Anil Kumar inaugurated the event by planting trees. We coordinated the event with the active support of TRT 66. Butterfly garden at Chakai circle at the Junction with the participation of TRT 66. 4X4 off road trip to Shangili Estate (Palode Reserve Forest) with the effective participation of TRT 66. KRTRT 121 had planted 121 trees in 3 schools during the RTI week. Kottayam Municipal Chairman Mr. Sunny Kalloor had inaugurated the event by planting the tree sapling. KRTRT had made the initiative to reduce the usage of plastic bad and made eco friendly carry bags for the Kottayam food fest All our events were covered live by 93.5 Red fm, 94.3 Club FM and Radio Mirchi. We had a very good coverage on all leading print and the visual media in Kerala.

As the year come to a close, I would like to thank each and every one of you who helped me being a true Earth Warrior. It was my Pleasure to be a part of the AEX 2011-12. YIT LMF Tr. Praveen Muraleedharan Earth Warrior Area 1


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

LMF Tr. Dr. Tijo Alex ARTS Convenor

First of all let me thank our Area Chairman Bejoy Varghese to include me in his team. This post of ARTS convenor was a herculean task to me because I never knew what to do in the beginning. But with the team of POWER of ONE we were able to organise a PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP at Kumarakom. Thanks to Kottayam tables for organising a wonderful event. I would also like to thank all the participants for making it a grand success.

Finally I would also like to thank AST Tr Sridhar, AVC Tr Promod and my fellow Tablers of ART 103 for their excellent support

Yours in Tabling. Tr Dr Tijo Alex

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Raj Antony Feriah 32nd Area AGM Convenor

Dear Tablers, I am happy to present a brief summary of the 32nd Area AGM Casca Rija at Quilon in 2011. Total registrations 403 Couples 160 Stags - 60 Spot Registration (only for informal night) 23 Optional Night Dinner 125 (break even) It was a great experience for us Tablers from Quilon to have organised the Area AGM and I wish to thank all our Square Legs who helped us achieve this feat. Yours in Tabling, Tr. Raj Antony Feriah 32 Area AGM Convenor


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


LMF Tr. Paul Babu 33rd Area AGM Convenor

The Area I AGM 2012 POORAM RELOADED is to be hosted by Trichur Round Table '88. The destination of Area I AGM will be Coimbatore. The dates finalized for the AGM will be as follows: 4TH AEX 2012 6pm OPTIONAL DINNER AGM (MEETING) INFORMAL NIGHT LADIES TEA PARTY AGM (MEETING)/ CLOSING LUNCH ----SUNDAY 2ND SEPT 2012 11am onwards & lunch from 1pm ----------------FRIDAY 31st Aug 2012 7pm onwards SATURDAY 1ST SEPT 2012 2pm SATURDAY 1ST SEPT 2012 7pm onwards SATURDAY 1ST SEPT 2012 3pm to 6pm ----FRIDAY 31st Aug

The venues chosen for the AGM are as follows: OPTIONAL DINNER ----FRIDAY 31st Aug 2012 (@ Poolside Le Meridien Coimbatore) AGM (MEETING) ----SATURDAY 1ST SEPT 2012 (@ hotel Le Meridien Coimbatore) INFORMAL NIGHT ----SATURDAY 1ST SEPT 2012 (@ CODISSIA Amphi Theatre Coimbatore) LADIES TEA PARTY ----SATURDAY 1ST SEPT 2012 (@ hotel Le Meridien Coimbatore) AGM (MEETING)/ CLOSING LUNCH ----SUNDAY 2ND SEPT 2012 (@ hotel Le Meridien Coimbatore)

The above mentioned venues have been finalised and rates for food and other banqueting facilities have been finalized. The liquor rates at Le Meridien Coimbatore are yet to be finalized.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

Registration charges will be as follows: Tabler couple Tabler stag Sq.Leg.couple Sq.Leg.stag ----------------Rs.6000/Rs.4000/Rs.5500/Rs.3850/-

Accommodation: A total of 60 rooms have been blocked at Le Meridien Coimbatore, Team POORAM RELOADED is offering it to you at a very special rate of Rs.10,000/- nett for 2 nights/couple. A total of 43 rooms have been sold so far. Rooms are being sold only on a two night package, so as to encourage maximum participation from Friday onwards. The second option venue is still under negotiation and will be finalized shortly.

Sponsorship: Regarding sponsorship, several corporates have been contacted by our AGM committee and discussions are still underway with POTHYS, KALYAN SILKS, RMCO Properties, Jewelleries etc

The most promising proposal as of date is from ING VYSYA Bank who has proposed to support the AGM in exchange for distribution of free ING VYSYA International Cards to all Tablers of AREA I. This International card will be provided to all Tablers across AREA I absolutely free of cost without any commitment whatsoever from the side of the Tabler.

Tablers, preparations for AREA I AGM POORAM RELOADED @ Coimbatore are going at a steady pace. Our team is really putting in all efforts to give you all an experience. We request your whole hearted support by registering in large numbers and making this event a grand success.


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Chartered Accountant s
Head Office : 675, Rajaji Nagar, I Floor, Singanallur, Coimbatore 641005 Branch Office : # 687, Karpaga Nagar, Madurai - 625 007.

We have verified the attached Balance Sheet of ROUND TABLE AREA 1 as at 30th June 2012 and also the annexed Income and Expenditure account and Receipts and Payments accounts for the year ended 30.06.2012 with the books of accounts kept by the association and produced before us and report that 1. We have obtained all the information and explanation which we required for the purpose of our verification. 2. The Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account are drawn up in accordance with the books; and 3. In our opinion, the Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure account contain a summary of the affairs of the association as at 30.06.2012 as shown by the books of the association.


DATE: 30.07.2012


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


PREVIOUS YEAR LIABILITIES 553043.34 50663.91 603707.25 628993.34 Cash at Bank 3700.00 Cash in Hand 78000.00 147000.00 2000.00 10000.00 0.00 RTI Area Subsidy Receivable 0.00 RTI Area Text Subsidy Receivable ASSETS




531358.71 GENERAL FUND: 21684.63 Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure

816607.25 1750.00 12350.00 10000.00

78000.00 CITI Bank Computer Subsidy 0.00 Cheques issued but not yet presented 1650.00 Audit Fees Payable Photography workshop payable

Round Table India Area 1


840707.25 632693.34

840707.25 As per Certificate Of Even Date Attached For V. Rathakrishnan & Co Chartered Accountants Sd/V.Rathakrishnan Partner Membership No:21813

LMF Tr. Bejoy Varghese Area Chairman

LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary/Treasurer

Annual Report 2011 2012


ROUND TABLE INDIA AREA 1 INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD 01/07/2011 TO 30/06/2012 CURRENT YEAR 25500.00 0.00 40850.00 20000.00 15000.00 2000.00 25500.00 33.00 12110.00 10000.00 10000.00 16000.00 0.00 8260.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102000.00 15000.00 0.00 10000.00 10000.00 50663.91 372916.91 INCOME BY 3rd AEX Table Contribution By AEX Seargent Collection By Buffalo Pin Sales Commission By D Form Collection By Interest By Miscellaneous Income By National Fellowship Subsidy By New Membership Fee By RTI Area Subsidy By RTI Area Text Subsidy (2010-11 & 2011-12) By Contribution For Next By Penalty By Seargent at arms Collection By T-Shirt Subssidy(Howzatt) By Outstation Levy By Photography 433880.00 PREVIOUS YEAR 13000.00 2200.00 5000.00 254100.00 16090.00 1290.00 25000.00 6300.00 15000.00 0.00 40100.00 900.00 49900.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 CURRENT YEAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 250600.00 25072.00 18649.91 0.00 0.00 12350.00 20000.00 0.00 1450.00 34395.00 0.00 400.00 10000.00 LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary/Treasurer 372916.91 As per Certificate Of Even Date Attached For V. Rathakrishnan & Co Chartered Accountants Sd/V.Rathakrishnan Partner Membership No:21813

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

PREVIOUS YEAR 25500.00 30452.00 25300.00 8500.00 40000.00 1650.00 25500.00 411.57 13335.00 10000.00 10000.00 14875.00 40421.00 20250.80 26000.00 2000.00 400.00 97600.00 15000.00 5000.00

EXPENDITURE To AC Travel Fund Paid To Aex Expenses To Annual Report Printing To Area Sports Meet & Trek To Area Fellowship (MTM) To Audit Fees To AVC Travel Levy To Bank Charges To Courier Expenses To HRD Expenses To Information Technology To Miscellaneous Expenses To NEXT Expenses To Printing,stationery & Memontoes To Projects Expenses To Publicity Expenses To RTI Jewel To Southern Star Publication To TEXT Subsidy Paid To T-Shirt EXP (Howzatt) To Area Mass Tour To Photography Workshop 21684.63 To Excess of Income Over Expenditure 433880.00

LMF Tr. Bejoy Varghese Area Chairman

ROUND TABLE INDIA AREA 1 RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD 01/07/2011 TO 30/06/2012 AMOUNT PAYMENTS To Annual Report Printing To Audit Fees(2010-11) To Bank Charges To Courier Expenses To Printing,stationery & Memontoes To Southern Star Publication 40850.00 1650.00 33.00 12110.00 8260.00 102000.00
By AC Travel Fund Paid To Area Sports Meet & Trek To Area Fellowship (MTM) To AVC Travel Levy To HRD Expenses To Information Technology To Miscellaneous Expenses To TEXT Subsidy Paid To Area Mass Tour


Cheques Issues but not presented for payment:

25500.00 20000.00 15000.00 25500.00 10000.00 10000.00 16000.00 15000.00 10000.00 147000.00

RECEIPTS To Opening Balance B/d: Cash at Bank Cash in Hand To D Form Collection To Interest To RTI Area Subsidy ToRTI Area Text Subsidy To Penalty To Seargent at arms Collection To Outstation Levy To Photography Workshop To Miscellaneous Income 628993.34 3700.00 632693.34 250600.00 25072.00 0.00 10000.00 1450.00 34395.00 400.00 10000.00 18649.91 To Closing Balance C/d: Cash at Bank Cash in Hand 816607.25 1750.00 983260.25

Round Table India Area 1

818357.25 983260.25 As per Certificate Of Even Date Attached For V. Rathakrishnan & Co Chartered Accountants Sd/V. Rathakrishnan Partner Membership No:21813

LMF Tr. Bejoy Varghese Area Chairman

LMF Tr. S. R. Sridhar Area Secretary/Treasurer

Annual Report 2011 2012



AUDITORS Resolved that M/s J. Krishnan & Associates, Ernakulam be and is hereby appointed as the Auditors of Round Table India Area 1 to hold office from this AGM till the conclusion of the next AGM. Also, resolved that a basic remuneration of Rs. 2000/- is paid to them. BANKERS Resolved that the Round Table India Area 1 SB A/c 909010043957355, now with Axis Bank Ltd., Kottayam be continued, for the period commencing from this AGM, till the conclusion of the next AGM. AUTHORISATION TO OPERATE BANK ACCOUNT Resolved that the account of Round Table India Area 1 be operated jointly by the Area Secretary / Treasurer and either the Area Chairman or the Area Vice Chairman for the period commencing from this AGM till the next AGM.
Proposed Budget 2012-13 Income Bank Interest Sergeants Collection Annual Subscription Area Chairman Travel Levy Area VC Travel Levy Southern Star Magazine Levy Extension Levy Area Sports meet Levy Area HRD Levy Area Project Levy New Member Fee RTI Subsidy TExT Subsidy from RTI 10000 35000 50000 25000 25000 100000 1700 8500 17000 17000 9000 12500 10000 Bank Charges Area Sports meet subsidy Postage and Courier Printing and Stationery Southern star Area Chairman Travel Area VC Travel Area HRD Area Publicity Fellowship IT TExt Misc Area Trek Subsidy Area Mass Tour Audit Fees Excess Total 320700 Expenditure 2500 10000 10000 50000 100000 25000 25000 10000 6000 15000 10000 15000 20000 10000 10000 2000 200 320700

Strength of the Area is taken as 250 as of 1st July 2012


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

Profile of Area Chairman Elect of Round Table India Area 1

Name: LMF Tr. Promod Joseph Date of Birth: 16th July 1975 Date of Joining: 23.06.2004 Address: 165, Vakkil New Street, Simmakkal, Madurai - 625001 Table Name and Number: Madurai Round Table no 14 Details of Tabling Career Posts Held in Table (Year Wise) : 2011-2012, Table HRD convenor 2010-2011, Immediate Past Chairman 2009-2010, Table Chairman 2008-2009, Table Vice Chairman 2007-2008, Table HRD convenor 2006-2007, Table Treasurer 2005-2006, Table Secretary 2010-2011, National HRD convenor, 2010-2011, Area Project Convenor 2008-2009, Area Greeting Cards Convenor 2007-2008, Area HRD convenor 2010 - 2011, Best Chairman - Area 1 2011, Kollam, Casca Rija 2010, Madurai, Pandimonium 2009, Cochin, NOW 2008, Alleppey 2007, Trivandrum 2005, Munnar 2004, Madurai 2010, Hyderabad 2009, Delhi 2006, Coimbatore 2008, Hyderabad 2010, Kodaikanal 2005, Thekkady 2011, Jaffa, InterArea Cricket, Bangalore 2010, Inter Area Cricket, Alleppey 2008, Inter Area Cricket, Coimbatore 2007, Inter Area Cricket, Cochin 2006, Inter Area Cricket, Salem 2005, Inter Area Cricket, Madurai 2004, Inter Area Cricket, Coimbatore

Posts Held in Area / National (Year Wise):

Awards Received (Year Wise): Area AGMs attended (Year Wise):

National AGMs attended Year Wise:

Change Over Banquets attended (Year Wise): Mid Term Meets attended (Year Wise):

Other Events Attended:

Have attended all Area Sports meets in Area 1 from joining

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Form - 2 - Nomination to the Office of Area Vice Chairman of Round Table India Area 1

To, The Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Table Name and Number: Madurai Round Table No. 14 Post Nominated: Area Vice Chairman Year for which Nomination is submitted: 2012 2013 Details of Nominated Candidate i. Name: S. R. Sridhar ii. Date of Birth: 08/07/1974 iii. Date of Joining: 01/07/2003 iv. Address: 19/24, Azad Street, Gandhinagar, Madurai 625 020 5. a. Details of Tabling Career Posts Held in Table (Year Wise): HRD Convenor 2006-07 Treasurer 2007-2008 Secretary 2008-09 Twinklers Convenor 2009-10 Supply House Convenor 2010-11 b. Posts Held in Area / National (Year Wise): Area HRD Convenor 2009-10 Area Secretary Treasurer 2011-12 c. Awards Received (Year Wise): Best Floor Tabler 2003-04 Prabhu Sikhander Award for Best Fellowship Couple to SridharNithya in the Table for the years 2009-10 & 2011-12


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

d. Area AGMs attended (Year Wise): Nut City Knockout - Varkala (2003) Temple Town Tamasha - Madurai (2004) Kumbh Mela - Munnar (2005) NOW - Cochin (2009) Pandimonium Madurai (2010) Casca Rija Quilon (2011) e. National AGMs attended (Year Wise): Nil f. Change Over Banquets attended (Year Wise): Nil g. Mid Term Meets attended (Year Wise): Kodaikanal (2010) Kovalam (2011) h. Other notable achievements: - A Trainer of Round Table India. - Have conducted ETY programs at Schools & PTBAT for Tablers. - Introduced the Toast to a Tabler initiative in Area I as Area HRD Convenor. - Participated in World 14 Meet in Norway (2009) & Sweden (2010)

Nomination signed and submitted by: Sd/Tr. Nagaraj Chairman (Madurai Round Table No. 14) Date: 11-8-2012 Sd/Tr. Senthil Secretary (Madurai Round Table No. 14) Place: Madurai

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Form -2 - Nomination for The Area Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1

To, The Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1

1. 2. 3. 4.

Table Name and Number: Allepey Round Table 103 Post Nominated: Area Secretary / Treasurer Year for which Nomination is submitted: 2012 2013

Details of Nominated Candidate a. Name: Tr. Varkey Tharakan P M b. Date of Birth: 07-08-1980 c. Date of Joining: 06-01-2007 d. Address: Flat no. CB 32, Riviera Retreat, Ferry Road, Thevera, Cochin - 13 Details of Tabling Career a. Posts Held in Table (Year Wise): Treasurer 2010-11, Secretary 2011-12 b. Posts Held in Area / National (Year Wise): Nil c. Awards Received (Year Wise): Best Floor Tabler 2009-10 d. Area AGMs attended (Year Wise): Kollam 2011, Cochin 2009 e. National AGMs attended (Year Wise): Nil f. Change Over Banquets attended (Year Wise): Nil g. Mid Term Meets attended (Year Wise): Bekal, 2011-12 h. Other notable achievements:


Nomination signed and submitted by: Sd/Tr. P. Manoj Kumar Chairman (Allepey Round Table No. 103) Date: 08.11.2012 Sd/Tr. Jose Joseph Secretary (Allepey Round Table No. 103) Place: Allappuzha


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


TOPIC I: Points to Ponder: To discuss the necessity of the promotion of Greeting Cards. Round Table India is promoting Go Green initiatives. Sales of Greeting Cards are falling year on year. To discuss the utilisation of remaining funds in the RTI Area 1 Account. Over the years the Area Account has accumulated about INR. 6 lakhs. The Area does not have a Charitable Society/Trust registered. To discuss collection method of New Member fee of INR. 100. When a member is inducted, an amount of INR. 100 is due to the Area.

TOPIC II: Points to Ponder:

TOPIC III: Points to Ponder:

Proposed By the RTI Area 1 Executive (AEX) It is proposed to create a fund for the Area AGM by collecting INR.1000 per active Tabler through the D Form which is adjusted/refunded against complete registration of the active Tabler couple or single if he is not married. Rules Committee: Not affecting rules. Simple Majority Required. Explanation / Reasoning / Process: Year on year, we find that the expenses towards the Area AGM increasing. Seed money is required by the host table(s) to provide advances towards reservation of halls, accommodation, transportation, etc. Being the Area AGM, the support of every active Tabler in the Area is required and hence an amount of INR.1000 per active Tabler will be collected through the D Form. This amount (INR.1000) that is collected will be adjusted/refunded against the complete registration costs of the active Tabler. In case the Tabler is married, the adjustment will be against the couple registration and if he is single, the adjustment will be against the single registration. For e.g. if the Couple registration cost of the Area AGM is INR.6000 and the Single registration cost is INR.4000, then the married active Tabler pays INR.5000 and the single active Tabler pays INR.3000 towards complete registration cost of the Area AGM after deducting the Rs. 1000 paid with the D form. Presently there is no provision in the D Form to collect any amount towards the Area AGM fund. Hence, an additional entry will be made in the D Form (along with the names of the active Tablers) to carry this collection. New members of the tables in RTI Area 1 who are inducted during the tabling year and whose names do not appear in the D Form will have to pay the complete registration cost of the Area AGM without any adjustment/refund.

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


Bid for the 34th Annual General Meeting of Round Table India Area 1

July 31st 2012 To, The Secretary / Treasurer Round Table India Area 1

In our Joint meeting with KRT79 (672nd of KRT79 & 531st of KRTRT121) held on 6/07/2012 at Rama Varma Union Club, Kottayam, the Tables of Kottayam unanimously decided to bid for the 34th Area AGM to be held in September 2013.

Tr. B F Varghese Chairman - KRT79 2011-12

Tr. Jabyson Philip Chairman - KRTRT121 2011-12


Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012

Round Table India Area 1

Annual Report 2011 2012


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