Javarappa Janatha Bazaar

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Manager (Under Suspension), Janatha Bazaar, Mysore. Residing at; # 3017, Ramamandira Road, Tonachikoppalu, Mysore-3. To: The Managing Director, MDCCW Stores Limited, Mysore. Sir, Sub: Furnishing of opinion against the domestic Inquiry conducted by Sri.D.S.shivaprakash, Advocate. Ref: letter No.435: Sibbandi: MCDCCWS/11-12, Dtd.15-11-2011. The domestic inquiry conducted against me is malafide, illegal and

unjustified. Inquiry was non-jurisdictional, loaded with full of technical flaws, factual errors and bias. The venom based attitude in the form multiple charge sheets, denial of opportunity to engage defence assistant, putting the Presenting Officer in witness box and Inquiring Authority taking the role of Presenting Officer during the inquiry process etc., shows inexperience and bias attitude both on the part of Disciplinary Authority and the Inquiring Authority. The entire domestic inquiry initiated against me void abinitio i.e., right from beginning. The details are narrated in the subsequent paras.

Totally I was served with 3 charge sheets. The First Charge sheet served on 5-10-2010. The Second charge sheet served on 2-12-2010. The third Charge sheet served on 8-3-2011. This shows vengeance and venom full attitude of Disciplinary Authority qualified with the pre-determined idea of imposing penalty. No investigation or preliminary enquiry has been done to reach the prima

facie i.e., to take decision whether to frame the charge/s or not. Because of the non-investigation in the matter unnecessarily I was served with multiple and defective charges without sum and substance in it. Before initiating disciplinary proceedings, the Disciplinary Authority is required to ensure that there is a prima facie case of misconduct committed by an employee and that sufficient material is available to prove his guilt. Investigation may be made where the material evidence on hand is not sufficient to prove the allegations.

The Investigating Officer collects all the required evidence including the statements of persons who can speak about the allegations and submits all the records in original to the Authority which referred the case to him for investigation or as directed. That Authority transmits them to the Disciplinary Authority if it is not itself the Disciplinary Authority. The mere fact that an allegation has been investigated does not as a matter of course mean that an inquiry is contemplated. An inquiry is said to have been contemplated when the Disciplinary Authority on an objective consideration of the material before it, such as report of investigation, has determined to institute disciplinary proceedings.

The First Charge Sheet served on 5-10-2010. Two charges were alleged in this First charge sheet. The Inquiring Authority held that these two charges were proved. The Second charge sheet served to me on 2-12-2010 in which 3 charges have been framed. Inquiring Authority held that charge 1 & 2 are not proved and charge No.3 is proved. The charge sheet are with full of defects, bald and most of the charges audit based reports and not based on original records. This shows total non-application of mind on the part of the Disciplinary Authority. To facilitate a fair and proper opportunity being given to the employee to defend himself in the inquiry, the charge sheet to be given to him shall clearly indicate the charge in specific terms and should not be vague or bald. If the charge does not spell out the specific omissions/commission on the part of the Employee in clear terms, the object of issuing the charge sheet itself gets defeated and all further proceedings

in pursuance of such a vague charge would be vitiated and no penalty can be imposed based on the inquiry proceedings held in pursuance of such vague charge (G.V.Aswathnarayana V/s. Central Bank of India & Ors. ILR 2003 Kar. 3066 and Sri.Venkatesh Gururao Kuratti V/s. The Syndicate Bank & Ors. ILR 2004 Kar. 2240).

As already stated, each charge should be specific and definite and should be drawn up clearly and precisely avoiding vagueness in the charge as otherwise the inquiry held in pursuance of a charge which is neither specific not definite vitiates the whole proceedings for violation of Rule 11 (3) of the Rules (Sri.Venkatesh Gururao Kuratti V/s. The Syndicate Bank & Ors ILR 2004 Kar. 2240).

The articles of charge should be based on the original documents and the Disciplinary Authority has to apply its mind while framing the articles of charge as the application of mind should be that of the Disciplinary Authority alone.

Framing of charges merely on the basis of Audit Reports, Inspection Reports of Preliminary inquiries without looking into the original documents on which those reports are based shall, as far as possible be avoided since it may in certain circumstances vitiate the proceedings on the ground of non-application of mind by the Disciplinary Authority.

The articles of charge should consist of the substance of the imputations of misconduct in clear terms based on the statement of allegations prepared with reference to the original documents.

All the facts in the articles of charge and statement of imputations of misconduct in support of the articles of charge must be verified with reference to the evidence available. Suspicion however strong in nature cannot take the place of proof (Union of India V/s. H.C.Goel reported in AIR 1964 SC 364). Therefore,

charges should not be based on suspicion. In my case all the three charge sheets are based on suspicion and conjectures.

The Disciplinary Authority may prepare the articles of charge or that authority can have the draft articles of charge prepared by another authority; but the application of mind in taking a decision should be that of the Disciplinary Authority alone. In other words, the charge sheet must have the approval of the Disciplinary Authority. Non-application of mind in looking into the charge by the Disciplinary Authority vitiates the charge itself (Lokinder Singh Chaudhary V/s. State of Haryana 1970 SLR (P & H) 363).

While preparing the charge, the authority should look into the original documents based on which charges are to be framed. It is to be noted that original documents based on which charges are prepared may have to be produced for inspection by the employee on demand from him to enable him to submit

statement of his defence in reply to show cause notice containing the articles of charge etc., (State of U.P. V/s. Shatrughan Lal & Anr. (1998) 6 SCC 651). Hence, while preparing the charges, the Disciplinary Authority must be in possession of the original documents or certified copies taken from the originals if the original documents have already been produced before a Court of Law.

Audit reports, inspection reports, investigation report etc., may be used for preparing a charge but charge should not be prepared only on the basis of such report. The documents (original) referred to in such reports should be relied upon to frame the articles of charge and not merely such reports. Therefore all the three charges sheets deserve to be quashed since the basic principles of law and ethics has not been followed while framing the charges.

The covering letter to CS No.344/ Sibbandi/ MDCCWS/ 2010-11 dtd.5-11-2010 reveals the closed mindedness of Disciplinary Authority. In the third para it is mentioned that, in case of refusal to agree with the charges the Inquiring

Authority will be appointed to inquire into the matter. This is not the procedure to be followed. In cases where charges are refused with details, then the Disciplinary Authority has to take decision whether inquiry is required or not. This is the correct procedure to be followed. But unfortunately in this case correct procedure has not been followed. Notice to be issued by the Disciplinary Authority should not be defective. The initial defect in the notice issued by the Disciplinary Authority cannot be cured by the Appellate Authority (Nooli Channayya Smaraka V/s. State of Karnataka by its Secretary, Education Department, Bangalore & Ors ILR 2004 Kar. 4133). Therefore entire domestic inquiry is void abinitio i.e., right from the beginning.

I have given common reply on 13-12-2010 against both the charge sheets dtd.5-10-2010 and 2-12-2010. The Disciplinary Authority did not apply his mind while ordering for inquiry on 10-11-2010. In the said inquiry order dtd.10-112010, the Disciplinary Authority referred the reply letter dtd.21-10-2010. My reply letter is not dtd.21-10-2010. Till date, I am not aware of the fact which reply letter dtd.21-10-2010 has been cited by Disciplinary Authority in his inquiry order dtd.10-11-2010. Not considering my reply, Disciplinary Authority has ordered for inquiry on 10-11-2010. Non-consideration my replies to charge sheets reveal the closed minded approach on the part of the disciplinary authority. To consider means, there must be a proper consideration to deliver justice. (M.Raja Rao V/s. G.M. 9P.W.), H.O., Canara Bank -1999 (5) Lar.L.J 428]. Relevant extract of para 5 of the judgment of the Honble High Court of Karnataka in M.Raja Raos case is furnished hereunder: 5 Consider as contemplated postulates consideration of all the aspects, the pros and cons of the matter. The dictionary meaning of the word consider is to review attentively, to survey, examine, inspect, to look attentively, to contemplate mentally, to think over, mediate on, give heed to, take note of, to think deliberately, bethink oneself, to reflect.

Since my reply to the charge sheets are not considered the entire inquiry is void abinitio i.e., right from the beginning.

The Disciplinary Authority appointed an Advocate Sri.D.S.Shivaprakash. As per Government order No.Se.Aasu.E. 3 Say.E.V 96, dated 24-4-1998, only the Retired Judges have to be appointed as Inquiring Authorities. There is no provision to appoint an Advocate as Inquiring Authority. Therefore Appointment of an Advocate as Inquiring Authority is illegal and inquiry is void abinitio. The said Advocate who had functioned as Inquiring Authority has committed lot of incurable irregularities in conducting inquiry by disclosing his prosecution bias and by closing the doors of reasonable opportunity to the delinquent.

Even more shocking factor is that, during the process of inquiry with reference to I and II charge sheet, the Disciplinary Authority had issued III charge sheet dtd.8-3-2011. No opportunity has been given to me to reply against III charge sheet dtd.8-3-2011. Without giving such opportunity, Inquiring Authority meaninglessly had conducted inquiry with reference to Charge No. III and held that charges were proved. When I had objected against the conducting of inquiry with reference to III Charge Sheet dtd.8-3-2011, the Inquiring Authority without recording orally told that, if you want, you record those points in your Written Argument or to go to Court of Law. The principles of natural justice provides for appointment of Inquiring Authority after consideration of the reply from the Employee to the show cause notice containing the charge memo or if no reply is received within the time granted for submission of his reply. If an Inquiring Authority is appointed even before (a) considering the reply of the Employee to the charge memo, if he has submitted his reply within the time granted or (b) expiry of the time granted to submit his reply to the charge memo, then the procedure adopted would not be fair and it leads to an indication of the mind of the Disciplinary Authority that the inquiry shall proceed irrespective of the reply from the Government servant to the charge memo and therefore, further inquiry is

likely to be vitiated (State of Punjab V/s. V.K.Khanna AIR 2001 SC 343). This shows the closed mindlessness of Inquiring Authority. This is why Government in GO No. No.Se.Aasu.E. 3 Say.E.V 96, dated 24-4-1998 has directed all the Departments / Organizations directly or indirectly under its control to appoint retired judges as Inquiring Authorities.

The charge No.4 in Charge Sheet III pertains to reconciliation of accounts. All the branches of Janatha Bazaar are regularly doing transactions with the Government Departments and Government organizations etc., and with the wellestablished private institutions. There are frequenting errors in respect of crediting one cheque in favour of one unit of Janatha Bazaar to another unit of Janatha Bazaar. For these kind of mistakes every official in Janatha Bazaar was and is responsible. But no loss has taken place and no loss will going to take place, because most of customers are Government Departments. Reconciliation has to be updated and the debtors have to be identified and the balance has to be recovered. Suspense accounts have to be investigated and should be taken against the sundry debtors. The Management Authorities at different level are fully aware of these facts. These matters have been discussed in the monthly Business Committee meetings. The Director in person had participated with me in the debt recovery actions. The connected files on all these matters clearly reveal the correspondence that has been done with reference to the outstanding assets. Therefore it is incorrect held one person as responsible for irregularities of any. Only assumptions and presumptions have been made to target me. These points have been explained in detail during the inquiry. But it did not enter the hammer headed inquiry officer. I hope at least, this will certainly enter the head of Management and the Disciplinary Authority.

The preliminary hearing conducted on 11-1-2011 is defective and unreasonable. The Inquiring Authority did not apply his mind on the point of defence assistant to be engaged by me. Usually it is very difficult to find a reasonable expert in disciplinary rules. There may be many such experts (both

retired and still in service) in the Government Departments who are functioning as Defense Assistants. Such experts are not available in the MCDCCW Stores Limited. There is no rule, to limit to engage the services of an employee (or Rtd) from MCDCCW Stores Limited only. But Inquiring Authority made such kind of wrong assumption and did not allow me to choose and engage Defense Assistant outside MCDCCW Stores Limited. In other organizations private, semi-Govt. organizations, Educational Trusts, the Inquiring Authorities who are from District Judge Cadre allowed the Retired Government Servants to practice as Defence Assistants on behalf of employees of various other organizations. In this case Inquiring Authority did fail to apply his mind and did not allow such kind of opportunity to me. This stands in utter violation of Principles of natural justice. The other problem that I have faced is that, I was holding the Senior Position as Manager in MCDCCW Stores Limited. Most of the subordinates in the MCDCCW Stores Limited, Mysore are stand in the position of witnesses and in one way or the other they are connected to issues in this case. Also remaining very few is not aware of the very existence of disciplinary rules. I have explained all these circumstances on 11-1-2011 before the Inquiring Authority. But Inquiring Authority simply asked me either defend on your own or engage a coemployee or retired co-employee of MCDCCW Stores Limited. The Inquiring Authority did not give any reasons for such conclusions or orders. The Inquiring Authority instead of taking decision by not allowing me to engage defence assistant from the Government departments, he should have referred the matter to Disciplinary Authority to take appropriate decision. Eventhough Inquiring Authority has got no power to decide in such given circumstances, still he has taken decision at his level itself. 9. Recording of reasons is a part of fair procedure. Reasons are harbinger between the mind of maker of the decision in the controversy and the decision or conclusion arrived at. They substitute subjectivity with objectivity. As observed in Alexander Machinery (Dudley) Ltd. V. Crabtree (1974 LCR 120), failure to give reasons amounts to denial of justice. In this connection, the observations of the Honble High Court of Karnataka in Shenoy V/s. Disciplinary Authority (ILR 1994 Kar. 1550) and

NWKRTC V/s. Mohammad K.Sindgikar (ILR 2003 Kar. 202) as extracted below may be kept in view: 9. Nevertheless as observed by several learned Authors, in a case where the delinquent is not in a position to express himself or his livelihood is in stake, or that his social or financial status are likely to be ruined, or where several complicated questions are raised which the delinquent is unable to comprehend, etc., the question of such delinquent employee being afforded the assistance of a Counsel can be considered --------- Being non-expertise in Disciplinary rules I could not able to cross-examine the charge witnesses effectively. In the circumstances explained in this para, Inquiring Authority should have allowed me to engage an Advocate or to engage a Government Servant or a retired Government Servant to defend my case. But Inquiring Authority had committed very serious error and thereby he has defeated very concept of reasonable opportunity which is an essential backbone of principles of natural justice. Charge No.I; Remained absent after applying for one day CL on 3-7-2010, without, getting it sanctioned.

With reference to this First Charge, the Presenting Officer presented P-2 CL application, P-3 Notice regarding Unauthorized Absent issued by Managing Director and P-5 Attendance Register for the months of July-October 2010. The Inquiring Authority in his report argued that, AGO was holding the responsible post of Manager, he should have informed the Chairman before going on CL and to make alternative arrangement and held that this First Charge is proved. The Inquiring Authority report is argumentative on some portion and contains opinion on some other portion. Rather than conducting an inquiry, the Inquiring Authority had conducted Mahazar. The duty of Inquiring Authority is to analyze the strength and weakness of evidence of both sides and he has to give the reason for

preferring one evidence against the other. But in this case Inquiring Authority did not do such kind of analyses and therefore his report deserves to be rejected. The actual facts are, I have applied for CL on 3-7-2010 (Saturday). 4th being Sunday and Government Holiday and therefore I have not attended the office. 5th being Bharath Bandh, due to transportation problem I have not attended the office. On that day office also did not function. While proceeding on CL on 3-7-2010 I have clearly informed the Chairman about the urgency. Similarly on 6-7-2010 I tried contact the Chairman over phone. Since the Chairman was not available over phone, I have informed the Staff to pass on the information to the Chairman regarding necessity on my part to go on long leave etc. But these points not enquired into by the Disciplinary Authority before issuing of charge sheet No.I and also not considered during the process of inquiry by the Inquiring Authority. This shows a team has been formed against me to finish my carrier.

Once leave is applied it is the responsibility of leave sanctioning authority either to sanction leave or refuse to sanction leave. In this case nothing has been written on P-2 in the form of line of action. One cannot make an assumption saying that, I did not inform Chairman. Further again it is not correct to conclude that no evidence has been produced to prove the point of having informed Chairman. But while doing evidence analysis Inquiring Authority is erred in making such kind of assumption based conclusions. He has taken advantage of the trust in the system. There is enough scope to misuse or misinterpret the word trust. In this case had the Chairman and / or the Staff that I had contacted over phone had confirmed the truth on this point there would not have been so much of confusion over the point of unauthorized absence. Instead of helping me, the management started to give trouble and might have secretly instructed Inquiring Authority to put final nail. The Inquiring Authority did fail to analyze from the key angle i.e., is it possible

to obtain in writing and to make alternative arrangement in case of real emergency? unfortunately Inquiring Authority never thought of analyzing his findings from this point of view. Therefore the Inquiring Authority report which is argumentative type deserves to be rejected. His arguments are based on suspicion only and not on fact. Findings should not be based on suspicious evidence as mere suspicion should not be allowed to take the place of proof (Union of India V/s. H.C.Goel reported in AIR 1964 SC 364). In the

circumstance as explained in this para, it is very much confirmed that charge No.1 is not proved.

The Inquiring Authority is a regularly paid legal advisor for MCDCCW Stores Limited; naturally he has to act to the tunes for the management and Chairman. Therefore Inquiring Authority stands in the position of interested party and because of this reason right from beginning of inquiry till the end, verbally and nonverbally the bias was writ large on his face.

II Charge;

It is alleged that AGO remained unauthorizedly absent from 4-7-2010 and he had not handed over charge list. This has affected day-to-day business of organization. The Inquiring Authority had put questions including the leading questions to the witness Sri.Hanumanthashetty and recorded the statement. He himself obtained file from Presenting Officer, searched the documents and shown the documents to witness and marked it as p series of exhibits. With reference to charge No.2 Inquiring Authority himself identified P-4, P-2, P-3, P-5 to P-8. During the examination-in-chief, the Inquiring Authority may put questions to the Witness for the sake of clarifications; but no leading questions should be put to the Witness. Further, the Inquiring Authority should not put such questions to the Witness the answers to which are likely to strengthen the case of the Disciplinary Authority in proving the charge (S.Krishnan Nair V/s. The Divisional

Superintendent 1973 (2) SLR 353). In a case where the Disciplinary Authority had appointed an Inquiring Authority and had not appointed any Presenting Officer, the Inquiring Authority had examined all the five Witnesses on behalf of the Management and put questions to the Witnesses to elicit evidence in support of the case of the management. This is sufficient to hold that the Inquiring Authority was biased. Inquiry proceedings got vitiated from that stage (D.Muralidhar V/s. Central Bank of India reported in 2005 AIR Kant: H.C.R. 344).

The particulars as explained against Charge No.1 also holds good against Charge No.2, since the 75% the same matter of Charge No.1 has been repeated in Charge No.2. The fact of attempt to contact Chairman and Managing Director over phone No.243094 on 6-7-2010 remained unchallenged by Inquiring Authority (since Presenting Officer remained silent). Alternatively the fact of contacting the Accountants Smt.Jyothi Urs explaining the difficulty to attend the office has not been denied. She had confirmed that she had told Chairman and Managing Director regarding my inability to attend the office.

The other side of the Charge No.2 has not been proved by the Inquiring Authority during the inquiry process. Basically it is the responsibility of the Presenting Officer to prove the charges and it is not for the AGO to disprove the charges. In other words what is not proved need not be disproved. But Inquiring Authority who played the role of Presenting Officer did fail to prove these points specified in the Charge No.2. In a departmental inquiry, normally, the burden of proving the charges heavily lies on the prosecution (The Managaement of Sri.Siddaganga Education Society and Another V/s. S.Kumaraswamy and Another- ILR 2003 Kar 4715). Hence, the Presenting Officer leads evidence on behalf of the Disciplinary Authority in support of the articles of charge. In this case it is not correct on the part of the Inquiring Authority who has himself the examination-in-chief.

Sri.Hanumanathashetty is not a competent witness and the documents marked through him is a serious procedural irregularity and prejudicial to the interest of justice. If a document is to be relied upon during the course of inquiry, the author of the document has to be examined. If the author of the document cannot be produced for examination in the inquiry, the position is different. Hence, as far as possible, a document, the author of which can be examined during the course of inquiry may be relied upon. The principle is that the statement of a person who is not examined during the course of inquiry cannot be relied upon to prejudice the interest of either party. (Ministry of Finance & Anr. V/s. S.B.Ramesh (1998) 3 SCC 227). It should be ensured that documents should be got marked only by competent Witness, because admitting documents not from the competent Witnesses would amount to not proving such documents (G.V.Ashwathanarayana V/s.Zonal Manager & Ors. ILR 2004 Kar. 298).

There is no proof that, the business has suffered. Only assumption has been made to that extent. The organization has functioned normally. For the sake of using the words business has suffered they have been used in the charge sheet, i.e., mechanically without any sum and substance. In the same way Inquiring Authority used the said words in his report i.e., without application of mind. Therefore inquiry report looks like Mahazar Report. The Inquiry Officer has done investigation rather than inquiry.

There is no proof regarding the communication of P-3 dtd.9-7-2010 and P4 dtd.26-7-2010 to me. Proof of communication is not producing during inquiry.

What are the things and / or key/s in my custody? There is no answer. How does not handing over of such things / key affect the work? Not explained by any witness and also not explained in the charge sheet and there is nothing on record show about the loss caused to the Organization. The words business affected has been used in extreme bald manner. To be more clear, appropriate

reference of 11 (3) of Karnataka Civil Service (CC & A) Rules can be made. In this Rule 11 (3) it has been clearly mentioned that charge must be specific and distinct. In other words it cannot be bald or vague. But in my case, the words business suffered has been used in totally vague terms. The point to be noted is that, it is not possible to anyone to answer for such bald charges. Therefore Inquiring Authority quiet trickily held that this charge point is proved because of his inborn attitude of prosecution bias and he was and is a regularly paid legal consultant.

The job chart does not describe or mentions the custody of materials with an employee. The Inquiring Authority did fail to understand this basic point. Therefore reliance made by the Inquiring Authority on P-5 to P-8 does not make sense at all.

The comparison between the different dates under different indicators should have been done to prove the point of view how business has suffered. All these points clearly prove that Inquiring Authority has taken the role of Disciplinary Authority to say that charges are proved without getting into the length, breadth and height of evidences. Therefore assumptive based and bald based evidence analysis of Inquiring Authority deserves to be rejected. Therefore the charge No.2 is not proved even within the limits of preponderance of probability.

Additional charges No.1 & 2;

Inquiring Authority did not conclude these two Additional charges since the matter is pending in 2 JMFC Court CC. 791/ 2003. Hence my opinion or statement of these additional charges No. 1 & 2 is nil.


Additional charge No.3;

Inquiring Authority held that Additional charge No.3 is proved. It is alleged that, as Manager in the First Unit, disposed the old records and papers without following the rules and by exercising the powers which he is not having.

With reference to this charge Inquiring Authority relied on P-16 to P-19. Inquiring Authority failed to look into the very basics of evidence. The Inquiring Authority who has taken the role of Presenting Officer should have answered against 2 key questions in his report, i.e.,

Where is the document containing the delegation of powers in respect of Auctions? Which Stores Rules has been violated?

The Inquiring Authority did not cite any rule / rule book in his report. His report is totally bald without analysis, eventhough he has asked the words analyses.

It is not disputed that, most of the times I was holding the additional charge of Chief Executive Officer. In the capacity as I/c Chief Executive Officer I have taken decision to auction the old papers. It is a routine procedure and precedent based procedure. The Business Committee, Chairman and M.D are fully aware of such kind of procedure. There was no necessity to raise this issue as if it is a new one. The actions taken etc. will always be used to be placed before the meeting of Business Committee during the next month. The Business Committee used to ratify the same. This is a routine matter and there is no adversity or specialty in it. The matters which are subject to post-fact approval or ratification cannot be a subject of disciplinary matters. In this case auction sales vide P-16 to P-18 has been ratified in R-2 and In R-3. Once ratified there cannot be a charge. That


means charges have been framed with an vengeance attitude and without application of mind.

The above details clearly show that the Inquiring Authority did fail to apply his mind properly without referring the rule book and ratification issues. Therefore the report of Inquiring Authority deserves to be rejected. The Additional Charge No.3 is not proved.

Additional charge No.IV;

The Inquiring Authority has held that, the Charge No.4 is proved. It is alleged that, in the First Unit, the AGO did not taken any action with reference to the accumulated amount from number of years under the head Sundry Debtors to the extent of Rs.50,52,589 as per 2008-09 Audit report.

For this charge Inquiring Authority has identified P-20, P-21 and P-22. Basically Inquiring Authority did fail to look into the following points,

Audit Report shall not be the basis to frame the charge sheet. Audit Report is only a secondary document and it is not a primary document. Documents cited in an Audit Report are Primary documents. Such primary documents should have been produced during the inquiry. The primary documents should be verified and only after reaching the prima facie point charge sheet may be framed. Merely reproducing the conclusions in Audit Report in the charge sheet is nothing but without application of mind. The Inquiring Authority did fail to understand this basic point.

The sundry debtors accumulation period i.e., from and to not specified in charge sheet. Also this has not been mentioned in the inquiry report. The incumbency period of officers/ employees and pro-rata responsibility has not been assessed. A charge sheet has been framed as if C Javarappa alone was existed.

The Inquiring Authority should have summoned records to verify the authenticity of my defence statement in the interest of Justice. Instead of doing it, Inquiring Authority in his report, mechanically mentioned that, AGO did not produce any documents in support of his defence statement, because it is easy for him to write like that. Now at this stage the Disciplinary Authority may please call for the records to verify the following points,-

Unit-2 outstanding dues merged with the Unit-1. What was the outstanding dues on 30-6-2007 in Unit-2. As on 31-3-2009 outstanding dues to be realized by Unit was Rs.20.43 lakhs. Outstanding dues to be realized by Unit 2 have been continued. Every month the status of Sundry Debtors i.e., outstanding assets reconciled Accounts, action to recover the arrears has been placed before Business Committee and Managing Director.

Follow up action has been taken as per instructions of Business Committee and Managing Director. Managing Director completely aware of the status of outstanding assets month by month and action taken on it. The cheques received without credit particulars worth Rs.10-75 lakhs has been held up in suspense Accounts. This has to be deducted out of sundry debtors as on 31-3-2009. Staff and Auditors shall put their own efforts to clear the suspense accounts as early as possible. Perhaps, the Inquiring Authority did fail to understand the meaning of the words sundry debtors, Outstanding Assets, bad debts, and suspense accounts.

The sundry creditors account no doubt showing the status of outstanding liabilities. Since there is no claimants and no litigations against this account, the balance of sundry creditors has to be closed and taken as revenue with the approval of Business Committee.

It is the basic responsibility of auditors to ensure that the re-conciliation of accounts has been done properly and then only they have to commence the annual audit. If reconciliation has not been done properly the auditors shall


themselves have to do reconciliations and then they have to commence audit. But in this case the auditors failed to follow the basic procedure. Under the instructions of Business Committee, even the pass-book system for each department has been introduced to effectively watch the recovery and to stop the supplies in case of continued over dues. The auditors did fail to narrate in detail the actions taken by the internal staff and ATN on Audit Report placed below the Business Committee. But Inquiring Authority did fail to call the original records pertaining to the above points. The Management is toothless in initiating legal action of recovery against the debtor-Government departments for the reason of losing business and because the MCDCCW Stores limited has to function directly under the nose of Officers belonging to Cooperation and Cooperative Audit Department. Therefore for having permanently fixed in this problem, the management identified soft target to wash of its hands.

All the actions, realities and situations clearly show that, I have taken sufficient action to the extent possible at my level. Therefore Inquiring Authority report has to be rejected.

Presenting Officer illegally deposed as witness:

In this case the Presenting Officer Sri.P.Sathish has been taken as witness by Inquiring Authority and Inquiring Authority put the leading questions to Presenting Officer and recorded the statement of Presenting Officer on 26-3-2011. Again further examination-in-chief of the Presenting Officer has been done 2-42011 i.e., in my absence. The documents from P-9 to P-15 were marked as exhibits. Examination-in-chief of Presenting Officer also done on 9-4-2011 and exhibits P-16 to P-22 has been marked. But at all the stages I was not allowed to do the cross-examination of the Presenting Officer. This kind of procedure as adopted by Inquiring Authority, if placed below the bench, no doubt bench will

call Inquiring Authority as a joker. Therefore report of Inquiring Authority deserves to be rejected. Only at the end Inquiring Authority realized his mistake and passed correctional order. But Inquiring Authority has done incurable damage, which no bench will excuse him.

Witness K.S.Hanumanthashetty was allowed to adopt the deposition made by the Presenting Officer Even worse is that Inquiring Authority allowed the witness

K.S.Hanumanthashetty to adopt the deposition made by the Presenting Officer. This reveals the maximum heights professional incompetency in conducting of inquiry by the Inquiring Authority.

Inquiring authority has leaded the evidence:

The Inquiring Authority has taken the role of Presenting Officer and put leading questions to the witness Sri.L.Narasihma Rao Peshwa and recorded his deposition. When Inquiring Authority puts the questions to the witness, it is not permissible for the AGO to cross-examine this shows the closed mindedness and prosecution-bias of the Inquiring Authority. This is with reference III charge sheet dtd.19-1-2011.

The entire inquiry has been conducted like spot Mahazar. The inquiry report is like argumentative in nature rather than contents of evidence analysis. While drafting the report of inquiry, it should be ensured that the report should discuss and spell out the reasons for preferring particular evidence against the other evidence. The report of inquiry should be a reasoned one and it should establish co-relation between the evidence on record and the findings (Anil Kumar V/s. Presiding Officer 1985 (3) SLR 26). The inquiring authority has done incurable damage by adopting the wrong procedure of inquiry in total violation of principles of natural justice. Now if this reply is referred to him it will result in

much more higher irregularity. There is no provision to conduct fresh inquiry or de-novo inquiry. Therefore the fees paid to the inquiring authority have to be recovered with interest from the inquiring authority.


The entire case has been conducted on the grounds of suspicion and conjectures. Charge cannot be sustained on mere conjectures in the absence of evidence. Hence, the findings shall not be based on conjectures. Since such findings based on conjectures do not sustain, the conclusions of the Inquiring Authority should not be based on conjectures. In the case of State of Assam V/s. Mohan Chandra Kalita and another reported was charged of making illegal collection of money from the villagers while distributing compensation amount due to them. He was removed from service. The Honble Assam and Nagaland High Court quashed the order of removal as the Inquiring Officer had based his conclusions on conjectures. The Assam State went in appeal to the Honble Supreme Court. The Honble Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of Assam State against the orders of the Honble High Court of Assam and Nagaland which had quashed the order of removal on the ground that the finding of the Inquiring Authority was based on conjectures. Suspicion however strong in nature cannot take the place of proof. Hence, any evidence of any Witness, either charge Witness or defence Witness, casting strong suspicion, if it is not corroborated either by documentary evidence or by circumstantial evidence is not worth relying upon (Union of India V/s. H.C.Goel AIR 1964 SC 364).

All the above particulars clearly show that Inquiring Authority has erred on legal count and on factual count. Inquiring Authority assumed answers for many non-existent evidence points. Factually no charges were proved against me. I deserve to be exonerated from the alleged charges in the 3 charge sheets, both on the honourable and on the technical grounds. Accordingly I herewith submit by


prayer to the Disciplinary Authority to pass the exoneration order by quashing the suspension order with consequential benefits with reinstatement.

Yours faithfully, Place: Date:

Manager, MCDCCW Stores Limited, Mysore, Residing at, # 3017, Ramamandira Road, Tonachikoppalu, Mysore-3.


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