Chat Log 190812

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Chatlog 190812 (19:09:53) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (19:26:17) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(19:26:45) Kinkyclawz: Hiya Fang. (19:26:50) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (19:27:02) Eileen: *sneaks in quietly* (19:27:05) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, hiya Eileen! How are you both this evening? (19:27:06) Fang: Hi KC...and Eileen too (19:27:11) Eileen: *hoping she is not spotted* (19:27:15) Eileen: Gah!!!!!!! (19:27:17) Fang: too late Eileen! (19:27:24) Fang: you're stealth skills need work (19:27:25) Eileen: *faints* (19:27:50) Fang: My stealth skills are great, people often call me a creep or say that I'm creepy (19:28:31) Kinkyclawz: *puts her infra-red goggles stealth-spotting goggles down* Oh dear. *tries to catch Eileen... (19:28:36) Fang: I'm fine but it's so damn hot (19:28:39) Kinkyclawz: *woefully late* (19:29:13) Eileen: *still thinks nooone has spotted her* (19:29:27) Fang: I wonder if Eileen will be here tonight KC (19:29:57) Kinkyclawz: It is, ar too warm. *is grunbling in an entirely British way* (19:30:13) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, I'm not sure, Fang she's usually here by now. I wonder where she is? (19:30:34) Fang: yep we've been moaning about the unseasonal weather for ages but now the sun has turned up (unlike that Eileen) we moan (19:30:50) Fang: she probably thinks she's too good for us, you know what she's been like lately (19:30:53) Kinkyclawz: Grunbling is less annoying that grumbling, of course. (20:32:05) Fang: yeah it goes grumbling>Grunbling>Eileen in the annoying scale (20:32:09) Eileen: *giggles and hopes she stays undetected* (20:32:26) Eileen: so far so good (20:32:36) Fang: your giggle sounded strangely German then KC (20:32:40) Eileen: *wonders if she just said that out loud* (20:33:04) Fang: and yes so far so good without you know who being here (20:33:12) Eileen: *startles* oops! (20:33:38) Eileen: *shouts* But I'm here! (20:33:41) Eileen: Oops!

(20:33:47) Fang: what? (20:33:54) Fang: oh hi Eileen (20:34:02) Fang: yay! you're here! (20:34:02) Eileen: *hides again thinking* That was not wise! (20:34:04) Fang: hooray! (20:34:06) Fang: etc (19:34:09) Kinkyclawz: Hey, such a talented artists and athletes as Eileen might have a lot of offers for commission work. Maybe she's too busy making those cute canaries to come tonight? (19:34:10) Eileen: Oh uh, Hi Fang (19:34:18) Eileen: I... I just arrived! (19:34:31) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, hello Eileen! (19:34:37) Eileen: Hi KC! *grins* (19:34:42) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (19:34:45) Kinkyclawz: 8grinz back* (19:34:51) Kinkyclawz: Hey Genie!! (19:34:52) Eileen: *thinks* I'm so good! They didn't have a clue. (19:34:53) Aubergine: Hello (19:35:01) Eileen: Hello Genie! (19:35:07) Kinkyclawz: How are you? (19:35:08) Eileen: How are you three tonight? (19:35:10) Aubergine: Hi Chatpackers (19:35:34) Kinkyclawz: (Psst, could you please send me the chat Eileen? My chat's being a bit of a pain tonight.) (19:35:47) Eileen: (will do!) (19:35:55) Fang: but she just got here? (19:35:57) Kinkyclawz: How are you, dear Twister? (19:35:59) Aubergine: oh a pain in the chat (19:36:04) Fang: talking of just got here, hi Genie! (19:36:11) Aubergine: doesn't sound goof. (19:36:21) Aubergine: or good^^ (19:36:22) Fang: oh I don't know we're usually goofs (19:36:28) Fang: apart from sensible Eileen (19:36:40) Kinkyclawz: (Thankies!!) Oh dear, I forgot that part Fang. How silly of me. (19:37:00) Kinkyclawz: A pain in the goof isn't good, a pain in the chat is worse. (19:37:00) Aubergine: Hi Fang (19:37:01) Kinkyclawz: (19:37:17) Kinkyclawz: Aww, yes, Eileen is sensible... if a little late.

(19:37:43) Fang: yeah unusually uneficent (19:37:50) Eileen: Hey! I'm not a pain in the goof! (19:38:15) Kinkyclawz: No, you're definitely not a pain in the goof. (19:38:31) Eileen: and not inefficient! (19:38:31) Fang: can't say I've heard that experession before, I likes it though (19:38:47) Fang: oh no not little miss Eileen, never! (19:38:56) Fang: *stays angry at Eileen for some reason* (19:38:58) Eileen: *nods* (19:39:05) Eileen: exactly Genie (19:39:16) Eileen: it never starts before you! (19:39:30) Eileen: hmmm *wonders if Fang is angry at her for some reason* (19:39:37) Fang: exactly? am I missing lines, the last thing I have Genie saying is "Hi Fang" (19:39:42) Aubergine: well at least I have no knowledge of a party before I get there (19:39:45) Kinkyclawz: ?? Hmm, I think I'm missing lines. (19:39:54) Eileen: Oh (19:39:55) Fang: oh no not you too (19:39:57) Eileen: Not good (19:40:03) Fang: I bet Eileen took them (19:40:04) Eileen: I see everything I think (19:40:10) Eileen: hey! (19:40:25) Fang: *typical Eileen attidude, thinks she sees and knows everything* (19:40:40) Kinkyclawz: attidude? (19:40:49) Kinkyclawz: Eileen's not a guy. Right? (19:40:51) Aubergine: oh dear lover tiff (19:40:59) Eileen: no I'm not! (19:41:07) Aubergine: on the internet you just never know, KC (19:41:08) Kinkyclawz: Just a little one. I think the heat over here is getting to Fang, bless his cotton socks. (19:41:35) Kinkyclawz: Phew, good to know, Eileen. Ah.. there is that, Genie. Pokes tongue out @ Eileen. (19:41:59) Eileen: *pouts* (19:42:20) Eileen: why are you wearing cotton socks, Fang? (19:42:28) Eileen: you should wear flip flops (19:42:31) Fang: well if she's actually a guy it'll be a bigger tiff (19:42:34) Kinkyclawz: Maybe Eileen's attidude is Fang? (19:42:46) Eileen: must be (19:42:55) Eileen: my attilady is me

(19:42:56) Kinkyclawz: *grinz* (19:42:59) Aubergine: sounds better (19:43:08) Fang: what's wrong with my socks? pink and orange and brown striped socks are great (19:43:11) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Niiice! (19:43:27) Aubergine: as long as you're comfortable (19:43:29) Kinkyclawz: They're cool socks.. not quite sure about wearing them with sandals. (19:43:57) Aubergine: why not let everyone see your fancy cotton socks (19:44:00) Aubergine: are they homemade (19:44:32) Fang: no these are from the finest pound shop in town! (19:44:36) Aubergine: maybe you can start a trend in your area (19:44:50) Fang: they had loads of them if you want me to get you some (19:45:10) Eileen: yes please (19:45:19) Eileen: i want blue white striped! (19:45:25) Eileen: okay, got my zucchini (19:45:36) Aubergine: something with purple please for me, Fang (19:45:41) Fang: oh dear I don't ship to Germany (19:45:43) Kinkyclawz: We went from socks to zucchini... how? (19:46:00) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:46:00) Eileen: sent you the chatlog until here, KC (19:46:07) Aubergine: is this a paper zucchini (19:46:10) Eileen: you dont ship Germany? (19:46:14) Kinkyclawz: *hugz* Cheers Twister dear! (19:46:19) Eileen: no, this time a real one (19:46:41) Fang: *googles zuchhini* hmm very phallic, what are you going to do with it? (19:46:41) Eileen: okay I understand that (19:46:45) Kinkyclawz: Could you make a paper zucchini to keep your real zucchini comapny? (19:46:55) Eileen: 82 million are a bit much to ship at once (19:47:10) Eileen: i could (19:47:12) Eileen: lol (19:47:17) Kinkyclawz: Maybe split 'em into a couple of shipments? (19:47:25) Eileen: i mean make that paper zucchini not the shipping (19:47:26) Kinkyclawz: LOL (19:47:31) Eileen: lol (19:47:42) Eileen: okay one per shipment? hmmmm (19:47:54) Eileen: after adam riese that are 82 million shipments

(19:47:56) Eileen: that works! (19:48:03) Aubergine: are youmaking zucchini bread (19:48:10) Kinkyclawz: Might take a while for them to get to you. I see why shipping to germany could be awkward. (19:49:03) Fang: I'm still angry! (19:49:08) Eileen: no just steaming them (19:49:10) Fang: and so are my socks! (19:49:15) Fang: and sandals! (19:49:16) Eileen: why are you still angry? (19:49:21) Fang: steaming my socks! (19:49:23) Fang: barbaric (19:49:24) Eileen: and your socks and sandals? (19:50:03) Aubergine: oh cheer up ole son (19:50:17) Eileen: lad, chill! (19:50:26) Aubergine: life's too short to be angry on a beautiful Sunday (19:50:32) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:50:51) Eileen: exactamento (19:51:10) Aubergine: turn that frown upside down (19:51:12) Eileen: the vice of reason has spoken (19:51:19) Eileen: make a handstand! (19:51:22) Aubergine: always look on the bright side of life (19:51:33) Eileen: *hums melody* (19:51:38) Kinkyclawz: Or do a handstand so it looks liek you're smiling? (19:51:45) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, Eilen, I'm in your head! (19:52:08) Fang: right this is why, I thought I'd read the chat log to cheer myself up last week and this is what I saw (19:52:10) Fang: (21:06:17) Aubergine: They seem to be only looking for people already in the UK(21:06:42) Aubergine: Can we use your location as a home base(21:06:51) Eileen: lol(21:07:23) Aubergine: Don't worry Eileen I will think of something (19:52:11) Eileen: yeeehes (19:52:19) Kinkyclawz: *joins in singing along to always look on the bright side of life* (19:52:43) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh... the application, of course! (19:52:45) Fang: (21:07:36) Kinkyclawz: Hmm... put my address.(21:07:3 Kinkyclawz: ?(21:08:16) Kinkyclawz: Or Fang's?(21:08:23) Kinkyclawz21:08:27) Eileen: oh god(21:08:29) Eileen: nooo!(21:08:32) Kinkyclawz: LMAO(21:08:40) Aubergine: lmao(21:09:20) Aubergine: okay now I need some measurements(21:09:2 Aubergine: what's your shoe size(21:

(19:53:06) Fang: 3 seconds to react to staying with me! that's all (19:53:06) Kinkyclawz: We're re-reading last week's chat... this is relevant? (19:53:14) Eileen: rofl (19:53:21) Aubergine: well I think she didn't want to use your address because you weren't here (19:53:26) Fang: not even thinking about it (19:53:27) Kinkyclawz: Oh, of course it is! (19:53:48) Kinkyclawz: I see now why you shared. (19:53:51) Eileen: i was afraid of becoming famous (19:53:57) Aubergine: she was just being thoughtful (19:54:04) Kinkyclawz: Fame wouldn't change you! (19:54:18) Eileen: and I know how clean you place it, it would just be too hard to let me stay there (19:54:29) Eileen: it would have been unclean very sooon (19:54:31) Fang: is this because of my socks again! (19:54:38) Aubergine: and she was afraid if she got famous your house would be overrun with fans (19:54:39) Kinkyclawz: You'd stop those big budget productions to come and play on here with us on Sunday evenings/mornings... right? (19:54:44) Fang: I don't mind you getting dirty in my house (19:55:03) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (19:55:06) Fang: but it's too late now (19:55:09) Eileen: exactly!!! (19:55:12) Eileen: overrun! (19:55:19) Kinkyclawz: The three second time limit expired? (19:55:27) Eileen: i need a place to hide from the paparazzi (19:55:43) Kinkyclawz: about 2mins ago (19:55:54) Kinkyclawz: a bolt-hole. (19:56:02) Fang: if she'd politely declined after two mintues that would be fine (19:56:12) Fang: I think two minutes is a reasonable time even if some people don't (19:56:48) Eileen: believe me (19:56:52) Eileen: fame would change me (19:57:03) Eileen: make my character ugly and me arrogant (19:57:10) Eileen: you would hate me (19:57:15) Aubergine: well that neither here or there as I decided our Eileen wasn't ready for fame and fortune (19:57:15) Kinkyclawz: *clings* NOOOO don't change Twister! (19:57:19) Eileen: so better stay unfamous (19:57:21) Kinkyclawz: We love you as you aaaaaare!

(19:57:23) Fang: llooks like it's already changing you (19:57:24) Eileen: or infamous (19:57:33) Fang: you still wouldn't be ugly though (19:57:41) Fang: unleess you were playing a zombie or something (19:57:47) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, you're definitely imfamous, at least in here. (19:58:14) Kinkyclawz: She'd be a pretty zombette (19:58:14) Aubergine: yes very infamous (19:58:17) Eileen: noooooooooo, it hasn't changed me! (19:58:24) Eileen: really really really! (19:58:30) Fang: ohhh I'm Eileen I'm too slim and famous for you and your socks (19:58:33) Aubergine: zombette.....cure (19:58:35) Eileen: *puts on more makeup* (19:58:44) Aubergine: or even cute (19:58:53) Eileen: oh i like that (19:59:02) Eileen: a mumbling stumbling zombette (19:59:06) Fang: right that's it I'm storming off again (19:59:09) Eileen: it would look so pretty (19:59:15) Eileen: *puts on more perfume* (19:59:20) Eileen: noooooooooooooo (19:59:20) Kinkyclawz: LOL In lots fo make-up? Naaaah (19:59:37) Eileen: Faaaaaaaang! (19:59:40) Aubergine: storming off don't do that (19:59:52) Eileen: *clings to Fang's leg trying not to lose her wig* (19:59:57) Aubergine: lets see if we can get to the heart of this situation (20:00:01) Fang: there;s only so much I can take but once she went for my best socks that was it (20:00:09) Kinkyclawz: Oh no. We'll miss yur awesome pound-shop socks and sandals if you storm off. (20:00:16) Fang: also it's far too hot so I'm gonna go off and watch the football (20:00:18) Aubergine: why are you wearing a wig? (20:00:24) Eileen: you still need to send me some socks (20:00:27) Eileen: you cannot go now! (20:00:33) Fang: I'm sure I'd have calmed down by next week (20:00:42) Eileen: Oh I hope you will (20:00:55) Eileen: I will have calmed up by then, I promise (20:00:58) Fang: btw do you work out when it's hot? I've been slacking due to the heat (20:01:06) Aubergine: wow not even intending to visit at half time (20:01:07) Kinkyclawz: Will your socks have calmed down too? They\re doing the

off-storming. You're just attached. Right? (20:01:11) Eileen: maybe we will meet in the middle and be soooooo relaaaaxed (20:01:19) Eileen: yes i do (20:01:20) Eileen: lol (20:01:40) Eileen: the socks are angry! (20:01:41) Aubergine: maybe if you took off your socks you can let off a little steam (20:01:48) Kinkyclawz: Ah, I've been working like a, like a... like a busy person. Today last day of shift. YAY (20:01:49) Eileen: its not my sweet calm lovely Fang! (20:01:54) Eileen: *sighs in relieve* (20:02:21) Eileen: but I have to say, I work in not out (20:02:25) Eileen: that would be too warm (20:02:28) Eileen: or not (20:02:33) Eileen: depends on the location (20:02:46) Fang: how do you work in? (20:02:55) Kinkyclawz: *grinz woth a stupid look on her face* I really didn't understand that Eileen. LOL (20:02:57) Eileen: *wonders why everyone has left and she is standing in the corner babbling like a lunatic* (20:03:00) Fang: half time is for my new Mario game (20:03:14) Eileen: lol (20:03:15) Aubergine: scary I got it right away (20:03:27) Eileen: lol yeah really scary (20:03:28) Kinkyclawz: *gives Eileen a red shield so she can babble about something with Hal* (20:03:34) Fang: calm, I'm always storming off or getting overexcited, it's like you don't know me at all (20:03:36) Eileen: you're half way there (20:03:45) Eileen: on your way to understanding my insanity (20:03:47) Eileen: Genie (20:03:48) Eileen: lol (20:03:50) Fang: oooooohoh living on a prayer (20:04:03) Fang: and now she's laughing at my distress! (20:04:04) Eileen: awwww Fang (20:04:12) Kinkyclawz: Take my hand and we'll make it I swear. (20:04:18) Fang: I'm even missing the start of the game for her! (20:04:24) Eileen: I'm not laughing at it! (20:04:24) Fang: and I've taken one sock off! (20:04:33) Fang: well that's it the other one is staying on!

(20:04:34) Kinkyclawz: You're such a lovely twoyfriend. (20:04:35) Eileen: Thanks for the red shield, KC! (20:04:38) Eileen: that is much better (20:04:46) Eileen: *coughs* (20:04:48) Aubergine: when you call my name (20:04:55) Aubergine: just like a prayer I'll take you there (20:04:56) Kinkyclawz: no worries. (20:05:07) Aubergine: in the midnight hour I can feel your power (20:05:10) Eileen: *dances to Genie's tune* (20:05:19) Kinkyclawz: MAdoonna!!! (20:05:21) Eileen: *hugs Fang* (20:05:22) Kinkyclawz: Erm, Madonna also. (20:05:27) Fang: don't try and calm me down with your sexy dancing (20:05:27) Eileen: no I'm not stoned! (20:05:30) Fang: and hugs (20:05:30) Aubergine: yay Madonna (20:05:36) Fang: and calming drugs (20:05:37) Eileen: dumdidumdaaaa (20:05:40) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:05:42) Fang: and pointy Madonna bra (20:06:12) Eileen: *wiggles her butt* (20:06:17) Fang: OK I'm calm but you're making me even hotter (20:06:19) Fang: ahhhh! (20:06:25) Fang: it's so hypnotic (20:06:30) Kinkyclawz: Sounds liek Eileen might be winning you and your one sock over, a teeny bit anyways. (20:06:53) Eileen: *continues to hug and dance with Fang* (20:06:56) Eileen: ah that is so good (20:07:00) Fang: *faints due to getting overheated and overexcited to Eileen's butt wiggling and falls out of the chat* (20:07:05) Fang: goodnight! (20:07:06) Kinkyclawz: Psst, nice thinking Genie! You realy are the Vice of REason for a reason. (20:07:07) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (20:07:19) Eileen: Opps! (20:07:24) Aubergine: oh bye fang (20:07:25) Eileen: where did he go? (20:07:28) Eileen: Fang??? (20:07:33) Kinkyclawz: Niiiiight... oh dear, I hope fainting out fo the chat hasn't hurt

him. (20:07:34) Eileen: Faaaaaaaaaang! (20:07:46) Eileen: *sobs* Where did he goooooooo??? (20:08:11) Eileen: *hugs KC and Genie and continues to dance* (20:08:27) Eileen: *whispers* Bye Fang (20:08:35) Kinkyclawz: *offers Eileen a shoulder to sob on* There there, you were just too sexy for him, he'll come back for more Eileen-booty later. Fear not. (20:08:48) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen back* (20:09:07) Eileen: really? *smiles again* (20:09:27) Kinkyclawz: I'm certain of it. *smiles back* (20:09:28) Eileen: *hugs both again* (20:09:30) Eileen: love you! (20:09:35) Eileen: (20:09:45) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I love you too, my Twisters! (20:10:04) Aubergine: yes I you too Twiisters (20:10:07) Kinkyclawz: Would you like some zucchini cubes? (20:10:43) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sorry, distracted by zucchini at a time liek this? Bad KC! (20:10:58) Aubergine: are you having zucchini too (20:11:42) Eileen: yummy (20:11:49) Kinkyclawz: Only of the virtual variety. Is it good? (20:11:49) Eileen: im thinking about having more (20:11:55) Eileen: 500g only have 100 kcal (20:11:59) Eileen: (20:12:02) Eileen: i have 2 more (20:12:20) Kinkyclawz: Wow, does that mean it's not very filling thought? (20:12:33) Kinkyclawz: LOL Go on gal! (20:13:04) Aubergine: zucchini is like cucumber mostly water I thought (20:13:09) Kinkyclawz: I had the last piece of the cake I made on Tuesday. (20:13:31) Kinkyclawz: A bit like watermelon, maybe, then? (20:14:40) Kinkyclawz: in the liquid stakes... looks more like cucumber,as you say. *just googled it* (20:15:20) Aubergine: oh how did your cake turn out (20:16:10) Kinkyclawz: Delicious! I tried a new approack and made a hollow cake filled with fruit. *licks lips* It went down well, even Mum ate some. (20:16:30) Aubergine: sound good (20:16:39) Aubergine: and healthier (20:17:34) Eileen: sounds yumm! (20:17:37) Eileen: yummy (20:17:46) Eileen: just cut another zucchini

(20:17:58) Eileen: its so tasty with salt or other spices (20:17:59) Eileen: (20:18:24) Eileen: i think zucchini is a pumpkin kinda vegetable (20:18:30) Kinkyclawz: I made another one for the chat! *reveals a large cake, blueberries and apples in a raspberry dessert filling inside a soft sponge cake with buttercream and blueberries on top* Ok. not all that healthy, all in all, but good in small doses. (20:18:39) Eileen: so glad your cake turned out awesome (20:18:42) Kinkyclawz: Ah, it is? (20:18:50) Eileen: ah! i must not read this!!! (20:19:03) Kinkyclawz: Eep, sorry Eileen! (20:19:18) Kinkyclawz: *blindfolds Eielen so she cannot read the chatlog* (20:19:49) Kinkyclawz: *However, Eileen and still see since KC blindfolded Eielen* (20:19:54) Aubergine: wow buttercream is my fave (20:20:08) Kinkyclawz: lemon buttervream? (20:20:13) Kinkyclawz: erm, buttercream? (20:20:26) Aubergine: sponge cake is light and airy so no calories there (20:20:46) Kinkyclawz: Hee, I like your thinking. (20:20:53) Aubergine: and fruit is good for you so check for goodness there (20:21:17) Kinkyclawz: We're ticking boxes all over for this one. (20:21:30) Aubergine: so maybe a little calorie in buttercream but with everything else being good for you it's okay (20:21:55) Kinkyclawz: Phew. *offers the cake for you both* (20:22:06) Aubergine: if you don't have a few calories a day we'd all waste away (20:22:13) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, Eileen? Still here suesse? (20:22:53) Kinkyclawz: *looks down at her pudgy belly* Hmm, I'd stand to lose a few pounds methinks. (20:23:53) Kinkyclawz: How is your zucchini Eileen? *sniffs* Smells good. (20:24:17) Kinkyclawz: Smells fresh and good. (20:24:38) Eileen: no, i dont want the cake (20:24:41) Eileen: lol but thanks (20:24:41) Aubergine: I think she went into zucchini overload (20:25:16) Kinkyclawz: Sounds liek Zucchini would be a perfect addition to a fruit salad. (20:25:44) Kinkyclawz: A pumpkinny-cucumbery vegetable would fit right in. (20:26:35) Eileen: lol (20:27:15) Aubergine: I don't think of zucchini as pumpkinny maybe more like a squash depending on the variety of zucchini (20:27:47) Aubergine: mostly around here we eat the italian zucchini which is more

like the cucumber (20:28:17) Kinkyclawz: I'm going to have to give it a try. (20:28:35) Kinkyclawz: If I can find somewhere around ehre that sells it. (20:28:55) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:29:47) Eileen: back (20:29:50) Eileen: sorry phone (20:30:08) Aubergine: was it fang? (20:30:31) Kinkyclawz: *yawns* M'dear, I think I'll be going in about half an hour. My bed is calling. (20:30:40) Kinkyclawz: WB! (20:31:07) Aubergine: must have been a long week (20:31:14) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:31:52) Kinkyclawz: It feels like a long week when one of my supervisors is off. The other one is.. he gets a bit stressed, poor thing. (20:32:27) Kinkyclawz: I think he has the angry socks that Fang bought. (20:32:34) Aubergine: he likes the title, but not all the work that comes with it (20:32:44) Kinkyclawz: Well put! (20:33:05) Kinkyclawz: Pretty much spot on. (20:33:28) Aubergine: I know lots of people like that (20:33:39) Kinkyclawz: It's not a laid back workplace really, I have to admit. (20:33:57) Kinkyclawz: *wrinkles nose* Not always easy to wrok with, are they? (20:34:16) Eileen: back (20:34:24) Eileen: no its was my mom (20:34:34) Kinkyclawz: WB again! (20:34:46) Aubergine: wb (20:35:04) Aubergine: Hi Eileen's Mom (20:35:08) Eileen: oh dear (20:35:32) Kinkyclawz: Hi Mrs W! (20:35:39) Eileen: reminds me that i had my appraisal (?) interview last week and I was soooo nervous (20:35:44) Eileen: lol still a Miss (20:35:45) Eileen: (20:35:50) Eileen: but it went well (20:36:12) Eileen: i hope your supervisor is better to you and your colleagues, KC or he will get to know me (20:36:13) Kinkyclawz: Oops, sorry Miss Eileen-mother. (20:36:20) Eileen: rofl (20:36:27) Eileen: you mean my mom (20:36:28) Eileen: i see

(20:36:35) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks Eileen! I'll be sure to let him know. (20:36:43) Eileen: yeah she is mrs. sorry that was a miss (giggles) understanding (20:36:56) Aubergine: lol (20:37:15) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, thank goodness your appraisal went well. And why wouldn't it have-they're lucky to have you. (20:37:35) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:37:39) Aubergine: I'm glad she's a Mrs or I didn't really understand how your Dad fit in (20:38:10) Kinkyclawz: LOL A lady of the world as yourself doesn't understand that? (20:38:36) Kinkyclawz: Hi Mrs W (again)! (20:38:39) Eileen: rofl (20:38:50) Kinkyclawz: LOL That was a good misunderstanding. (20:38:56) Aubergine: well as the family all has the same last name and everything (20:39:13) Eileen: did you understand Miss? (20:39:14) Eileen: ;P (20:39:39) Kinkyclawz: No, I Miss-understanded. (20:40:00) Aubergine: I thought miss went with the job (20:40:09) Aubergine: I hope I understand (20:40:09) Eileen: lol (20:40:31) Kinkyclawz: It's a bit hit and miss, methinks. (20:40:34) Eileen: next zucchini! (20:40:45) Kinkyclawz: LOL YAY! (20:41:11) Eileen: when we go in a few i will MISS you! (20:41:13) Kinkyclawz: I thinkyou udnerstand mroe than I do, Genie. (20:42:47) Kinkyclawz: AWWW, and when we're together, we're un-MISS-able. (20:42:54) Eileen: I's all so missterious (20:43:07) Eileen: we are!!! (20:43:14) Kinkyclawz: IT adds to our Miss-tique. (20:43:20) Aubergine: yes getting to be a big miitery (20:43:55) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:44:19) Aubergine: that didn't come out right (20:44:26) Aubergine: big misstery (20:44:38) Eileen: you missed a letter (20:44:46) Kinkyclawz: We understood perfectly though so s'awl good. (20:44:48) Aubergine: bad miss-spelling (20:45:08) Kinkyclawz: It was a miss-take. (20:45:40) Aubergine: lol (20:46:01) Eileen: ouch (20:46:28) Eileen: just bit my mouth

(20:46:53) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, are you ok? Naughty zucchini! (20:46:54) Aubergine: oh Eileen has had a miss-hap (20:47:03) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:47:04) Eileen: lol Genie (20:47:15) Eileen: you did not miss that one (20:47:18) Eileen: (20:47:20) Eileen: yeah im okay (20:47:36) Eileen: its just bleeding a bit and as im not a vampire it doesn't taste good (20:47:54) Kinkyclawz: A bit coppery, huh? (20:48:01) Eileen: yup (20:48:08) Eileen: and warm (20:48:09) Eileen: yuk (20:48:29) Aubergine: hope you didn't get it on the zucchini (20:49:42) Eileen: its in my mouth so i got it on the zucchini (20:49:43) Kinkyclawz: Aww. Even though it tastes bad, keep licking the wound Eileen. Saliva helps healing. (20:49:43) Eileen: lol (20:49:59) Eileen: yeah it does (20:50:05) Eileen: (20:50:12) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (20:50:36) Eileen: infact its the area that heals quickes when wounded (20:50:38) Eileen: lol (20:50:45) Aubergine: canine saliva is best are you near a werewolf by any chance (20:50:57) Eileen: rofl (20:51:02) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (20:51:11) Fang: *wakes up* (20:51:20) Kinkyclawz: It is, but it does feel like it takes forever to heal, doesn't it? (20:51:22) Eileen: Fang! WB! (20:51:31) Aubergine: aw Fang has joined us just in time to say night (20:51:48) Eileen: it does (20:51:52) Fang: oh no not you two as well (20:52:01) Fang: it was bad enough when it was just Eileen (20:52:01) Eileen: but i doubt KC would want to help me with my wound in my mouth (20:52:03) Eileen: *coughs* (20:52:07) Fang: and I'd calmed down and everything (20:52:08) Kinkyclawz: See, I said he'd be back. Hi Fang! (20:52:27) Eileen: *hugs Fang again* (20:52:28) Fang: this isn't helping my blood pressure (20:52:36) Aubergine: he miss-ed us

(20:52:41) Fang: what's wrong with your mouth Eileen? (20:52:55) Eileen: awwwww (20:53:04) Eileen: i bit a bit out of it (20:53:05) Eileen: lol (20:53:13) Eileen: and the blood doesnt taste that good (20:53:24) Fang: oh, I see...perfectly normal then... (20:53:36) Kinkyclawz: it was a misshap. (20:53:45) Eileen: yep perfectly normal for a sunday evening/noon (20:53:50) Eileen: it was! (20:53:56) Eileen: you did not Miss that one! (20:54:16) Fang: bloody Eileen (20:54:22) Kinkyclawz: Ah.. there are limits Eileen. *hands Eileen a plaster/band aid instead* (20:54:41) Eileen: thanks but i will only get it wet (20:54:43) Eileen: hehe (20:54:50) Eileen: better than bloody hell I would say (20:55:05) Kinkyclawz: It will. I was being miss-chevious. (20:55:27) Fang: I didn't realise you were into biting (20:55:49) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (20:56:29) Eileen: lol I didnt either (20:56:39) Eileen: but obviously my teeth are (20:56:40) Eileen: tsk (20:56:42) Fang: I'm also surpised KC hasn't offered to take some of that blood away for you (20:56:53) Aubergine: it all starts somewhere (20:57:01) Fang: hmm maybe it would be best if you got rid of your teeth? (20:57:08) Fang: that would solve the problem wouldn't it? (20:57:15) Kinkyclawz: ^^ *hides the bloodied plaster* (20:57:56) Kinkyclawz: Sharp teeth and soft skin. (20:58:00) Fang: oh KC (20:58:04) Kinkyclawz: (20:58:12) Fang: shame Mitchell's support group shut down (20:58:29) Fang: it's OK we don't judge here (20:58:32) Fang: well not much anyway (20:58:33) Eileen: uhm KC, what do you have there? (20:58:37) Eileen: but i need my teeth (20:58:48) Fang: really? (20:58:51) Eileen: a bit of biting should not pull us apart, right? (20:59:06) Eileen: yeah

(20:59:11) Eileen: they are attached to me (20:59:12) Fang: Depends what you're biting really (20:59:15) Aubergine: just a bit of biting (20:59:20) Kinkyclawz: *looks innocent* Nothing. Nothing at all. *big, wide eyes* (20:59:25) Eileen: we've known each other for so long now (20:59:37) Kinkyclawz: *tries tp look like Puss In Boots from Shrek* (21:00:04) Fang: awww look at KC, so sweet and innocent (21:00:13) Fang: wait what? never thought I'd type that! (21:00:23) Kinkyclawz: *eyes get biggerer* (21:00:25) Aubergine: lmao (21:00:57) Kinkyclawz: LMAO It's like the Twilight Zone, isn't it Fang? (21:01:18) Fang: just be thankful our German chatter doesn't type BYAO (21:01:32) Fang: although... (21:01:36) Fang: no be thankful (21:02:04) Kinkyclawz: *is thankful* (21:02:40) Eileen: BYAO (21:02:49) Eileen: Whatever that means (21:02:51) Fang: ahhh (21:02:54) Kinkyclawz: AAAAARGH! (21:02:55) Fang: ouch! (21:03:00) Fang: Bite your ass off! (21:03:05) Eileen: oh! What did I do??? (21:03:08) Fang: that hurts! (21:03:10) Kinkyclawz: Oh, wait, overreaction. Not me. (21:03:13) Fang: why would you do that! (21:03:19) Eileen: did I kill someone? (21:03:25) Eileen: ahhh! (21:03:30) Fang: I won't be able to sit down all week now (21:03:31) Kinkyclawz: Bite Your Ass Off... ouch! (21:03:43) Eileen: oh nooooooooo (21:03:46) Fang: my poor socks wills get worn out (21:03:57) Eileen: *peels the bits out of her teeth* here you go (21:04:24) Aubergine: oh dear (21:04:35) Aubergine: that's going to leave a mark (21:04:47) Fang: er..thanks Eileen, lucky I don't have much of an ass anyway (21:05:03) Fang: and timelords can regrow the missing flesh in about a week so no harm done (21:05:04) Kinkyclawz: Aye, a mark with added zucchini. (21:05:16) Fang: I may even have enjoyed it if you'd give me some warning

(21:05:17) Fang: No! (21:05:30) Fang: keep the zucchini away from what's left of my ...nevermind (21:05:54) Kinkyclawz: ^^ Oops, sorry Fang. (21:05:57) Fang: oh dear we've broken down (21:06:03) Fang: time to go I think (21:06:08) Fang: goodnight all (21:06:21) Eileen: lol (21:06:22) Eileen: sorry (21:06:24) Fang: have a nice week and think of me whenever you're able to sit down (21:06:26) Aubergine: lol (21:06:30) Eileen: i had to get the images out of my head (21:06:32) Aubergine: bye Fang (21:06:38) Eileen: will do Fang (21:06:43) Eileen: rofl (21:06:49) Eileen: good night y'all!!! (21:06:54) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I will. Goodnight Fang, Goodnight Eileen, Goodnight Genie! *big hugz for all* (21:06:59) Fang: goodnight one more time (21:07:03) Eileen: MUAH! Bite uh love you!!! (21:07:05) Aubergine: toodles (21:07:10) Fang: *tardis noise* (21:07:11) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (21:07:14) Eileen: (21:07:22) Aubergine: goodnight KC and Eileen (21:07:34) Aubergine: have a wonderful week Twisters (21:07:36) Eileen: that gives the saying "Kiss my ass" a new meaning (21:07:37) Eileen: rofl (21:07:39) Kinkyclawz: Have an awesome week! (21:07:43) Eileen: you two too!!! (21:07:50) Eileen: with a tutu (21:07:53) Aubergine: sure does Eileen (21:07:56) Kinkyclawz: You too Genie! MUAH! (21:08:07) Aubergine: Mwah (21:08:08) Eileen: (21:08:09) Kinkyclawz: A tutu, and a yoyo? (21:08:18) Eileen: yup (21:08:26) Kinkyclawz: (21:08:46) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Eileen. I just saw what you said about Kiss My Ass! lmao

(21:09:06) Kinkyclawz: YAY for tutus and yoyos (21:09:10) Eileen: (21:09:14) Eileen: BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE (21:09:33) Aubergine: so loooonnnnnngggggggg!!!!!!!!!! (21:09:40) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat. (21:09:42) Kinkyclawz: Byeeeeeeeeeeee!! Be safe and ahve fun, Twisters!

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