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Freshers Week 2005 Edition



RCT Liberal Democrats Key Dates attack the role of women inThe Treforest Labour Party meets regularly to discuss a range of local and public life national issues.
In an outburst in the Pontypridd online community, Pontypridd Town Councillor for the Liberal Democrats Stephen Farr said, dont give the ladies to much power. Speaking on the matter, Deputy Chair of the Treforest Labour Party, Gemma Bennett said, What would the Lib Dems know about power anyway? They are an archaic backward party, more concerned with stopping having goldfish as funfair prizes what a joke!. Chair Mark Beech said that the Treforest Labour Party is welcoming to women and said that they are treated equally to men. In our history the Treforest Labour Party has achieved equality of men and women in our delegations and officer positions and have women representing us on the local council, he said, If women want to have a real say in how their community is run and seek high profile positions the best party for them to join is the Labour Party. Our next meeting in Treforest will be held on Wednesday 12 October at 8pm at the Treforest Boys Club, Queen Street The Pontypridd Constituency Labour Party will be meeting on Friday 14 October at 7pm at the Talbot Green Pavilions, Lanelay Road to discuss health issues.

Pedestrianisation of Pontypridd
The Labour-run Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council has said it expects the pedestrianisation of the main shopping street in Pontypridd to begin within the next two years. Labour Assembly member for Pontypridd Jane Davidson commented on the proposals; I am pleased to hear that this important step in Pontypridds regeneration is on its way, she said, I will strongly be supporting the Councils bid to the Assembly and look forward to creating an attractive town centre welcoming to all.

Students set the agenda

Glamorgan Labour Students now hold 50 percent of the officer positions in the Treforest Labour Party. We have been active in pushing for the Welsh Assembly to extend its grants to students from England and Scotland who chose to study at universities in Wales, such as Glamorgan. We have also been successful in getting the party to discuss more ethical approaches to foreign policy. You too can become involved and make a difference. To become a member telephone 08705 900 200, visit or complete the form on the back of this newsletter for a special introductory membership offer of 1.

Printed by Treforest Branch Labour Party, 2A Yr Hen Synagogau, Cliff Terrace, Trefforest, Pontypridd, CF37 1RF. Promoted by Jonathan Bishop, also at the aforementioned address.

Treforest not highbrow enough for Lib Dems

Karen Roberts, the Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokeswoman for the Rhondda, recently confirmed her true views about Treforest. Ms Roberts told the Pontypridd online community that she has only visited the Otley Arms 3 times in the last 4 years because it is not as highbrow as other establishments. Is Ms Roberts suggesting that the residents of Treforest are not as intellectually capable as her? The Treforest Labour Party are shocked that the Liberal Democrats are treating the astute and informed people of Treforest with such contempt.

Member of Parliament Dr Kim Howells 01443 402551 Assembly Member Jane Davidson 01443 406400 Borough Council Contact Jonathan Bishop 07092 107212 Community Councillor Avril Reid 01443 486103

Shape the future in Treforest and beyond

Dear Student, Welcome to the Freshers Week edition of the Treforest Branch Labour Partys newsletter in conjunction with Glamorgan Labour Students. The Labour club at Glamorgan is different from many other universities in that most of its members form part of the local Labour Party. Through the local Labour Party students are able to affect a range of government policy from the community council in Pontypridd to the European Parliament on the continent as a result of Labour Party members having direct access to elected representatives for nearly all levels of government. The Treforest Branch Labour Party meets regularly to discuss a range of issues affecting the community of Treforest, as well as issues of a global nature and we regularly make contributions to government and Labour Party consultations. We ask that you join us, to make your voice heard. Jonathan Bishop
Acting Chair, Glamorgan Labour Students Youth Officer, Pontypridd Constituency Labour Party Secretary, Treforest Branch Labour Party
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