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Instructions: 1) Print out and completely fill out application form (see below). 2) E-mail a copy of your filled-out application form to 3) Submit a hard copy of your application form to Ena Jarales (UDS 714 | 0906-2172981) on or before 15 September 2012. 4) Await further instructions regarding a personal interview (yes, you will be interviewed). Reminders: 1) Applicants must not be a member of the Dorm Council. 2) The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the COMELEC (and consequently, of COMELEC Commissioners) are stipulated as such in the 2010 ARSA Constitution: (a) Exercise control, supervision and original jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the candidacy, campaign, elections, plebiscites, and or referenda of the Central Board and the Hall Board; The Board of Commissioners shall be composed of a Chief of Commissioner and four other commissioners, duly elected by the incumbent Chief Commissioner and the rest of the COMELEC body by January or a month before the Central Board and Hall Board elections. (b) Promulgate rules and regulations concerning the previously stated matters as well as execute decisions, instructions and directives by virtue of a resolution; (c) Provide information to the student body on all election laws, procedures, decisions, and other matters related to the candidacy, campaign, elections, plebiscites and or referenda of the Central Board and the Hall Board; (d) Hear and resolve all protests, appeals, and complaints pertaining to the conduct of the Central Board and the Hall Boards candidacy, campaign, elections, and referenda. Having exhausted all means in resolving such, the COMELEC may forward cases or violations to the Residence Halls Director; (e) Investigate all cases involving cheating and dishonesty at the polls. All cases shall be treated as violations of the COMELECs Internal Code of Procedure and will be liable for disciplinary action to be imposed upon by the Residence Halls Administration. (f) Apply sanctions to the candidate in violation of the provisions of the Internal Code of Procedure; (g) The Chief of Commissioner shall have the power to call for special elections and to extend the duration of election period; (h) Thoroughly interpret and enforce the Internal Code of Procedures and exercise the bodys powers, duties and responsibilities to assure free honest and clean elections, special elections, plebiscites and or referenda.


Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Year & Course: ___________________________________ Birthday: __________________________

Contact details (mobile number, local number, e-mail address): _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Organizations outside ARSA: ____________________________________________________________ Committees inside ARSA: _______________________________________________________________ What did you think of the ARSA Special Elections last July 11-13? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you know how to use Microsoft Excel? __________________________________________________ Have you ever volunteered as a poll-watcher (inside the dorm or otherwise)? _______________________ Would you say that you have a messy corner in your dorm room? ________________________________ Have you ever seen a person drop his/her handkerchief on the floor in a public place (e.g. caf, CR, library)? _____________________________________________________________________________ Did you point out the dropped hanky to him/her? _____________________________________________ If you lied anywhere in the answering of this form, would you be willing to lie about it again when asked the same question in person? _____Yes _____No _____ Yes _____No

Did you take the last six (6) questions seriously?

Thank you for your interest in the ARSA COMELEC. Please submit this form on or before Sept. 15 to Ena Jarales (UDS 714 | | 0906-2172981). If you have any questions regarding the application, feel free to contact or approach her.

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