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Bowert Queensland 4805 ABN*' Fax

29tf! June 2012.

George Christensen Member for Dawson.

Dear George Visy is putting up our prices on tomato cartons 1,32% as-of I s July 2012 (see attached). This will cost the farm about $12,000.00. As we are price takers we have no way of passing on costs. Some of the prices of gas used in our refrigeration are going: up by 500% depending on the type of gas used, (see attached). These are 2price increases that-we know of. Obviously 1 don't have' to tell you. about the- flow on effect all other inputs will have on our profit margin which is very low in our enterprise. The next period of time is going to be the toughest (one should not wish away ones life) but we are looking forward to the next election. I hope you blow them away. Never have we seen such a dud government! On another subject (boats from Indonesia) thank heaven we have the water between Indonesia and Xmas Island. Stand your place on the people corning in and you can sort the people smugglers out when you are in Government, Suggestion Our farm employed up to 5Q Chinese who were displaced when that Tinemin Square was-on. They were-extremely good employees. Eventually they were assimilated in. Australia. I know of only -a couple who are left in Bowen. The 7,000 people that Tony said thai you would increase-of the 1.2,000 intake of Asylum seekers to around 20,000 could be placed around Australia either singly or in family groups. My Father came out from, the UK in the I93GJs and part of the- deal was that he had to- work on a farm (dairy) in the Lismore^/Casino area fora couple of years and then he was. allowed to go anywhere in Australia (He settled in Bowen). If we did something like this and. dispersed, the 20,000 people/year'all over Australia you wouldn't.see where they were absorbed into the. communities. If the guide, lines were that they had to appear at a Police Station and, show that they were in an. area for say 2 years. I would, hazard a guess that a large percent of them would end up staying in that community. Our Farm would be happy to give people like this a job (farm work only) presently 90% of the casual workers employed on our farm are from overseas (backpackers) Keep up the good work.

38 Cobalt Street, Carole Park OLD 4300 Australia Phone +61 ? 3248 1444 Facsimile +61 7 3271 2734 Visy Board Pty Ltd ABN 58 005 787 913 , www.visy.aom.iau

30 May 2012

BOWEN Dear The Introduction of the Federal Government's Clean Energy Legislation (introduction of the Carbon Pricing Scheme) on July 1 2012 will have an impact on the cost of doing business for Australian businesses. Like other major Australian companies, Visy is significantly impacted by the Carbon Price. We have been measuring, monitoring and working to reduce our carbon footprint since 2003. We have been reporting our total carbon emissions under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) for the past 3 years. Our emissions measuring and reporting program is audited by Ernst & Young. Earlier this year, we engaged Deioitte to provide advisory services in the calculation of the financial impact of the Carbon Pricing Scheme on Visy and to ensure business readiness with the introduction of the Clean Energy Legislation. The impact on Visy of the Carbon Price in year one will be substantial and is expected to rise over time. We will be using assistance programs (e.g. Emissions intensive Trade Exposed industry support) to help us remain competitive on export markets and against imports as well as minimising the impact of the Carbon Price on our domestic customers. However whilst EITE Assistance will reduce our overall exposure, it .will not eliminate it. As was intended by the Government with the introduction of the Clean Energy Legislation, Visy will be passing through to its customers the impact of the Carbon Pricing Scheme. This pass through shall be in Sine, with the emissions of the various product and service substrates we supply. This will allow our Customers to calculate their pass through costs to their Customers. The impact of the Carbon Pricing Scrierne for Visy Fibre is 1.32%. The increase will be effective on ail deliveries from 1 July 2012. Visy will continue to work to reduce our carbon footprint over time. For example we anticipate producing more of our energy needs from waste, which should eventually result in a reduction of our external energy purchases - a major contributor to emissions. in the meantime, in accordance with the Clean Energy Legislation, Visy will be passing on the impacts of the Carbon Pricing Scheme. We encourage you to speak with your saies contact point within Visy if you would like to discuss the implementation requirements. Yours sincerely,

Chris Lowcock General Manager - Visy Board Qld

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