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Synopsis of Major Project


Submitted To: Prof. Jatinder Singh Saini Project Guide: Lect. Manpreet Kaur

Submitted By: Mandeep Kaur(340/09/90060819483) Harpreet Singh(341/09/90060819467) Natish Kumar(D-343/09/100060894241) Amandeep Kaur(D-344/09/100060894223)

Hostel Management System

Introduction Hostel management is created to organize the rooms, mess, students record and the other information about the students. How many students can live in a room and other information regarding hostel. In manual work it is very difficult to find the record of the students and the mess bills of the students, and the information about those students who left the hostel some years before. Aim of Hostel management System

To replace the existing system which is much more time consuming.

2. The system will help Admin to check the mess bills of every student and the students hostel dues. 3. Providing automatic allocation of rooms. 4. To automate the gate enteries. Current System The current hostel management system involves hand-written records that are stored into various registers. This requires a lot of time as well as manpower. It is very difficult to maintain or update all the records and retrieving a certain data from such a number of registers is almost impossible. Limitations of Current System 1. Records are hand-written in registers. 2. Takes more time for allotment of rooms and calculating mess bills. 3. Any types of details are not available easily. 4. Any type of loss or damage of these registers causes the loss of many records at a time.

Proposed System
This System makes the Admin to store the details of the student in a data base and it is easy to retrieve the data whenever necessary. User should log in this software to use it. It can be used only by one person called the Manager to enter the student/staff records etc. Improvements over Existing System 1. Store the details of the student in a database that can be easily accessed. 2. Fast allocation of rooms. 3. Automatic calculation of mess dues.

4. Reduced paper work and man power Time Frame Required: We have three main modules of this project

Room Allotment Module Vacant rooms Allocated rooms Room strength

Mess Module Mess billing generation Mess usage details.

Attendence Module: Student detail Entry Timing

Project Users:
1. Admin Chief Warden Warden 2.Mess Contractor 3.Student
Tools and technologies to be used

1. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 2. Language :java script , Asp and PHP 3. Backend : Microsoft access and my Sql

List of references 1.

2. PHP: A Beginner's Guide 3. JavaScript: The Complete Reference

(Vikram Vaswani) (Thomas A. Powell, Fritz Schneider)

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