Performance Appraisal at Bhel

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Performance Appraisal at BHEL

Performance appraisal is an objective assessment of an individuals performance against well defined benchmarks.

Objective: To study the pattern of performance appraisal system employed in the organization. To understand how performance appraisal could be used as an effective tool to improve employees performance. To analyze the Performance Management System (e-Map) of BHEL in details. To analyze the problems faced by the appraisee and appraiser in the system. To analyze the steps taken up by the appraisers for the improvement of the performances of the appraisees.

Performance Appraisal Method

Non Executive
Online Annual Confidential Report



MAP Performance Cycle

MAP follows an April to March cycle and consists to three key phases:

Performance and Development Planning

Mid Year Review

Final Review

Performance cycle with key dates for each phase

Unit/Business Sector Draft budget End February

Off-line Performance Planning Score

May March Mid April

Appraiser Final Review & Feedback


Ongoing Feedback

On-line Performance Planning

Mid April End April


Mid-Year Review
September - October

Definition of Performance in MAP


Routine Responsibilities


Performance Plan

Development Plan

Performance and Development Plan

The system is divided into two parts: Part A: Key Result Area (KRAs) Part B: Skills/Competency Assessment

Part-A: Key Result Areas (KRAs)

The objective of Part-A is to select appropriate KRAs related to the individuals job.

Part-B: - Skills/Competency Assessment

The objective of Part-B is to assess the Skills/Competencies possessed by individuals.

Key People
Appraisee Appraiser Reviewer Head of Department (HOD) Accepting Authority

Research Methodology

Area of Sampling
The survey was carried out at BHEL Corporate office BHEL House Sirifort, New Delhi.

Sampling Technique
Simple Random Sampling Exploratory Research

Sample Size
The sample size for executives is 30.

Research Findings

Most of the executives are satisfied with the current scenario of performance appraisal as compared previous one. It also reduces biasness. Some appraisees find problem in selecting their KRAs. Most of the appraisers help their appraisees in selecting the KRAs. Formal feedback is given by the appraisers regarding appraisees performance. Some executives get job related training and they think it really helps them in their future growth.

Executive from E1 to E3 level are not satisfied with the present performance appraisal system. Appraisees find problem in selecting KRAs. Appraisees want that the score of Part-B should be known to them. Appraisers dont have any problem with the present system. Proper feedback is given to the appraisees.

Proper training program should be conducted about the E-map system for the new trainees. Whenever there are any changes in the KRAs the executives should be informed about it in advance. Executives should know that on what basis their performance being measured in PartB as this plays an important role at the time of their promotion. Some personality development trainings should also be provided apart from mere job oriented training.

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