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(Customized SAFALJEEVIKA Solutions)

Software Requirements Specification Version 3 18.08.2012

Subodh Kumar Gupta
Team Lead
Prepared by:

Safal Solutions (P) Ltd.

Plot No: 17, SBH Colony, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad. Andhra Pradesh 500015 Phone: 040-27992961 Visit us:

Revision History

15th March, 2012

Version 1

Subodh Gupta

Submitted by email and in hard copy but no comments were received Requesting Feedback/Acceptance on SRS Document submitted but no comments were received Submitted by email and in hard copy but no comments were received

12th June, 2012

Version 1

Subodh Gupta

03rd July, 2012

Version 2

Subodh Gupta

18th July, 2012

Version 3

Subodh Gupta

Document Approval The following Software Requirement Specification has been accepted and approved by the following: Signature Printed Name



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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 2. Purpose................................................................................................................................. 5 Scope of the Project.......................................................................................................... 5 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ................................................................. 6 References........................................................................................................................... 7 Overview............................................................................................................................... 8

General Description...................................................................................................................9 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Product Perspective.......................................................................................................... 9 Product Functions ............................................................................................................. 9 User Characteristics.......................................................................................................... 9 Constraints ........................................................................................................................10


Specific Requirements............................................................................................................11 3.1. External Interface .............................................................................................................11 User Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 11 Hardware Interfaces................................................................................................11 Software Interfaces .................................................................................................12 Communications Interfaces.................................................................................. 12

3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. 3.2.

Functional Requirements............................................................................................... 12 Household Survey Data Module:.........................................................................12 SHG, CLF, GPLF Profile and Funds Flow Transaction Module: .................13 Micro investment Plan (MIP) & Analysis Module: ........................................... 13 Skill Development of Rural Youth Module:.......................................................13 Livelihood Module:..................................................................................................13 Capacity building of staff and other stakeholders Module: ......................... 14 Human resource Module: ......................................................................................14 Finance Module:.......................................................................................................14

3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.2.4. 3.2.5. 3.2.6. 3.2.8. 3.2.10.

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Use Cases ..........................................................................................................................15 Household Survey Data Use Case:.....................................................................15 SHG, CLF, GPLF Profile and Funds Flow Transaction Use Case: ............. 15 MIP and Analysis Use Case:.................................................................................18 Skill Development of Rural Youth Use Case:...................................................19 Livelihood Use Case:.............................................................................................. 20 Capacity building of staff and other stakeholders .........................................20 Tracking progress of projects..............................................................................21 Human Resources...................................................................................................22 Procurement .............................................................................................................23 Finance....................................................................................................................... 23

3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.3.5. 3.3.6. 3.3.7. 3.3.8. 3.3.9. 3.3.10. 3.4.

Non Functional Requirements......................................................................................24 Performance: ............................................................................................................24 Reliability:..................................................................................................................24 Availability:................................................................................................................24 Security:..................................................................................................................... 24 Maintainability: ......................................................................................................... 25 Portability: .................................................................................................................25 Scalability ..................................................................................................................25

3.4.1. 3.4.2. 3.4.3. 3.4.4. 3.4.5. 3.4.6. 3.4.7. 4.

Analysis Model .........................................................................................................................25 4.1 Data Flow Diagrams................................................................................................................25


Change Management Process.................................................................................................31

ANNEXURE A.....................................................................................................................................32 ANNEXURE B.....................................................................................................................................72 ANNEXURE C ....................................................................................................................................99

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1.1. Purpose The project TRIPTI is implemented under Panchayati Raj Department of GoO. The GoO has formed a society named as Orissa Poverty Reduction Mission (OPRM) under which TRIPTI is a livelihood promotion project to be implemented in 10 districts (38 blocks) of Orissa. The project will work on existing platform of SHG federations developed by Mission Shakti which is a state level nodal agency for empowerment of women through formation and strengthening of SHGs and its federations. The purpose of Management Information framework for this project is to monitor the status of the enhancement of the socio-economic status of the poor especially women and disadvantaged groups in selected districts of Odisha. TRIPTI proposes to maintain and update the day-to-day information of their operational activities through a web enabled software system. The information needs to be analyzed and the MIS information is to be provided by the proposed software automatically. The assignment to develop the MIS has been awarded to M/s Safal Solutions through a competitive bidding process. Technical team of Safal Solutions has visited field operation and interviewed most of the staff at State level in addition to two days consultation workshop of the users in Bhubaneswar. system study document to TRIPTI. Safal team has submitted Further the team has prepared System

Requirement Specification document as per IEEE 830 standard. The purpose of SRS document is to present a Use cases, Input and Output data items, module wise functional detailed data requirement and Data flow Diagram. 1.2. Scope of the Project Scope of the MIS will cover the followings: 1. Module for tracking project components, rural unemployed youth, household baseline data, member wise SHG profile and its transactions, funds flow, progress of activities, grievance redressal, HR and procurement, MIP and its analysis.
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2. Software will able to provide output such as Dashboard, reports, email alert 3. MIS can be used in the project blocks have scope to extend 4. Data can be entered for each household and member wise SHG profile as well as all transactional data on day to day basis at Block/GP level to access the complete up to date information system by the management 5. The system will have flexibility, maintainability and easy interface with other application. 6. Software will have user based access and secure web connection 7. MIS will provide tools to State level management to track project level indicators. 8. Offline profile and SA household data entry and upload facility 1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations APL-Above Poverty Line BPL -Below Poverty Line BPFT-Block Project Facilitation Team CLF-Cluster Level Federation CRP-Community Resource Person CIF-Community Investment Fund CBO-Community Based Organization CC-Cluster Coordinator DFD-Data Flow Diagram DPMU-District Project Management Unit DPM-District Project Manager Dt Date EPVG-Extreme Poor Vulnerable Group GPLF-Gram Panchayat Level Federation GP-Gram Panchayat GoO- Government of Odisha

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HTML-Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP-Hyper Text Transfer Protocol IB-Institution Building MIS-Management Information System MIP-Micro Investment Plan NGO-Non Government Organization OPRM- Orissa Poverty Reduction Mission PHP-Hypertext Preprocessor PPIF-Pro Poor Inclusion Fund PDB Panchayat Database PD-Project Director RDB Report Database SA Self Assessment SHG-Self Help Group SPMU-State Project Management Unit ST-Scheduled Tribe SRS- Software requirement Specification TRIPTI-Targeted Rural Initiatives for Poverty Termination and Infrastructure UE User Entry 1.4. References a. Terms of Reference of the Project b. Proposal of Safal Solutions Pvt Ltd that was submitted for the MIS c. Technical negotiation document d. System Study Report submitted by Safal Solutions e. Software Engineering Principle and Practices by Rohit Khurana f. System Analysis and Design by John W. Satzinger

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1.5. Overview The SRS is organized into two major sections. The first is the overall description and the second is the specific requirements covering functional and Non-functional. The overall description will be describing the perspective, product functions and users characteristics; and the specific requirements section will be detailing on the requirement of the system using use cases, module wise input and output data fields, data flow diagram. Based on the negotiation with TRIPTI, Safal Solutions has adopted seven modules of SafalJeevika developed for Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society, Bihar for customization. It is to be noted that the contract price was reduced for the fact that MIS will be customized solutions. Current MIS is customization over the existing application SafalJeevika. Safal Solutions has taken the approach to understand the additional customization requirement. The requirement has been documented using SRS IEEE 380 standard. Safal Solutions believed and adopted participatory requirement understanding and design process and hence the document is blend of SRS and functional design document (FDD) that provides additional value.

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2. General Description 2.1. Product Perspective TRIPTI MIS is being conceived as web based application that will run from hosted web space. That can be reached using Internet/HTTP protocol. User will be able to access using browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. Application will have the scope of placing the application at the State Data center with secure Server. 2.2. Product Functions The product is developed for performing major functions which are as below: 1. Maintenance of database of a. SHG Transactions b. GPLF Transactions c. Data of Households of the village d. Names of Unemployed rural youth e. Details of Training and Placement Agency 2. The user can monitor and evaluate the progress of the project 3. Report generation 4. Management of Human Resources, Grievance and Procurement 5. Capacity Building and Institutional Building 2.3. User Characteristics The software is intended to be used by the users at block level, district level and state level. This software has been developed keeping in mind where the users of this software range from rural youth to technical experts. The rural youth are the 12th standard graduates and have basic knowledge of computers.

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Every user should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing. She and he must have basic knowledge of English and Odia. Users should be aware of basic network security and must handle password carefully. 2.4. Constraints Correct report is dependent on correct data received for the data entry For the data upload, correct format have to be used. Unavailability of Internet connectivity and power supply

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3. Specific Requirements 3.1. External Interface 3.1.1. User Interfaces This software can be used from laptop, desktop, ipad etc. 3.1.2. Hardware Interfaces The MIS installed on the machines is assumed to work properly if the systems are configured with the following configurations: Server Configuration Hardware: 1. CPU : AMD Athlon II X4 605e, Quad-Core 2. HDD :2 x 1000 GB (RAID 1) 3. RAM : 8 GB DDR3-RAM Software: 1. OS :CentOS 5.8 2. PhP :PHP5.3.3 3. Apache (webserver) :Apache/2.2.3 4. Mysql :Mysql 5.5.16 Work Station Hardware: a) Motherboard: Intel b) Processor: Intel Core i3 c) RAM: 02 GBDDR3 d) Hard Disk: 120 GB (scope for up gradation based on usage) e) Monitor: TFT, 15 inch f) Keyboard: 01 per system g) Mouse: 01 per system
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Software: a) Operating System: Windows XP/ Windows 7, Linux b) Browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer Peripherals: a) Printer: 01 per block b) UPS: 01 per system (12 24 watt) Internet connectivity: Minimum 500+ Kbps 3.1.3. Software Interfaces Software Used MySQL Description We have chosen MySQL for database management PHP Used for Coding Java script For coding purpose HTML Used for designing the software a) Operating System: Windows XP/ Linux (Fedora 11/Ubuntu 11.0) b) Client side Scripting: java script c) Programming Language: PHP d) Web Application: HTML e) Database: MySQL 5.0 and above 3.1.4. Communications Interfaces Client on internet will be using HTTP Protocol Client on intranet will be using TCP/IP Protocol

3.2. Functional Requirements 3.2.1. Household Survey Data Module: The purpose of the module is to enter the profile of the members of the household of the revenue village and carry out a situational assessment of the households. The input template to be used for this module is Situational Assessment for Household and the details are annexed as Annexure A (3.2.1). The output templates are attached as Annexure B.
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3.2.2. SHG, CLF, GPLF Profile and Funds Flow Transaction Module: This module is used to capture various activities like profiling, savings, meetings, loan disbursement, loan repayment and grading. These activities are used to track the funds utilization at various levels and give clear view about strengthening the groups. The input templates details are annexed from Annexure A to 3.2.3. Micro investment Plan (MIP) & Analysis Module: Micro Investment plan is recorded by capturing input data such as member profile, priority, wealth ranking, proposed activity, proposed investment amount etc. Based on the input data, consolidated report with filters at state, district, block, GP/GPLF levels and financial statement of SHG is generated. Details can be found in Annexure A ( , (, (, ( 3.2.4. Skill Development of Rural Youth Module: Skill Development of Rural Youth module is primarily used for entering the profile of the unemployed youth from the villages and providing them job opportunities by providing training on their interests and linking them with different placement agencies. Besides training given, the module also tracks the training placement details of rural youth. The input templates for this module are Rural Youth Profile and Rural Youth Training and Placement and the details of the template are annexed as Annexure A ( and ( and the output templates are annexed as Annexure B. 3.2.5. Livelihood Module: Livelihood module primarily focuses on different producer groups formed by the families of a revenue village. This would help in tracking the number of groups formed in every activity and the details of the office bearers of the groups. The input templates of this module are Producer Group Details and are annexed as Annexure A ( and ( and the output templates are annexed as Annexure B.

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3.2.6. Capacity building of staff and other stakeholders Module: The purpose of this module is to give the training to project staff, community and other stake holders. The trainees are evaluated based on their learning, feedback by trainer. Besides prescribed trainings based on the performance of trainee further training is arranged. The template names are event creation, event activation, Training planning, scheduling, Training Completion and these template are annexed at Annexure A ( to ( 3.2.7. Tracking progress of projects Module: The purpose of this module is to monitor and evaluate implementation of program and projects on the basis of physical and financial progress. The broad component consist of various report, internal learning and feedback are annexed as Annexure B. 3.2.8. Human resource Module: This module contains profile of the staff and captures the details on probation, performance appraisal, leave, salary and grievance redressal. The input templates are broadly classified into five components template details are listed as Annexure A (3.2.8).The output templates are attached as Annexure B. 3.2.9. Procurement Module:
The purpose is to track the procurement of agencies information on time dimensions covering from advertisements, selection of agencies and award of contract to the agency.

3.2.10. Finance Module: The purpose of this module is to capture the funds flow on the basis of allocation from SPMU to the district level, block level for the purpose of training, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, project management. Some of the types of funds covered are:Startup Fund, Community Investment Fund, Livelihood Fund etc. The expenditure statement will generate at SHG, BPFT, DPMU, and SPMU as a report. The Validation to prevent in error login in different fields of the above modules is annexed in Annexure C.
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3.3. Use Cases 3.3.1. Household Survey Data Use Case:

Brief Description: Cluster Coordinator collects the data from the households in a prescribed format and submits to the block office for necessary data entry Step by Step Description: Cluster Coordinator takes the format from the block office

The coordinator visits the households and enters the details like head of the household, gender, total women in the SHG, eligible members as prescribed in the format 3.3.2. SHG, CLF, GPLF Profile and Funds Flow Transaction Use Case: Use Case:

Brief description: The members of the SHG perform various tasks in the group as per the norms set at the time of formation.

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Step by step description: The Cluster coordinator identifies eligible members and mobilizes them for forming the SHG Once formed, the office bearers are selected and meeting is conducted In the first meeting, the regular savings and periodicity of meeting is decided and in subsequent meetings, the events and problems are discussed In case of funds requirement, the members applies for loan which is sanctioned by the office bearers The loan amount is repaid by the members Use case:

Brief description: GPLF is formed by selecting the members from the general body of the office bearers from CLF. Step by step description: On an initial phase, meeting is carried for selecting the office bearers and deciding the regular savings to be saved. The loan is sanctioned to the SHGs based on the MIP submitted

The repayment amount is collected from the respective SHGs to whom the loan had been sanctioned

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Brief description: CLF is formed by selecting the members from the general body of the office bearers of different SHGs. Step by step description: The office bearers are selected from the representatives of the office bearers from the SHGs A meeting is conducted to set the norms The loan request from different SHGs are processed and sent to GPLF for further procedures Use case:

Brief description: In a span of 03 months from the date of formation, it is mandatory for the SHG to open a bank account for the purpose of depositing, withdrawing money and to get eligibility for availing various loans from the bank and the project.

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Step by step description: The SHG opens the account in a bank which is primarily facilitated by a bank linkage officer The account is basically used for depositing the savings and withdrawing amount from the savings The bank also provides loan to the SHG members at a given interest rate and also collects the loan amount 3.3.3. MIP and Analysis Use Case:

Brief Description: Members forms the SHG and activity will takes place as per the rules define. Step by Step Description: Livelihood status will discussed at SHG with presence of Committee member. Members come to SHG meeting with their requirements. Discussion will take place in presence of group leader, CRP, GPLF staff. On the basis of priority, the fund will flow to SHG and its members.

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3.3.4. Skill Development of Rural Youth Use Case:

Brief Description: Social Development Officer is responsible for placing the rural youth of the villages in different companies Step by Step Description: Information from the household are collected through survey. List of unemployed youth of a village are identified. Based on the skills, the training is provided to the rural youth for enhancing their skills. The placement agencies are identified for providing placement to the trained youth. Once trained, the youths are linked with the placement agencies and are placed with different companies or corporate houses.

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3.3.5. Livelihood Use Case:

Brief Description: Gathering the situational assessment house hold by cluster coordinator and send to GPLF for forming the PG and market linkage. Step by Step Description:

SA house hold will be collected by cluster coordinator. CC will share the house hold data with GPLF. Identification of HH, formation of PG and market linkage of PG will take place.

3.3.6. Capacity building of staff and other stakeholders

Brief Description: The training is given by the training officer at state level to the various officers and staffs at different levels.

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Step by step Description: The training officer decides the specific training to be given for the enhancement of the capacity of the officers and staffs at state and field level The training shall be provided to the staffs, SHG members, partners and other stakeholders related to the project 3.3.7. Tracking progress of projects

Brief description: The tracking of the progress in the project is done at various levels by referring the indicators present in the reports Step by step description: The tracking can be done at various levels of the project This can be accessed by the officers and staffs at state level, district level and block level

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3.3.8. Human Resources

Brief Description: Human Resource is responsible for managing the available human resources of the client. The basic activities formed under this module are creating the profile, probation review, performance appraisal, leave, salary, grievance Redressal. Step by Step Description HR at state level enters the profile of all the staff at different levels like State level, District Level, Block Level and cluster coordinator The state level HR is responsible for reviewing the probation and appraising the performance of the employees through a constituted panel The leave of the employees are sanctioned at the state level The grievance are addressed for different levels of the office

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3.3.9. Procurement

Brief Description: Procurement module is primarily responsible for selecting agencies starting from evaluation process to awarding the contract. Step by Step Description: The procurement officer at state level invites expression of interest through advertisements Screening of the application is done through evaluation of the documents submitted by the responsive agencies Based on the evaluation, the contract is awarded to the eligible agency.

3.3.10. Finance

Brief Description: Project management funds are allocated from SPMU to the district level and block level for the purpose of training, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, project management
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Step by Step Description: SPMU will provide Startup fund, IB, CIF, Livelihood fund and others SPMU will provide PPIF-I and PPIF-II direct to SHG. GPLF will provide CIF to SHG. At Block /DPMU/SPMU level the expenditure statement will generate.

3.4. Non Functional Requirements 3.4.1. Performance: Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system

functionality. Depending on internet connection speed The load time for 90% of user interface screens would take less than thirty seconds The load time for 90% of report screens would take less than a minute The login and logout information shall be verified within five seconds. Profile creation should be done in less than 01 minute Update of profile shall be done in less than 01 minute.

3.4.2. Reliability: The data stored in centralized database is reliable with daily archiving facility that would protect data from loss not more than a day. 3.4.3. Availability: The system would be available 24*7 excluding time during upgradation of code and hardware. 3.4.4. Security: For each authentic user the login will be through user id and password. The system will alert user to change its password every 15 days to protect from possible trespassing. Server will be protected in an environment with spam guard, antivirus, appropriate firewall.

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3.4.5. Maintainability: Safal Solutions will be doing the maintenance during project period. It will maintain a register for bugs raised and will rectify the bugs within 7 days from the date of logging of the issue. Regular version management would be undertaken for maintaining the code and database with periodical security check. The maintenance team will be supported with adequate documentation. 3.4.6. Portability: PHP and MySql based MIS Application can be accessed from anywhere and with any operating system platform. Server side MySql 5.0 should loaded on Linux or Linux friendly platform. Application can run on any browser such as Mozilla Firefox 15.0, Google Chrome 21.0, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0. 3.4.7. Scalability The MIS Application is designed for 1020 GPs, however there is scope of being scaled to 1500 GPs 3.4.8. Multi Lingual Support: The MIS application supports both English and Odia languages. 4. Analysis Model 4.1 Data Flow Diagrams Household Survey Data Module

The cluster coordinator collects the information from different households and submits the data at the block office for storing them in the PDB

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SHG, CLF, GPLF Profile and Funds Flow Transaction Module

The SHG is formed by grouping the eligible members which is collected from the SA household data. The transaction between the members and the SHG is both financial and non financial. The CLF is formed by grouping SHGs and the transactions that take place between CLF and members are primarily non financial. The GPLF is formed by grouping the CLF and the transactions between members and GPLF are primarily financial and non financial. . There are also financial transactions taking place between SHG and GPLF. This process is stored in the Panchayat Database and is updated in the report database

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MIP and Analysis module

The SHG receives the loan application from the members and prioritize the loans. This is sent to the state through GPLF for the sanction of loan. The process of loan application to GPLF is stored in the PDB and is accessed by the state through RDB. Skill Development of Rural Youth Module

The input for this process is collected from the SA household. The process of providing training is stored in PDB and is fetched by RDB at state level

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Livelihood module

The formation of producer group of is captured at the panchayat level by the PDB and the summary is generated at state through RDB Capacity Building for staff and Other Stakeholders Module

The process of capacity building is stored at PDB. The input for this process is captured from HR DB for providing training on staff

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HR module

The process involves the interaction between the employees and the primary components of the HR process. The updates and the reports are captured in the HR DB Procurement Module

The process involves in inviting tenders from different agencies through advertisements basically initiated by the procurement officer from the State Level. The data input in done through procurement officer and is stored at RDB for the purpose of generating the report

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Finance module

The process of financial transaction taking place between different entities in the module is stored in the the PDB and the report is accessed by the State through RDB

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5. Change Management Process

For more changes or requirements, there will be a change request form to be filled up by TRIPTI and sent to Safal Solutions. Based on the requistion, mandays will be calculated from SAFAL and necessary changes will be carried out only after approval of mandays by TRIPTI. This process will be updated on the revision history

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3.2.1: Household Survey Data
Village Situation Assessment Household
Date of Collection UE District Village Display Selection Block Hamlet Display Selection Panchayat Village code Selection Display

Household number Name of female head of HH Female head's relation with head of HH Economic Status APL

UE UE Selection BPL

Family ID as per 2002 survey Display Name of the Head of HH UE Gender of head of HH Caste selection Selection

Total member in HH

Male UE

Female UE

Total Display

No. of eligible women member above 18 year UE

No. of women SHG member UE Occupation of Household Primary Secondary

SHG name(Where member from the HH)


No. of disabled member UE

No. of Certified disabled member UE No. of Unemployed youth(18-35 year M F

Degree of disability UE Skill known by the members of the HH Selection Do you have NREGA Job Card Selection If Yes, Job Card number UE Entitlement Type received by Household Selection

Well being group Selection

No of days worked under NREGA in last FY



Completion Date UE



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3.2.2: SHG, CLF, GPLF Profile and Funds Flow Transaction Village Situation Assessment Household:
Village Situation Assessment Household
Date of Collection UE District Village Display Selection Block Hamlet Display Selection Panchayat Village code Selection Display

Household number Name of female head of HH Female head's relation with head of HH Economic Status APL

UE UE Selection BPL

Family ID as per 2002 survey Display Name of the Head of HH UE Gender of head of HH Caste selection Selection

Total member in HH

Male UE

Female UE

Total Display

No. of eligible women member above 18 year UE

No. of women SHG member UE Occupation of Household Primary Secondary

SHG name(Where member from the HH)


No. of disabled member UE

No. of Certified disabled member UE No. of Unemployed youth(18-35 year M F

Degree of disability UE Skill known by the members of the HH Selection Do you have NREGA Job Card Selection If Yes, Job Card number UE Entitlement Type received by Household Selection

Well being group Selection

No of days worked under NREGA in last FY



Completion Date UE



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Page 33 of 99 SHG Profile:

SHG Profile
SHG Code Display

Address District Gram panchayat Hamlet Display Display Selection Block Village/Town Display Selection

Name Group name Type of group Promoted by Phone Number UE Selection Selection UE Name in RL Formation Date In case of other(Specify) UE Dt selection UE

Saving Plan Savings Plan Selection Savings Amount UE

Meeting plan Meeting Frequency Selection Meeting Day/Date Selection

Meeting place


Meeting time




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Page 34 of 99 Member Profile:

Date of Collection Display District Display Block Display Panchayat Display Village Display Hamlet Display CLF Name Display Name of GPLF Display SHG Code SHG Name Type Category of SHG SHG Promoted by Display Display Display Display Display Date of Formation Display Total Members Display S/b Bank A/c Display Bank Name Display Branch Name Display Date of Account Opening Display Contact Tel No for SHG Display Meeting Frequency Display Meeting Day/Date Display Frequency of regular saving Display Amount of regular saving by each member Display

Member Details Member Code Display Member Name Member's relation with Head of HH Age of the member Member's Occupation UE Selection UE Selection Name in Regional Language UE Well Being Status Selection Household Number UE Position in SHG Education Level Selection Selection Name of the head of HH Display Effective From Selection Economic Status Display

Date of joining in the group Selection Contact Number of the member UE

Land in acres in use for cultivation Own UE Lease in/Share cropping UE

Livestock in nos Cattle UE Goat and Sheep UE Pig UE Poultry UE

Whether member is disabled


Social Security NREGA Job Card Display HH Enroll in any Social Security Scheme

Whether member's life insured






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Page 35 of 99 CLF Profile:

CLF profile
GP CLF name Date of formation Selection UE Dt selection Sl. No. Village 1 Selection 2 Selection CLF name in RL CRP SHG name Selection Selection UE Selection Date of formation Display Display Remove Submit Cancel

More GPLF Profile:

GPLF Profile
District GPLF code GP GPLF details GPLF name Formation date TAN no. PAN no. CC UE Date selection/UE UE UE Selection VAT no. UE GPLF name in RL UE Display Display Selection Block Registration no. Display UE

GPLF Address

Text area



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Page 36 of 99 SHG DIDI Sheet:

Gp SHG Name

Display Display Demand

village Display Total Members Display INFLOW

SHG Code Date

Display Display Withdrawal amt from voluntary savings OUTFLOW Loan product Loan Purpose Loan Amount o of InstallmentsOUTFLOW TotalAttendance N Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display(K) Display Savings at Bank Savings at GPLF Loan repayment to Bank [L] Loan repayment to GPLF [M] Repayment of financial assistance / grant [N] Other Expenses [O] Cash in Hand [P] Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Sl No Member's Name 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display 4 Display 5 Display 6 Display 7 Display 8 Display 9 Display 10 Display 11 Display 12 Display 13 Display Total

Saving Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Interest (+ Fines) Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Principal Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Regular Saving Voluntary Saving on loan amt on loan amt (+ Fines) Total Interest Principal Others 25 0 0 0 Display 50 0 150 5 Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display(a) Display(b) Display Display(d) Display(E) Display Display(J) Cash in hand as on last meeting Amount withdrawn from bank savings Loan taken from bank [F] Amount withdrawn from GPLF savings Loan taken from GPLF [G] Financial aid / assiatcne and grants [H] Other recipts [I] Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 37 of 99 GPLF Monthly Transaction Sheet:

GPLF Monthly Transaction Sheet (GPLF - MTS)

State Display GPLF Code Display

District Display GPLF name Display


Block GPLF formation date

Display Display


Selection Saving Loan Repayment Other UE UE UE UE UE Display Total Display Display Display Display Display Display Type of loan Display Display Display Display Display Display

Meeting date Dt selection



SHG name Display Display Display Display Display


Voluntary Saving UE UE UE UE UE

Demand Outstanding Display Display Display Display Display Display P Display/UE Display/UE Display/UE Display/UE Display/UE Display I Display/UE Display/UE Display/UE Display/UE Display/UE Display

Cummulative repayment Display Display Display Display Display Display UE UE UE UE UE


Attendance Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection

1 2 3 4 5

UE UE UE UE UE Display Display Display

Total Cash balance : Bank balance :




Cancel CLF Office Bearers:

CLF Office Bearers

CLF CLF office bearers


S. No. 1

SHG Selection More

Member Select

Phone no UE Remove

Designation Select



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 38 of 99 Event/Training Completion:

Event/Training completion
District FY SN Display Data Display Selection Selection Block Month Selection Selection Status Selection Duration (days) Display Start date Display End date Display Venue/Level Display Modify Event status
Click here

Event type Trainee level Parent name Topic/Event name Display Display Display Display



Cancel SHG Bank Detail:

SHG Bank Detail
Bank Information Bank name Bank branch Selection Selection Account type Selection A/c no UE Delete Edit

More Submit Cancel

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 39 of 99 GPLF Receipts and Payments:

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 40 of 99 GPLF Loan Disbursement:

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Page 41 of 99 SHG Loan Disbursement:

Loan disbursement

SHG Member Account name Amount No. of installments Rate of interest rate Loan type Activity Date of Disbursement Transaction Type Cheque No Balance

Display Selection Selection User Entry UE Selection Selection Selection Date selection Selection UE Display


Cancel Additional Repayment:

Additional repayment
Village name Display Member Selection Loan product Display Date of repayment Selection Transaction type Selection SHG Display Loan outstanding Display Principal User Entry Interest User Entry Balance Display



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 42 of 99 Community Professional Profiles:

Community Professional Profiles Personal detail CP type SHG member Village Member name Name Date of birth Gender Education Category Address Block Village Contact no Display Selection UE GP Tola/Sahi/Pada Address Selection UE UE UE

Selection No SEL SELECTION UE Dt selection/Display selection Selection Selection Yes SHG name Designation Name in R/L Date of joining Marital status Specialization Well being status SEL Display UE/Display Date selection Selection Selection Selection

Document supporting ID and address proof Type of card Selection Date of issue Reference Reference type Address Selection UE Submit Date selection


Name Contact no


Cancel Bank Branch Entry:

Bank Branch Entry

Branch code MICR code Branch detail


IFSC code


Bank name Branch name UE

Selection Regional name UE

Address Address UE text area Display Display District Phone Display UE

Block State



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 43 of 99 GPLF Office Bearers:

GPLF Office Bearers

GPLF GPLF office bearers


S. No. 1

CLF Selection More

CLF OB Select

Phone no UE Remove

Designation Select



3.2.3: MIP & Analysis Micro Investment Plan (MIP):

Micro Investment Plan (MIP)
GP Selection Village Selection Display

No of SHG in which Micro Planning done : S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SHG Name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Click to enter details

Print Print Print Print Print Print Print Print Print Print

Click to edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit

New New New New New New New New

View previous micro plans Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Select Select

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 44 of 99 SHG Profiling:

SHG Profiling: Comprehensive Information of the SHG as on date

As on date 1 Name of the SHG: 2 Name of the Village: 3 No. of members in the SHG:
General Display SC Display ST Display BC Display Total Display

Date Display Display Display

No of Microplannigs has been completed :Display

4 Bank Account No with Bank name of the SHG: 5 Date of inception of the SHG: 6 Total amount of Savings: 7 No. of meetings conducted so far: 8 Name of GPLF to which group is associated: 9 Total amount of loans provided by the SHG: 10 Names of the representatives:

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Previous Financial Statement of SHG:

Financial Statement of SHG Block Display SHG name Display Sl No Name of the Members 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display 4 Display 5 Display 6 Display 7 Display 8 Display 9 Display 10 Display 11 Display 12 Display Total Display Total Savings (Rs) Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display GP Display Formation date Display Loan Outstanding (Rs) Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Next Default, if any (Rs.) Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Previous GPLF Display CLF Display

Balance sheet Liabilities Total Member Savings Total Bank Loan O/S Total GPLF loan O/S Other payables (if any) Total Excess of cash inflow/ income over Expenditure Excess of Expenditure over cash inflow / Income Grand Total

Rs. Display Display Display Display Display Display

Assets Cash in Hand Cash at Bank Savings at GPLF Members loan O/S Total

Rs Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display

Grand Total


Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 45 of 99 SHG Micro-Investment Plan:

SHG-Micro Investment Plan
Block CLF Display Selection GP SHG name Display Selection GPLF Display Formation date Display

Sl. No.

Name of Wealth Activity Investment Loan Life of Asset / Tenure Monthly Incremental Saving Capacity Installment No. of Monthly Priority member Ranking Proposed Proposed Amount of Benefits Income of HH Amount Installment Selection Display Selection UE UE UE UE UE Display UE UE

Remarks/ Need for other non financial support/ other entitlement (PDS, Insurance, Pensions, etc)

1 Display 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total



3.2.4: Skill Development of Rural Youth Rural Youth Profile:

Rural Youth Profile
District GP Basic information Name Date of birth Marital status Training interest Sel Sel Block Sel

UE Date Sel Sel Sel

Name in RL Gender Education

UE Sel Sel

ID Proof/Address Proof Sel

Address Block Village Address

Sel Sel Tola/Sahi/Pada UE UE UE

Contact no.

Linkage CLF SHG member Sel Selection Related SHG Sel



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 46 of 99 Rural Youth Training & Placement:

Rural Youth Training & Placement
District GP Age from Education Training interest Placement status Display Sel Sel Sel Sel Sel Age to Gender Training status Sel Sel Sel Block Display

SN 1 2 3 4 5

Name Display

Block Display

GP Display

DoB Disp

Contact no. Disp

Training interest Disp

Training given Yes/no

Training org. UE

Placement given Sel

Organization where placed UE





3.2.5: Livelihood (Producers Group) Producer Group Details:

Producer Group Details
PG code
Producer group details

Auto gen.

Producers' group name Name in RL


Activity Date of Formation

Selection Selection






Office bearer

Name U.E U.E U.E

Designation Selection Selection Selection

New Save

Modify Cancel

Delete Exit

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 47 of 99 Mapping Members to Producer Group:

Mapping members to producer group

Non-SHG member SHG member

Cluster/Office name


Producer group


Non-SHG members detail Member name UE Village Selection Gender Selection

SHG members detail Village Selection SHG Selection Member name Selection


Remove map



3.2.6: Capacity Building for staff and Other Stakeholders and Social Development Event creation:
Event Creation
Event type Type Parent Name Topic/Event name Topic Description Selection Selection Trainee level Parent Selection Selection



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 48 of 99 Event/Training Activation:

Event/Training activation
FY Selection SN Event type Parent/Topic/Event name 1 Display 2 3 Selection Status Deactivate Trainee level Selection Delete





Export Event/Training Plan:

Event/Training plan
FY Selection District Selection Event type SN Topic/Event name Display Q1 UE Selection Q2 UE Block Selection

Trainee level Selection Q3 UE Q4 UE Total DISP Modify




Export Event/Training Schedule:

Event/Training Schedule
District Event type Selection Selection Block Trainee level Selection Selection

Topic/Event name SEL


Duration (days) UE

Start date UE

End date DISP

Venue/Level SEL

Resource Institute/level UE





Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 49 of 99 Event/Training Completion:

Event/Training completion
District FY SN Display Data Display Selection Selection Block Month Selection Selection Status Selection Duration (days) Display Start date Display End date Display Venue/Level Display Modify Event status
Click here

Event type Trainee level Parent name Topic/Event name Display Display Display Display




Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 50 of 99

3.2.8: Human Resource Module Staff Profile:

Staff Profile

Personal Detail Name DOB If Odisha domicile Domicile district Marital Status Child Below 18 yrs Category UE UE Father/Husband name Gender UE Selection

Selection/UE Selection UE BC

Domicile block Blood group

Selection/UE UE

Identification mark


Location and Reporting Type of the staff Reg No. Designation Station of staff Date of joining current office Probation period(in months) Reporting to officer Selection UE Selection UE date Selection Selection Location Themetic unit Category selected from Selection Selection Selection

Date of joining in TRIPTI date Probation Date of confirmation Selection Display

Reporting officer's department Selection Member of PF Yes No

Reporting to officer's location Selection PF Account no. UE

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 51 of 99

Mailing Attributes Start name Official email id selection UE Dear name/nick Personal email id UE UE

Current address
UE Phone UE

Permanent Address UE Mobile UE

Education details

Qualification Selection

School/College/Institution Board/University UE UE

State UE UE

Year of Passing UE

Subject/ Specialization UE Browse

Upload Scanned copies of requisite qualification More

Experience details Organization UE More Position UE UE Nature of job UE From Date To Date UE

Reference Name UE More UE Tel.No UE Email UE Address

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Page 52 of 99

Language proficiency

Language Selection More




Document supporting address verification

Type of card More




Date of Issue


Emergency contact Name UE UE Contact no Emailid UE

Special skill based training attended










Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 53 of 99 Indicator Profiles:

Indicators Profiles

Indicator type Indicatory name Indicator code Unit Leaf node Status Level

Selection UE Display Selection Yes/No Active/Inactive Display


Cancel Mapping Indicators with Designation:

Mapping Indicators with Designation

Indicator type Department

Selections Selection

Level Designation

Selection Selection

Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 6 Available Indicators

Map Un-map
Indicator 3 Indicator 4 Indicator 5 Mapped Indicators Indicator 7

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 54 of 99 Panel Selection for Performance Appraisal:

Panel Selection for Performance Appraisal
Panel name Members Department (Thematic area) Display UE Effective from Date Selection

Location Selection

Staff Selection

Designation Display


Cancel Staff Transfer Details:

Staff Transfer Details

Present Office name Staff name Station of the staff New office name Reporting to (new) Date of transfer Transfer allowance Freght and packaging charge

Selection Selection Display Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 55 of 99 Staff Separation:

Staff Separation

Office name Staff name Type of separation Date of separation

Selection Selection Selection Selection

Reason for separation

User Entry


Cancel SA Due and Sending Request for the same:

SA due and sending request for the same

Level S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Selection Employee code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Designation Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Selection Period for Confirmation Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Reporting person Date to be confirm Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Check to send req



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 56 of 99 Self assessment Note to be filled by Staff:

Self assessment note to be filled by staff
Name of Staff Place of posting Date of joining UE/Selection Display Display Designation Supervisor Probation Display Display Display

Why do you think that your probation should be confirmed? (Highlight reasons which strongly advocate for your probation confirmation)

Test area

Staff has to highlight his performance in the line of timely accomplishment of task, positive aatitude and behaviour displayed in the project, performed task as a good team player and adhereing norms as well as discipline of the Society.

What are the areas in which you seek support from Project to work effectively?

Text area


Cancel Filled SA from Staff/Reminder to Staff/Request to Supervisor:

Filled SA from Staff/Reminder to staff/request to Supervisor
Level S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Selection Employee code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Period for Confirmation Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Reporting person Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Designation Date to be confirm Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Selection Self assessment note filled? (Status) Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Reporting office Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Check to send req



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 57 of 99 Assessment to be made by supervisor/Panel:

Assessment to be made by Supervisor/Panel
Name of the Staff Location Period of Note Display Display Display Designation Date of Joining Display Display

Date to be confirmed Display

Link to show the self assessment note by staff Evaluation S.No Indicator code parameter 2 Display Text area/Display 3 Display Text area/Display 4 Display Text area/Display 5 Display Text area/Display 6 Display Text area/Display 7 Display Text area/Display 8 Display Text area/Display 9 Display Text area/Display 10 Display Text area/Display 11 Display Text area/Display 12 Display Text area/Display Additional remarks if any (Reporting person name) Text area

Reporting person name display Remarks Score Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection

Panel member name display Remarks Score Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area

Additional remarks if any (Panel name)


Cancel Assessment from Supervisor/Reminder to supervisor/Request to Panel

Assessment from Supervisor/Reminder to Supervisor/request to Panel

Level S.NO Name

Employee code

Designation Date of Joining

Period for Confirmation Reporting person Date to be confirm Assessed by Supervisor? (Status) Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Select panel Check to send req

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 58 of 99 List of staff Filled up their Assessment Note under Your Reporting:
List of Staff filled up their self assessment note under your Reporitng



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Employee code

Date of Joining

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Period for Confirmation

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Reporting person

Date to be confirm

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Click to give assessment Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click


Cancel Assessment from Panel/Reminder to Panel:

Assessment from Panel/Reminder to Panel
Level Selection Employee code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Period for Confirmation Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Designation Selection Assessed by Panel ? (Status) Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Check to send Reminder

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Date to be Reporting person confirm Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Panel Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 59 of 99 To Set the KPI Target for an Individual:

To set the KPI target for an Individual
For the year of Starts from cur FY Department Individual KPI Performance criteria (Indicator) Display Display Display Display Display Display Location Designation Selection Display Staff Date of Joining Selection Display

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Unit Display Display Display Display Display

Source Display Display Display Display Display

Weight given Display Display Display Display Display

Previous target Current target UE/Display UE UE/Display UE UE/Display UE UE/Display UE UE/Display UE


Cancel To set the target for Team:

To set the target for Team
Location Selection Department Selection For the year of Starts from Curr FY

Team KPI Performance criteria (Indicator) Display Display Display Display Display Target for the Year per month UE UE UE UE UE

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Unit Display Display Display Display Display

Source Display Display Display Display Display

Weight given Display Display Display Display Display


Cancel Self Assessment Due and Sending Request for the Same:
Self Assessment due and sending request for the same
Level For the year of Selection Selection Period Selection Check to send request

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

Name Display Display Display Display Display Display

Employee Code Display Display Display Display Display Display

Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display Display

Reporting person Display Display Display Display Display Display

Reporting office Display Display Display Display Display Display



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 60 of 99 Self Assessment Note to be filled by Staff:

Self assessment note to be filled by staff

Staff name Department For the year of Individual KPI

Self/Selection Display

Location Designation Period

Display Display




Performance criteria (Indicator)


Weight given

Target for the Achievment in unit Achievement in Year value details

Remarks/ Justification on achievement

Self Grade

1 2 3 4 5

Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display


Text area (UE) Text area (UE) Text area (UE) Text area (UE) Text area (UE)

Text area (UE) Text area (UE) Text area (UE) Text area (UE) Text area (UE)

Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection

Other Task Performed Remarks/ Justification on achievement


Performance criteria (Indicator)


Achievment in Achievement unit value in details

Self Grade




Text area

Text area


Attach scanned copy of attachment if it is there for reference Submit file Cancel Browse Mandatory for AC CC in case they have not filled Self Performance Appraisal online Team Assessment Due and Sending Request for the same:
Team Assessment due and sending request for the same
Level For the year of Selection Selection Located in (District name) Display Display Display Display Display Cancel Department Period Selection Selection Check to send request

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Team name Display Display Display Display Display

Team ID Display Display Display Display Display Submit

Block Display Display Display Display Display

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 61 of 99 Self Assessment note to be filled by Team:

Self assessment note to be filled by Team
Location For the year of Individual KPI Remarks/ justification on achievement Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area Display Selection Department Period Display Selection

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Performance criteria (Indicator) Display Display Display Display Display

Unit Display Display Display Display Display

Achievment in Weight given Target for the Year unit value Display Display UE Display Display UE Display Display UE Display Display UE Display Display UE

Achievement in details Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area

Self Grade Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection

Other Task Performed Remarks/ Achievment in Achievement in Justification on unit value details achievement Self Grade UE Text area Text area Selection

S.No 1

Performance criteria (Indicator) Unit UE Selection

Submit Cancel Filled SA from Staff/Reminder to Staff/Request to Supervisor:

Filled SA from Staff/Reminder to staff/request to Supervisor
Level For the year of Selection Selection Period Selection Self Assessment Done? Yes No Yes Yes No No Check to send req/Remi nder

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

Name Display Display Display Display Display Display

Employee Code Display Display Display Display Display Display

Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display Display

Reporting person Display Display Display Display Display Display

Reporting office Display Display Display Display Display Display

Send request


Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 62 of 99 Assessment to be made by Supervisor:

Assessment to be made by Supervisor
Staff name Department For the year of Individual KPI Performance criteria (Indicator) Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Target for the Year Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Location Designation Period Display Display Display

Link to show the scanned copy of self assessment note

Unit Weight given Display Display Display Display Display Achieved Display Display Display Display Display Remarks on Achievement Display Display Display Display Display Remarks/ justification on achievement Display Display Display Display Display Self grade Display Display Display Display Display Reporting person Name Remarks on Grade achievement Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Other Task Performed Reporting person Name Display Remarks on achievement Grade Text area Selection Text area Selection

S.No 1 2

Performance criteria (Indicator) Unit Display Display Display Display

Achievment in Achievement Remarks/ justification unit value in details on achievement Self Grade Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Supervisor's Report Regarding suitability of the staff in the project under the parameters of discipline, punctuality, timely accomplishment of work, team work and integrity while accomplishing the duties Text area

Grade Selection


Cancel Assessment from Supervisor/Reminder to Supervisor:

Assessment from Supervisor / Reminder to Supervisor
Level For the year of S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Display Display Display Display Display Display Name Employee Code Display Display Display Display Display Display Selection Selection Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display Display Period Reporting person Display Display Display Display Display Display Selection Reporting office Display Display Display Display Display Display Assessment Done? Yes No Yes Yes No No Check to send reminder



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 63 of 99 Filled Staff Assessment from Team/Reminder to Team/Request to Panel:

Filled self assessment from Team/Reminder to Team/Request to Panel
Level Selection For the year of Current year-1 Period Selection

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Team name Display Display Display Display Display

Team ID Display Display Display Display Display

Located in (District name) Display Display Display Display Display Submit

Block Display Display Display Display Display Cancel

SA Filled status Yes No No Yes Yes

Select Panel Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection

Check to send request / Reminder Team Assessment to be made by Panel:

Team assesment to be made by panel

Location For the year of Team KPI Performance Unit criteria (Indicator) Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Selection


Department Period

Display Selection

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Weight given Display Display Display Display Display

Target for the Achievment in unit Achievement in Year value details Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Remarks/ justification on achievement Display Display Display Display Display

Self Grade Display Display Display Display Display

Panel members name display Remarks on Quality Grade of achievement Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection Text area Selection

Other Task Performed Performance Unit criteria (Indicator) Display Display Display Display Achievement in unit value Display Display Achievement in details Display Display Remarks/ Self Grade Justification on achievement Display Display Display Display Panel members name display Remarks on Quality of Grade achievement Text area Selection Text area Selection

S.No 1 2



Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 64 of 99 Assessment from Panel/Reminder to Panel:

Assessment from Panel/Reminder to Panel
Level Selection For the year of Current year-1 Period Selection Check to send Reminder

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Team name Display Display Display Display Display

Team ID Display Display Display Display Display

Located in (District name) Display Display Display Display Display Submit

Block Display Display Display Display Display Cancel

Assessment done? Yes No No Yes Yes

Panel Display Display Display Display Display Leave Opening Balance:

Leave opening balance
Office Name Selection For the year of Selection

Emp code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Staff name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Designation Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Submit

DOJ Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Cancel

Reporting to Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

OB leaves User entry User entry User entry User entry User entry User entry User entry User entry User entry Annual Leave Credit:

Annual leave credit

Year Calculate

Display Cancel

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 65 of 99 Leave entry Details:

Leave entry details
Office name Available leaves (EL/CL) No of days Selection Display Selection Staff name From date Leave type Selection Selection Selection

Reason User entry


Cancel Leave Approval/Recommendation by supervisor:

Leave approval/recommendation by supervisor
Office name Available leaves (EL/CL) Display Display Staff name From date Display Display

No of days


Leave type


Reason Display

Supervisor's remarks Remarks UE Status on approval Leave approved/Recommend as Selection Selection

Number of days approved Selection


Cancel Leave Approval/Recommendation by SPMU Committee:

Approval/Recommendation by SPMU committee

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Employee code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Employe e name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Reportin Reportin g g to location Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Leave type Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

From date Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Leave required Total days To date required Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Cancel

Status on Reason for supervisor's leave approval Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Click to give remarks Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click

Available leaves Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 66 of 99 Benefits and Policy:

Benefits and policy
Level * Effective from * Performance pay % * Medical allowance * Communication * Selection Dt selection UE UE UE Designation * HRA% * CEA per child * Transport * EPF% * Selection UE UE UE UE



Cancel Salary Posting:

Salary posting
Office * Selection Project allowance HRA Communication allowance Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Submit Medical allowence Transport allowance Display Display Display Display Display Print Display Display Display Display Display Cancel Designation * Selection Employer's PF contribution Display Display Display Display Display Gross monthly salary (excluding CEA) Display Display Display Display Display

Staff id Staff name Designation 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display 4 Display 5 Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Effective Basic from Display Display Display Display Display UE UE UE UE UE

CEA Display Display Display Display Display

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 67 of 99 Staff Completed Annual Period and hence 5% Increment Due:

Staff completed annual period and hence 5% increment due

Level * Year *

Selection Selection

Designation * At the end of quarter *

Selection Selection

S.No Employee code 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display 4 Display 5 Display 6 Display 7 Display

Employee Reporting Date of Current Designation name office joining basic Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Submit Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Print

Current basic Date of completion Due date for effectiveness Basic effective with 5% effective from of annual service of increased salary increment Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Cancel Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Sending Info About Salary Approved by CEO:

Sending info about salary approved by CEO

Level * Year *

Selection Selection

Designation * At the end of quarter *

Selection Selection

S.No Employee code 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display 4 Display 5 Display 6 Display 7 Display

Employee Reporting Date of Current Designation name office joining basic Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Submit Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Print

Current basic Date of completion Due date for effectiveness Basic effective with 5% effective from of annual service of increased salary increment Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Cancel Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 68 of 99 Compliance by Office In charge regarding effectiveness of Increased Salary

Compliance by office incharge regarding effectiveness of increased salary Office * Year * S.No Employee code 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display 4 Display 5 Display 6 Display 7 Display Employee name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Selection Selection Designation Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Current basic Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Current basic effective from Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Designation * Selection

At the end of quarter * Selection Date of completion of annual service Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Due date for effectiveness of increased salary Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Basic effective with Compliance (Check for compliance) 5% increment Display Display Display Display Display Display Display



Cancel List of Staff not getting Increased Salary/Reminder to the In charge:

List of staff not getting increased salary/reminder to office incharge Level Year S.No Selection Selection Current basic Display Display Display Display Submit Current basic effective from Display Display Display Display Print Designation Selection

At the end of quarter Selection Date of completion of Due date for effectiveness of Basic effective with annual service increased salary 5% increment Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Cancel Compliance Send (yes/No) reminder Display Display Display Display

Employee Employee Designation Reporting office code name 1 Display Display Display Display 2 Display Display Display Display 3 Display Display Display Display 4 Display Display Display Display

Software Requirements Specification of MIS for TRIPTI: Safal Solutions

Page 69 of 99 Grievance Redressal Committee:

Grievance redressal committee
Office Members Sl no. 1 Location Selection


Effective from

Date Selection

Staff Selection

Department (Thematic area) Display

Designation Display


Cancel Registration and Intimation for Redressal of Grievance:

Registration and Intimation for redressal of Grievance
Office Employee code Greivance registration no. Summery of Grievance Text area Selection Display UE Staff Designation Category of greivance Selection Display Selection

Date of submission

Date selection

Date of registration

Date selection

Assained committee

Selection Send Cancel Grievance Settlement/Send Reminder to Committee:

Greivance settlement/send reminder to committee

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Greivance Reg.No Display Display Display Display Display

Decision taken Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area

Date of settlement Date selection Date selection Date selection Date selection Date selection

Other information (if any) Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area

Whether written information dissaminated to the concerned? Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection

SPM-HRD comment Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area

Send reminder



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Page 70 of 99 Compliance of Grievance Redressal Submitted by Committee:

Compliance of grievance redressal submitted by committee
Whether written information dissaminated to the concerned? Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection 1 2 3 4 5

Grievance Reg.No Display Display Display Display Display

Decision taken Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area

Date of settlement Date Date Date Date Date Send

Other information (if any) Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area Cancel

Send communication Analysis of Grievance Redressal-A Report:

Analysis of grievance redressal-A report
No of grievance No of grievance No of grievance No of grievance No of grievance No of grievance been lapsed registered till date setlled till date pending for last 5 days pending for last 7 days pending for last 10 days due date of which has already Display Display Display Display Display Display


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Report 1: Monthly Progress report-SHG:
Monthly Progress Report-SHG
District GP Financial year S.No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1.2.4 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2 1.2.1 1.2 Selection Selection Selection



Month Particulars
Institution Building Social Mobilization Total No. of Revenue Village Inclusion No. of Saturated Revenue Village Total no. of HHs Total no. of leftout HHs Total no. of targeted HHs No. of poor HHs No. of EPVG HHs No. of well off HHs No. of manageable HHs No. of SC HHs No. of ST HHs No. of BPL HHs No. of APL HHs No of rural yoth (M/F) SHG & members details SHGs not formd by TRIPTI but coverd by TRIPTI No. of existing SHGs Nos No. of poor/EPVG SHGs No. of EPVG SHG No. of SC/ST SHG No. of > 5 member (Poor+ EPVG) in SHG No. of >70% BPL SHG No. of Defaulter SHG SHGs formed by TRIPTI No. of Poor/EPVG SHG No. of EPVG SHG No. of SC/ST SHG Nos Nos Nos Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Nos Display


Indicator code
1 1.1


Till Previous In current Till current month Month month

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

No. of SHGs which having >5 Poor or EPVG members Nos No. SHGs which having of >70% BPL members No. of Defaulter SHG No. of Minority SHG No. of SHG members Total Number of SHG Member No. of Poor SHG Member No. of EPVG SHG Member No. of BPL Member No. of APL Member No. of SC Member No. of ST Member No. of Member with >60 years age No. of eligible members which are not in SHGs % of eligible poor members not in SHGs % of eligible EPVG members not in SHGs Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos % %

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47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 3 2.1 2 1.2.8 1.2.7 1.2.6 1.2.5

% of eligible SC members not in SHGS % of eligible ST members not in SHGs Age Category of SHG No. of SHG 3 months Old No. of SHG 6 months Old Meeting frequency No. of SHG having Weekly Meeting No. of SHG having Monthly Meeting Savings Total Saving Amount (In lacks) Total Fine amount (In lacks) Cash in hand (In lacks) Cash at Bank (In lacks) Bank detail Total no. of SHG Has Bank A/C No. of SHG 3 month Having not bank A/C No. of SHG Bank Linkage No. of SHG received Bank Loan No .of Proposals pending with banks No of SHG Received 1st Linkage No. of SHG Received 2nd & repeat Finance No of SHGs repayment made in time total Bank linkage amount No. of SHG Bank loan over due Amount of Overdue Loan Repayment % of Bank Loan Internal lending No. of SHG Taken Internal Loan No. of Member Taken Internal Loan Total Amount of Internal Loan No. of Poor/EPVG Taken Internal Loan

% % Nos Nos Nos Nos Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Rs. Rs. Rs. % Nos Nos Rs. Nos

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

No. of member taken Internal Loan more than once Nos No. of Poor/EPVG member taken Internal Loan more then once Nos Total Principal Repayment Amount Total Interest Repayment Amount Total Outstanding Amount No. of SHGs regularly repay loan amount No. of poor/EPVG members repaying loan regularly Total repayment amount by POOR/EPVG Purpose of the Internal lending No of members aviled loan for production purpose Amount availed for productive purpose No of members aviled loan for consumption purpose Amount availed for consumption purpose PPIF No. of SHG received PPIF-1 No. of SHG received PPIF-2 Total amount released >= 5 P& E and 3 month older or TRIBAL GROUP Eligible for PPIF 1 No. of Eligible for PPIF-2 Nos Nos Rs. Nos Nos Nos Rs. Nos Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Nos Nos Rs.

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Date Print Export Cancel


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Report 2: Monthly Progress Report-GPLF:

Monthly Progres Report - GPLF

District GPLF/office Financial year

Selection Selection Selection





S.No. Indicator code

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 I00089 I00092 I00094 I00095 I00096 I00104 I00106 I00107 I00237 I00240 I00256 I00257 I00258 I00259 I00260 I00261 I00262 I00263

Building self managed & self reliant GPLFs No. of Gram Panchayat Level Federation formed No. of SHGs part of GPLF Total individual members of GPLF Total share capital mobilised Total membership fee mobilised No. of GPLFs having bank account Cash in hand (GPLF) (In lakhs) Cash at bank (GPLF) (In lakhs) No of Village in which 8 or more SHG has been form but not link with GPLF No of GPLF, two month old but not having bank account No of GPLF having Social Security Fund Total Amount of Group Saving Mobilised in GPLF (In lakhs) Other Savings (In lakhs) Total Amount Mobilised at the GPLF level (In lakhs) No of GPLF in which SHG repayment has started Total Number of SHG Graded A Total Number of SHG Graded B Total Number of SHG Graded C

Nos Nos Nos Rs Rs Nos Rs Rs Nos Nos Nos Rs Rs Rs Nos Nos Nos Nos

Till Previous month

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

In current Month
Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Till current month

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display



Report 3: Report 3.1: Consolidated Report at District Level:

Consolidated Report at District Level
Consolidated report at District level
Year Selection Month Selection

District 1 Display 2 3 4 5 Total

No. of SHG Display

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display

Loan due Loan repaid Repaymen Overdue Principal Interest t (%) Total Total interest repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display Display




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Report 3.2: Consolidated Report at Block Level:

Consolidated Report at Block Level
Consolidated report at Block level
District name No. of SHG Display Display Year Display Month Loan due Overdue interest Display Display Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display

Block 1 Display 2 3 Total

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display




Report 3.3: Consolidated Report at GPLF Level:

Consolidated Report at GPLF Level
Consolidated report at GPLF level
District No. of SHG Display Display Block Display Year Display Loan due Overdue interest Display Month Display Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display

GPLF 1 Display 2 3 Total

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display




Report 3.4: Consolidated Report at Village Level:

Consolidated Report at Village Level
Consolidated report at village level
District Village name 1 Display 2 3 Total No. of SHG Display Display Block Display GPLF Display Year Display Loan due Overdue interest Display Month Display Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display Total

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display




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Report 3.5: Consolidated Report at SHG Level:

Consolidated Report at SHG Level
Consolidated report at SHG level
District Display Block Display No. of cumulativ members e saving Display GPLF Display Village Display Year Display Loan due Overdue interest Display Month Display 1 2 3

SHG name Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display

Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display Total

Total Print Export Cancel

Report 3.6: Consolidated Report at Member Level:

Consolidated Report at Member Level
Consolidated report at member level
District Display Block Display GPLF Display cumulativ e saving Village Display SHG name Display Year Display Month Display 1 2 3

Member name Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display

Loan due Overdue interest Display

Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display Total

Total Print Export Cancel

Report 4: Monitoring the Data Entry:

Monitoring The Data Entry
District Village Selection Selection Block Selection GP FIN year Selection Selection

Sl. no.

Group name Formation date Village name 1 Display Display Display 2 3













Date Print Export Cancel


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Report 5: Report 5.1: Repayment Report:

Repayment Report
District GP Repayment % Year Selection Selection Selection Selection Sl. no. 1 SHG Name Formation Display Block Village Type of loan Month Repayment % BL IL Selection Selection Selection Selection Group repayment %




Report 5.2: Repayment Report-Loan Product Wise:

Repayment Report- Loan Product Wise
Repayment report - Loan product wise

District GP Repayment % Year Loan product name 1 Sl. no. 1 2 3 Total Loan product name 2 Sl. no. 1 2 3 Total Member name Display

Display Display Display Display Loan disbursed

Block Village Type of loan Month Principal demand

Display Display Display Display Principal repaid Interest Paid Outstanding Overdue Principal Repayment rate

Member name

Loan disbursed

Principal demand

Principal repaid

Interest Paid Outstanding Overdue Principal Repayment rate




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Report 6: Service Improvement Report

Service Improvement Report

District Year Selection Selection Block Month Selection Selection GP Selection

SN A 1 2 3 4 5 6 B 1 2 3 4 C 1 2 3 D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Indicators Service Linkages No. of SHG > 3 months old but did not opened Bank account No. of SHG having Bank account > 6months old but did not have Bank linkage No. of villages having more than 8 SHGs which is 3 months old but VO not formed in that village No. of SHG > 1.5 year old but did not received FSF No. of SHG having Bank account > 3 months old but did not recived ICF loan No. of SHG > 12 months old having Interloan < 50% of total fund SHG monitoring No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 3 months No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 6 months No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 9 months No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 12 months SHG Grading No. of SHG under Grade A No. of SHG under Grade B No. of SHG under Grade C Interloan repayment No. of SHG having repayment rate of < 40% No. of SHG having repayment rate from 40% to < 60% No. of SHG having repayment rate from 60% to < 80% No. of SHG having repayment rate from 80% No. of SHG did not repaid anything since 3 months No. of SHG did not repaid anything since 6 months No. of SHG did not repaid anything since 9 months

Till previous month Till current month Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display




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Report 7: Report 7.1: Ageing Analysis Report:

Ageing Analysis Report

District GPLF/office name Year Sl. no. SHG name 1 Display 2 3

Selection Selection Selection GPLF name Display

Block Village Month No. of overdue loans 4 months 5 months Display Display

Selection Selection Selection

1 month Display

2 months 3 months Display Display

6 months Display

> 6 months Display

Date Export Print Cancel


Report 7.2: Ageing Analysis Report-Group Wise:

Ageing Analysis Report - Group Wise

District GPLF/Office name CLF name Year Date of formation Loan purpose

Display Display Display Display Display Date of disbursement Disbursed amount No. of installments

Block Village SHG name Month

Display Display Display Display 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Member Name


Loan type

Principal demand

Recovery amount

Overdue Last repayment Loan amount date outstanding

Overdue months




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Report 7.3: Ageing Analysis Report-Loan Wise:

Ageing Analysis Report - Loan Wise

District Village Date of Formation

Display Display Display

Block CLF

Display Display

GPLF/Office SHG name

Display Display

No of overdue months: (number of months) Bank Loan (BL) Date of No of disbursed Sl No. member name Disburseme installmen amount nt ts 1 2 Sub total Inter loaning(IL) Date of No of disbursed Sl No. member name Disburseme installmen amount nt ts 1 2 Sub total Grand total

Principal demand

Recovery amount

Overdue amount

Last Principal repayment outstanding date

Principal demand

Recovery amount

Overdue amount

Last Principal repayment outstanding date




Report 8: Assessment Report for Probation Confirmation:

Assessment report for probation confirmation
Location For the month of Selection Selection Reporting person Display Display Display Display Display Designation Status All All If extended Check to (No. of months) Confirm Selection Selection Selection Selection Selection

SI 1 2 3 4 5

Staff name Display Display Display Display Display

Employee Code Display Display Display Display Display

Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display

Grade achieved Total average Grade marks Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Status Display Display Display Display Display

Remarks(SPM-HRD) Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area




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Report 9: Assessment Report for CEOs Approval:

Assessment report for CEO's Approval
Location For the year of Selection Selection Department Period Selection Selection

SI 1 2 3 4 5

Staff name Display Display Display Display Display

Employee Code Designation Date of Joining Reporting person Display Display Display Display Display CEO's Remarks Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Text area Submit

Grade achieved Individual KPI Total average Team KPI average average marks Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Grade Display Display Display Display Display

Remarks SPM-HRD Text area Text area Text area Text area Text area


Report 10: Final Report on Performance Appraisal for Respective Offices:

Final Report on Performance Appraisal for Respective Offices
Location Selection Department Period Selection Selection

For the year of Selection

SI 1 2 3 4 5

Staff name Display Display Display Display Display

Employee Code Display Display Display Display Display

Designation Display Display Display Display Display

Date of Joining Display Display Display Display Display

Reporting person Display Display Display Display Display

Team KPI average Display Display Display Display Display

Individual KPI average Display Display Display Display Display

Grade achieved Total average marks Display Display Display Display Display

Grade Display Display Display Display Display

SPM-HRD Remarks Display Display Display Display Display

CEOs Remarks Display



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Report 11: Staff in Probation/Completion:

Staff in probation/completion Yes Office S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Reporting location Display Display Display Display Display Selection Staff name Display Display Display Display Display Designation Display Display Display Display Display No Staff name Date of joining Display Display Display Display Display UE Date of completion Display Display Display Display Display Current status Display Display Display Display Display



Report 12: Staff Transfer Report:

Staff transfer report Office Selection S.No. Staff name 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display As on date First location Display Display Display Print Dt selection Previous location Display Display Display Cancel Staff Current location Display Display Display UE Date of joining Display Display Display

Report 13: Staff on separation:

Staff on Separation As on date S.No Staff name 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display Date of Joining Display Display Display Dt Selection Reporting office Display Display Display Print Designation Display Display Display Cancel Staff name Mode of separation Display Display Display UE Date of separation Display Display Display Reason Display Display Display

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Report 14: Leave Tracking Report:

Leave tracking report Designation Selection Level Year * Selection Selection Till the Period * Selection

Reporting frequency * Selection

Note : Orange color rows indicates the staff who had availed leaves S.No Employee code 1 Display 2 Display 3 Display 4 Display 5 Display Employee name Display Display Display Display Display Designation Reporting to Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display EL availed Display Display Display Display Display balance Display Display Display Display Display availed Display Display Display Display Display CL balance Display Display Display Display Display LWP availed Display Display Display Display Display



Report 15: Training Report: Plan vs. Achievement vs. Outstanding:

Training Report: Plan vs. Achievement vs. Outstanding

Fin year 2010 - 11 All District All Quarter 1 Plan Achiev. Backlog Plan S.No Activity Head 1 Training to SHGs Members 1.1 Module 3 (Leadership & Book Keeping) 1.2 Module 4 (GPLF Concept) 1.3 Other Need Based Training 2 Discussion on Livelihood 2.1 Livelihood Loan process Block All Event type All Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Cumulative status

Achiev. Achiev. Backlog Plan Achiev. Backlog Plan Achiev. Backlog Plan Achiev. Backlog more than Plan Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Export Cancel

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Print

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Report 16: Monthly Progress Report:

Monthly Progress Report-SHG
District GP Financial year
Selection Selection Selection



Month Particulars
Institution Building Social Mobilization Total No. of Revenue Village Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display


S.No. Indicator code

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1.2.4 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2 1.2.1 1.2 1 1.1


Till Previous In current Till current month Month month

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Inclusion No. of Saturated Revenue Village Total no. of HHs Total no. of leftout HHs Total no. of targeted HHs No. of poor HHs No. of EPVG HHs No. of well off HHs No. of manageable HHs No. of SC HHs No. of ST HHs No. of BPL HHs No. of APL HHs No of rural yoth (M/F) SHG & members details SHGs not formd by TRIPTI but coverd by TRIPTI No. of existing SHGs No. of poor/EPVG SHGs No. of EPVG SHG No. of SC/ST SHG No. of > 5 member (Poor+ EPVG) in SHG No. of >70% BPL SHG No. of Defaulter SHG SHGs formed by TRIPTI No. of Poor/EPVG SHG No. of EPVG SHG No. of SC/ST SHG Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

No. of SHGs which having >5 Poor or EPVG members Nos No. SHGs which having of >70% BPL members No. of Defaulter SHG No. of Minority SHG No. of SHG members Total Number of SHG Member No. of Poor SHG Member No. of EPVG SHG Member No. of BPL Member No. of APL Member No. of SC Member No. of ST Member No. of Member with >60 years age No. of eligible members which are not in SHGs % of eligible poor members not in SHGs % of eligible EPVG members not in SHGs % % Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos

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47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 3 2.1 2 1.2.8 1.2.7 1.2.6 1.2.5

% of eligible SC members not in SHGS % of eligible ST members not in SHGs Age Category of SHG No. of SHG 3 months Old No. of SHG 6 months Old Meeting frequency No. of SHG having Weekly Meeting No. of SHG having Monthly Meeting Savings Total Saving Amount (In lacks) Total Fine amount (In lacks) Cash in hand (In lacks) Cash at Bank (In lacks) Bank detail Total no. of SHG Has Bank A/C No. of SHG 3 month Having not bank A/C No. of SHG Bank Linkage No. of SHG received Bank Loan No .of Proposals pending with banks No of SHG Received 1st Linkage No. of SHG Received 2nd & repeat Finance No of SHGs repayment made in time total Bank linkage amount No. of SHG Bank loan over due Amount of Overdue Loan Repayment % of Bank Loan Internal lending No. of SHG Taken Internal Loan No. of Member Taken Internal Loan Total Amount of Internal Loan No. of Poor/EPVG Taken Internal Loan

% % Nos Nos Nos Nos Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Rs. Rs. Rs. % Nos Nos Rs. Nos

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

No. of member taken Internal Loan more than once Nos No. of Poor/EPVG member taken Internal Loan more then once Nos Total Principal Repayment Amount Total Interest Repayment Amount Total Outstanding Amount No. of SHGs regularly repay loan amount No. of poor/EPVG members repaying loan regularly Total repayment amount by POOR/EPVG Purpose of the Internal lending No of members aviled loan for production purpose Amount availed for productive purpose Nos Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Nos Nos Rs.

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

No of members aviled loan for consumption purpose Nos Amount availed for consumption purpose PPIF No. of SHG received PPIF-1 No. of SHG received PPIF-2 Total amount released >= 5 P& E and 3 month older or TRIBAL GROUP Eligible for PPIF 1 No. of Eligible for PPIF-2 Rs. Nos Nos Rs. Nos Nos

Date Print Export Cancel


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Report 17: Monthly Progress Report-GPLF:

Monthly Progres Report - GPLF

District GPLF/office Financial year

Selection Selection Selection





S.No. Indicator code

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 I00089 I00092 I00094 I00095 I00096 I00104 I00106 I00107 I00237 I00240 I00256 I00257 I00258 I00259 I00260 I00261 I00262 I00263

Building self managed & self reliant GPLFs No. of Gram Panchayat Level Federation formed No. of SHGs part of GPLF Total individual members of GPLF Total share capital mobilised Total membership fee mobilised No. of GPLFs having bank account Cash in hand (GPLF) (In lakhs) Cash at bank (GPLF) (In lakhs) No of Village in which 8 or more SHG has been form but not link with GPLF No of GPLF, two month old but not having bank account No of GPLF having Social Security Fund Total Amount of Group Saving Mobilised in GPLF (In lakhs) Other Savings (In lakhs) Total Amount Mobilised at the GPLF level (In lakhs) No of GPLF in which SHG repayment has started Total Number of SHG Graded A Total Number of SHG Graded B Total Number of SHG Graded C

Nos Nos Nos Rs Rs Nos Rs Rs Nos Nos Nos Rs Rs Rs Nos Nos Nos Nos

Till Previous month

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

In current Month
Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Till current month

Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display



Report 18: Report 18.1: Consolidated Report at District Level:

Consolidated Report at District Level
Consolidated report at District level
Year Selection Month Selection

District 1 Display 2 3 4 5 Total

No. of SHG Display

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display

Loan due Overdue interest Display

Total Display

Principal repaid Display

Loan repaid Interest Total repaid Display Display

Repaymen t (%) Display




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Report 18.2: Consolidated Report at Block Level:

Consolidated Report at Block Level
Consolidated report at Block level
District name No. of SHG Display Display Year Display Month Loan due Overdue interest Display Display Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display Total

Block 1 Display 2 3 Total

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display




Report 18.3: Consolidated Report at GPLF Level:

Consolidated Report at GPLF Level
Consolidated report at GPLF level
District No. of SHG Display Display Block Display Year Display Loan due Overdue interest Display Month Display Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display Total

GPLF 1 Display 2 3 Total

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display




Report 18.4: Consolidated Report at Village Level:

Consolidated Report at Village Level
Consolidated report at village level
District Village name 1 Display 2 3 Total No. of SHG Display Display Block Display GPLF Display Year Display Loan due Overdue interest Display Month Display Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display

No. of cumulativ members e saving Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display




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Report 18.5: Consolidated Report at SHG Level:

Consolidated Report at SHG Level
Consolidated report at SHG level
District Display Block Display No. of cumulativ members e saving Display GPLF Display Village Display Year Display Loan due Overdue interest Display Month Display 1 2 3

SHG name Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display

Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display Total

Total Print Export Cancel

Report 18.6: Consolidated Report at Member Level:

Consolidated Report at Member Level
Consolidated report at member level
District Display Block Display GPLF Display cumulativ e saving Village Display SHG name Display Year Display Month Display 1 2 3

Member name Display

Cumulativ Total loan Principal e outstandi Overdue demand disbursem ng principal Display Display Display Display Display

Loan due Overdue interest Display

Loan repaid Repaymen Principal Interest t (%) Total Total repaid repaid Display Display Display Display Display

Total Print Export Cancel

Report 19: Monitoring the Data Entry:

Monitoring The Data Entry
District Village Selection Selection Block Selection GP FIN year Selection Selection

Sl. no.

Group name Formation date Village name 1 Display Display Display 2 3













Date Print Export Cancel


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Report 20: Report 20.1: Repayment Report:

Repayment Report
District GP Repayment % Year Selection Selection Selection Selection Sl. no. 1 SHG Name Formation Display Block Village Type of loan Month Repayment % BL IL Selection Selection Selection Selection Group repayment %




Report 20.2: Repayment Report-Loan Product Wise:

Repayment Report- Loan Product Wise
Repayment report - Loan product wise

District GP Repayment % Year Loan product name 1 Sl. no. 1 2 3 Total Loan product name 2 Sl. no. 1 2 3 Total Member name Display

Display Display Display Display Loan disbursed

Block Village Type of loan Month Principal demand

Display Display Display Display Principal repaid Interest Paid Outstanding Overdue Principal Repayment rate

Member name

Loan disbursed

Principal demand

Principal repaid

Interest Paid Outstanding Overdue Principal Repayment rate




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Report 21: Service Improvement Report:

Service Improvement Report
District Year Selection Selection Block Month Selection Selection GP Selection

SN A 1 2 3 4 5 6 B 1 2 3 4 C 1 2 3 D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Indicators Service Linkages No. of SHG > 3 months old but did not opened Bank account No. of SHG having Bank account > 6months old but did not have Bank linkage No. of villages having more than 8 SHGs which is 3 months old but VO not formed in that village No. of SHG > 1.5 year old but did not received FSF No. of SHG having Bank account > 3 months old but did not recived ICF loan No. of SHG > 12 months old having Interloan < 50% of total fund SHG monitoring No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 3 months No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 6 months No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 9 months No. of SHG for which DIDI sheet has not been entered since 12 months SHG Grading No. of SHG under Grade A No. of SHG under Grade B No. of SHG under Grade C Interloan repayment No. of SHG having repayment rate of < 40% No. of SHG having repayment rate from 40% to < 60% No. of SHG having repayment rate from 60% to < 80% No. of SHG having repayment rate from 80% No. of SHG did not repaid anything since 3 months No. of SHG did not repaid anything since 6 months No. of SHG did not repaid anything since 9 months

Till previous month Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Till current month Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display




Report 22: Report 22.1: Ageing Analysis report:

Ageing Analysis Report

District GPLF/office name Year Sl. no. SHG name 1 Display 2 3

Selection Selection Selection GPLF name Display

Block Village Month No. of overdue loans 4 months 5 months Display Display

Selection Selection Selection

1 month Display

2 months Display

3 months Display

6 months Display

> 6 months Display

Date Export Print Cancel


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Report 22.2: Ageing Analysis Report:

Ageing Analysis Report - Group Wise

District GPLF/Office name CLF name Year Date of formation Loan purpose

Display Display Display Display Display Date of disbursement Disbursed amount No. of installments

Block Village SHG name Month

Display Display Display Display 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Member Name


Loan type

Principal demand

Recovery amount

Overdue Last repayment Loan Overdue amount date outstanding months




Report 22.3: Ageing Analysis Report-Loan Wise:

Ageing Analysis Report - Loan Wise

District Village Date of Formation

Display Display Display

Block CLF

Display Display

GPLF/Office SHG name

Display Display

No of overdue months: (number of months) Bank Loan (BL) Date of Sl No. member name Disburseme nt 1 2 Sub total Inter loaning(IL) Date of Sl No. member name Disburseme nt 1 2 Sub total Grand total

No of disbursed installmen amount ts

Principal demand

Recovery amount

Overdue amount

Last Principal repayment outstanding date

No of disbursed installmen amount ts

Principal demand

Recovery amount

Overdue amount

Last Principal repayment outstanding date




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Report 23: Group Wise Saving Report-GPLF:

Group wise Savings Report - GPLF
Block From Display Dt selection GP To Display Dt selection

S no. Display Display Display Total

No. of Village name group Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

No. of member Display Display Display Display

Total GPLFlunta Other saving saving (Rs.) ry savings saving (Rs.) (Rs.) Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display




Report 24: Loan Summary Report:

Loan Summary Report



GP Month


Current loans Loans Village Name Display No. of group Display

Closed loans

S No. Display Total

No. of loanee Display

No. of loans Display

Loan amount (Rs.) Display Display

Loan repaid (Rs.) Principal Interest Display Display Display Display

Loan outstandi ng (Rs.) Display Display




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Report 25: Collection and Demand report:

Collection and Demand Report
Block Year Display Year Selection GP Display Month selection


S no. Display Total

Name of group Display

Loan code/ Outstandi Overdue Loan type ng principal Display Display Display Display

Demand Overdue interest principal Display Display Print Display Display Export

Demand interest Display Display Cancel

Total Demand principle Display Display

Principal Interest repaid repaid from field from field

Report 26: Loan Register:

Loan Register Village Group's address: Disbursemt date: Select Display Display Group name: Interest rate: Select Display No of installments: Display Loan code: Select Display Moratorium Period : Display Loan amount: Display


Loan schedule Principle Interest

Demand Principle Interest


Repayment details Principle Interest


Extra repaymentOver due Outstanding

Display Display

Display Display

Display Display

Display Display

Display Display

Display Display Print









Report 27: General Ledger:

General Ledger
Block Account name Display Selection From Dt selection GP Display To Dt selection 1 2 3 4

voucher no Display Display Display Display

Date Details Opening balance Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Closing balance Print Export

Dibit Display Display Display Display

Credit Display Display Display Display

Balance Display Display Display Display Display Display


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Report 28: Member Wise Saving Report:

Member Wise Saving Report

District Display Village name Display CLF Display From Date Date Selection

Block Display SHG name Display GPLF Display To Date Date Selection

Panchayat Display SHG Code Display

S no. Display Display Display Display Total

Member name Display Display Display Display

Compulsory saving Display Display Display Display Display

Voluntary savings Display Display Display Display Display

Cummulative Savings Display Display Display Display Display




Report 29: Member wise Loan Repayment Schedule:

Member Wise Loan Repayment Schedule


Display Display

Village Member

Display Selection 1 Disbursed amount No. of installment Repayment date Display Display Sub total Display Display Outstanding Display Display Date of disbursment Purpose Principal to be paid Display Display Display Display Display Interest to be paid Display Display Display




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Report 30: Member Wise Loan Status:

Member Wise Loan Status Gram panchayat SHG 1 Disbursed amount No. of installment Repayment date Subtotal Display Display Principal paid Display Date of disbursment Purpose Overdue principal Display Display Display Overdue interest Display Display Display Village Member Display Selection

Interest paid Display

Outstanding Display




Report 31: Report 31.1: Group Wise Loan Details:

Group Wise Loan Details Village name From date Closed loans Display Select Group name Display To date Select

Current loans



Report 31.2: Group Wise Current/Closed Loan Details:

Group wise current/closed loan details Office Display Date Display

S.No Display Display Display Display Total

Member name Display Display Display Display

Number of loans Display Display Display Display Display

Total loans amount Display Display Display Display Display

Principle paid Display Display Display Display Display

Interest paid Display Display Display Display Display

Outstandin g Display Display Display Display Display




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Report 32: General Ledger:

General Ledger GP Account name 1 2 3 4 5 Display Selection Voucher no Display Display Display Display Display Village Display SHG Display

From Selection Date Details Opening balance Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Closing balance Print Export Debit Display Display Display Display Display Credit Display Display Display Display Display

To Selection Balance Display Display Display Display Display Display Display


Report 33: Trial Balance Report:

Trial Balance Report GP SHG Financial year Account Display Display Display Total Grand Total Display Display Selection Account name Display Display Display Debit Display Display Display Month Selection Village Display

Amount Credit Display Display Display Display Display




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Report 34: Balance Sheet Report:

Balance Sheet Report

GP Financial year

Display Select Liability Account name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display



SHG As on

Display Select Assets Account name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

Code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Amount Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

Code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Amount Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display




Report 35: Receipts and Payments Report:

Receipts and payments report GP From Display Dt selection Village Display SHG To Display Dt selection

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total

Code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Receipt Account name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Amount Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Print Export

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Cancel

Code Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Payment Account name Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

Amount Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display

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Report 36: Profit and Loss Report:

Profit and Loss Report

GP Financial year

Display Select Expenditure Account Code name Display Display Display Display Display Display Total



SHG As on

Display Select

S.No Display Display Display

Amount Display Display Display

S.No Display Display Display

Income Account Code name Display Display Display Display Display Display Total

Amount Display Display Display Display




Report 37: List of Members Withdrawn:

List of Members Withdrawn GP SHG Display Display Village As on Display Selection

S.No 1 2 3 Print

Member Name Display Display Display Export Cancel

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Note: S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 In user entry fields first place should not be empty and must starts with alphabet or numeric depends on the field Field Validation Name Should accept only alphabets Regional name Should accept data in Odiya language Phone number Should accept only numerics Email Id Should acept data in standard email format Address/ Narration Should accept alphanumerics and special characters Zip code Should accept only numerics Date Should acept data in standard date format Time Should acept data in standard time format Amount Should accept only numerics Text box Should accept data in one line Multi textbox Should accept data in one or more lines Dropdown/combo box Should not accept other values other than the values present in the drop down box Radio button Allow to select only one radiobutton Check box Allow to select one or more checkboxes More Onclicking it should create new row(s) Remove Onclicking it should delete the newly created row(s) Save/Submit On clicking save button- Its checks all mandatory fields are filled or not, if all mandatory field are filled then data will be saved Cancel For cancelling the current operation Print On clicking it should populate the print options or print the information in the screen Export On clicking it should export the data to excel sheet >> On clicking - It should add the selected values in "Available combobox" to "Mapped combobox"


On clicking - It should add the selected values in "Mapped combobox" to "Available combobox"

*End Of SRS*

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