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CASE Study Analysis

Instructions regarding the Group Formation: Every individual has been assigned to a particular Group consisting of 8/9 people. The list is present in the Excel sheet attached. Accordingly every Group has been assigned with 2 HBR Cases on which it has to work. Each group has to work on both the cases. Every member needs to contribute equally to the Assignment so that the Group learns from everyone. Every Group has been formed keeping certain parameters in mind, and thus we expect thorough analyses and a professional approach towards the Assignment.

Instructions on the Assignment Guidelines: You have to analyse the Case Study based on an organisation/company. Generally a Case Study is written keeping in mind a particular problem statement and discussion of alternative options to mitigate the problem. As a business student, you need to find out the problem in the Case and evaluate major solutions available and choose the best solution which would be logically viable for the company to follow. This is just a basic guideline on which a Case is written; however this is not all if the scope of a Case is considered. Any Group with proper quantitative analysis and creative ideas would be awarded extra points. Instructions on the Deliverable: The deadline for submitting this assignment is 7th July2011 9:00 am. Late Submissions will result in awarding zero marks to the concerned group. You have to prepare a presentation in .ppt or .pptx format strictly complying with the following specifications: o The time limit for the presentation is 20 minutes which will consist of 14 minutes of presentation followed by 6 minutes of question & answer o Make sure you prepare a professional presentation. o The presentation should be comprehensive as well as to the point o The IIM Shillong logo should be placed as the presentation header The submission must be mailed to before the above mentioned deadline (no request for deadline extension shall be entertained) The submission format of the Case Studies are to be done in a zip file containing both Case analysis. The naming convention of the file should be: Case Study_<Group No.>.zip containing the Case Names as Case Study_<Group No.>_Case Name1 and Case Study_<Group No.>_Case Name2 o Example: The zip file should be Case o Example: The Case Names should be named as Case Study_Group-1_Loreal and Case Study_Group-1_Narayana Hridulaya The Subject Line of the mail which is to be sent should be Case Study_<Group No.> o Example: Case Study _Group-1 Plagiarism, professional misconduct, and failure to adhere to instructions will invite strict penalty. Students are advised to be as original as possible in presenting their views.

Besides using the assignment for deciding grades for one credit, the submissions will also be used for evaluating a candidates eligibility for membership to various student driven clubs, committees and events.

----------------------------------------------------Happy Learning------------------------------------------------------

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