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SQL Technologies is an internationally recognized Software Development and IT Consultancy Company. SQL's core Management team is built around the expertise of top class performance with proven track in software design, development, testing and implementation for topnotch companies. Our superior methodologies, standard quality processes, effective project management and a right mix of on-site and off-shore software teams help us execute projects that often exceed client expectations. Currently we are located at Chandigarh and Jalandhar. SQL Technologies has a high-end dedicated software development design center with a versatile skill pool specializing in technologies like .NET, J2EE, PHP, ORACLE, AJAX development and is fully equipped to expand for various projects as per the client's requirment SQL Technologies also has state of art Training Division with more than 10,000 sq.ft. space, which provides an unrivaled range of high quality Training and Certifications in Software courses for Engineering/MCA Students and Corporates who seeks a secured career in the IT world. All the programs are devised to equip the students with unparalleled professional expertise as you walk out with the Internationally Acclaimed Certifications.

SQL Technologies Training Division offers specialized High-Tech Industrial Training Program which maps according to the current industry requirements. The focus of the Industrial Training is to facilitate students with Live Projects on lates technologies like VB.NET, ASP.NET, PHP, ORACLE DBA/DEVELOPER, J2EE, STRUTS, SPRINGS, HIBERNATE, LINUX, MCITP, CCNA, Web Designing and Development under the strict guidance of Industry Experts. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT:

Development & Supports of Business Software Applications. -Free and Open-Source Software Development,Customization & Support. -Programming for Mobile,Handheld Device,OEM Hardware & Embedded Systems. -Networking Consultancy & project implementation. - Dedicated Offshore Technology Center

NETWORK CONSULTANCY: Outsourcing Local Area Network design and implementation requirements can help to reduce the cost and the risk to business. We will work with clients until their needs are met, providing the desired infrastructure and implementation. We have years of experience with LAN networking, Switching, Bridging, Firewalling and Network Security. We can help to maintain the stability of current network as well as upgrading current infrastructure. Our Network Team works to create a great computer network infrastructure with a wide variatey of functions. Our team of experienced network engineers will provide hands-on expertise to implement the desired networking infrastructure for clients needs. We can also help to setup home network for personal use, or family computer networking needs. TRAINING PROGRAMS SQL Technologies, INDIA's leading IT-Education provider, equips learners with actionable knowledge, getting the right learning to the right people at the right time With SQL Technologies, you can accelerate and certify the skills of a globally dispersed staff with standardised course materials through every stage of the IT learning curve


Project Manger assign project to Team leaders and Team Leader assign the particular module to their team member. Overall Supervision whether project is completed within time or under development Authentication and Verification done by Project Manager who plays the role of Administrator

To reduce the overall manpower of the system, to increase the efficiency productivity and to facilitate the work done in present system, to streamline and speed-up the information flow between concerned departments, it provides the overall view of the organization from the single desk and reduces the inconsistencies. It provides the multi-user view and access to the data using G.U.I. it increases the data security and flexibility. Identify the opportunities available and processes having highest potential improvement.

It is the first and the foremost thing to decide the principles and objectives in development of any application. These objectives lay down the path for the successful completion of any application. These decide the framework on which the user can turn his brain on and make things happen his own way. Predetermination of the objectives makes things go easy. The application in our case is the automation of bank. First of all we decide the reason as to why there is a need to develop such an application. The answer for this question is not just a single reason. It includes a wide application area via which we have successfully implemented this project. The reasons are as follows: 1. Removal of the old manual framework. 2. Fulfilling the needs of the organization in a way that it benefits the physical outfit of the organization. 3. Removal of any discrepancies that may lead to human harassment due to the old framework in action. 4. Develop a user friendly environment which a user can appreciate and use as he desires. 5. Limiting the economic structure of the organization in which it is to be implemented and used. Making it adaptable for changing environment and alterations that can affect its present working

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. In the existing system the Project Manager, Team Leader has to compute The existing lengths of some fields could not be increased. Lack of access to instant information. Non-availability of Dynamic Reports at different levels. Data redundancy due to single Reports at different levels. Lack of consistency between the various education grades. No track of hands involving in the task.

results and cut offs manually.

DRAWBACKS OF EXISTING SYSTEM: 1. Slow and inefficient. 2. Error prone. 3. Redundancy of data. 4. Non centralized data. 5. Higher maintenance cost. 6. Inconsistency of data. 7. Changes of tampering with the documents and data by unauthorized persons. 8. All the work being delayed leads to the bad quality of the product.

9. Customer complaints are increased due to the defective products.

ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM OVER EXISTING SYSTEM: 1. Improved accuracy 2. Improved timeliness of information. 3. Interactive in nature. 4. Far more reliable than existing system. 5. Large volumes of data can be processed in time. 6. Cost of paper work reduced. 7. There is only one time installation cost and future upgradeability. 8. Tampering of data from unauthorized persons will not be there. 9. Reports can be had to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Company.


Keeping in view the working of the company the model to be developed should meet following requirement and objectives. These requirements were taken in a special session with the employees and staff of the organization who are finally going to operate on to the system. Following are the requirements for the users side.

USER FRIENDLY: a) The system should be as far as possible to understand and to work with. b) Data entry should be easier. SECURITY: a) The system should be secure from malicious data entry. b) The system should not be in reach of any unauthorized user. c) Should be robust to handle if there is any unwanted attack over the data and information because the system is going to be implemented on the web and there are chances of viruses and security threat to a great extent. REAL TIME: a) The system should be capable of generating up to date information. b) Generation of information should consider time factor i.e. turnaround time should be minimum.


PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: The Database is the Foundation Stone of Future Application Development It should make application development easier, cheaper faster and more flexible. The Data Can Have Multiple Uses different users who perceive the same data differently can employ them in different ways. Intellectual Investment: protects existing programs and logical data structure will not have to be redone when changes are made to the database. Clarity: users can easily know and understand what data are available to them.

Ease of Use: Users can gain access to data in a simple fashion. Complexity is hidden from the readers by the database management system. The data can be used or searched in flexible ways with different access paths. Unanticipated requests for data can be handled quickly. Spontaneous requests for data can be handled without application programs having to be written , by means of high-level query or report generation system. Change is Easy: The database can grow and change without interfering with established ways of using the data. Low Cost: Low cost of storing and using data. And minimization of the high cost of making changes. Less data Proliferation: New application needs may be met with existing data rather than creating new files, thus avoiding the excessive data proliferation in todays tape libraries. Performance: Data requests can be satisfied with speed suitable to the usage of data.

Physical data Independence: Storage hardware and physical storage Logical data Independence: New item data can be added or the overall techniques can be changed without causing application program re-writing logical structures expanded without existing programs having to be re-written. Controlled Redundancy: Data items will be stored only once except where there are technical or economic reasons for redundant storage. Suitably fast Access: Access mechanism and addressing methods will be fast enough for the usage in the question. Suitably Fast Searching: The need for fast spontaneous searching of the data will grow as inter-active systems usage spreads. Data standardization: Within a Corporation Inter Department agreement is needed in data format and definitions. Standardization is needed between Departments who would otherwise create incompatible data.

Data Dictionary: A Data Dictionary, defining all data items used, is needed. High Level Programmer Interface: Application programmer should use simple, powerful data re1quests and be insulated from the complexities of file layout and addressing. End user Language: A high level query or report generation language should permit some end users to bypass the application programming step. Inter control: Range checks and other controls should detect data inaccuracies, Where possible. Fast Recovery from Failures: Automatic recovery without loss of transactions. Tenability: The database should be tunable, to improve performance without causing application program re-writing. Design and Monitoring Aids: Aids, which permit the designer or data administrator to predict and optimize performance. Automatic Reorganization or Migration: Data Migration or other automatic physical reorganization designed to improve performance. Evolution to Distributed Data Base operation: The system should be designed so that distributed processing and computer network operations can evolve.


Accuracy will be highly enhanced. Data stored will become much easy and compact. Reports and bills can be made available which is must for them. A lot of computational burden will be off. Users can easily know and understand what data are available to them. The Database is the Foundation Stone of future Application Development. It should make application development easier, cheaper, faster, reliable and more flexible. The data can have multiple uses different users who perceive the same data differently can employ them in different ways. 9

Unanticipated requests for data can be handled quickly. Spontaneous requests for data can be handled without application programs having to be written (a time consuming bottleneck), by means of high-level query or report generation system. Even stranger to computer can use the system being menu driven with little effort.

HARDWARE & SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS The Software Interface will be based on a standalone workstation concept. The frontend interface being used is designed in JAVA Technology The back-end being used for database MS-Access. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION: 1. 2. Front end: JAVA Back end: Oracle

LANGUAGES AND TECHNOLOGIES USED: Java Core JDBC Swings HARDWARE SPECIFICATION: 1. 2. 3. Processor: Intel P4 and advanced Ram: 1gb or more Windows: xp,7



PROJECT DESCRIPTION This is the Desktop application. The Project is mainly concerned with getting less burden on employees of the bank and to centralized the database. The bank will require more manpower to maintain financial transactions, updating etc. All the information thus entered will reach the Corporate Office through the Internet and this Information will be updated in the corporate databases by the Online Client and company admin. DETAILS OF THE PROJECT This project is easiest to use. This project has been developed in AWT+SWING. I have used jdk1.6 software to develop this project. You can create new account account. You can deposit amount in the particular account no. You can also withdraw amount from the particular account no. You can search the information about a particular account no. You can delete the account and their information. You can also update the account information through this project. This project reduce paper work. This project is used to perform banking related transaction.


PROBLEM STATEMENT APPLICATION TYPE An application type is derived by registering the user details in the database by authenticated user who has access to the database of the project as new user cannot be created by everyone. APPLICATION INSTANCE An initiated execution of an application type is defined as an application instance. The application is uploaded on the personal computers of the employees and it is not available for public. Each instance is contained within its own domain-this means that any user account made cannot be accessed by any other user. 12

FUNCTIONS TO BE PROVIDED: The overall objective of the team was for seeking the daily task done by employees of their Organization. By using this Project, Project Manager Assign the project to Team Leader of their Organization .The main aim of this project manger is to know whether project is completed within tentative time. With the help of these projects Organization come to know efficiency of their employees. Provide security by login facility. Very user friendly. Easy to operate. PROCESSING ENVIRONMENT: HARDWARE & SOFTWARE PROFILE

The application would be developed in: Front End Interface Programming Language Back End Database OPERATING SYSTEM Notepad and DOS JAVA Oracle (10g). Windows Xp/2000/2003/7



SOLUTION STRATEGY: Desktop Applications are automations of system whether they are bank systems, college management system, hospital management system etc. As such they require proper maintenance to ensure that accurate and updated information is presented adequately. Therefore every project development and maintenance project is given equal emphasis when it comes to following the guidelines and process we have laid down as part of our well defined project development and maintenance methodology. CONTENT: A Desktop Application is your automated system. We focus on firstly the essentials like user friendly interface, ease of navigation etc. The total content is uploaded in datbase priority wise. The client can add any other information or features, which they feel is important. EASE OF NAVIGATION: At Soften Creative Solutions Pvt. Ltd., we design logical navigation systems that allow visitors to understand your projects clearly and easily find the information. SPEED: While designing your applications, we follow certain technical guidelines that help in loading your forms fast, leading to minimum time.


Feasibility Study is defined as an evaluation or analysis of the potential impact of a proposed project or program. An initial investigation in a proposal that determines whether an alternative system is feasible. A proposal summarizing the thinking of the analyst is presented to the user for review. When approved the proposal initiates a feasibility study that describe and evaluates candidates system and provides for the selection of the best system performance requirement. Following are the types of feasibility analysis: ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY: An evaluation of development cost weighted against the ultimate income or benefit derived from the developed system. Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of the system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a system and compare them with cost. If benefits overweigh cost. Then the decision is made to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification or alteration in the proposed system will have chances of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves inaccuracy at each phase of the system life cycle. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY: Technical feasibility center on the existing computer (hardware, software) etc and to what extend it can support the proposed addition. System developed by us in technical feasible because no system was previously running on their system as they have purchased new system. Our system is easy to use as it is user friendly that events a man who knows simple English, how to type can use it efficiency and it is capable in fulfilling their requirements about letter of credit and billing process of trade. We have removed all the technicalities unnecessary botheration for users while developing system. The necessary technologies that are required to implement the proposed system are available easily in the software market. The main hardware equipments such as computers, printers, etc. are readily available.


OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY: The main objective here is to determine whether the system will work after it is developed and installed. A proper investigation was done in this regard and as a result, the following conclusions were derived: There was sufficient support from the management and the client involved. The current methods are too cumbersome and take a lot of time and include repetitive works. The important data is not available as and when desired. It takes a lot of time to gather the important statistics regarding the system. The persons involved in the current working of the system were met and discussions were held with them to evolve a system with which they had good support and participation.


TEAM STRUCTURE: The team structure for the project is guided by the Mr. Kunwarpal. Proper session under his guidance is established for the requirements and need on the users side as well from the developers side.

PROJECT LEADER Mr. Sarabjit Singh

DEVELOPERS FOR New Account form, Deposit form, Withdraw form, Deposit Inquiry form, Withdraw Inquiry form:
1. M/s Manvinder Kaur.

DEVELOPERS FOR Search form, Update form, Delete A/C form, Checkbook Inquiry form, Issue Checkbook form:
1. M/s Manvinder Kaur.

The team structure of the organization is shown as per the hierarchy level of the organization. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: The following steps were followed in developing the application 1. Study, Analysis and Requirement Specifications: The study of the existing system and its drawback gave an idea about what kind of interface was required. The study was conducted through information gathering and studying the existing system. 2. Design of the proposed system: The next step was to design the screen, windows and reports for the inputs and outputs. The concerned authorities consulted during the design phase to ensure user acceptances and not to miss out on


any vital information. In the same phase, the project was broken down into various modules. 3. Coding of the design system: A modular approach was followed, where, in each module, a well-defined procedure was developed independently. These modules were developed to use the same database file structure to ensure integrity. 4. System documentation: This stage consists of documenting the layout of entire system. It indicated the purpose of interlinking of different modules along with the integration of the entire system. 5. Testing and Debugging: Preliminary test were done with the selfgenerating dummy data. After identifying and removing errors, it was tested for all activities together.

Programming Languages and Development Tools FRONT END (JAVA)



Java is a general purpose, object-oriented programming language introduced by Sun Microsystems of USA in 1991.Originally called Oak by James Gosling, one of the inventors of the language. The java team which included Patrick Naughton discovered that the existing languages like c and c++ had limitations in terms of both reliability and portability. They modeled their new language java on C and C++ but removed a number of features of C and C++ that were considered as sources of problems and thus made Java is really simple, reliable, portable, simple, compact, interactive and powerful language. The most striking feature of the language is that it is a platform neutral Language. Java is the first language that is not tied to any particular hardware or operating system. Programs developed in java can be executed anywhere on any system. JAVA FEATURES: 1. Compiled and Interpreted: - Java combines both these approaches thus making java a two stage systems. First, java compiler translates source code into what is known as bytecode instructions. Second, java interpreter generates machine code that can be directly executed by the machine that is running the java programs. 2. Platform-independent and portable: - The most significant contribution of java over other language is its portability. Java programs can be easily moved from one computer system to another, anywhere and anytime. 3. Object-Oriented: - Java is a true object-oriented language. Almost everything in java is an object. All program code and data reside within objects and classes. The object model in java is simple and easy to extend.


4. Robust and secure: -Java is a robust language. It provides many safeguards to ensure reliable code. It has strict compile time and run time checking for data types. Security becomes an important issue for a language that is used for programming on internet. 5. Distributed: - Java is designed as a distributed language. It has the ability to share both data and programs. This enables multiple programmers at multiple remote locations to collaborate and work together on a single project. 6. Multithreaded: - Multithreaded means handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Java supports multithreaded programs. This means we need not wait for the application to finish one task before beginning another. 7. Dynamic and Extensible: - Java is a dynamic language. Java is capable of dynamically linking in new class libraries, methods and objects. Java programs support functions in other languages such as C and C++. These are native methods.


Hardware requirements: Hardware Processor Memory Disk Space Software Requirement: Operating System Solaris SPARC Solaris SPARC Windows NT/XP/ME Windows 2000 Windows Server 2003 Linux RedHat Linux RedHat JAVA SUPPORT SYSTEMS Support system Web server Web browser Web technologies Description Is a program that accepts the requests sent by a client and processes the request. Is a program that provides access to the world wide web and runs the java applet programs. Are the technologies that are used to create hypertext information to be displayed on the internet. Various web technologies available in the market are HTML and JSP. Is used to create various programs and application in java. Are the interpreted java code that are converted to the machine code by java virtual machines. Is used to connect a web server to the client 21 Version Version 7 Version 8 Version 4 Professional Standard Version 6.0 Version 6.1 Requirement Intel 32 bit 64 MB for OS, 128 MB for Web Server 98 MB for OS, 110 MB for web server

Java code Byte code Internet connection

computer that can be located anywhere in the world. JAVA ENVIRONMENT: JAVA DEVELOPMENT KIT: Java Development Kit contains various

tools used by the java Runtime Environment that can be used to compile and interpret java programs. 1. applet viewer allows you to run java applet. 2. Javac is a java compiler that translate the java source code into java class files or the byte code files that can be interpreted by the java interpreter. 3. java is a java interpreter that executes various application by interpreting the byte code files. 4. javah is used for including the c header files in a java program. 5. javap acts as a disassemble and is used to convert byte code files into a program source code. 6. jdb is a java debugger that locates error in a java program. 7. javadoc creates documentation of the java source code files in the HTML format from the comments available in a java source code.



1. Language support classes, which support basic features in java such as string, array, threads and exception handling. 2. Utility classes that are used for various functions such as random number generator function and container function. 3. Input or output classes that are used to read data from various input devices and write data on various output devices. 4. Networking classes, which allow communication between different computers over a network. 5. Abstract window toolkit that is used for creating platform- independent GUI application. 6. Applet that allows you to create Applets which can be downloading and run on a client browser.

THE JAVA ABSTRACT WINDOW TOOLKIT (AWT) & (SWING) PACKAGE: AWT stands for Abstract Window ToolKit. The Abstract Window Toolkit supports GUI Java programming. It is a portable GUI library for stand-alone applications and/or applets. The Abstract Window Toolkit provides the connection between your application and the native GUI. The AWT provides a high level of abstraction for your Java program since it hides you from the underlying details of the GUI your program will be running on. AWT FEATURES INCLUDE: A rich set of user interface components. A robust event-handling model. Graphics and imaging tools, including shape, color, and font classes. Layout managers, for flexible window layouts that don't depend on a particular window size or screen resolution. Data transfer classes, for cut-and-paste through the native platform clipboard.


The AWT components depend on native code counterparts (called peers) to handle their functionality. Thus, these components are often called "heavyweight" components. An Overview of Swing: Swing implements a set of GUI components that build on AWT technology and provide a pluggable look and feel. Swing is implemented entirely in the Java programming language, and is based on the JDK 1.1 Lightweight UI Framework. Swing features include: All the features of AWT. 100% Pure Java certified versions of the existing AWT component set (Button, Scrollbar, Label, etc.). A rich set of higher-level components (such as tree view, list box, and tabbed panes). Pure Java design, no reliance on peers. Pluggable Look and Feel. Swing components do not depend on peers to handle their functionality. Thus, these components are often called "lightweight" components. JDBC: The JDBC API is the industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the Java programming language and a wide range of databases. The JDBC API provides a calllevel API for SQL-based database access. JDBC technology allows you to use the Java programming language to exploit "Write Once, Run Anywhere" capabilities for applications that require access to enterprise data. The JDBC API makes it possible to do three things: Establish a connection with a database or access any tabular data source

Send SQL statements Process the results

JDBC Architecture: 24

The JDBC API contains two major sets of interfaces: the first is the JDBC API for application writers, and the second is the lower-level JDBC driver API for driver writers. JDBC technology drivers fit into one of four categories. Applications and applets can access databases via the JDBC API using pure Java JDBC technology-based drivers, as shown in this figure:

Left side, Type 4: Direct-to-Database Pure Java Driver: This style of driver converts JDBC calls into the network protocol used directly by DBMSs, allowing a direct call from the client machine to the DBMS server and providing a practical solution for intranet access. Right side, Type 3: Pure Java Driver for Database Middleware This style of driver translates JDBC calls into the middleware vendor's protocol, which is then translated to a DBMS protocol by a middleware server. The middleware provides connectivity to many different databases.


Left side, Type 1: JDBC-ODBC Bridge plus ODBC Driver This combination provides JDBC access via ODBC drivers. ODBC binary code -- and in many cases, database client code -- must be loaded on each client machine that uses a JDBC-ODBC Bridge. Sun provides a JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver, which is appropriate for experimental use and for situations in which no other driver is available. Right side, Type 2: A native API partly Java technology-enabled driver This type of driver converts JDBC calls into calls on the client API for Oracle, Sybase, Informix, DB2, or other DBMS. Note that, like the bridge driver, this style of driver requires that some binary code be loaded on each client machine. Partnering for Progress Sun worked with an array of companies in the industry to create and rapidly establish the JDBC API as the industry-standard, open interface for Java applications to access databases. Industry Momentum: Leading database, middleware and tool vendors have been building support for JDBC technology into many new products. This ensures that customers can build portable Java applications while choosing from a wide range of competitive products for the solution best suited to their needs.


Leverage Existing Enterprise Data: With JDBC technology, businesses are not locked in any proprietary architecture, and can continue to use their installed databases and access information easily -- even if it is stored on different database management systems. Simplified Enterprise Development : The combination of the Java API and the JDBC API makes application development easy and economical. JDBC hides the complexity of many data access tasks, doing most of the "heavy lifting" for the programmer behind the scenes. The JDBC API is simple to learn, easy to deploy, and inexpensive to maintain. Zero Configuration for Network Computers : With the JDBC API, no configuration is required on the client side. With a driver written 26

in the Java programming language, all the information needed to make a connection is completely defined by the JDBC URL or by a Data Source object registered with a Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) naming service. Zero configurations for clients supports the network computing paradigm and centralizes software maintenance.

Full Access to Metadata: The JDBC API provides metadata access that enables the development of sophisticated applications that need to understand the underlying facilities and capabilities of a specific database connection. No Installation: A pure JDBC technology-based driver does not require special installation; it is automatically downloaded as part of the applet that makes the JDBC calls. Database Connection Identified by URL: JDBC technology exploits the advantages of Internet-standard URLs to identify database connections. The JDBC API includes an even better way to identify and connect to a data source, using a Data Source object, that makes code even more portable and easier to maintain.

In addition to this important advantage, Data Source objects can provide connection pooling and distributed transactions, essential for enterprise database computing. This functionality is provided transparently to the programmer. Included in the Java Platform: As a core part of the Java 2 Platform, the JDBC API is available anywhere that the 27

platform is. This means that your applications can truly write database applications once and access data anywhere. The JDBC API is included in the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) and the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), providing server-side functionality for industrial strength scalability.


Oracle certifications are industry- recognized, sought after credentials that can help you succeed in the IT career. The OCP 10g demonstrates an expertise with oracle Database 10g, the industrys first relational database designed for grid computing. This advanced certifications proves the skills in configuring an Oracle database for multilingual applications, using various methods of recovering and tuning the database, and using database technologies such as Resource Manager, Scheduler and Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

Global Alliances & Affiliations with Oracle Corp. OCP Certified & Industry Experienced Trainers. Original & Exhaustive Courseware from Oracle. Intensive On line Training with hands on experience on Real Time Projects. World Class infrastructure & well equipped Labs.



A software requirements specification (SRS) is a complete description of the system to be developed. It includes a set of use cases that describes all of the interactions that the users will have with the software. Use cases are also known as functional requirements. In addition to use cases, the SRS also contains nonfunctional requirements.Nonfunctional requirements which impose constraints on the design or implementation . In system engineering and software engineering, requirements analysis encompasses those tasks that go into determining the requirements of a new or altered system, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, such as users. Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a project. The document that contains all the requirements of the project is termed as Software Requirement Specification Input Specifications: Input specifications refer to the kind of the input that should be given to the system. Design of Input:


Input generally refers to what data is given to system so the system can give best output to user. Input design must be complete, efficient and effective so that we can provide user with desired output, which he requires. When designing input, system analyst must take of the following: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) occur? What data to be Input? What medium to use? How data should be arranged or coded? The dialogue to guide the users in providing input? Data items and transactions needing validation to detect errors? Methods for performing input, validation and steps to follow when errors

Output Specifications: Output specifications refer to the kind of the output that should be received from the system. Design of Output: Output as you probably know generally refers to the results and information that are generated by the system. For many end users, output is the main reason for developing the system and the basis on which they will evaluate the usefulness of the application. Most end users will not actually operate the information system or enter data through workstation, but they will use the output from the system.


DATA FLOW DIAGRAM A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of data through a system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, through processed, may be described logically and independently of physical components associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow diagrams. A full description of a system actually consists of a set of data flow diagrams. Each component in a DFD is labeled with a descriptive name. Process is further identified with a number that will be used for identification purpose. The development of DFDs is done in several levels. Each process in lower level diagrams can be broken down into a more detailed DFD in the next level. The lop-level diagram is often called 31

context diagram. It consists a single process bit, which plays vital role in studying the current system. The process in the context level diagram is exploded into other process at the first level DFD. The idea behind the explosion of a process into more process is that understanding at one level of detail is exploded into greater detail at the next level. This is done until further explosion is necessary and an adequate amount of detail is described for analyst to understand the process. A DFD is also known as a bubble Chart has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the starting point of the design to the lowest level of detail. A DFD consists of a series of bubbles joined by data flows in the system. DFD Symbols: In the DFD, there are four symbols A square defines a source(originator) or destination of system data An arrow identifies data flow. It is the pipeline through which the information flows A circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data flow into outgoing data flows. An open rectangle is a data store, data at rest or a temporary repository of data Process that transforms data flow

Source or Destination of data Data flow


Data Store

A graphic tool used to describe and analyze the moment of data through a system manual or automated including the processes, stores of data, and delays in the system. Data flow diagrams are the central tools and the basis from which other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, through processes, may be described logically and independently of the physical components associated with the system.

Query User Login Graphical User Interface MDI Form

Process data Check User Verification.

Output User Logout








Menu Hierarchy











Checkbook Issue

Checkboo k Inquiry

Deposit Inquiry

Withdraw Inquiry

Delete A/C


New Account


DATABASE DESIGN Database was unique to large corporations with mainframes. Today it is recognized as a standard of MIS and is available for virtually every size of computer. Before the database concept became operational, users had programs that own data independent of other users. It was a conventional file environment, common data are available and used by several users. Instead of each program managing its own data, data across application are shared by authorized users with the data base software managing the data as an entity. A program now requests data through the data base management system, which determines data sharing. OBJECTIVES OF DATABASE The general theme behind a database is to handle information as an integrated whole. There is none of artificiality that is normally embedded in separate files or applications. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective is to make information access easy, quick, and inexpensive and flexibility for the user. In data base design, several specific objectives are considered: Controlled redundancy Redundancy data occupies space and therefore, is wasteful. If versions of the same data are in different phases of updating, the system often gives conflicting information. A unique aspect data base design is storing only once, which controls redundancy and improves system performance. Accuracy and Integrity The accuracy of a database ensures that quality and contents remains constant. Integrity controls detect data inaccuracies where they occur. Derby we use for storing the data. The database design becomes very crucial and important part of the system.


Data Integration It refers to the fact that the data is stored physically at different locations, but logically the information is centralized. Data Integrity Data Integrity means storing all the data. This leads to more consistency, less redundancy and reduces direct access storage requirement. Data Independence Data Independence is the insulation of application programs from changing aspects of physical data organization.




The login form is made for authentication. It has two fields: Username: In this field we need to fill the valid username. The username will show as it is as you typed. Password: In this field we need to enter the password for the username. The password will show stars as it should not be seen by the unauthorized person. Button: There are 2 buttons used in this form. They are as follow: Submit: This button is used to store the entered values in the database. Exit: This button is used to exit from the form.



MDI FORM: Banking Management software is the starting form that provides any easy access to all forms. Whenever a User click on any image according to his/her requirement a new form will be displayed with some other details.


Once the code has been written, program testing begins. The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all statements have been tested, and on the functional externals; that is, conducting tests to uncover errors end to ensure that the defined input will produce the desired output. The project has been tested on dummy as well as lives data. FOLLOWING STEPS WERE CARRIED OUT DURING TESTING: 1. Online response: Our project is such that it requires optimum response time and it does not cause any hardship to the user. We have tested it in the peak hours and time to establish a true performance level. 2. Volume: We created as many records as are normally produced to verify that the hardware and software function correctly. The users were asked to provide test data for the test. 3. Stress testing: In this test, the system was subjected to high volume of data over a short time period. 4. Recovery and Security: A forced system failure was induced to test a backup recovery produce for file integrity. Inaccurate data were entered to see how the system responds in terms of error detection and protection. The Administrator, Key users and End users are recognized by their User IDs and Passwords in order to prevent any unauthorized access to the system 5. Usability Documentation and Procedure: This test was carried out to verify the user-friendly nature of the system. This included normal operating and error handling procedures.


Testing is a critical element of quality assurance and representations the ultimate review of specification, design and code generation. This stage is the validation of the program. It ensures that the program performs correctly the required tasks. Once code has been generated, project must be tested to uncover as many errors as possible before delivery to the customer. The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all statements have been tested, and on the functional externals; that is conducting test to uncover errors and ensures that defined input will produce actual results that agree with required results. The great difficulty one can have in describing what a system should do is illustrated by the facts found in table shown below. The table shows, that more than half the errors one can have in a system are introduced during requirements analysis. On the other hand, one only discovers a minority (5%) of the errors in a system during requirement analysis. Another point to be noted is that 55% of the faults are introduced in the first phase of the software development project.

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PHASE Requirements Analysis Design Construction & System Test Acceptance Test & Operation / Maintenance


ERROR OBSERVED 5% 10% 40% 45%

After observing the above table, one can easily understand the importance of careful testing at the right time.



Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. A good test is one that has a high probability of finding an as-yetundiscovered error. A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet-undiscovered error. If testing is conducted successfully, it will uncover errors in the software or in your project. As a secondary benefit, testing demonstrates that software functions appear to be working according to specification, that behavioral and performs requirements appear to have been met. But testing cant show the absence of errors and defects, it can show only that software errors and defects are present. LEVELS OF TESTING: 1. Unit Testing: In this individual modules are tested together. By the following strategy all the errors are identified in the coding. This method was applied in collaboration with the white and black box testing techniques. 2. Integration Testing: Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with the interface. 3. System Testing: System testing in which all the modules are tested together as a system to uncover the errors. 4. Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is performed at the client side to ensure the user has accepted the system. The levels of resting attempt to detect different types of faults. The relation of faults introduces in different phases and the different levels of testing are shown. Employee Needs Acceptance Testing


Requirements Design Code

System Testing Integration Testing Unit Testing

All tests should be traceable to the customer requirements.

Here the main objective is to detect the errors. It follows that the most severe defects are those that cause the program to fail to meet its requirements. Test should be plant long before testing begins.

Test planning should begin as soon as the requirement model is complete. The detailed definition of test cases should be defined as soon as design model has been solidified. The Pareto Principle The principle states that 80% of all errors uncovered during testing will likely be traceable to 20% of all program components. Therefore the major concern is to isolate these suspect components and thoroughly test them. Testing should begin in the small and progress toward testing in the


The first tests planned and executed generally focus on individual components. As testing proceeds focus shift in an attempt to find errors in integrated clusters of components and ultimately in the entire system.


Exhaustive testing is not possible. The number of path permutations for even a moderately sized program is exceptionally large. For this reason, it is impossible to execute every combination of paths during testing. It is possible, however, to adequately cover program logic and to ensure that all conditions in the component level design have been exercised. To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third party. By most effective, we mean testing that has the highest probability of finding errors. For this reason, the software engineer who created the system us not the best person to conduct all tests for the software. During the testing Phase of this project we have covered the various testing criterion following the above principles to our level best. a). After the partial completion of the module, it was tested to check whether it was following the customers requirements or not. And accordingly the changes were made in the module. b). actually the testing phase comes in the view after completion of design phase but here it was conducted in parallel with the design phase. c). As the other conventional application follows the Pareto principle, this project follows the same. For e.g. the main problem were faced during handling the database, that is, access of records. This was appeared to be the most suspected feature; therefore this feature was tested very frequently and carefully.


d). other thing was that the project was tested from the execution of simple conditions, simple loops, and nested loops to the evaluation of complex conditions and execution of complete modules. e). as the project was being to implement in an organization, the major concern was to test the project by a third person before implementing it properly in the organization. For this two staff members of the organization were called to try software or project in their own way to discover the errors & to check the operations. f). Testing was treated as one of the main factor in the problem definition, problem design and coding stages. g). All the trivial and special cases were tested. Even the simplest conditions were tested to avoid major problems in the future. h). Test data was selected on a random basis. Maximum and minimum values of all test data variables were included in the test cases.

STATIC AND DYNAMIC TESTING: Testing may be of two different types:-


STATIC TESTING: Static test are those that do not involve the execution of anything- be it code or executable specifications. In static testing, specifications are compared with each other to verify errors have not been introduced during the process.

Each specification phase emphasis a different aspect of software

development, with each subsequent phase introducing more detail. We can express each aspect in terms of the deliverables:
The requirements expressions state what the system is expected to achieve from the end users point of view.

The system specification list that functions and attributes of the actual A module specification states what an item of codes is expected to do and In static testing, the above documents are compared with each other to

system in detail. records it design. It is the basis for programming the item. verify that each item accurately translates information from the previous document. DYNAMIC TESTING: Dynamic testing confirms that a deliverable- typically some software- functions according to its specifications. It differs from static testing in that verification is done by executing that deliverables rather than by comparing one specification with another. Dynamic testing can be based on two different aspects of the design process BLACK BOX TESTING: When computer software is considered, Black Box Testing test that are conducted at the software interface. Although they are designed to uncover errors, black box test are used to demonstrate that software functions are operational, that input is properly accepted and output is correctly produced, and that the integrity of external information is maintained. WHITE BOX TESTING: It is predicated on close examination of procedural detail. Logical paths through the software are tested by providing test cases that exercise specific


sets of conditions and / or loops. The status of the program may be examined at various points to determine if the expected or asserted status corresponds to the actual status. ALPHA AND BETA TESTING: It is virtually impossible for a software developer to foresee how the customer with really uses a program. Instructions for use may be misinterpreted; strange combinations of data may be regularly used; output that seemed clear to the tester may be unintelligible to a user in the field. If software is developed as a product to be used by many customers, it is impractical to perform formal acceptance tests with each one. Most software product builders use a process called Alpha and Beta testing to uncover errors that only the end-user seems able to find. The Alpha test is conducted at the developers site by a customer. The software is used in a natural setting with the developer looking over the shoulder of the user and recording errors and usage problems. Alpha tests are conducted in a controlled environment. The Beta test is conduct at one or more customer sites by the end-user of the software. Unlike Alpha testing, the developers is generally not present. Therefore, the Beta test is a live application of the software in an environment that cant be controlled by the developer. The customer records all problems that are encountered during Beta testing and reports these to the developers at regular intervals. As a result of problems reported during Beta tests, software engineers make modifications and then prepare for release of the software product to the entire customer base. I have performed black box testing. I checked the functionality of each menu item whether the display is correct and the specified menu field id displaying the required article. After that the registration form was also tested to check whether the data is inserted into the table and validations on the textboxes and


radio buttons. Certain validations are applied on textboxes like no textbox should be kept empty and while selecting radio button only one option should be selected.



Implementation involves placing the completed and tested system of hardware and software into the actual work environment of the users. As the system is tested it starts to move into the implementation phase. Ideally the system should be completed and fully tested before implementation gets under way. As soon as the first phase of implementation- file set-up-starts, all system documentation should be available, viz., user manuals, procedures manuals, computer operating instructions and security procedures. The system then passes from the development staff to the computer operations personnel and once the system is live, strict procedures should be enforced governing programmers access to programs and files. THERE ARE BOTH TECHNICAL & PEOPLE ORIENTED ACTIVITIES DURING THIS STAGE: . Technical Conversion Activities: Depending on the size of the organization that will be involved in using the application and the risk associated with its use, system developers may choose only to pilot the operation in one area of the firm, say, in one department or with just one or two persons. In some situations developers will stop use of the old system one day and begin use of the new one the next. People-Oriented Activities: Since work tasks are often changed when a new system is installed, user oriented, training, & support are a very important of system implementation. It is not unusual to find a full time system training department in large organizations; since systems are continuously being installed somewhere. Even with so much attention, users usually consider training to be very poor. There are 4 reasons for this: There is usually a staggering of information for users to absorb in a short period of time. Users may think they have inadequate skills for using computers.


Users are often very nervous and apprehensive of computer and are afraid of looking stupid. Training materials are very complicated, difficult to organize, and difficult to present clearly. Due to lack of communication between user and developer, the main problem that arises is that developer is unable to recognize each and every requirement. Same was the case here, when the project was finally to be implemented in the organization, the sponsors asked for another requirement. They wanted that the project should provide a provision of manipulation of database, i.e. administrator is only to manipulate. No user should be able to do that; user has only authority of browsing the reports. They also wanted that if any user by mistake knows the name of any page or file then he may not be able to do this until he or she is a legitimate user and is navigating from starting from starting of system. This was done by making a function Auth Check which used to check for authorized users before opening any page. The last part is maintenance. It is a Post Implementation stage. This stage is the updating & correcting of the program to account for changing conditions or field experience. Proper testing & documentation should significant reduce the frequency and extent of the required maintenance representative from the user department, internal audit and data processing. Its basic purpose is to see if the system has met the objectives set for it. This will comprise a comparison of actual costs and benefits against the original estimates, a review of requests for changes and an examination of documentation, control and security procedures and back-up arrangements.

Corrective Maintenance: Its means repairing processing or performance failure or making changes because of previously uncorrected problems or false assumptions.



CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT: The projects complete with no of master tables as well as transaction tables and a number of screens and reports. Enhancements can be done if required but the project is yet to be implemented. Documentation has being prepared. Data has been uploaded. The project has accomplished all the stipulations, which a competent and proficient project intents to fulfill. Following acceptance criteria has fulfilled. User friendly Modularity Transparency Security TECHNICAL AND MANAGERIAL LESSONS LEARNT: Working in this professional environment was a totally neoteric and unique experience. Besides learning about Open Source and Progress Joomla covering technical side, se were appraised of various managerial skills. We apprehended how to behave and express ourselves in an industrial environment. TECHNICAL LESSONS LEARNT: Extensive knowledge of JAVA technology. Progress Proprietary language Open Source. Introduction and exposure to Open Source.



Development of management thoughts Ethical and Environmental Foundation Decision making Planning and Strategic management Leadership Communication skills

import java.awt.*; 54

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.border.*; public class ram2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JLabel u1; JLabel l1,l2,l4; JTextField t1; ImageIcon i; JPasswordField t2; JButton b1,b2; LineBorder line2; Font f; public ram2() { super("login..........."); f=new Font("Barlin Sans FB",Font.BOLD,15); setLayout(null); line2=new LineBorder(,8); u1=new JLabel(); u1.setBounds(0,0,400,300); u1.setBorder(line2); l1=new JLabel("Enter Username"); l1.setFont(f); l2=new JLabel("Enter Password"); l2.setFont(f); t1=new JTextField(12); t2=new JPasswordField(12); b1=new JButton("Submit"); b1.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); b2=new JButton("Exit"); b2.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); setUndecorated(true); i=new ImageIcon("login.jpg"); l4=new JLabel(i); //add(l4); t1.setFont(f); t2.setFont(f); b1.setFont(f); b1.setFont(f); add(b1); add(b2); //setLocation((Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width getWidth())/4, //(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height-getHeight())/5);


t1.setBackground(Color.white); t2.setBackground(Color.white ); t1.setForeground(; t2.setForeground(; l1.setForeground(; l2.setForeground(; b1.setForeground(Color.white); b2.setForeground(Color.white); b1.setBackground(; b2.setBackground(; l4.setBounds(0,0,400,100); add(l4); l1.setBounds(65,78,120,40); l2.setBounds(65,125,120,40); t1.setBounds(215,91,100,20); t2.setBounds(215,133,100,20); b1.setBounds(88,205,100,20); b2.setBounds(208,205,100,20); add(l1); add(l2); add(t1); add(t2); b1.addActionListener(this); b2.addActionListener(this); add(u1); setSize(400,300); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String msg1,msg2; Object o=ae.getSource(); if(o==b1) { if(t1.getText().equals("sai") && t2.getText().equals("baba")) { this.dispose(); new mainform(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Invalid User","Try Again", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }


if(o==b2) { System.exit(0); }}}

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*;


class mainform extends JFrame implements ActionListener { String new1="",dep1="",upd1="",src1=""; ImageIcon new25,search25,update25,logout25,searchbutton; ImageIcon c5; deposit1 deposit11; srch srch1; update5 update51; delete de; newaccount abc; withdraw1 nc; Container con; JMenuBar mb; ImageIcon img1,del5; JDesktopPane mdi; JMenu main,go,close; checkbook checkbook2; JMenuItem newuser,deposit,withdraw,search,update,exit,delete,checkbook1,detail ,inquiry,inquiry1; Font f; mainform() { super("State Bank Of India"); new25=new ImageIcon("new.png"); c5=new ImageIcon("ab.png"); searchbutton=new ImageIcon("searchbutton.gif"); logout25=new ImageIcon("logout25.png"); search25=new ImageIcon("search.png"); update25=new ImageIcon("update.png"); logout25=new ImageIcon("logout.png"); del5=new ImageIcon("delete.png"); mdi=new JDesktopPane(); con=getContentPane(); mb=new JMenuBar(); main=new JMenu("Main"); go=new JMenu("Go"); // i1=new ImageIcon("s.jpg"); newuser = new JMenuItem("New Account",new25); delete = new JMenuItem("Delete A/C",del5); exit=new JMenuItem("Logout",logout25); inquiry=new JMenuItem("Deposit Inquiry",c5); inquiry1=new JMenuItem("Witdraw Inquiry",c5); detail=new JMenuItem("CheckBook Inquiry",searchbutton); close=new JMenu("Close");


delete.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); inquiry.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); inquiry1.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); detail.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); newuser.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); exit.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); deposit= new JMenuItem("Deposit",c5); deposit.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); withdraw= new JMenuItem("Withdraw",c5); withdraw.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); search= new JMenuItem("Search",search25); search.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); update= new JMenuItem("Update",update25); update.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); checkbook1= new JMenuItem("Issue Checkbook",new25); checkbook1.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); setJMenuBar(mb); mb.add(main); mb.add(go); mb.add(close); main.add(newuser); main.addSeparator(); main.add(deposit); main.addSeparator(); main.add(withdraw); main.add(inquiry); main.add(inquiry1); main.addSeparator(); // m.add(exit); go.add(search); go.addSeparator(); go.add(update); go.addSeparator(); go.add(delete); f=new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,15); inquiry.addActionListener(this); checkbook1.setFont(f); close.add(detail); close.addSeparator(); close.add(checkbook1); close.addSeparator(); exit.setFont(f); inquiry.setFont(f); inquiry1.setFont(f); detail.setFont(f); delete.setFont(f);


close.setFont(f); close.add(exit); close.addSeparator(); main.setFont(f); go.setFont(f); newuser.setFont(f); deposit.setFont(f); withdraw.setFont(f); search.setFont(f); update.setFont(f); newuser.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N,ActionEvent.CTRL_M ASK)); deposit.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_S,ActionEvent.CTRL_MA SK)); withdraw.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_U,ActionEvent.CTRL_ MASK)); search.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_S,ActionEvent.ALT_MAS K)); update.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N,ActionEvent.ALT_MAS K)); // con.setBackground(Color.white); /*n1.setBackground(; // s1.setBackground(Color.cyan); // u1.setBackground(Color.magenta); // n.setBackground(Color.yellow); // s.setBackground(; //p.setBackground(;*/ // l1.setBounds(0,0,1280,800); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { check(); } }); setExtendedState(MAXIMIZED_BOTH); setVisible(true); add(mdi); detail.addActionListener(this); exit.addActionListener(this); delete.addActionListener(this);


newuser.addActionListener(this); deposit.addActionListener(this); withdraw.addActionListener(this); search.addActionListener(this); update.addActionListener(this); checkbook1.addActionListener(this); // exit.addActionListener(this); mdi.setBackground(Color.cyan); inquiry1.addActionListener(this); add(mdi);

//it is imp to remember

} public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { Object o=ae.getSource(); if(o==detail) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {} else {


abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {}


else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} ptu ptu1=new ptu(this,"CHECK BOOK INFORMATION"); ptu1.setSize(480,350); ptu1.setVisible(true); } if(o==exit) { System.exit(0); } if(o==newuser) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed())


{} else { abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try


{ if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} abc=new newaccount(); mdi.add(abc); abc.setVisible(true); } //aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if(o==delete) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {}


else { abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try {


if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} de=new delete(); mdi.add(de); de.setVisible(true); } //aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa //VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV if(o==checkbook1) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {}


else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {} else { abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try {


if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} checkbook2=new checkbook(); mdi.add(checkbook2); checkbook2.setSize(450,400); checkbook2.setVisible(true); } //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if(o==deposit) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed())


{} else { abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try


{ if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} deposit11=new deposit1(); mdi.add(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(true); } if(o==search) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {} else


{ abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try


{ if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} srch1=new srch(); mdi.add(srch1); srch1.setVisible(true); } if(o==update) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {} else


{ abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(checkbook2.isClosed())


{} else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} update51=new update5(); mdi.add(update51); update51.setVisible(true); } if(o==inquiry) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {} else { abc.dispose();


mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else


{ checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} book ptu2=new book(this,"DEPOSIT FORM"); ptu2.setSize(480,350); ptu2.setVisible(true); } if(o==inquiry1) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {} else { abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false);


}} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); } } catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else {


checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2); checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} book2 ptu6=new book2(this,"WITHDRAW FOAM"); ptu6.setSize(480,350); ptu6.setVisible(true); } if(o==withdraw) { try { if(deposit11.isClosed()) {} else { deposit11.dispose(); mdi.remove(deposit11); deposit11.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} try { if(srch1.isClosed()) {} else { srch1.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); srch1.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(abc.isClosed()) {} else { abc.dispose(); mdi.remove(abc); abc.setVisible(false); }}


catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(update51.isClosed()) {} else { update51.dispose(); mdi.remove(srch1); update51.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(nc.isClosed()) {} else { nc.dispose(); mdi.remove(nc); nc.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(de.isClosed()) {} else { de.dispose(); mdi.remove(de); de.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e1) {} try { if(checkbook2.isClosed()) {} else { checkbook2.dispose(); mdi.remove(checkbook2);


checkbook2.setVisible(false); }} catch(Exception e) {} nc=new withdraw1(); mdi.add(nc); nc.setVisible(true); }} public void check() { try { //Show a Confirmation Dialog. int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (this, " Are you really want to exit ?", "Exit ... ", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); //Check the User Selection. if (reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { setVisible (false); //Hide the Frame. dispose(); //Free the System Resources. System.exit (0); //Close the Application. } else if (reply == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); }} catch (Exception e) {} } public static void main(String args[]) { new mainform(); }}


BOOKS: The Complete Reference (CORE JAVA) BLACK BOOK(Java) Core Java by Sun micro system WEBSITES: Google search engine



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