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Three years ago a group of the youth in the church came up with idea of establishing a pilot reading club for the children of the Corpus Christi parish. The main purpose was to help the kids improve upon their reading and writing skills. This club was active until it was deemed necessary to re-strategize and make the group more attractive.


FINANCE There were not enough funds for the purchase of books and making photocopies because the monies raised were from the voluntary contributions of the initial facilitators. In effect all the monies for the initial pilot. ALLOCATION OF ROOM The club had a difficulty getting a permanent location for the club and enough rooms to categories the children to their respective classes. Initially the holy child school was used but getting access to the room was a problem because at certain times of the meeting the rooms were locked and that delayed the meetings. PAYMENT OF DUES. Dues were initiated but payment was difficult because some parents were reluctant to pay and complained that the monthly payment of two cedis was on the high side. TIME The meeting time was 1:00 every other Sunday of the month. The time for the meeting was a problem, because it was just a short while after 2nd mass. Secondly, the fact that catechism starts at 3pm and that made it stressful for some kids. FACILITATORS There was a problem getting more people to help out hence making it difficult to divide the kids into more groups.

POSITIVES Managed to get a number of kids to beef up their confidence and as a result ended up getting a few enrolled on the Joy FM Read 100 project. Some kids even had the courage to read and make announcements at church. THE WAY FORWARD LOCATION The club is currently in search of a more suiting place to group children according to their age and class. This will help facilators to work more effectively. FINCINAL ASSISTANCE/SPONSORSHIP The club is appealing to individuals and societies within the church to support the club. Since the club is run by facilators it is very difficult to get more books and to organize field trips to big libraries in Tema and Accra. SPELLING BEE/MOCK BEE The time has come for the 2011 Spelling Bee competition and it is our dreams to register some of our members in this years edition .The facilitators will also organize a Mock Spelling Bee for children between the ages of 8 and 13 in the church. MODEL UN One of our aims of the club is to boost the confidence of the kids and to improve on their speaking skills. It is in view of this that, we plan to have debating topics for the children to have the opportunity to discuss various topics. PATRON AND FACILITORS The work of taking care of children needs more hands and we are appealing to youth to help train our little brothers and sisters. Also the club would be glad if individuals will come forward as patrons to lift us up when falling and to direct us as how to run the club successfully. CONCLUSION With the help of the Parish Pastoral Counsel and the whole church coming together to support the club, we believe, we can take this club to its highest standard.

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