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UCITS and Onshore Investing Conference: 2020 & beyond

3 octoBer 2012 | BritisH MuseuM | LoNdoN

We are pleased to announce that the second Absolute ucits conference will be held at the British Museum on 3 October. It will explore the alternative UCITS hedge fund industry today particularly how it will grow and what it will look like over the next decade.

call +44 (0)20 7779 7222 www.absoluteucitsconference.com


With the sector expected to expand to assets of $1.5 trillion by 2020, the Absolute ucits conference will bring together leading industry speakers to examine how changing regulation, investor demand and market sentiment is enabling the alternative UCITS market to grow.

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10.30 11.00 11.00 12.30 12.30 13.45 13.45 15.15 15.15 Registration & coffee Conference sessions Lunch Conference sessions Close

11.00 What are the advantages of institutional and retail investors allocating to alternative UCITS? the negative interest rate environment has brought challenges to many investors meaning that alpha is crucial. For many institutional investors, unable to access offshore hedging strategies, they have to access hedge fund strategies via a UCits or onshore structure. also retail investors who are thinking beyond cash, equities and bonds to build their portfolios will turn to alternative investments for capital protection, alpha and diversification. this session will explore the implications for investors of all types. 11.45 Who has the best strategy ideas for alternative UCITS today? What is the impact of markets, regulation or the UCITS wrapper itself? Volatile and risk-on/risk-off markets mean that equities have lost some of their appeal. How are asset managers responding to this challenge? will strategies that dont need to be domiciled offshore come onshore? this session will discuss the latest strategy developments. 13.45 How to attract assets into alternative UCITS? Are platforms the solution? Or is a new distribution model needed? Raising capital for funds was easier for asset managers before the global financial crisis. since then, the traditional distribution models have been challenged by a number of factors. this session will explore distribution models and the best way to raise assets in todays highly challenging market conditions. 14.30 The future: Alternative UCITS and the onshore hedge fund industry in 2020. the sector has a lot of opportunities to grow due to convergence between the hedge fund and traditional asset management industries, more investors will demand that the funds they invest in are domiciled locally, which will mean more esoteric strategies will be available to onshore institutional and retail investors. this session will attempt to paint a picture of what the alternative UCits and onshore hedging industry will look like over the next decade.


steeve brument Dexia asset ManageMent
steeve Brument is head of systematic funds at Dexia asset Management. steeve has been lead manager of the Dexia asset Management futures fund for the last six years. He joined Dexia asset Management in 2001 and now has over 11 years experience managing systematic funds. at the end of 2006 he totally redesigned the funds and has since built up a solid track record. Prior to his experience in asset management, steeve had been with Refco and, earlier, Merrill Lynch. steeve will be speaking on the 11.45 panel

Andrew dollery neweDge andrew Dollery is a director of origination and structuring within newedges prime brokerage team, based in London. andrew has primary responsibility for newedges service offering to alternative UCits funds. andrew started his career at Merrill Lynch where he was responsible for prime brokerage sales. He then worked at BnY Mellon where he was responsible for hedge fund and alternative UCits fund sales. andrew will be speaking on the 11.45 panel FAbiAn dori 1741 asset ManageMent
Fabian Dori is a member of the executive management at 1741 asset Management. as a deputy head of portfolio management he is responsible for the risk weighted, multi-asset class global diversification strategy. 1741 asset Management is a leading quantitative asset manager in switzerland. the company has strong links to academic institutions and, as a boutique asset manager, focuses on generating high and stable risk-adjusted returns and on delivering a high level of client service. 1741 asset Management is a 100% subsidiary of notenstein Privatbankers and both are part of the Raiffeisen switzerland group. Fabian will be speaking on the 14.30 panel

lucy Frew Gide Loyrette NoueL

Lucy Frew is head of investment funds and financial regulation at gide Loyrette nouel London. Lucy advises leading financial institutions on financial regulation and investment fund businesses on establishment and ongoing regulatory compliance. gide Loyrette nouel is a leading international law firm, with 19 offices around the world and over 600 lawyers. Lucy has worked exclusively with financial sector clients since 2001, both in private practice and as legal counsel at a leading global bank, and has been seconded to the Fsa in the UK. Lucy will be
speaking on the 14.30 panel

michele GesuAldi Kairos Group

Michele gesualdi joined Kairos in 2003. He is a partner and portfolio manager on the multimanager products and is responsible for the London operation. Michele has more than 10 years' experience in hedge funds and has worked in London and new York. the Kairos group is one of the leading independent players in the alternative asset management space in europe, with over $6 billion under management. the firm has been a pioneer in this field and the first to launch hedge funds and fund of hedge funds in italy. Michele will be speaking on the 11.45 panel

AdriAn hArris reNaissaNce asset MaNaGers

adrian Harris is managing director and head of distribution and investor relations at Renaissance asset Managers. Renaissance asset Managers is the investment management business of Renaissance group, the leading emerging markets investment firm. Founded in 2003, it aims to be the leading specialist manager for investing in Russia, the Cis, emerging europe and africa. the companys aUM is $2.95 billion. adrian will be speaking on the
13.45 panel

tim hAywood gaM inteRnationaL ManageMent tim Haywood is an investment director business-unit head for fixed income, responsible for the absolute return bond family of funds and various long only fixed-income mandates at gaM international Management. tim joined gaM following its acquisition of the fixed income and foreign exchange specialist, augustus, in May 2009. He joined augustus (then Julius Baer investments) in 1998 from orient overseas international in Hong Kong, where he was Cio. tim worked as both Cio and Ceo of augustus. tim will be speaking on the 11.00 panel iAn heslop oLD MUtUaL asset ManageRs ian Heslop joined the quantitative strategies team in 2004 from old Mutual asset Managers global equities team, where he was a fund manager specialising in the global technology and biotechnology sectors. He joined the old Mutual group from Barclays global investors, where he was a UK quantitative fund manager. ian will be speaking on the 11.00 panel

Andrew mAin stRatton stReet CaPitaL

andrew Main is managing partner at stratton street Capital. His primary responsibilities are the development of the company on behalf of the fund managers working with investors, the funds as clients, regulators, banks and prime brokers. stratton street Capital, founded in august 2000, is an Fsa authorised and regulated investment manager based in the UK specialising in emerging market debt and asian alternative investment funds. group funds under management and advice currently total $1,261 million. andrew will be speaking on the 13.45 panel

thomAs sAndell sanDeLL asset ManageMent eURoPe thomas sandell is founder, Ceo and portfolio manager of sandell asset Management. established in 1998, sandell manages a multi-strategy global event-driven hedge fund which invests in corporate event-driven situations across the capital structure. in 2010 a dedicated merger arbitrage/equity-event fund was launched, as well as the UCits fund version. sandell manages roughly $750 million and has offices in new York and London. thomas will be speaking
on the 11.45 panel

Filippo steFAnini eurizoN capitaL Filippo stefanini is head of hedge funds and manager selection at eurizon Capital. eurizon Capital is part of intesa sanpaolo, one of the main banking groups in italy. the company divides its asset management activities into two distinct areas with specialised skills: advice and structuring, and investment management. Filippo is the author of Investment Strategies of Hedge Funds and Newcits: Investing in UCITS Compliant Hedge Funds, both published by John wiley & sons. Filippo will be speaking on the 14.30 panel Julien tizot aG2r La MoNdiaLe
Julien tizot is head of alternative investment at agicam, a member of ag2R La Mondiale. He runs a couple of funds of absolute return UCits funds and is in charge of analysing the funds, building the portfolios and managing an overlay to remain within limits of the mandates. agicam is one of the investment arms of ag2R La Mondiale a large French insurance company and pension fund with approximately 45 billion aUM for the group. Julien will be speaking on the 11.00 panel

A full list of speakers is on our website. For further details please visit www.absoluteucitsconference.com call +44 (0)20 7779 7222 or email events@hedgefundintelligence.com

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