Shri Jagannath Stotra 1

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.. Prayer to Lord Jagannatha 1 ..

; F jgAT -to/ 1 ;

; jgATZAm,;
nFlA lEnvAsAy En(yAy prmA(mn
blBdsBdA<yA\ jgATAy t

Obeisan e to the omnipresent, paramAtmA, JagannAtha (MahAprabhu),

Who resides at NilA hala with Balabhadra (His brother) and SubhadrA
(His sister).

jgdAndkdAy ZtAt hrAy .

nFlA lEnvAsAy jgATAy t
jagad - Universe; Ananda- happiness, joy;
praNata- to bow, pay obeisan e; Arta- ry for salvation and
prote tion; hara- remover of sorrow, troubles et , i.e. the one Who
hears these ries and omes to help.; nIlA hala- the white pagoda or
the temple of Shri JagannAtha at Puri is said to stand over a blue
mountain of light ( alled nIlA hala parvata) that extends and merges
with the sky (reported observations of Shri Chaitanya and Shri Shankara).
Hen e the entire region overing the lands from Lingaraja
(Bhubaneswar), Khurda and Konarak to Puri is alled nIlA hala kshetra;
nivAsa- living or residing at; JagannAtha- Lord of the Universe (ViShNu)
Translation: Obeisan e to JagannAtha, residing at Nila hala (mountain
of sky-blue light), the root ause of happiness and joy of this
universe, the savior Who hears the ries of those who bow at His

; F jgAT AT nA ;
r(nAkr-tv gh\ gEhZF
pA Ek\ dymE-t Bvt
? aBFr?vAmnynAtmAnsAy
d\ mno ydpt
 (vErt\ ghAZ ; 1;
B?tAnAmBydo yEd Bv
 t^ Ek\tEE /\ Bo
kFVo_Ep -vjn-y r"ZEvDAv
 kAtmEjt, .
 y mQ rZArEvdEvmKA -v=n
 _Ep nAlo kA-t
 qAmrZ-"mo yEd Bv
 t^ kAzyEsD-tdA ; 2;
anAT-y jgAT nAT-(v\ m
 n s\fy, .
y-y nATo jgAT-t-y d,K\ kT\ Bo ; 3;
yA (vrA dOpdF/AZ
 yA (vrA gjmo"Z
 sA (vrA ?v gtA hr
 ; 4;
m(smo pAtkF nAE-t (v(smo nAE-t pAphA

iEt Ev+Ay dvf yTAyo`y\ tTA kz ; 5;

En oded and proofread by Sarbani Sarkar

Please send orre tions to sanskrit heerful. om

Last updated May 2, 2009

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