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The Horace Mann Record

HORACE MANN SCHOOL | WEEKLY SINCE 1913 December 16, 2011 Volume 109, Issue 13

Students and Teachers Reflect at Diversity Retreat

Andrew Arnaboldi Staff Writer
Students and teachers engaged in discussions about the importance of the voice, culture and different social injustices during a retreat in Rye this Saturday. The gathering served as a follow-up meeting to the Student Diversity Leadership Conference in Philadelphia, which several students attended two weeks ago. Its beneficial for students to get together after the conference so they can get a chance to continue to reflect on the experience, Director of Diversity Initiatives Patricia Zuroski said. Theater teacher Emma Laurence presented ideas on the power of the voice in a community. There were also many other workshops, organized by students, which held discussions about varying topics, all circling around the main theme of diversity. I learned so much about the different people there and I heard so many different and interesting perspectives, Student Body Vice President Antonio Irrizary (12) said. It was a great forum for exchanging ideas. It was interesting that see that a lot of people there had such differing viewpoints on the topics even though we all go to the same school and have the same education, Harrison Manin (12) said. There is so much we can learn from our peers that we dont have the opportunity to learn in the classroom. 36 students and several teachers, including Head of School Thomas Kelly, attended the retreat. Retreats like these are really helpful for the sole purpose of talking about our community and how best to support our the Schools core values, Kelly said. Zuroski was very pleased with the turnout because I know how busy all students are. I appreciate that this group was able to dedicate a Saturday to the retreat, she said. Although participants said they were happy with the turnout of the retreat, they noted that the people who attended were people that are already more conscious about difficult issues involving diversity. Ive heard that some students believe that diversity work is for and of interest to a particular group of students and teachers, but we believe diversity work should be everyones work, Zuroski said. There was a consensus among the students and teachers that the people who didnt go would have benefited a lot more than the people who went, Associate Director of Diversity Initiatives Markell Parker said. We cant require students to engage in conversations on difficult topics if they dont want to. There are plans to hold more retreats in the future, Zuroski said. Kelly said he likes the idea of eventually making it mandatory for students to attend at least one retreat every year, but I dont think we are there just quite yet.

Courtesy of Sam Torres and Adela Kim

Sam Torres (left) and Adela Kim (right) were awarded national honors for their musical dedication and talent.

Kim (12) and Torres (12) Win YoungArts Awards

Molly Wharton Staff Writer
Clarinetist Adela Kim (12) and Saxophonist Sam Torres (12) received national honors in the arts this week. Chosen from over 5,000 applicants, Kim was one of 174 Honorable Mention winners of the YoungArts awards. Torres was one of 271 winners in the Merit Award category and one of 14 in the Jazz section. Both musicians will be provided with educational opportunities and assistance in their pursuit of the arts by the YoungArts program, which is considered to be the one of the most prestigious arts programs for young adults. The students will have opportunities to attend master classes, performances, and exhibits in New York during a period of three days in March. We will get to interact with all types of art, Kim said. Its a really great chance to meet new people and expand your horizon. Torres and Kim were selected through a blind adjudication process with applicants representing all 50 states in nine disciplines of the visual, literary, and performing arts. To apply, the musicians recorded themselves playing a required piece of music. Kim, who has been attending Julliard Pre-College, compared the process of applying to the PSAT--all of the students there apply. Because of the blind process, the judges dont necessarily pick college scholarship opportunities, according to the organization. Many of the alumni of the program have become leading professionals in their respective fields, such as recording artist Nicki Minaj and actress Vanessa Williams. Both Torres and Kim have been playing their instruments for eight years, and plan to continue to play in college. Kim is still unsure if she will attend a music conservatory, she said, but Torres is applying solely to music schools. Torres and Kim both share an appreciation for their instrument and for music. I really love playing jazz because of the social aspect of it, Torres said. Since you play it in a group of people, its really a lot of fun to play the kind of music that everyone in the group enjoys, he said. When I play the clarinet in the concert, I have this connection with the audience that I wouldnt really have if I were talking to them, Kim said. Playing music lets you express your emotions in a way that words really cant.

Playing music lets you express your emotions in a way that words really cant.
one winner per instrument. One year they picked five violinists and no clarinetists, so I was not really expecting to win, Kim said. The YoungArtsprogram is the core program of the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts. The program has honored more than 16,000 young artists, donated $6 million in monetary awards, and provided $84 million in

Courtesy of Ambika Acharya

Students participate in diversity workshops at a retreat in Rye this past weekend.

Akillezz: sneak Peek 5/ARTS

in this issue

Fencers Fight Fiercely 7/lionS den

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Opinions & Editorials

Volume 109

The horace Mann record

Editorial Board

The Horace Mann Record

Editor in Chief Sarah Pyun Managing Editor Christine Kim Features Ambika Acharya Arts & Entertainment Hillary Winnick Middle Division Olivia El-Sadr Davis

Tis somethingSeason... For All the magical about the holiday season, a magic Theres
that transcends religion. No matter your creed, holiday festivals involve the gathering of family from across the country or the world, and tables heaped with delicious dishes. No matter your culture, theres someone telling you to eat more, someone asking how your schoolwork is going. The universality of family connections is matched in poignancy only by the sheer amount of love that fills each of our homes. Every celebration, from Christmas to Hanukkah to Kwanzaa, is united by their timingeach falls near the Winter Solstice. Irrespective of religion, its easy to see why the solstice is considered a sacred time. For our ancestors, the lengthening of the days and the return of sunshine meant the regrowth of crops, and the birth of the next seasons bounty. For us, a little more sunshine stimulates thoughts of Spring Break, of sitting on Clark Field with our friends, and of cherry blossoms blooming in the Shakespeare garden. The rebirth of nature, meanwhile, allows the chance for us to redefine ourselves. Over break, well make our New Years Resolutions, and well return ready to recommit ourselves to the life of the mind, and to our school community. Happy Holidays! No matter what you believe, we hope youll find meaning in this season.

Production Manager Baci Weiler

News Jenna Spitzer Elizabeth Weingold Lions Den Matthew Cott Thomas Kim Opinions & Editorials Courtney Hodrick

Letters Policy: The Record welcomes letters from its readers as part of its commitment to an open forum. Letters can be submitted by mail (Letters to the Editor, The Record, Horace Mann School, 231 West 246 Street, Bronx, NY 10471), e-mail (, or can be left in the Record mailbox in the Deans office. All decisions regarding libel, anonymity, length, and clarity are subject to editorial discretion. All submissions must contain the writers name to verify authenticity and should be limited to 250 words. All letters will be printed on a first-come, first serve basis, space permitting. To be considered for publication in the next issue, letters should be submitted by 4:00 on Wednesday afternoon.

Photography Editors Rachel Essner, Laurence Ge, Justin Gilston, Kimberley Sarnoff Senior Editor Online Editor Aramael Pea-Alcntara Eden Sung Assistant Design Editor Seth Arar Faculty Advisor Dr. Glenn Wallach

The Record is published weekly by the students of the Horace Mann School during the academic year. As a student publication, its contents are the views and work of the students and do not necessarily represent those of the faculty or administration of the Horace Mann School. The Horace Mann School is not responsible for the accuracy and contents of The Record, and is not liable for any claims based on the contents or view expressed therein. The opinions represented in the Op-Ed section are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the editorial board. The editorial represents the opinion of the majority of the Editorial Board. All editorial decisions regarding grammar, content, and layout are made by the Editorial Board. All queries and complaints should be directed to the editor in chief. Please address these comments by e-mail, to For information about subscribing to The Record, please visit record.

Chloe Celebrates Christmakkah

looked nothing like my own family and a long candelabrum that rested on the edge of the dining table. The fact that I celebrated these two holidays separately always gave me the impression that my two families were two completely distinct spheres. I almost resented the fact that I celebrated both, something that seemed inherently contradictory and representative of the two separate lives I was forced to live: in my mind, Christmas was a time I celebrated strictly with my father, while Hanukkah was a time I spent only with my mother and stepfather. In light of last months assembly, however, I have reassessed how much distance there really is between these two cultures. I have witnessed hurtful things being said and done to

Chloe Tsang
As we exit the doors of Horace Mann for the last time in 2011, we must remember that having a homework-free two weeks is not the point of our leaving school today; we exit the doors of Horace Mann to enter the doors of our homes and our families. My background has redefined my perspective on the holiday season. For the first eleven years of my life, I celebrated Christmas by meeting Santa Claus, putting up a tree in my living room and unwrapping presents at the crack of dawn on Christmas Day. Then, my mother got remarried to a man who is Jewish. The first Hanukkah I ever celebrated was a bit of a culture shock to me. There was no man with a beard who donned a red suit and no tree in sight, only a house full of my stepfathers family who

others regarding their sexual, ethnic, religious or cultural affiliations. For all of us, these aspects make up who we are as people. For me, Ive been given the opportunity to experience and feel what other cultures have to offer. No matter how different our affiliations might be, there is an undertone of unity among all of us that should be recognized, particularly as the holidays come around. The holidays are not a time to distinguish differences between one persons holiday traditions and anothers they are a time to celebrate unity among families and friends. By birth, I am a Chinese-Korean American. Yet in my sixteen years, I have celebrated cultures that werent necessarily my own at first but have somehow become a huge part of who I am today. The word family has been an unconventional one in my life. I now take enormous pride in the fact that my family is as diverse and as unconventional as they come. I for one will be taking these holidays to reflect on that and celebrate my identity, my cultures, and on top of all else, my family.

Students Discuss Cultural Identifiers at Diversity Conference in Issue 12 states that only students from the Diversity Team attended the conference. However the student participants were chosen by a panel of grade deans, Ms. Zuroski, and Mr. Parker. In Caring in Action Day in Issue 12, PA Community Service Committee co-chair Stephanie Ferdman was misnamed as Karen Ferdman. In Holiday Spirit in Dining Commons in Issue 12, Luis Maldonado was listed as the Lower Division Security Officer. He is the Nursery Division Security Officer.

Kick off your winter break by going to the

Glee Club & Orchestra

holiday Concert!

Chloe Tsang/Staff Artist

Join Clubs, Dont Start Them

Horace Mann has a few too many students whose priorities eerily resemble those of multinational corporations who focus solely on the Colin Mark bottom line. My peers check goals off their to-do lists like well-oiled machines, never connecting emotionally with their actions. I believe that this autopilot drive to succeed has damaged one of our most prized institutions: the extracurricular activity. Simply put, students have created far too many clubs and publications, and our school does not have the human capital to fill all of their member lists. As a direct consequence, the quality of individual clubs and publications is far lower than it would be if we had fewer, larger organizations. As someone who co-founded a publication, I am not against the creation of new extracurriculars, and I see the ability of students to create new organizations as a strength of our school. However, I have become increasingly uncomfortable with what I see as an abuse of our freedom to create. There are students who seem to be founding clubs and publications purely for the sake of founding them either for the thrill of power over an institution or for the purposes of boosting their resums at the expense of the quality of the extracurricular program. Two personal experiences illustrate my point. The other day, a good friend of mine said to me, Hey, Colin. Look at this new club. Its basically the club I was planning to create. Now someone else has created it. Now I have no club to create. When I followed up to find out whether or not he had joined the new club, he said, No. They stole my idea. His sentiments are symptoms of the malady plaguing some new extracurriculars: they exist more to be created, as part of the agendas of their founders, than to actually be joined. Fun, education, and meaning have taken the backseat as the chief purpose of extracurriculars has become to prop up students leadership credentials. Extracurricular organizations and their leadership positions have become political prizes. Sometime last year, another good friend of mine approached me and said, I want to start a publication. I said, Great! What publication? He had no idea. He just knew he wanted to start a publication; he thought it would be fun. New publications and clubs should be created to fulfill a need and not for the sake of adding another entry to the clubs or publications directory. Just because an extracurricular does not exist does not mean it should; we ought to choose to start new organizations that we personally feel would add more to the extracurricular program than they would take away in resources. In the end, I am a proponent of new clubs and publications, and I encourage everyone with new ideas for ways to expand students opportunities to find faculty advisers and apply to become school institutions. However, in the interests of best channeling the talent pool at our school, if you want to start a new club, ask yourself, If this club were started by someone else, and I did not have a leadership position in it, would I join it? If you want to start a publication, ask yourself: If this publication were started by someone else, and I did not have an editor position on it, would I write for it or read its content? If your answer is no, you should probably contemplate whether or not your club or publication would be adding to anything other than your resum.

The horace Mann record

Prom Location Examined, Students Visit Alternate Site

Amy Hood Staff Writer
Seniors and their dean are exploring options for the location of the prom. Traditionally the celebration has been held at The Pierre hotel, however, due to scheduling conflicts, there is a possibility that this years venue could switch, school officials said. The hotel is only available on Fridays but we really want the prom to be on a Saturday night because we dont want it to influence a school day, Dean of the Class of 2012 Stephanie Feigin said. Ideally, the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend would be best, Feigin said. Although Friday would prevent students celebrating the Sabbath and might limit juniors taking the SAT the next morning from attending, these are only a few of numerous issues factoring in to the potential date change. No decision has been made at this time, Feigin said. Feigin and Class of 2012 President Chloe Albanese (12) invited all seniors to explore a potential new space in person. Two groups visited Pier 60. We wanted students to see another perspective, Feigin said. Students who made the trip to the pier expressed excitement over the many choices in dcor and cusine at Pier 60. Still, the sentimental aspect of having it at the Pierre is powerful for a lot of students, Alexander Daniel (12) said. The Pierre would be a more formal and well-known venue than Pier 60, Gurbani Suri (12) said. Were one of the best schools in the country and when were done with high school we want to feel proud of what weve been through and having it at a really nice location only adds to our name. The area surrounding Pier 60 also concerned some seniors. The inside was big and open with beautiful views of the Hudson River and floor to ceiling windows, Maximilien Moran (12) said, but the outside is basically a huge industrial garage with views of cranes and construction. I can say with 100% confidence that its better than the Pierre, Student Body President Thomas Foster (12) said after visiting Pier 60. Foster attended the prom last year; his main complaint was that the small, enclosed space at the hotel created a sweltering environment. It was like 200 people working out in a small dining room, he said. Pier 60, on the other hand, is about six to seven times larger. In addition, Pier 60s open access to the water could allow students to take boats into prom. Some seniors said that their class should be given direct say in the decision. Its the students prom and they should be given the latitude to vote and decide, Daniel said. Moran and Suri suggested looking into different locations for prom. Pier 60 and The Pierre arent the only ballrooms in New York, Moran said. A vote, however, will not be held and at this time, because decisions need to me be made soon, there is not another opportunity to look at more places, Feigin said.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Members of the Class of 2012 visited Pier 60 on Monday to scout alternative locations for prom.

Courtesy of Chloe Albanese

Tutoring for Parents:

Melissa Rodman Staff Writer
Parents, faculty, and an expert in the field discussed the types of students who need tutoring and the parameters for academic growth during a meeting last week. Each case is individualized, so tutoring in itself is not necessarily the panacea for all childrens problems, said Dr. James Mendelsohn, author of A Parents Guide to Tutors and Tutoring. What may help students with poor study skills, family problems, or learning disabilities, for example, cannot be applied to all students. Before reaching out to an outsideof-school tutor, parents were advised to exhaust the resources of the school the childs teacher, advisor, and now the Tutoring Office, said Dr. Cornelie Ladd, who with Lionel Garrison, serves as an in-house tutor. As members of the faculty, both Ladd and Garrison have connections to HM that out-sourced teachers lack, so while it can be easy to tell a tutor what the topics are, the tutor wont know the level of difficulty or the teaching style of the teacher, Garrison said. An outside tutor has only the textbook as a resource, and wont be as familiar with how a typical class at school functions, Garrison said. The Tutoring Office is connected directly with the students and their teachers on a day-to-day basis, and provides clear help and a structured time frame of study for students to remedy any of the problems they may have in a given class, Ladd said. Students visiting Garrison, who serves as the Mathematics and Science tutor, usually want assistance on challenging math-oriented problems, such as a physics problem set or algebra II take-home test, Garrison said. While

When is it Appropriate for Students to be Tutored?

the Math Department loves to give lots of one-on-one help, seeking help from Garrison is definitely also an appropriate choice for students who need more guidance, department chair Chris Jones said. The goal of tutoring should be to make sure the child becomes an independent thinker, which means that the child can function on his own to do his or her best, Ellen Peskin P14, chair of the Alliance for Alternative Learning Styles, the organization that sponsored the meeting, said. If youre hiring a tutor for your child so that he or she gets an A instead of a B, youre not getting a tutor for the right reasons. Fundamentally, the tutors job is to reveal to a student how the student should learn, by supplying new habits so the student makes adjustments in his or her routine, Mendelsohn said. Tutors may, for example, work with students to excel at finding workable study habits, figuring out classroom problems, and dealing with schoolrelated stresses, helping the students grasp the discussions in the classroom and get up to speed on any issues with which they may be struggling, Peskin said. The staff of the Counseling & Guidance Department gives students all the help they need right here at school, for many study and organizational issues, department head Dr. Daniel Rothstein said in an e-mail to The Record. While the office does not offer tutors in specific subjects, the staff will provide students with help regarding overall organization, study tips, test taking strategies, and how to manage test anxiety, Rothstein said. One potential problem with seeking help outside school, is that the relationship may not be framed on the right grounds, which include

UD Mentors Encourage Compassion in 5th Grade

Justine Potemkin Staff Writer
In a new mentoring program, upper division students are working with fifth graders to build a positive educational experience and a sense of empathy, student mentors said. Mentors met for the first time yesterday four 5th grade classrooms for twenty minutes, leading a discussion and performing a skit illustrating problems such as social exclusion in the cafeteria. The purpose of the program is to try to create an environment among the 5th graders thats more rooted in compassion towards one another, Jessica Bernheim (12) said. We want to make them more aware of how their actions affect others. The Lower Division students were very receptive and were able to behave maturely and respectfully, Guidance and Counseling staffer Lindsey Willis said. When we introduced the topic and got the discussion going, they started talking a lot, Audrey Miller (12) said. Once the discussion started, some students shared individual experiences they had that related to the skit mentors had performed, Justin Bleuel (11) said. Bernheim was inspired to start the program, called Lion Leaders, during her junior year when her cousin described issues she was experiencing with her friends, she said. Although the Upper Division offered a variety of mentoring opportunities, there were no programs that focused on the Lower Division, she said. Last spring Bernheim began to meet with Willis to plan the program and for the last few months has worked individually with Lower Division psychologist Dr. Nicole Zissu and Assistant Head of the Division Deena Neuwirth. It would be great if the kids could hear some cool seniors say that they used to be in the same position, it could make them think, Wow, maybe theres a chance for me, Zissu said. Ideally, the 5th graders will look up to the older high school students, and really understand and receive the information, Willis said. I hope my experiences will help me relate to the 5th graders and make them understand that what theyre going through is totally normal, Miller said. The nine upperclassmen involved in the program intend to continue these visits to the Lower Division every other week throughout the year. Each meeting will revolve around a specific problem that the younger students may be facing, Bernheim said. Im looking forward to making a connection with the 5th graders, and forming a small community in which they feel like they know each other better, Lion Leader Gurbani Suri (12) said. It should be a comfortable environment where they can really respect each other. Since the program is in its first year, mentors were individually selected based on their past experiences with mentoring programs, Willis said. Depending on how the program works out in the next few years, there may be certain changes made in not only the way people are selected to serve as mentors, but also procedural matters such as when the meetings will occur. This year is essentially a pilot run, Willis said.

Baci Weiler/Design Editor

commitment, outlined goals for each session, the realization that progress does not equate to top grades, and the recognition that the tutor is not there to do the homework for the child, Mendelsohn said. The tutor should not be an extension of the parents, who know their child best and give him or her emotional support; rather, the tutor should find the level of demand, in terms of work, appropriate for the child and assess the situations in which the child works best. If parents take the step to institutionalize tutoring in your home, the tutor can become a crutch for the student, Ladd said. In theory, a student comes to the school to be challenged intellectually, so when the emphasis is placed on paying someone to help a child finish a difficult homework problem, then the most important momentslearning moments fall behind, Ladd said. In this way, tutors may deprive students of opportunities to work individually and solve their own problems, which are not only important skills in a school environment but also valuable lessons that all people need when building a career, a family, and throughout the rest of their lives.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Keeping Winter Break Cool

Grab your skates and head to Citi Pond to show off your triple Axels (or cling desperately to the sides) at New Yorks only free-entry ice rink. In addition to fantastic views of the Public Library and a silvery Christmas tree, the Pond is surrounded by a nice array of shops selling everything from knit scarves to blown-glass jewelry. Go on weekdays, when the crowds are absent and you can take advantage of this 17,000 square-foot marvel, or on New Years Eve, when you can celebrate on the ice until midnight.


The horace Mann record

Spending the holidays in the city? While it may not be the same as relaxing on a beach, there are many holiday city gems you can take advantage of. Teo ArmusLaski takes us through some of his favorite holiday pastimes.

Citi Pond @ Bryant Park 40th & 6t h Ave.

Welcome in the new year with a midnight screening of your favorite Spielberg movie at the IFC Center this New Years Eve. Scream your guts out during Jurassic Park or watch Harrison Ford escape snakes, spirits and Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark, both playing from December 30th to January 1st. Not in the mood for action and adventure? Frank Capras holiday tale of second chances and redemption, Its a Wonderful Life, starts on Wednesday and runs daily until the 27th.

Jurassic Park (and more) 3rd & 6t h Ave. @ IFC Center

e 49t h & 5t h Av
Sure, its clich, but theres nothing like elbowing your way through hordes of camera-toting tourists for a view of this 74-foot spectacle in all its seasonal glory. Covered in 30,000 lights and topped with a Swarovski crystal star, the 79th annual Norway spruce at Rockefeller Center is a must-see before its taken down on January 6th. After getting the perfect view, head up Fifth Avenue to gaze at the holiday window displays theres Land of the Bubblemakers at Saks Fifth Avenue and Lady Gaga at Barneys.

Christmas Tree @ Rockefeller Center

With six stores across Manhattan and Brooklyn, the self-proclaimed Willy Wonka of New York City is the man to fulfill your chocoholic fix over break. His wicked hot chocolate, made with a blend of spices, ancho Chile peppers and chipotle chilies, balances richness with a light, frothy texture, creating the perfect escape from the harsh winter weather. For the less adventurous, a milder classic version is available, as well as other whimsical confections like chocolate-covered cheerios and corn flakes.

Hot Chocolate @ Jacques Torres

14t h & Br oadw ay

Hudson St. & King St.

If youre in need of some holiday shopping, Union Square is the place to go! Every day until Christmas Eve, dozens of artisan vendors converge on the Greenmarket to sell unique, handmade knickknacks ranging from nature-themed jewelry at Cherry Rose to Nios Dead Sea salt scrubs. Feeling hungry? Grab some creative and delicious flavored pretzels at Sigmunds, or stop by Wafels & Dinges for a delectable Belgian treat or better, a jar of sticky, sweet spekuloos for an inexpensive present. Other holiday markets can be found at Columbus Circle and Bryant Park.

Holiday Market @ Union Square

Illustrations and Design by Baci Weiler/Design Editor

1. Avarice 6. Command (major or colonel) 14. Duane . 15. Simile: Fresh . 16. Hotel in Queens 17. Huge flightless birds 18. * Fib? 20. Alfred (computer scientist) 21. View 22. Line in a song 24. Agenda 32. Opening or crevice 34. Please do this for my friend and me! 35. Records by band singing Dani California: Abbrev. 39. Suffix with race or age 40. Notably: Abbrev. 41. Question when spelling amoeba 42. Timid 43. Male counterpart of daughter 44. Albert (Australian cricket player) 45. * Seen committing a crime? 54. Acronym used over the internet to express gratitude 55. Exclamation of dismay 56. Less common 57. * Out of breath? 61. to be in Pictures (2000 documentary) 62. Six more en espaol 63. * Stars and stripes ... or a hint to 18-, 45-, and 57- across

By Edie Comas


1. Brazilian soccer player Rodrigo who plays for Santa Cruz Futebol Clube 2. Call back 3. Like shades of green and brown 4. Spelling and grammar checker 5. or no TV game show 6. What Miss America contestants wear 7. Ginzburg (Israeli model) 8. Grocery items carrier 9. Garfields dog friend 10. Sodium chloride: Abbrev 11. Short for antihistamine brand name 12. Standardized test for admission to private schools 13. What Andrew Cuomo is governor of: Abbrev. 17. Be in debt 19. Flee or run 23. Home for an Eskimo 25. Third to last letters in the Greek alphabet 26. Be quiet 27. TV award 28. Tae-kwon (martial art) 29. Suffixes with press or script 30. Portuguese speakerphone 31. Sports network: Abbrev 33. Abbrev. at the end of a letter 35. Respond 36. Hellos in Spanish 37. University on 116th street 38. Letter sent home mid-trimester


if you have a low grade in a class 46. Trauma: Life in (TV show about hospitals) 47. Medic at the Harvard Medical School: Acronym 48. Ages

49. You , anything 50. Organization of growers in West Africa: Acronym 51. Genre of television shows 52. The initials of two 1950s poets who corresponded through letters

53. code (Appropriate attire indicator) 58. Shedding light: Abbrev. 59. Airport pat-down crew: Abbrev. 60. Female chicken

The horace Mann record

Arts & Entertainment

Friday, December 16, 2011

Akillezzs Project in the Making: Release of New Single and Music Video
Melissa Rodman Staff Writer
When he steps into the recording studio, pitch-black and completely noiseless, John Arvanitis (12) says he truly transforms into the rapper Akillezz; time barely moves around him, as if he is in a vacuum, and the music takes overthere is nothing else in his world. For Akillezz, physically recording songs in this way, when Im happy with my flow and the delivery on the song, has made his two-year project, an album, more than incredibly meaningful, he said. Now that the majority of songs on this new album, produced by Jayd Daniels and the team at Block Boyz Entertainment, whose title is still undisclosed, have been recorded, Akillezz said he plans to shoot music videos to accompany two of the albums tracks. The first video will be shot in New York City; the second video will most likely be filmed in Miami. To begin the process of creating the music video, producer Daniels contacted music video director Little X, who has worked with industry favorites including Jay-Z, Rihanna, R. Kelly, and Usher. Little X first listened to the track, Wall to Wall, and then wrote up a treatment according to his vision for the song, Akillezz said. After discussing this treatment and making suggestions, Akillezz and Daniels, working with Little X and a team of stylists and directors, are now in the process of holding casting calls models, actresses, and extras are auditioning for potential spots in the video. Over winter break, Akillezz and his team will begin shooting the video in various New York City clubs and hotel locations. It will be a one to two-day shoot, ten to sixteen hours of my songs. Although he cannot disclose the artists name, Akillezz hinted that such an artist typically does not venture out on such a new project, but this world-wide star is doing it because he has such a high level of faith in me. While some of his earlier pieces were angry in mood because I was not yet able to express myself at the professional level, this debut album has a high on life kind of feel, similar to tracks by Flo Rida, Pitbull, and Ludacris, Arvanitis said. Im at a great place in my life right now, which translates into the happy, upbeat quality of the music on the album. Like his selfcreated identity Akillezz, in homage to his Greek heritage, Arvanitis sees himself as a warrior, he said. And when people ask me what my Achilles heel is, I tell them that love is my Achilles heelthe only weakness with my relationship to music is loving it to the point that it needs to be perfect. This album could have been out last year, but loving my music has set me back in needing to get every last detail just right. Arvanitis emphasized the importance of the interest and acknowledgment hes received from friends, family, and the school. The support I get drives me to make better music, to grab a mic, and to be enthusiastic about sharing my project.

The support I get drives me to make better music, to grab a mic, and to be enthusiastic about sharing my project.
per day, to create, in the end, a three to four-minute music video, Akillezz said. The Akillezz project breaks out of this typical cycle. I really got thrown into the industry at a very young ageI got picked up at sixteen years old. Its like being a high school athlete and skipping the college level for the NBA. Daniels has the connections to make everything happen, as the music he produces lands on Z100, Hot97, and other top stations. Album listeners will hear a surprise artista major artist whose name is constantly on the radiobeing featured in one

Courtesy of John Arvinitis

John Arvanitis (12), aka Akillezz, raps to the crowd at Akrotiri Boutique in Athens, Greece in August. The music video for his single Wall to Wall is due to come out by the end of winter break.

AP Art History Guides 8th Graders at The Met

Sarah Heintz Staff Writer
Students learn from other students in ways they cant learn directly from their teachers, AP Art History teacher Avram Schlesinger said of his students trip to the Met to explain Buddhist and Hindu art to eighth graders. The eighth grade class was split up in two groups, one attending last Wednesday, and the other this Tuesday. In past years, the AP students each took a single group of eighth graders through the museum to look at different works of art. Rather than touring with a single group, Schlesinger said, this year, the docents were experts on specific works of art and the students would come to them. Each pair was tasked to research as much as we possibly could about the symbolism in the work of art we chose for a ten-minute presentation, Olivia Rodriguez (11) said. All of the docents started off their presentations by discussing the content, composition, context, and iconography of the piece and wrote out questions for the eighth graders to answer, which they will grade. The stories, myths, religious themes and symbols of Hinduism and Buddhism were crucial topics the students had to cover in their analyses of the artwork, because the eighth grade curriculum focuses on world religions. We really had a great time, AP Art History student Alex Fine (11) said, It was a little slow the first time we presented, but after several rounds we got the hang of it. The eighth graders were enthusiastic about working with us, and were a little hard to keep calm at times, but really made the work worth while. Many of the AP students learned how to improve their presentations for the second time around on Tuesdays trip, after their experience on the first. I definitely learned how to adapt my own presentation to the questions students asked, and also the way the discussion developed each rotation, AP student Gillian Miller-Lewis (12) said.

Kids these Days...

Middle School Antics at the Museum
The Record asked AP Art history students for the silliest things their 8th graders said or did. Collected here are the best ones:
is this Jesus?

Is the Buddha headless on purpose? Can I high-five the Buddha? is the artwork from 1920 or the 7th century? Are they making out?

AP Art History student Gabby Manoff (12) lectures to 8th graders on Buddhist sculpture as part of the student-led trip to the Met. I didnt have to stick to the structure I had previously prepared Miller-Lewis and her partner were able to work with each other much better the second day because we knew how to use each other to get the most effective and entertaining presentation. AP student Diana Li (11) said, Teaching puts much more pressure on you to really understand the material, so my partner and I really had to learn about the art in detail. Li was able to understand it in much more detail myself, and that translated to the students as a result. It was interesting to compare how the different AP student groups were teaching us, Maddie Bender (8) said. I thought the trip was much more fun and interesting because the upper-schoolers were teaching us, as opposed to a docent from the museum. You could really tell that they knew what they were talking about, and that they prepared well for whatever work of art they were showing us. In preparation for the trip, the two AP

Rachel Essner/Photography Editor

classes went to the Met on a Sunday to locate their works of art and prepare their presentations. They walked through the galleries as a group, discussed the works of art they saw briefly, and chose which ones they would prepare presentations on for the eighth graders. My partner and I read through large packets Mr. Schlesinger emailed us, and surfed the internet for information on the art, Li said. The B Period AP class studied Hindu art, while the D period class covered Buddhist artwork. From my perspective, it was interesting to see my kids, who have dedicated so much time to the subject, passing it off to other kids, Schlesinger said. Schlesinger said the students were incredibly well prepared and good at what they did. Im very proud of them, so unbelievably proud of them, because they took it very seriously and did exactly what we hoped theyd do.

Referred to Vishnu as Buddha took notes on her leggings touched the artwork sat on the iPad used for the presentation Played Words with Friends Fatboothed the Buddha on an iPad

Friday, December 16, 2011

Middle Division

The horace Mann record

Middle Division Geek Squad to the Rescue!

Vivien Ikwuazom Staff Writer

MD Celebrates in Holiday Concert

Bettina Edelstein Contributing Writer
Gross Theater came alive last night with a tune from the Twilight saga, a classical sontina, and a rousing rendition of a Maori folk song at the Middle Divisions annual holiday concert. The concert band opened with Bellas Lullaby, from the Twilight Saga. Although conductor Michael Bomwell has never seen the Twilight movies, he said he was struck by the melodies of this piece. Ella Feiner (6) accompanied the band on piano, which Bomwell said was something new and interesting that he wanted to try. The chamber orchestra gave a lovely performance of three pieces, Appalachian Suite, a particularly beautiful Sontina for Strings by Muzio Clementi, and Kingsbridge March. Bomwell conducted the Chamber Orchestra. It was really a great credit to the kids that they were able to perform in a hall that they had never performed in before with a conductor that they had never performed or rehearsed with before, he said. The members of the glee club, all 100+ of them, led by Timothy Ho, sang four songs, each one more energetic than the next. Te large increase in singers this year led Ho to look at songs that had many vocal parts. Ho said he wanted to find music that was fitting for the holidays. The first song, Ti Hore is the New Zealand version of Rain, Rain, Go Away, sung in the language of that countrys indigenous people, the Maori. Ho learned the song while traveling to New Zealand as a high school junior. The glee club then sang an exciting rendition of Ive Got My Ticket!, followed by two holiday songs, Silver Bells and Bidi Bom. This was a wonderful Holiday Concert, and it reflected all the hard work and rehearsals that the students have put into this school year so far, Ho said.

Need help getting organized? Call a geek. The Geek Squad is a peer-mentoring program designed to help MD students with study skills and organizational skills. Students offer weekly workshops D and E periods on Wednesdays. Kids usually respond better when other kids guide them because they will not feel overwhelmed, squad member Joanna Levy (7) said. They will ask questions that they would not normally ask when a teacher is around them because they feel more comfortable around us. Middle division members of the HM Lead committee proposed the idea for the program. Members also wanted to divide into two squads: geek squad and survival and orientation group. We are trying to help children organize themselves and make notes and teach them how to be organized, Levy said. If kids are struggling they can come to us and we can guide them. Aside from in-school assistance team leaders also offer assistance outside of school by posting videos, Siddarth Tripathi (6) said. Some of them teach students how to organize binders, folders and planners. We want to interview some teachers and ask them questions, such as how a student should organize his or her time and we will upload those on the moodle, Tripathi said. We hope to fully start the program after winter break and recruit more people. We really want to help students with organization skills and to expand the peer mentoring program, Levy said.
Ethan Yaro/Staff Artist

Baci Weiler/Design Editor


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Poll conducted by Maddie Penn

The horace Mann record

Lions Den

Inside the NBA: With Malcolm Thompson

Malcolm Thompson Staff Writer
The lockout dragged on for what seemed like an eternity, lasting all summer and well into the beginning of the NBA season before, players and owners were able to announce a revised 66-game schedule. The frenzy of NBA free agency ensued. It was great for the league, all the chatter of where the big names would end up. Would Dwight Howard get traded to the Nets? Would the Knicks or Lakers be able to finagle a trade for Chris Paul? It felt for that the excitement of the NBA was building up again through all the speculation of free agency. I was excited when the Knicks signed defensive stud center Tyson Chandler, but I was shocked when I heard that Chris Paul could be headed to the Los Angeles Lakers to play alongside Kobe Bryant. Imagine the two most talented guards playing together in Hollywood; the result would have been nothing short of epic. Although I am not a huge fan of the Lakers, as a fan of basketball it would have been incredible to see Kobe and CP3 playing together. It seemed to be the perfect storm. But then, David Stern happened and later that day after the trade being announced it was announced that the NBA would block the trade effectively killing all chances of Paul going to the Lakers. Despite Sterns efforts, fans are still going to get to see something as good if not better as it was announced this Wednesday night that Chris Paul will become a member of the L.A. Clippers joining emerging superstar Blake Griffin in what should be one of the more entertaining duos in the league. This trade just solidifies what I already thought: despite the NBA lockout, the shortened season, and all of the off the court drama, this NBA season could still be one of the best and most competitive in years. To me, the elite teams in the

Friday, December 16, 2011

Foilist Troy Sipprelle (11), on the right, parries a Hackley opponenet in the teams third meet on Thursday.

Gina Yu/Staff Photographer

Amy Hood Staff Writer

Fencing Shows Potential Against Hackley Hornets

a close match 4-5. Rather than relying on a few select players, the girls have worked on building the experience of all team members. No meet seems like a given so well all just have to work hard, Rachel Ha (11) said. Karen Shim (9) stepped up to the challenge last week executing a flesh, a daring move that involves running directly towards her opponent, to score the winning touch against a Chapin fencer. Ive seen all of us improve with every practice, Ha said. After losing closely against Saint Anns by only one touch, were working on having a strategy to play each point and making each point count, Ha said. So far, speed has been a huge factor in the boys team success. We tend to be quicker than the other teams but something to work on is precision Seth Arar (12) said, Were less precise and thats going to hurt when we fence more experienced fencers. The team has been getting a feel for its new coaches and the large program this year, including three different weapons for both boys and girls. Its a larger amount of people but were starting to get to know each other and we have a good team dynamic, Captain Elisabeth Stam (12) said. This has been apparent in the past few meets where, everyone was cheering for each other whether it was their first year on the team or they were returning experienced fencers, Stam said. Our past two meets have been very promising. They set a good tone for the rest of the season, and we are excited to get back to work after winter break, Stam said. The team is looking forward to their next meet in January against Riverdale.

Fencers defeated their rival Hackley in 4 of 7 events in a match yesterday. They were really the best weve fenced so far, and it was a huge win for the team, Stephen Trebach (11) said. The size of Hackleys team allowed both JV and Varsity fencers a chance to compete. We tried to have the underclassmen fence as much as possible, Thomas Eng (11) said. For those fencing sabre, Hackley was their first meet and victory of the season because the teams faced previously did not have that weapon. Last week, the Lions crossed swords with Chapin and Saint Anns. The boys foil squad destroyed both teams while boys epee beat Chapin 7-2 but had trouble with Saint Anns, losing 2-7. Girls foil won against Chapin 20-6 while epee lost

league are all so closely competitive that no matter how you slice it, the basketball is going to be exciting and entertaining. In the West you have the consistently impressive Lakers, the aging but still solid Spurs, the young, talent-loaded Thunder, and the reigning champion Mavericks. In the East there are my starstudded Knicks, the reigning MVP in Chicago, the veteran Celtics, and of course the Big 3 down in Miami. In my eyes those are all extremely good--any of which is capable of making it to the NBA finals. Out of these top eight teams there is no clear-cut leader. Another thing that will make this season great is that aside from the upper echelon of the league, there are some very talented teams that are talented enough to ascend into that upper echelon of teams, such as the new pairing of Griffin and Paul in LA, Dwight Howard and company in Orlando, or even Josh Smith and the boys from Atlanta. December 25th marks the beginning to the NBA season and Christmas Day. Santa will definitely be delivering all the presents this year and among them is a completely stacked opening day schedule for all NBA fans. The Mavs will be getting their championship rings in front of the Heat, which as an adamant LeBron hater will be very entertaining to see. My revamped Knicks will be at the Garden against the Celtics looking to avenge last years playoffs loss. Derrick Rose and the Bulls at the Staples Center versus Kobe and Lakers in a match up MVPs. With some of the premium talent in the league in action this Christmas day looks to be a great preview of what has the makings of a truly amazing NBA season.

Spotlight: New Coaches Answer The Records Questions

Coach Perry
Record: How far back does your swimming background extend? I grew up in North Carolina and started swimming when I was seven. In high school, I went All-American and won 11 state championships. I got recruited to UNC for college, but unfortunately my lung collapsed and I had to stop swimming competitively. From there I went on to coach at East Carolina University and shifted to the coaching aspect of the sport. Record: Whered you first even hear about Horace Mann? A few years ago, I was a counselor at a sailing camp and one of the campers, Ashley Gerber (11), was a student at HM. She told me about the school, I ended up doing some research on it, and was very impressed by the history and tradition of the place. A school being around for 125 years is no small feat, and it sounded like a great place to involve myself in. Record: As the new girls coach, what are your aspirations for the season? My philosophy is that you need to be all about quality, especially when dealing with a small team. We plan to place in the top 3 for several events at Ivy Championships, but more importantly, I want every swimmer to beat their personal best time. In terms of choosing captains, I based my decisions off of the swimmers who had the most experience and leadership both in and out of the pool. I chose Amy Hood (11) for her talent and dedication, Lizzy Rosenblatt (11) for her leadership and inspirational abilities, and Ahsiya Zurita (12) for her experience as a swimmer. Together, the three of them round out the dynamics needed for a team to function well. Record: What do you like most about Horace Mann? I love the environment that I work in, and the people I work with both faculty and student alike. Record: What is the best part about your job at HM? The best part of my job is that I get to work with some of the nations best and brightest. I really appreciated how warm and friendly everyone has been to me. I truly feel like Im part of the family here now and Im extremely happy to be a part of it. Record: What sports do you coach here? I coach Varsity and middle

Coach Hoggle
division football, Varsity Indoor Track, and swimming. Record: What favorite sport? is your Record: What is something students may not know about you? Well as people can tell from my accent, Im not originally from here. I was born and raised in a small Alabama town close to the University of Alabama. Naturally, I am a die-hard Alabama fan and am extremely excited for the National Championship game between LSU and Alabama. Record: prediction? Whats your

Obviously football- Roll Tide! Record: What sport did you play in college? I played division 1 football at the University of Alabama. Record: Who are your favorite profession sports teams? I like the Dallas Cowboys, Atlanta Braves, Los Angeles Lakers and New York Jets.

I think this match-up will be higher scoring than the last one. I think its going to be close, but Alabama is going to come through 23-20.

December 16, 2011

The Horace Mann Record

Volume 109, Issue 13

Gymnastics Jump Starts Season

Vishaan Nursey Contributing Writer
Four girls comprise the entire gymnastics team this year, two sophomores, Maia Landesberg and Jessica Heller, and two juniors, Victoria McKaba and Samantha Zola. Only one of those four could participate in their meet Wednesday against Riverdale. Two did not have enough practices, and one was sick. Because of the small team size, the team is very close knit. Zola said, Our team is most definitely like a little family. We all get along perfectly which only makes practice that much more fun to be at. The graduation to two team members has reduced their ranks. Zola said she is confident that with our hard work and practice we can be just as successful as we were in the past with Coach Surhoff. Head Coach Caroline Surhoff is using her experience to lead and bring together the girls once again. The team has won 11 league titles, and is looking to maintain its top-tier reputation around the Ivy League. Our chemistry is really great this year and we all are really close and love each other, McKaba said. Being at practice with everyone is so much fun! We are all there to support each other and help correct each others mistakes. With the limited number of gymnasts, each competitor has gotten a lot of time to work oneon-one with coaches and hone skills. McKaba said, Were just working on our routines trying to make them as clean as can be. In gymnastics, the little tenths add up so its very important to be as clean and consistent as possible. Zola said, We work together and give each other tips on how to improve our routines to make sure our meets are the best they can be. As with all teams this squad has many strong points and also a few areas they can improve on as well. In order to claim a league title, the girls will have to be able to perform well in every single event, which play to some girls strengths. Every girl is different, speaking about events I think our strongest event is definitely the balance beam but we have all four girls competing in every event so well see what happens, McKaba said. McKaba is excited about this season and said, All the girls on the team have improved so much and all of our girls are competing all around which is amazing.

Nick Wiener (12) drives baseline against a Dalton defender in the 62-56 win. The team is 2-3 overall and 1-0 in the league after the win.

Kim Sarnoff?Photography Editor

Basketball Edges Dalton for First League Win

Evan Reinsberg Staff Writer
The Boys Varsity Basketball pulled out a win over Dalton in a hard-fought game on Wednesday, after strong play in the Peg Duggan Tournament last weekend. The Lions and Tigers went back and forth on each possession, trading shot for shot, as the lead was constantly changing throughout the first half and the third quarter. The game was a battle the entire way. Every time we started to pull away they came back with an answer, junior guard Bernie Rawlins (11) said. Later in the 4th quarter, the Lions were able to gain control thanks to solid defending and some clutch shooting. The Lions prevailed 62-56 against the Tigers. The bench also contributed greatly to the teams win. Austinson Cooke (11) and co-captain Steven Hefter (12) came off the bench, providing both offense and defense for the Lions. Our bench contributed greatly to the win. Ace had a bunch of points inside and grabbed a bunch of rebounds, while Steven took a huge charge in the fourth quarter, said co-captain Thomas Kim (12). It was a complete team effort as defense was key to this victory, players said after the game. As a team we handled ourselves well against the press, center Thomas Schnepp (10) said. Under Daltons late-game pressure, we did not turn the ball over often like we did in the Columbia game. Last weekend, in preparation for the Ivy League schedule, the Lions played in the Peg Duggan Tournament against out of conference teams. In the first round, the Lions flexed their muscles and crushed a weaker Loyola team by a score of 56-27. In our first game of the tournament, it was a complete team effort, forward Martin Gavin (11) said, The defense played well, we executed almost all of our plays on offense, and we were able to put the game away while we had the chance. Next, the Lions faced a very talented Regis team in the tournament championship, where despite a solid effort, the Lions fell by 20 points. Our decision making against Regis hurt us as we turned the ball, which really cost us against a strong team like Regis. Gavin said. It was a complete team effort as defense was key to this victory. Bernie Rawlins explained, The whole team played well. We played really good defense and passed to get open shots on offense. This victory could be crucial, as it will provide a building block and confidence for the lions in future games. We leave it all on the floor everyday in practice and with that hard work this team has a bright future. Rawlins said. Another positive for the lions Lions this week was the fan support, players said. The home crowd really pumped us up in our last two home games, Martin Gavin (11) said. The Lions face a very talented Fieldston team after winter break, and have three more games the following week.

Winter Team Updates

Team Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Wrestling Fencing Track Squash Swimming Record 2-3 5-0 10-2 Foil 3-0 0-0 2-3 0-2 Epee 2-1 Next Game 1/6/12 @ Fieldston 1/6/12 @ Home 1/17/12 @ Clarkstown North 1/5/12 @ Riverdale 1/9/12 @ The Armory 1/6/12 @ Poly Prep 1/6/12 @ Riverdale

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