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Total Quality Management Business Ethics Economic Environment for Business Executive Communication & Mentoring SPECIALISATION: FINANCE Mergers & Acquisitions Strategic Corporate Finance Multinational Business Finance & FOREX

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PS: Subjects marked in bold are the ones which would be delivered as per University syllabus.

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT COURSE DURATION: 2 HRS PER WEEK FOR 12 WEEKS COURSE CREDIT: 2 UNIT 1. INTRODUCTION Meaning of quality orientation to customer satisfaction Scope of TQM Basics and Imperatives of TQM Cost of quality and its relevance to TQM Concept of Kaizen and continuous improvement UNIT 2. STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL Concept of SQC Acceptance sampling and inspection plans Statistical process control Process capability studies UNIT 3. PEOPLES ISSUES IN TQM Leadership issues Total employee involvement 5 S concept Quality circles

PGP_ISBE-B_FW_ IV_SEMESTER_2010 12 RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2012 UNIT 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Quality audits Lead assessment & ISO - 9000 UNIT 5. QUALITY GURUS AND LEARNINGS FROM THEM Issues on quality by o Demming o Crosby o Taguchi o Juran RECOMMENDED BOOKS: BESTERFIELD: Total Quality Management (Pearson) S. N. CHARY: Production & Operations Management (TMH)

BUSINESS ETHICS COURSE DURATION: 2 HRS PER WEEK FOR 12 WEEKS COURSE CREDIT: 2 1. INTRODUCTION (4 HRS) Business functioning and ethical dilemmas in management Unethical behaviour and conduct at individual, group, and corporate level Ethical principles in business 2. INDIVIDUAL ETHICS (4 HRS) Ethics in corporate strategy Ethical dilemmas and value clarification for future managers 3. GROUP ETHICS (4 HRS) Ethical attitudes of Indian managers Managers facing unethical management 4. CORPORATE ETHICS (4 HRS) Ethics and company philosophies Corporate social responsibility 5. APPLICATIONS (8 HRS)

PGP_ISBE-B_FW_ IV_SEMESTER_2010 12 RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2012 Ethics in marketing research and marketing strategy Ethics in finance: Tax planning; financial disclosures Ethics in information technology and systems usage Ethics and human resources management Environmental ethics (The faculty should use case studies for this unit). REQUIRED READINGS: MANUEL G. VELASQUEZ: Business Ethics - Concepts and Cases (Pearson: 2010) FERREL: Business Ethics: A case perspective (Cengage) AGGRAWAL: Business Ethics, An Indian Perspective (Wiley India)

ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS COURSE DURATION: 2 HRS PER WEEK FOR 12 WEEKS COURSE CREDIT: 2 1. INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (2 HRS) Meaning of business environment; various classification schemes Components of business environment: - Microeconomic environment: Direct (customers, intermediaries, suppliers, employees, financial stakeholders, competitors); indirect (govt., community, pressure groups, etc) - Mesoeconomic environment: Industry (as against business unit) level forces - Macroeconomic environment: Economic, social, technological, legal, political, ethical, ecological and other forces facilitating and/or binding the business units. Environment turbulence and the need for adaptation/change in business decision making 2. MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT (8 HRS) Key concepts in Macroeconomics*: Growth, development, circular flows, multiplier, business cycle, employment, inflation, trade, balance of payments, etc. Economic objectives and development models: - Free enterprise vs. planning model at the economy level* - Progress of Indian economy between 1951-1990 and 1991 till date; LPG model of growth. - Unfinished agenda and the role assigned to Indian business (both public and private sector) Policy framework - Fiscal policy: state of fiscal affairs in India; implications for business - Monetary and financial policy; Indian financial system and its relationship with Business - Regulatory framework: Need and operation in the area of prices, labor,

PGP_ISBE-B_FW_ IV_SEMESTER_2010 12 RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2012 infrastructure, etc; growth and constraints due to regulations. Business environment available at state level

3. INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT (2 HRS) Intertemporal evolution of Indian business (including public sector) till date Industrial policy framework The new policy environment: Growth and inhibiting factors for the business. 4. STAKE HOLDERS IN BUSINESS (4 HRS) Immediate stakeholders: Customers, intermediaries, supplier, employees, financial partners Dealing with the stakeholders: Cooperation and conflicts Five forces model of M. Porter * 5. CONSUMING CLASSES IN INDIA (1 HR) Profile of Indian customers: Demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioural * Consumerism and consumer protection Building relationship with customer * (Refer, specifically, to NCAER, NSSO, and Mc Kinsey Reports) 6. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT (4 HRS) Kinds of industries (Monopolies, fragmented, and concentrated) and their competitive implications for business conduct and performance. Monitoring of competitive activities Globalisation and changing nature of competition in India Legislation to enforce/regulate competition (MRTPA, Competition bill, etc) 7. EMERGING ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES (3 HRS) New Millennium, new challenges: Globalisation; information technology; demographic transition; environment degradation; consumer activism; business ethics (Note: The topics included here will be prepared by students for their internal assessment purpose; there shall be no teaching) Coping with new challenges (3 step process) - Business intelligence systems and business environment audit - Tapping of information - Devising of strategies and tactics IMP. NOTES: The starred (*) topics have already been covered or will be covered under different courses. Hence here there will be no teaching on them. But the students will be definitely examined on these topics, as regards their business implications, in the end term examination. The final examination paper will contain questions on current economic environment related issues. Any student who fails to read at least one pink newspaper and one business magazine is unlikely to clear the examination REQUIRED READINGS:

PGP_ISBE-B_FW_ IV_SEMESTER_2010 12 RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2012 Note: There is no specific text book catering to the whole syllabus. The faculty is advised to construct own reading list. The following may help, however: K. ASHWATHAPA: Business Environment for strategic Management (HPH) Besides the students are required to read the following newspapers and magazines: Newspapers: Business Standard; Economic Times; Financial Express; Hindu Business Line; Mint; Financial Chronicle Magazines: Business India; Business Today; Business world; Business & Economy; Outlook Business Business World: Marketing Yearbook (Businessworld Publications: Latest Edition)

EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION & MENTORING There is no formal syllabus for executive communication and mentoring. You are advised to contact Prof. Prashanto Banerjee directly for any guidance and clarification. SPECIALIZATION: FINANCE MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS COURSE DURATION: 4 HRS PER WEEK FOR 12 WEEKS COURSE CREDIT: 4 1. FORMS OF BUSINESS ALLIANCES Strategic choice of type of business alliance Merger and acquisition and take-over Introduction to restructuring problems; types of mergers; reasons for M & A; vertical, horizontal, conglomerate, concentric mergers. History of mergers the first to the fourth wave and causes thereof. The strategic Process Theories of mergers and tender offering financial synergy and managerial synergy. Joint ventures and alliances 2. DEFINING AND SELECTING TARGET Pricing of mergers (Pricing the competitive bid for take- over) Negotiation/approach for merger Acquisition and take over contracting; implementation of M & A; managing post-merger issues 3. VALUING FIRMS AND THE DIFFERENT METHODS OF VALUATION Product life cycle effect on valuation.

PGP_ISBE-B_FW_ IV_SEMESTER_2010 12 RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2012 Corporate and financial restructuring Divestiture Mechanism, process and techniques legalities involved in M & A and takeover Ethical issues of merger and take-over

4. ACCOUNTING FOR MERGERS Financing the mergers and Take-overs Corporate restructuring divestment and abandonment 5. LEGAL ASPECTS OF M&A Legal aspects of mergers/amalgamation and acquisition; provisions of Companies Act; SEBI regulation; Takeover Code; schemes of amalgamation; court approvals RECOMMEDNDED BOOKS: GAUGHAN: Mergers, Acquisition & Corporate Restructuring (John Wiley) SUDI SUDERSANAM: Creating Value from M&A (Pearson)

SPECIALIZATION: FINANCE STRATEGIC CORPORATE FINANCE COURSE DURATION: 2 HRS PER WEEK FOR 12 WEEKS COURSE CREDIT: 2 1. INTRODUCTION TO STRATEGIC FINANCE Business system and maximization of wealth of shareholders/stakeholders Objective function of a business entity: wealth maximization for the shareholders and/or stakeholders Corporate governance issue: Principal agency problem Share holders marginal and average Principles of investment decisions 2. MEASUREMENT OF RETURNS Investment decisions: strategic and tactical roadmap for companies Capital budgeting: Concepts; decision making, including risk analysis Inflation and capital budgeting Economic value added (EVA): Concept and measurement in India companies 3. CORPORATE FINANCING DECISIONS Corporate life cycle approach Corporate debt: Benefits and costs Optimal capital structure

PGP_ISBE-B_FW_ IV_SEMESTER_2010 12 RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2012 Issues in designing capital structure (profitability & liquidity, control & tax tax planning, maneuverability) Transition from prevailing capital structure to optimum mix (debt plus equity) Dividend payouts

4. BUSINESS DECISIONS AND BUSINESS VALUATION Basics of business valuation Discounted cash flow: Concept, variants, and measurement Real options Relative valuation Integrated business valuation 5. CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING AND CORPORATE FINANCE Financial framework for Corporate Restructuring Corporate Debt Restructuring Mechanism PE and hybrid financing RECOMMEDED BOOKS: ASHOK BANERJEE: Financial Management, EB PRASANNA CHANDRA: Fundamentals Financial Management, TMH JOHN WILD, SUBRANANYAM & ROBERT HALSEY: Financial Statement Analysis. TMH BREARLY AND MYERS: Financial Management TMH A. DAMODARAN: Applied Corporate Finance (John Wiley)

SPECIALIZATION: FINANCE MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS FINANCE & FOREX MANAGEMENT COURSE DURATION: 2 HRS PER WEEK FOR 12 WEEKS COURSE CREDIT: 2 1. ESSENTIALS OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE International finance: Issues & dimensions International finance: Nature, role International monetary/financial system Internationalization process; international financial flows, and balance of payments framework 2. CAPITAL IN MBF Capital structure

PGP_ISBE-B_FW_ IV_SEMESTER_2010 12 RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 2012 Capital budgeting Working capital management

3. INTRODUCTION TO FOREIGN EXCHANGE Sources and Uses International exchange system and balance of payment (BoP) framework, International financial institutions , Basic glossary of foreign exchange market 4. FOREX MARKETS Regulatory framework Various kinds of instruments Different type of markets Working of Forex market 5. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT Introduction and need of risk management Types of risks and instruments to hedge forex risks - Currency futures and currency options - FX exposure and transaction risk - Market Risk - Counterparty Credit risk - Settlement risk - Measurement Techniques and Management Practice Hedging products RECOMMENDED BOOKS: MOFFETT, STONEHILL, EITEMAN: Study Guide for fundamentals of Multinational Finance (Addition Wesley: 2008) A. V. RAJWADE: Foreign Exchange International Finance and Risk Management (Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd)

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