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Scott 8/18/12

The Spirit & The Bride The Month of Elul

Tonight we are going to take a look into some key patterns that are hidden within the Scriptures, specifically to teach the generation at the end, all of us! Every day we are given more and more confirmations that point towards these days being the end days. Most of the focus is placed upon the disasters and calamities that will come upon the world, yet we are also reminded in Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. This is our reminder that in the midst of all of the disasters, there will emerge a group of individuals that will compose the Bride of Messiah, who is without spot or wrinkle. And as Shebrews, we have an opportunity to be a living example to all those around us of what this Bride will look like! If we want to be part of this group, it would behoove us to first understand some things that the Scripture tells us about the Bride! Its no accident that we now find ourselves having entered into the 6th month on the calendar of Yahweh known as the month of Elul. This month is one that is always connected with being a time of purging and testing in preparation for entering into the Fall Festivals, the playing out of the wedding ceremony! Elul: Strongs #435 Eluwl nothingness; cognate of #434 eluwl worthless, something worthless, ineffective *The letters of Elul form the acronym, Ani LDodi VDodi Li I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine (Songs 6:3) * = I will; = heart; = connector, joiner; = heart I will join/connect heart to heart! can also mean to goad, incite, prod towards something Its in the midst of the trials and testing that Yahweh declares his intent to join the hearts together fulfilling the phrase Ani LDod VDodi Li! And its through the trials that we are being goaded towards, incited, and prodded towards whatever we have set our heart upon! *Now we can understand how the meaning of Elul, nothingness/ineffective relates we are made ineffective when we set our hearts upon something that is worthless! The term Elul is used only once in Scripture, Nehemiah 6:15 So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth [day] of [the month] Elul, in fifty and two days. Wall: Strongs #2346 chowmah wall; gematria = 59, same as niddah impurity, filthiness, menstruous

Finished: Strongs #7999 shalam to be in a covenant of peace, be at peace, to be complete, sound, to make whole 2 letter root = a great sin or error deserving of death, specifically used in reference to Uzzah who mishandled the Ark; attached to the letter = water Tying this together, we can now see that the month of Elul has everything to do with the niddah bridal candidate, the one who has mishandled the Ark (committing a sin worthy of death) and set her heart upon worthless things in the past now having a chance to set her heart upon and come in contact with the water that cleanses, a reference to the Torah itself! 52 (finished in 52 days) = Caleb = like & = heart; she had become like His heart! Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. *In Hebrew, Come: Strongs #935 bow to go in, enter, come; 1st reference is Genesis 2:19 where all of creation is brought before Adam, yet there is not a proper helpmeet found for him! It is only in Gen. 2:22 when the ishshah/the woman is brought/bo before him that he finds one fit to be his bride. Genesis 2:22 And the rib, which Yahweh Elohim had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Rib: Strongs #6763 tsela side, rib, beam; = a shade, shadow, frequently used as a symbol for protection and refuge & = the womb In other words she was a fit helpmeet because she had a protected womb that would be a refuge for the seed! Do you realize youre charged with preserving the integrity of the Word of Yahweh, keeping it pure and uncompromised? Gematria = 170, same as mayan (#4599) spring, fountain she would be one in which the fountain of Torah would flow! Take: Strongs #3947 laqach to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, to marry, to take as a wife *This becomes another clue in revealing who will be fit candidates for the Bride, those in whom the fountain of Torah are flowing, who have taken the water of life, are those that are taken in marriage! This is the significance of the time frame of Elul/Jacobs trouble; its the offering of the water! This month is associated with the tribe of Gad: Strongs #1410 Gad

troop; from the root gadad to cut, invade; also related to gad fortune. It seems that these words indicate a cutting with the distinct purpose of laying a treasure bare; a fortune for which a troublesome invasive effort is made; a painful verb! He was the son of Zilpah: Strongs #2153 Zilpah a trickling; = to neglect, despise & = mouth, language, speech One who despises and neglects the language/speech of Torah! *Its within the names of Gad & Zilpah that we have revealed to us the purpose of the purging of Elul! Because in the past we have despised and neglected His Torah, the waters were diminished to a trickle! And because of that, a troublesome, invasive effort must be made to cut away what hinders the flowing of the water. It is this month that exposes and lays bare that which we have treasured up in our hearts! Its a chance for us to apply the water ourselves, to do the self-inspection and purging needed before we meet our Groom. 1st reference of there being no water is in Genesis 37:24 And they took him (Joseph), and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it. Pit: Strongs #953 bowr pit, well, cistern; from #952 buwr to make clear, explain, prove, to bore into; & related to #874 baar to make plain, distinct, make clear, to declare, letters on a tablet This pit was supposed to be a well from which the living waters of Torah were made plain, distinct, and clear. Where they issued forth and the letters that had been written would be declared! Yet there is no water? Joseph being thrown in the pit went hand in hand with his coat of many colors being removed. Coat: Strongs #3801 kethoneth tunic, undergarment; usually made of linen *Revelation 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. The absence of an understanding of the Word of Yahweh/Torah is likened unto our bridal garments being removed and our well/womb being empty of His Seed/Word! This happens when Joseph leaves Shechem for Dothan. Shechem: Strongs #7927 Shekem back, shoulder; spelled with the same letters as meshek (#4901) a drawing, drawing up, a trail of seed; a container or pouch for holding seed Dothan: Strongs #1886 Dothan two wells; 2 letter root is the same root found in daath knowledge & root = dragon, serpent *If we are not placing ourselves in a position where we can be a container for the seed/word of Yahweh, then we become one who is

susceptible to entertaining and partaking of the knowledge of the serpent/dragon! If you add the ( breath, spirit) to #8566 = tanah to hire, to sell oneself; it describes a harlot hiring out her body. In other words, as a body of believers, if we have just spirit and no knowledge of the Torah we become susceptible to being one who plays the harlot! Gematria of Elul = 67, 67th verse in the Torah is Genesis 3:11 And he said, Who told thee that thou [wast] naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? *Adam and Eve removed their bridal garments as well when they chose to entertain the serpent instead of housing the Word/Seed of Yahweh! This is a shadow picture for the second Eve as well who will once again have to face the dragon/serpent. Who you have set your heart upon will determine whether you as well are made naked or not! Continuing to look into this month, in 1 Chronicles were given the list of the captains that served the king each month. 1 Chronicles 27:9 The sixth [captain] for the sixth month [was] Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite: and in his course [were] twenty and four thousand. Ira: Strongs #5896 Iyra watchful of a city; from #5783 uwr to be exposed, be bared, be laid bare; shares the same 3 letter root as #5894 a watcher, a title applied to the fallen ones and Hasatan Ikkesh: Strongs #6142 Iqqesh twisted; from #6141 iqqesh twisted, distorted, crooked, perverse, perverted Tekoite: Strongs #8621 teqowiy

trumpet blast

*Notice how the names reveal once again the significance of the time frame we find ourselves in! Were warned to be watchful, on guard, lest we be exposed/laid bare before the fallen ones/the serpent and be found in a perverted/perverse/compromised position at the trumpet blast of Yom Teruah! Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of Yahweh Elohim walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Yahweh Elohim amongst the trees of the garden. Hid: Strongs #2244 chaba to withdraw, to hide; shares the same root as #2245 chabab to love fervently, to cherish They hide at the blast/voice because they had joined their hearts to another! They had cherished/loved something else the Word/Torah was replaced leaving them in a compromised position! 4

Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, [and] hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. Hewed: Strongs #2672 chatsab to dig, cleave, divide, hew, cut out; 2 letter root mound, connecting us to the mounded stomach of woman in pregnancy! Cisterns: Strongs #877 bor cistern, pit, well; from #874 baar make plain, distinct, to declare, letters on a tablet


Broken: Strongs #7665 shabar to break, to break in pieces *Same word used in Exodus 34:1 concerning the first set of stones with the Torah that was broken by Mosheh when the Bride/Israel played the harlot at Sinai! This verse in the Hebrew has 19 words. 19 = Chavvah (#2332) Eve, life or living; from #2331 chavah to tell, declare, make known, show As the 2nd Eve to the 2nd Adam (Messiah) you are responsible for telling, declaring, showing, and making known that which has been placed within you. Its supposed to be the living waters/Torah! John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. The evils we have committed against Yahweh deals with the fact that weve not been housing His Word/Seed within us instead weve become a vessel/impregnated by another leaving His house compromised. By doing so, its as if weve just broken the stones with the letters engraved upon them again! This is why the house must go through the purging of Jacobs trouble, which is pictured in the month of Elul. Yet we have been given the promise that the water is available if you want it! John 4:10 Yeshua answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

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