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Office Self-Inspection Checklist

School/Directorate: Room Number 8 Report No: 48/10 Number of Occupants 1 Building: Hawiayah PMT Office Supervisor in Charge Yousif Shiqaqeeq Inspection Date 10 June 2010 Action by whom & by when N/A Not Availble Not Available

Good Acceptable Poor Unacceptable Physical State Space per occupant Room layout Ventilation Heating Lighting Noise Flooring Shelving/storage Decoration Workstation(s) Housekeeping Floors/aisles/exits clear? Cupboards Shelving Waste removal Summary/Comment: House keeping of the room found to be satisfactory.

Electrical Portable Appliance Testing carried out? Amount of equipment tested? Failed/untested equipment in use? Trailing cables on floor? Extension cables in use? Cables too long/overloaded? Office equipment e.g. shredders, copiers, laminators present? Equipment correctly located & regularly maintained? All users trained in correct use? Fire Excessive amounts of combustible material present? Supplementary heating in use? Type of heater? Heater in suitable location? Other Occupants informed of risk control measures identified in Generic Office Risk Assessment? DSE Assessment carried out for each occupant? All filing cabinets have ant-tilt mechanism? Summary/Comment:

Yes 100%

No <100%

Action by whom & by when N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Any Other issues not listed above:

Inspection by (Name):M A Baig Position:QA/QC Supervisor

Version 1.0 January 2008

Tel No: 03 5767539 Email:

Further advice available from: insert name of School Safety Advisor

Office Self-Inspection Checklist

How to use the checklist The checklist is intended to be completed by office occupants and given to the School Safety Advisor (SSA) as part of the annual safety monitoring system. The SSA will then assess whether any action is necessary to maintain safety standards and make an action plan to address any significant issues that are identified. Consideration of the following should help you complete the form. 1) About the physical state of the room: Space per occupant Does the room seem overcrowded? Room layout e.g. Is it difficult to move around because theres too much furniture? Is there sufficient space for opening drawers, cabinets? Ventilation Is the room generally well ventilated or is it too stuffy Heating Is the room too hot/cold/draughty? Etc Lighting Is it suitable for the tasks to be done or too dim/bright? Noise Is the room excessively noisy? Is it noise from equipment/external to the room/internal? Etc Flooring Is the flooring sound with nothing loose/curling that you could trip over? Shelving Have you sufficient shelving/storage space for essential items? Is the shelving fixed to the wall where necessary? Are shelves bowing under the weight of items stored? Etc Decoration is the decoration in good order? Workstations Is the workstation (desk, chair etc) suitable for the task/person and in a good state of repair? 2) Housekeeping: Floors/aisle/exits clear? Are these areas kept clear at all times? Are there ever things left around that people could fall over/slip on? Are the routes to the door and emergency exits always kept accessible? Cupboards & Shelving Do these contain essential items or are items being kept unnecessarily, using up valuable storage space? Waste removal Is waste being removed regularly? Is food waste being disposed of promptly? Summary/comment insert any other comments you may have about the previous topics in these areas 3) Electrical Equipment/Hazards: Portable appliance Testing (PAT) is this being carried out? See your School health and safety policy for the frequency of testing. All tested equipment should bear a label with either date tested or date of next test. Is this current for all equipment in the room? Amount of equipment tested? if everything is tested and in date tick 100%, otherwise tick <100% Failed/untested equipment in use? Is any untested/out of date equipment still being used? Trailing cables on floor? Are there any cables in places where people could trip over them and fall? Extension cables in use? Are there electrical extension cables in use? Cables too long/overloaded? If electrical extension cables are used, are these excessively long and/or overloaded? Office equipment e.g. shredders, copiers, laminators present? may be particularly relevant to admin offices etc Equipment correctly located & regularly maintained? If yes to the above question, is this equipment located in suitable places and is it maintained, where appropriate, in accordance with the manufacturers instructions? All users trained in correct use? Do all who use the equipment know how to do so correctly and safely? 4) Fire Hazards Excessive amounts of combustible material present? Is there an accumulation of e.g. paper/cardboard boxes/packing materials? Supplementary heating in use? do you have additional fires/heaters in the room? If so give details of the type and whether it is sited in a safe location away from combustible material. 5) Other risks Occupants informed of risk control measures identified in Generic Office Risk Assessment? Have all occupants aware of this? DSE Assessment carried out for each occupant? Has each person had a Display Screen Assessment carried out for their workstation? This may be either as a paper based assessment or an online selfassessment. All filing cabinets have ant-tilt mechanism? Anti-tilt mechanisms prevent more than one drawer being open at a time. Older cabinets do not have this and may tip over if more than one drawer is opened. Any other issues not listed above insert any other relevant comments in this area
Version 1.0 January 2008

Further advice available from: insert name of School Safety Advisor

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