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Banking and Finance

Subject Guide 2007-2008

This guide is intended to give you an idea of the sources of information that are available to help you locate information in Banking and Financial Services. It is not a complete list, merely a sample of the types of information available. If you have any difficulty when using any of the items described, please ask a member of staff at the Enquiry Desk, or contact Francis Firth, your Subject Librarian (Tel: 0121-331 7786 Fax: 0121-331 7786 E-mail: There is also help on the Banking web pages at

The Library use the Dewey Decimal System to arrange books by subject. By using the browse a list SUBJECT option in the Advanced Search section of the online catalogue you can find the shelfmark of a general subject area. For more specific subjects and to combine words use the KEYWORD option. Some useful subjects and their shelfmarks: Banking Law Bank Lending Bond markets Building Societies Business Statistics Central Banking Corporate Finance European Insurance Law European Monetary System Financial Reporting Futures Markets Information Systems Insurance International Finance 346.41082 and 346.42082 332.17530941 332.6323 332.320941 519.502465 332.11 658.15 346.4086 332.4566094 657.3 332.644 658.4038 368 332.042

International Monetary System International Money and Banking International Trade Finance Investment Life Assurance Management in Banking Management Science Marketing Financial Services Monetary and Financial System Monetary Economics Operational Research Options Markets Personal Financial Planning Portfolio Theory Risk Management: Business Strategic Management Taxation Trade Law

332.45 332.15 332.45 332.6 368.32 332.1068 658.403 332.10688 332.4 332.4 658.4034 332.645 332.024 332.6 658.403 658.4 336.200941 and 343.4104 341.754

Journals are published more frequently than books, making them a very useful source of current information. Journals are available in either printed or electronic formats. Printed journals are kept on Level 2 of the Library, but may not be borrowed. Copies are shelved in broad subject groupings. Banking and Finance titles are shelved under Finance. Photocopiers are available on Level 2 and all photocopying must be in accordance with current Copyright Law. Electronic full-text journals can be accessed via the Electronic Services section of the Library Web Page (http:// ), from publishers own web sites or via the web sites of various commercial services. Most of the titles can be accessed both from the Business School and from work or home.

The Library subscribes to the following providers of full-text electronic journals: ABI/Inform InfoTrac SwetsWise, among others. To find out if the Library has a particular journal title and to check our holdings, use the TITLE search option on the online catalogue or the full-text electronic journals A-Z list on the library web page. Here is a selection of some of the most relevant current journals: Trade American Banker, held on InfoTrac Australian Banking & Finance, held on InfoTrac The Banker, held on InfoTrac Bank Systems & Technology (US), held on ABI Bank Technology News, held on ABI Corporate Finance, held on ABI to 2005 Euromoney, held on ABI Futures held on ABI Futures & Options World Global Finance, held on ABI Global Investor, held on ABI Institutional Investor, held on ABI International Securities Finance held on ABI Post Magazine, the insurance weekly Personal Investment Bloomberg Money Financial Adviser Investors Chronicle Money Management

Business Journals The librarys Journal Subscription Agent

Professional/Institutional ABA Journal (American Bankers Association), held on ABI only Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin Credit Management (Institute of Credit Management), held on ABI Financial Analysts Journal (Association for Investment Management &Research), only on ABI Financial Stability Review (Bank of England/Financial Services Authority) Financial World (CIB) Mortgage Finance Gazette (Building Societies Association) Professional Investor (Institute of Investment Management and Research) Securities and Investment Review (Securities Institute) The Treasurer (Association of Corporate Treasurers). Academic/Research Corporate Governance: International Journal, held on ABI Corporate Governance: International Review Finance and Development (IMF/World Bank), held on ABI Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, also held on SwetsWise Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, also held on SwetsWise Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, held on ABI International Journal of Bank Marketing, held on ABI with 1 year delay Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, also held on SwetsWise Journal of Finance, also held on SwetsWise Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, held on ABI to 2003 only Journal of Financial Economics, current year only also via Sciencedirect Journal of Financial Management & Analysis, held on ABI with 1 year delay 4

Journal of Financial Planning, held on ABI Journal of Financial Services Research, held on ABI with 1 year delay Journal of International Banking Law, held on Westlaw UK Journal of International Financial Markets, held on Westlaw UK Journal of Services Marketing, held on ABI with 1 year delay Managerial Finance, held on ABI with 1 year delay Risk Management, held on ABI Risk Management: an International Journal Risk Management and Insurance Review, held on ABI only

Internet and Electronic Resources

There are many sites on the Internet that provide useful sources of information. The subject guide to Banking and Finance, within the Business section of the Library Web Page ( frameBusiness.htm ), will help you connect to the web pages of professional institutions, regulatory bodies and exchanges, and gives links to personal investment sites. The following databases may be useful: 1. ABI/Inform Global Provides summaries of articles from over 1500 of the worlds leading business and management journals, with over 820 delivered as full text and abstracts to a further 700. Coverage is from 1971 onwards. Full text is usually from the mid-1990s. The service provides full text access to US-based banking and finance journals. There is an option to email results. The database is password controlled for off-campus access, requiring an Athens username and password. 2. CCH Information Contains GAAP Accounting Standards and Internal Audit information, and Business Focus Reports provides industry specific guidance and statistical intelligence on over 80 trades and professions.

3. FAME Provides financial spreadsheet information about over one million UK companies, public and private with up to ten years of financial history. The database is password controlled for offcampus access, requiring an Athens username and password. 4. Financial Journals Index Indexes a core set of journals in each of the sectors of insurance, pensions and banking. Available via the internet as part of WestLaw UKs suite of databases. From the Quick Search menu on the left of the screen select Financial Journals Index. 5. Lexis/Nexis Provides profile and financial information about companies worldwide as well as global financial news. 6. Newspapers The Times and Sunday Times, The Guardian and The Observer, The Financial Times, and The Independent newspapers are all available in full-text either the very same day or the previous days issue. Coverage goes back at least 15 years in most cases. You can choose to search across all the newspapers or just the newspaper in which you are interested via Lexis/Nexis . You will need to select the Change database option to make your choice. Articles can be emailed or printed. The database is password controlled for off-campus access, requiring an Athens username and password.

Training on the use of any of the electronic services can be provided on request from your Faculty or Subject Librarian, or alternatively please ask at the Enquiry Desk if you are in the Library.

Other Libraries
Postgraduate students and part-time or Distance Learning undergraduate students may join other University Libraries both in the West Midlands and elsewhere in the UK through the SCONUL Access scheme.

Contacting your Subject Librarian

I should be pleased to assist you with a subject related enquiry, literature searching for any assignments you might have, or database training. You may contact me to make an appointment: by email:

telephone/fax: 0121-331 7786 by completing a Request for Assistance form available from the Enquiry Desk or in person at the Enquiry Desk on Level 2 You may also send me a message via the Library Web Page ( or via my page at

Library and Learning Resources, Birmingham City University, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2SU Telephone: 0121 331 5300 Fax: 0121 356 2875 Web: Oct 2007

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