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Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177


IMAGE: An Image may be defined as a two dimensional function(x,y) where x

and y are spatial (plane) co-ordinates and the amplitude of fat any pair of co-ordinates (x,y) is called the intensity or gray level of the image at the point. When x, y ant the intensity values of f are all finite, discrete quantities. The image is digital image.

0<f(x,y)< f(x,y)=i(x,y)r(x,y)

where f(x,y) is image representation as 2-D function of x and y spatial co-ordinates f(x,y) is illumination components i(x,y) is relectance components x,y is spatial components

Gray Level: Image in black and white or monochrome picture where 0 for black and 1 for

Pixel: Pixel is a picture element. It is simplest unit or sample. Pixel is also called as pel or
picture element. Pixel a square and has particular location value in an image. The value varies from 0 to 1 and represented as discrete value. These values are represented by 0s and 1s. 0 to 1 is divided into 256 levels because each value is divided into 8 bits. 28=256, 0 as black, 1 as white. Image being processed by a computer, so it is called as digital image. Computer understands 0 and 1 binary value. So image is divided into 256 values between 0 and 1. Amplitude of f at any coordinates is called intensity or gray level of image at any point. Image is a 2D matrix. Each unit has its own coordinates.
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Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177

Digital Image Processing : The term digital image processing generally refers to
processing of 2-D Picture by a computer .In other scene it implies that digital processing of any 2D data. A digital image of an array of real computer numbers represented by finite numbers of bits. The process of receiving and analysis visual information by digital computer is called Digital image processing. The term rarer than picture is used here because the computer store and process numerical image of scene. Two broad class of technique i.e. processing and analyzing have involved in field of digital image processing and analysis. Processing of an image includes improvement in its appearance and efficient representation. So, the field contains not only feature extraction analysis of an image but also coding, filtering, Enhancement & restoration. The entire process of image processing and analysis starting from image processing information to the given output of description of the scene may be divided into 3 stages which are also considered as major area and given below. Application: - Digital processing analyzing techniques used in variety of problems. Many application oriented image processor are available and working satisfactory in real environment. Following are major application area:1. Office Automation 2. Industrial Automation 3. Biomedical Automation(CT Scan) 4. Remote Sensing 5. Criminology 9Face, (Finger recognition) 6. Astronomy and Space application 7. Meteorology 8. Entertainment and Consumer electronics
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Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177

9. Printing and art 10. Military Application 11. Radar Image 12. Prediction of Agriculture crops

%READ & DISPLAY OF AN IMAGE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Clc Clear all; X=imread(cameraman.tif); Y=imshow(X); Title(Original Image);

OUTPUT: Original Image

%READ & DISPLAY OF AN IMAGE & SOME MANIPULATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Clc Clear all; X=imread(cameraman.tif); X(160:170,60:70)=255*ones(11,11);
Trident Academy of Technology Page No 3

Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177

Y=imshow(X); Title(PROCESSED IMAGE);


%SOME MANIPULATION OF AN IMAGE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Clc Clear all; X=imread(cameraman.tif); Y=X; Z=fliplr(X); Z1=X(end: -1:1,end :-1:1); Subplot(2,2,1); Imshow(X); Title(Original Image); Subplot(2,2,2); Imshow(Y); Title(Processed Image); Subplot(2,2,3); Imshow(Z);
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Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177

Title(Processed Image); Subplot(2,2,4); Imshow(Z1); Title(Processed Image);

OUTPUT: Original Image Processed Image Processed Image Processed Image

%ZOOM OPERATION OF AN IMAGE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Clc Clear all; X=imread(cameraman.tif); Y=X(1:2:end,1:2:end); Z=X(1:4:end,1:4:end); Z1=X(1:8:end,1:8:end); Figure(1); Imshow(X); Title(original image); Figure(2); Imshow(Y); Title(processed image);
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Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177

Figure(3); Imshow(Z); Title(processed image); Figure(4); Imshow(Z1); Title(processed image);

OUTPUT: original image processed image processed image processed image

%IMAGE NEGATIVE %%%%%%%%%%% Clc Clear all; X=imread(cameraman.tif); [m n]=size(X); For i=1:m For j=1:n Y(i,j)=255-X(i,j); End End
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Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177

Figure(1); Imshow(X); Title(original image); Figure(2); Imshow(Y); Title(negative image);

OUTPUT: original image negative image

In this experiment the basis of theory about image, image properties, with image and different techniques used in image processing was studied. The importance of digital image and application areas was also studied to get a brief idea about image and image processing and done some basic program like image folding, image scaling, and image neg

SUBMITED BY:- Rammanohar Das REGD.NO:- 0901289177/26 BRANCH:- ETB ( B ) LAB INCHARGE:Trident Academy of Technology Page No 7

Project Lab

Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Regd No-0901289177

Trident Academy of Technology

Page No 8

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