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Systems; Matrices

8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 8-2 Systems of Linear Equations and Augmented Matrices 8-3 GaussJordan Elimination 8-4 Matrix Operations 8-5 Inverse of a Square Matrix 8-6 Matrix Equations and Systems of Linear Equations 8-7 Systems of Linear Inequalities 8-8 Linear Programming Chapter 8 Group Activity: Modeling with Systems of Linear Equations Chapter 8 Review


A Red Cross plane is being loaded with bottled water and dehydrated food for transport to an earthquake region. Each bottle of water weighs 18 pounds, occupies 1 cubic foot of space, and will supply 15 people. Each package of dehydrated food weighs 9 pounds, occupies 0.75 cubic feet of space, and will supply 11 people. The plane has space for 4,500 cubic feet of cargo weighing at most 64,800 pounds. How many bottles of water and packages of dehydrated food should be loaded into the plane to maximize the total number of people supplied with either food or water by this shipment?

n this chapter we rst discuss how systems of linear equations involving two variables are solved graphically and algebraically. Because these techniques are not suitable for linear systems involving larger numbers of equations and variables, we then turn to a different method of solution involving the concept of an augmented matrix, which arises quite naturally when dealing with larger linear systems. We then study matrices and matrix operations in their own right as a new mathematical form. With these new operations added to our mathematical toolbox, we return to systems of equations from a fresh point of view. Finally, we discuss systems of linear inequalities and linear programming. Throughout the chapter we use these new mathematical tools to solve a variety of interesting and important applied problems.

Preparing for This Chapter

Before getting started on this chapter, review the following concepts: Properties of Real Numbers (Appendix A, Section 1) Linear Equations and Inequalities (Appendix A, Section 8, and Chapter 2, Section 2) Linear Functions (Chapter 2, Section 1)

Section 8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Systems of Equations Graphing Substitution Applications

In this section we discuss both graphical and algebraic methods for solving systems of linear equations in two variables. Then we use systems of this type to construct and solve mathematical models for several applications.

Systems of Equations
To establish basic concepts, consider the following example. At a computer fair, student tickets cost $2 and general admission tickets cost $3. If a total of 7 tickets are purchased for a total cost of $18, how many of each type were purchased? Let x y Number of student tickets Number of general admission tickets


8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables


Then x 2x y 3y 7 18
Total number of tickets purchased Total purchase cost

We now have a system of two linear equations in two variables. Thus, we can solve this problem by nding all pairs of numbers x and y that satisfy both equations. In general, we are interested in solving linear systems of the type ax cx by dy h k
System of two linear equations in two variables

where x and y are variables, a, b, c, and d are real numbers called the coefcients of x and y, and h and k are real numbers called the constant terms in the equay0 is a solution of this system if each tions. A pair of numbers x x0 and y equation is satised by the pair. The set of all such pairs of numbers is called the solution set for the system. To solve a system is to nd its solution set.

Recall that the graph of a linear equation is the line consisting of all ordered pairs that satisfy the equation. To solve the ticket problem by graphing, we graph both equations in the same coordinate system. The coordinates of any points that the lines have in common must be solutions to the system, since they must satisfy both equations.


Solving a System by Graphing

Solve the ticket problem by graphing: x 2x y 3y 7 18

Solution FIGURE 1

From Figure 1 we see that x y 3 4

Student tickets General admission tickets


x 3

2x 2(3)



47 77

3(4) 18 18 18


Solve by graphing and check:

x x

y 2y

3 3



It is clear that the preceding example has exactly one solution, since the lines have exactly one point of intersection. In general, lines in a rectangular coordinate system are related to each other in one of three ways, as illustrated in the next example.


Solving Three Important Types of Systems by Graphing

Solve each of the following systems by graphing: (A) 2x 3y 2 (B) 4x 6y 12 (C) 2x x 2y 8 2x 3y 6 x (A) (B) 3y 3 2y 6 3


Lines intersect at one point only. Exactly one solution: x 4, y 2 (C)

Lines are parallel (each has slope 2). No solution. 3

Lines coincide. Innitely many solutions.


Solve each of the following systems by graphing: (A) 2x 3y 12 (B) x 3y 3 (C) 2x x 3y 3 2x 6y 12 x

3y 3 2y

12 6

We now dene some terms that can be used to describe the different types of solutions to systems of equations illustrated in Example 2.

8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables


SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS: BASIC TERMS A system of linear equations is consistent if it has one or more solutions and inconsistent if no solutions exist. Furthermore, a consistent system is said to be independent if it has exactly one solution (often referred to as the unique solution) and dependent if it has more than one solution.

Referring to the three systems in Example 2, the system in part A is consistent and independent, with the unique solution x 4 and y 2. The system in part B is inconsistent, with no solution. And the system in part C is consistent and dependent, with an innite number of solutions: all the points on the two coinciding lines.

Can a consistent and dependent system have exactly two solutions? Exactly three solutions? Explain.

By geometrically interpreting a system of two linear equations in two variables, we gain useful information about what to expect in the way of solutions to the system. In general, any two lines in a rectangular coordinate plane must intersect in exactly one point, be parallel, or coincide (have identical graphs). Thus, the systems in Example 2 illustrate the only three possible types of solutions for systems of two linear equations in two variables. These ideas are summarized in Theorem 1.


ax cx

by dy

h k

must have 1. Exactly one solution or 2. No solution or 3. Innitely many solutions There are no other possibilities.

Consistent and independent Inconsistent Consistent and dependent



One drawback of nding a solution by graphing is the inaccuracy of handdrawn graphs. Graphic solutions performed on a graphing utility, however, provide both a useful geometric interpretation and an accurate approximation of the solution to a system of linear equations in two variables.


Solving a System Using a Graphing Utility

Solve to two decimal places using a graphing utility: 5x 2x First solve each equation for y: 5x 3y 3y y 13 5x
5 3x 13 3


3y 4y

13 15

2x 13

4y 4y y

15 2x 0.5x 15 3.75

Next, enter each equation in a graphing utility [Fig. 2(a)], graph in an appropriate viewing window, and approximate the intersection point [Fig. 2(b)].

(a) Equation denitions

(b) Intersection point

(c) Check

Rounding the values in Figure 2(b) to two decimal places, we see that the solution is x 3.73 and y 1.88 or (3.73, 1.88)

Figure 2(c) shows a check of this solution.



Solve to two decimal places using a graphing utility: 2x 4x

5y 3y

25 5

In the solution to Example 3, you might wonder why we checked a solution produced by a graphing utility. After all, we dont expect a graphing utility to make an error. But the equations in the original system and the equations entered in Figure 2(a) are not identical. We might have made an error when solving the original equations for y. The check in Figure 2(c) eliminates this possibility. Graphic methods help us visualize a system and its solutions, frequently reveal relationships that might otherwise be hidden, and, with the assistance of a graphing utility, provide very accurate approximations to solutions.

8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables


There are a number of different algebraic techniques that can also be used to solve systems of linear equations in two variables. One of the simplest is the substitution method. To solve a system by substitution, we rst choose one of the two equations in a system and solve for one variable in terms of the other. (We make a choice that avoids fractions, if possible.) Then we substitute the result in the other equation and solve the resulting linear equation in one variable. Finally, we substitute this result back into the expression obtained in the rst step to nd the second variable. We return to the ticket problem stated at the beginning of the section to illustrate this process.


Solving a System by Substitution

Use substitution to solve the ticket problem: x 2x y 3y 7 18


Solve either equation for one variable and substitute into the remaining equation. We choose to solve the rst equation for y in terms of x: x y y 7 7 x
Solve the rst equation for y in terms of x. Substitute into the second equation.

2x 2x 2x 3(7 21

3y x) 3x x x

18 18 18 3 3 7 x:

Now, replace x with 3 in y y y y 7 7 4 x 3

Thus the solution is 3 student tickets and 4 general admission tickets.


x 3

2x 2(3)

3y 3(4)

18 18

47 77

18 18





Solve by substitution and check: x x

y 2y

3 3

Solving a System by Substitution

Solve by substitution and check: 2x 3x 3y y 7 7


To avoid fractions, we choose to solve the second equation for y: 3x y y y 2x 2x 2x 3(3x 9x 3y 7) 21 7x x y y y Thus, the solution is x 2 3x 3(2) 1 2 and y 3x 3(2) 1. y 7 7 7 7 7 3x 3x 7 7 7 14
Substitute x 2 in y 3x 7. Solve for y in terms of x.

7 7
Substitute into rst equation. First equation Solve for x.


2x 2(2)


3( 1) 7 77

( 1)



Solve by substitution and check: 3x 2x

4y y

18 1

Use substitution to solve each of the following systems. Discuss the nature of the solution sets you obtain.

x 2x

3y 6y

4 7

x 2x

3y 6y

4 8

8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables


The following examples illustrate the use of systems of linear equations to construct models for applied problems. Each model can be solved by either graphing or substitutionthe choice is really a matter of personal preference.


Food Processing
A food manufacturer produces regular and lite smoked sausages. A regular sausage is 72% pork and 28% turkey and a lite sausage is 22% pork and 78% turkey. The company has just received a shipment of 2,000 pounds of pork and 2,000 pounds of turkey. How many pounds of each type of sausage should be produced to use all the meat in this shipment? First we dene the relevant variables: x y Pounds of regular sausage Pounds of lite sausage


Next we summarize the given information in Table 1. It is convenient to organize the table so that the quantities represented by variables correspond to columns in the table (rather than to rows), as shown.


Regular Sausage Lite Sausage Total

Pork Turkey

72% 28%

22% 78%

2,000 2,000

Now we use the information in the table to form equations involving x and y:

We will solve this system graphically. Figure 3(a) shows the equations after they have been solved for y and entered in the equation editor of a graphing utility. From Figure 3(b), we conclude that producing 2,240 pounds of regular sausage and 1,760 pounds of lite sausage will use all the available pork and turkey.







A food manufacturer produces regular and deluxe rice mixtures by mixing wild rice with long-grain rice. The regular rice mixture is 5% wild rice and 95% longgrain rice and the deluxe rice mixture is 10% wild rice and 90% long-grain rice. The company has just received a shipment of 120 pounds of wild rice and 1,500 pounds of long-grain rice. How many pounds of each type of rice mixture should be produced to use all the rice in this shipment?


An airplane makes the 2,400-mile trip from Washington, D.C., to San Francisco in 7.5 hours and makes the return trip in 6 hours. Assuming that the plane travels at a constant airspeed and that the wind blows at a constant rate from west to east, nd the planes airspeed and the wind rate. Let x represent the airspeed of the plane and let y represent the rate at which the wind is blowing (both in miles per hour). The ground speed of the plane is determined by combining these two rates; that is, x x y y Ground speed ying east to west (headwind) Ground speed ying west to east (tailwind) RT to each leg of the trip leads to the fol-


Applying the familiar formula D lowing system of equations: 2,400 2,400 7.5(x 6(x y) y)

From Washington to San Francisco From San Francisco to Washington

After simplication, we have x x y y 320 400

Solve using substitution: x y 320 y 2y y y 400 80 40 mph

Wind rate


Solve rst equation for x. Substitute in second equation.

8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables


x x



360 mph y) 40)





y) 40)

2,400 7.5(360 2,400 2,400

2,400 6(360 2,400 2,400



A boat takes 8 hours to travel 80 miles upstream and 5 hours to return to its starting point. Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the current.

Supply and Demand

The quantity of a product that people are willing to buy during some period of time depends on its price. Generally, the higher the price, the less the demand; the lower the price, the greater the demand. Similarly, the quantity of a product that a supplier is willing to sell during some period of time also depends on the price. Generally, a supplier will be willing to supply more of a product at higher prices and less of a product at lower prices. This example uses linear models to analyze the relationship between supply and demand. Suppose we are interested in analyzing the sale of cherries each day in a particular city. An analyst arrives at the following pricedemand and pricesupply equations: p p 0.3q 0.06q 5 0.68
Demand equation (consumer) Supply equation (supplier)


where q represents the quantity in thousands of pounds and p represents the price in dollars. The graphs of these equations are shown in Figure 4(a), where we have substituted x for q.

y1 y2

0.3x 0.06x (a)

5 0.68

y3 1.70 Supply exceeds demand (b)

y4 1.10 Demand exceeds supply (c)


Suppose that cherries are selling for $1.70 per pound. Using a built-in intersection routine (details omitted), we nd that the horizontal line p 1.70 intersects the demand equation at q 11 and the supply equation at q 17 [see




Equilibrium point

Fig. 4(b)]. Thus, at a price of $1.70 per pound, consumers will purchase 11,000 pounds of cherries and suppliers are willing to supply 17,000 pounds. The supply exceeds the demand at this price, and the price will come down. Now suppose that the price drops to $1.10 per pound [Fig. 4(c)]. Proceeding as before (details omitted), we nd that at this price consumers will purchase 13,000 pounds of cherries, but suppliers will supply only 7,000 pounds. Thus, at $1.10 per pound the demand exceeds the supply and the price will go up. At what price will cherries stabilize for the day? That is, at what price will supply equal demand? This price, if it exists, is called the equilibrium price, the quantity sold at that price is called the equilibrium quantity, and the point of intersection of the supply and demand equations is called the equilibrium point. Using a built-in intersection routine (Fig. 5), we see that the equilibrium quantity is 12,000 pounds and the equilibrium price is $1.40.


The pricedemand and pricesupply equations for strawberries in a certain city are p p 0.2q 0.04q 4 1.84
Demand equation Supply equation

where q represents the quantity in thousands of pounds and p represents the price in dollars. Find the equilibrium quantity and the equilibrium price.

Answers to Matched Problems

1. x 1, y Check: 2 1 x 1 x y 3 ( 2) 3 33 2y 3 2( 2) 3 3 3

2. 3. 6. 8.

(A) (3, 2) or x 3 and y 2 (B) No solutions (C) Innite number of solutions ( 1.92, 4.23) or x 1.92 and y 4.23 4. x 1, y 2 5. x 2, y 3 840 pounds of regular mix, 780 pounds of deluxe mix 7. Boat: 13 mph, current: 3 mph Equilibrium quantity 9 thousand pounds; Equilibrium price $2.20 per pound

8-1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables


Match each system in Problems 14 with one of the following graphs, and use the graph to solve the system.

Solve Problems 1730 by either method. Round any approximate values to two decimal places. 17. 4x 3x 19. 7m 5m 21. y y 23. 0.2u 0.8u 25.
2 5x 7 3x

3y 11y 12n 3n

26 7 1 7

18. 20.

9x 11x 3p 15p

3y 2y 8q 10q

24 1 4 10

0.08x 100 0.04x 0.5y 0.3v

3 2y 5 4y

22. y y 24. 0.3s 0.5s 26.

7 2x 2 5x

0.07x 80 0.05x 0.6t 0.2t

5 6y 4 3y

0.07 0.79

0.18 0.54 10 6 20 8 12.9 4.5

2 5 5 13 0.1 0.2



27. 2x 3x 29. 3.5x 2.6x

3y 4y

28. 7x 5x 30. 5.4x 3.7x

3y 2y

2.4y 1.7y

4.2y 6.4y

31. In the process of solving a system by substitution, suppose you encounter a contradiction, such as 0 1. How would you describe the solutions to such a system? Illustrate your ideas with the system x 2x
(c) (d)

2y 4y 7

1. 2x x 3. 2x 3x

4y 2y y 2y

8 0 5 3

2. x x 4. 4x 2x

y 2y 2y y

3 0 10 5

32. In the process of solving a system by substitution, suppose you encounter an identity, such as 0 0. How would you describe the solutions to such a system? Illustrate your ideas with the system x 2x 2y 4y 6 3

Solve Problems 510 by graphing. 5. x x 7. 3x 7x 9. 3u 6u y y 2y 2y 5v 10v 7 3 12 8 15 30 6. x x 8. 3x x 10. m 2m y y y 2y 2n 4n 2 4 2 10 4 8

In Problems 33 and 34, solve each system for p and q in terms of x and y. Explain how you could check your solution and then perform the check. 33. x y 2 3 p p 2q 3q 34. x y 1 4 2p p q q

Solve Problems 1116 by substitution. 11. y y 14. 2x x 2x 3x y 2y 3 5 3 14 12. y y 15. 3x 2x x 5x y 3y 4 8 7 1 13. x x 16. 2x x y 3y y y 4 12 6 3

Problems 35 and 36 refer to the system ax cx by dy h k

where x and y are variables and a, b, c, d, h, and k are real constants.


8 SYSTEMS; MATRICES Plant Mexico Taiwan Keyboards 40 20 Screens 32 32

35. Solve the system for x and y in terms of the constants a, b, c, d, h, and k. Clearly state any assumptions you must make about the constants during the solution process. 36. Discuss the nature of solutions to systems that do not satisfy the assumptions you made in Problem 35.

37. Airspeed. It takes a private airplane 8.75 hours to make the 2,100-mile ight from Atlanta to Los Angeles and 5 hours to make the return trip. Assuming that the wind blows at a constant rate from Los Angeles to Atlanta, nd the airspeed of the plane and the wind rate. 38. Airspeed. A plane carries enough fuel for 20 hours of ight at an airspeed of 150 miles per hour. How far can it y into a 30 mph headwind and still have enough fuel to return to its starting point? (This distance is called the point of no return.) 39. RateTime. A crew of eight can row 20 kilometers per hour in still water. The crew rows upstream and then returns to its starting point in 15 minutes. If the river is owing at 2 kilometers per hour, how far upstream did the crew row? 40. RateTime. It takes a boat 2 hours to travel 20 miles down a river and 3 hours to return upstream to its starting point. What is the rate of the current in the river? 41. Chemistry. A chemist has two solutions of hydrochloric acid in stock: a 50% solution and an 80% solution. How much of each should be used to obtain 100 milliliters of a 68% solution? 42. Business. A jeweler has two bars of gold alloy in stock, one of 12 carats and the other of 18 carats (24-carat gold is pure gold, 12-carat is 12 pure, 18-carat gold is 18 pure, and 24 24 so on). How many grams of each alloy must be mixed to obtain 10 grams of 14-carat gold? 43. Finance. Suppose you have $12,000 to invest. If part is invested at 10% and the rest at 15%, how much should be invested at each rate to yield 12% on the total amount invested? 44. Finance. An investor has $20,000 to invest. If part is invested at 8% and the rest at 12%, how much should be invested at each rate to yield 11% on the total amount invested? 45. Production. A supplier for the electronics industry manufactures keyboards and screens for graphing calculators at plants in Mexico and Taiwan. The hourly production rates at each plant are given in the table. How many hours should each plant be operated to exactly ll an order for 4,000 keyboards and screens?

46. Production. A company produces Italian sausages and bratwursts at plants in Green Bay and Sheboygan. The hourly production rates at each plant are given in the table. How many hours should each plant be operated to exactly ll an order for 62,250 Italian sausages and 76,500 bratwursts? Italian Sausage 800 500

Plant Green Bay Sheboygan

Bratwurst 800 1,000

47. Nutrition. Animals in an experiment are to be kept on a strict diet. Each animal is to receive, among other things, 20 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. The laboratory technician is able to purchase two food mixes of the following compositions: Mix A has 10% protein and 6% fat; mix B has 20% protein and 2% fat. How many grams of each mix should be used to obtain the right diet for a single animal? 48. Nutrition. A fruit grower can use two types of fertilizer in an orange grove, brand A and brand B. Each bag of brand A contains 8 pounds of nitrogen and 4 pounds of phosphoric acid. Each bag of brand B contains 7 pounds of nitrogen and 7 pounds of phosphoric acid. Tests indicate that the grove needs 720 pounds of nitrogen and 500 pounds of phosphoric acid. How many bags of each brand should be used to provide the required amounts of nitrogen and phosphoric acid? 49. Supply and Demand. Suppose the supply and demand equations for printed T-shirts in a resort town for a particular week are p p 0.007q 0.018q 3 15
Supply equation Demand equation

where p is the price in dollars and q is the quantity. (A) Find the supply and the demand (to the nearest unit) if T-shirts are priced at $4 each. Discuss the stability of the T-shirt market at this price level. (B) Find the supply and the demand (to the nearest unit) if T-shirts are priced at $8 each. Discuss the stability of the T-shirt market at this price level. (C) Find the equilibrium price and quantity. (D) Graph the two equations in the same coordinate system and identify the equilibrium point, supply curve, and demand curve.

8-2 Systems of Linear Equations and Augmented Matrices 50. Supply and Demand. Suppose the supply and demand for printed baseball caps in a resort town for a particular week are p p 0.006q 0.014q 2 13
Supply equation Demand equation


(B) Find the demand equation. (C) Find the equilibrium price and quantity. 53. Physics. An object dropped off the top of a tall building falls vertically with constant acceleration. If s is the distance of the object above the ground (in feet) t seconds after its release, then s and t are related by an equation of the form s a bt2 where a and b are constants. Suppose the object is 180 feet above the ground 1 second after its release and 132 feet above the ground 2 seconds after its release. (A) Find the constants a and b. (B) How high is the building? (C) How long does the object fall?

where p is the price in dollars and q is the quantity in hundreds. (A) Find the supply and the demand (to the nearest unit) if baseball caps are priced at $4 each. Discuss the stability of the baseball cap market at this price level. (B) Find the supply and the demand (to the nearest unit) if baseball caps are priced at $8 each. Discuss the stability of the baseball cap market at this price level. (C) Find the equilibrium price and quantity. (D) Graph the two equations in the same coordinate system and identify the equilibrium point, supply curve, and demand curve.

54. Physics. Repeat Problem 53 if the object is 240 feet above the ground after 1 second and 192 feet above the ground after 2 seconds. 55. Earth Science. An earthquake emits a primary wave and a secondary wave. Near the surface of the Earth the primary wave travels at about 5 miles per second and the secondary wave at about 3 miles per second. From the time lag between the two waves arriving at a given receiving station, it is possible to estimate the distance to the quake. (The epicenter can be located by obtaining distance bearings at three or more stations.) Suppose a station measured a time difference of 16 seconds between the arrival of the two waves. How long did each wave travel, and how far was the earthquake from the station? 56. Earth Science. A ship using sound-sensing devices above and below water recorded a surface explosion 6 seconds sooner by its underwater device than its above-water device. Sound travels in air at about 1,100 feet per second and in seawater at about 5,000 feet per second. (A) How long did it take each sound wave to reach the ship? (B) How far was the explosion from the ship?

51. Supply and Demand. At $0.60 per bushel, the daily supply for wheat is 450 bushels and the daily demand is 645 bushels. When the price is raised to $0.90 per bushel, the daily supply increases to 750 bushels and the daily demand decreases to 495 bushels. Assume that the supply and demand equations are linear. (A) Find the supply equation. [Hint: Write the supply equation in the form p aq b and solve for a and b.] (B) Find the demand equation. (C) Find the equilibrium price and quantity.

52. Supply and Demand. At $1.40 per bushel, the daily supply for soybeans is 1,075 bushels and the daily demand is 580 bushels. When the price falls to $1.20 per bushel, the daily supply decreases to 575 bushels and the daily demand increases to 980 bushels. Assume that the supply and demand equations are linear. (A) Find the supply equation. [See the hint in Problem 51.]

Section 8-2 Systems of Linear Equations and Augmented Matrices

Elimination by Addition Matrices Solving Linear Systems Using Augmented Matrices

Most real-world applications of linear systems involve a large number of variables and equations. Computers are usually used to solve these larger systems. Although very effective for systems involving two variables, the graphing and

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