Training Policy

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[Bengal Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company ltd]: [DEPT] POLICY #: EFFECTIVE DATE: 21/08/2012 PREPARER: APPROVED BY AND DATE:

1 OBJECTIVE Our policy is to provide and maintain all employees with skills, knowledge and Understanding that will: Place the company in a formidable market position with sustainable competitive advantage. Ensure that all employees operate effectively at all times, are increasingly action focused, and are fully aware of what is expected of them. Foster a culture where "right" actions are carried out first time, and all employees remain cost and quality conscious. Provide all employees with agreed and recognized standards of performance expected of them, the basis of regular review and on the job effectiveness. Motivate all employees to make their optimum contribution to the achievement of shared goals and tasks, particularly throughout periods of change and transition. Ensure employees conduct their work in a safe and healthy manner. bring all new employees up to the required working performance in a minimum of time, whilst ensuring effective team integration. Adopt, and promote, sound training and development practices that support professional co-operation and teamwork at all levels. Rise, meet and exploit the opportunities presented within our field of business. Develop, in the widest sense, the latent potential of all employees. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This document lay down the training policy for the Employees of Bengal Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd which shall be adopted while formulating the specific strategies and implementation action plan. This policy shall be applicable to all the regular employees of the Company.

3 TRAINING ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE A dedicated Training and Development cell shall be created at the Corporate Office under the guidance of Head HR. The Head HR shall also be the responsible for administering the activities of the Training Institute(s) of the Company.

Similarly for all activities relating to Training and Development for the field office staff, the Manager-HR shall be the nodal officer to coordinate the activities between the T&D cell and the corporate office. 4 TRAINING BUDGET

Development Costs 1. 20 days of directors time at $50,000 per year 2. 5 days of trainers time at $30,000 per year 3. Materials Direct Costs 1. 5 days of trainers time at $30,000 per year 2. Training facility rental for 5 days at $150 per day 3. Materials and equipment 4. Coffee, juice and muffins Indirect Costs 1. 1 day of trainer preparation at $30,000 per year 2. 3 days of administrative preparation at $20,000 per year Participant Compensation 1. 30 supervisors attending 5 day workshop(average $35,000 per year) Evaluation Costs 1. 6 days of evaluators time at $30,000 per year 2. Materials Total training Costs (Calculations for the personnel costs are based on a 250 day work year)

$ 4,000 $ 600 $ 1,000 $ 600 $ 750 $ 2000 $ 600

$ 120 $ 240

$21,000 $ $ 720 800

$32, 430


It is the endeavour of the Company to provide effective and need based training to its employees. Therefore the Company shall conduct TNA exercise at least once in one (1) years to identify the training needs. This exercise may be conducted through the appointment of an in-house team or external consultants as deemed necessary. Budgetary provisions for the same should be apportioned in the training budget. The objectives of TNA shall be to: Systematically identify developmental needs of employees

Integrate employees needs with the organizational needs Training needs of employees shall be classified into following three categories: (a) Technical Training Needs: Focus on the technical/functional skills or the trade knowledge of the employees so as to facilitate their day to day operational decision making. It is assumed that such training needs, if not fulfilled, shall adversely affect the performance of employee. (b) Non technical Training Needs: Focus on the development of non-technical skills & knowledge an employee in the areas of Human Resources, Accounting, and Procurement etc (c) Behavioral Training Needs: Focus on the development of behavioral, managerial and inter personnel skills of the employees 6 TRAINING CALENDAR

The Company shall publish its training calendar at the start of each financial year. This calendar shall be prepared by the Training and Development Department and published on Companys website. The employees shall be communicated of the same through appropriate channels. 7 TRAINING PROVISIONS

The Company shall impart Technical, Non Technical and Behavioral training to its employees by facilitating them with course materials through the following arrangements: Internal Training Facility with Internal Faculty Internal Training Facility with External Faculty External Training Facility with Internal Faculty External Training Facility with External Faculty 8 TRAINING / FACULTIES The Company shall prepare databases of internal and external faculties and update the same periodically. The internal faculty list shall be prepared in consultation with various Head of the Departments and the faculty shall be judged through their Technical/ Non Technical abilities and earlier feedback. On the other hand, the external faculties may be empanelled with the Company. This shall be done based on the facultys relevant experience, domain knowledge, written test or interview. This empanelled list of external faculties shall be published on Companys website and is to be updated periodically by the T&D Cell.


At the end of each training, the Company shall obtain the feedback from all participants with respect to the faculty, training content, delivery, infrastructure and its relevancy to evaluate its effectiveness. Feedback form shall be given to each participant at the end of every training programme. It shall be the responsibility of the T&D cell to maintain records of the feedback collected. 10 TRAINING INFRASTUCTURE (a) Central Training Institute (c) Library facilities (e) Training database (g) Boarding & Lodging Facility (b) External Training Institutes (d) Faculty honorarium rates (f) Employee Entitlements

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