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Online License Registration

Arvind Dutt - 11030141062 Nupoor Gada 11030141073 Shruti Jain - 11030141078


1. Introduction 2. Use Case Diagram 3. Class Diagram 4. Sequence Diagram 5. Activity Diagram



Use Case: Online Library Registration Date: 28 Sep, 2011 Purpose: To register for a license
1. The use case starts when the user login into the system. The system validates the user. 2. After successful login, the user fills the license request form. Then the form is verified by the processing Officer. 3. After filling the form, first user submit the necessary documents and processing officer checks them. 4. If all the necessary documents are submitted then, first user is notified by system about their test schedule. 5. The test is conducted by the test officer, its include the driving test and computer test and the result is send to the processing officer.

6. After getting the result, processing officer generate appropriate license

which extends Renewal card, Rejection of card and generate a new card.



Use Case Online License Registration



Class Diagram: To show the static relationship between objects of the

classes 1. There is one main class, called as User (abstract class). 2. First User and Officer are other class which are the part of User class. This relationship called as Aggregation. 3. Then officer class is again divided into two subclasses called as Test Officer and Processing Officer. Here these both classes are generalized classes and have relationship as generalization.

Class Diagram Online License Registration



Sequence Diagram: To shows how processes operate with one another and
in what order and to show how object behaves with another object during its life line. 1. The first user object start interaction when it submit the form and documents for the registration, the processing officer verify them. 2. After verifying the form and documents processing officer sends a message to first user about its test schedule. 3. After getting the test schedule, test is conducted by the test officer. The result of test is sends to processing officer and appropriate license card is generated. 4. Then, processing officer and test officer are destroyed.

Sequence Diagram



Activity Diagram: To show graphical representations of workflows of

stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. 1. User login into the system, after successful login the first user submit the form and documents. 2. The form and documents are verified then, and if they are valid then the user is applicable to give the test; otherwise user will submit the form and documents again till they become valid. 3. After giving the test, user can be pass the test or fail the test. If user is passed then license card is issued, otherwise again it starts the process from the beginning. 4. If user gets the card or fails the test, then the actions stop there.



Activity Diagram



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