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Magical Black Jesus:

Magical Black Jesus: Still Trending In The 21st Century Rifts have been generated within so many religious pit-falls, aided by the scourge of modern capitalism/commercialism, fortifying the hardships of trying to achieve true happiness have become true every day terrors. Offering brutal honesty, wrapped within an existential tale, Magical Black Jesus wonders societys goal to enforce daily guidelines that tend to deny any form of achieving happiness and human fulfillment.

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." -Voltaire

Magical Black Jesus: Still Trending In The 21st Century

(c)2012, Kenneth Neal. All rights reserved.
Kenneth Neal, and its affiliates and assigns and licensors All rights reserved Registration Number: TXu 1-707-069 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Magical Black Jesus: Still Trending In The 21st Century

For as long as I can remember, there have been dreams. Dreams that communicated to me in mysterious ways that everything we know and love under this American hypnosis has been completely wrong. These dreams have been pathways into the sub-conscious attempting to send messages during R. E. M. Sleep; a time while we are in our most vulnerable state. Its message: reminding me, at the very core, of our pursuit to seek true happiness, seek Euphoria. Euphoria; whether it is a state of mind, Nirvana, Heaven, what have you, everyone walking this planet makes an attempt to achieve this. This is a primary and hereditary trait shared by all, starting from your days as an infant. Time and prejudice obstruct humans to find Euphoria. Everytime you learn, make passionate love, enjoy a great smoke, or sit to eat your favorite meal, fragments of Euphoric moments can be attained. Those electo-surges within the brain that can be seen traveling our pathways providing what could be described mentalstimulation. This is when we feel our best and learn individualized skill sets as Humans instinctively want to progress and achieve contentment, happiness. There's an argumentative percentage that will disagree and would qualify applied advancements to attain happiness, at best, snail paced. With such a high threshold of creativity all humans have to offer, its painful to remain optimistic towards humanity's current capacity making some progressive generational achievements. Corporate opposition would prefer us to achieve levels of contentment after we have taken the suggestion milligrams of an overthe-counter tablet. Rifts have been generated within so many religious pit-falls, aided by the scourge of modern capitalism/commercialism, fortifying the hardships of trying to achieve true happiness have become true every day terrors. Happiness/Euphoria is the

key of finding truth. Many Eastern philosophies have outlined this detail for countless centuries which have been callously ignored in lieu of artificial prosperity. With the majority of society becoming generationally Euphoria Lost during our lifetime, follow me as I attempt to view past this screen of superficiality. Through an exhaustive lifetime of effort matched with a composition of research and a Marxist approach, Magical Black Jesus: Still Trending In The 21st Century punches below the belt. Offering brutal honesty, wrapped within an existential tale, Magical Black Jesus wonders societys goal to enforce daily guidelines that tend to block any form of achieving happiness. In addition, after writing Magical Black Jesus", I didn't realize how my personal point-of-view mirrored that of Karl Marx's. "Magical Black Jesus" will outline frequent reoccurrences of living in this world, this modern age, and coincidentally, detailing how we have made little social change for the past 150+ years. Breaking down our American arrangement to foster generational Human Conditioning, creating an exhaustive list of similarities comparing the social constrictions of Jim Crow legislation and separatist/apartheid states. Magical Black Jesus, in the opinion of some, maybe considered to be the most dangerous book in this world. It will address the obvious mirror image of class warfare and religious oppression, concealed in constant masquerade utilizing organized religion as a weapon to blind, bind, and befuddle the human race.

_Methods of Modern Mind-Lock

_The Definition of Insanity _Electro-Stimulation _Starve The Beast: The American Way & Superstructure of Class Destruction _From The Gallows: A Modern Day Abolitionist _Candle Sticks and Billy-Clubs: The Execution of Troy Davis _Infernal Machines: The Trayvon Martin Killing _The Mirror Image of Nazism _Stone Walls, No Windows: Billionaire Brutality _HIV: Follow The Dollar, Follow Where It Bleeds _Tall, Dark, and Handsome: The Nose of the Sphinx _Superman Syndrome _Poop, Eat, Make Babies _Humans, Incorporated: Because Humans Are Our Specialty! _Verge of Permanence

14 23

_The Thin Line of The Equator _Human Interconnection _The Human Lineage

_Methods of Modern Mind-Lock

Dating back to my teenage years there have been dreams. Dreams that communicated to me in mysterious ways that everything we know within our societys architecture is completely wrong. More importantly, these dreams reminded me that I, and perhaps others like me, are generally living within the wrong time and space. Even as far as drawing the comparison of being stranded in a world, lost and always fleeing for truth in a strange, barren land or JesusLand as Ive been known to label it. Of course, there is a direct correlation of personal assessment toward a high level of distinct alienation after my familys cross-country move. Of which originated from the West Coast to a small (very small, very very small) town in central Mississippi. This course of action was a mandatory one, mainly since the separation between mother and father caused the need to make a drastic change to maintain our familys wellbeing. This wasnt the first or the third time the two of them severed their ties to one another, but the reverberating effects from my fathers walk-out are still taking place to this very day. Hell, Im sure I would not have resorted to this method of using font and print to produce this style of document if the outcome of the struggles of my upbringing would have reared differently. For better or for worse, only the factors of fate would be able to outline various scenarios laid before me. With that, my Mother, my younger and impressionable sister and I had to pack personal treasures to hit the preverbal road. The cost of living would be dramatically manageable in Mississippi for a now single-mother taking care of two children solo beyond her choosing. Being uprooted from the West Coast provided constant reminders of being misplaced and eerily disconnected to peers of my class during fragile adolescent years. No matter how artificially forced it

became; there was little to zero chances for me to assimilate into my Mississippian surroundings. It just was not going to happen for me; I was not going to be happy with this arrangement. Living in a stark contrast from mild coastal regions filled to the brim with open-minds and ideology, descending into this; backwoods, the barrage of monstrous mosquitoes in the Delta, and comparatively lost avenues for future opportunities. My young mind spent countless nights having to conjure exit strategies out of this town, in hopes to reboot from square one. Added stressors required a great deal of comprehension do withstand varying forms of indifference spanning across year after high school year would manifest my own unique method of daily tolerance. Having social interaction with other peers was kept to a minimum on a repetitive basis. Many nights were spent alone, resulting in a series of many blurred involuntary visions and dreams. Dreams reflecting me in a frighten state and shaking in fear. Many images, as I could recall the next morning, would show me, of all people, caged as the test subject caught in the midst of a horrible scientific experiment. My captors, not human.

They would gather around me collecting data, all of whom appear to be utilizing a level of intelligence far beyond human comprehension. From what little I could infer through the use of observing them diligently observing me, I was able to make a remote assumption of what data they were trying to gather.

However, I have been placed in this; a lab rat cage we call Earth and dwell within these numerous human conditions are set in place for observation purposes. These captors, these GameMasters, are curious to see the human response with the use of human senses along with peaks of human rationality. This physical world around me is far from reality, its a cheap veil that has been engineered by my captors to fool gullible/human senses. Am I one of many? I would definitely believe so. Indeed, how will I find my way out of this rat maze? Only when I sleep is when I can see the actual truth around me. A world that is synthesized for their amusement, examination and calculation. To see how humans would migrate around constant hazards and detours with that could potentially cause any progress. Ever seen popular movies The Truman Show, Groundhogs Day or The Matrix? All of which share a premise similar in nature, in regards to the storys protagonist lost in a world perpetual and beyond their control. Perhaps the writers of these movies where onto something; a theoretical approach about life on a grand scale, its Alpha and Omega, all dealing with interconnection of life and past lives on Earth. All the while, keeping the focus on one character for a greater good, struggling to realize of the intent from outside forces to render the subject into a Mind-Locked state. To the contrary, this test subject was becoming much more self-aware of his surroundings as the truth that was in front of him has been hidden in plain sight. Mind-Lock: It is a train of thought that is foreign to children & adolescence who are introduced and mentored during their impressionable years towards entitled thinking. Eventually, a thought process known as "DoubleThink" begins to occur, in which instinctive actions and desires are subconsciously overruled by contradictory beliefs brought on by society. These methods of fooling oneself to live by a creed that is harmful and create mental-blocks (mental-barriers or mental-locks). Think of the Hoover Dam, its a

preventive tool that restricts the irrigation of the Colorado River. Thus reducing the percentage of mental processes and restricts willing minds to but themselves in a self-induced handicap. Conservative ideology has been overwhelmingly successful with installing "DoubleThink" Dams that prevent humans to evolve and utilize our vast mental capacities. Constant contradictions between their message and action have been notorious within American history, becoming progressively vulgar and boastful across various media. One might also consider this generational gesture of social arrangement to be a weapon of sorts, an instrument of psychological warfare to trap people within their own cage of misery and self-loathing. Previous civilizations that utilized sophisticated practices that confound scientific minds to this very day (Mayan, Egyptian, early Chinese Dynasties, etc.) thrived and were Christ-Free. Any coincidences the constant coalition of collaborative Conservatives have a stubbornly rigid approval of both the predominant Christian and Jewish faith?

No surprises here; fundamental concepts of Conservatism & Judeo-Christianity are the chromosome deficient offspring of less favorable practices of Malice and Corruption.

Research analysts have provided details on revealing a link between Low Intelligence & Conservative ideology that bonds like-minded individuals within a dangerous collective.

Many of these ideas generate potential prejudices within adults, who ultimately contribute to our working society and can become lawmakers and members of our democratic Congress. Conservative ideology (ranging from Moderates, Tea-Party members, and nationalist Nazis) maintain restrictive concepts that are counter-productive toward social unity and sustainability. In fact, most Conservatives would scoff at the idea addressing unity and sustainability, which is the antidote for constant and underlining racial/social alienation. Which brings us to one of the many sociological enigmas that made this journey possible, and I truly appreciate your engaged participation on this winding expedition with me.

_The Definition of Insanity

There is an alarming toll on the human race that has not been subjected into the conduit of self-discovery. Living through means most humbling has allowed me to discover many aspects about the habits of society and its many inherent pitfalls that become commonplace. Fortunately, I was able to realize during adolescence that there was a slight difference in my overall views and goals in life Ok, slight may have been too gentle of a word.

There was no chance I would converge onto my 10-year high school reunion with a wallet photoalbum showing off the wife and kids, standing aside my whitepicket fenced bungalow.

My gut reaction of visualizing myself within a family circle to that effect was on a completely different level of magnetic polarity. The sheer concept of being involved with obligations and the strain of maintaining traditions were too ambitious for my tastes. Somehow, I always knew carrying that level of responsibility would not be a beneficial life for me nor all company involved. There would not be a spark of inspiration nor joy to be had in that quality of life. Strange, the traditional sense of stumbling through lifes journey has been glorified through media and lore; all with origins steeped into keeping yourself with wife/child/white-picket fenced bungalow (not necessarily in that order, but it is preferred).

Personally, if there is no joy in the long run for me, then why pursuit it? Furthermore, I begin to wonder now in my early semester of adulthood, I wonder what exactly happened between the failed interaction of my mom and Dad. Did Dad come to a level of self-discovery where he no longer received the joy he assumed would come into place from maintaining a family lifestyle? To subscribe to social constrictions outlined by our governmental GameMasters, to continue living in false-faith and fallacy? Did he arrive at a point in his life where he expected more out of life? This degree of rationality has not seen much change over the course of our generations. People will, at varying speeds, will make personal breakthroughs within self-discovery. I am not straight. There are millions of others who were born this way and have recognized that they too, will be true to themselves. Millions have been born were this way as well, however society has made it so their true identity must be retained and closeted for convenient purposes.

There is an ancient passage that has always resonated with me which states: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun No question, both man and animal have prominently exhibited both hetero & homosexual parings and activities for centuries. A multitude of species form

groups to mate in a straight male to female arrangement to produce offspring, which, of course, is a core fundamental of life on this planet.

Creatures in the wild have and will always form bonding pairs that transcend the nomenclature of relationship archetypes and boundaries our human society have defined to be customary. Our cultures definitions of hetero & homo have been skewed into believing that lifetime, monogamous, uni-directional relationships are forever binding, an arrangement of how we conduct our pairings until the endtimes. Countless data and research (along with natural given common sense) has detailed that not every sexual act has a reproductive function. It is, moreover, a social function, as this remains to be true due to the social interactive nature of both humans and non-humans. It appears to be widespread amongst social birds and mammals, particularly the sea mammals and the primates. The true extent of homosexuality in animals is not known. While studies have demonstrated homosexual behavior in a number of species, the true extent of the phenomenon may be much larger than what it appears to be on a surface level. Something has been wedged within accepted human principles over the course of time. Some philosophies have created tremendous harm that dictate whether or not common social interacts are wrong, evil in most instances. These dictations have, with great diligence mind you, to thwart any and all actions that may lead toward the pinnacle of lifes fundamentals: happiness. Going further, happiness,

true happiness, can be equated to Euphoria. Even the mention of the word Euphoria would flash memories of when you were once truly happy, either in recent memory or from a childhood pastime. Your brain has bottled the experience for preservation purposes in order to open the lid and re-experience the feeling at the appropriate occasion. I can associate the sense of experiencing Euphoria to the same sense of eating sour candy. Ever since I can remember, I remember always loved eating sour candy, the sourest the better in most cases. Once something sour has hit your tongue, thousands of taste buds are electrified with excitement, which send a forceful jolt of positively charged signals straight to the brain. Some individuals cant tolerate the number of signals to the brain, they prefer something more soft and smooth like chocolate, while others relish in the moment of masochistic sour anguish. I would always try to find a collection of candy that would electrify my taste buds in a surge of happy endorphins throughout my body A surge of Euphoria throughout my body. Humans have shown to have the highest degree to logic and functionality among all species of the planet, the undisputed top of the food chain. Humans have also spent exhaustive efforts to orchestrate the need for dominance, hierarchy, and status placement amongst themselves throughout our history. Many tools have been used to execute these tasks in order to permeate societys guidelines of acceptability.

The oldest tool that has been recorded (and quite frankly, the most vague and polarizing) has been ideologies from Religion, both ancient and modern. While Religion has shape shifted into many forms and practices, providing mandates on what would be a conceived system of values. All of which would help to develop Creationist answers to the meaning of life on Earth, possible scenarios on what to do when presented with difficult situations, and the best part of all: if you collect enough faith points during your lifes journey, you will be rewarded with a prize of Salvation at the end of the road.

Ive been to Chucky Cheese before; they have a similar reward system by giving you tickets if you play the game correctly. However, I got a cheaply manufactured stuffed teddy bear at the end of my journey; maybe the conclusion of my life journey would bear a different reward Usually, stories of perseverance and daily struggle are popularized themes that provide instruction to the subscriber. Virtues of patience and rationality are implied if one decides to surround themselves with the shroud of servitude. Giving a lack of steady enthusiasm for such ritualistic activities would unanimously result in being branded something of a sinister practitioner, someone who is evil incarnate. Methods to seek true happiness are not the main topics of concern, for each of the followers are instructed to appease the higher being that is greater than

themselves. Many set aside the needs of thyself in order to fulfill a preordained wish-list of what one must do in order to achieve enrichments beyond measure. Many have distinguished this list as our Ten Commandments institutionalized within many beliefs, often coinciding with the philosophy of The Golden Rule. Core values that I, myself hold true and should be acknowledged based on its fundamental origins, not as its hopelessly skewed modern reinterpretations. The consequences of murder, larceny and injustice are well defined; references that are required in order to ensure humans will be able to resolve conflict without resorting into treacherous tactics. Thus creating a necessary-evil that would introduce human beings toward a new addition to the roster of our given senses not bestowed onto us through stages of evolution. Levels of Morality are constantly assaulted within us as we are instructed to purge any and all traces that would potentially lead to a life of villainy and sin. Moreover, in certain sectors, the traditional belief is that humans are born with Original Sin beyond our choosing, of which must be purged with great haste. Our babies are in urgent need to bathe within a holy altar for baptism to receive blessings beyond our comprehension, let alone granted entry towards salvation in our afterlife. Once this sterilization is complete, one is cleansed of any Earthly devices and warned (or forbidden) to abstain the needs of self, only the needs of the greater good shall take precedence. By maintaining ones course during lifes figurative and narrow path, your guided by a faith that will protect (or shield) you from outsider influence. One must not stray from this path, not allowing the shadow of temptation to internally creep inward. During humans early years of development, fables and folklore provided guidance to the young and was a gathering method for us to assemble and educate ourselves. While sitting in cottages made of muck and twine, stories depicting righteousness would fill the air and mesmerize the bored and the wayward. This allowed for certain agendas to be presented before the group of followers to spread word onto those less fortunate. Less fortunate also

including those who are undereducated, uncultured, and unaware of lifes boundless possibilities. Spreading these hosts of ideas also meant taking a firm stance against any gratification. Gratification that can trigger happiness or stimulation in the brain, and pure happiness leads to Euphoria. We have come a long way as a species, but to this very day, traces of these modes of discipline are still alive and well, prohibiting the exercise of conscious thought. Art, dance, forms of mental and sexual conquest have been deemed unholy and blasphemous in many sects around the globe. Over the course of generations, another overseeing institution has linked their affiliations to those of an unyielding moral majority. Linked together arm-inarm and drawing sanctions that also warns (or forbids) their subjects to abstain from providing for the needs of self, enforcers that uphold these terms as laws of the people, by the people. Factions of Government have made tremendous advances in regulating the barometer of what is right and correct for its own society and overthrow anything deemed by peers as unconstitutional. By unconstitutional, meaning anything that has yet to be subjected towards taxation, along with actions that cannot be closely monitored, more importantly anything that the possibility to remain in an Euphoric state of mind. Thus, mandating their despotic decree of rendering the Mind-Lock complete and unopposed for its subjects. Factions of Government that collects its dues in a similar fashion of that of the tithes of a church, maintaining a perfect balance of sustainability amongst its subjects. Most churches are exempt from paying contribution and taxes to Factions of Government. Rules and regulation mandate that your property taxes and car tags that are required to renew/paid annually without question, yet we are still One Nation Under God, Indivisibly correct?

The largest coliseums and grandest gathering halls within any city are usually constructed for the use of Government or Houses of Worship, all of which have been greatly funded by the commoners of the state. Those of the pillaged lower to middle classed citizens who surround not only themselves but their family and legacy with the shroud of servitude for generations to come.

*** As Ive previously mentioned, and as nightfall descends, I lie my head within personal, enclosed space and become victim to a series of instructive dreams. Dreams There have been many times I can recall during dreamstate in which I, in turn, wake up in a controlled panic. I awake to see that I am encased in some glass-like opaque shelter that is not 100% translucent, possibly with a frosted treatment. There would be moments where I can open my bleary eyes to make quick glances of my surroundings. It would appear that I am kept alive with the use of flashing monitors and multi-colored cables. I am kept alive, after my frantic estimation, to be studied for research purposes by captors still unknown.

The glass placed in front of my face is within arms reach, I bend my elbow towards the glass and notice that my wrist has been cuffed and tethered by a metallic cord. I, along with neighboring captured hosts, countless it would appear, are bound and motionless for a reason. The truth has not been vividly addressed to me at this time, but I continue to draw suspicion of human extraction. What is it that they could be farming for, at such an elaborate scale and volume? Is it some sort of substance that can be obtained only through human life-force extraction? Have I reached some sort of penultimate destination between Heaven and Hell? Questions of this magnitude cannot be resolved in short glimmers of time. My captors become suspicious of my state of conscious, or lack thereof, I must end this charade regain the normal state they expect of me. I calm my nerves, resting my intentions, close my eyes in place. Going back to sleep within my dream, to find myself back within the confines of my room, my bed, back to the place where my dreams took place ***


Life's true gift is the capacity to enjoy enjoyment. A quote pulled from Star Trek: The Next Generation, no less, a TV show that has captivated not only myself, but millions of fans across the globe. Star Trek makes us happy, understanding the shows futuristic dynamic stimulates the brain, possibly generating electro pulses within our brains, sparking personal interests that modern science still tries to dissect. A sense of escapism starts to form and time begins to slow to a crawl as your body attempts to capture every comprehensible moment. Stimulations in the brain can provide that wanted feeling of Euphoria to take over once again, and when it does, you can easily equate that Euphoria ultimately feels right. There are many methods where moments of Euphoria can be achieved. Methods to achieve Euphoria vary from person to person. Though that state of mind can be brief and subtitle during everyday life, we have made sure to find ways to reintroduce ourselves time and time again. Playing/watching sports, eating an excellent meal, playing Bingo, admiring art or dancing to music. You can see it in their faces. We, as humans, have a need and will always gravitate to Euphoria through multiple forms. Anything that create can create a realm of excitement for each person involved will respond positively toward achieving Euphoria as many times a day and ultimately feels right. Many times your mom or dad would ask you: Did you have a good day at school Timmy?!? / Did anything exciting happen at school today Timmy? Career Counselors would usually advise their enrollers to look for something that would ultimately make them happy, something that you like doing that gives them joy (and all of that hog-wash). While working within a client-based business, the supreme goal is to ensure the customers happiness. When the

customer is always right, the customer is usually happy. True happiness is escapism, a feeling being lifted from the situation at hand. Even within a heartbeat of time, happiness can be fragments of seconds that leads to Euphoria.

The forming of words has a conductive force of energy on their own. Talking with someone often results in flashes of Euphoria either by connecting over the phone or face to face. The figurative images of thoughts and ideas in our brain have been characterized as electro-charges moving about with incredible speed. The act of intelligently putting thoughts in to words requires a great deal of evolutionary skills. Over time, allowing ideas and concepts to be accepted to the intended listener(s). Once the listener(s) comprehend those words in their brain, those ideas and thought processes have successfully transferred those electrical charges into another. The mere act of engaging in conversation allowing two or more people to be on the same wavelength or on the same page ignites factors of Euphoria during the day. Humans need to bond with other humans as a type of instinctive trait ingrained in us all, similar to photosynthesis for a plant. It feels good, feels right to make bonds like that, as frequently as possible depending on the person. Humans have advanced the notion of communication via email & chat-rooms, both enabling the parties involved to exchange thoughts and signals of the brain. We play games (video, card, bowling, etc.) to interact with one another within a set confine of rules and parameters. This has been done for centuries before us and centuries well after our generations. These Games allow us to materialize

our thought waves into physical, movable objects which represent how we perceive the situation at hand. We get to actually see the thoughts of the other person manifest into physical form and feeling somehow connected, in a sense. Crucial movements and calculations must be demonstrated within nanoseconds, giving us massive surges of brain activity. Both glory and wonder comes to those becoming the Winner leaving others in play or those who are spectators questioning themselves howd they do that?. The phrase Playing mind games within a competitive capacity draws a number of questions regarding its origin and its connection to human physiology. The art of comedy has been proven to be a subjective and complicated affair over the years. However, once an idea from the comedian (a talk show host, your sarcastic co-worker, or a funny billboard across the street) has been conveyed and accepted, the response is usually so over-powering that the bodys reaction is to break out into laughter. People love to laugh; there is an underlining sense of truth behind every joke which makes it universally relatable. Its a fundamental function in our society, laughter, leading into happiness, a fragment into Euphoria. This develops in multiple forms for the multitude of human beings in this world. The same act of watching the dramatics of a love story or locked in a heated debate in a courtroom, people love the rush of earning Euphoric stages in their day to day. The need and crave to achieve Euphoria can also result into bouts of anti-social behavior and progressively into a more physical substance addiction. Gluttonous eaters want nothing more but the biggest, sloppiest mounds of food to digest, which are usually the only highlights for them on a given day. The struggle to break that addiction is deeply rooted within the subconscious, which can be metaphorically parallel to the struggle to achieve yet another Euphoric state. Alcoholic and other chemical dependencies often result in a hazed state of mind that can be substituted for Euphoric side effects. Extraneous means with the use man-made products to simulate Euphoria but can send too much stimulation to the brain. Going as far as heroin, cocaine, even huffing utility chemicals could overload tolerance levels, sending seismic shock waves throughout your body.

Too much would cause systematic shut-down and eventually death. Although some clans actually enjoy balancing that delicate fine line of inner volatility and self-destruction. After all, even straight laced and firmly rigid American patriot Stan Smith from "American Dad" had to admit after his crack addiction family intervention: "Roger, I stole about eight of your wigs. But those were just to wear while I was high. Super fun to walk around high in a wig." Other means to reach Euphoric states have been exercised for as long as man has been able to maintain stories and records. The ancient act of utilizing natural products from the Earth and extracting them for a variety of beneficial means has been a tradition handed down throughout all continents. Bales of grain and hops are sowed from the Earth as well in order to produce the much loved variations of beer and spirits. Using natural alternatives (cannabis & tobacco included) have proven to be less internally abusive and would bare effective stimulated Nirvana-like states. These herbs are currently used to this day, barring much controversy for their usage, one more so than the other. Many modern religions and traditional factions of Government prohibit the use of these items, mostly because of the prolonged harmful effects onto the body. However, there is a strange amount of courteously that is bestowed onto the manufacturing of tobacco and its byproducts to the masses. One would wonder why, since both stimulant plants originate from the Earth soil leaving cannabis banned and black-listed for decades. The sale of tobacco, for the most part, has been pardoned and/or accepted for distribution across the world with both profits and death tolls climbing in the millions every year. Is something wrong with this picture? Absolutely. Prohibition of Marijuana will never be lifted due to the current profitability of keeping it illegal. The titans of tobacco would definitely start to show interest if their closest rival would be able to be sold publically without restraint. Producing and curing this product gives the manufacturers the ability to add chemical based fillers that are packaged with the tobacco products, thus widening the profit margin percentage beyond reason.

Whereas the procurement of cannabis has proven to be a more attainable backyard/storage room garden project that common folk are able to master and enjoy. The public has appeared to accept the trade-off from the Euphoric stimulation that current tobacco products have to offer, allowing both big business to thrive and even bigger factions of Government to retain royalties through taxation. How can a company stand to function its daily operations in this present time, having full knowledge of the hazards from taking its product were catastrophic on the consumer?

All of the toxin-fillers that can be added in with the product are cheaper than the active in the primary ingredient.

We can sell the product at a mark-up so high that we can still rake in profits after from all of those annoying lawsuits. On top of that, lets also distribute the cannabis plants and contact the Government. Well create legislation to make cannabis an illegal substance for the general public and create task forces that will hunt down the drug dealers in their communities. Those task forces would clearly needed to be funded by the Government, of which will be funded by the taxpayer dollar. No worries, the Church can definitely aid to communicating to those followers the fear of God into them about using anything in cannabis form. Their line of rationality: ***The reason is simple: People wanna be happy right? Need a little stimulation from their grueling everyday lives? Buy Cigarettes! Sure cannabis would be a much better solution for you and your working organs, but Cigarettes look so much cooler (The Bees Knees!, Totally Rad!, Gee-Golly Swell!, or whatever the kids are saying these days. ). The chemical additives can help to add make

the cigarette experience more enjoyable also lowers the amount of active tobacco that is needed. Plus, they can continue to buy our product so we can maintain exclusivity and keep the good stuff (cannabis) to ourselves. ***

Watch the public squirm about with their petty 1 & 2 ounce bags, we can retain the cannabis plants with available access to a select few. Well have the authorities to confiscate the excess from our cannabis distributors and we can take it in as process reclaim (look it up people), just like in the tobacco plant! Oh, its a loophole that I just love every day, dont you? Its pure economics at its finest, heres the scenario: If you want a quick and cheap meal, go to McDonalds for fast-food thats chemically & artificially processed. If you want a fine dinner with the best ingredients, you pay out the nose for a 5star restaurant If you want a quick buzz for some Euphoria, here, go buy these

lousy, chemically batches of slop we have rolled for you called Cigarettes. You want a true and genuine high, so cant. Weve placed a ban on any Marijuana distribution outside of our dominion. The end win-win result provides zero reward for tobacco customers, compounded with the mounds of corpses that continue to stack atop one another riddled with venomous cancers eating away their internal organs. Instead, Government funded task forces are dispatched to counter cannabis activity, all forms of growth and usage of cannabis has been indoctrinated as highly illegal activity, and cannabis has been deemed evil and taboo along societys wayward culture. Those brave enough to use it are embattled with self-ridicule and shame, mainly due to outsider influence, due in part because of ones core desire to find stimulation, to find happiness. And happiness must come with the right price, a price that must be first examined and taxed by factions of Government and deemed suitable for moral consumption by the Church of the Almighty. Amen.

More About The Book:

Magical Black Jesus: Still Trending In The 21st Century
Quite possibly the most dangerous book in the world, Magical Black Jesus stands ready to break barriers, advocating urgency towards a cultural wake up call, as I assess my own personal progress. Laughing in the face of class superiority and those who subscribe to its mythology, in addition to redefining modern perceptions of masculinity, Magical Black Jesus recognizes the nefarious Superstructure most definitely set in place to create cultural conflict. Its influence is far reaching within entertainment, governmental, and medical operations, maintaining attritional warfare under the guise of Judeo-Christian practices that rank high in organized Creep Factor. Utilizing organizations such as The NAACP, The GOP, international news corporations; all the while, to corral and encircle the hopeful masses, the general public at large. Capacities for human atrocity are highly favorable within this and any other tyrannical regime exacting methods for supremacy. Yes, make no mistake; this modern regime has become the sum of all fears. You are either in on the joke, or part of it.

Other Works Include:

Prophets 1: HammerStrike
d TUNNELS: The Darkest Nexus Calamity in Miami: ___________Preview Edition

The complete e-book has been uploaded to Enjoy kids, hit me with critiques and comments. Thanks again for viewing, as you completely engorging yourself with all the blasphemy and flagrant heresy "Black Magical Jesus" has to offer.

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