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It were those first days in the hostel that i decided to write,and write about t he new educational phenomenon...

so i came up with this article.I showed it to my many friends and teachers to check whether am i right,including Dr.Kowsar Majee d,of chemistry department of NIT Srinagar,as i have mostly spoken about chemistr y in it...They all suggested to publish it,but till now i am not feeling that it contains sufficient matter.So today,i decided to upload it on fb,so that i can recieve some suggestions for its improvement.So hoping for some valuable suggest ion......AN APPROACH TOWARDS SEEKING KNOWLEDGE...Many courses oriented towards s pecialised branches in chemistry are being abolished in colleges,because educati onalists rightly feel that a sound knowledge of the core subjects is essential f or any creative research in specialities.Advanced research centres,for this reas on,have their own training schools,where they teach the candidates all the core subjects.Its only after the successful completion of the courses that the candid ates are allowed to choose their branch of specialisation.Scientist are not made by imparting textbook knowledge alone.If one cannot go even one step ahead of t he grand masters,one will be wasting the efforts of the great teachers.What i sp eak of chemistry is equally valid for physics and mathematics.In maths,electroni cs,chemistry or in any other subject,the students unfortunately remain in the fa lse sense of security that they have understood the subject very well,yet,in the interviews,they can be bowled easily.It's not surprising that when students and even seniors go for interviews,many simple questions are also asked to know the depth of knowledge of candidates.The usual pitfalls are simple like molarity,mo lality,and also the famous Avagadro's theorem,and many more.For example,if we ta ke avagadro's law.If the candidate answers what's the law,the next logical quest ion is why it's so?why should different gases at the same pressure and temperatu re contain the same number of molecules in the same volume?This is against the ' common sense'.If one takes two bottles of the same volume,full of mustard seeds and rice grains at atmospheric pressure and room temperature,the same volume doe sn't contain equal number of different grains!But one can say that their densiti es and individual volumes are different.But,then the densities of all the gases are also not the same!!Unless one goes to the root of the matter and understands the concept of mole,avagadro's number,this avagadro's law cannot be explained.I f one knows Maxwell's kinetic theory of gases,it will be easier to understand av agadro's law.According to a Nobel Laureate,quantum mechanics would have advanced faster if one had remembered the basic physics of BEATS.We have to adopt the mo de of grandmasters in teaching the disciples step by step leading to revelation. what we need is not the simple transfer of technology but 'creative knowledge to produce new technologies'.lets focus on difference between information and know ledge,knowledge and applications and art of asking questions which is the real k ey to progress.This is a long and difficult path.But this is the price that we s hould gladly pay to be ahead of other nations.A sharp memory is a great gift,but it must have the backup of thorough knowledge and clear concepts.Its very easy to develop this skill."Just learn the art of asking questions to know deeper" .. .Muneeb Majid

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