Bison Courier, Thursday, August 16, 2012

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Volume 30 Number 9 August 16, 2012

Includes Tax


Official Newspaper for the City of Bison, Perkins County, and the Bison School District A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc. P.O. Box 429 Bison, South Dakota 57620-0429 Phone: (605) 244-7199 FAX (605) 244-7198

Bison Courier

Water situation declared an emergency

Town Board has more on regular agenda than planned

By Gladys Jackson The Bison Town Board met for their regular board meeting which was called to order by President Juell Chapman Wednesday evening, August 8, 2012. Other board members present were David Kopren, Mike Lockert, Matthew Butsavage and Luke Clements. Town Clerk Beth Hulm kept the minutes. However, due to circumstances beyond the Boards control, this meeting began with an air of emergency the Town of Bison had no water! It had very recently come to the Boards attention that Rural Water had a leak and had not found out where, and did not know how long it might take to locate the leak. This prompted the Board to immediately start developing plans to get water to the Town. This was somewhat of a new experience and the ideals began to flow. Employee Heath McKinstry informed the Board that Warren Emergency Management out of Pierre, SD, and which the Town is a member of, can bring out tankers holding 6,000 gallons of potable water. He was instructed to call Warren Management for the tankers and to begin working on bringing the Veal well(s) on line if needed. Several concerned citizens stopped by and offered their help or called Beth saying they had wells and that people could come get water or have a shower. Richard and Brad Seidel offered to help get in water with their tanks. They would set up at the school and people could come and get water to use for household chores. The Board appreciated their offer and took them up on it. Ron Seidel had just filled up his tank, which was setting west of town, so this was brought in to help out. Harding County offered to bring in tankers to set around town in case of a fire. It was also noted that the National Guard in Sturgis has potable water which could maybe be gotten. Mike Lockert stated that before we can do anything, we have to see what Rural Water will allow us to do, because the Town of Bison is not allowed to put anything into the Rural Water system. Town Clerk Hulm was instructed to make sure signs were up and notices were put on the radio. President Chapman then called Sheriff Kelly to come and meet with the Board as he is the Emergency Management person for the Town. He will make some calls to the Office of Emergency Managecontinued on page 2

Water line break north of the Bixby Road and Highway 20 junction. Perkins County Rural Water employees could not be reached for comment.

Shop-classroom building on hold

School bells will be ringing once again next Wednesday, August 22 when the new school year begins. All the teachers have been hired and are ready to begin. The Bison School Board met MOnday night for their regular monthly session to address many issues on the agenda. Board members present were Chairman Dan Kvale, Dan Beckman, Eric Arneson and Marci Brownlee-Kari. Football, Volleyball and Cross Country also began on Monday night so the school year is already off to a start. Shane Kolb was hired to be the Assistant football coach and will be working with head coach Beau Chapman.There are coaching positions that still need to be filled. Much time was spent discussing the proposed shop-classroom building measuring 40 by 130. This building would contain three classrooms, shop area and two handicapped accessible bathrooms at an approximate cost of $200,000. The present shop building would be torn down to make room for the new building. Superintendent Kraemer visited with an employee of Morton Buildings of Rapid City recently who is very interested in this project. This employee would come to Bison to meet with school board members to discuss the cost and his bid. We dont know what it will cost. remarked Arneson. After visiting with the man from Mortons his bid would be better understood. The board then agreed to form a committee from the board to meet with Kraemer and the man from Mortons Building Company. Those on this committee are Chairman Kvale and Kari. Kraemer also suggested that a Public Hearing be held at the next board meeting on September 10 to get the publics input on this costly project. Brittnee Aaker and Cassidy Sarsland, seniors at BHS, were also in attendance to make a request on behalf of the senior class. Could they use the senior lounge this school term? By unanimous approval the board gave their okay. Kraemer reminded them of their responsibilities of caring for

the lounge and maintaining a C in every subject as criteria to use the lounge. Music teacher Darren jackson was also a guest in the board room to propose that a High School digital music course be offered during the 6th hour of the school day which he would teach. The course would be available for any one who wanted to take it. By computer the students would learn to compose music. There would be more than enough learning possibilities, exclaimed Jackson. By taking this class a fine arts credit could be earned. Music composed would be show cased at the Christmas Concert. By unanimous consent this proposal was approved. kraemer is of the opinion that 7th and 8th Grade boys need to learn football skills to prepare them for varsity competition. Is a coach needed to accomplish this task? After a time of hashing it out it was the boards consensus NOT to hire a coach for this work. Perhaps volunteers could help out including fathers of the boys or seniors continued on page 2

Outdoor Movie Night Grab your lawn chairs and blankets and go to outdoor movie night on Friday, August 17th at the Bison football field. Remember the Titans (Rated PG) will be showing. Concessions will be available. Show start time is 9pm. Freewill Offering. All proceeds will go to Bison Post Prom.

Annual Talent Show Friday, August 17 at 7 pm @ the Perkins County Fairgrounds, under the new grandstands. Come and enjoy the local talent.

Perkins County Fair Rodeo Saturday evening at 7 p.m. , Sunday at 1 p.m.

Highlights & Happenings

Community Auction coming up August 26th at the Perkins County Fairgrounds for more information and a complete listing please go to

SonRise gospel ministries will be at Beckman Wesleyan Church in Prairie City on August 30th at 7 p.m. EVERY ONE IS WELCOME! Stateline Right to Life will be having a bake sale and canned or fresh garden produce sale at the Perkins County Fair on Friday, August 17, from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Donated items of baked goods or garden items are sincerely appreciated. See you at the fair!!

Homecoming week is September 24 - 28, it was in the school letter incorrectly. Anyone wanting to serve lunch at the home games should contact the school.

Open House Bridal shower for Anne Ellingson, bride elect of Keith Mutschler , on Saturday, August 18, 2 - 4 p.m. at Moms Place Cafe, Main Street , Bison. Bring your own gift or a Pampered Chef rep will be available.

Page 2 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Nutrition Site Menu
Hot beef on whole grain bread mashed potatoes w/gravy green beans, peaches vanilla ice cream Ginger pork chops baked potato w/sour cream spinach salad grapes

Town Board

Thursday, August 16

Friday, August 17

Monday, August 20
Taco salad whole wheat roll mixed vegetables fruit in pudding Meatloaf boiled potatoes broccoli apricots

Tuesday, August 21

Wednesday, August 22
Roast pork company potatoes cooked cabbage apples in light syrup

continued from page 1 ment in Pierre on the Towns behalf. With the wheels in motion, and probably some good lessons learned that will undoubtedly be re-visited, the Board continued with their regular meeting. The July 10 regular and July 25 special board minutes, as well as the Financial Report, were read and approved. Russ Peacock met with the Board to ask permission when he does his new driveway to take the driveway all the way out to the asphalt. The Board approved Russs request as long as he knew that any right-of-way issues, would be at his expense. President Chapman informed the Board that Tracy Buer with the County has been chip sealing and patching holes along Carr Street up to Coleman Avenue. They are doing a good job. The Board does not want the roads torn up, just chip sealed. Chapman will inform the County and State of this. STATUS REPORTS Heath McKinstry informed the Board that a meter has been set up at the temporary cement plant to meter the water used. He still has about five new meters to get installed by September and holes to fill in the streets. He would like to get rid of all the old meters soon. Boom Concrete still has not completed the retaining wall out at the dump grounds; this was supposed to get done last August, although no actual contract was signed.

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Boom Concrete will be contacted on getting this completed. Storm Sewer Update Since there is no longer a road that runs from behind Grands warehouses to the elevator, and the landowner will not give easement, this part of the storm sewer plan will have to be scratched. A back flow preventer could be put in which would require a pit to be dug. At this time, the Board does not want to abandon any possibilities. The State of South Dakota is still urging the Town to do the green compost on low lying areas or they will not do a cost-share on this project. The Town would still have to pay the first $5,000.00 to do this. The demolition of the old Richard Heck house and buildings was discussed. A letter was written to Earl and Sharon Siefken to get the garage off the property, but this has not happened. A Sheriff s letter may have to be sent. Because of all the issues still in question, the Board directed President Chapman to call and invite KBM, Inc. and the State DENR to attend the next board meeting to take about options and the loan/grant from the State. Attorney Bogue sent word that after researching, Coleman Avenue does belong to the County. A suggestion was made that a committee from the two Boards Town and County get together to re-visit about Coleman Avenue. If the Community Access Project continues next year, a request could be put in for help on Coleman Avenue as that is a 60/40 split, but money does not come into that project until May of 2013 and would not be available until later in 2013. Town Clerk Hulm reported that the audit conducted by Eide Bailly on the Town of Bison has been approved by the State of S.D. with no problems found.

Periodicals Postage Paid at Bison, SD 57620 POSTAL PERMIT #009-944 Published weekly every Thursday by Ravellette Publ., Inc. at PO Box 429, Bison SD 57620-0429 Telephone: 605-244-7199 Fax: 605-244-7198 E-mail Addresses: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Bison ............................................................................$36.04 Meadow, Shadehill, Prairie City, Reva & Lodgepole ........$35.36 Lemmon........................................................................$36.04 in state ........................................................$39.00 + sales tax out of state (Includes all Hettinger addresses.) ...$39.00 (no tax)


We have river rock, red scoria & landscaping rock!

Call for a quote! Besler Gravel & Trucking, LLC 244-5600


Lagoon Project The Town of Bison has received the grant for this and the engineer should be finished with this project by the 15th of September. NEW BUSINESS The Town has received a draft of the Airport Master Plan. Airport Committee members Juell Chapman and Mike Lockert will review this and report back to the Board. An auto supplement of $9,276.04 was approved to the airport. Credit Card Machine - Board member Matthew Butsavage visited with the Board about getting a credit card machine installed at the bar. Due to the fact that the Town would have to be bonded and pay a membership fee, it was decided the Board was not interested at this time. Security Cameras - security cameras will be installed at the bar in the near future. Chapmans Electronics and West River Cooperative Telephone Co. will be contacted for quotes for an 8-camera package with 30 days of recordings. Museum Door A motion was made, seconded and carried to hire John Blosmo to add a second access door in the northeast corner of the museum. He had given a quote of $649.00, he will donate the labor, but the Town has to purchase the door. Employee Handbook Update Mike Lockert would like to get the Employee Handbook updated. The Board was handed out a copy of the current book and will report back next month on any changes needed. The Board voted to approve and publish the liquor audit; set aside $10,000 in a new City Hall Fund; move $8,200.56 for Christmas street lighting to a restricted account; supplement $100,000 from the General Fund to the Street Fun; supplement $20,000 from the General Fund to the Airport Fund and approve the First Reading of Ordinance 2012-1 of the budget. The second reading will be held at the September meeting. The Board then went into Executive Session with adjournment afterwards.


continued from page 1 who could work with younger boys. The following items were declared to be surplus property and will be sold at the community auction: parts for the walk-in freezer, six used bus tires, two projection screens, old weight scale, four Subaru tires and one inside door. Bids for milk, propane and coal were read and discussed. Bid winners were as follows: Milk - All Star Dairy; Coal - Bison Grain; Propane: Southwest Grain. A report from the Northwest Area Schools Special Education Cooperative was given by Beckman. This Cooperative would like to host training for new school board members. The new school board members would be encouraged to attend this training. At this time no date has been set. Kari volunteered to be an alternate to attend the meetings of the cooperative in the event that Beckman would be unable to attend a monthly meeting. Kraemer took the board on a tour in the school to view the new tile in the ceiling of the kitchen and to see the finished work on the wooden floors in two classrooms. All of the work was well done and looks very beautiful. Two thousand new elementary reading books have now arrived and are ready for use. The teachers are also anxious to start using them. Kraemer also told of new federal regulations for serving food in the lunchroom that require computers and training. That will be a challenge for the cooks this year. In other action: School hand books were approved. A school employee was given the greenlight to choose a different health insurance carrier other than the schools health insurance carrier. A credit card was approved for school purchases only. An executive session was held at the end of the meeting to discuss personnel.

Back to School Dance

Saturday, August 25 8:30 p.m.

Wear your favorite team colors!

COPYRIGHT: Ravellette Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Bison Courier, PO Box 429, Bison SD 57620-0429 Deadlines: Display and Classified Advertising: Mondays at 12:00 p.m. Legals: Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Publisher: Don Ravellette News/Office Manager: Arlis Seim Ad Sales: Beth Hulm (244-5231),

Hettinger, ND 701-567-2200

No one under 21 allowed!

Fields and Kari announce engagement

Meadow News
By Tiss Treib

The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Page 3

Classic Cleaning Company
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning without Steam,

Chase Kari and Angela Fields are pleased to announce their upcoming wedding on Saturday August 25, 2012. The ceremony will be held at the St. James Lutheran Church in Belle Fourche, SD. Their parents are Ernie Kari and the late Lisa Kari, Prairie City, SD and Merlin and Lori Fields, Milbank, SD. The bride graduated from Milbank High School and Ridgewater College with an Associate in Applied Science degree in Veterinary Technology. The groom attended Bison High School and is currently ranching near Bison, SD. They will make their home near Prairie City, SD.

Garden Harvest Slows

August is well upon us, where did the summer go? It seems just like yesterday we were planting the garden. Our tomatoes are much too green yet, lots of them and nice size but refusing to ripen! In the hopes of advancing the ripening of the tomatoes we have been heavily pruning the plants and removing all new growth and all blossoms. Yes, they are still blooming! Ours are a bit late so we are praying that we do not get an early frost! Speaking of frost, we do not want to see frost on the pumpkins either. We hope there are folks that planted pumpkins to sell at the 2012 Pumpkin Fest in Bison! If you do have pumpkins, here is a soup recipe for you to try, sure to warm a body on a cold winter day. Pumpkin Soup Start with a nice round pumpkin with bulging sides and a bit flat on top. Cut a lid out of the top, scoop out the seeds and fibers, then rub the inside with sea salt (regular salt works). Set the whole pumpkin in a large ovenproof dish or

pan, large enough that you wont have a mess in your oven if it happens to collapse. For a 5# pumpkin youll need about 2 quarts of milk, half and half, cream or a mixture of the three; Heat the liquid with 15 large fresh sage leaves, 2 tsp. salt, fresh pepper, and three garlic cloves (slivered). Pour the hot liquid into the pumpkin, lay a piece of foil over the top, then set the pumpkin lid on that. Put the whole thing into the oven at 375 degrees. Cook for about two hours or until the pumpkin feels soft when you press a finger against the side. Remove the oven, carefully remove the lid and foil, begin drawing the cooked flesh into the liquid, if all goes well (meaning the flesh is nice creamy and smooth and the sides didnt collapse in) You can stir liquid and flesh together and set it on the table as it. If it does collapse or the flesh is stringy, just scoop everything out into a bowl or blender and puree. Taste for salt, throw in a handful or two of cheese and garnish with

Garden Gate

Amy Lewis of Denver, Colorado and Sarah Lewis of Brookings spent a few days with their grandparents, Art and Marilyn Christman. Jim Christman has spent a week with his parents Art and Marilyn Christman. Keith Carmichael visited with Bernie Rose one day this past week. Stacy and Maddie Boomgarden of Pipestone, MN were Wednesday lunch guests of Bernie Rose and Vonnie Foster. Betty Walikainen spent Thursday afternoon with Bernie Rose. Last Monday, Gary and Kathy Holdahl of Clark, SD; Joyce and Ike Pederson of the Chicago area were afternoon visitors of Fred and Bev Schopp. Fred and Bev Schopp took in the parade in Faith Saturday and some of the other Stock Show events. Carolyn Petik was a Tuesday caller at Irene Young's. They were both afternoon guests at Jeri Lynn Bakken's. In the evening, Carolyn was a visitor of Linda Zimmerman in Lemmon. Jerry and Carolyn Petik were Wednesday callers of Ernestine Miller. Carolyn Petik was a Thursday lunch guest of Irene Young's and later in the afternoon was a brief visitor of Thelma Lemke. Jerry and Carolyn Petik attended the Corson County Fair on Saturday and Sunday. After the fair on Sunday they visited with Grace Bubbers in McIntosh

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Bud & Mary Lee Drake

Clint and Wendy Miles are proud to announce the birth of their baby girl: Rayna Sage Miles

Italian (flat leaf) parsley. Seems like this recipe would work with squash as well, however, squash does not have the sturdy sides of a pumpkin shell and collapse would probably occur. We have not tried squash yet. Plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them. Jeremiah 29:5 Submitted by Karen Englehart, Master Gardener, SDSU Cooperative Extension Service.

Advo Care Wellness Products

4 - 7 p.m. Thursday, August 16 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 22

Stanley Home Products

July 25th, 2012 7lbs. 1 oz. 18 long Rayna joins her brother: Drew - 5yrs. old Maternal grandparents: Reagan and Joann Massey, Hawley, TX Paternal grandparents: Norman and Shelby Miles, Meadow, SD

Prairie Lounge Bison

Page 4 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ranchers Camp meeting a success
Services dedicated to the Memory of Carrie Flatmoe
Annual Ranchers Camp meeting non-denominational services, held July 28 - 29 at a campground southeast of Meadow, S.D., featured Rapid City, S.D., couple Ron and LaVonne Masters who lost three children in the 1972 Rapid Creek flood. Ranchers Camp meeting Vice President Pat Clark, Meadow, S.D., said he was happy to see neighbors and friends stop in for fellowship and to hear the speakers. It is my kind of service genuine. Its not fancy, not a show, just a good, honest, simple service, he said. We welcome everyone to stop in and we especially enjoy seeing different faces and welcoming someone new to the event, Clark said. According to Clark, the featured speakers shared the story of the 1972 flood that took hundreds of lives, including their three sons. It was inspiring to learn that amid the tragedy, they relied on their faith to get through each day. And they have since been able to minister to people around the world. The services were dedicated to the memory of Carrie Flatmoe, Meadow, S.D., daughter of Brian and Gloria Flatmoe. According to Clark, his niece Carrie was a longtime participant in Ranchers Camp meeting. I was honored and Brian and Gloria were honored to learn that the event would be dedicated to Carrie. She was such a pretty and sweet girl who was always ready and willing to help with anything she was asked - from flanking calves to helping with Ranchers Camp meeting. She will be very much missed. Director Jim Lyon, Meadow, S.D., said the Sunday morning service was especially powerful to him. God says just trust me. Sometimes thats not easy for me, and I was glad to have a reminder of Gods power and wisdom. To anyone who has yet to attend a service, Lyon says, Stop by the campground next year, the last weekend in July. It is an awesome experience. Especially on Saturday evening, when its cool, it is just a great chance to get together with friends and neighbors, enjoy Gods creation and hear Gods word.

Guest Columnist
Producers Repeat Jesus Miracle
more food using fewer resources than their ancestors did. Not only do farmers and ranchers have to contend with increased restrictions, regulations, continuous negative press and misinformation about agriculture, there are also anti-agricultural organizations that are trying to sever the very same hands that are feeding them. Yet in spite of such challenges, farmers and ranchers are not deterred from continuing to feed people. Similarly, Jesus was not discouraged when a measly couple of fish and few loaves of bread were brought to him to feed 5,000 people (not counting women and children). He fed everyone using what he had available. Today there are fewer farms, ranches, farmers and ranchers, and sadly, even fewer people who are connected to a farm or ranch where food is grown. Those who raise and produce food today carry the burden of supplying more food than whats been produced in the past in order to meet the demands of our worlds growing population, and its done using fewer resources. I hear about so many people who are looking for ways to participate in or promote humanitarian efforts, yet farming is oftentimes disregarded as the ultimate story of humanity and hope. God uses ordinary people

Amy Kirk is a ranch wife from Custer, South Dakota.

Listening to a scripture reading at church recently reminded me how our nations farmers and ranchers repeat one of Jesus miracles every day. Jesus had been speaking to a large crowd that had gathered to listen him when it began to grow late in the day. The disciples told Jesus he should leave so everyone could go find food to eat. Instead, Jesus instructed the disciples to find food to feed the crowd. All they came up with were five loaves of bread and two fish. In typical Jesus fashion, he accepted the meager amount of food as though it was no big deal, gave thanks, broke the bread, and had the disciples distribute the food to the people. He also instructed the disciples to gather all of the leftover broken pieces, which filled 12 baskets. This story reminds me of the miracle farmers perform every day. I am constantly amazed that in todays world, farmers produce

many of whom are in the form of todays farmers and ranchersto carry out miracles that are done in amazing ways. Regardless of the difficulties farmers and ranchers face, they still manage to find ways to continue feeding the world. Jesus knew he had a lot of people who needed fed and even though he only had very little to feed them with, he miraculously did so with five bread loaves and two fish and still had 12 baskets of food leftover. American farmers and ranchers are a modern version of the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes. Somehow, some way, farmers miraculously produce food that contributes to feeding billions of people similarly to the way Jesus did, only with less farm ground and fewer people doing the farming rather than two fish and five bread loaves. The weight of the worlds hungry has been put on the shoulders of people who plant, grow, and harvest food every day. Without the contribution of American farms and ranches there isnt enough food to pass around to help feed the 7 billion people around the globe that currently need fed. American agriculture is nothing short of a humanitarian miracle.

Roll-Over auction to benefit Stockgrowers

Still in Progress through August

Paint Ranch Pet


Faith Livestock Commission will host a Rollover Calf Sale Fundraiser to benefit the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association on Monday, August 20, 2012 during their Anniversary Sale in Faith, SD. A yearling calf donated by Mike and Marcia Maher of Isabel will be auctioned off at approximately 12:30pm. Maher has asked that at least half of the proceeds of the Rollover auction be

donated to the Stockgrowers Association and the other half can be donated to Stockgrowers, R-CALF USA or United States Cattlemen's Association at the choice of the bidder. Rollover calf sales are fundraising events put on by South Dakota Stockgrower members and volunteers to raise money for the organization. Those who wish to support

the efforts of the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association can bid on a calf, then donate the animal back so it can be auctioned off again and again, until bidding ceases. The South Dakota Stockgrowers Association is a grassroots organization representing independent livestock producers on local, state and national policies that impact the livestock industry. For over 120 years the mission of the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association has remained unchanged, "to promote and protect the South Dakota livestock industry." The SD Stockgrowers represent approximately 1300 ranch families across the state of South Dakota. Contact: Faith Livestock Commission, Scott Vance, Phone: (605) 967-2200 or SD Stockgrowers Association, Silvia Christen, Executive Director, Phone: 605-3420429 Monday, August 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m. MST

Obituaries Gloria Veal

teacher, directing choirs and giving piano lessons. In 1964, she and friends Barbara Dunker, Helen Brocklesby, Lynne Hardy and Dorothy Dunbar moved to Denver Colorado. Gloria became the secretary to the President of Rockmont College, Dr. L. David Beckman. While working at the college, she met student Loyd Veal and they were married May 29, 1965. The couple honeymooned in Europe with Operation Mobilization, a mission organization. In the years to follow, the family pastored several churches in Colorado, South Dakota and Florida. In each of these churches, whether teaching Sunday School, Kids Club, Awanas, 5 Day Clubs, or ministering through music, Gloria was involved with children. Gloria had a heart for teaching children Gods word. Gloria and Loyd had three children; Michelle Rae, Bruce Warren, and Warren Loyd. Gloria was a homemaker and with every move, made home comfortable and comforting. She sewed and crafted many different things and used her talents to minister to others that way. In each of the moves the piano was the most important thing to be moved. She acquired it

The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Page 5

LaVonne Foss was a Sunday dinner guest of Shirley Johnson. Thelma Sandgren was a brief visitor of Shirley Johnson Sunday afternoon. Larry and Sarah Dreiske, Spencer and McKenna, Nolan, Linda, Jasmine and Logan Seim traveled to Bismarck Saturday to go to the zoo, but the beautiful rain stopped them. They ate and window-shopped and returned home. Tiss Treib visited with Ruth Wiechmann and family and Dorena Wiechmann Wednesday afternoon. Al and Tiss Treib attended the rodeo in Faith Saturday evening and the carnival. Jay Kirschman of Topeka, Kansas spent the week with Dorothy and Lynn Frey. Saturday evening, Monte and Dean Frey, Jay Kirschman and Lynn Frey had supper with Dorothy Frey. Al Treib called on Thelma Sandgren Monday. Jim and Patsy Miller came up and had a coffee break Tuesday with Thelma Sandgren. Later, Thelma went to Bison to spend some time with Matthew and family. Al Treib and his uncle were Wednesday callers of Thelma Sandgren. Georgia Sandgren and Ed Hanson came up in the evening and Thursday Ed did some chores for Thelma. Georgia came down with a

Rosebud News........By Tiss Treib

The Memorial Service for Gloria Veal, age 79, of Bison, was held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 11, 2012 at Grace Baptist Church in Bison with Pastor Phil Hahn, officiating. A time of fellowship and luncheon followed at the Grand Electric Social Room. A Private Family Inurnment will be at a later date at the Chance Cemetery. A Gathering of Family and Friends was held at 6:00 p.m. on Friday evening at Grace Baptist Church in Bison. Gloria Lee Brockington Veal was born September 12, 1932 in Columbus, Ohio to Warren J. and Catharine (Allison) E. Brockington. At the age of 10, she began organ lessons from her church organist and also took piano lessons at that time. When she was 16, she underwent surgery to fuse her ankles and was bed ridden for a full year. She continued with her schooling during this time and she graduated from West High School in 1950 and Miami University of Ohio in 1954 where she gained a degree in music education. She moved to Farmington, New Mexico where she taught 10 years at the Navajo Methodist Misson School. She was the k-12 music

as payment for Loyds construction work and it was the center of their home. She taught many students throughout her lifetime and encouraged each one to reach their potential. Even after being confined to a wheel chair, she continued to teach and enjoyed her students very much. Loyd faithfully cared for her during her last years, allowing her to remain at home. In October 2011 she was diagnosed with MDS. She passed away August 2, 2012. Grateful for sharing her life are husband Loyd Veal, Bison; Stepdaughter and grandson Chris and Lewis Veal, Caldwell, Idaho; Michelle (Darrel) Stockert and grandchildren, Michael and Jessica Stockert, Bison, Warren (Julie) Veal and grandchildren, Riley, Julianne, Elyssa, Shelby, and Quinton Veal, Nampula, Mozambique. Preceding her in death were her parents, Warren and Catharine Brockington, brothers Ned and Bobby Brockington, son Bruce Warren Veal, and grandson Jeremy Lee Stockert. Condolences may be sent to the family at

flu bug, so they went back to Sturgis. Thursday, Thelma Sandgren went to the Western Horizons care center to visit Gladys Vliem and Buster Van Wyk. She also had supper with them. It was good. Thelma then joined the Senior Citizens for cards. Friday was Thelma Sandgrens usual day in Hettinger. John Johnson was an early evening caller. Saturday, what a beautiful day, it rained off and on most of the day. Sunday Thelma Sandgren went to Holland Center for Church and enjoyed cake and ice cream and coffee to help Al and Alf Vliem celebrate their 88th birthdays. Stan and Twila Pap of Denver, CO and their grandson Isaac from Canada were also visitors. Jim and Patsy Miller spent Monday in Faith. Jim and Patsy Miller went to Bison Tuesday night and got on a bus and traveled to Grand Forks to the MSA. They returned home Saturday evening. Matt and Christi Miller spent the week at the Miller ranch. Sunday they played cards with Jim and Patsy and then returned to their home in Hettinger. Hope to see you all at the Ice Cream Social at the Lodgepole Hall Thursday evening at 7:00 pm.

Pastors Perspective
Beckman Wesleyan Church Prairie City Pastor Brad Burkhalter
Romans 3:10, "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one." In the first three chapters of Romans, the apostle Paul goes to great lengths to show us what we really already know. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and none of us, apart from Christ, is righteous (Romans 3:10,23). We all acknowledge that we are sinful and don't measure up to God's standards; we just say it without making ourselves look so bad. We say, "I'm not perfect...nobody is." That's kind of our way of acknowledging sin, but making it trivial at the same time. We simply do not like to admit our sin and that evil is present in us. We don't like to say that we are in need of salvation. It stuns me that after the bloodiest century in the history of the world, we still don't get it. Look at mankind in the 20th century: 6 million Jews killed by Hitler in Germany, 20 million in Russia under Stalin, 50 million in China with Mao Zedong, 20% of Cambodia's population exterminated by Pol Pot, 800,000 Tutsis in Rawanda. Yet, after the most heinous evil acts mankind has ever seen, our academic leaders tell us two things. First, they deny evil exists. They tell us that there are just different view points, all valid. They seem to want everyone to tolerate all life styles and life style choices and not label anything evil. Second, they inform us that what man needs is education not salvation. If we could just make a minor adjustment in man's mind and give him a little more education, everything would be fine. No! What man needs is salvation, a foundational change in his nature, a deliverance from evil. He needs to be saved, born again. The men I mentioned earlier were educated men, that was not their problem. Their problem came from their sinfulness, their sin nature. Man needs to admit his sinfulness to God and call on Him for deliverance. Man's nature can only be changed through faith in Jesus Christ. Don't make your sin trivial, confess it to God and put you faith in Jesus Christ. It's your only hope.

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service - 10:30a.m. Wednesday Prayer Mtg. - 6:30 p.m.

Grace Baptist Church Pastor Phil Hahn Church of Christ

Prairie Fellowship Parish ELCA Pastor Margie Hershey

Indian Creek - 8:00 a.m. American - 9:30 a.m. Rosebud - 11:00 a.m.

18 mi. south of Prairie City - Worship Service - 10:00 a.m.

Weather Wise

Christ Lutheran Church WELS

Pastor Gerhardt Juergens

Sunday Bible Class - 8:00 a.m., Worship Service - 8:30 a.m. Tuesday Bible Class - 7:00 p.m. South Jct. of Highways 73 & 20 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m., Worship Service - 11:00 a.m.

Coal Springs Community Church Pastors Nels & Angie Easterby

Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Donavon Kack

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Fr. Tony Grossenburg
Saturday Mass: Lemmon - 4:45 p.m., Bison - 7:15 p.m. Sunday Mass: Lemmon - 8:15 a.m., Morristown - 11:00 a.m. Sabbath School - 10:30 a.m., Worship Service - 11:00 a.m.


Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 13

96 68 .35 93 59 86 61 86 57 78 59 .29 79 59 84 54 One year ago Hi 84 Lo 51


First Presbyterian Church Pastor Florence Hoff, CRE

Reva Worship Service - 9:00 a.m., WMF 2nd Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.

Holland Center Christian Reformed Church Pastor Brad Burkhalter Lodgepole

Worship Service - 8:00 a.m. Worship Service -9:30 a.m.

Beckman Wesleyan Church Pastor Brad Burkhalter

Prairie City Sunday School - 10:00 a.m., Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Vesper Service - 6:00 p.m., Wed. Evenings - 7:30 p.m.

Slim Buttes Lutheran Pastor Henry Mohagen

Brought to you by Grand Electric Co-op, Inc.

Page 6 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012

Special services available for qualified students

With the start of the 2012-2013 school year, the Bison School District would like to remind patrons that Special Education and related services are available to eligible children with disabilities, ages 021, without cost to parents. Services are available, if appropriate, to children who have been identified as deaf, deaf blind, hard of hearing, multi-handicapped, orthopedically impaired, other health impaired, seriously emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, speech impaired, visually impaired, developmentally delayed or with mental retardation. If you know of any child that may qualify for special services, and are not already receiving them , please call Donald Kraemer at 244-5271.

Bison Schools sexual harassment policy

Policy: It is the Bison School Districts policy that sexual harassment is illegal, unacceptable and shall not be tolerated; and that no employee or student of the school district may sexually harass another. Any employee or student will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination, for violation of this policy. Definition: Any unwelcome sexual advances, solicitation of sexual activity by promise of rewards, coercion of sexual activity by threat of punishment, verbal sexist remarks or physical sexual assaults constitute sexual harassment. This conduct has the effect of unreasonable interfacing with an individuals academic or work performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment or education environment, regardless of intent. Responsibility: School district officers, employees and students are responsible for maintaining a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment. Workshops and activities will be provided by the school district to explain the policy and laws. Careful scrutiny will be undertaken of all allegations of sexual harassment. False allegations that are malicious or ill-founded may constitute libel or slander. Copies of the policy will be available at all administrative offices. Complaints: Any employee who believes that they have been a subject of sexual harassment by a district employee or officer should report this incident immediately to their immediate supervisor. If the immediate supervisor is involved in the activity, the violation should be reported to the supervisors immediate supervisor. Students should report such incidents to the responsible administrator. All reported incidents will be thoroughly investigated and subject to disciplinary action. Confidentiality consistent with sue process will be maintained. If any employees or student files a written complaint because of dissatisfaction with the handling of the complaint, they may utilize any applicable grievance procedure.

August 21 August 22

2012 - 2013 School Year

September 3 September 24 September 25 September 28 October 2 October 25 October 30

November 1 & 2 November 8 November 21 November 22 November 23 November 27 December 20 December 21 - 31 January 1 - 3 January 7 January 14 January 24 February 13 February 22

Parent-Teacher Conferences Student dismissed at 1:15 End of 1st Quarter Bison will host District Volleyball Tournament

No School - Labor Day Coronation - Homecoming week Mid-term School all day - Homecoming week

Teacher In-service Day First Day of School

Bison will host District Volleyball Tournament Veterans Day Program Last Day before Thanksgiving early dismissal 1:33 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Day NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving vacation Midterm Last day before Christmas early dismissal 1:33 Christmas Vacation

Christmas Vacation School resumes after Christmas End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester Parent-Teacher Conferences Students dismissed at 1:15 Mid-term Teacher In-service

March 19 March 28 March 29

No School Easter Monday (will be used April 1 as a make-up day if needed) Mid-term April 23 May 23 May 18 Last Day of SCHOOL Dismiss at 11:00 a.m. End of 4th Quarter Graduation

End of 3rd Quarter Dismiss at 1:33 Good Friday (no school or tutoring)

The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Page 7

2012-2013 Bison Faculty & Staff
Administration: Donald Kraemer Superintendent Business Manager Bonnie Crow Asst. Business Manager * Colette Johnson Faculty: Michelle Stockert 5th & 6th Grade Shawnda Carmichael Science, Prom

Back to school does not mean back to bullying!

The new school year is about to begin. For some students, its a joyous return to friends and activities; however, for others, it is a return to taunting and bullying. Bullying can not only ruin the school experience but it can also cause depression and low self-esteem in children who are victims of a bully. Research also points to the negative impact bullying has on the bully as well as bystanders. And, unfortunately, technology (internet, FaceBook, and cell phones) has taken bullying to a new level. As a parent, make sure this school year does NOT mean back to bullies for your child by utilizing these tips. How to Spot Bullying: Your child may not tell you or their teacher if they are being bullied. Thats why its important to recognize the warning signs: Avoiding school and other activities. Changes in how your child gets to and from school. Depression, upset stomach, headaches, or anxiety. Changes in daily routines. Torn clothes, unexplained bruises, damaged or missing belongings such as backpacks, school supplies, clothes. What to do if you suspect bullying: Bullying can be traumatic for you the parent as well as your child. Remember: Control your emotions and keep the communication lines open. Remain calm. Control your protective instincts. Let your child talk about the incident including who witnessed the incident without interrupting. Show empathy. Your child needs someone to listen without judging. Report the incident to the school. Include details your child provided. Discuss optionsnot retaliation. Your child needs a plan of action that will work for him/her. Communication is a key ingredient to success in ending a bullys power.

Christi Ryen Ag, FFA Lola Hedstrom 1st Grade Darla Kahler Kindergarten Donna Keller 7 - 12 Special Ed, Special Ed Director, 7 -8 English Bev Kopren 2nd Grade Heidi Kopren 3rd Grade Tarina Kopren 7 - 12 Art, Geography, Social Studies Kalin Chapman PE Joyce Matthews FACS, FCCLA Shelby Miles 4th Grade Julia Brixey K - 6 Special Ed Darren Jackson K - 12 Music Roxie Seaman Title I Joyce Waddell Library Ruth Hobbs 7 - 12 Math, Quiz Bowl Kristen Seidel Government, US History, World History, Business, 7th Social Studies Elizabeth Bonacci 9 - 12 English, Oral Interp, Play Paraprofessionals: Kelli Birkeland Paraprofessional Heidi Collins Paraprofessional Londa Hendrickson Paraprofessional Nina Loper Paraprofessional Danelle Gerbracht Paraprofessional Office Staff Joy Worm Jr. & Sr. High Secretary Bristol Palmer Elementary Secretary Coaching: Kalin Chapman AD, Head VB Christi Ryen Asst. VB Beau Chapman Head Football Head Boys Basketball Asst. Boys Basketball Kristen Seidel Head Girls Basketball Shane Kolb Asst. Football Brad Burkhalter Cross Country, Elizabeth Bonacci Yearbook Cooks: Sherry Basford Head Cook Camille Drown Asst. Cook Custodial: Connie Aaker Head Custodian Becky Peacock Asst. Custodian

Wednesday, August 22 Chicken patty macaroni salad lettuce salad fruit choice milk Thursday, August 23 Tacos w/cheese whole kernel corn salad bar fruit & milk

You can get all A's and still flunk life. Walker Percy

Page 8 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday Aug. 30 Thursday Sept. 6 Tuesday Sept. 11 Thursday Sept. 13 Saturday Sept. 15 Tuesday Sept. 18 Thursday Sept. 20 Saturday Sept. 22 Tuesday Sept. 25 Thursday Sept. 27 Saturday Sept. 29 Saturday Sept. 29 Thursday Oct. 4 Tuesday Oct. 9 Saturday Oct. 13 Tuesday Oct. 16 Monday Oct. 22 Tuesday Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 6 Nov. 15


Timber Lake 6:00 pm H/W Bowman 4:30 pm Newell 5:00 pm H/W Tiospaye Topa 5:00 pm Linton, ND, Tournament 9:00 am (CT) H/W Hettinger/Scranton 4:30 pm Rapid City Christian 4:00 pm Conference Trny @ Faith TBA Lemmon 5:30 pm H/W Dupree 5:30 pm Mile High Tournament TBA Hettinger/Scranton Tournament TBA H/W Faith 5:00 pm H/W McIntosh 4:15 pm Harding Co. Triangular 10:00 am Dupree 5:30 pm Harding County 5:30 pm District 16B 6:00/7:30 District 16B 6:00/7:30 District 16B 7:00 pm Regional TBA State Class B @ Mitchell TBA

Back to school:
check immunizations for adolescents, college freshman
A state health official is urging parents to make sure their high school and college freshman get a meningitis immunization before the school year starts. Parents are also encouraged to get a booster dose of pertussis. or whooping cough vaccine for their 11 - 12 year old children. South Dakota parents do a good job keeping their infants and toddlers appropriately immunized but too many arent aware that adolescents also need vaccinations, said Bonnie Jameson, Disease Prevention Administrator for the Department of Health. Now is the time to make sure theyre up to date on their meningitis and pertussis vaccinations. College freshman living in dorms and unvacinated kids entering high school are among the high-risk groups for meningococcal disease and should be vaaccinated. The whooping cough vaccine series is recommended for children at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15 - 18 months, and 4 - 6 years. A booster dose is recommended at 11 - 12 years as immunity begins to wane. A bacterial infection, meningococcal disease is an inflammation of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include fever, severe headache, stiff neck, vomiting and a rash. Prompt treatment can prevent disability and death. Ten to 14 percent of people with the disease die and up to 19 percent of survivors may suffer permanent disabilities such as hearing loss, limb amputation or brain disease. South Dakota has reported 2 cases of meningococcal disease to date in 2011, one child and one elderly adult. Whooping cough is also a serious illness. it causes uncontrollable coughing, rib fractures, pneumonia, loss of consciousness and even death. Young children are highest risk, with two-thirds of those under age 1 who get it needing hospitalization. There have been four cases reported in South Dakota to date in 2011. Meningococcal vaccine is available from family health care providers and campus student health centers. the department provides the vaccine for those 11 18 years of age who are eligible for the federal Vaccines for children Program (Medicaid eligible, native American or Alaskan Native, uninsured or underinsured). the vaccine is free for these children but providers may charge an administration fee. The department provides the childhood series of whooping cough vaccine and the booster dose free for 11 - 12 year olds. Providers may charge an administration fee.


Friday Aug. 24 Newell Friday Aug. 31 Lemmon/McIntosh Friday Sept. 7 Harding County Friday Sept. 14 BYE Friday Sept. 21 Rapid City Christian Friday Sept. 28 Timber Lake Friday Oct. 5 Faith Friday Oct. 12 Edgemont Thursday Oct. 18 Dupree Oct. 23 1st Round Playoff Oct. 29 Quarter Final Nov. 3 Semi Final Nov 8 - 10 State @ Vermillion 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

5:300 pm 4:00 pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm TBA TBA TBA TBA

The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Page 9

2012-13 free or reduced meal program guidelines

Child and Adult Nutrition Services in the South Dakota Department of Education has announced the policy for free milk or free and reduced price meals. The policy applies to children unable to pay the full price of meals or milk served under the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, and/or Special Milk Programs. The administrative office of each school that participates in the Lunch, Breakfast, and/or Milk Program has a copy of the policy that is available for review. Children from families whose income is at or below the levels shown are eligible for free or reduced price meals. Children from a household whose income is at or below the level shown for free meals may be eligible for free milk if the school participates in a federally funded pricing Special Milk Program. Families may apply for free or reduced price meals or free milk for their children for school year 2012-2013 according to guidelines effective July 1, 2012. Applications will be provided to all households by the local school. The school will use the prior years eligibility status (free, reduced price, or paid) from last year for up to the first 30 days of school or until a new application is approved or direct certification is obtain, whichever comes first. Households that are currently on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) will receive letters from the school indicating that their children are eligible for free school meals. These families should not complete an application for free meals. If the family became eligible for benefits after school got out in the spring, the family should fill out an application and list their case number so they get the free benefits right away. All children in household with any household member receiving benefits under TANF or SNAP are eligible for free meals. Families receiving commodities through the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) can request an Interagency Action Notice that can be brought to the school in place of an application to document eligibility for free meals. All children in household with any household member receiving benefits under FDPIR are eligible for free meals if the school knows they are in the household. If the school knows of children who are homeless, runaway, foster, from a migrant household, or who are enrolled in Head Start, they will send a letter to the household telling them the children are eligible for free meals. If the household does not get a letter or has questions, they should contact the school. The household must notify the school if it chooses to decline benefits. Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals. Any foster child in the household is eligible for free meals regardless of income. Households may include foster children on the application, but are not required to include payments received for care of the foster child as income. To apply for free or reduced price meals, other households should fill out the application and return it to the school. An application must include the names of children for whom benefits are requested, all household members and their monthly income or designation that they do not have any income, and be signed by an adult household member with the last four digits of that persons social security number. Incomplete applications cannot be approved for free and reduced price meals. Additional copies are available in the school office. The information provided on the application is confidential and will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility status for school meals and Title I programs. An eligibility determination is good for the whole year; however, applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Contact the school if a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size changes. The children from that household may be eligible for free or reduced price meals or free milk during the time of unemployment if the households income falls within the income eligibility guidelines. Information on any application may be verified at any time during the school year by school or other program officials. If a parent or guardian is dissatisfied with the ruling on the application for eligibility, she/he may contact the determining official on an informal basis. If the parent or guardian wishes to make a formal appeal, an oral or written request may be made to the schools hearing official for a hearing to appeal the decision. Some schools may choose to send a special notice about the Children's Health Insurance Program to households with the application. It provides a way for school personnel to know if families will allow them to use students' eligibility status for other program benefits. The decision whether or not a household is eligible for meal benefits or not is not affected by this form. Non-discrimination Statement: This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If a child needs a special diet as prescribed by a doctor, the household should contact the local schools food service manager. The income scales below are used to determine an applicants eligibility for free or reduced price meals if the household is at or below the guidelines.

It doesn't make much difference what you study, as long as you don't like it. ~
Finley Peter Dunne

Income Eligibility Guidelines: 2011 - 2012

Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Annually Free 14,521 19,669 24,817 29,965 35,113 40,261 45,409 50,557 5,148 Annually Reduced Price 20,665 27,991 35,317 42,643 49,969 57,295 64,621 71,947 7,326 Monthly Free 1,211 1,640 2,069 2,498 2,927 3,356 3,785 4,214 429 Monthly Reduced Price 1,723 2,333 2,944 3,554 4,165 4,775 5,386 5,996 611 Weekly Free 280 379 478 577 676 775 874 973 99 Weekly Reduced Price 398 539 680 821 961 1,102 1,243 1,384 141

for each additional household member, add

Page 10 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Bison School District 52-1

FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law requires the Bison School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your childs education records. However, Bison School District may disclose appropriately designated directory information without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Bison School District to include this type of information from your childs education records in certain school publications. Examples include: A playbill, showing your students role in a drama production; The annual yearbook; Honor roll or other recognition lists; Graduation programs; and Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members.

Bison, South Dakota

Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parents prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request with three directory information categories-names, addresses and telephone listings- unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their students information disclosed without their prior written consent.

If you do not want Bison School District to disclose directory information from your childs education records without your prior written consent, you must notify he District in writing prior to the first day of school in the fall. Bison School District has designated the following information as directory information: Students name, address, telephone listing; Students date and place of birth; Students dates of attendance; Students grade level; Students participation in officially recognized school activities and sports; Weight and height of students who are members of athletic teams. TITLE IX POLICY - NON-DISCRIMINATION The Bison School supports the provison of Title IX of the Educational amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 164 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which commit all schools to the elimination of discrimination on the basis of race, color, natural origin, sex and handicap.

This concept of Equal Educational opportunity will serve as a guide to the Governing Board, the Administration and staff in making decisions relating to the employment of personnel, school facilities, curriculum, activities and regulations affecting students and employees. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX, TitleVI, and Section 504, Affirmative Action, and The American With Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap conditions, may be directed to the Bison Public School, Supt. Donald Kraemer, PO Box 9, Bison, South Dakota 57620. Telephone number 605-244-5271. Inquiries can also be made to the US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 10220 North Executive Hills Boulevard, 8th Floor, Kansas City, MO 64153-1367.

School Year: August 22, 2012 - May 23, 2013 Classes start at 8:00 a.m. Dismissal time is 3:43 p.m. Lunch Program Kindergarten through 12 $3.00 ($60.00) Adults $3.75 ($75.00) Milk ticket $7.00 Admission to Home Athletic Events Adults- $4.00 Season Pass- $35.00 Students- $2.00 Season Pass- $12.50

PO Box 9 200E Carr St Bison, SD 57620 Bison Elementary Bison Jr. & Sr, High School


The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Page 11

Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children, and not for the education of all adults of every age?

Phone Numbers Supt. and Business Manager 605-244-5961 Jr./Sr. High School 605-244-5961 Elementary 605-244-5273 Gymnasium Lobby 605-244-5274
In case of severe weather, all families will be notified via the schools telephone notification system. This notification will come to the phone number each family provided to the school. The official announcement can also be heard over these radio/TV stations: KBJM, Sturgis; KOTA and KEVN, Rapid City and KNDC, Hettinger, KZZI Spearfish and KELO TV-Closeline. Parents should make arrangements, in advance, where students are to go in case of early closing. Written records of these arrangements are to be on file in the office. Bristol & Joy will also be providing information via phone calls to staff.

School Closing

Education is the movement from darkness to light.

Allan Bloom

Dr. Jason M. Hafner Dr. David J. Prosser

Page 12 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012

Faith Clinic

Every 1st Wed. of the month Every 3rd Wed. of the month

Anderson Ranch tour held

Dan and Sharon Anderson and their family hosted a tour of their ranch on July 26th in recognition of receiving an Excellence in Grazing Management Award. The couple received this award at the South Dakota Society of Range Management (SRM) Banquet held last fall in Wall, SD. This award recognizes outstanding range managers. The Andersons raise cattle and sheep on their ranch located west of Glad Valley, South Dakota. Over 50 people attended the tour, which was a great opportunity to interact and ask the Andersons questions about the conservation practices they use. The first stop was a site being taken over by Kentucky bluegrass. Discussion was held on why it was there and the different management options to control it. At the next stop, Dan discussed the tools used to set up his management intensive grazing (MOB) system for moving his electric wire fence, a portable water tank, and mineral feeder as well as how he moves his sheep to the next paddock. Ryan Beer, NRCS Range Management Specialist explained how the paddock sizes were calculated. Dan then discussed the size of the pens he used around water tanks which greatly reduce the impact area. Another stop included a Land EKG monitoring site on prairie sandreed and the management Dan is using to get utilization on it. The tour ended with an explanation of the three different types of mechanical range renovations used on thin claypan soils: deep furrowing, tool bar with spikes, and a heavy offset disc. Dan and Sharons ranch has been in the family since 1959. They purchased the ranch from his parents in 1990. With the help of NRCSs technical assistance and conservation programs, they have implemented a rotational grazing system since 1994. They have continued to improve this system by implementing many conservation practices including cross fencing to decrease pasture size to around 160 acres, installed many miles of pipeline and 20 tanks, and planted over 8,000 feet of trees and shrubs. The couple has also built three dams and converted all the farm land to either hay land or grassland. With NRCSs assistance, Dan analyzes and adjusts his grazing system every year to maintain the excellent rangeland conditions that exist on the Anderson Ranch. Travis Ellison, Dacotah Bank Agricultural Banker and Danci Baker, Andersons daughter provided a presentation on their recent Agricultural Exchange Trip to China and Vietnam. They both recently participated in the South Dakota Agriculture and Rural Leadership, Inc.s 18 month program. The program ended with a trip to China and Vietnam. The group toured swine, dairy, and soybean processing facilities and met with Agricultural Trade diplomats. A huge thank you goes out to the Perkins County Conservation District, First Interstate Bank, Cindys Crop Insurance, Lindskov Implement and Automotive, and Society of Range Management for sponsoring this tour. If you missed the tour and would like more information on the conservation practices the Andersons have implemented on their ranch, you may check out their blog at

Buffalo Clinic


A portable water tank that Anderson moves from pasture to [pasture with his sheep.

Back row Dan, Danci (Anderson)Baker, Bryce Baker, Danika (Anderson)Schmidt holding son Cody, Sharon, Danessa, Dantae. Seated Nora and James Anderson.

The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Page 13

Meet the people

Don Kraemer
fishing on a cool morning, potato salad and rain. Ill never forget the time that my army reserve unit returned home after being deployed to Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. It was an incredible feeling to realize that we were back home and that our lives would be back to what we knew as normal again. Many people have influenced my life but none more profoundly than my wife, Vera. For most of my adult life, she has been my best friend, confidant, and inspiration. She is a great cook and is a major factor in my difficulty keeping my weight under control. My favorite season is fall or autumn. I enjoy the color changes of the trees and shrubs, as well as warm days and cool nights. Autumn also brings an end to mosquitoes for a few months and fishing usually picks up in that time of year. Something everyone should do at least once is to go on an extended (at least six days and nights), back country camping trip; either backpacking or canoeing. It will increase ones appreciation for the outdoors and for the comforts of home.

What is it??

Age: On good days, which are frequent, I am sure I must be thirty something. And then there are those days that remind me that I must be older than dirt. Family: My wife, Vera; son, Mitchell; daughter-in-law, Vicky; daughter, Christine; son-in-law, Lance and three grandsons. Hobbies: Researching and writing family history, fishing, music, reading, camping and hiking. I live in Bison, with my wife, Vera. I grew up in North Dakota. The high school I graduated from, Linton High School, was only slightly larger than Bison High School. Occupation: Educator and school administrator. Something you wouldnt expect from me: I worked as a water-treatment chemist for the City of Aberdeen for 14 months, and held a Class I Water Treatment Certificate from the State of South Dakota. Someone I admire: I would say that Tom Brokaw stands out, among people whom I admire. He seems to have maintained his rural, midwestern values and philosophy, even though he has become a nationally and internationally known television journalist. Something my grandparents have passed on to me is their letters, journals and photos; Through this legacy, they have documented and shared their story of great hope, great sacrifice and great determination to build a better life for their families on the prairie of North Dakota and South Dakota. My favorite things are sunrise on the South Dakota prairie, books, maps and ice fishing. My favorite people are my wife; my children and grand children; and my life-long friend, Terry Peterson. My favorite food is chocolate chip cookies, broccoli and homemade ice cream. Something I do every day is thank God for another day and for many blessings. My favorite summer things: are

Name: Don Kraemer

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Malcolm S. Forbes

What is it?? Call or email your guess to 244-7199 or Last week Fred Reede and Jan Gossman had the lucky guess. They guessed a antique shingle nailer

Palace Theater

Hettinger Theater

Total Recall
August 17 - 19
PG-13 118 minutes surround sound Lemmon 374-5107 8:00 p.m. nightly

Diary of a Whimpy Kid Dog Days

August 17 - 20
featuring digital surround sound

PG 96 minutes

Nightly 7:30 p.m. Sunday Matinee 2:00 p.m. 3-D Glasses $2.00

Page 14 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012

Grandstand progress ----------

Prairie dogs are highly sociable animals. The critters often look like they are kissing and hugging and grooming is a regular pastime. Burrows are much like homes possessing front and back doors, listening chambers, sleeping quarters and storage rooms. They are regular house cleaners too.

The Perkins County Weed & Pest Board would like to remind Perkins County landowners to place their order for Zinc Phosphide Oats and pre-bait oats by September 20, 2012. Perkins County will cost share the Zinc Phosphide Oats 60-40 with the landowner paying 40%. When landowners are ordering the poison oats they must give their private certification license number when ordering. Perkins County will not have a Rozol prairie dog bait program, as of now, Rozol is illegal to have or use within South Dakota. Orders may be placed by calling the Perkins County Finance Office at 2445624 or Loyson Carda at 374-5315. All applicants will be notified when and where to pickup their bait. Robert Hermann, Chairman Perkins County Weed and Pest Board

Prairie Dog Bait Program

[Published August 16 and August 23, 2012 at a total approximate cost of $20.81.]

Todd Buer cuts steps. Max Matthews and Lynn Buer keep busy in the background.

The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012 Page15

DISPLAY ADS: $4.50 per column inch. CLASSIFIED ADS: $5.90 for 30 words; 10 for each word thereafter. $2.00 billing charge applies. THANK YOU'S: $5.90 minimum or $3.10 per column inch. $2.00 billing charge applies. HIGHLIGHTS & HAPPENINGS: $5.90 minimum or $3.10 per column inch. $2.00 billing charge applies. HAPPY ADS: With or Without Picture: $15.00 minimum or B $4.50 per column inch.BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT: $36.00 for 2x7 announcement. Ad Deadline is Monday at NOON! Legal Deadline is Friday at NOON! 244-7199 or
For Sale LARGE ROUND BALES OF STRAW FOR SALE: 605/222-5126. B9-1tp please call (605) 244-5473. B14-tfn

Advertising Rates:

Thank You We would like the thank the Bison Area Mens Club for the generous donation we recently received. This will greatly help with the ongoing medical expenses we have incured lately. Bison is so fortunate to have people and organizations such as this that so freely donate their time and energy trying to make peoples lives better. It is MUCH appreciated. Thanks again, and God Bless you all. Russ & Becky Peacock A big thank you to all of our friends and neighbors who responded so fast to our fire. How blessed we are to have such great fire departments in our area. Again--thank you, thank you, thank you. Jim & Joan Lyon

resumes accepted. Information (605) 837-2410 or (605) 837-2422 Fax (605) 837-2447.

Crocheted dishclothes and pot scrubbers are available at the Bison Courier. B4-tfn Taking orders for embroidered dishtowels for information see Arlis at the Bison Courier or call 244-7199. B8-tfn For Rent For rent: Homestead Heights located in Bison, S.D., has a one and two bedroom apartment available. Homestead Heights is a low-income elderly and disabled Section 8 HUD (Housing and Urban Development) housing facility. We are smoke free. Energy Assistance is available for those who qualify. Utilities are included in the rent. Homestead Heights is an equal housing opportunity. For more information,

Gregorian Inc. in Lemmon, SD is seeking a full time metal forming and finisher. Excellent starting wage. Includes benefits such as group health and life insurance, profit sharing, and paid vacation. Call 605-374-3841 or 1800-658-5534 or send resume to Gregorian Inc. P.O. Box 209 Lemmon, SD 57638. Equal Opportunity Employer. B9-2tc

Employment Gregorian Inc. in Lemmon, SD is seeking a full time welder. Excellent starting wage. Includes benefits such as group health and life insurance, profit sharing, and paid vacation. Call 605-374-3841 or 1-800-658-5534 or send resume to Gregorian Inc. P.O. Box 209 Lemmon, SD 57638. Equal Opportunity Employer. B9-2tc

We would like to thank the following sponsors for the help in making our Excellence in Rangeland Management Tour such a success: Perkins County Conservation District First Interstate Bank Cindys Crop Insurance Lindskov Automotive Your time and effort is greatly appreciated. Thanks again Jim and Nora Anderson Dan Anderson family The Bison Country Club would like to THANK the following sponsors: Dacotah Bank, Bison Bar, Bison Food Store, Bison Implement, Country Inn, Jackson Trenching, Bison Grain Company, Dakota Feed and Seed, Grand Electric, West River Cooperative Telephone Company, Johnson Taxidermy, Smiths Drug. Also, thanks to every one who helped get the golf course ready and who helped with the tournament. Great Job Done!

LOOMIX FEED SUPPLEMENTS is seeking dealers. Motivated individuals with cattle knowledge and community ties. Contact Bethany at 800-870-0356 / to find out if there is a dealership opportunity in your area.


BOOKKEEPER AT THE MADISON DAILY Leader and Leader Printing in Madison, SD. Responsibilities include AP, AR, GL and Payroll accounting. Resumes may be sent to

SERVICE MANAGER, IMMEDIATE OPENING. 5-star Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep dealership. Excellent earnings, benefits, job security. Apply: Jim Gesswein, Gesswein Motors, PO Box 71, Milbank, SD, 57252

WANT A WAY TO PAY off that summer vacation? Join our team! Sell Avon! Work from home. Earn 40% on your first 4 orders. 1-877454-9658. CITY OF HOT SPRINGS is accepting applications for a certified Water\Wastewater Superintendent. Salary $32,500 - $50,000. Contact, Harley Lux, (605)7453135. JACKSON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Worker. Experience in road/bridge construction /maintenance preferred. CDL Preemployment drug and alcohol screening required. Applications / EMPLOYMENT

PIERRE SCHOOL DISTRICT has open teaching positions for middle school math for the 2012-13 school year. Apply online at or Pierre Schools, 211 S Poplar, Pierre SD 57501. EOE

CUSTER CLINIC IS accepting applications for a full-time LPN or Licensed Medical Assistant to join our team in the beautiful southern Black Hills. Salary based on experience; includes excellent benefits. Contact Human Resources at (605)673-2229 ext. 110 for more information or log onto to apply. EEOC/AA. The Menno Pioneer Power Show: Make plans now for the September 22 and 23 show. For more information, visit or call 605-387-5166. ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS statewide for only $150.00. Put the South Dakota Statewide Classifieds Network to work for you today! (25 words for $150. Each additional word $5.) Call this newspaper or 800-658-3697 for details. $1500.00 SIGN-ON BONUS! EXP. OTR Drivers, TBI, 33/34, $375 mo., health ins., credit, 03 safety bonus, Call Joe for details, 800.456.1024, BUYING ANTIQUES. One ITEM to Collection. Also Antique Indian ITEMS. Beadwork, Quillwork, Arrowheads, Artifacts, Guns, Spurs, Coins, Toys, Slot Machines. Serious Buyer. 605-890-0539. WANTED OTR DRIVERS NOTICES EVENTS

Perkins County, in conjunction with the Bison Landfill and Lemmon Landfill, will be accepting waste tires for disposal from Perkins County residents ONLY. A grant was awarded from South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources to allow South Dakota citizens to dispose of waste tires and to clean up waste tire piles.
Stipulations Include: No tires from Dealers or Businesses No tires with rims Must be a resident of Perkins County Waste Tire collection will be held now through the month of September and waste tires can be dropped at the following sites: Lemmon Landfill Site Monday - Wednesday - Friday 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Bison Landfill Site Monday - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to Noon [Published July 26, August 2, August 9, August 16, 2012 at a total approximate cost of $36.00 each week.]

Tire Disposal

Page 16 The Bison Courier Thursday, August 16, 2012

Northwest Farm & Home Supply
Lemmon, SD 40# Hi-pro Country Companion dog food is $14.99 Every day at for details

-Dedication of the new covered grandstands will be Saturday night, August 18, before the rodeo. Everyone come and enjoy the new addition to the fairgrounds! -Dance Saturday night to Double Vision at the Fair Building at 9:30 p.m. -Concessions will be available Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Fairgrounds!

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