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BASIC TRANSMISSION LINE THEORY We say the line as has a series connection of inductance and resistance of l Henries per

meter and r Ohms per meter respectively and a parallel capacitance and conductance of c Farads per meter and g Siemens per meter. Thus taking an infinitesimal segment of line, having length x, we have the model shown below:

Note that r (1/g) in this context Figure 1 An infinitesimal strip of transmission line Clearly, v(x,t) = l x [i(x,t)/t] + rx i(x,t) + v(x+x,t) & i(x,t) = cx [v(x +x,t)/t]+ g x v(x+x,t) + i(x+x,t) Thus collecting the terms with x we get as x approaches 0 -{l [i(x,t)/t]+ri(x,t)} = lim{[v(x+x,t)-v(x,t)]/x} v/x (1) 0 & -{c[v(x,t)/t]+gv(x,t)} = lim{[i(x+x,t)-i(x,t)]/Dx} i/x (2) 0 Now if we differentiate (1) with respect to x and (2) with respect to t we get l [2 i(x,t)/xt] + r [ i(x,t)/x ] = - 2 v(x,t)/x2 ( 1' ) & c[2 v(x,t)/t2] + g [ v(x,t)/t ] = - 2 i(x,t)/tx ( 2' ) Now recognizing that 2 i(x,t)/xt = 2 i(x,t)/tx , we get upon substituting 2 i(x,t)/tx from( 2' ) and i/x from (2) into ( 1' ) that 2v(x,t)/x2 = l c [2v(x,t)/t2]+l g v(x,t)/t +c r v(x,t)/t+rg v(x,t) (3) Likewise differentiating (1) with respect to t and call the result ( 1'' ) , differentiating (2) with respect x calling the result ( 2'' ), using 2v(x,t)/x t = 2v(x,t)/t x, substituting 2v(x,t)/t x from (1'' ), and v/x from (1) into ( 2'' )we get 2i(x,t)/x2 = l c [2i(x,t)/t2]+l g i(x,t)/t+ c r i(x,t)/t+rg i(x,t) (4)

Equations (1), (2), (3), and (4) are called the Telegrapher's Equations.
Exercise: Check the units in the above equations. Use fact that from v=Ldi/dt and i=Cdv/dt get Henries =Volt Sec/Amp and Farads = Amp Sec/Volt. Thus for example equation(1) has Volts/Meter on the right hand side and one term on the left hand side is l i(x,t)/t which would be Ampere Henries/MeterSec

If we assume zero initial conditions and take Laplace transforms we reduce these partial differential equations to the 2nd order ordinary homogeneous linear differential equations of the harmonic oscillator. d2V(x,s)/dx2 =[l c s2 +(l g + c r)s +rg] V(x,s) (3') & d2I(x,s)/dx2 =[l c s2 +(l g + c r)s +rg] I(x,s) (4') . These equations are easily solved, but the general case leads to rather complicated Laplace Transforms. We shall restrict ourselves to the interesting special case of lossless lines, i.e., no damping or r = g = 0. Then the solutions to (3') and (4')are V(x,s) = Aes x +Be-s x (5) and I(x,s) = Ces x +De-s x (6) where = l c The constants are obtained by using the boundary conditions ( see Figure 2 )

+ E(s)




e ( t ) = R 0i ( 0, t ) + v ( 0, t ) v ( L, t ) = R Li ( L, t )

Figure 2 The Boundary Conditions Using the boundary conditions implied by the Figure we get together with (2) (a) E(s) = V(0,s) + I(0,s)R0, (b) V(L,s) = I(L,s)RL, & (c) dI(x,s)/dx = -s c V(x,s) Applying (c) to (5) and (6) we get s(Ces x - De-s x) = -s c[ Aes Since this is true for all x, C = -A c & D= B c . We now define Zc as /c , and write A= - Zc C and B= Zc D. Thus (a) is E(s) = A + B + R0 ( -A/Zc +B/Zc), and (b) is Ae s x +Be-s x = [(-A/ Zc)es L +(B/ Zc)e-s L ] RL. Combining terms to get A&B : (e) Zc E(s) = A(Zc - R0) + B(Zc + R0) and (f) 0 = Aes
L x



(Zc + RL ) + Be-s

(Zc - RL).

Now we multiply (e) by es

(Zc + RL) and (f) by (Zc - R0) to get

Zc es

(Zc + RL)E(s) = Aes 0

= Ae


(Zc + RL)( Zc - R0)+Bes (Zc+ RL)( Zc - R0)+Be



(Zc + RL)( Zc + R0) (Zc - RL)( Zc - R0)


Substrac ting w e get B= e

(Zc + R L )E(s)Zc
0 c L c 0


[(Z + R )(Z + R )] [(Z R )(Z R )]e

c L c

Dividing num erator and denom inator by c + R L )(Zc + R 0 )] [(Z We now define =

R 0 Zc R 0 + Zc B =

and =

R L Zc R L + Zc

to get

e Ls E(s)Z / (Z + R ) e Ls 0 e
L c 0 Ls

from the sec ond equation w e then get = A


(Zc R L )B


(Zc + R L )


Units note: L is meters, i is amperes,v is volts, l is Henries per meter, and c is Farads per meter Henries =Volt Sec/Amp, and Farads = Amp Sec/Volt.

Transmission Line Homework ( HW # 8)

1) Suppose a lossless line is matched at the output, i.e., L = 0, 0 is arbitrary.

Determine v(x,t) for any e(t).

2) Find L [ f(t) ] for the periodic f(t) shown below by following the hint.

f(t) 2 -a

2a 3a 4a


a) Find the period b) Note that f(t)/2 can be written as u(t-a) u(t-3a) c) Find the general term and determine its Laplace Transform F(s). d) Sum the series for F(s) c) Can you easily deduce the Fourier Series for f(t)?

3) Consider a lossless line with Z0 = 0 , l =1H/m, and c =1 F/m. Thus ZC = 1 .

Further suppose RL = -1 . Then L , and the Laplace Transform solution for V(x,s) has no meaning. Return to the original Telegrapher's Equations and use the boundary conditions Z0 = 0 , RL = -1 to show that v(l,t) = e(t+L). WHAT IS THIS CIRCUIT CALLED?

4) Do HW # 9

HW # 9 Transmission Lines
1) Show that for any e(t), v(L,t) = [RL /( RL + ZC)]e(t-Llc )

R0 = Zc
+ e(t) _ Zc


+ v(L,t) _

2) Suppose the line is matched at the output instead of the input ( L = 0, but 0 might not be 0). Determine v(x,t) for any e(t). 3)-A- For a shorted lossless line of characteristic impedance of 1, find the Laplace Transform of the unit step response for I(L,s). From this determine the Laplace Transform of the impulse response. t=0

1 V.

i(L,t) L

B- If = 1 sec/meter, L = 1 meter, find i(L,t) and sketch it for 0 < t < 5 sec C- ( optional ) Can you write i(L,t) g(t) + a periodic function? 1 2 2e -s 1 Find L 1 by using = 1 + x + x 2 + on s = and noting that L ( (t - a) ) = e -as 4) -s -2s 1- x e e sinh s 1 e 5) If the short circuit in problem 3 is replaced by an open circuit, derive V(L,s). Can you recognize what v(L,t) = ?

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