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Customer Success Story

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How MTV India increased clicks by 1290% using
PageLevers Custom Post Tagging
MTV India
MTV India
Mumbai, India
1290% increase in
510% increase in reach
Massive increases of
every form of Facebook
Lasting competitive
advantage - MTv Roadies
continues to be one of the
most engaging Pages on
MTV India used Custom Post Tagging to compare the performance
of posts containing multiple photos versus posts containing a sin-
gle photo. They discovered that by posting multiple photos at a
time, 1290% more of their fans clicked on their post, and these
posts reached hundreds of thousands more people.
Ekalavya Bhattacharya
Head of Digital, MTV India
When Pages post a single photo, many fans view the photo, but never click,
because the entire photo is already visible - they have already seen the photo.
Without a click, Facebook cannot track consumptions, so when users view, but
do not click on a photo, this does not factor into News Feed distribution.
Customer Success Story
However, when Pages post multiple photos at a time, fans get curious and click
on the photos, clicking through them like they would a friends photo album.
These clicks signal to Facebook that the photos are successfully engaging the
Pages fans, and Facebook subsequently shows the post to a higher percentage
of the Pages audience.
8y undersLandlng Lhls subLle dlerence ln user experlence, and maklng sure each
photo post contained multiple photos, MTV India was able to reach and engage
hundreds of thousands more fans and consistently rank as one of the most en-
gaging Pages on Facebook.
whlle an cpLlmlzaLlcn llke Lhls appears subLle and superfclal, Lhe resulLs
demonstrate the importance of understanding the News Feed and having tools
Lc analyze daLa - ncL |usL repcrL lL, because dlsccverles llke Lhese are sc cnen
counter-intuitive and beyond many community managers. By using PageLevers
Custom Post Tagging, MTV India was able to compare reach and engagement
meLrlcs fcr dlerenL pcsL Lypes and undersLand whaL was drlvlng success, sc Lhey
could replicate it again.
An example post from the MTV Roadies Facebook Page - to the creative
Jepcrtment, tl|s looks cwfol - fcces cnJ letters cre cotof, cnJ tleres
no cctcly lecJl|ne ct tle top. Bot tlcts excctly wlct Jrove lonJreJs of
thousands more fans to click and engage - they wanted to know whose
fcces were cotof, wlct tle text |n tle |mce scys, cnJ wlct tle ccpt|on
read for each photo.
Multiple Photo Post
Customer Success Story
With customers ranging from Fortune 500 companies to digital agencies to bou-
tique consultants, thousands of Facebook Pages rely on PageLever Analytics to
measure, analyze and optimize their marketing.
We believe in actionable analytics, where content is driven by data, and a future
where markeLlng ls perscnallzed, LargeLed, and dlrecLly measured. we're exclL-
ed to be part of this future, and are dedicated to providing our customers with
elegant solutions that help them achieve meaningful results.
Founded in 2010, PageLever is built for and by social media marketers. Before
PageLever, members of our team led strategy and optimized some of the largest
Pages on Facebook - we know what its like to be in your shoes.
We are a member of Facebooks Preferred Marketing Developer (PMD) program.
For more information, visit, like our Facebook Page, or
follow us on Twitter.
2012 - PageLever, Inc. All rights reserved.
San Francisco, California
Jesse Channon
vP, Business Development
(202) 596-5803
About PageLever
PageLever is the worlds leading analytics solution for Facebook Pages.

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