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Theme-Based Ministry Resource Flyer

UUofSCV Mission
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Clarita Valley enhances the lives of members through spiritual development and active service in the community. We offer a diverse, non-dogmatic spiritual home to all who share our values as dened by the Unitarian Universalist Association. We provide a liberal religious voice, a social justice presence in the Santa Clarita Valley, and a stimulating and supportive environment to help our members on their own spiritual journeys during all stages of their lives.
Circular designs like the one pictured above left are often used to represent unity. What others can you think of?

Unity is dened as the act, state or quality of wholeness; of harmony achieved through the joining together of different parts. Since life involves the complex relationship between many different parts (far more than we even know), humanitys experience of unity has long been considered a challenge: rare, elusive, and perhaps even impossible. It comes as no surprise that even the most successful, spiritual or contented individuals can feel disconnected, lonely, out of place, or like something vital is missing. The yearning for internal (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual) cohesiveness, as well as for unity with and between others (family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, political parties, nations, eco-systems, etc.) is apparently timeless and universal. But unity is often envisioned as something

existing only in the distant past: in the biblical Garden of Eden, childhood, the mothers womb, etc. Or in the distant future: that perfect job, partner, president, or heavenly lair. And/or as something that involves voluntary suppression of intellect and reason in the here and now. Over the centuries stories, philosophies, religions and secular laws have sought to explain and remedy the human experience of separateness, of restless discontent, fear and yearning so common within and among us all. Many of them contribute to and worsen the problem through divisive doctrines inspiring divinely sanctioned fear and abuse of others, as well as paralyzing guilt and self-hatred. (Weve seen much of that in the news this summer.) But its important to know that they can also offer helpful insights, guidelines and practices. Learning about the beliefs, rituals and stories of other traditions can encourage a healthy balance between the fact that we are complex individuals, and are part of a greater whole - that remains largely mysterious to us! In doing so, we can come closer to understanding who we are and need to be, for ourselves and for one another. Unitarian Universalism encourages and protects diversity (all the parts that make up the whole of life), as well as the freedom to gure out what helps to create UNITY and what hinders. Theres no prescription formula for this. But at UUofSCV your experiences, curiosity, insights and covenanted good will are valued essentials! I look forward to re-uniting with you on Sunday, September 9th. In Awe & Gratitude, Rev. Stefanie

(Try to doodle or draw them here)

Each September UUofSCV celebrates congregational UNITY through focus on the unifying element of water. Bring a few drops of water to the Water Communion service on Sunday, September 23rd.

Unitarian Universalists of Santa Clarita Valley


Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. 22900 Market St., Newhall, CA

The Reverend Stefanie Etzbach-Dale

The Campaign (R) Glory (R) The White Balloon (UR) Harmony in Diversity (NR) The Dish (PG-13) Antz (PG) Hedwig (R) Ghandi (R) Dead Man Walking (R) Babe (G)

What stories of unity or experiences of it inspire/motivate you? How so? List your religious values and describe some ways in which they are expressed through your relationships with others and with yourself - and how they could become even more integrated. Who or what might you seek to include in your awareness of and response to lifes unity?

Quotes to consider:
It is because one antelope will blow the dust from anothers eye that two walk together. - Akan (Ghana) Proverb Know all human beings to be repositories of Divine Light. Sikh Proverb I look upon all creatures equally. - Hindu (Bhagavad Gita 9.29)


The Whole World Kin. Frederick Muir The Souls of Animals. Gary Kowalski The Naked Now. Richard Rohr Ubuntu. Michael Battle Beyond Vengeance, Beyond Duality. Sylvia Clute The Essential Mystics. Andrew Harvey A Hidden Wholeness. Parker Palmer

Listen to a piece of music, focusing on the individual instruments and notes, as well as to its overall effect. How does this feel? Learn about and be an ally for a different culture, religion or view point. Take note of all the people, animals, or plants you encounter in a given day - especially those you do not personally know. Spend a few moments each day thinking of someone who frightens or angers you, focusing on the ways you are or might be alike? When sitting down to a meal, consider everyone and everything that went into its various components: how, where and by whom the food was grown, harvested, packaged, shipped, sold, prepared, served, etc. Say a few words of thanks. Donate money or volunteer to assure adequate healthy food for others. Watching TV or reading the newspaper, notice stories of peace, healing, harmony, and unity. Share them. Contribute to that movement in the world. Vote accordingly. Breathe, knowing that each breath you take contains particles that have been in circulation on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years, in various forms.

The reason why the world lacks unity and lies broken and in heaps is because man is disunited in himself. - R.W. Emerson Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. - Ephesians 4:3 Our true reality is our identity and unity with all life. - Joseph Campbell I am part and parcel of the whole. - Mahatma Ghandi Unity is where one and one and one and one and one and one is one. - Scott Roewe Join in hand, brave Americans all! by uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. - John Dickenson; the Liberty Song of 1768. What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah: all the rest is commentary. - Talmud, Shabbath 31a


To Everything There is A Season. Dillon Children Just Like Me. Kindersley Im Like You, Youre Like Me. Cindy Gainer Where the Wild Things Are. Sendak

Write about a situation where you felt at odds with another person/ entity or with yourself, and then about a situation where you felt a sense of deep unity. Describe these situations in detail. What do they feel like? What aspects of unity (or lack thereof) do you recognize? What gets in your way of experiencing or feeling unity?

Next months theme is


UUofSCVs Theme-Based Ministry is a religious education program offering a variety of opportunities for people of all ages to engage with timeless theological themes - encouraging spiritual literacy, relationships, and a stronger sense of responsible personal theology. The 2012-2013 (September-May) themes are: unity, vocation, gratitude, peace, grace, prayer, letting go, salvation, and truth. Contact Rev. Stefanie ( to speak with her about your ideas on this months theme, or if you have a book, poem, lm, story, practice, or service project recommendation relating to next months theme. You may also contact the contact the Committee on Shared Ministry: Rick Kamlet, Sara Brown, Gerri Brehm.

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