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Listening Assignment #2: Don Giovanni Deadline: 12:00 noon, Saturday, April 23, 2011; via email (mzeck@uchicago.


Music 101

Spring 2011


This assignment is intended to increase your familiarity with the function and characteristics of solo arias, recitative, and ensemble singing in Mozarts opera Don Giovanni. Don Giovanni, Act 1: Scene 1 Don Giovanni, Act 1: Scene 16 The recordings and the full libretto are available on Chalk. Act 1: Scene 1 is found on pp. 1-10 of the full libretto and Act 1: Scene 16 is found on pp. 79-82 of the full libretto. For your convenience, I have also placed the texts from both scenes (in English and in Italian) at the end of this document. Read the plot summary of Don Giovanni (link posted on Chalk). Refer to the libretto (posted on Chalk as a .pdf file). Review your notes from the movie viewing. Listen to the excerpts included in your 6-CD set and discussed in your textbook. *Be sure to listen to the music multiple times in conjunction with the text. Once you are familiar with the operas dramatic action, please consider the following two groups of questions. Answer each group of questions in a well-formed set of paragraphs. You should expect to devote about 1.5 double-spaced pages to each set of questions (total of 34 pages). When describing the music, cite specific timings to indicate the section to which you are referring. 1. This question asks you to consider how the opening scene works. Listen to the operas opening scene (Act 1: Scene 1) and pay attention to the succession of its three main components: (1) Leporellos aria, and the following two ensembles (2) Don Giovanni/Donna Anna/Leporello and (3) Don Giovanni /Commendatore/ Leporello). How does this scene serve to open the opera and what does it tell us about Mozarts sense of dramatic pacing? How do the characters music and text interact? How does this scene help create the tension between buffa (comic) and seria (tragic) elements in the opera? 2. This question asks you about Zerlinas aria Batti, batti, o bel Masetto from Act I, scene 16. What is the dramatic function of this aria in the opera? (Please look at the preceding and following recitatives.) Where does the character fit in the social order delineated in the opera, and how is her place expressed musically? Pay attention to the form of the aria. How does the form of the text (the division into stanzas or rhyme schemes) relate to the music? How do the repetitions of the text and music help shape the overall form of the aria? What is the function of the orchestra? Finally, can you detect any similarity to the duet La ci darem la mano, discussed in your textbook?




The Questions:

Listening Assignment #2: Don Giovanni Deadline: 12:00 noon, Saturday, April 23, 2011; via email (

Music 101

Spring 2011

ATTO I, SCENA 1 Leporello con ferraiuolo, che passegia davanti la casa di Donna Anna; poi Don Giovanni, Donna Anna; indi il Commendatore. Commendatore. Leporello Notte e giorno faticar, Per chi nulla sa gradir; Piova e vento sopportar, Mangiar male e mal dormir Voglio far il gentiluomo, E non voglio pi servir. Oh, che caro galantuomo! Vuol star dentro colla bella, Ed io far la sentinella! Ma mi par che venga gente; Non mi voglio far sentir. (Sasconde) Donna Anna (tenendo forte pel braccio Don Giovanni, ed egli cercando sempre di celarsi) Non sperar, se non m'uccidi, Ch'io ti lascio fuggir mai! Don Giovanni Donna folle! indarno gridi! Chi son io tu non saprai. Leporello (a parte) Che tumulto! Oh ciel, che gridi! Il padron in nuovi guai. Donna Anna Gente! servi! al traditore! Don Giovanni Taci, e trema al mio furore! Donna Anna Scellerato!

ACT I, SCENE 1 Leporello, in a cloak, pacing up and down in front of Donna Annas house; then Don Giovanni and Donna Anna; later the Leporello Night and day I slave, For one whom nothing pleases, Enduring rain and wind, Ill fed and short of sleep! Id like to live the life of a gentleman And serve no more. Oh, what a fine gallant! He likes to be indoors with a beauty While I keep watch outside! But I think someone is coming I do not want them to hear me. (He hides) Donna Anna (holding tightly to the arm of Don Giovanni, who is still trying to conceal himself) Unless you kill me, you need not hope Ill ever let you escape. Don Giovanni Crazy woman! you cry out in vain! Who I am you shall not know. Leporello (aside) What a noise! Heavens, what an uproar! Master is in trouble again. Donna Anna Help me, someone! Seize the traitor! Don Giovanni Be quiet, or fear my rage! Donna Anna Vile monster!

Listening Assignment #2: Don Giovanni Deadline: 12:00 noon, Saturday, April 23, 2011; via email (

Music 101

Spring 2011

Don Giovanni Sconsigliata! Leporello (a parte) Sta a veder che il malandrino Mi far precipitar! Donna Anna Come furia disperata Ti sapr perseguitar! Don Giovanni Questa furia disperata Mi vuol far precipitar! (Donna Anna sentendo il Commendatore lascia Don Giovanni ed entra in casa.) Il Commendatore Lasciala, indegno, Battiti meco! Don Giovanni Va, non mi degno Di pugnar teco. Il Commendatore Cos pretendi da me fuggir? Leporello (a parte) Potessi almeno di qua partir! Don Giovanni Misero, attendi, Se vuoi morir! (Combattono.) Il Commendatore (mortalmente ferito) Ah, soccorso! son tradito! L'assassino m'ha ferito, E dal seno palpitante Sento l'anima partir.

Don Giovanni She is raving! Leporello (aside) You will see the scoundrel will land me in trouble. Donna Anna Like a desperate Fury, I will know how to pursue you! Don Giovanni This wild Fury will bring about my downfall! (Donna Anna, hearing the Commendatore, releases Don Giovanni and goes into the house.) Commendatore Leave her alone, wretch! Draw and defend yourself! Don Giovanni Go away! I disdain to fight with you. Commendatore Thus you think to escape me? Leporello (aside) If I could only get out of here! Don Giovanni Poor fool, so be it, if you really wish to die! (They fight.) Commendatore (mortally wounded) Help! I have been betrayed! The assassin has wounded me And from my throbbing breast I feel my soul escaping.

Listening Assignment #2: Don Giovanni Deadline: 12:00 noon, Saturday, April 23, 2011; via email (

Music 101

Spring 2011

Don Giovanni Ah, gi cade il sciagurato, Affannoso e agonizzante, Gi dal seno palpitante Veggo l'anima partir. Leporello Qual misfatto! qual eccesso! Entro il sen dallo spavento Palpitar il cor mi sento! Io non so che far, che dir. (Il Commendatore muore.) ATTO I, SCENA 16 RECITATIVO Zerlina Masetto... senti un po'! Masetto, dico! Masetto Non mi toccar. Zerlina Perch? Masetto Perch mi chiedi? Perfida! Il tocco sopportar dovrei d'una mano infedele? Zerlina Ah no! taci, crudele! Io non merto da te tal trattamento. Masetto Come! Ed hai l'ardimento di scusarti? Star solo con un uom! abbandonarmi man il d delle mie nozze! Porre in fronte a un villano d'onore questa marca d'infamia! Ah, se non fosse lo scandalo, vorrei Zerlina Ma se colpa io non ho, ma se da lui ingannata rimasi; e poi, che temi? fear? Tranquillati, mia vita; non mi tocc

Don Giovanni Ah, already the wretch has fallen And he gasps for air. From his heaving breast I already See his soul departing. Leporello What a misdeed! What a crime! I can feel my heart Beating hard from fright! I don't know what to do or say. (The Commendatore dies.) ACT I, SCENE 16 RECITATIVE Zerlina Masetto, listen to me. Masetto, I say. Masetto Don't touch me. Zerlina But why? Masetto You ask me why? Cheat! I should put up with anything from a hussy like you? Zerlina Ah, no! Don't speak that way, cruel man. I don't deserve such treatment from you. Masetto What? You have the face to make excuses? To leave me and go off alone with another On our wedding day itself! To shame an honest working man in such a manner! Ah, if it were not for the scandal, I would like to Zerlina But if I am not to blame? If I have been tricked by him? And then, what do you Calm yourself, my love, he did not touch

Listening Assignment #2: Don Giovanni Deadline: 12:00 noon, Saturday, April 23, 2011; via email (

Music 101

Spring 2011

la punta della dita. Non me lo credi? it? Ingrato! Vien qui, sfogati, ammazzami, Kill me! fa tutto di me quel che ti piace, ma poi, Masetto mio, ma poi fa pace. ARIA Zerlina Batti, batti, o bel Masetto, La tua povera Zerlina: Star qui come agnellina Le tue botte ad aspettar. Lascier straziarmi il crine, Lascier cavarmi gli occhi, E le care tue manine Lieta poi sapr baciar. Batti, batti, o bel Masetto, ecc. Ah, lo vedo, non hai core! Pace, pace, o vita mia, In contento ed allegria Notte e d vogliam passar. (Parte.) RECITATIVO Masetto Guarda un po' come seppe questa strega sedurmi! Siamo pure i deboli di testa! Ecc.

even the tips of my fingers. You dont believe Ungrateful one! Come here! Vent your anger! Do everything you want to me, but afterwards, my Masetto, let us make peace. ARIA Zerlina Beat me, beat me, dear Masetto. Beat your poor Zerlina. I'll stay here like a lamb And await your every blow. Ill let you pull my hair out, Ill let you gouge my eyes out And then happily I will kiss Your wonderfully sweet hands. Beat me, beat me, dear Masetto, etc. Ah, I see you have no heart! Let's make peace, my own true love. In happiness and joy Lets pass our days and nights. (Exit.) RECITATIVO Masetto Just see how this little witch knew how to get around me! We men are so weak-minded. Etc.

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