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Problem #1: John has 800 dollars in his checking account.

He received from his job a check for 1,200 dollars and deposit the amount in his checking account. How much money does he have in his checking after the deposit? Solution The fact of receiving money from his job is a gain. Therefore, we need to perform addition

Total amount in checking account = 800 + 1200 = 2000 dollars Problem #2: Peter sells ice cream for a living. On Monday his revenue was 150 dollars. On Tuesday, his revenue was 100 dollars. Finally, on Wednesday, his revenue was 50 dollars. How much is Peter's revenue so far? Solution Peter is experiencing a gain in revenue. Therefore, we use addition.

Peter's revenue = 150 + 50 + 100 = 300 dollars Problem #3: Eiffel Tower is about 1063 feet high. The Statue of Liberty along with its foundation and pedestal is about 305 feet. If you could put the Statue of Liberty on top of the Eiffel Tower, how high up in heaven will the two monuments reach? Solution The situation above is a combination of parts to form a whole. Therefore, we use addition.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 138 inches. The length exceeds the width by 65 inches. Find the length and width. P = 2l + 2w l = w + 65 138 = 2(...

Problem #1: Peter has 20 dollars in his pocket. He buys a 32 ounces vanilla ice cream for 8 dollars. How much is Peter's change? Solution In this situation, Peter is experiencing a loss because some money will be taken away from him for the ice cream. Therefore, we need to do subtraction

Peter's change = 20 - 8 = 18 dollars Problem #2: Suppose that a car dealer has an inventory of 15,258 Honda Accord they have to sell by the end of 2008. Suppose they don't meet their goals and sell only 12456 Honda Accord by the end of 2008. How many cars are left in the back yard? Solution In this situation, we are removing parts from a whole to get the leftover. Therefore, we do subtraction

Number of cars in the back yard = 15258 - 12456 = 2802

Problem #3 At a local supermarket, a box of cereal usually costs 5.56 dollars. This week, the supermarket sells the box of cereal for 3.42 dollars. How much money will you save if you buy this cereal at this supermarket? Solution In this situation, there is a decrease in the price. Therefore, we use subtraction.

Saving = 5.56 - 3.42 = 2.14 dollars Example #3: A recipe needs 1/4 tablespoon salt. How much salt does 8 such recipe need? Solution This word problem requires multiplication of fractions Instead of adding 1/4 eight times, we can just do: 1/4 8 = 1/4 8/1 = 8/4 = 2 To make 8 recipes, we need 2 tablespoons of salt. Exercises #4: Peter's truck gets him 10 2/3 miles per gallon. Suppose Peter's tank is empty and he puts 5 1/2 gallons, how far can Peter go with the truck? Solution This word problem requires too multiplication. Also, Note that both numbers are mixed numbers. Thus, you have to convert them to improper fractions before you multiply. 10 2/3 5 1/2 = (10 3 + 2)/3 (5 2 +1)/2 = 32/3 11/2 10 2/3 5 1/2 = (32 11)/6 = 352/6 = 58.66 miles

Example #1: John walked 1/2 of a mile yesterday and 3/4 of a mile today. How many miles has John walked? Solution This word problem requires addition of fractions Choosing a common denominator of 4, we get 1/2 + 3/4 = 2/4 + 3/4 = 5/4 So, John walked a total of 5/4 miles

Example #2: Mary is preparing a final exam. She study 3/2 hours on Friday, 6/4 hours on Saturday, and 2/3 hours on Sunday. How many hours she studied over the weekend Solution This word problem requires addition of fractions Choosing a common denominator of 12, we get: 3/2 + 5/4 + 2/3 = 18/12 + 15/12 + 8/12 = 41/12 = 3.42 hours So, Mary studied a total of 3.42 hours Example #3: A recipe requires 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 3/4 teaspoon black pepper, and 1/4 teaspoon red pepper. How much pepper does this recipe need? Solution Choosing 4 as a common denominator, we get: 1/4 + 3/4 + 1/2 = 4/4 + 3/4 + 2/4 = 9/4 = 2.25 So, the recipe needs 2.25 or 2 teaspoon and one-fourth of a teaspoon pepper.
Example #1: A recipe needs 3/4 teaspoon black pepper and 1/4 red pepper. How much more black pepper does the recipe need? This fraction word problem requires subtraction Solution: The fact that the problem is asking how much more black pepper the recipe needs is an indication that 3/4 is bigger than 1/4 However, it does not hurt to check! 3/4 - 1/4 = 2/4 = 1/2 The black pepper is 1/2 of a teaspoon more than the red pepper. Example #2: A football player advances 2/3 of a yard. A second player in the same team advances 5/4 of a yard. How much more yard did the second player advance? Again, we need to perform subtraction to solve this problem. Solution 5/4 - 2/3 = 15/12 - 8/12 = 7/12 6/12 is = 1/2, so 7/12 is just a bit more than half. So, the second player advanced by about about half of a yard more Example #3: John lives 3/8 mile from the Museum of Science. Sylvia leaves 1/4 mile from the Museum of Science. How much closer is Sylvia from the museum? Solution The fact that the word problem is saying how much closer Sylvia is is an indication that 1/4 is smaller


3/8 - 1/4 = 3/8 - 2/8 = 1/8 Sylvia is closer to the library by 1/8 mile. You can also say that John is further away by 1/8 mile. Example #1: An Italian sausage is 8 inches long. How many pieces of sausage can be cut from the 8-inch piece of sausage if each piece is to be two-thirds of an inch ? Solution Since you are trying to find out how many two-thirds there are in 8, it is a division of fractions problem. So, divide 8 by 2/3 8 2/3 = 8/1 2/3 = 8/1 3/2 = 24/2 = 12 Therefore, you can make 12 pieces having a length of 2/3 inches Example #2 How many halves are there in six-fourth? Again, since you are trying to find out how many halves there are in six-fourth, it is a division of fractions problem. So, divide 6/4 by 1/2 6/4 1/2 = 6/4 2/1 = 12/4 = 3 Therefore, there are 3 halves in six-fourth Example #3: An airplane covers 50 miles in 1/5 hours. How many miles can the airplane cover in 5 hours? This problem is a combination of division and multiplication of fractions First, find out how many fifths (1/5) are there in 5. This is a division of fractions problem So, divide 5 by 1/5 5 1/5 = 5/1 1/5 = 5/1 5/1 = 25/1 = 25 Then, multiply 50 by 25 to get 1250 In 5 hours, the airplane will cover 1250 miles Example #3: 3y2 + 14y + 8 3y2 + 14y + 8 = 3y2 + 12y + 2y + 8 = (3y2 + 12y) + (2y + 8) = 3y(y + 4) + 2(y + 4) So, 3y2 + 14y + 8 =(y + 4)(3y + 2)

Example #1: Factor x2 + 2x + 1 Notice that x2 + 2x + 1 = x2 + 2x + 12 Using x2 + 2x + 12, we see that... the first term is x2 and the base is x the last term is 12 and the base is 1 Put the bases inside parentheses with a plus between them (x + 1)

Raise everything to the second power (x + 1)2 and you are done Example #2: Factor x2 + 24x + 144 But wait before we continue, we need to establish something important when factoring perfect square trinomials. . How do we know when a trinomial is a perfect square trinomial? This is important to check this because if it is not, we cannot use the model described above Think of checking this as part of the process when factoring perfect square trinomials We will use example #2 to show you how to check this Start the same way you started example #1: Notice that x2 + 24x + 144 = x2 + 24x + 122 Using x2 + 24x + 122, we see that... the first term is x2 and the base is x the last term is 122 and the base is 12 Now, this is how you check if x2 + 24x + 122 is a perfect square If 2 times (base of first term) times (base of last term) = second term, the trinomial is a perfect square If the second term is negative, check using the following instead -2 times (base of first term) times (base of last term) = second term Since the second term is 24x and 2 x 12 = 24x, x2 + 24x + 122 is perfect and we factor like this Put the bases inside parentheses with a plus between them (x + 12)

Raise everything to the second power (x + 12)2 and you are done Example #3: Factor p2 + -18p + 81 Notice that p2 + -18p + 81 = p2 + -18p + 92 Using p2 + -18p + 92, we see that... the first term is p2 and the base is p

the last term is 92 and the base is 9 Since the second term is -18p and -2 p 9 = -18p, p2 + -18p + 92 is a perfect square and we factor like this Put the bases inside parentheses with a minus between them (p 9)

Raise everything to the second power (p 9)2 and you are done Example #4: Factor 4y2 + 48y + 144 Notice that 4y2 + 48y + 144 = (2y)2 + 48y + 122 (2y)2 + 48y + 122, we see that... the first term is (2y)2 and the base is 2y the last term is 122 and the base is 12 Since the second term is 48y and 2 2y 12 = 48y, (2y)2 + 48p + 122 is a perfect square and we factor like this Put the bases inside parentheses with a plus between them (2y + 12)

Raise everything to the second power (2y + 12)2 and you are done

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