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August 21, 2012 Mr.

Carl Sparks President and CEO, Travelocity Global Executive Offices 11603 Crosswinds Way, Suite 125 San Antonio, TX 78233 Dear Mr. Sparks: I just wanted to send you a letter to describe my experience with your organization. On July 25, 2012 6 friends and I booked a package that included flights and accommodation to Las Vegas from Edmonton, Alberta on November 23-26, 2012. This trip was going to a fun getaway; four of my friends were going to Las Vegas for their first time. We used a promotion code (NFB2012) that had been featured on several travel blogs in Canada and the United States that gave us a $200 discount. I later learned that the official Travelocity Twitter account also re-tweeted this code out. The promotion code did not have any restrictions listed and all six of us received confirmation emails with confirmed seats on the same Air Canada flight and hotel in Las Vegas. On August 3, 2012 I received an email from Travelocity advising me that, we have determined that you were not eligible to use the promo code and, therefore, we have cancelled your reservation. Lets discuss this email Mr. Sparks. In this 84-word email your Customer Service Team did not explain the refund process. In fact there was no mention of this, just that our trip was cancelled. There was no phone call to explain the situation or to come to a suitable arrangement, such as paying the difference. Your organization determined that cancelling the estimated 2,000-3,000 trips (as reported in the media) would be the best option. Immediately, your call center became jammed with callers and if you were lucky and got through (I tried several times with no luck) you were told that the trips were not cancelled and that indeed the trips were confirmed. The next day (August 4, 2012) I receive another email from Travelocity and my favorite line from it is, We are sorry that your plans have changed. Your Vacation Package reservation has been canceled. Oh the irony, because Mr. Sparks as you can appreciate, I never cancelled my trip, Travelocity did. However, that is not even the worse part of the email. It shows that I am eligible for a $0.00 refund. Mr. Sparks I am a pretty calm guy, in fact I like to think I stay cool in situations when I am frustrated, however, I had some pretty choice words after reading this email! Lets discuss the next correspondence I received 96 hours later by Travelocity on August 8, 2012, the one where the customer service team, wanted to set the record straight about the NFB2012 promo code. Only took 5 days but I thought this email would certainly address my many questions and finally resolve this awful situation. From that email, I am now aware that this NFB2012 code was given as a goodwill token to the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) 2012 conference attendants and only these members should have used the code. (One can only guess as to why your organization felt it was appropriate to send all correspondence by email to everyone affected, I am sure your NFB members appreciated this.) In this email your customer service team stated, Unfortunately, there has been some confusion among those of you whose bookings were cancelled regarding refunds and cancellation fees. For once Mr. Sparks I have to agree with your organization, there was a lot of confusion! However, in that email there was no indication as to when the cancellation would be processed. So lets fast-forward to today, August 21, 2012. It is a beautiful summer today in Edmonton and I have put the entire chaotic and horrible experience with your organization behind me. I still have not received a refund although I am assured it will be refunded later this week. (I

will believe it when I see it!) I receive a phone call from one of my 6 friends that had originally booked the trip and she tells me that she is not able to get a refund because her trip is not cancelled. It was wrong for me to assume that all 6 of our trips booked on the same date with the same code would be cancelled. No your organization really wants to make our lives miserable and make it impossible to rebook with another reputable travel provider. In her email dated today: We have completed the cancellation of all trips affected by the usage of the NFB promotional code. Your trip remains active and will not be cancelled. We will not be continuing with any additional cancellations regarding this issue, and we assure you that your trip will not be cancelled due to the misuse of the NFB promo code. Travelocity decides to cancel only 4 of the 7 trips. In fact Mr. Sparks I made that booking for my friend that was not cancelled, right after I booked mine with the computer, same flight, hotel and with the NFB2012 code that your organization deemed that I was not eligible to use. I was shocked, literally shocked. I found out that 2 of my other friends were in the situation. One of your customer service team even suggested that my friend attended the National Federation Blind Conference. I found out that conference was held this July in Dallas and I can assure you Mr. Sparks, she and my other 2 friends were not in attendance. My 3 friends do not have the option of cancelling their trips without a penalty fee. To summarize Mr. Sparks, your organization decided to randomly cancel confirmed trips from your clients that used the NFB2012 promo code, without getting permission from your customers and whom 20 days are still awaiting a refund. However, your organization decided not to cancel all of the trips even though the same code, flights and accommodations were booked within minutes of one another and finally when it become apparent that you had already ruined a planned vacation by cancelling more than half of the groups trip your organization will not cancel the remaining 3 trips without a penalty fee. In conclusion, I can only chuckle when I read about your organizations guarantee. The Travelocity Guarantee is our seal on your traveler rights, a promise to our customers that we'll do our utmost to take care of you - that when you book with Travelocity, 'you'll never roam alone.' This promise extends to your entire trip experience. Please explain to me Mr. Sparks how my friend and I were taken care of. Your organization ruined our vacation. I look forward to hearing from you, Anthony Falls

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