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Health & Safety A Guide to Guidelines Sewer Selection Sewerage Construction Works and Installation

Sewerage Construction Works

For many years in the past, there is little regards for work safety in the sewerage industry. Serious injuries and even fatalities have occurred numerous times. The unrecorded or less minor injuries are even more uncountable. Although there exists laws in Malaysia, such as Factories and Machinery Act 1967, OSHA, etc., protecting the workers in sewerage works, they are by no means compete and specific enough for sewerage workers since these laws are purposely written general, so that they can cater for all industries. Furthermore, these laws are not easily understandable or accessible for low level workers in sewerage works. In due of this, a simple safety guide in a form of simple safety advice with illustrations were prepared for the sewerage workers. It is hoped that with the understanding of this simple guide, the work safety awareness of the user will be raised to a level that the sewerage works can be conducted safely.

Pada masa lalu, terlalu kurang tumpuan diberikan kepada keselamatan pekerja-pekerja di industri pembetungan. Kecederaan serius atau yang membawa maut telah banyak berlaku. Apatah lagi bagi kejadian yang kecil yang tidak dilaporkan. Walaupun terdapat undang-undang ini di Malaysia seperti Akta Kilang dan Jentera 1967, OSHA dan sebagainya yang melindungi pekerja-pekerja di sektor pembetungan, tidaklah bermakna ia lengkap dan mencukupi kerana ianya di tulis secara am untuk semua industri. Tambahan pula ianya tidak mudah di fahami oleh golongan pekerja bawahan di sektor pembetungan. Oleh yang demikian, satu panduan ringkas telah di buat berserta dengan ilustrasi menarik untuk kegunaan pekerja di sektor pembetungan. Adalah diharapkan dengan pemahaman panduan ini, kesedaran tentang keselamatan akan bertambah. Justeru itu, kerja-kerja pembetungan dapat dijalankan dengan selamat.

Prepared by/Disediakan oleh, Planning and Engineering Department Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works


This document was a cooperative effort between IWK Planning & Engineering Department (PED) and Health and Safety Unit, IWK Operation & Maintenance Department (OMD). To all, PED would like to express recognition and appreciation to the following personnel in developing this document.

Mohd Riza Khatib Khor Bee Chin Aidill Sapary Tamin Ruzaini Bin Ahmad Jani

Sewerage Construction Works

Table of Contents

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Sewerage Construction Works

1.0 INTRODUCTION SAFETY, RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL Each year, the accident occurred in the sewerage works, resulting: Loss of lives Loss of man hours Loss of money

PENGENALAN KESELAMATAN TANGGUNGJAWAB SEMUA Tahun demi tahun, kemalangan terjadi semasa kerja-kerja pembinaan pembentungan yang mengakibatkan: Kehilangan nyawa Kehilangan wang Kehilangan masa

Thus guide will help you to work safer! Read carefully and be familiar for your safety and your co-worker.

Panduan ini dapat menolong anda untuk bekerja dengan lebih selamat! Baca dengan cermat dan jadikan amalan kebiasaan untuk keselamatan anda dan rakan sekerja anda.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works



Observe all warning notices. Learn correct procedures before starting work. Never dismiss any injury, no matter how minor it is. Never work under the influence of drug and alcohol. No horse play at work site. Never carry out any job/activity that you have not been trained for.

Patuhi semua arahan amaran. Fahami prosedur yang betul sebelum memulakan kerja. Jangan ambil mudah sebarang kecederaan walau sekecil mana sekalipun. Di larang melakukan sebarang kerja/aktiviti jika berada di bawah pengaruh dadah atau alkohol. Di larang membuat bising dan bergurau senda di tempat kerja. Di larang melakukan sebarang kerja/aktiviti jika tidak di latih melakukannya.

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Sewerage Construction Works


PERALATAN PERLINDUNGAN DIRI Safety helmet must be worn at the site to Dalam kebanyakan aktiviti, alat perlindungan keselamatan diri (PPE) menjadi pertahanan terakhir terhadap sebarang kecederaan dan penyakit. Jadi adalah sangat penting PPE yang bersesuaian dibekalkan dan digunakan sekiranya perlu. Sekiranya anda dibekalkan dengan PPE, anda hendaklah memakainya. Anda juga perlu menjaga dan menyelenggara peralatan tersebut degan baik dan di simpan sekiranya tidak digunakan. Sekiranya anda ragu, bertanyalah pada pengurus anda tentang PPE yang sesuai untuk digunakan. Pastikan PPE di pakai dengan selesa, efektif dan mematuhi arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak pengeluar. Sekiranya perlu, lakukan latihan sebelum PPE digunakan (cth. Abahabah, alat perlindungan pernafasan dll). Laporkan sebarang kerosakan dan mintalah pengurus anda untuk. memperbaikinya atau menggantikannya. Pastikan PPE di periksa secara berjadual dan rekodkan segala keputusannya. Topi keselamatan hendaklah sentiasa di pakai di tapak pembinaan untuk menghindari kecederaan kepala. Kasut keselamatan yang sesuai hendaklah sentiasa di pakai semasa di tapak pembinaan.

In most activities, personal protective equipment (PPE) forms the last line of defence against injuries or illness. It is therefore very important that suitable PPE is supplied and used where necessary. Whenever you are supplied with any PPE you have an obligation to wear it. You also have to take care of it and ensure that it is properly maintained and suitably stored when not in use. If in doubt ask your supervisor what, if any, PPE should be used for your work activity. Check that the PPE you are using is suitable for your work. Make sure that the PPE is properly adjusted for comfort, effectiveness and in compliance with the manufacturer instructions. If necessary ask for training in the use of PPE before you start work. (e.g. safety harnesses, respiratory protection etc). Report any defects immediately to your supervisor for repair or replacement. Ensure that any necessary inspections or tests are carried out when required and the results recorded. Safety helmet must be worn at the site to protect against head injuries Proper footwear must be worn at all time while at the site.

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Sewerage Construction Works

4.0 EYE PROTECTION You are using your last pair of eyes to read this The eyes are very vulnerable and injuries can be amongst the most serious and traumatic. It is therefore necessary to take the following precautions to protect your eyes. When carrying out, or working in the vicinity of operations which expose you to flying particles, dust, sparks or chemicals, proper and suitable eye protection must be worn. Report any loss or defects of your eye protection to your supervisor. Make sure that your eye protection is suitable for the work being carried out. Take care of the eye protection issued to you, keep it clean and protect it from damage.

PELINDUNG MATA Anda sedang menggunakan sepasang mata yang terakhir untuk membaca Mata merupakan anggota terpenting dan kecederaan yang melibatkannya adalah serius dan traumatik. Oleh yang demikian, beberapa kaedah pencegahan perlu di ambil bagi menjaga keselamatan mata kita. Semasa bekerja di kawasan yang mempunyai kemungkinan bahaya dari partikel-partikel yang terbang, habuk, percikan api atau bahan kimia, pelindung mata yang sesuai hendaklah di pakai. Laporkan sebarang kehilangan atau kerosakan pelindung mata kepada pengurus anda. Pastikan pelindung mata anda sesuai dengan kerja yang hendak dilakukan. Jaga dengan baik pelindung mata anda, bersihkan dan lindungi ia dari kerosakan.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

5.0 NOISE Prolonged exposure to noise can seriously and permanently damage your hearing. The louder the noise and the longer the exposure, the greater the damage. Deafness caused by excessive noise develops so gradually that the affected person may not realise what is happening. It is therefore necessary to take the following precautions when working in noisy environments. RULE OF THUMB If you have difficulty in hearing conversation at a distance of approximately 2 m, using normal speech levels then there is probably a requirement to wear ear protection. If you are in doubt, or feel uncomfortable about the noise level that you are working in, ask your supervisor. It is in your own interests to ask for and use ear protection. Always wear the ear protection (earplugs or earmuffs) provided at all times. Ensure that it is effective and fits correctly. On site where there is a permanently high level of noise, ear protection zones may be designated and appropriate signs posted to warn of the danger. When in such areas always ensure that you obtain and wear the necessary ear protection.

KEBISINGAN Pendedahan berterusan kepada bunyi boleh menyebabkan kerosakan serius dan berkekalan kepada pendengaran. Semakin kuat bunyi, pendedahan yang lama, semakin besar kerosakan boleh di alami. Masalah pendengaran disebabkan bunyi melampau terjadi secara berperingkat tanpa di sedari. Oleh yang demikian, beberapa kaedah pencegahan perlu di ambil sekiranya bekerja di persekitaran yang bising. PETUA Sekiranya anda menghadapai masalah pendengaran dalam komunikasi pada jarak 2 m, menggunakan tahap percakapan yang normal, anda berkemungkinan memerlukan peralatan pelindung telinga. Sekiranya anda ragu dan merasa tidak selesa tentang tahap bunyi di tempat kerja, sila rujuk kepada pengurus. Ia adalah tanggungjawab anda untuk bertanya dan menggunakan pelindung telinga. Sentiasa memakai pelindung telinga yang dibekalkan setiap masa. Pastikan ia efektif dan digunakan dengan betul. Sekiranya terdapat tempat kerja mempunyai tahap kebisingan yang tinggi, kawasan pelindung telinga perlu dinyatakan dan di tanda. Sekiranya anda berada di tempat yang sedemikian, pastikan anda mempunyai pelindung telinga yang bersesuaian.

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Sewerage Construction Works


Safety Glass

Ear Muff

Dust Mask

Chest Wader


Safety Shoe 6
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Sewerage Construction Works


MENGGUNAKAN PERALATAN Gunakan alatan yang betul semasa bekerja. Pastikan alatan bersih dan dalam keadaan baik. Laporkan dan baiki sebarang kerosakan segera. Belajar cara menggunakan alatan sebelum memulakan kerja. Simpan alatan dengan cermat di tempat yang disediakan. Periksa hos udara, sambungan dan alat mengesan tekanan atau alatan pneumatic. Matikan suis sebelum menyambung atau membuka paip udara. Jangan cuba menghentikan hos dengan melipat hos itu.

Ensure tools are right for the job. Ensure tools are clean and in good conditions at all times. Report or repair any defects immediately. Learn how to use the tool before starting work. Store tools carefully in their designated storage area. Inspect air hoses, connections and pressure gauges of pneumatic tools before using. Turn air off before connecting or disconnecting air hose. Never try to cut off the air supply by twisting the hose only.

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Sewerage Construction Works



Many serious accidents involving abrasive wheels may occur every year. Many are due to incorrect mounting, mishandling or failure to select the correct wheel or disc for a particular operation. Grinding machines and tools can, if not handled correctly, become lethal and must be treated with great respect. Never use machinery without first being trained and authorized. When fitting a new wheel make certain that the spindle speed does not exceed the permitted speed marked on the wheel. Guards must always be properly in position in order to protect yourself and others nearby. Goggles or full face shields must be worn when operating any type of abrasive wheel machine. During grinding and cutting operations it will generally be necessary to wear ear protection and in some cases dust masks may also be required. When using hand held machines a firm grip and a stable stance is essential in case the tool kicks back. Also keep working areas clean and tidy and free from obstructions. Never use a machine, which is not in good condition or with faulty controls.

Banyak kemalangan serius melibatkan lelasan roda terjadi setiap tahun. Kebanyakannya berpunca dari pemasangan yang salah, kecuaian dan kerosakan dalam memilih roda dan disk yang sesuai serta bertepatan dengan operasi yang hendak dilakukan. Mesin dan peralatan kisar sekiranya tidak digunakan dengan betul adalah sangat merbahaya. Jangan menggunakan peralatan jika tidak di latih atau dibenarkan. Semasa memasang roda yang baru, pastikan kelajuan pengumpar tidak melebihi laju yang dibenarkan. Penghadang hendaklah digunakan dan bersiap sedia bagi melindungi diri sendiri dan sekitaran. Pelindung mata atau pelindung muka hendaklah di pakai semasa menggunakan mesin. Secara amnya, semasa mengisar dan memotong, pelindung telinga dan habuk hendaklah di pakai. Semasa menggunakan mesin pegangan tangan, pegangan yang kuat dan kedudukan yang kukuh amat penting. Pastikan tempat kerja bersih dan kemas dan bebas dari sebarang halangan. Tidak menggunakan mesin yang dalam keadann tidak baik atau mengalami kerosakan pada alat kawalannya.

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Sewerage Construction Works


ELEKTRIK Elektrik adalah merbahaya dan perlu diuruskan dengan cara yang terbaik kerana ia boleh menyebabkan kecederaan fizikal yang serius dan kematian. Jangan menggunakan peralatan elektrik jika tidak di latih atau dibenarkan. Gunakan alatan dan perkakas mengikut arahan. Berhati-hati mengendali suis, plug, soket dan kabel. Jangan baiki alatan dan perkakas melainkan terlatih. Jangan biarkan air mengenai sebarang alatan elektrik, perkakas, plug atau wayar. Berhati-hati dengan alatan dan perkakas yang mengeluarkan percikan api, kejutan, kepanasan luarbiasa atau bau. Pastikan wayar tidak menyentuh manusia atau terkena benda tajam. Sentiasa menganggap bahawa kabel, plug dan lain-lain adalah HIDUP. Jangan mengangkat alatan menggunakan wayar. Matikan suis dan asingkan semua peralatan elektrik selepas digunakan. Laporkan dengan segera peralatan elektrik yang rosak kepada penyelia.

Electricity is a major hazard and if not treated with the utmost respect can cause serious physical injury or can kill. Never use electrical tools without first being trained and authorized. Use tools and appliances according to instructions. Handle switches, plugs, sockets and cables carefully. Dont repair tools or appliances unless trained to do so. Dont let water contact with any electrical tool appliances, plug or wire. Beware of tools and appliances that produce sparks, shocks, unusual heat or odour. Make sure that the wire would not trip people or contact sharp objects. Always assume that the cables, plugs etc are LIVE. Never lift a tool by the wire. Switch off and isolate all electrical equipment after use. Report any defective or damaged electrical equipment immediately to your supervisor.

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Sewerage Construction Works

9.0 ELECTRIC SHOCK Turn off the electricity safely immediately. Shout if you need help to do so. Push or pull the casualty from contact with the electricity with a nonconducting, dry materials, such as wood or rope. Seek medical help immediately. Apply artificial respiration until a doctor arrives if you have been trained to do so.

KEJUTAN ELEKTRIK Tutup bekalan serta-merta. Menjerit jika memerlukan pertolongan. Tolak atau tarik mangsa dari bersentuh dengan bekalan elektrik dengan menggunakan bahan bukan konduktor, bahan yang kering seperti kayu atau tali. Dapatkan bantuan perubatan dengan segera. Beri bantuan pernafasan jika anda terlatih sehingga doctor sampai.

Just A Little Current Can Kill You

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

10.0 TRANSPORT Transport account for a large proportion of all accidents in the construction industry, because of the nature of this type of equipment, accidents and injuries which occur tend to be very serious indeed, it is essential therefore that the following safety rules are observed. Do not operate machine or vehicle unless you have been trained and authorised to do so. Familiarise yourself with the machines and its controls. Test all controls before operating the machine. Ensure that routine maintenance is regularly carried out and that the machine or vehicle is at all times in good and safe condition. Check that tire pressures are correct. Ensure that all guards and other safety equipment is fitted. Keep your machine or vehicle clean tidy and free from tools and other personal property which could obstruct or foul the controls. Walk around your machine before operating to make sure that you do not strike some person or obstruction, especially before reversing. Make sure loads are secure. Never overload or carry an unsuitable load. Be extra cautious while driving around excavations, banks, inclines and edges. Never exceed speed limits Always drive with consideration for others and look out for pedestrians, especially at crossings, openings and doorways.

PENGANGKUTAN Pengangkutan merupakan bahagian terbesar di dalam industri pembinaan yang sering mendatangkan kemalangan dan biasanya berakhir dengan kecederaan yang serius. Oleh yang demikian peraturan keselamatan perlulah di patuhi. Tidak mengoperasi mesin atau kenderaan sekiranya anda tidak di latih dan dibenarkan. Biasakan diri anda dengan mesin dan alat kawalannya. Uji semua alat kawalan sebelum menggunakannya. Pastikan penyelenggaraan berkala dilakukan dan mesin atau kenderaan berada dalam keadaan baik dan selamat. Periksa tekanan tayar pada tahap yang betul. Pastikan semua pelindung dan peralatan keselamatan di pasang. Pastikan mesin atau kenderaan bersih dan kemas dari sebarang peralatan yang boleh menghalang atau mengganggu alat kawalan. Berjalan di sekitar mesin sebelum menggunakannya, kenal pasti tidak ada orang atau halangan terutamanya semasa mengundur. Pastikan muatan adalah selamat. Jangan bawa muatan yang tidak bersesuaian atau berlebihan. Beri perhatian lebih apabila memandu di kawasan pengorekan, tebing, lereng dan susur. Jangan melebihi had laju. Sentiasa memandu dengan mengambil kira persekitaran. Lihat pada pejalan kaki, lintasan, bukaan dan pintu masuk.

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Sewerage Construction Works

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works


PENGANGKAT MEKANIKAL Jalankan kerja mengangkat mekanikal hanya setelah di latih dan dibenarkan. Pastikan gear pengangkat cukup kuat untuk kerja tersebut. Selaraskan kabel dengan betul. Berhati-hati terhadap barang yang mungkin terjatuh semasa mengangkat. Lindungi kabel dari benda tajam. Beri tanda amaran yang jelas. Jangan melebihi muatan.

Carry out mechanical lifting only after trained and authorized. Make sure lifting gear is appropriate to handle the job. Adjust slings properly. Watch for things that might slip during lifting and moving. Protect slings against sharp edges. Give clear and approved signals. Never overload a lifting device.

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Sewerage Construction Works


Signal to be used by signalers







RAISE This crane is supported on outriggers which are prevented from sinking into the ground by timber packing. The crane is positioned to ensure adequate clearance between the wall and the counterweight. The slings are protected by packing around the load. The load is fitted with a tall line to allow it to be controlled easily. This is particularly important in windy conditions.

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Sewerage Construction Works

12.0 MANUAL LIFTING Tips for proper manual lifting 1. Stand securely with feet apart, not wider than your hips. 2. Grasp the object with your palms, bend your knees, and keep your chin in. 3. Use your legs, not your back, to lift. Avoid twisting as you lift and move your feet instead. 4. Keep arms close to your sides, and use your body as a counterweight.

PANDUAN MENGANKAT Tatacara mengangkat yang betul 1. Berdiri dengan betul dengan kaki sedikit terbuka. 2. Pegang objek dengan tapak tangan, bengkokkan lutut dan dagu ke dalam. 3. Gunakan kaki, bukan belakang untuk mengangkat. Elakkan dari memusingkan badan sebaliknya gerakkan kaki anda. 4. Sentiasa rapatkan tangan ke sisi anda dan gunakan badan sebagai pengimbang.

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Sewerage Construction Works


(1) Kenal pasti jenis beban

(2) Betulkan kedudukan kaki

(3) Rendahkan kedudukan badan dan pegang dengan kemas

(4) Angkat beban dan rapatkan ke badan. Gunakan otot kaki dan tangan untuk mengangkat beban ke atas

Menolak beban (drum)

Mengangkat beban berdua

Mengangkat beban dengan sebelah tangan

Menolak beban menggunakan troli

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works


PENGOREKAN Jalankan kerja pengorekan hanya setelah di latih dan dibenarkan. Jangan masuk ke dalam jika tepinya tidak di sokong. Ambil langkah berjaga-jaga supaya barang tidak jatuh ke dalamnya. Jangan bekerja melebihi tupang kecuali dengan langkah berjaga-jaga yang lebih ketat. Masuk ke kawasan pengorekan malalui laluan yang betul sahaja. Periksa blok pemberhenti kenderaan sebelum memunggah. Periksa kabel-kabel yang tertanam seperti elektrik, gas, air dan minyak. Lihat kepada papan tanda dan sebarang tanda lain. Gunakan alatan tangan jika mengorek berhampiran kabel. Berhati-hati semasa membuang tanah dari kabel. Jauhkan alatan/bahan dari tebing korekan.

Carry out excavation only after trained and authorized. Never enter excavations if the sides are not securely supported. Take proper measures to prevent materials from falling in. Never work a head shoring unless special precautions are taken. Enter excavations via the proper access only. Check for vehicle stop blocks before tipping materials into excavations. Check for buried services such as electric cables, gas, water and fuel pipes. Look for signs, pegs and other markings that show locations. Use utmost care and dig only with hand tools if digging near underground lines or cables. Carefully ease soil away from the cable. Put spoils and materials away from the edges of excavations.

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Sewerage Construction Works

14.0 STACKING Store pipes, lose timber, scaffold tubes, etc, only in the designated area. Never accumulate the unwanted materials. Stack the materials on a level surface. Be tidy and ensure stability. Avoid obstructing entries, exits, stairs, or platforms. Never overload floors or platforms. Ensure that materials would not fall on people below elevated floors or platforms. Always clear stacks from the top.

MENYUSUN Simpan paip, kayu, tiub peranca dan sebagainya hanya di tempat yang di benarkan. Jangan menyimpan barang yang tidak diperlukan. Susun barangan tersebut di atas permukaan dan pastikan ia kemas dan stabil. Jangan menghalang pintu masuk, keluar, tangga atau platform. Jangan melebihi muatan lantai atau platform. Pastikan barang-barang tidak terjatuh dari tingkat atas ke bawah. Habiskan barang di bahagian atas terlebih dahulu.

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Sewerage Construction Works

15.0 LADDER Accidents involving ladders frequently occur within our industry and account for many serious injuries. Because the ladder is regarded as one of the most basic forms of access, the dangers are not always anticipated. Inspect all ladders before each use. Report defects to your supervisor. DO NOT USE DEFECTIVE LADDERS. Set ladders on a firm and level base. Ensure, before climbing that they are securely tied or footed and cannot slip outwards or sidewards.

TANGGA Kemalangan melibatkan penggunaan tangga kerap berlaku dan sering melibatkan kecederaan yang serius. Ini kerana tangga merupakan salah satu peralatan asas dan bahaya sentiasa tidak dapat di jangka. Periksa semua tangga sebelum di gunakan. Laporkan sebarang kerosakan kepada pengurus anda. JANGAN GUNA TANGGA YANG ROSAK. Dirikan tangga di asas yang kuat dan rata. Pastikan sebelum memanjat, tangga telah di ikat dengan kemas dan tidak tergelincir.

Wherever possible, use the one in four rule i.e. the ladder should slope 1 m out at the base for every 4 m of height. Ensure that the ladder is long enough, i.e. it must project at least 1.07 m above the landing place, unless other suitable handhold exists. Work safely from ladders at all times. Use both hands to climb and do not over reach when working of a ladder. Use a safety harness if you need to have your hands free for working.

Sekiranya boleh, gunakan kaedah 1 dalam 4. Tangga perlulah 1 m keluar dari setiap 4 m ketinggian. Pastikan panjang tangga mencukupi. Ia mestilah terlunjur keluar 1.07 m di atas tempat mendarat, atau terdapat tempat untuk berpaut. Lakukan kerja dengan selamat dari tangga sepanjang masa. Gunakan keduadua belah tangan untuk memanjat dan jangan cuba mencapai sesuatu yang tidak tercapai semasa bekerja di tangga. Gunakan abah-abah sekiranya anda perlu lakukan kerja secara bebas.

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Sewerage Construction Works

16.0 SCAFFOLDING OPERATIONS The assembly of scaffolding is a skilled task and must only be carried out by trained and competent persons. By the very nature of the work the hazards are severe and accidents frequently result in serious injuries or fatalities. Before commencing work, check that all-necessary clearances or permits have been obtained. Be aware of any potential hazards near your place of work Safety harnesses must be used in all cases where there is a possibility of a fall occurring and where it is not practicable to provide a safe working platform or fit safety nets. Ensure that all harnesses are worn correctly with all straps properly adjusted and tensioned. Ensure that you are at all times secured to a suitable anchorage. Use gin wheel and rope for raising and lowering materials, do not throw materials up or down. Check all scaffolding materials are serviceable. Reject and report any defective components such as bent, corroded or with split/burnt ends, etc. Always ensure that foundations or structure from which a scaffold is built are adequate. Ensure that the scaffold is adequately tied to the building or structure. Do not overload the scaffold with stored materials.

OPERASI PERANCA Pemasangan peranca merupakan tugasan yang diberikan hanya kepada mereka yang terlatih dan kompeten. Ini kerana penggunaan peranca adalah merbahaya dan kemalangan kerap kali berakhir dengan kecederaan yang serius atau kematian. Sebelum menjalankan kerja, periksa semua permit yang diperlukan telah di perolehi. Berjaga-jaga dengan sebarang potensi bahaya berdekatan tempat kerja. Abah-abah hendahlah digunakan apabila terdapat kemungkinan untuk terjatuh atau sekiranya ia tidak praktikal, perlulah di lengkapi dengan plaform kerja yang selamat atau jaringan keselamatan. Pastikan semua abah-abah di pakai dengan betul dengan setiap ikatan di ubah mengikut kesesuaian. Pastikan pada setiap masa anda selamat di tambat. Gunakan takal dan tali untuk mengangkat dan menurunkan barangan, jangan buang barangan dari atas atau bawah. Pastikan semua peralatan peranca dalam keadaan baik. Tolak dan laporkan kerosakan komponen seperti bengkok, karat, terbakar dan sebagainya. Sentiasa pastikan tapak struktur peranca adalah mencukupi. Pastikan juga peranca di ikat dengan kuat pada bangunan atau struktur. Janngan bawa muatan berlebihan semasa di atas peranca.

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Sewerage Construction Works


Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

17.0 FIRE Observe no smoking sign. Smoke only at designated places. Do not throw lighted remains of the cigarette into the rubbish bib or on the floor. Use fires only after approved. Use flammable materials or liquid carefully. Avoid spills and drips. Always use correct containers and follow all disposal procedures. Know and ask for the location of fire extinguishers. Learn how to operate them. Learn fire reporting procedures. The first few minutes of a fire are crucial to prevent disaster.

API Perhatikan tanda di larang merokok. Merokok hanya di tempat yang dibenarkan. Jangan membuang puntung rokok yang masih menyala ke dalam bakul sampah atau lantai. Gunakan api hanya selepas dibenarkan. Gunakan bahan mudah bakar atau cecair dengan cermat. Elakkan tumpah atau jatuh. Gunakan bekas yang sesuai dan patuhi arahan pelupusan. Ketahui tempat alat pemadam api. Ketahui cara menggunakannya. Ketahui cara melapor kebakaran. Beberapa minit pertama adalah penting untuk mengelakkan bencana.

Fire triangle: A fuel or combustible material. An ignition or heat source. Oxygen in sufficient quantities to support combustion.

When all three of these elements come together, combustion is the result. However, if only one of these elements is removed from contact with the other two, the threat of fire can be minimized. Thus, if oxygen, heat or the fuel supply can be removed, there is minimal risk of fire.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

18.0 COMPRESS GAS There are many ways in which compressed air can be dangerous, for example if directed against the body it can enter the mouth or ears or even penetrate the skin causing severe and often fatal injuries. Remember the following safety points. Unload compressed gas cylinders carefully. Never slide or drop cylinders. Handle cylinders with enough manpower Store cylinders securely. Keep flammables and heat away from cylinders. Ensure valves and fittings safety. Replace defective valves and fitting immediately Compressed air should never be used for cleaning clothing. Horseplay with compressed air is extremely dangerous and is strictly forbidden. When using compressed air tools, the exhausting air should be directed away from the body. Compressed air should never be used near a naked flame. Use only approved fittings, piping and appliances when working with LPG Secure cylinders upright when using Always use suitable eye, ear and hand protection and any other PPE required for the operation.

GAS BERTEKANAN Terdapat banyak cara gas bertekanan ini boleh mendatangkan bahaya. Sebagai contoh sekiranya dihalakan kepada badan, ia boleh memasuki mulut, telinga atau kulit yang mana boleh mengakibatkan kecederaan dan kematian. Beberapa aspek keselamatan perlu di ingati. Punggah silinder gas bertekanan dengan cermat. Jangan gelongsor atau jatuhkan silinder Kendali silinder dengan tenaga kerja yang cukup Simpan silinder dengan cermat. Jauhkan dari bahan mudah terbakar dan haba panas dari silinder. Udara termampat tidak digunakan bagi membersih pakaian. Bergurau dengan udara termampat adalah merbahaya dan di tegah. Semasa menggunakan udara termampat, jangan dihalakan kepada badan. Udara termampat tidak digunakan berhampiran dengan punca api. Gunakan alat pemasangan yang dibenarkan semasa bekerja menggunakan gas LPG. Pastikan silinder tegak semasa menggunakannya Sentiasa memakai pelindung mata, telinga dan tangan dan apa jua PPE yang berkaitan dengan kerja yang dilakukan

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works


BAHAN-BAHAN BERBAHAYA Berhati-hati dengan bahan yang menghakis atau beracun, agen kanser (karcinogen), virus, bakteria dan sebagainya semasa bekerja. Kendali bahan berbahaya hanya setelah di latih. Baca dan faham label yang tertera atau data keselamatan bahan. Pakai Peralatan Perlindungan Diri yang bersesuaian. Ikut arahan dan tatacara kerja yang disertakan dengan betul. Laporkan sebarang bahaya yang boleh memberi ancaman.

Beware of corrosive or toxic substances, cancer-causing agents (carcinogens), viruses, bacteria, etc. during works. Handle hazardous substances only after properly trained. Read and understand the accompanying labels or materials safety data sheet. Wear appropriate PPE. Follow the attached instruction and procedures for proper control measures. Report any hazards that you think may pose a threat.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

20.0 WELDING AND BURNING Carry out only after trained and authorized Remove any combustible materials away from welding and burning site. If they cant be removed, protect them from falling sparks. Keep a fire extinguisher near the site of welding or burning. Purge flammables out of tanks or drums prior to cutting or welding them. Check equipment before use. Make sure electric are welders are properly earthed and insulated, and gas equipment has no leaks. Report or rectify suspected problem immediately. Wear appropriate PPE, especially goggles or a face shield. By standers, if present, shall wear face shields. Erect screens to protect people passing by if doing are welding. Meet all the confine space entry requirements, particularly ventilation, if working in a confined space. Ensure the cables are positioned well to prevent damage or tripping.

KIMPALAN DAN PEMBAKARAN Jalankan kerja hanya setelah di latih dan dibenarkan Alihkan sebarang bahan mudah terbakar dari kawasan kimpalan, jika tidak boleh, lindungi dari percikan api. Simpan alat pemadam api berdekatan dengan tapak kerja kimpalan dan membakar. Bersihkan bahan mudahbakar dari tangki/drum sebelum memotong atau mengimpal. Periksa alatan sebelum digunakan. Pastikan pengimpal elektrik dibumikan dan di tebat, kelengkapan gas tidak bocor. Laporkan sebarang masalah dengan segera. Pakai Peralatan Perlindungan Diri terutama bahagian mata dan muka. Jika terdapat pemerhati, mesti memakai pelindung muka. Dirikan skrin untuk perlindungan. Patuhi segala peraturan terutamanya peredaran udara, jika bekerja di kawasan yang tertutup. Pastikan kabel diletakkan dengan baik supaya tidak rosak.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

21.0 CONFINED SPACE Consider most manholes, sewers, tanks, vessels, etc. as confined space. Beware of hazards in confined spaces such as build up of toxic gasses or vapors, explosion or fire, oxygen deficiency or richness.

RUANGAN TERTUTUP Ruang tertutup adalah seperti lurang. Saluran najis, tangki, bekas paip, terowong dsb. Berhati-hati dengan bahaya di dalam ruang tertutup seperti gas atau wap beracun, letupan dan kekurangan oksigen. Jangan masuk ke ruang tertutup melainkan: Telah menerima latihan. Telah menjalankan ujian mengenal pasti bahaya. Memakai peralatan perlindungan diri yang lengkap. Telah mendapat kebenaran kerja. Pemerhati telah bersedia di luar ruang tertutup. Kelengkapan alat pernafasan & penyelamat telah sedia dan terletak berdekatan. Minta bantuan serta merta jika pekerja pengsan di dalam ruang tertutup. Jangan cuba menyelamat melainkan mempunyai alat penyelamat yang lengkap.

Never enter a confined space unless: Training has been previously provided. Tests for potential hazards have been carried out. Appropriate PPE has been worn. Permit-to-work has been obtained and posted. Watcher is ready and posted outside the confined space. Proper breathing apparatus and rescue equipment are ready nearby. Call for help immediately if a worker collapses in a confined space. Do not attempt a rescue unless you have proper breathing apparatus and rescue equipment.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

22.0 WORKING OVER WATER When a job requires that operatives must work over water, precautions must be taken to prevent falls into the water, physical injuries and more importantly to prevent drowning. It is imperative therefore, that the following precautions are taken when working over water. Always wear proper clothing, life jackets, safety harness and use inertia reel blocks. Ensure that a safety harness is worn and attached to a secure anchorage. Ensure that men always work in pairs, or more, so that one can raise the alarm in the event of an accident. Supervisors must periodically check the number of men employed to ensure that no one is missing. Check that each man is trained and that in an emergency, everyone knows exactly what to do, so that no time is lost in effecting the rescue. Special care must be taken with life jackets, safety harnesses and inertia blocks as your life or the life of your mate could depend on it. Check all equipment before you use it. If it is damaged report it do not use it, and make sure that no one else uses it until it has been repaired or replaced.

BEKERJA ATAS AIR Apabila anda perlu melakukan kerja di atas permukaan air, langkah berjaga-jaga perlu di ambil bagi mengelak dari terjatuh ke dalam air, kecederaan fizikal dan yang terpenting adalah bagi mengelak dari lemas. Oleh yang demikian, berikut adalah kaedah berjaga-jaga yang perlu di ambil semasa bekerja di atas permukaan air. Sentiasa memakai pakaian yang sesuai, jaket keselamatan, abah-abah dan takal. Pastikan abah-abah yang digunakan di kepil pada tempat yang kukuh. Pastikan pekerja bekerja dalam berpasangan atau lebih, supaya sekiranya berlaku kemalangan pengera dapat dibunyikan. Pengurus sentiasa memeriksa bilangan pekerja secara berjadual bagi memastikan tiada pekerja yang hilang. Periksa bahawa setiap pekerja telah di latih dan apabila kecemasan, tahu apa yang perlu di buat supaya tiada masa terbuang. Perhatian khusus perlu di ambil terhadap jaket keselamatan, abah-abah dan takal kerana nyawa anda mungkin bergantung kepadanya. Periksa semua peralatan sebelum digunakan. Sekiranya rosak, laporkan dan jangan digunakan dan pastikan tiada orang menggunakanya sehingalah ia di perbaiki atau di tukar ganti.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

Sewerage Construction Works

23.0 HOUSEKEEPING Many accidents are caused through people slipping, tripping and falling over spills, materials and equipment which should not have been left lying around. Housekeeping is recognised as one of the most important single items in the prevention of accidents. Keep all stairways, passageways and gangways clear of materials, supplies or obstructions of any kind. Materials and supplies must be kept away from the edges of hoistways, ladder access, stairways and floor openings. Spillages of oil or other substances must be cleaned up immediately using the appropriate procedure. Remove protruding nails from pieces of timber or scaffold boards. Tools not in use should be placed in a tool box or tool bag and not strewn about to cause tripping hazards. Keep your job area clean. Remove scrap and rubbish regularly to the allocated containers or disposal points. Toilets, wash up facilities and drinking water are provided for your use and comfort. Please help to keep facilities clean & tidy. Remember, a clean and tidy site is a safe site.

MENGEMAS Banyak kemalangan berlaku akibat tergelincir, terhalang, terjatuh, tertumpah bahan dan peralatan yang mana sepatutnya tidak dibiarkan berselerak. Mengemas kawasan kerja merupakan kaedah terbaik bagi mengelak kemalangan dari berlaku. Pastikan semua tangga, laluan, bebas dari sebarang bahan binaan, atau halangan. Bahan binaan mestilah diletakkan jauh dari tangga, laluan dan bukaan pada lantai. Limpahan minyak perlulah dibersihkan serta merta menggunakan prosedur yang bersesuaian. keluarkan paku berlebihan pada cebisan kayu atau papan peranca. Peralatan yang tidak digunakan hendaklah di letak di dalam kotak atau beg peralatan dan tidak dibiarkan berselerak. Kekalkan kawasan kerja yang bersih. Alihkan sampah dan sisa ke dalam bekas yang disediakan. Tandas, kenudahan pembersih dan air minuman yang disediakan adalah untuk anda. Bantulah untuk sentiasa mengekalkan kebersihan kemudahan tersebut. Ingat, kawasan kerja yang bersih dan kemas adalah kawasan yang selamat.

Sewerage Construction Works Guidelines Issue 01 / Revision 0 July 2007

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