Magdalene Matters Autumn 2010

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November 2010 | issue 32

Magdalene Matters
the newsletter of Magdalene College Cambridge

Magdalene MAT TERS

Contents November 2010 | issue 32

2014 The Next World Crisis Page 6

Benedicts Heirs Fellows News 2014 The Next World Crisis The College Silver The 1958 Dining Club a Commitment to the Future Man U and Me Mathematical geniuses JCR Review Magdalene in the City Forthcoming events & Reunions

3 4 6 8 11 12 13 14 14 15 16
Mathematical Geniuses Page 14 The College Silver Page 8

COMMENT from the Development Director

The Universitys 800th anniversary Campaign for Collegiate Cambridge was launched in autumn 2005 under the banner of Transforming Tomorrow. The total of 1 billion was the largest ever fundraising campaign announced by a British Corinne Lloyd, Development Director University and intended to maintain the Universitys ability to compete on the world stage as a leader in teaching and research. Many of you will know that the target was reached by the end of June 2010 two years ahead of schedule. To date more than 45,000 alumni of the University, a quarter of the total, have made at least one gift to their College or to the University during the Campaign so far, and many Magdalene members will have contributed to the success of the 800th anniversary Campaign. However, the fact remains that despite having raised an unprecedented sum in the Higher education Sector in the UK, many faculties and departments are struggling and facing cuts. The recent Browne Review and the governments Comprehensive Spending Review do not bode well for Cambridge or Magdalene as we are facing the possibility of losing 40% of our funding. The current shortfall in funding for every student will be further exacerbated despite the possibility of fees being more than doubled. It is against this background that the College not only intends to continue fundraising but indeed plans to redouble its efforts, focusing on student support in particular. I have received a very warm welcome from all at Magdalene and am delighted to be part of this wonderful College. I am looking forward to the challenge of raising significant funds to maintain the special environment that is Magdalene and to meeting many of you in the years to come.

by the chaplain, reverend philip hobday

Suppose one of the Benedictine monks who came to the monastic hostel on this site in 1428 which became Buckingham College in the 1470s and was refounded as Magdalene in 1542 were, by some feat of art or machinery, to travel to our time and poke his head into the Chapel. Hed find that a very great deal had changed.
The original roof might have been familiar, and he could perhaps have worked out that the new statues included the founder of his order; but beyond that Hed be surprised by service-sheets printed from a computer; a ready supply of prayer books and Bibles; a large musical instrument in the gallery. He would perhaps be intrigued by services in the English language, and would never have come across an Authorised Version or The Book of Common Prayer before. He might recognise the story being told in the stained glass, though the medium might have been a little less common. The Chapel its building, its worship, its community has been transformed in the intervening six centuries. Even more, the world in which it is set would seem barely recognisable to the monk a world of global commerce and international travel, of denominations and faiths and political systems he could hardly grasp, of monastic chant not just sung in monasteries but heard on iPods. It would, perhaps, seem disorienting and confusing to our monastic forebear. And yet if he didnt try to bolt back immediately to his own time, theres also a good deal he might recognise. Admittedly with some difference from his own worship, he could see people breaking bread and drinking wine in an action which connected

The Chaplain

them not just with him but with the actions of Christ at his Last Supper. He might pause to watch the few gathered for Morning Prayer, hearing the Psalms, reading the Bible, keeping silence, offering the concerns of the community up to God in intercession, and see something of his own sevenfold pattern of prayer reflected in the contemporary service. (Evensong that distinctive gem of the Anglican tradition follows a similar pattern, and is, of course, Cranmers fusion of the two monastic evening services, Vespers and Compline.) And while Chapel is now a choice people make (or dont) rather than an obligation they must fulfil, our monk might find comfort outside Chapel when he saw that this was a community which lived its whole life together eating and drinking, reading and writing, in a single, shared fellowship.

For what the brothers of the 15th Century and the community of the 21st have in common is in fact far more radical far more fundamental than what divides. The rhythm of scripture and song, psalmody and preaching, music and meditation which marked the pattern of the Benedictine day is (in different guise) still at the heart of the Chapels life. An insistence that life shared means sharing food as well as labour, fellowship as well as work, draws from the tradition to which he too was obedient. So although the world is changed, and the Chapel and the Christian Church are in many ways so different, theres a crucial, central strand connecting him with us the ties of worship and fellowship which bind the monastic house of the past to the College community of the present.


ThE COllEgE wElCOMEs new Fellows

Dr AmirA Bennison joins us as an Official Fellow and Director of Studies in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, after a career which has taken her from St Catharines, via Harvard and SOAS, to the Cambridge Faculty of AMES, where she is a Senior Lecturer. Her voice at least is likely to be familiar to alumni, since she has frequently spoken on Islamic topics on the radio programme In Our Time. Her interests range from jihad to medieval and modern relations between Muslims, Christians, and Jews. She has recently published highly acclaimed books on the Great Caliphs and the pre-modern Islamic city. Corinne LLoyD, our new Director of Development and Alumni Relations and an Official Fellow comes to us from Trinity College where she was the Head of Alumni Relations and Development. She founded and built up a thriving department and launched Trinitys share of the University 800th Campaign, which has currently raised some 10 million. Dr riChArD roeBuCk, a prizewinning undergraduate of the College, then Leslie Wilson Scholar, and a long-standing and meticulous Director of Studies in Engineering, has been elected as an Official Fellow and taken on the demanding role of Admissions Tutor an office that, probably more than any other, determines the academic future of the College. Dr John CouLL, a Senior Research Fellow of Rolls-Royce quality joined us on 1 October. He will be dividing his time between Magdalene and the Whittle Laboratory. John, whose Fellowship is sponsored by Rolls-Royce plc, is a specialist in turbine blades and alarmed his interviewers by telling them that when they flew to America the engines supporting them were so hot they had effectively turned into jelly. A former ByeFellow, sAnDrA korte, will also be a Senior Research Fellow, and Director of Studies while she holds a Research Associateship in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy. Professor emmA rothsChiLD, CMG, Jeremy and Jane Knowles Professor of History, Harvard University, has also been appointed Honorary Professor of History and Economics in the real Cambridge from 1 October and joins us as a Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Centre for History and Economics. Widely known for her work on Adam Smith, the Enlightenment, and the social and economic context of scientific and technological developments, she is currently working on 18th Century France, America, and the East India Company. We have two new Junior Research Fellows: Dr ALBert BArtok-PArtAy (Nevile Fellow for Physics) has already started to shed lustre on his new College (he comes to us from Pembroke), having been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize (500 euros and publication by Springer) for outstanding original work that makes a substantial contribution to research in its field. And in August he won the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Outstanding Student Research Award ($6000). Dr PhiLiPPA steeLe, our new Lumley Fellow for Classics is a specialist in the ancient and only partly deciphered languages of Cyprus. She is now extending her work to the rest of the Eastern Mediterranean and South Turkey. Two new Bye-Fellows will be with us this year: roB myhiLL, who investigates deep earthquakes, occurring between 300 and 700 km below the earths surface; and AnDrew JArvis, who works on the history of Burma and Sri Lanka, especially through the medium of photographs. They are joined by miCheLLe sPring as a Teaching ByeFellow, who by the continuing generosity of the Royal Literary Fund, will be helping our students with essaywriting and other literary skills.


Fellows news
This years Parnell Visiting Research Fellow in Irish Studies, timothy roBinson, is, for a change, a Yorkshireman. He read Maths at Sidney Sussex but saw the error of his ways and went on to become an enormously distinguished artist, cartographer, topographer and Irish folklorist. He is the author of two now famous books on the Aran Islands, which have won him the Rooney Prize for Literature, and the Irish Book Award for Literature, and of two books of a trilogy on Connemara, the third volume of which he hopes to complete while he is here. His very beautiful hand-drawn maps of Aran and the Burren have won the British Cartographic Societys Award. JuniChiro tsuJitA, Associate Professor of Archaeology at Kyushu University in Japan, will be a nonresident Visiting Fellow this year, collaborating with Simon Stoddart in the study of the Iron Age. He has a particular interest in parallels between prehistoric Britain and Japan. Liz DisLey has been elected into a Fellow Commonership for three years from 22 July 2010. She is a graduate alumna of Magdalene, a former Leslie Wilson Scholar, and the Project Manager and Research Associate for the Presidents Leverhulme/Newton Trust Project The Impact of Idealism The Legacy of Post-Kantian Thought.
Professor niChoLAs BoyLe is appointed Corresponding Fellow, Gttingen Academy of Sciences. His book: 2014 How to survive the next world crisis was published in 2010 and is reviewed in the following pages. PAuL DuPree has been promoted to a personal chair in Plant Biochemistry and Cell Biology in the Department of Biochemistry. He has written an article on the work of his team which can be found on the Universitys website ( hoLger BABinsky has been promoted to a personal chair in Aerodynamics in the Department of Engineering and CArL wAtkins has been made a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of History. In addition, ALLegre hADiDA has won both the MBA Course of the Year and Judge Business School Professor of the Year awards, as voted for by the students of the Judge. We are very proud of all these achievements and grateful to our Fellows for the honour their long and hard work brings to the College.

News from past Parnell Fellows:

Professor keith Jeffery, author of MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 19091949, was the Colleges Parnell Fellow in Irish Studies in 20034. He is the first historian to be allowed access to the archives at MI6, which has the official title of the Secret Intelligence Service. He was quoted on the BBC website: This archive is the holy grail of British archives it is closed tight to everyone, so when I got in there, I was like a child in a sweet shop. It was a cornucopia, an extraordinary Aladdins cave of historical materials. Prof. Jeffery went on to say that he was thankful he had to stop his research in 1949, just as the Cold War was beginning, and MI6s greatest traitor, Kim Philby, was rising through the organisations ranks. The book has been highly praised by Intelligence analysts. Keith Jeffery is Professor of British History at Queens University, Belfast, and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Professor tom BArtLetts History of Ireland, begun in Cambridge when he was Magdalenes Parnell Fellow in Irish Studies from 20012, has recently been published to great acclaim. One of the countrys leading historians, he sets out a fascinating new history that ranges from prehistory to the present. Integrating politics, society and culture, he offers an authoritative historical road map that shows exactly how and why Ireland, north and south, arrived at where it is today. The book has been described as an indispensable guide to both the legacies of the past for Irelands present and to the problems confronting north and south in the contemporary world. Tom Bartlett holds the Chair of Irish History at the University of Aberdeen and is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy.


2014 ThE nExT WORLD cRiSiS?

A cataclysmic Great Event is approaching which will occur in or around the year 2014 and determine the course of the rest of the 21st Century, according to a startling new thesis published earlier this year.
The remarkable claim forms the central message in a new book, 2014 How to survive the next world crisis, written by the President of Magdalene College, Professor Nicholas Boyle. His study brings a lifetimes research in fields including politics, economics, philosophy, theology and literature to bear on the state of global politics and the causes, consequences and wider meaning of the present financial crisis. It warns that the economic collapse of 20072008 could mark only the start of a wider breakdown in international relations, and predicts that by the middle of the decade just dawned, the United States will find itself the key player in a series of make-or-break decisions about the future of the world. The choices the US makes will either condemn us to a century of violence and poverty, or usher in a new age of global co-operation, the book asserts. It adds, however, that the more peaceful alternative will only be realised if the international community can accept that nation states are no longer strong enough to deal with the worlds problems and construct an effective system of global governance instead. We are approaching a moment of decision, when the deeper issues that have begun to make themselves felt in recent years can no longer be postponed, Professor Boyle said. By 2014, our legacy to the 21st Century is likely to have been determined, for better or for worse. Those issues represent some of the major flashpoints of world politics; among them economic management, the emergence of new powers such as China and India, and the need for international co-operation on climate change. While these are all 21st Century problems, the book suggests that the timing is not a new phenomenon. Professor Boyle argues that the themes which characterised world politics in each of the last five centuries became apparent over the course of their second decade. In 1914, the result was a catastrophic war which heralded decades of conflict and tension. By contrast, in 1815, the Congress of Vienna ensured almost 100 years of relative peace. Similarly, the study says, the middle of this decade appears set to witness the convergence of the most pressing concerns of the present day. It draws parallels between Germanys rise circa 1910 and China, which is similarly squaring up to the modern eras leading superpower, the US. America will have had to come to terms with the rising powers of Asia as they approach parity by 2014. Meanwhile, the effects of a prolonged economic downturn could restore an aggressive, Bush-like figure to the US Presidency. Everything, in the end, may depend on whether America can react more imaginatively to a decline in relative economic power to sharing with others both the worlds resources and its own standards of living than, sadly, Britain was able to do in the years before 1914, Professor Boyle writes. At the heart of that response, he says, should be the realisation that a model of global governance is needed to bring politics into line with the global economy. The book argues that the recent banking collapse happened


because no such form of regulation existed to control international finance. To strengthen existing international structures, one measure the author calls for is a Tobin-style tax on banking to provide the revenue needed to guarantee financial stability and support other global goods, such as the Millennium Development Goals and the dramatic changes needed to fight climate change. The book adds, however, that global governance can only occur if there is an accompanying change in the philosophy that underpins international relations. Professor Boyle describes sovereign nation-states as a 20th Century experiment that failed, but warns that they are also in many ways an American invention which the US needs to accept as out-dated and no longer fit for purpose.

He has so far published two volumes of his prizewinning biography, Goethe: the Poet and the Age and is currently working on the third and (he hopes) last. The biography has been translated into German and in 2000 Professor Boyle was awarded the Goethe Medal of the Goethe-Institut. In 2001 he was elected to the British Academy. This article has been re-produced by kind permission of the Office of External Affairs and Communications, University of Cambridge.

By 2014, our legacy to the 21st Century is likely to have been determined, for better or for worse.
With the exception of the 20th Century, Boyle contends that the model which has guided world progress throughout history has been that of Empire. Similarly, the book argues that in the 21st Century, it is a network of global organisations from multinationals to the still only partlyacknowledged Empire of America that determine many aspects of our lives. It is a profoundly hopeful sign that we begin the 21st Century with very many more international and intergovernmental organisations than we had at the start of the 20th, Boyle says. What longer history suggests, he adds, is the need for a system of imperial global regulation, if the 21st Century is to be one of relative peace. The only conceivably peaceful route to that goal is through a continuation of the pax Americana, he writes. But both the worlds understanding of America, and Americas understanding of itself, will have to change fundamentally for that goal to be achieved. Nicholas Boyle (1968), is Schrder Professor of German and has been President of Magdalene College since 2006. Before that he was Professor of German Literary and Intellectual History, and has taught German in Cambridge since he was a student. He has a particular interest in German literature and thought of the 18th and 19th Centuries, and especially in Goethe, and in the relation between religion and literature.

T h e C e N T e Na ry

Dear Alumni of Magdalene College, The Magdalene May Ball Committee cordially invites you to the 2011 May Ball, to be held on Wednesday 22nd June in the beautiful grounds and buildings of the College. Magdalene is Cambridges only remaining white tie ball and is renowned for its dining experience, champagne throughout the night and great entertainment. The tickets will go on sale on Sunday 5th December with booking available online at Dining pairs, non-dining pairs and Alumni Special tickets will be available. We very much hope that you will be able to attend what promises to be an excellent night! Best wishes, The Magdalene May Ball Committee


Magdalene SiLvERWARE
interview by guann-yeu chin

As part of the Treasures of Magdalene exhibition, held in College (see the College Magazine for full details), much of Colleges silverware was put on display. The man in charge of it all is Mr Gary Love, College Butler and Keeper of the College Silver. Gary came to Magdalene in 1977 and soon became the College Butler, a position which is as much a tradition as a working role. As there is only one Regimental Sergeant Major, so there is only one College Butler, with secrets passed from Butler to Butler in an unbroken chain. With the title also comes responsibility for the Colleges historic silver, its upkeep and the silver audit. In this brief interview, Gary shares some of his thoughts on the Colleges silverware.
guAnn-yeu Chin: Lets start with an overall picture. What do you think makes Magdalenes silver special? gAry Love: Well, its one of the few College silver collections in regular use and we still have some of our best pieces out each night on High Table, particularly on Sundays. gyC: What about those in the main body of Hall? Was

silver normal for them too?

gL: Until 1978, undergraduates also dined with silver

cutlery but after quite a few pieces went missing, College decided to restrict silver cutlery to High Table. Some bits have made their way back over the years and we hope to see a few more yet.* *gyC: One alumnus actually brought a silver fork and spoon back to College saying that he had taken them with a view to using them after graduating, but that his conscience hadnt let him. Hed held on to the fork and spoon for forty years and came into College for the first time since going down in order to return them. He wouldnt leave me his name, but thank you if you are reading this!
gyC: I know that there are some traditions associated with

the silver are there any you could share?

gL: When laying up, the silver is still laid in a particular

order and particular way, taught to me by the previous Butler. There are also the little superstitions like the bird

College Silverware
highlights as selected by mr gary love
the BirD CuP

Taken to be one of the best known pieces of Cambridge plate, it was donated to College by James Bertie (later Lord Norris) in 1671. He had been admitted to Magdalene in 1667 at the age of fourteen, as a nobleman a position which in those days carried with it the right to admission to a degree without examination, though he appears never to have graduated. It was described in Foster and Atkinsons Old Cambridge Plate as: A two-handled bowl with appliqu work of upright leaves, the handles being surmounted by crowned heads of bold design. On the cover stands the figure of a bird 3 3/8 inches high. The great weight of this piece in proportion to its size is very remarkable.
The Armada Cup

on top of the Bird Cup always having to look out of the East Window. Otherwise itll bring the College bad luck!
gyC: How about day-to-day maintenance? gL: Cleaning is actually one of the most difficult bits.

The bits that are in everyday use obviously need regular cleaning, but eventually the silver can wear very thin and some pieces have been retired from use because they would break too easily.
gyC: Have any pieces actually broken? gL: A couple, but rarely. The coffee jugs used by the

Fellows needed repairing recently because they had worn so thin that they began to leak.
gyC: What about recent additions? gL: Ian Jessiman (1951) gave us a lovely mustard pot, a

The Bird Cup

the Communion PLAte

salt and pepper set and spoons [pictured] which he struck himself. Weve had gifts of silver from Fellows and students through the years and they make an impressive collection.
gyC: What would be your personal favourite from the Colleges silver collection? gL: Personally, the slave candlesticks, which one Fellow said described the College staff very well. Even now I dont know if he was joking! A close second would be the Armada Cup. gyC: Thank you, Gary.

Consisting of the Armada Cup, two flagons and two patens which were added by successive benefactors, the Armada Cup was very nearly seized by the then Colonel Cromwell in 1643, to be disposed of for the use of the public. We are fortunate indeed to have retained it. The Cup was struck in 1587 and is a fine example of silvergilt from the Elizabethan period. It was likely intended for secular use but came to be used as a chalice. Its official entry in the College Silver List describes it thus: A chalice, engraved with arabesque work. The centre is delicately engraved with a wide band filled with festoons

of fruit, birds, rosettes and three fish suspended from lines between two scrolls. The cover is surmounted by a plain fluted case-shaped ornament on a rayed pedestal, which is crowned by a figure of a warrior with a spear and a plain leaf-shaped shield. The cylindrical-bodied flagons with low domed covers were commonly made in pairs, one for water and one for wine. Donated by James Chalonor in 1628, they are engraved with the donors arms, a chevron between three voided lozenges. Chalonor had become a Fellow of Magdalene on 7 June 1620. The patens completed the Communion Plate and were donated by the son of Edward Southwell of Wisbech, seemingly in memory of his father and are dated 171415.
sLAve CAnDLestiCks

A Slave Candlestick

The Jessiman Pieces

Silverware Information O.F. Morshead Magdalene College Plate for Magdalene College Magazine, 1920 Photos Guann-Yeu Chin with the kind permission of the Master, Fellows and Keeper of the College Silver

the JessimAn PieCes

A pair of striking candlesticks, one from 16991700, the other from 17112, they were bequeathed by P.A. Cohen in memory of his uncle, the Rt Hon. A. Cohen.

Donated by Dr Ian Jessiman (1951), the set consists of a mustard pot, a salt and pepper set and three spoons, all struck by Dr Jessiman, a General Practitioner and Silversmith.

NEws from the choir

wave the flag in a more public way. On Wednesday 1 December at 7 pm we will give a programme of Advent and Christmas music in Pickwell, Northamptonshire. The Choirs most recent CD is entitled How Shall I Sing That Majesty and is available from the Development Office for 6 each. It includes choral music by Weelkes, Parry, and Howells, with organ music by Pachelbel, Buxtehude and Mendelssohn. These CDs serve to remind all listeners of what the Choir is currently doing and make excellent gifts. Although we normally expect to visit a cathedral once each term to sing Choral Evensong, there will unfortunately be no trip in the Michaelmas term as we have no funds to pay for it. If any reader wishes to support the work of the Choir, the College is always glad to receive donations which can be put towards these various activities. Taken within the context of each year, these choral opportunities provide a rich experience for each singer something that they will remember for the rest of their days. The Music Society is under the leadership of Lauren Braithwaite this year, and has already planned the weekly recitals which will take place on Mondays at 9 pm during term. Mostly these will take place in Benson Hall, but some will be in Chapel. Listeners are always welcome at the recitals or in Chapel. Entry is free.

It is now the time of year when the Choir is poised to restart its usual activities. Our Organ Scholars, George Pickard and John Dilworth, have planned with me a varied and balanced programme of music in Chapel. The bulk of the Choirs activities take place in Chapel, enhanced by traditional candlelight, and we occasionally sing outside College. This latter activity gives the Choir an opportunity to sing in different acoustics and to

jonathan hellyer jones


50 YEARS OF DininG
by brian woodrow (1958)

Back in 1961 a group of Magdalene Friends with an honorary Magdalene man from Sidney Sussex, Sinclair Ross, decided that, to ensure their friendship survived, they would meet annually for dinner, continuing the event until there was only one person left making the toast to absent friends.
When it was set up it was agreed that, apart from ill-health, the only excuse for not attending was absence abroad on the day of the dinner. Since all are now retired, there have been few absentees from recent dinners. As it is a very informal group, no records of attendance have been kept, but we think that only Brian Woodrow, the Secretary and organiser of the club, has managed to be at every single occasion. Most of the others have only missed one or two dinners. In addition to those mentioned already, the members are Rev. Julian Barker (1958), Jim Crossley (1958), David Fletcher (1958), Gordon Guild (1958), Richard Hamilton (1958), James Long (1958), Bill Purver (1958), John Skinner (1958) and Tim Thomas (1958). This Dinner Club has naturally created a lot of close friendships and many members are godparents to each others children of which there are many 39 in all. As for grandchildren, numbers are mounting rapidly, totalling 63 at the last count! Having achieved the Clubs Golden Jubilee, the next milestone is the Diamond one 60 years on. Lets hope there will be another wonderful celebration then. Friendships made at Magdalene endure for a lifetime, as this Dinner Club proves.

The 1958 Dining Club before their most recent dinner at the College

At the time the enthusiasm for the idea was great, but there was not a huge expectation that this Dinner Club would survive. A few people dropped out early on, but survived it has and this year, on 16th June, the members celebrated their 50th anniversary. Sadly, Max Tetlow (1958), has died and, Jeremy McLachlan (1958), was too ill to attend the Dinner and has subsequently died, but 11 men, with most of the wives, including Sue Tetlow, enjoyed an excellent meal in the Parlour. The Club has met all over the country, usually based in the home of one of the members, and even ventured to a Chteau in Normandy for the 40th anniversary event. About every five years the Club comes home to

Magdalene. In the early days it was an all-male affair and there were some boisterous occasions. The first dinner was held at Kettners in Soho. A fire in the restaurants kitchen, in no way due to the Clubs activities, made the evening particularly memorable. Then there was the dinner in a TA Officers Mess in London which ended with one member dressed in a suit of armour and some other unfortunate activities! After a number of years, as all the members gradually got married, it was decided to invite the wives, which has ensured the occasions are rather more decorous. High quality food and wine have always been enjoyed and the following day a visit to a local place of historic interest and a light lunch have helped to blow away the cobwebs of the night before.



Magdalene College is one of the smaller ancient Colleges and financially it is the poorest of them all. It has, however, flourished in the almost six centuries since its founding (1428) because of benefactions and bequests from Members and friends of the College.
MaKIng a WIll

Many who might wish to make a donation to our College cannot do so because of commitments elsewhere. Moreover, in making a will, our first thought must be to provide for our families and loved ones. Some, however, may also be able to remember the causes we hold dear. Remembering Magdalene in your will offers you an opportunity to make such a gift and with it, to make a real difference. Gavin Perceval-Maxwell (profiled in the text box on this page) decided to do just that. The resulting Perceval-Maxwell Hardship Bursary Fund is the most recent example of how our students, your

successors, continue to benefit from the generosity of fellow Members of the College, past and present.

Every bequest, however, large or small, will help to maintain the special environment that is Magdalene.

tax liability due on your estate. Any assets given to the College during your lifetime could also, if you so wished, be sold by Magdalene without incurring liability for Capital Gains Tax.
tHe aUdleY sOCIetY

taX BeneFIts

Present legislation means that the College, (Charity Registration No. 1137542), is exempt from Inheritance and Capital Gains taxes. Any legacy you bequeath to Magdalene will not only be free of tax, it will also have the effect of reducing the overall

Please tell the College of your bequest, as Magdalene intends to thank members for their legacies during their lifetimes by offering membership of The Audley Society. Members will be invited to the annual Audley Society luncheon which will be held for the first time on 5th July 2011. Please contact the Development Director for more information.

ThE PErCEval-MaxwEll Bursary Fund

The College was honoured to receive a generous bequest from Gavin Perceval-Maxwell (1941) who left the sum of 50,000 in his will to honour the memory of his brother, Robin Perceval-Maxwell, who was tragically killed a few days before his 21st birthday during the Second World War. The bequest will be used to endow a hardship Bursary Fund which will offer an annual bursary of 1875 to an undergraduate student in need of financial assistance. The
Gavin Perceval-Maxwell in 1962

cheque was kindly presented to the College by Mr and Mrs William Perceval-Maxwell, Gavin PercevalMaxwells son and daughter-in-law, and they both expressed their hope that the undergraduate recipient will not only benefit from the PercevalMaxwell Fund financially, but that they will be able to make the most of their time at Magdalene unfettered by financial hardship. It is hoped to make the first award in time for Michelmas Term 2011.


MAn u & ME
by daniel harris (1998)
a requested re-draft to a publisher, though the market is tricky at the moment particularly for literary fiction, and particularly for books not obviously similar to others that have made money for those in the industry. Hopefully therell be no need to turn it into a sweeping period piece about three generations of Indian vampires all called Jordan. The moment you become a writer, your relationship to your writing changes I used to race home from work desperate to get on, then suddenly it was very much a job. That being the case, I have to frequently remind myself in mid-bitch how much I love what I do, but nevertheless I know how much I love it, and conversely, could never forget how much I hated being a lawyer. For now, the work I do that makes me happy isnt generally the work that pays for things Ive spent a lot of time writing stuff Im not especially into, and even more time chasing people to either read my work or commission me to write things that could happily remain unwritten. And on top of that, writing is self-employment to the nth degree not only is work never finished, but my brain will never refrain from looking for stories to tell, people to describe, jokes to write and opinions to inflict, wherever I am, and whatever Im meant to be doing. There was a time when football was the only place where I was safe from it all, but its since become my job to write about that too. Nominally speaking, my book On The Road, a journey through a season is about following Manchester United around, though hopefully theres a bit more to it than that. Since 2005, Ive actually only attended away games, as I stopped going to Old Trafford after the club was sold to the Glazers; if people want to buy United with other peoples money, then theyre certainly not doing so with mine. And in that connection, the book strongly criticises Alex Ferguson for supporting the takeover despite promising to the contrary, pursuing the money in classic socialist til Im rich style. That said, the books certainly not about football finance, nor is it just about Manchester United, or even football. Rather, through stories, events and experiences, both on the pitch and off, it looks at why people love football, why people love anything, and why they behave in the way that they do. And along the way, it makes sure to take aim at the perpetrators of the hypocrisy, dishonesty and narcissism that make the modern game such a sorry mess of hatefulness.

A Football Journey

Though Im now an author, journalist and copywriter, I was briefly a City lawyer. Id never wanted to do anything of the sort rather it was the product of university debt, not knowing exactly what I wanted to write, and the fact that law school furnished me with two more years to work it out. Once Id done that, there was no choice to make Id always loved both playing with words and staring at things, so that was it really I binned law as soon as I qualified, skipping and hollering as I left the office for the last time, flush with a lifetimes supply of composite baddies. The plan was to finish a novel Id spent my training contract drafting, but quite quickly I happened upon some newspaper work writing legal obituaries; dead lawyers, what could possibly be better? After that, I was commissioned to file a wide range of other pieces, at the same time as widening my expertise to encompass other victims of death. I also took a part-time job mentoring at an inner-London comprehensive and started copywriting, which meant I was making just about enough money to continue existing. Whilst still a lawyer, Id begun contributing to Redissue, a Manchester United fanzine, and as a consequence, ended up blogging weekly for ESPN Soccernet during the last football season. Theyve now been edited and consolidated into book form, and Ive also finished the novel and delivered

TriNiTy whO?

A JCR Review of the year 2009/10:

Michaelmas was undoubtedly a success. From President Jaffers inspiring Careers event to a tasty International Food Fair, there was more than enough to keep the buzz of Freshers Week going throughout the Term. The College Bar received a revamp; the admissions students received a warm welcome from Alastair McDougall and election fever struck at the end of Term. Lent Term had the traditional highlights of Halfway Hall and Pepys Dinner living up to their reputations and other less traditional events such as RAG Blind Date being enjoyed by all. Declan Murrays bring a mug campaign was launched with such initiatives helping the College to gain its Fairtrade status. Easter Term brought the reassuring cups of coffee, the friendly pats on the shoulders and the team-work revision in the early hours in the Library. This all enabled the College as a whole to reach an impressive set of results. With this collective

The Master with the Thillaisundaram family in the Masters Garden

While it has been a red-letter year for Magdalene generally in academic performance, we must note the contribution of one remarkable family of Mathematicians. Malaysians of Indian descent, they have been particular jewels in the Magdalene crown in recent years.
The eldest, Anitha, who matriculated in 2004, obtained a First Class degree in 2007, took her Certificate in Advanced Studies in Mathematics (CASM the current name for Part III Mathematics) and is presently reading for her PhD in Representation Theory. Her twin brothers, Arun and Ashok, who matriculated in 2006, obtained First Class degrees in 2009, took their CASMs and are reading for their PhDs: Arun in Pure Mathematics and Statistics; Ashok in Applied Mathematics. Sadly, we were unable to keep both brothers at Magdalene and Ashok has been snapped up by the second-placed Cambridge College for Mathematics last year Trinity. Their father, Dr Thillaisundaram a/l Arumugam, is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Accountancy and Management at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia and his academic influence has certainly borne fruit. We were pleased to see the family here in Magdalene in June for General Admissions (pictured) when Arun and Ashok proceeded to their degrees at the Senate House. Congratulations to the whole Thillaisundaram family on what is a remarkable achievement.

JCR President, Paul Hartley


... continued effort came the subsequent collective release of pressure and the ensuing celebrations of May Week and Graduation. This year also saw many courageous efforts to raise huge amounts for charitable causes. For instance the half-marathon efforts of Kirsty Wright in Sheffield and the group in Edinburgh are to be commended. In College there were many events meaning that this year Magdalene was the sixth-highest fundraiser in Cambridge.

Magdalene in ThE ciTY

by corinne lloyd

Magdalene in the City (MiC) has been established for some time but we intend to invigorate the group by holding two regular annual events in the City.
It is envisaged that we establish a formal lecture series, entitled Magdalene Insights inviting a senior member of the group to give a topical lecture which will then be followed by drinks, nibbles and the opportunity to network. It is hoped to bring some of the current Economics and other interested students to the City to enable them to attend this and future events. We are planning for the first Insights meeting in February or March and everyone on the MiC Register will be notified by email. The Development & Alumni Relations Office is also in the process of updating its website capabilities and, once the process is complete, we will be launching a dedicated MiC section on our website. We hope to offer an online Register of Magdalene in the City members as well as the opportunity for members to post items on the notice board. All currently registered alumni will be asked for permission to add their email addresses to their entry so communication is eased for MiC members. The website will, of course, be password protected to guarantee privacy. Most importantly, we intend in due course to establish an informal mentoring scheme for undergraduates thinking of a career in the City.
Corbis Images

Waiting to Graduate

Elsewhere the Choir once again did the College proud and there were star performances from the likes of Henry Male and Tommy Crowley in Gypsy ensuring the musical was once again an achievement. A similar story of triumph has also been seen with our sports teams and societies. The rugby team won the Cuppers Shield with a hard fought win over Sidney. The mens pool team earned promotion and the Chess team managed to win their First Division.

We would welcome volunteers from among our alumni working in the City to create an informal committee to meet a couple of times per year to help formulate these innovations and organise events for the MiC group. Please contact the Development Director for an informal chat about the possibility of joining the MiC Committee or for anyone wanting to help in any way. Email: director. Stop Press: next MiC event will be on 15th February 2011, please check back page for details.


Forthcoming Events
24 novemBer 2010 12 mArCh 2011 22 June 2011

The Third Annual Magdalene College Investec Lecture in Business

26 novemBer 2010

Non-Resident Members Guest Night

26 mArCh 2011

The May Ball

3 JuLy 2011

Biannual Magdalene Association Dinner in Hall

29 APriL 2011

Non-Resident Members Guest Night. These are hosted by a group of Fellows and include pre-dinner drinks.
28 JAnuAry 2011

First Annual Family Day in College for Magdalene Members and their families.
5 JuLy 2011

Non-Resident Members Guest Night

14 mAy 2011

Non-Resident Members Guest Night

15 feBruAry 2011

Magdalene in the City Drinks reception at the City University Club, 6.308.30pm
25 feBruAry 2011

MA Day for all those who matriculated in 2004. Full information will be sent to all those eligible. Please contact the Alumni & Development Office to update your address details.
21 mAy 2011

First Annual Audley Society Luncheon. This event is for members of the Colleges Legacy Society. Please contact the office by emailing to register your interest in any of the above events. Further details can also be found on the College website on the Events pages.

Non-Resident Members Guest Night

10 June 2011

Pepys Dinner, by invitation only

Non-Resident Members Guest Night

The Third Magdalene College Investec Lecture in Business

The College is delighted that this years lecture will be given by Michael Grade, CBE, Chairman of Pinewood Shepperton plc. In a thought-provoking lecture, he will put forward a radical proposal to ensure plurality within the current broadcasting landscape: Public Interest in Television. Grade has had a number of highprofile appointments including Head of Entertainment and Director of Programmes at LWT and President of Embassy Television in the USA. In 1986 he became Controller of BBC1

and later, Director of Programmes and Managing Director Designate. He became Chief Executive of Channel 4 in 1987, leaving in 1997 to head First Leisure Corporation. In 2000 he became Chairman of Pinewood Shepperton and Camelot Group. In 2004 he became Chairman of the BBC Board of Governors. He left the BBC in 2007, becoming Executive Chairman of ITV plc until the end of 2009. This event is organised by Magdalene College and Investec, the international specialist banking group. It will take place in the Sir Humphrey Cripps Theatre, Cripps Court, a state-of-the-art development opposite the main College site on 24 November, 5.457.30pm. A Reception will follow in the Denis Murphy Gallery, Cripps Court.

Reunion Dinners in 2011

Friday 25 March (20002002) Saturday 7 May (up to 1953) Reunion Lunch Friday 16 September (19791981) Friday 23 September (19821984) Please note that all Reunion dinners start with Evening Prayer and Hymns in Chapel at 7pm, followed by drinks in the Cloister, Second Court and Dinner is served in Hall at 8pm.

Unfortunately, this event was sold out when going to Press.

The views expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of Magdalene College, Cambridge

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