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' , I ! M I 11 II

II .1

. H i d , In M | i i ; i i in; 1 ,.

EXAMPLE 2 Let us change the general form

x 2 + y1 + Dx + Ey + F = 0



lo ihc center radius form. For this purpose we separate the x terms and the y UMIIIS on ihc left side and put the constant term on the right. Thus

I I n s formula exhibits the coordinates of the center and the length of the radius and, consequently, is sometimes called the center-radius form of the equation of a

x2 + Dx +y2 + Ey = -F.
N f \ l , we add the square of half the coefficient of x to the x terms and the square if half the coefficient of y to the y terms and add the same amount on the right ililr. This gives

Conversely, the graph of an equation of the form (2.22) is a circle with center at ( h , k ) and radius equal to r. This fact is evident since the equation is satisfied by, and only by, points whose distance from (h, k) is r. Hence it is an easy task to write the equation of a circle whose center and radius are known, or to draw the circle whose equation is expressed in the form (2.22). If the center of a circle is at the origin (h = 0, k = 0) and the radius is r, its equation is
7 ? 1 x2 + y = r .

D2 x + Dx + - - +

E2 Ev + 4

D2 4


- F.

I he x terms and y terms are now perfect squares. Hence we write


y) (^ yJ =T T- F + + +
D2 2





I Ins equation is in the center-radius form. The equation will have a graph, which in ii circle, if
'-.''*'*": ;-' ''^: ''

EXAMPLE 1 If the center of a circle is at (3, - 2) and the radius is 4, the equation of the circle is

+ 4 4

c2 + y2 - 6x + 4y - 3 = 0.
Equation (2.22) can be presented in another form by squaring the binomials and collecting terms. Thus

iii positive. It will also have a graph if the right member is equal to zero. Then the iiniph will consist of the single point (-D/2, E/2). In this case the graph is iiiinctimes called a point circle. Clearly, no real values of x and y satisfy the 1'ijiiation when the right member is negative. EXAMPLE 3 Change the equation 2jc 2 + 2>> 2 h > form (2.22). tOLUTiON. We first divide by 2 to reduce the equation to the general form (2.24). llms
2 x

5y - 80 = 0

x - 2hx + h + y - Iky + k = r , x +

- 2hx - Iky + h + k - r = 0.

+ y2 - 4X + ^y - 4fJ = 0.

The last equation is of the form

Next, leaving spaces for the terms to be added to complete squares, we have (2.24)

x2 +y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0.

x2 - 4x

+y2 + \ y

= 40.

I ' l l is is called the general form of the equation of a circle. Conversely, an equation of the form (2.24) can be reduced to the form (2.22) Iw ihc simple expedient of completing the squares in the x terms and the y terms. We illustrate the procedure.

The square of half the coefficient of x goes in the first space and the square of half ihc coefficient of y goes in the second space. Then we have

(x2 - 4x + 4) +(y2 + IF + ff) = 40 + 4 + ,

id 'ii

I In- e q u a t i o n of (ho mclc can be expressed in the form

x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F= 0.

i ' i n l i l o m is lo find values for D, E, and F so that the equation is satisfied by H I . . i ' " i i l i n a i e s of each of the given points. Hence we substitute for x and y the i . I i n a i c s of these points. This gives the system

1 + 4 + D - 2E + F= 0, 25 + 16 + 5D + 4E + F= 0, 100 + 25 + WD + 5E + F = 0. i hi . o l u i i o n of these equations is D = -18, E = 6, and F = 25. Therefore the I . . | M i i c d equation is

x2 + y2 - Ux + 6y + 25 = 0.

This equation is in the required form, and it reveals that the given equation is that of a circle with center at (2, - f) and the radius is equal to 27/4. The graph is in Fig. 2.16. EXAMPLE 4 What is the graph, if any, of the equation

x2 + y2 + 4x - 6y + 14 = 0?
SOLUTION. Upon completing the squares, we find (x + 2 ) 2 + ( y - 3 ) 2 = -1. ('Icarly the left member of this equation cannot be negative for any real values of .v and y. Hence the equation has no graph.

Circles Determined By Geometric Conditions

We have seen how to write the equation of a line from certain information that lixes the position of the line in the coordinate plane. We consider now a similar problem concerning the circle. Both the center-radius form and the general form nl the equation of a circle will be useful in this connection. There are innumerable geometric conditions that determine a circle. It will be recalled, for example, that a circle can be passed through three points that are not on a straight line. We illustrate this case first. EXAMPLE 5 Find the equation of the circle that passes through the points / ' ( I , -2), (?(5,4), and R(10,5).

Alternatively, this problem can be solved by applying the fact that the " ipcndicular bisectors of two nonparallel chords of a circle intersect at the < n i e r . Thus the equations of the perpendicular bisectors of PQ and QR (Fig. ' I / ) are

2x + 3y = 9


5x + y = 42.

I lie solution of these equations is x = 9, y = -3. These are the coordinates of 1 1 ie center. The radius is the distance from the center to either of the given points. Hence the resulting equation, in center-radius form, is

(x - 9)2

3)2 = 65.

I XAMPLE 6 A circle is tangent to the line 2x - y + I = 0 at the point (2, 5), and i he center is on the line x + y = 9. Find the equation of the circle.




SOLUTION. The line through (2,5) arid perpendicular to the line 2x y + 1 = 0 |iasses through the center of the circle (Fig. 2.18). The equation of this line is x + 2y = 12. Hence the solution of the system
x + 2y = 12, x + ^v = 9,


yields the coordinates of the center. Accordingly, the center is at (6, 3). The distance from this point to (2,5) is v/20~. The equation of the circle, therefore, is
(x- 6)

- 3) = 20.

EXAMPLE 7 A triangle has its sides on the lines x + 2 j ^ - 5 = 0, 2x - y ~ 10 = 0, and 2x + y + 2 = 0. Find the equation of the circle inscribed in the triangle. SOLUTION. From geometry we know that the center of the inscribed circle is the point of intersection of the bisectors of the angles of the triangle. Referring to Fig. 2. 1 9, we indicate the meeting point of the bisectors of the angle A and the angle B by /'(x', y'). The distances from the sides of the triangle to P are indicated by dl, d-,, and d3. The distances dl and d2 are positive but d3 is negative. So dv ~ d2 and <J2 = d3. We now write:

hlsci lors of angles A and B. The solution of this pair of equations is x = 2 and 1. Therefore the point (2, 1) is the center of the inscribed circle. The i M i n i s is the distance of (2, 1) from each of the three sides, which is -f5 . Hence i h . di-sired equation is

I'lxerClses In I Exercises 1 through 16, write the equation of the circle that satisfies the given i onditions. I Center (3,-4), radius 6 i Center (5,-12), radius 13 J ('enter (5, -3), radius Jb 7. Center (3, - \\ radius vTY 2. Center (0,8), 4. Center (0,3), radius 5 radius 7 radius 8

2x' + y' + 2

2x' - y' - 10


x' + 2y'-5

or or

x' = 2, x' - 3y' = 5.

6. Center (-1, -6),

8. Center (f, ^), radius

'). The line segment joining .4(0,0) and B(6, 8) is a diameter. 10. The line segment joining A( l,5) and B( 5, -7) is a diameter.

Dropping the primes gives x = 2 and x - 3y = 5, which are the equations of the

I I. The line segment joining A(

3, -4) and #(4,3) is a dianii-lei. 3,5).


I lie circle |>;isscs lh rough I In- pom Is (0, 3), ( 2 , 4 ) , and ( 1 , 0 ) . I he - nek- passes through (he points (0,0), (0,5), and (3,3).

12. The center is at (1, -3) and the circle passes through (

I 3. The circle is tangent to the y axis, and the center is at (5, 3). 14. The circle is tangent to the x axis, and the center is at (-3, -4). 15. The circle is tangent to the line 3x + 4y = 16 and the center is at (-3, -4).

i !'

I he eirek- is circumscribed about the triangle whose vertices are (3, -2), I ' J) .ind ( 1,6). ( I he , nvle is circumscribed about the triangle whose vertices are ( 1, -3), .VI), and (2,1).

16. The circle is tangent to the line 5x - 12y = 24 and the center is at (5, -5). Reduce each equation in Exercises 17 through 26 to the center-radius form and draw the circle. 17. x2+y2 + 6x- 4y-l2 = 0
19. x2 +y2 ~ 8x - 2y+ 1 = 0 21. x2 + y2 + 8x + 6y - 11 = 0 23. x2 + y2 + 4x - Uy + 3 = 0 18. x2 + y2 + 4x + I2y + 36 = 0 20. x + y - IQx + 4y - 1 = 0 22. x2 + y2 - Wx - 24y + 25 = 0 24. x2 + y2 - 3.x - 4y = 0
2 2

I l i e sides of a triangle are along the lines x - 2y = 0, 5x - 2y = 8, and l \ I 2 y = 24. Find the equation of the circle circumscribed about the i M, ingle. I he sides of a triangle lie on the lines 3x + 4y + 8 = 0, 3x - 4y - 32 = 0, .mil A = 8. Find the equation of the circle inscribed in the triangle. I he sides of a triangle are on the lines 3x - y - 5 = 0, x + 3y - 1 = 0, and v - 3y + 1 = 0. Find the equation of the circle inscribed in the triangle. I he sides of a triangle are on the lines 6x + ly + 11 = 0, 2x - 9y + 11 = 0, and 9x + 2y - 11 = 0. Find the equation of the circle inscribed in the i i langle.

i I 1 ' ' i

25. 2x2 + 2y2 + I2x - 2y - 3 = 0

26. 3x2 + 3>>2 - 6x + 5y = 0

Determine whether each equation in Exercises 27 through 36 represents a circle, or a point, or has no graph.
27. x2 + y2 - 2x + 4y + 5 = 0 29. x2 + y2 + 4x - 8j - 5 = 0 31. x2 + y2 - x = 0 33. x + y - 4x - 4y + 9 = 0 35. x2 + y2 - 5x - 3y + f = 0
2 2

28. x2 + y2- 6x + 2y+ 10 = 0 30. x2 + y2 + 10y = 0 32. x2 + y2 + 8.x + 15 = 0 34. x2 + y2 + Ix + 5y + 16 = 0 36. x


In Section 2.5 we learned how to find the equation of the family of lines passing the intersection of two lines. The method used there will also serve for the equation of families of circles passing through the intersections of two les. For this purpose, let us consider the equations

Ji = U o

Find the equation of the circle described in each of Exercises 37 through 46. 37. The circle is tangent to the line x - y = 2 at the point (4,2) and the center is on the x axis. 38. The circle is tangent to the line x + 2y = 3 at the point (-1,2) and the center is on the y axis. 39. The circle is tangent to the line 4x + 3y = 4 at the point (4, - 4), and the center is on the line x - y = 1. 40. The circle is tangent to the line 5x + y = 3 at the point (2, - 7) and the' center is on the line x 2y = 19. 41. The circle is tangent to the line 3x - 4y = 34 at the point (10, -1) and also tangent to the line 4x + 3y = 12 at the point (3,0). 42. The circle is tangent to both coordinate axes and contains the point (6,3). y" + L>2x + E2y iii id, taking k as a parameter, the equation (x2

F2 = 0,



k(x2 + y2 + D2x + E2y + F2) = 0.


Suppose now that Eqs. (2.25) and (2.26) represent circles that intersect in two I it Mills. Then if k is a parameter, with k different from 1, Eq. (2.27) represents a l . n n i l y of circles passing through the intersection points of the given equations. This is true because the coordinates of an intersection point, when substituted for \ and y, reduce Eq. (2.27) to 0 + kO = 0. If the given circles are tangent to each oiher, Eq. (2.27) represents the family of circles passing through the point of i.mgency. We shall give examples of circles intersecting at two points and of i ncles intersecting at only one point.

LXAMPLE 1 W r i t e llu- equation of I he family of circles < , .ill mcinlier, < > ! which pass through ihc intersection of the circles ( ', and ( ' , icpiescnicil by llic

MM I V (li.iph tin- circles ( , ,uul ( ' , whose equations a t e

x2 +y2 - 6x + 2y + 5 = 0,

r, :

x2 + y1 - \2x - 9y + 50 = 0,


x2+y2-25 = 0.



y2 - Ux - 1y + 29 = 0.

I M i | > h the member C, of the family of circles (x2 + y2 - Ux -9y + 50) + k(x2 + y2 - 25) = 0,
l i n 1 1 A = 1.

I n u l the member of the family C3 that passes through the point (7,0). SOLUTION. Letting A: be a parameter, we express the family of circles by the equation (x + y - 6x + 2y + 5) + k(x + y - Ux - 2y + 29) = 0. (2.28) Replacing x by 1 and y by 0 in this equation, we find
(49 - 42 + 5) + k(49 - 84 + 29) = 0, 12 + k(-6) = 0, k = 2. For this value of k, Eq. (2.28) reduces to
2 2 2 2

<< >N. Replacing k by 1, we obtain, in center-radius form, the equation

H i , , rnier of the circle is at (3, f) and the radius is f . As shown in Fig. 2.21, the n circles intersect in only one point and the third circle passes through the i D| (angency.

3x2 + 3y2 - 30x - 2y + 63 = 0 or, in center-radius form,

C3: (x-5)2+(j-i)2=f.

Hence the required member of the family of circles has its center at (5, y) and radius equal to /3T/3, which is approximately equal to 2.03. This circle and the two given circles are constructed in Fig. 2.20.



Equation (2.27), as we saw, represents a circle if k is assigned any real number except k = -1. If, however, we let k = -1, Eq. (2.27) reduces to the linear equation

(/>! - D2)x + (E1 - E2)y + F1 - F2 = 0.


I H A I ' l l l< '

III! M K A K i l l l 1 INI

\NH M i l - I 11 I I

I he graph of tliis equation is a straight line called the radical a\is of the two given circles. I I the given circles intersect in two points, the radical a x i s passes through the intersection points; if the given circles are tangent, the radical axis is tangent to the circles at their point of tangency. If the given circles have no common IK M i l l , the radical axis is between the circles. In each of the three possibilities, the i adical axis is perpendicular to the line joining the centers of the given circles. We leave the proof of this statement to the student. EXAMPLE 3 Draw the graph of the equations
__ 6y _ 3 = and

I UK! ihe mcmbci of the family I'oi which A .'ii ihc same coordinate .system.

I. ('(instruct the three circles

u n i l - .in e q u a t i o n of the family of circles passing through the intersection of i l n - i iiclcs

v ' I i"' I- 2.v + 4_y - 4 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 6x + 2y + 6 = 0.

I nid t h e member of the family for which k = 2. \\ i Mr an equation of the family of circles passing through the intersection of Ihe circles

y2- 12x - I4y + 65 = 0.

x2 + y2 + 2x - 4y = 4


y2 - 4x + 6y = 3.

'Ilien find the equation of the radical axis and draw the axis. SOLUTION. Subtracting the first given equation from the second given equation, we get - 8x - 8^ + 68 = 0, which is equal to 2x + 2y - 17 = 0. This is the equation of the radical axis. The graphs of the given equations and the radical axis are shown in Fig. 2.22.

I n u t ihe member of the family that passes through (1,2). t I md the equation of the line passing through the points of intersection of the
. in le\

x2 + y2 - 4x + 2y - 4 = 0 x2 + y2 + I4x + 38 = 0


x2 + y2 + 4x = 0. x2 + y2 - 4 = 0.

I 1 1 ul the equation of the radical axis represented by the circles


'. I > i . i w the graph of the equations

\ ' + y2 + 4x + 6y - 3 = 0 and

x2 + y2 + Ux + I4y + 60 = 0.

I In ii l i i u l the equation of the radical axis and draw the axis. I > i ; i w the circles

x2 + y2 - Ux + 40 = 0
I > i a w the circles
v ' + y2 + 2x - 5y - 4 = 0


+ y2 - 4 = 0.

I md ihe equation of the radical axis and draw the axis.

x2 + y2 + Ux + 8y + 36 = 0.


I md ihe equation of the radical axis and draw the axis. '' I 'rove that the radical axis of two circles is perpendicular to the line segment connecting the centers of the circles.

1. Write an equation of the family of circles passing through the intersection of the circles
x2 + y2 - 2x - 24 = 0 and

in Write the equation of the family of circles passing through the intersection points of

\2 + y2 + I6x + lOj + 24 = 0


x2 + y2 + 4x - 8y - 6 = 0.

- 2 = 0.

I md the member of the family that passes through the origin. Construct the three . i n ICS.


M i l S I R AH ,

INI AN I ) M i l ( IKI


2 I IK- equation of a circle of radius r has the simple form xz + y,2 - rz if the = ,.2 oi ij'jn of coordinates is at the center of the circle. If the origin is not at the center, i l u - corresponding equation may be expressed in either of the less simple forms (2.22) or (2.24), Section 2.6. This is an illustration of the fact that the simplicity of t h e equation of a curve depends on the relative positions of the curve and the

X' + /),

y = y' + k.

l i i < . i . ' i n i u l a s give the relations of the old and new coordinates. They hold for i l l p . ' m i s of (he plane, where the new origin O' is any point of the plane. ( ( i n ' i i i l y , the substitutions x' + h for x and y' + k for y in the equation of i u- lel'erred to the original axes yield the equation of the same curve referred i" i I K - iMiislated axes. It is imperative that each set of axes be properly labeled. i H h , i wise, a graph becomes a confusion of lines. .M'lE 1 Find the new coordinates of the point P(4, 2) if the origin is \ c < l 10 ( -2,3) by a translation. li '//;< w. Since we are to find the new coordinates of the given point, we write i In i i . i n s l a t i o n formulas as x' = x h and y' = y k. The original coordinates "i i he given point are x = 2, y = 3. Making the proper substitutions, we find ' = 4 - ( - 2 ) = 6,
y' = -2-3= -5.

Suppose we have a curve in the coordinate plane and the equation of the curve. Let us consider the problem of writing the equation of the same curve with respect to another pair of axes. The process of changing from one pair of axes to another is called a transformation of coordinates. The most general transformation is one in which the new axes are not parallel to the old axes and the origins are dillerent. Just now, however, we shall consider transformations in which the new axes are parallel to the original axes and similarly directed. A transformation of t h i s kind is called a translation of axes. The coordinates of each point of the plane are changed under a translation of axes. To see how the coordinates are changed, examine Fig. 2.23. The new axes O'X' and O'Y' are parallel, respectively, to the old axes OX and OY. The coordinates of the origin O', referred to the original axes, are denoted by (h, k). 1 lence the new axes can be obtained by shifting the old axes h units horizontally and k units vertically while keeping their directions unchanged. Let x and y stand for the coordinates of any point P when referred to the old axes, and x' and y' the coordinates of P with respect to the new axes. It is evident from the figure that
= ON = OM + O'Q = h + x',

I I K - new coordinates of P are (6, 5). This result can be obtained directly from K|. 2.24.

O' (-2,3) 2 1
1 1 1 1

17 kfc-x1

= MO' + QP = k + y'.

^ Y


(4, -2)

J (*,>') I <*'.#')


IXAMPLE 2 Find the new equation of the circle


x2 + y2 - 6x + 4y - 3 = 0

al'ler a translation that moves the origin to the point (3, -2).

I (-1.

3). (5, - 1), (


2), (3,4); 2);

( ) ' ( - 3,1). O'(-5,-2). O'(-2,2). O'(-2,3).


I (6,3), (2, -3), (7,4), ( 4,

'. < S , 3 ) , ( 2 , - 3 ) , ( 7 , 4 ) , < - 4 , - 2 ) ;

r, (3.1), (4,2), (5,3), (4,6), (-2,-3);

I Hid the new equation in Exercises 7 through 17 if the origin is moved to the i.ivi'ii point O' by a translation of axes. Draw both sets of axes and the graph. /, 2 j e + > ' - 6 = 0; O'(-2,2) ') Ix + 2y + 5 = 0; O'(-l,2)

8. x - 2y - 4 = 0; O'(3,-2) 10. 4x - 3y = 0; O'(3,3) 12. x2 + y2 + 2x = 0; O'(0,l)


< + y - 2x + 4y = 0; O ( , ) '22 t1 + y2 - 4x + 4y - 2 = 0; O'(l,3)

I ! v: + y2 + 6x - 8j + 5 = 0; O'(l,-4) SOLUTION. The translation formulas here become x = x' + 3 and y = y' - 2. These substitutions for x and y in the given equation yield
(x' + 3)2 + ( y r - 2)2 - 6(x' + 3) + 4(>>' - 2) - 3 = 0

v 2 +.y 2 - I6x + 6y + 8 = 0; O'(-6,3) '' v + j - 8^: + Uy - 1 = 0; O'(3,-&) i ' v : + y2 + I4x - Wy + 20 = 0; O'(4.015,2.193)

2 2

' '

or, by simplification, Both sets of axes and the graph are drawn in Fig. 2.25. EXAMPLE 3 Translate the axes so that no first-degree terms will appear in the transformed equation of the circle
x2 +y2 + 6x - Wy + 12 = 0.

In I .xercises 18 through 23 find the point to which the origin must be translated in uiliT that the transformed equation will have no first-degree term. Give the inmsformed equation.
'(I '.'

< 2 + y2 + 6x + 4y + 8 = 0
\* + y2 + Wx - Uy + 3 = 0
2 v

19. x2 + y2 - 4x + 2y = 5 21. 4x2 + y2 + I6x - 6y = 3 23. x2 + y2 + Wx - Uy = 7


+ 4y2 - 8x - 8y + 5 = 0

SOLUTION. We first express the equation in the center-radius form and have (x + 3)2 +(y-5)2 = 22. If we choose the new origin at the center of the circle, (-3,5), the translation formulas are x = x' 3 and y = y' + 5. These substitutions for x and y give x'2+y'2 = 22 as the equation of the circle referred to the translated axes. I

Find the equation of the line through (2, -3) and perpendicular to the line defined by the equation 4x + 5y + 6 = 0.

2. Find the directed distance from the line 5x - 2y - 26 = 0 to the points P,(4, -5), P2(-4,2), and P3(9,l). i T i n d the equation of the bisector of the acute angles formed by the lines x - 2y + 6 = 0 and x + 2y - 4 = 0. 4. Write the equation of the family of lines that are parallel to the line 5x + 12 y + 6 = 0. Find the member of the family that is 3 units from the point (2, 1). 5. Write the equation of the family of lines passing through the point (5, -2). Find the member that passes through ( 3,4).

Determine the new coordinates of the points in Exercises 1 through 6 if the axes are translated so that the new origin is at the given point O'. Draw both sets of axes and verify your result from a figure. 1. (3,2), (3, -2), (-3, -2), (-3,2); 2. (7,1), (4,2), (4, -3), (2, 3); O'(4, 1). O'(2, 3).

<). I lie 11IK- sct',iiK'in joining <5, - 1) and ( 7, 3) is a diuiwtw of I circle. Find
the equation of the circle.

7. A circle is tangent to the line 3x - 4y - 4 = 0 at the point (-4, -4) and I Incenter is on the line x + y + 1 = 0. Find the equation of the circle. X. Reduce the circle x2 + y2 10x ly 1 0 to the center-radius form. M. Write the equation of the family of circles passing through the intersection of the circles - y2 + Wx - 9y + 39 = 0. x2 + y2 - 2x- 24 = 0 and Find the member of the family for which k = 1. Construct the three circles on the same coordinate axes. 10. Construct the graphs of the circles x2 + y2 + 4x = 0 and x2+y2-4 = 0. n 11n |mreding chapter, we denned a circle in terms of a set of points. In this 11 i | ' i < i we shall give names to other sets of points, or curves, and derive the i n n | n H i d i n g equations. As in the case of a circle, the equations will be of the I degree, or quadratic, in two variables. All the equations, with a few M, .us, define relations some of which are also functions (Definitions 1.6 and * I In 1 general quadratic equation in x and y may be expressed in the form Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0.


Find, in center-radius form, the equation of the member of the family of circles (x2 +y2 + 4x) + k(x2 + y2 - 4) = 0 for which k = 1. Draw the graph of the two given circles and the circle that you found. Put the three circles on the same coordinate axes. 11. Find the new equation of the circle x2 + y2 - 2x - 6y + 4 = 0 if the origin is moved to O'(2,3). 12. Find the point to which the origin must be translated in order for the transformed equation of
x + y + Wx - Uy - 3 = 0
2 2


I lie j-.iaph of a second-degree equation in the coordinates x and y is called a section or, more simply, a conic. This.designation comes from the fact that i l l ' in ve can be obtained as the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane.* The Greek mathematician Apollonius (262 B.C.-200 B.C.) wrote the definitive i i ' itisc Conic Sections on this subject. It superseded the works of earlier Greek I K - I c i s and formed the cornerstone of thought on the subject for well over a ili'-iisand years. Indeed, eighteen centuries passed before Descartes wrote his La
I i . : 'III,-ll'IC.

to have no first-degree terms.

I lie conic sections are of more than historic or academic interest; they have MI n i v interesting and important applications in science, engineering, and int l n i i v . While we cannot examine each application in detail, we can indicate the Ili'h variety of known applications of the conies. Furthermore, we have faith that ni'vv applications will be uncovered in the future, just as they have for the past iwmiy-two centuries. Many of today's applications could not have been imagined in .1 lil'ty or one hundred years ago. ()bviously, different kinds of conic sections are possible. A plane not passing id lough the vertex of a cone may cut all the elements of one nappe and make a 11. >'.i-d curve (Fig. 3.1). If the plane is parallel to an element, the intersection

* I i'I P be a point on a fixed line L. Then the surface composed of all lines through P and fin ining a constant angle with L is called a right circular cone. The line L is the axis of the I'oiu1, the point P the vertex, and each line composing the surface of the cone is called an 11< nu-iit The vertex separates the cone into two parts called nappes.


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