Pump Curve Lab Report

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Curtin University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering


LABORATORY REPORT 1 Pump Characteristic Curves

Prepared by Student ID No. Date performed Date submitted

: Nang The Truong : 14392665 : 27th July 2012 : 10th August 2012

Table of Contents I. II. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 1

III. Nomenclature ...................................................................................................... 1 IV. Theory ................................................................................................................. 2 1. Pump Curves .................................................................................................... 2 2. Similarity ........................................................................................................... 2 V. Apparatus ............................................................................................................ 3

VI. Procedures .......................................................................................................... 3 VII. Results ............................................................................................................. 5

1. Single pump ..................................................................................................... 5 2. Parallel pumps ................................................................................................ 10 VIII. Discussions .................................................................................................... 11 IX. Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 13 Appendix A Pump curves calculations at pump operating speed 1200 rpm and zero flow rate.................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix B Similarity laws .................................................................................... 15

List of tables
Table 1 : Records for single pump experiment ........................................................... 5 Table 2 : Efficiencies of a single pump at various pump speeds and input powers .... 6 Table 3 : Efficiencies of a single pump at speeds of 1400 and 1800 rpm ................... 7 Table 4 : Records for parallel pump experiment ....................................................... 10 Table 5 : Experimental Power input of pump #1 and pump #2 ................................. 10 Table 6 : Experimental Power output of pump #1 and pump #2............................... 10 Table 7 : Theoretical pump #1 and #2 flow rates and increased pressures ............. 11

List of Figures
Figure 1 : Laboratory apparatus ................................................................................. 3 Figure 2 : Pump curves at various pump operating speeds and flow rates ................ 8 Figure 3 : Efficiencies at various pump operating speeds and flow rates ................... 9



It is very common in engineering processes where fluid such air, water or oil are required to be delivered from one location to another. This can be typically achieved by pressure difference between the points. However, in a more complex system where fluid flows through various directions, pipes, junctions,etc. energy losses occurs due to friction along the pipe, valves, entrance and exists. In such cases, work needs to be added into the system to overcome these losses. For this purpose, pumps are introduced to do the job. Due to economic and design purposes, selecting the right pump is as significant as its role and also the purpose of this lab. Eventually, process of constructing a pump curve, application similarity laws and effects of pumps arranged in parrallel will be discussed.



Construct and analyse pump characteristic curves for a rotary dynamic pump operating at various speeds of 1200, 1600 and 2000 rpm. Applying similarity law to determine the pump characteristic curves for operation at various speeds of 1400 and 1800 rpm.

Pin Pout p Q m T g N H

efficiency Input power to the motor Hydraulic power output of the pump Pressure increased Flow rate Mass of counterweight Applied Torque Angular velocity Gravity acceleration Rotational speed Head

[W] [W] [Pa] [m/s] or [l/s] [kg] [Nm] [rad/s] [m/s2] [rpm] [mm Hg]



1. Pump Curves
Efficiency of the pump at each operating point can be determined by the equation: (1)

The hydraulic power output of the pump Pout and input power to the motor Pin can be obtained as below : (2)


,where r = 0.235 is the length of lever arm .

2. Similarity
To determine flow rate, head and efficiency for pump operating at other speeds, three similarity laws can be applied : For flow rate: (4) For head (pressure increase): (5) For efficiency 1 = 2 (6)



Figure 1 : Laboratory apparatus


Single Pump

1. Valves were set so that only pump #2 was operating. Valve at pipe discharge to tank was fully close. 2. Motor started to drive pump #2 at operating speed of 1200 rpm. 3. Head losses Hs and Hd were recorded from manometer. Weights were added to the lever arm until the motor is balanced. Balance mass was also recorded. 4. The discharge valve was now fully open. The flow rate could be read and recorded from the rotameter. 5. The flow rate was increased to 4 intermediate values so that head loss and balance mass were recorded in accordant with each set. 6. Steps 1 to 5 were repeated for pump speeds of 1600 and 2000 rpm.

Pumps in parallel

1. Valves were set so that pump #2 was operating at speed of 1600 rpm, and isolated from pump #1. 2. Valve on the suction of pump #1 was open. Pump #1 started to operate at the same speed as pump#2. Valve isolating pump #1 and pump $2 was open. 3. Discharge valve at the tank was fully open. Flow rate through pump #2 was recorded using the rotameter. The total flow rate could be read from the mercury manometer. Head loss Hs and Hd were recorded from the manometer. The masses required to balance each motor were also noted down. 4. Step 1 to 3 were repeated for 4 additional flow rates.

VII. Results
1. Single pump
Table 1 : Records for single pump experiment Hs [mmHg ] 930 936 941 976 982 848 852 868 896 957 730 743 766 827 942 Hd [mm Hg] 1183 1177 1171 1138 1132 1265 1259 1243 1216 1155 1376 1368 1345 1285 1171

Pump speed, N [rpm]

Flowrate, Q [l/s] 0 0.8

Pressure increase, P [Pa] 33754 32153 30686 21613 20012 55634 54300 50031 42693 26416 86187 83385 77248 61105 30552

Balance mass, m [g] 330 350 375 440 440 450 580 600 650 700 600 700 865 975 1040


1.2 2.5 2.65 0 1


1.8 2.7 4 0 1


1.9 3.6 5.2

Table 2 : Efficiencies of a single pump at various pump speeds and input powers

Pump speed, Hydraulic power output , Input Power, N [rpm] Pout [W] 0 26 1200 37 54 53 0 54 1600 90 115 106 0 83 2000 147 220 159 Pin [W] 96 101 109 127 127 130 168 174 188 203 174 203 251 282 301

Efficiency = Pout/Pin 0 25 34 42 42 0 32 52 61 52 0 41 59 78 53

Table 3 : Efficiencies of a single pump at speeds of 1400 and 1800 rpm

Pump speed, N [rpm] Flowrate, Q [l/s] 0.00 0.93 1400 1.40 2.92 3.09 0.00 1.20 1800 1.80 3.75 3.98

Pressure increase, P [Pa] 45943 43764 41767 29418 27239 75947 72345 69043 48630 45028

Efficiency = Pout/Pin 0 25 34 42 42 0 25 34 42 42

100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 1 2 3 Flowrate , Q [l/s] 4 5 6 1200rpm 1600rpm 2000rpm

Pressure increase, P [Pa]

Figure 2 : Pump curves at various pump operating speeds and flow rates

90 80 70 60 Efficiency 50 1200rpm 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 Flowrate, Q [l/s] 4 5 6 1600rpm 2000rpm

Figure 3 : Efficiencies at various pump operating speeds and flow rates

2. Parallel pumps
Nominating speed of pump #1 and pump #2: 1600 rpm Table 4 : Records for parallel pump experiment Total Flow rate, Q [l/s] 0 3 4 6 7.5

Pump #1 Flowrate, Q [l/s] 0 2.8 3.2 3.6 3.9

Pump #2 Flowrate, Q [l/s] 0 0.2 0.8 2.4 3.6

Hs [mmH g] 814 836 845 885 943

Hd [mmHg ] 1400 1279 1265 1230 1173

Pump #1 Mass, m [g] 500 650 750 790 850

Pump #2 Mass, m [g] 400 430 500 630 680

P, [Pa]

78182 59103 56035 46029 30686

Table 5 : Experimental Power input of pump #1 and pump #2 Power input P#1, [W] Power input P#2, [W] 193 251 290 305 328 155 166 193 243 263

Table 6 : Experimental Power output of pump #1 and pump #2 Power output P#1, [W] Power output P#2, [W] 0 165 179 166 120 0 12 45 110 110


Assuming total flow rate is evenly distributed between the pumps . Theoretical flow rates for each pump are therefore half total flow rates. In addition, both pumps are assumed to operate on the pump curve shown in figure 1. Applying flow rates from table 7 in conjunction with figure 1 for operating speed at 1600 rpm, the pressure increase P, [Pa] can be obtained and tabulated as below Table 7 : Theoretical pump #1 and #2 flow rates and increased pressures Total Flowrate, Q [l/s] 0 3 4 6 7.5 Pump #1 & #2 Flowrate, Q [l/s] 0 1.5 2 3 3.75 Delta P, [Pa] 56000 52000 48300 38500 29500 Power output 0 78 97 116 111

VIII. Discussions
Figure 1 shows that, for a single pump at all operating speeds, the pressure increase drops down non-linearly as the flow rate increases. At a particular flow rate, the pressure increase at higher operating speed will also be larger than that at lower operating speed. In fact, if not considering losses due to pipe roughness, losses within the pump and valves, elbow, entrance and exist of pipe system, etc. the theoretical curve can be shown as linear. These losses will cause the difference between the two curves. The effects of these losses on pump performance are clearer via operating efficiency as shown in figure 2. Rotary dynamic pump performance is relatively low which is less than 80%, specifically at low flow rate and operating speed. The efficiency reaches its maximum point at some particular value of the flow rate and then falls with a continued increase in the flow rate. These points are typically considered as normal or design flow rate or capacity for the pump. The points on various curves corresponding to the maximum efficiency are called as the best efficiency points (BEP). Apparently, in


selecting a pump for a particular application, it is desirable to have the pump operate near its maximum efficiency. Operation of the pump at zero discharge should also be considered. From table 1, the head developed at zero discharge is called the shutoff head. It represents the rise in pressure head across the pump with the discharge valve closed. Since there is no flow with the valve closed, the related efficiency is zero as shown in table 2. The input power to the pump is simply dissipated as heat. Although centrifugal pumps can be operated for short periods of time with the discharge valve closed, damage will occur due to overheating and large mechanical stress with any extended operation with the valve closed. Due to time and cost, pump characteristics are not always determined experimentally. Performance of the same pump operating at different speeds can be predicted by using similarity laws. Shown in table 3 are characteristics of the pump at operating speed at 1400 and 1800 rpm. The behaviour and performance are as per discussions above. However, assumptions should be considered carefully when applying these laws. The similarity law shown as equations (4), (5), and (6) are based on the condition that, as the impeller diameter is changed, all other important geometric variables are properly scaled to maintain geometric similarity. This is not normally the case in practice due to difficulties associated with manufacturing the pumps. The effects of viscosity and surface roughness have also been neglected. It has been found that the effect of these on efficiency as pump size decreases due to smaller clearances and blade size. Lastly, it should also be aware that the similarity laws will not be very accurate if tests on a model pump with water are used to predict the performance of a prototype pump with a highly viscous fluid, such as oil, because at much smaller Reynolds number associated with the oil flow, the fluid physics involved is different from the higher Reynolds number flow associated with water. In practice,it is common to see a combination of pumps arranged in series or parallel to provide addition head or flow. Theoretically, the pump flow rate is assumed to be evenly distributed when the pumps are arranged in parallel. However, at relatively low flow rate as at less than 4 [l/s], this is not the case.

Pump #1 does a majority of work comparing with pump #2. Nonetheless, the total flow rate had been increased as opposed to that from the operation of a single pump at the same head. For a single pump system at operating speed of 1600 rpm and P of 30 KPa, the total flow rate was about 3.6 l/s, whereas it was 7.5 l/s for a parallel pump system.



Pump curves had been constructed for a single pump operating at three different speeds of 1200, 1600 and 2000 rpm. Similarity laws were introduced to determine theoretical pump characteristics at other speeds of 1400 and 1600 rpm. Finally, effect of pumps arranged in parrallel were also analysised.


Appendix A Pump curves calculations at pump operating speed 1200 rpm and zero flow rate
Given Hg = 13600 [kg/m3] For Hs = 930 [mmHg], Hd = 1183 [mmHg], pressure increase is obtained as:

From equation (2), output power of the pump is determined as :

[ ] From equation (3), input power to the motor is calculated as : ( )

[ ] Pump efficiency can be obtained using equation (1) :


Appendix B Similarity laws

Given pump operating speed of 1400 rpm. From equation (4), flow rate is calculated as : ( ) ( )

From equation (5), the pressure increase is : ( [ ] )


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