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I dont own Gundam Seed or Gundam Seed Destiny Chapter One: Decisions Each of us has our own path,

our road Choices we take which leads us in our journey So dont have any regrets Because our actions are what we are today The Letters have been sent my Lady Kisaka informed the Chief Representative before him. There road hasnt been smooth and it had so many trials, yet the Lady before him had endured it and surpassed it. She had grown and now standing before him wasnt the Princess of Orb but the Queen which stood high throughout her reign. Do you think I did the right thing Kisaka? Cagalli asked her longtime advisor and friend. I cannot say if it is right or wrong my lady but I do know you this you did what was for the people Kisaka answered. Im grown tired, I already did what I can for my people, my time is nearing its end Kisaka Cagalli stated smiling as she stared at the window to the view of Orb. Kisaka just stared at the woman with sad eyes. Meanwhile at downtown Orb at a small bar, a man seated in one of the stools he had rare blue hair with piercing brown eyes. Hey stranger did you order me another one a girl whispered as she seated beside him. She had blond shoulder length hair and aquamarine eyes You do know you pick the strangest places for us to meet Miranda? the man said handing the other drink to her and drinking his own. Its interesting plus in this place you really see the real world Alex Miranda explained looking around the laughing, chatting, and shouting costumers. Its pretty weird hearing that from you Miranda Elsman especially with your background Alex stated smirking My parents arent shallow as you may think, they raise me and my brothers to know the real world" Miranda said glaring at him So why did you call me out here Alex asked changing the subject The Chief Representative of Orb is about to step down form her post a few months from now the public isnt yet aware of this and our department is ordered to locate the lost Prince Miranda explained as she said this she played with her drink. Alex almost choked the beer as he heard the mission. The missing Prince of Orb has been missing for 5 years now and no one has seen a trance of him. This is like finding a needle in the haystack he thought. I know what youre thinking this is impossible Miranda interrupted his thinking. OF COURSE ITS IMPOSSIBLE IF THE QUEENS PRIVATE UNIT COULDNT FIND HIM WHAT MORE US Alex shouted. Miranda chuckled at Alexs reaction to the mission. In the years she and Alex were friends it was a rare sight to see Alex lose his temper and yet it was a sight worth seeing, it was comical. After taking another

look at her partner, she sighed she knew perfectly well Alex hated taking mission without 100% assurance that it would succeed. Quiet down Alex for your information, the Prince was already located it is our mission to protect him as he is transported here to Orb Miranda added smirking at her partners reaction. Thank God then will just babysit the Prince Alex stated. Alex why do you hate mission with risks? Miranda asked out of the blue Because I hate failing Alex replied But youre the best at the Academy and all the other test you are the best Miranda commented drinking the beer. Can we change the subject I am getting bored of this one Alex stated standing up. Hey where are you going? Miranda questioned as she followed him. Didnt I say I was getting bored Alex answered walking towards the exit. Miranda sighed and followed her partner Stupid she whispered which earned her a grin from Alex. Sometimes I dont know what goes around that mans head she thought. Meanwhile at a Zaft. Whats our next mission Commander? Ezaria Joule asked her Commander. Ezaria you know you can call me Dereck? Ezaria sighed at her Commander. What did she do to be put in Dereck Elsman unit this was hell. Commander I can file for Sexual Harassment you know right Ezaria said gazing at him. Dereck just smirk at his Lt. He loved teasing her, it was his favorite pass time. Dereck stood up putting his arms around Ezaria which earned him a nudge in the rib and kick in rear. Ouch was all Dereck could say as he kneeled at the floor. One more time Elsman and I swear I will kill you Ezaria warned him. Ezaria was a mix of her parents, she had her fathers rare silver hair and her mothers piercing violet eyes while Dereck had his mothers brown hair and her fathers piercing violet eyes. Just then the door opened revealing two red soldiers. As they eyed their Commander in the floor both burst out laughing. Can I have any respect here, I am still your Commander you know Dereck said standing up walking to his seat. Who would respect you Elsman when youre in that sorry state said the raven haired officers. What did he do this time Ezaria? asked the brunette officer. Just the usual Ezaria answered You never learn do you the raven haired officer commented. Shut up Asuka Dereck said and now he look serious both officers immediately quiet down. Now that you two are here the mission in hand Dereck turned on the screen. The Chief Representative of Orb is about to step out and her heir the Prince of Orb will take her place our mission is to help and protect the Prince as he travels to Orb As he finish explaining Dereck look at his team. Akira Yamato stared at the screen at the details of the mission in hand. He had inherited his fathers brown hair and her mothers blue eyes. How did you find him? He asked Your cousin is pretty good at hiding it took 3 years I think for Orb to locate him but now he is willing to go back for the sake of Orb Dereck explained.

So when do we leave? Rey Asuka asked he was the photo copy of his father. Tomorrow morning the shuttle will leave the first thing as we arrive on earth we will meet the soldiers from orb who will join us in this mission Dereck stated looking at his team they nodded. Then we are finish I want everyone ready and Asuka dont you dare be late Rey just gave his friend and Commander a grin. The three salute and was walking out Ezaria why dont we have dinner tonight? Dereck asked Sexual Harassment Commander Ezaria replied existing the room without turning back. Dereck just smiled and looked at Alec Yula Atthas file the Prince of Orb. Outside He never learns does he Ezaria commented He likes you Akira stated. Ezaria just rolled her eyes Hell will freeze over she said Your just in denial Joule you like him Rey teased the silver haired. Hell will freeze over Your never know it might happen Rey said Ezaria didnt reply but just glazed at him. Akira just chuckled as he watch his friends. AKIRA he turned around to the voice. He was greeted by her mother. Chairwoman Yamato he heard his friends salute. Hi Mom he greeted Walk with me Lacus requested Akira nodded he waved at his friends, as he escorted his mother to her office. I heard they found Alec? Lacus asked Yes Mama they found him tomorrow we will leave for Orb, Is Aunt Cagalli really stepping down? Akira asked worried his Aunt Cagalli was a great leader its so early for her to step down. As they entered the office Your Aunt Cagalli I think is already tired she had become the leader of Orb when she was 16 I think shes already tired But Mom Aunt Cagalli is still full of energy Akira argued. I cant agree more and yet tired is not only Physical Akira Lacus said as she said this she stared at the photo in her desk. It was a photo of all of them in Orb after the First Bloody Valentine war. Akira just watch his mother he could see the sadness in her smile. He couldnt imagine the burden his mother and his aunt carried in there shoulder. Alec Yula Attha stared at the sunset. He was still shock at the news his mother was stepping down. He couldnt imagine his mother not the Chief Representative, his whole life he watch her as she lead the country like her own child. But he knew it was those people were her children and like her he would one day take that responsibility from her. But it was too soon. He looked at his mother letter again. My Dearest Alec, I havent seen you for a while now how are you my darling? You must have heard the news from the people I send. I am stepping down in a few months now. I know you probably asking why after all these years I look at my people and I realize I have done all I can for them. Orb and my chapter are in its last paragraph already. Orb needs to begin again with a new leader to lead them. I am a thing of the past already I now my time is already up and its time for me to pass it on to you now. Its like how it was passed on to me by my father.

I know I never been much of a mother to you Alec and I have kept so many secrets from you. You went out to see the world like I once did and I hope you have learned what I learned. If it was up to me I dont want you to feel this burden and this soon. I cannot say much more when you arrive here Ill finally tell you what you been asking me all this years the truth. Remember my Alec I love you, you are my treasure. Love, Your Mother Arent you going inside yet? He turned around to see Marissa. Not yet he answered her. Can I join you? she asked Alec just nodded. Marissa walked towards him and seated beside him. Why did you become a teacher? Alec asked the pink haired. Well while I was growing up I saw this kids they were orphaned by the war and they had no one, as I grow up I wanted to help children like them so I became a teacher She explained Alec could see the joy in her eyes as she said this. Do you regret coming here? Alec questioned looking at the sun as it meets the sea. No I am glad because even in a little way I help those kids Marissa stood up and stretch breathing the fresh air. What really wrong Alec? Marissa asked I am going back to orb Alec answered. Marissa shock by the news stared at her friend. Why? I am needed there did you know I pictured this moment I thought that it would be years from now but I guess the world is a mysterious place Alec stated. Want to go with me? he asked. Marissa David can only stare at him. In the months they been together she can never understand him one moment he is like this and the next his like a total stranger. So what do you say partner? Ill go you know I can never say no to you Marissa said sighing. You act as if you agreed to go to hell with me Alec teased. He slowly walked towards the girl and flashed her with water. Moments later they were playing with water. Meanwhile in the Yamato Mansion at Plants What do you mean Cagalli is retiring? Kira burst out. Calm down Kira Lacus said. Why all of the sudden, she isnt sick is she or is she hurt, what is going in here Kira sat at his favorite chair. He couldnt understand Cagallis action. No one really knows Kira it all shock us, the letters just arrived today about her decision, and her invitation to go to Orb Mir stated as she leaned at Dearka. So they found Alec then? Yzak asked Yup he is being escorted by Rey, Ezaria, Dereck, and Akira plus two more Orb Soldiers Lacus answered him. Then they heard the door opened IS IT TRUE IS CAGALLI RETIRING? Athrun shouted entering the room. ---Hope you like it

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