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Gauteng Nomads 2009 AGM: November 17th Royal Johannesburg & Kensington GC CAPTAINS REPORT TO THE MEMBERS.

. Gentlemen, the Founder Club of Nomads moves towards the close of its 49th year of operation which will culminate in our Gold Cup at Randpark Golf Club on Friday November 27th. 2009 has been a year influenced by a demanding economic climate, which has in part been influential in fewer numbers of members being prepared to travel, and an overall reduction in participation by members and regular sponsors in the full range of golf events; non-golf functions; and fund-raising activities held by our Club. It is, however, pleasing to record that, despite these constraints, we as a club have maintained our proud record of contributing meaningfully at all levels within our greater organization at regional, national, and international events, and have been represented wherever needed at Central Gauteng events for the furtherance of golf at junior, ladies and development level, as well as having organized and assisted the professional tour through Golforama. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE YEAR: 1. 1. Gauteng is one of a handful of Nomads clubs which introduced Forward Tees for more senior golfing members in May and to date 13 members have elected to take up this privilege. This option adopted by the Club after the NCM in April is not without its complications and additional work in setting up the course, and it appears that on-going communication is required with club members to help them fully understand the concept of Forward Tees - as differentiated from Senior Tees. 2. 2. A decision in principle to do away with the costly, time consuming and less flexible monthly newsletter (Inside Right) was made in the middle of the year. The electronic version of the same was driven by Tony Shaw and went live last month October. We are very excited about the benefits it will bring to the Club and to our sponsors which includes a direct link to each sponsors own website. It was significant that our first electronic newsletter was available, in complete form with all reports and photographs and up on our website the day BEFORE our October monthly game. As at the NMM on October 31st there were only 5 Nomad Clubs still producing hardcopy newsletters, with Natal going electronic from November. 3. 3. A Strategic Planning meeting was held in early September to evaluate the Clubs Strengths and Weaknesses, and to review opportunities for improvement in order to secure a wider acceptance by all members, both current and future. A wide-ranging discussion through a controlled process over some 3 hours produced five matters for suggestion. Two of them

are brought to this AGM, while three were tabled at National Level at the NMM which was held in Nelspruit, and which now go further through a process of motivation. Whilst the numbers in attendance at the Stratplan meeting were limited, and arguably a number of the more vociferous proposers of change were absent, the debate was healthy and productive. Many of the core values of the Club were reinforced, and a platform for periodic review was established. . INNOVATION AND UPGRADES: Four items of improvement were introduced for you this year: 1. Gauteng tee box markers in club colours were first displayed at last years Gold Cup, and used in all Nomad games throughout the year. These were donated to our Club by our 2008 AMEF beneficiary Headway: the Brain Injury Association. 2. Two pull-up banners were produced and made available for the Captains Dinner in July, and being easily transportable have been used at all Nomads games, AMEF functions and other Nomad events since then. 3. The website was significantly upgraded and additional useful information was incorporated such as each months game entry form and draw sheet. All entry forms for Away games and Nationals, and the like, will now be easily accessible, down-loadable features. The evolution of the website will continue over the next few months to encourage constant usage by members and provide value to sponsors; and 4. Application forms for prospective members were upgraded, and essential information incorporated to help proposers and prospectives decide on a candidates eligibility and suitability for membership. MEMBERSHIP, PLAYING NUMBERS AND AWAY TRAVELS: Gauteng has a membership which at the date of writing this report averaged some 59 years and 1 month. This has many implications for our club which includes the noticeable reduction in travelling members. It is recommended that all members proposing potential members take age and willingness to travel into account. As at October 31st our membership consisted of Full playing members in various categories Associate members eligible to play no more than 2 games per annum Other members in various categories (predominantly nonplaying) 179 14 26


219 1. 1. Our average actual playing numbers in all games held this past 12 games averaged an excellent 136. Pat Frampton managed a team of 38 players to the South African National Tournament at Royal Durban where we posted our best tournament finish in 2009 as Runners Up in the much sought after Bert Hunt Trophy; and 20 took on the Botswana Sprint at Gaberone. Larry Bredenkamp had 32 members on our annual away trip this time to Parys; 27 at the annual Durban challenge, which incorporated the Southern Natal Anniversary at Southbroom; 37 at the Highveld Trophy run by Northerns at Woodhill; and 20 at the Lowveld Quadrangular, which took us to Nelspruit and Sabi River Bungalows. 2. 2. Many members received service and game badge awards during the year. This included 3 40-year ties, 7 recognizing 35 years, and 6 recognizing 25 years service to our club. All these achievements are absolutely magnificent! If you are looking for the location of the Nomads Club, dont look for a building. You will find it in the hearts and souls of its members. (mrg) 3. Regarding retention of members, it was disappointing, albeit understandable in each specific case, to receive the resignation of 9 established members during the calendar year. But, on a positive note, this in turn gives Gauteng the opportunity to induct the equivalent number from the waiting list of prospectives and to probably reduce our waiting list period to 6 months from the previous somewhat extended 15 to 18 months. 4. This year we inducted 11 new Nomads all of whom played the requisite number of look see games and attended a pre-induction meeting, in most cases with their proposer. We welcome them into our fold and look forward to their contribution to our organization over time, and hope that many of them will show future leadership material.

Sadly, the bell tolled for two long standing Gauteng Nomads. They were Sam Steinhard, a man who was also an outstanding sponsor, and Butch Hindman, our past captain of 1998. FINANCES, CAPTAINS DONATIONS AND HOST CLUBS: 1. In 2009, we made a concerted effort to manage our finances with a view to being able to achieve a small surplus and thus re-instate the annual Captains donation to a charity of his choice - which has unfortunately not been able to be done in the past few years. Derek Brownes sage and wise input in assuming the Treasury function this year has translated into our financial statements which show that we were able to achieve this. Whilst our administration account made a small surplus, our monthly game account achieved a surplus of R35 000 substantially thanks to

corporate donations which were sufficient to meet our objective. It must be noted that R10 000 of the surplus represents as yet unclaimed junior golf pledges to host clubs. It has been decided this year that any donations should leave a lasting and noticeable impression at selected golf clubs with which Gauteng has had a special relationship. Accordingly, three suitably engraved benches will be handed over this month to each of Glendower GC (where Nomads played its first game in 1960) and the Wanderers Golf Club (on the occasion of their 70th anniversary). Randpark will host our Gauteng 50th Anniversary next year and a bridge on the course will be reconstructed and carry a plaque recognizing our 50th year. Your committee trusts that Gauteng Nomads and the members of these clubs will be proud of these small gestures to clubs that have been an integral part of our history. Hopefully, contributions to local clubs will be continued in the future. 2. Planning ahead for 2010, our budget process has taken an in-depth look at our finance model. In prior years, Gauteng has possibly inadequately reviewed its financial status, and not necessarily increased playing fees to keep pace with the times and our host clubs. This has forced us in the past to be more restrictive on host club choice due to limited budgets for green fees. In addition, unrealistic expectations from certain host clubs resulted in a material change in the clubs we have played at over the last few years. Under these constraints, Byron Price did an excellent job in host club selection and PRO management this year. However, a combination of increased monthly playing fees (R150 to R190 for pay-as-you play members and R150 to R170 for up-front annual payers) and greater sanity from certain Gauteng clubs after their experiences this year will see a very favourable change in 2010 in our club finances and, consequently, host club mix (see Annexure). Further, a decision made at the Stratplan meeting to introduce a committee portfolio dedicated to Club Liaison and Marketing is anticipated to improve the perception of Nomads by many Gauteng golf clubs and facilitate a better understanding of our cause. 3. It is important to record for the appreciation of all our members that in order to achieve our 2010 budget, over and above income from subscriptions and playing fees, we will need to raise some R130 000 to cover the shortfall on monthly and other prizes; administrative costs; and donations. This target has been accepted by Incoming Captain, Pat Gaffney, and Sponsorship Officer, Andrew Cunningham, and we are optimistic that as a committee these amounts are able to be raised. 4. Finally under Finance, on the matter of sponsorship, your committee would like to acknowledge our fantastic National and Local Sponsors who have contributed to our club so meaningfully this year. Their support is truly appreciated and needs to be constantly recognized through each and every members support of their services and products.

ANDREW MENTIS ENDOWMENT FUND; DEVELOPMENT GOLF; and GAUTENG NOMADS CONTRIBUTION TO THE LOCAL GOLF INDUSTRY: Our hard-working AMEF committee has been realistic in its expectations for 2009 for its chosen charity, Meals-on-Wheels. All of its events and raffles have been exceptionally well organized by Mike Carr, BJ Van de Sandt, Heinz Abt, Johan Van Wyk and Gavin Ditchfield, and under the chairmanship of our Vice Captain, Pat Gaffney, we anticipate raising some R280 000 by year end for the purchase of at least two vehicles. Our fund-raising for and contributions (directly and indirectly) to the furtherance of golf at club and provincial level aggregate some R110 000. These contributions and functions include our monthly donation to each club and the Junior Golf Foundation from the proceeds of the Volvo Masters, as well as our payments for the Inter-provincial team and tournaments such as the Nomads Gauteng U23 Championships, Junior Jock of the Bushveld, Junior Inter-club (sponsored this year through funds generously given by Golforama), Gauteng Ladies Junior, as well as Ladies Senior, Championships. In addition, our direct payments in 2009 in the form of green fees to our host clubs amount to some R245 000. When aggregated with our other charity and golf contributions this means that Gauteng Nomads will make a R665 000 investment into the Central Gauteng community this year. 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS - MAY 2010: A 50th Anniversary working committee was established at the beginning of the year and is lead by Brian Burns and Doug Watson, and everything is planned well in advance for the May 22nd and 23rd celebrations at Randpark GC. We look forward to the realization of a wonderful celebration of this historic event which will be shared and enjoyed by all our members and fellow clubs both in South Africa and world-wide. At the time of writing, there are 5 surviving founder members from 1960 and all have indicated their desire to attend. We are grateful for the already committed sponsorship of two of our major National Sponsors, SAB Miller and Bells. And it is anticipated we will announce in the next few weeks a series of activities with our sponsors leading up to the celebrations. Favourable high-profile attendance for the week-end is expected from the doyens and leaders of the golf industry, and generous publicity and media coverage is expected. We are pleased to record that this has already commenced. RECOGNITION: 1. Gauteng Nomads has had three wonderful committees running its affairs







this year. It has been a privilege and honour to work with each and every member on the main committee, the AMEF committee and the 50th Anniversary committee in 2009. In setting objectives for this year, it was important to bring onto the main committee some new members who could play an important role in the years going forward. The work undertaken by our new secretary, Marius de Jager; Paul Leishman (furtherance of golf); Johan van Wyk (membership) who came on board halfway through last year; Andrew Cunningham (moving from assistant on equipment to Sponsorship); and Gavin Ditchfield (JVC), has been absolutely exemplary. There are two special people that need our thanks. One is Ken Blake, from whom all committee members have drawn from his history and vast experience. The other is Noreen Cusins, who has been the backbone of our playing records and handicap system, in the (sad) absence of Brian. We are grateful to Derek Browne and PricewaterhouseCoopers for the use of their boardroom facilities and his hospitality on a monthly basis for our main committee meeting, and to the Wanderers for the AMEF committee meeting. The committee has been supported by the magnificent dedication of our Match Secretary, Bev du Toit with the back-up of her lady (and men) helpers, together with the never- ending commitment of our Equipment Officer, Rob Cunningham, for all our monthly games and events. Many newer and older Nomads have come to the fore when asked to support us at our games as starter; or join in on our away travels; or assist Glen Dalton with Golforama duties; or Development Golf; or attend our charity initiatives. Your committee salutes each and every Gauteng Nomad who has gone the extra mile and made a difference to our club this year. Our major National and Local Sponsors have looked after us on every leg of the journey despite probable difficult trading times in their own businesses. We remain exceptionally grateful to them all for their continued support and belief in the work that we do. Most of them have been long-time contributors to our club and have consistently agreed to help us whenever asked. It is appropriate to record our extraordinary gratitude to John and Spero Marinaki of Marins who produced our monthly newsletters for almost 30 years. Special mention must be made of those members that have served at a representative level on golf unions or development boards and/or golf associations namely, Andy Ostle, Paul Leishman, Howard McLaren, David Rigby and Frank Bukes . We thank them for carrying the Nomads flag in addition to that of their own golf club. In addition, we are proud to have three Gauteng clubs captained by a Nomad Larry Bredenkamp at Glendower, Chris Leicher at the Wanderers, and Rolf Gieske at Roodepoort; and two which were Chaired by a Nomad - Brian Bayett at Bryanston and Garth Elliott at Randpark. Finally, your 2009 committees (the 49ers as we have proudly dubbed ourselves) are appreciative of the wisdom and guidance from those

members who have gone before us as Committee Members, Past Captains, and National Chairmen - every one of whom has been available to give advice when asked, and prepared to give criticism and constructive comment where needed.

It has been a privilege to serve you as Captain in 2009. Thank you all for that very great opportunity. It is now time to rest. Yours in Nomads, Mike Gahagan, Gauteng Nomads Captain November 8, 2009.

In absentia: Derek Browne, Larry Bredenkamp, Brian Cusins, Glen Dalton and Bev du Toit

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