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EUH 4501 ENGLAND TO 1688 FALL, 2012 SECTION U01 MWF 1:00-1:50 Ryder Business 120 Dr.

Jeremy Rowan Office: ECS 411 Office Hours: MW 11:00-12:00 and 2:00-3:00 Office Phone: (305) 348-2978 E-mail: Course Description: This survey course traces (and analyzes) the political, social, economic, and cultural history of the peoples of the British Isles, paying special attention to the English. Course Objectives: 1. To trace and analyze the development of Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern English political institutions, society, and culture. 2. To enhance student writing skills through the preparation of written assignments and essay exams. 3. To foster additional student skills through the use of a variety of learning methods in the areas of: a. note-taking in a classroom lecture format; b. reading by using different styles of assigned readings in the form of academic monographs, articles and primary source historical documents; c. integration of various historical perspectivessocial, cultural, political, and economic; d. basic historical research using traditional print and modern electronic sources; e. critical thinking through classroom discussion, paper assignments, essay exams, and peer response. Learning Outcomes: 1. To understand the structure and changing roles of English political institutions such as the monarchy, parliament, and local government. 2. To have an appreciation for the development of English laws, customs, religion, and language. 3. To analyze the process of changing self-perceptions of a people in the face of internal and external challenges (i.e. feudal wars and dynastic struggles both domestic and foreign). 4. To discuss the social and economic systems that developed in England from the Roman occupation to the twilight of the Stuart dynasty.

Course Books (required): The following books will be available for purchase at the University Book Store and can also be purchased on the internet through vendors such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble: Keynes, Simon. Translator and Editor. Alfred the Great. Penguin. Prestwich, Michael. Three Edwards: War and State in England. Taylor and Francis. Bridgeton, Susan. New Worlds, Lost Worlds: The Rule of the Tudors. Penguin. Kishlansky, Mark. Monarchy Transformed: Britain 1603-1714. Penguin. Required Book found online at Tinker, Chauncey. Translator. Beowulf Also, there will be a selection of online articles assigned (TBA) Criteria for Evaluation: 2 exams each worth 20% of the course grade 2 movie reviews each worth 5% of the course grade 1 term paper worth 30% of the course grade Class participation worth 20% of the course grade All exams will be essay exams. Each exam will cover the material since the previous exam. STUDENTS ARE TO BRING A BLUE EXAMINATION BOOKLET TO CLASS ON THE EXAM DATES. BLUE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE CAMPUS BOOKSTORE. The term paper: Students will construct their research and writing assignment based on an acceptable topic of their choosing. All students are required to present a topic, working thesis and bibliography to the instructor during class. The paper needs to be 8-10 double-spaced pages in length with 12-point Times New Roman font. All sources must be cited according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Students are expected to hand in a hard copy of their first draft of the writing assignment at the beginning of the class for peer review. The final paper will be uploaded to a week after the first draft peer review (see the schedule below). Late papers will be penalized a letter grade for every class period that the paper is late.

All students must register for this course on It is mandatory. The class number is 5377179 and the password is Alfred. We use Turnitin for multiple reasons: as an anti-plagiarism device, a gradebook, and finally as an efficient method for contacting the class via e-mail. Make-up Exams: No make-up exams will be given except in cases of illness and medical emergency. A doctors note must be presented upon the instructors request for a make-up exam to be given. If no note is forthcoming, the instructor retains the right to refuse to administer a make-up exam. A doctors or dental appointment which is a non-emergency, and which, therefore, can be reasonably rescheduled, is not a valid excuse. Unexcused missed exams will receive an automatic grade of 0%. Special Notes: 1. Students are responsible for informationlectures, required texts, handouts, as well announcementscontained in each class meeting; 2. Students with documented special learning needs may want to inform the instructor so that accommodations may be made, or contact the FIU Disability Resources Center (305-348-3532) Grading: In the course, grading will follow the scale below: A = 100-94 % A- = 93-90% B+ = 8986% B = 85-83% B- = 82-80% C+ = 7976% C = 75-73% C- = 72-70% D+ = 69-66% D = 65-63% D+ = 62-60 F = 59% and below Attendance Policy: A total of six class hours will result in an automatic withdrawal with a W, WP, or WF if within the designated withdrawal periods, or an automatic F if not. It is the students responsibility to initiate the withdrawal during the designated withdrawal periods and after. Otherwise, an F or F0 will be issued at the end of the term. Students should familiarize

themselves with the designated withdrawal periods in the FIU University Undergraduate Catalogue. Academic Dishonesty Policy Cheating and Plagiarism f. Cheating is defined as the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements including, but not limited to, examinations; g. Plagiarism is defined as the use, without proper acknowledgement, of the ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker. Students are expected to know and abide by the academic dishonesty policy as stated in the university catalogue. Students are therefore warned: Cheating and/or plagiarism are grounds for an automatic grade of 0 for the assignment and subsequently will be reported to the office of Academic Affairs. Student Behavior All FIU students are expected to behave according to the accepted norms that ensure a climate wherein all can exercise their right to learn. Such norms are set forth in the undergraduate catalogue. No faculty member will tolerate classroom behavior that violates these norms. Such behavior will be grounds for withdrawal from the class, judicial proceedings, and/or failure of the course. If warranted, students engaging in such behavior will be removed from class by security personnel and may be required to undergo counseling. Class Schedule: Week 1: Monday, August 20Course Introduction and Syllabus Reading: Beowulf Wednesday, Aug 22Prehistoric Period: The Earliest Inhabitants to the Celts Friday, Aug 24Roman Britain: The Conquest Week 2: Monday, Aug 27Roman Britain: Government and Society Wednesday, Aug 29Early Anglo-Saxons Discussion on Beowulf

Friday, Aug 31Anglo-Saxon Britain: Conquest and Lordship Reading: Assers Life of Alfred in Keynes, Alfred the Great Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 888-900 Week 3: Monday, Sept 3NO CLASS (LABOR DAY) Wednesday, Sept 5Anglo-Saxon Britain: Alfred and the English State Discussion: Life of Alfred Friday, Sept 7Anglo-Saxon Britain: Institutions and Society Week 4: Monday, Sept 10Norman Conquest: 1066 Wednesday, Sept 12Feudalism and Manorialism Friday, Sept 14Norman Government: Domesday Book Research Paper Title/Thesis/Bibliography due Week 5: Monday, Sept 17Angevins Reading: The Three Edwards Wednesday, Sept 19Angevin Empire Friday, Sept 21Thirteenth Century: Economy and Culture Week 6: Monday, Sept 24Thirteenth Century: War and State Wednesday, Sept 26 Fourteenth Century: War and Crisis Discussion: The Three Edwards Friday, Sept 28Fourteenth Century: War and Crisis Week 7: Monday, Oct 1 Fifteenth Century: Lancaster and York Wednesday, Oct 3Fifteenth Century: Lancaster and York Friday, Oct. 5Midterm Exam

Week 8:

Monday, Oct 8Henry Tudor and the Modern English State? Reading: New Worlds, Lost Worlds Wednesday, Oct 10Reformations Friday, Oct 12Reformations Week 9: Monday, Oct 15Reformations Wednesday, Oct 17Protestants and Catholics: Edward VI and Mary I Friday, Oct 19Protestants and Catholics Week 10: Monday, Oct 22Elizabethan England Wednesday, Oct 24Elizabethan England Friday, Oct 26Elizabethan England Discussion: New Worlds, Lost Worlds Week 11: Monday, Oct 29Early Stuart England: James I Reading: A Monarchy Restored Wednesday, Oct 31Early Stuart England: Charles I Friday, Nov 2English Civil War Week 12: Monday, Nov 5English Civil War Wednesday, Nov 7English Civil War Friday, Nov 9A World Turned Upside Down Week 13: Monday, Nov 12NO CLASS (VETERANS DAY) Wednesday, Nov 14Lord Protector of the Commonwealth Friday, Nov 16Lord Protector Week 14:

Monday, Nov 19Restoration: Charles II Wednesday, Nov 21Draft of Research Paper Due (peer review) Friday, Nov 23NO CLASS (THANKSGIVING) Week 15: Monday, Nov 26Restoration Wednesday, Nov 281688: Glorious Revolution Friday, Nov 30Revolutionary Settlement Week 16: Monday, Dec 3Final Exam 12:00-2:00 Ryder 120

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