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McQueen Universal Ministries Winter 2012 Issue Vol.

Eternity Article Leaders Voice

Christs Love for the Starving Soul London Conference Fast for January

2012 Bible Class Reading

astor Michael C. McQueen and Associate Pastor Annmarie McQueen have been ministering together since November 1993, when they took over leadership of Faith Ministries International, Bamberg Germany. They have been married for 30 years and have three lovely children together, Michelle, Michael, Jr., and Miguel.

The family had been on the mission field in Germany for 20 years, with Pastor Michael serving as the senior pastor and Annmarie as the associate pastor in Bamberg, Germany. In July 2006, the family attempted to relocate to the US but God was not finished with them in Germany and Europe. Since April 2009, Pastor Annmarie has been mentoring an all German community near Karlsruhe, Germany. Pastor Michael is an ordained Elder in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. and a strong advocate of the Apostles doctrine which he preaches and teaches under the anointed power of Jesus. He has received a Associates degree in Biblical Studies from ICI University. He is a veteran of the First Persian Gulf War, where he served as a medic. Pastor Annmarie is an anointed teacher and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and holds a theological degree in Christian Education as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in ISM, and a Master of Education degree. Pastor Annmarie has been ministering the Word of God as the Spirit gives utterance for over 25 years, is the author of three books, and travels throughout Europe and the United States as well as in Africa, preaching the Word of God and teaching His truth, crossing cultural, educational, economical, and denominational lines, and always doing those things that please the Father. Together, they are committed to healing the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised, and to leading Gods people into victory living in spite of the obstacles.

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Cover Story:

by Pastor Annmarie McQueen Page 4

On the Front Cover Worlds Highest Peak Mt. Everest

The Leaders Voice: The Seven Pillars

by Claudine Reid Franklin Page 7

Christs Love For A Starving Soul

by Michelle McQueen Page 1-

The London Conference Recap:

by Lady Jean .. Page 15

Testimonies Page 18 Year in the Holy Bible

Page 23

Editorial Team
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Annmarie McQueen Editorial Staff: Diana Roberts, Donnett Ekwerike, Michelle McQueen, and Anke Stoye

Imagine a people who can say that the Eternal God is their Father. We are that people and we say, 'God is our Father.' That being the case, we are born to live forever. That cannot be taken away from us. Once born into the spiritual kingdom, we inherit eternal life. It is a part of our inheritance from our Daddy. There are a few other things that we inherit as well. Since we are born of Him and He is in us, we inherit what is in Him. We inherit love, for He is love; we inherit peace, for He is our peace; we inherit health, for He has given that to us; we inherit all our needs met and--if that was not yet enough--know that we also inherit joy, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. This is just by virtue of the fact that we are now a part of the True Vine. We are the branches and so the fruit we bear must be the same as that which the Vine bears. All of this is in us and in us forever. It is up to us to show the eternal things that have been freely given to us by our Father. Oftentimes, we act as if we have certain things one day but

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not the next, but that cannot be right. If we have inherited it from our God Who cannot lie, then what He says we have, we do have, and this does not change. When He says, for example, that we have peace, then we have peace. We are not trying to get peace, we have it. The world with its many circumstances might be trying to take it away from us, but we have it and must hold on to what we have. Too many of God's children live as if our Father was poor and did not have anything and as if He had not GIVEN us anything. Everything we get, they think, we have to beg and slave for. No, our Papa is rich and has ALL things that we need, and when we receive Him as Father, He comes into us and we into Him and our inheritance begins. We are the healed ones, we are not trying to be healed, we are the prosperous ones, we are not begging for it, we are the ones full of love, we have it all and we have it now. When you begin to believe it in spite of your outside circumstances, it will become more and more real to you and you will see the manifestation of it in your life.

This is life eternal... that we might know God. To have eternal life is to know God. To know God is to have eternal life. Eternal life is not a life of scarcity and lack and fear and dread and depression and oppression. Why? Because those things do not come from God our Father. Therefore, since we have not inherited those things, they are not in us, at least not any more. They used to be in us when we had another father. They are always trying to take over our minds and get us back, but we have to hold on and not give up what has been deeded to us. Cherish your inheritance. You have eternal life. Rejoice. Pastor Annmarie McQueen

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Kingdom Builders
Matthew 5:13-16 (NKJV) - You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Michael Baer in his book Business as Mission, suggests that there are seven pillars or institutions in society that shape the culture and norms that society may or may not accept. Knowledge of these pillars allows us to direct our influence to the appropriate area of gifting. Kingdom builders have been given T.A.G.S. Talent, Ability, Gift and Skills - in order to impact the earth with principles that represent God. There are as many as seven institutions that are considered pillars of Society: 1. Church 2. Family 3. Government 4. Enterprise / Business 5. Arts 6. Media 7. Academia Each pillar contributes to the character and stability (or instability) of a society. The mandate of the church as salt and light is to support, influence, and impact society by speaking God's truth and exhibiting God's character to believers and unbelievers. The health of and reverence for family and marriage are critical to the

character of society as we witness daily in our own declining culture. Government is instituted by God to influence and control dispensations of justice in human interactions. Enterprise is God's appointed means for wealth creation and provides the economic engine for the other pillars. The arts express humanitys creative and celebratory nature received from our Creator God both influencing and reflecting society at large. The media encompass the organs of communication electronic and print: a clear influence on any society. Academia, the education of the next generation, is the final pillar and exerts a profound influence on a societys values and behaviors. As kingdom builders, it is part of our mandate to make earth look like heaven, to operate in these different spheres of influence that we may represent and reflect the image of God. The parable in Matthew illustrates that we have been given an instruction, that we are to shine and bring illumination to society and our sphere of influence with the truth of God. As kingdom builders, we are empowered to walk in the authority of God and represent Him when we enter dark places; by so doing, we bring the character of God to society. Believers, it is time for us to press forward, being bold and courageous that we may do the will of our Father and make earth represent the culture of heaven. QUESTION: How do you contribute to the Kingdom Building Mandate? Evangelist Claudine Reid

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Can God heal family relationships? Meet the Boyd family. Emma Boyd, the mother they all loved and cherished is gone and the close family she built lay in ruins at her casket. Old wounds surface, pain and heartache refuse to stay hidden, and a devastating secret changes several lives forever. In the midst of all this, can four sisters trust God to bring healing and restoration to their hearts and the tattered bond of the family? Can they hold it together as their Worlds Collide? Order a copy of this amazing book that highlights the healing power of God. This debut novel, by Christian author Janice Morris Neal, (a daughter of MUM) will make a wonderful addition to your faith library. Get it today! Visit:

This is a testimony I pray will help many today and millions tomorrow. Learn from my mistakes: For the first time in my life I experienced life with a man to share it with. I was 29 years old and I thought I was well overdue my season to have a relationship. I had seen people in and out of several relationships but I hadn't even started my first one. I liked the guy a lot. He and I talked and texted all day from 'Good Morning' to 'Good Night'. We prayed everyday on the phone and spoke mostly about the Bible. He spoke kind to me and showed me much respect. We had been looking at each other across the church pews for two years. We didn't rush into anything. We finally acted on our feelings at a Christmas Eve party. He gave me his number and I called. Dum, da, dum, dum. I was nervous but I thought if I don't do something, nothing will ever happen. We found out that we both had no plans for Christmas day, so we spent it together. We spent Christmas Day in the park, at a waterfall, at the movies and then under a beautiful starry night. We held hands the whole two hour drive back home. We were naturally attracted to each other but our conversations ran in circles. We talked a lot about the Bible but it was more competition of who knew the Bible better. Our thinking patterns were not in harmony but I was willing to look over it. Many prophesied our future together but something inside me couldn't settle. Now, under normal circumstances, I would have told my mother about the relationship the moment he gave me his number, but I didn't. There was fear and dread of her reaction. After nurturing the relationship for five more days I called her. I told her. She said, I am disappointed in you. I will not be at

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." --John 3:16 Photo: Mount Everest Scripture about eternity goes in this space

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your wedding. Click. She sensed the relationship was not the will of God for
me. I was devastated! I thought I heard the voice of God! The fight of confusion almost killed me right then and there. I rushed to my kitchen, pulled out a piece of bread and a glass of grape juice. I fell on my knees before he Lord in front of a window, I looked up at the sky and said, Lord, not my will be done but Your will be done. And I took the communion. The fight was on. I was willing to fight to live a life of righteousness even if it meant that I would leave the fight with a limp, like Jacob and the angel. As bad as I wanted the relationship and all that came with it, my uttermost desire was for God's desire to be in my life. I saw the guy that night. I think I played it off pretty well. I started pulling out of our plans for New Year's. My mother called me the following day. We talked for 2 hours on why this was a bad decision. My argument was that he was a Christian, dedicated to the church, aspiring to be a pastor (which he is a pastor, now), etc. None of it worked. My spirit understood, but my soul didn't. I felt like my mother was trapping me and controlling my life. I felt like life wasn't worth living if she won't let me live it. The battle was on. I got to New Year's Eve service early for prayer. I was in pain. I got through the service without sitting next to him. My mother texted me during the night service that everything would be alright. When I woke up New Year's Day, I laid in my bed weak. It was now the moment to tell him that we could no longer continue the relationship until I was sure in myself. I was crossed between suicide and confession. My mother must have felt my pain in Germany because she called me again. I cried on the phone. It was like I was suffocating. I couldn't handle the pain. My mother called her friend to comfort me. The friend yelled and screamed to be louder than my waling. I was a mess, but I listened. With all that I was unsure about, I was sure about my mother's love and the love of her friend. I could not doubt the love of Christ through them. They were willing to hurt me now instead of seeing me hurt later on a greater and long-term level. That was real love and I was feeling and seeing it. Love hurts as bad as the cross sometimes. Many tears fell. My brother called to see if I was okay. I asked him to come to my house because I couldn't bare the pain alone. The guy called me several times in between my crying fits but then he called me right in the middle of one of my fits. I cried telling him what my mother had said. He understood and was

begotten Son, e eternal life." o: Mount Everest

on my mother's side! That helped a little. Then my brother came over. I cried all over again to my brother with the guy still on the phone. With kicking, screaming, shouting and begging in my soul, I left the man I felt to be my prince and I gave up my princess crown. Every morning and night was a fight. During the day I fought my emotions and at night I fought the thought of why and/or why not. It was now January 3rd. I began the MUM January fast. I fasted until the fiery darts stopped and the wounds healed six months later. During the fast, I began to see the different paths our lives were taking. I saw where God wanted me and who He wanted me to become. I saw how this relationship would never get me there. In March, we talked again. The relationship started again but this time I went in with full spiritual sight. I prayed continuously and stayed heavy on the fast. I wanted to know for myself if this was the man God had for me. After two weeks I saw it. He saw it. The relationship was over. I knew for myself, now. Our paths were different. We had different life experiences. The harmonious love it takes to sustain a relationship we did not have. I saw his path, I saw mine and we chose. I knew better. During this experience my mother's friend gave me a book called 'The Princess Within' by Serita Ann Jakes. The book allowed me to find out that I am a princess because of what Jesus, the Prince of Peace, did for me on the cross, not because of another man. And from Jesus Christ,

who is the faithful witness, and the first-begotten of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in HIS OWN BLOOD. Revelation 1:5. I drew the fictitious
romance to myself because it was what I wanted, not knowing what horrors it would bring. In comparison to the princes in Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty or Aladdin, the prince rescued his princess then married her happily ever after. I feared that I would have to wait another 29 years to be rescued again. My definition of love was flawed. It had been shaped by the media and the stories of other testimonies. I have come to learn that their story can never be my story. God wrote my story uniquely for me and no one else. Some princesses are made because of who they marry but others are born. I was born into the family of King Jesus, I am a princess. I just had to learn my story.

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At first, I hadn't realized how hungry my soul was. During my fast I came to realize that it wasn't the relationship I was after, it was the LOVE. Love I can get from

God! I had been serving the Lord for so many years yet my
soul was starving for love. So, I began to become more aware of Christ's love for me. I kept a quiet heart, I sang songs, I danced, I went on long walks, I went to church as often as possible, I ministered to other people... and effortlessly I became aware of Christ's love for me and received it. Christ's love changed my heart and satisfied my soul. A love that no soul mate or soul food could ever fulfill. Despite your flaws and humanness, Christ loves you. Once you set your faith to see that, you can't help but fall into the arms of Jesus and give into His love for you. That's what I did. And that's the love I will give to all I encounter, including the man God puts me together with.

Note from me: In my life, I have seen more bad relationships than good ones. I've seen women loose their identity and purity merely through a bad hook-up. Working as a campus registrar, I've encountered hundreds of broken families and fatherless children. By the time a mother comes to register her child into my school, they are tired. I can see they were not ready to be a mother. From merely one season of infatuation they were left with a child to raise for life. A child that will only remind you of the bad choices you made in the past. Working that job made it clear to me that whatever trap these ladies got into, I wasnt going to get into and knowing life's chance I would get pregnant first try. So with that said I was a virgin to the trap. I had confronted it and the suction was strong. Very strong. One has to know the right people and be determined to get out of the situation. Reality was I was being drawn into an abusive relationship. This was a generational curse and it haunted me this year to see if I'd let it in but I DIDN'T let it in. But what I feared, was that I wasn't getting any younger. I feared the oncoming change of my outer appearance. I feared my ability to have children. I feared not having a church home. I was fearful. That is not a good foundation. I needed faith, hope and more than anything I needed love. I embraced the love of God by acknowledging His presence every second of the day. I became grateful for what I had and began to see how God's love had been working for me, with me and in me all this time. Reality kicked in. Michelle McQueen

And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20 Photo: Stretton Hills Fox Gloves on the Lawley, with Caer Caradoc in background.

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My First Make A Difference Conference London, England, 2011 Truly it was a day like no other, a weekend to be experienced and remembered. The team met for a wonderful breakfast and fellowship, and then shortly afterwards for a time of prayer and communion around the Word of God. Wow! How the Lord did indeed meet and bless us; rejuvenate us. I was in the presence of our powerful Lord with some new sisters I had met for the first time, yet it seemed like we had met before. Thats how the Spirit of the Lord works in the hearts of His children we have kindred minds. J The first evening of the conference reminded me of tarrying services of days gone by. Bring them back for how we need to be able to tarry in the presence of the Lord away from the daily grind so we can be cleansed and purged, and our minds cleared that we may hear a sure word from the Lord. Pastor Annmarie McQueen allowed Holy Spirit to inhabit her in such a way that she was empowered to stand on the wall and sound the trumpet to rally the troops to warfare through praise and worship to our almighty King of kings and Lord of lords. The enemy could not stay in this atmosphere for we were vigilant and serious about meeting with our Sovereign. No altar call was made by flesh in any way, yet the altar was full of bodies lying before the Lord. new creatures, and dine. The second day was just as awesome for when we entered the sanctuary the Lord was still there to greet us Our spirits heard the call of the Holy Spirit to come and die, live again as

from the night before. He knew we were coming back, that we needed another special and spe-

cific encounter with Him, and we

got it. We experienced physical and emotional healings as we sang to Him and travailed in the Spirit through song. One woman experienced the dissolving of a tumor in her body and no one laid hands on her. When I learned of this healing miracle/miraculous healing, I rejoiced and wept because we had created an atmosphere for Jesus to manifest Himself to us.

He was pleased with our worship. I weep even now.

There were no special singers, stars or celebrities. No sensationalism or theological and philosophical teaching and preaching to impress or to cajole the emotions. Just the true desire to die to self and give God the worship He deserves. This is no easy feat for - if it was - everyone would be healed and experiencing miracles on a daily, minute by minute basis. Somebody (and maybe more than one) in the church that weekend paid the price, made the sacrifice, and continues to live the sacrificed life to please Jesus, to create an atmosphere for Him to meet with His people. It can and should be you. It can and should be me. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of the Lord lives here in me. I was forever changed by this conference for several reasons and I believe this is so for many, if not all who attended the services. For the tangible presence of the Lord

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was there, and any time God shows up and allows us to

FEEL Him, then someone is going to be changed. I was

determined it was going to be me - because how can I make a difference in my world if Ive not first been changed? We came to the conference to be effected and

affected for change, right? So God can make a difference

in and through us? How can I witness to others about the difference Jesus can and does make in our lives if Ive not yet tasted and seen that the Lord is good? Oh but He is mmm good. Our last day together was awesome, too. We were three teams in one, dispatched to several assemblies in the region to Make A Difference for others in the Body of Christ. We took the power of Gods Word and the Word of His power to three different churches that day because of the Great Commission to go [out] into all the world to proclaim the Gospel to the lost, AND also visit, encourage, and strengthen the brethren. Thank you to the McQueen Universal Ministries Dream Team and their families for the sacrifices you made and continue to make to bring these conferences to the people of God. Thank you for inviting me to not only partake, but to assist in Making A Difference in the lives of others arm-in-arm, and hand-in-hand with you. Thank you for Making A Difference in my life. Peace. Lady Jean Carpenter

January Fast
During the fast, I sensed the presence of the Lord and I have received a fresh awareness of how much I depend on Him. I personally have a new fire, a new excitement for the Lord. I've been focusing on the Lord in a fresh way. I sense a new awakening, new growth, and new authority to take the land. It's like having been given totally new equipment. There is a new/higher level of perception and a new "connectivity" with MUM - to walk in faith, so that we can take hold of what He has for us. I'm particularly blessed by the scriptures that you send with each lesson. I was ministering to the homeless and the Spirit of the Lord was there so strongly; He blessed me with songs to sing. Even a Turkish lady got really excited! I can hear the voice of God more clearly; I've become more sensitive. I can even sense God working in my daughter, and God is opening my eyes to His working, even in small things. (Matt 7:7) A verse that has really stood out is Matt 6:33: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. And: If the Lord does not build the house, the laborers labor in vain. (find scripture)

Sis. Hanna (70), Achern, Germany

When it comes to fasting so many things run through my mind, am I going to lose weight? Will I get light headed at work or will this Acid Reflux start to flare up? Thanks be to God who empowers us with wisdom if we ask for it. God has given me great understanding in Daniel that not only is fasting good for our spiritual growth but it is so good for our natural body also. I notice during the fast that my body was detoxing itself. I could tell the difference in the waste releases from my system! This situation began to minister to me and let me understand that when we fast, God wants to get the fleshly junk out of us so that he can saturate our temples with his word and more of him. After the fast I had no desire to put junk in my temple whether it be food or worldly trash. I love the fact that I could see the difference in my physical body and can only imagine what he was doing in my spiritual man as well! Hallelujah! Sis. Sophie

The power of prayer and being connected

Praise be to God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost. We give thanks to God for all of His many blessing in 2011 and to come in 2012. My son was arrested in July 2011 and tried in Oct 2011. Thanks be to God, he was found not guilty of the charges that were against

19 McQueen Universal Ministries him. No one but Jesus Christ could have done it! Praise be to God, the everlasting King, Mighty God, Counselor, Prince of Peace. Praise be to our Lord! My son and our family thank the MUM prayer partners for their prayers. We say Thank You, Lord! Sister Dorothy Hanley It was August 2007 and I did not have my daughter's school fees. However I took her to the airport and said daughter go (to New York) in "Jesus Name". The ECN conference was being held at my church and it was prayer time, so I left the airport and went straight to church. I submitted my special prayer request and we prayed. Time went by. My daughter phoned me and said, Mummy, what are we going to do? God led us to share our situation with the lady my daughter worked for on campus, who promised to speak to someone on her behalf. After a few days the bursar said though they do not normally help foreign students from other countries (we live in England), she was a special case. We continued to trust in God alone as our helper. A week later my daughter called me while I was driving to say that her $10,000.00 bill had been reduced to zero!! I just started shouting, THANK YOU, JESUS! I almost forgot I was driving I was rejoicing so much! Prayer changes things! Sis. Sheryl J Asante I have a reason to Praise God; He is so very WORTHY, so PRECIOUS, so MARVELOUS! The conferences in 2011were great and I truly received a blessing from them. I found myself trusting God more, no matter the situation. I was blessed to attend the 1st Making a Difference Conference in Fayetteville North Carolina last year. I am blessed to be part of the ACTS II group that was birthed out of that conference. My life has changed, my prayer life has increased, thank you Jesus. I was also blessed to go to the Making a Difference Conference in England. I am truly grateful for all that God is doing in my life. I can see a true turnaround; I am blessed in the field everywhere I go. Glory be to God. Through the obstacles of last year, I was able to push through with Gods help. I stood on the Word and believed God, and what He says about me. I was blessed by the January fast as well. It feels great to be aligned to the ways of God. I love this ministry and feel blessed to be a part of it. If I could say it with a song, I love you Jesus, I worship and adore you, just want to tell you, that I love you more than anything

Apostle Annmarie McQueen led by God to make a difference John 1:5 The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldnt put it out. When your light comes darkness flees Making a Difference When your kindness is encountered, injustice flees Making a Difference When your smile enters a room, depression flees Making a Difference When your confidence is seen, insecurity flees Making a Difference What you touch becomes blessed, curses flee Making a Difference When you speak life, death flees Making a Difference When Gods wisdom is seen through you, foolishness flees Making a Difference For making a difference in my life, many in the past, and many, many more to come in the future, we love you. Made Different: Written by Michelle McQueen

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Happy 50th birthday, Pastor Annmarie!! February 2, 2012 Psalms 65:11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness, and thy paths drops fatness.

McQueen Universal Ministries


2nd Annual North Carolina Making A Difference Conference

Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

DATE: March 2 3, 2012

Friday: Registration @ 6pm Service @ 7pm

Speaker: Pastor Annmarie McQueen Vendors Welcome!

of Bamberg, Germany & Fort Worth, TX

(registration fee $20)

Saturday: Seminars from 10 am & Evening Service

For more information please contact:

Min. Ruby Crockrell (910-339-1257), or Prophetess Donnett Ekwerike (317-698-5207); to register visit


1944 Cedar Creek Road, Fayetteville, NC 28312 Hotel Reservations : 1 800 315 2621 Hotel Front Desk : 1-910-323-1600


23 McQueen Universal Ministries

na erence

or Annmarie McQueen

dors Welcome!

mberg, Germany & Fort Worth, TX

mation please contact:

krell (910-339-1257), Donnett Ekwerike ; to register visit

Dear Partners and Friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to say a very big

Thank You
to all of you who are partnering with us in this ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been and continue to be deeply touched and greatly encouraged by the feedbacks we have been getting from every side. Please, read those wonderfully uplifting and encouraging testimonies from our participants. We are sure someone will be blessed by them! I would also like to explicitly thank you for your prayers and your financial support for McQueen Universal Ministries. I want you to know that I am praying special prayers for you. Your seed shall yield a rich crop according to Ephesians 3:20. Being convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt, I declare again in Jesus Name that my great God and loving Father shall supply all of YOUR needs according to His Riches in Glory! With my love in the Lord Jesus I faithfully remain Yours in the Master's Service,

Pastor Annmarie McQueen

Whatever you do, remember that you are a precious jewel in the Hand of the Master. You are exclusively treasured and you are greatly beloved of God.

Contact Us: or email:

McQueen Universal Ministries P.O. Box 34082 Fort Worth, TX 76162-4082

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