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Table 1 General and Cross-Module Configuration Transaction Codes Transaction Code SB09 SB10 SE10 SPRO SM30 SM31

SE12 SE11 SE16 OSS1 SU53 SE38 SA38 SM35 SE01 GGB0 GGB1 GGB4 SNRO Description Process Flow View of the Business Navigator Component View of the Business Navigator Customizing Organizer Enter the IMG Table Maintenance Extended Table Maintenance Data Dictionary change and display Data Dictionary Display The DataBrowser Log on to OSS Authorization Object Request Run/Change/Display a Programme Run a Programme Batch Input Session Overview View Transport Logs Create / Change Validation Create / Change Substitution Activate Validations and Substitutions Maintain Number Range Objects

Table 2 General and Cross-Module Configuration Tables Transaction Code E071 and E071K Description Transport tables; displays all transports affecting a given object V_GB01C Customizing table for Boolean fields in substitutions and validations GB01 SAP Delivered table that lists all fields that can be used in substitutions and validations SADR Address data (which doesn't transport well)

Table 3 General and Cross-Module Configuration

Program Transaction Code RGUGBR00 Description Programme to regenerate sets, validations and substitutions

Table 4 FI Enterprise Structure Transaction Codes Transaction Code OBY7 OB29 OBBO OX02 OBY6 EC01 OY01 OB22 OX03 OKBD Description Copy Chart of Accounts Fiscal Year Variant Posting Period Variant Company Codes - Create Check and Delete Company Code Global Parameters Copy Company code Country Definitions Parallel Currencies Business Areas Functional Areas

Table 4 FI Enterprise Structure Transaction Codes (Continued) Transaction Code OBBG OBCO OBCP FTXP OBCL Description Assign Country to Tax Calculation Procedure Specify Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Codes Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes Maintain Tax Rates Set Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions

Table 5 General Ledger / Chart of Accounts Transaction Codes Transaction Code OBD4 OB53 OB15 FSK2 Description Account Groups Retained Earnings Variant Sample Account Rule Types Sample Account Data Transfer Rules


Allocate a Company Code to a Sample Account Rule Type Transport Chart of Accounts Copy GL Accounts from the Chart to the Company Code Field Status Variants Posting Keys Automatic Account Assignments Define Tax Accounts Cross Company Code Automatic Account Assignment MM Automatic Account Assignment SD Revenue Account Assignment Financial Statement Version Line Item Layouts Special Fields Sort Variants Totals Variants Tolerance Groups Allocate Users to Tolerance Groups GL Number Ranges Document Types Assign Default Posting Keys to Document Types Fast Entry Screens Financial Accounting Configuration Menu Automatic Postings Documentation Maintain Document Change Rules

Table 6 General Ledger / Chart of Accounts Programms Transaction Code RFBISA10 RFBISA20 RFTAXIMP Description

Table 7 General Ledger / Chart of Accounts Tables Transaction Code BSEG TTXD T030 TZUN Description GL Document Line Item Table Tax Jurisdiction Code Structure Table Automatic Account Assignments Table GL Account Sort Key (Allocation Field) Table

Table 8 Accounts Payable Transaction Codes Transaction Code FI12 FCHI FCHV FBZP OBD3 XKN1 OBAS FK15 FK16 Description House Banks Check Lots Void Reason Codes Payment Programme Vendor Groups Create Number Ranges for Vendor Groups Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups Copy Vendor Master Records Creation Programme Copy Vendor Master Records Creation Programme

Table 9 Accounts Receivable and Credit Management Transaction Codes Transaction Code OBB8 OB46 OB82 Description Terms of Payment AP and AR Interest Indicator Make Interest Indicator Available to the Interest Calculation Program OBAC OB81 OBV1 OBBE OBCR OBCS OBXL Reference Interest Rates Assign Reference Interest Rates to Interest Indicators Interest Calculation Automatic Account Assignment Reason Codes Reason Code Conversion Version Map External Reason Codes to Internal Reason Codes Assign GL Accounts to Reason Codes


Cash Discount Amount Customer Tolerance Groups Credit Control Areas Credit Risk Categories Credit Representative Groups Assign Employees to Credit Representative Groups Days in Arrears Calculation Customer Groups

Table 10

Treasury Transaction Codes

Transaction Code OB10 OBAY OBAX OT05 OT14 OT13 OT47 OT17 OT18 OT16 OT29 OBBY OT55 OT57 OT51 OT59 GCRF

Description Create Lockbox Accounts Define Lockbox Control Parameters Lockbox Posting Data Source Symbols Planning Levels Planning Groups Assign Logistics Transactions to Planning Levels Treasury Groupings Treasury Grouping Headers Cash Management Account Names Activate Company Code Treasury Updates Electronic Bank Statement Transaction Types Assign Transaction Types to House Banks Electronic Bank Statement Posting Rules Map External Transactions to Posting Rules Posting Rules Automatic Account Assignment Currency Translation Ratios

Table 11

CO Enterprise Structure Transaction Codes

Transaction Code



Controlling Areas Activate CO Components for Controlling Areas CO Document Number Ranges Operating Concern Definition Planning Versions

Table 12

Cost Element Accounting Transaction Codes

Transaction Code OKB2 OKB3

Description Automatic Cost Element Creation Create Batch Input Session for Automatic Cost Element Creation


Create Secondary Cost Elements Create Primary Cost Elements Overhead Costing Sheet Activate Reconciliation Ledger Maintain Automatic Account Assignments for the Reconciliation Ledger


Number Ranges for Reconciliation Ledger Activity

Table 13

Cost Center Accounting Transaction Codes

Transaction Code KSH2 OKE5 KCH2 KE59 OKA2 Table 13 Cost Center Accounting Transaction Codes (Continued) Transaction Code OKEG KS01 KK01 OKE1

Description Cost Center Standard Hirearchy Profit Center Accounting Settings for the Controlling Area Profit Center Standard Hierarchy Create Dummy Profit Center Cost Center Categories

Description Cost Center Time Dependency Fields Create Cost Center Statistical Key Figures Activity Types Time Dependency Fields


Activity Types Assessment Receiver Types Periodic Repostings Distributions Assessments Copy Plan Data Planning Revaluation Cost Planning Layout Planning Profiles Cost Element Automatic Account Assignment

Table 14

Internal Orders Transaction Code


Description Settlement Structure Origin Structure Settlement Profile Settlement Document Number Ranges Internal Order Planning Profile Budget Profile Availability Control Budget Manager Maintenance Exempt Cost Elements for Availability Control Planning Number Ranges Maintain Number Ranges for Planning and Budgeting Objects Order Status Management Transaction Groups Status Profile Authorization keys for Status Management Order Types

Table 15

Profitability Analysis Transaction Codes

Transaction Code KEA0 KE4K KE04 KE05 KE07 KE08 KE41 KE4M KE4W KEI1 KEU1 KEF1 KE14 KP34 KE4D KE4Z KE4E

Description Operating Concern Maintenance Derivation Table Create Derivation Structures Change Derivation Structures Create Derivation Rules Change Derivation Rules Assign Condition Types to Value Fields Map SD Quantity Fields to CO-PA Quantity Value Fields Reset (Zero out) Value Fields CO-PA Settlement Structure Create Cost Center to CO-PA Assessment Planning Revaluations Create Planning Layouts Planning Profiles External Data Transfer Data Structures External Data Transfer Assignment Groups Map External Data Transfer Fields to Characteristic and Value Fields


CO-PA Planning Number Ranges Assign Controlling Area to Operating Concern CO-PA Actual Data Number Ranges Report Line Structures Create Forms Create Report Create Transports

Table 16

Profit Center Accounting Transaction Codes

Transaction Code 1KE1 0KE4 ORK1

Description Analyze Basic Settings Update Settings Profit Center Time-Based Fields


Fast Assignment Sales Order Substitution Activate Sales Order Substitution Assignment Monitor Control Parameters for Actual Data Transfer Actual Document Types Number Range Assignments Assign Revenue Elements Assign Additional Balance Sheet and P&L Accounts to PCA Activate Balance Carry Forward for PCA Maintain Versions Plan Document Types Plan Parameters

Table 17

Profit Center Accounting Transaction Codes

Transaction Code OITA OIP1 OIB1 OIT8 OIT5 OK11

Description Investment Profile IM Plan Profile Budget Profile Budget Categories Assign Actual Values to Budget Categories Number Ranges

NewGL Configuration

Added by Guest, last edited by Brendan O'Brien on Aug 13, 2010 (view change)

NewGL Configuration:

1. Define Currencies for Leading Ledger: Financial Accounting (New)>FAGS (New)>Ledgers>Ledger>Define currencies of the leading ledger 2. Define Ledger for General Ledger Accounting F/A (New) > FAGS/ (New) > Ledgers >Ledger > Define Ledgers for General Ledger Accounting 3. Assigning Scenarios to Ledger Financial Accounting (New)>FAGS(New)>Ledgers>Ledger>Assign scenarios & Customer fields to ledger 4. Defining Segment Enterprise Structure>Definition>Financial Accounting >Define segment 5. Activate Document Splitting : FA(N)>GLA(N)Business Transactions> Doc.Splitting >Activate Doc Splitting Spl Note: Always see that the tick is on inheritance 6. Classify G/L Accts for Document Splitting : Financial Accounting (New)>General Ledger Accounting (New)>Business Transactions>Document splitting> Classify G/L Accts for Document Splitting 7. Classify Document Types For Document Splitting : Financial Accounting (New)>General Ledger Accounting (New)>Business Transactions>Document Splitting> Classify Documents Types for Document Splitting Define Zero Balancing Clearing Account: Financial Accounting (New)>General Ledger Accounting (New)>Business Transactions>Document splitting>Define Zero Balance Clearing Account 8. Define Document Splitting Characteristics For General Ledger Accounting: Financial Accounting (New)>General Ledger Accounting (New)>Business Transactions>Document splitting>Define Doc Splitting Characteristic for General Ledger Accounting Define Zero Balancing Clearing Account: Financial Accounting (New)>General Ledger Accounting (New)>Business Transactions>Document splitting>Define Zero Balance Clearing Account 10. Define Document Splitting Characteristics For Controlling. Financial Accounting (New)>General Ledger Accounting (New)>Business Transactions>Document splitting>Define Doc Splitting Characteristic for Controlling 11. FI- Co Real Time Integration: Financial Accounting (New)>FAGS (New)>ledgers>real time integration of Controlling with financial Accounting>Define variants for Real time integration 12. Assign variants for Real Time Integration to Company Codes: Financial Accounting (New)>FAGS (New)>ledgers>real time integration of Controlling with financial Accounting>Assign variants for Real time integration to Co Codes

** Another Section to be cleaned up later **

ECC 6.0 New GL Functionality


Activate New GL The New General Ledger Accounting by a single click on the clock icon You will reach to change view "activation of New GL A/cg" detail screen and tick the checkbox and save. After activation of New General Ledger Accounting, you exit the IMG screen When you re-enter , you find that a new node is added Financial Accounting (New) Define Segment After activation of New General Ledger Accounting , a new sub node appears in the IMG


structure. This sub node is Define Segment The menu path is: SAP Customizing IMG ---> Enterprise Structure ---> Definition --> Financial Accounting --> Define Segment In this IMG activity, you define your segments. If you then define your profit centers, you can enter an associated segment in the master record of a profit center. The segment is then derived from the assigned profit center during posting. Activation has created a new field in Profit Center Master Record : the SEGMENT Leading and Non- Leading Ledgers In General Ledger Accounting , you can use several Ledgers in parallel. This allows you to produce financial statements according to different accounting principles. A ledger uses several dimensions from the totals table it is based upon. When defining Ledgers , one must be defined as the Leading Ledger . The Leading Ledger is based on the same accounting principles as that of the consolidated financial statements. It is integrated with all subsidiary ledgers and is updated in all company codes. This means that it is automatically assigned to all company codes. In each company code, the Leading Ledger receives exactly the same settings that apply to that company code : the currencies, the fiscal year variant and posting period variant . You must designate one of your ledgers as the Leading Ledger. It is not possible to designate more than one ledger as the leading ledger. The menu path is : SAP Customizing IMG ----> Financial Accounting ( New ) -----> Financial Accounting Basic Settings (New) -----> Ledgers ----> Ledger -----> Define Ledgers for General Ledger Accounting Clicking on the checkbox identifies one of your ledgers as the Leading Ledger. Activation of Non Leading Ledgers Non Leading Ledgers are parallel ledgers to the Leading Ledger . They can be based on local accounting principle, for example. You have to activate a non- Leading Ledger for individual company codes. Non- Leading Ledgers can have different fiscal year variants and posting period variants per company code to the Leading Ledger of this company code. The menu path is : SAP Customizing IMG ---> Financial Accounting ( New ) ----> Financial Accounting Basic Settings (New) -----> Ledgers ----> Ledger -----> Define and Activate Non --Leading Ledgers Assign scenarios to ledgers A Scenario combines Customizing settings from different business views. Each business view specifies which posting data is transferred from different application components in General Ledger Accounting, such as cost Center update or ProfitCenter update .You assign the desired scenarios to your ledgers. For each ledger, you define which fields are filled with posting data from other application components. SAP delivers a number of scenarios in the standard system. It is possible to create additional scenarios. The menu path is: SAP Customizing IMG -----> Financial Accounting ( New ) -----> Financial Accounting Basic Settings (New) -----> Ledgers ---->Fields -----> Display Scenarios for General Ledger Accounting. Cost of sales accounting Cost of sales accounting is a way to create a profit and loss statement (P & L) for a company by comparing the revenues to the costs or expenses incurred to obtain these revenues. The expenses are mainly divided by functional area such as: Manufacturing Administration Sales Research and Development We can activate Cost of Sales Accounting by the following menu path :





SAP Customizing IMG -----> Financial Accounting ( New ) -----> Financial Accounting Basic Settings (New) -----> Ledgers --->Ledger-----> Activate Cost of Sales Accounting


SAP FI, CO, MM, PP, SD, PM, PS, QM, SM, HR, BW, APO, Basis, ABAP/4, Certification, Books
8. 9. Organizational Structure

Useful SAP FI Related Transaction Codes

1. Define Company code OX02 / Copy Company Code EC01 2. Define / Edit Chart of Accounts OB13 / Copy Chart of Accounts OBY7 3. Assign Company Code to Chart Of Accounts OB62 4. Maintain Fiscal Year Variant OB29 5. Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant OB37 6. Define Posting Period Variant - OBBO 7. Open and Close Posting Period OB52 8. Assign Posting Period Variant to Company Code - OBBP 9. Define Document Number Ranges FBN1 10. Define Document Types OBA7 11. Define Posting Keys OB41 12. Define Field Status Variant OBC4 13. Assign Company Code to Field Status Variant OBC5 14. Screen Variants for document Entry OB71 15. Define Tolerance group for Employees OBA4 16. Assign User Tolerance Group OB57 17. Define Business Area OX03 18. Company Code Global Parameters OBY6 19. Define Countries OY01 20. Define Parallel currencies OB22 10. Customer Creation and Payments 1. Define Vendor Account Groups OBD3 2. Define Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts XKN1 3. Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups OBAS 4. Create Recon Account FS00 5. Define Customer/Vendor Tolerance Group OBA3 6. Define Payment Terms OBB8 7. Create Vendor FK01 8. Post Invoice FB60, Doc KR, number range 19 9. Make incoming payments (full, partial or residual payments) F- 53, Doc KZ, number range 15 11. Automatic Payment 10. House Bank Configuration FI12. Enter Company code and select House Bank tab. Click on the Create bank to create a new house bank Enter Bank Country and bank key details and click Bank Accounts. Enter the Bank Account num and the Bank GL account. 11. Payment Program Configuration FBZP All Company Codes Enter Sending and Paying Company Code, outgoing payment with cash discount from. Paying Company Code Enter Minimum amount of Incoming and outgoing payment and Form for the Payment advice. Payment methods by country Select Check will be created, Allowed for personal payments, Street P.O. box or P.O. box pst code (bank details for Wire transfer) and

RFFOUS_C (RFFOUS_T for wire transfer) as the print (payment) program. Payment methods by Company Code Enter min and max amounts and form for payment transfer. Payment per due day, optimize by bank group or postal code can also be selected. Bank Selection If more than one house bank, ranking order can be given. Under Amounts, amount available for outgoing payment should be given. Under Accounts, enter bank-clearing account for bank sub account. 12. Define Check numbers FCHI and Void Reasons - FCHV 13. Payment Run F110 Enter Run Date and Identification and go to parameters tab. Enter Company codes, payment methods, next pay date and vendor accounts. Go to Additional Log Tab and select Due date check, Payment method selection in all cases and line items of the payment documents. Go to Print out/data medium tab, enter variant against the Payment program and select Maintain Variants. Enter Paying company code, House bank details, and check lot number. Select Print Checks and Print payment summary for checks and Print payment advice notes for Wire(enter printer and select print immediately). Also make no. of sample printouts to zero. Then execute Proposal, Payment run and Printout. Number range 20 should be defined. 12. General Ledger 1. Define G/L Account Groups OBD4 2. Define Retained Earnings Account OB53 3. Journal Entry FB01, F-02, FB50, Document Change / Display FB02 / FB03 4. Recurring Document FBD1, FBD2, FBD3, F.56 - Delete 5. Sample Document F-01, FBM2, FBM3, F.57 - Delete 6. Individual Reversal FB08, Mass Reversal F.08 7. Parked Documents FBV0 Post/Delete, FBV2- Change, FBV3 - Display 8. FS10N Display Acct Balances, FBL3N Display Change Line Items, F-03 Clear 9. F.19 Clearing of GR/IR account. 13. Tips by Vidya 14. Tcodes to create a new Company Code Add a new company code to the existing system 15. Back to SAP FI: SAP FI (Financial Accounting) Configuration Hints and Tips 16. Return to :SAP ABAP/4 Programming, Basis Administration, Configuration Hints and Tips 17. (c) All material on this site is Copyright.
Every effort is made to ensure the content integrity. Information used on this site is at your own risk. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies. The site is in no way affiliated with SAP AG. Any unauthorised copying or mirroring is prohibited.


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