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47 and Apperson Drive, Rhinelander, WI 54501 1. Chairperson Scott Eshelman called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

2. In attendance: Paul Kuhn, Connie Muckelberg, J.R. Bartelt, Karyl Rosenberg, Jeff Ewald, Bill Jaeger. 3. A motion was presented to recommend to the Newbold Town Board to appoint Bill Jaeger as the recording Secretary for the Town Lakes Committee. The motion was passed unanimously. 4. The minutes of May 15, 2012 were approved as drafted. 5. The member lake associations reported as follows: a. Tom Doyle A review of water quality monitoring in 2011 indicates a lower trophic index value compared to 2010. It will be interesting to see the results from 2012. Fisherpersons have been catching some of the walleyes that were stocked in the lake. The public boat landing has recently been improved. Independence Day events for the lake association will be held on June 30th this year. b. Two Sisters Lake The lake management plan is progressing. The plan committee and the consultants are meeting on June 28 to review the draft plan. The draft plan will then be presented to the Association general membership on August 4th. Holiday lake activities including annual meeting, sailing regatta and boat parade are all scheduled for June 30th. c. Lake Mildred/Clear Lake Lake monitors recently recorded a seechi disk reading of 30 feet which is outstanding water clarity even for Lake Mildred. The Kids Dont Float program was over subscribed and Mildred was not selected to participate this year. Various fund raising activities are in full swing now that summer is here. Some lake residents are disappointed there is no dock at the boat landing. Mildreds public landing is owned and operated by the Department of Natural Resources. The landing manager was contacted who explained the water level is too low for the dock to be usable. d. Flannery/Velvet LakeThe Education Packets are still being worked on. The Association still needs to approve the printing cost. e. Pickerel LakeThere have been a lot of fisherman on the lake. Jeff counted 48 boat trailers at the landing on June 16th. 6. Discussion turned to the Rapid Response Pamphlet. Connie reported full color printing for the trifold would be 56 cents each. Black and white would be only 0.95 cents each. These prices are from Island Bay Printing. Distribution to all Newbold property owners with tax bills will require 3500 copies which causes concern for printing cost. The possibility of obtaining a grant was discussed. The next lake grant deadline is August first. Some members would like to have the pamphlet available by midsummer. It was suggested we could complete drafting of the pamphlet and make it available in electronic format for the Lake Associations to use. Connie Muckelberg presented a motion for the Newbold Lake Committee to apply for a $5000 grant to cover printing and distribution cost of full color Rapid Response pamphlets which should be sent to all Newbold property tax payers. J. R. Bartlet seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Shoreland Education Packets. The materials for the packets have all been obtained. Velvet/Flannery plans to hand distribute to property owners by mid July. 8. Scott proposed strategies for enforcement of boating laws as a discussion topic at the next committee meeting.

9. On a motion by J.R. Bartlet and a second by Paul Kuhn the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. The next meeting will be on July 17, 2012 at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Jaeger Recording Secretary pro tem

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