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Agrarian Conflict Andrs Len Spring 2012 Section 1: The origins of the agrarian question Bernstein, Henry. 2009.

V.I. Lenin and A.V. Chayanov: looking back, looking forward. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 36:1, pp. 55-81. Bottomore, Tom, Laurence Harris, V.G. Kiernan and Ralph Miliband (edit.). 1991. A Dictionary of Marxist Thought. Malden: Blackwell Publishers (2nd edition). Entries: Agrarian Question (T.J. Byers); Peasantry (T.J. Byers); Petty Commodity Production (Henry Bernstein). Chayanov, A.V. 1966. On the Theory of Non-Capitalist Economic Systems. In: Daniel Thorner (edit.) A.V. Chayanov on the Theory of Peasant Economy. Homewood (IL.): The American Economic Association. Cohen, Stephen. 1973. Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938. New York: Knopf. Erlich, Alexander. 1950. Preobrazhenski and the Economics of Soviet Industrialization. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 64:1, pp. 57-88. Kautsky, Karl. 1988. The Agrarian Question (Two Volumes). Winchester (MA): Zwan Publishing. Lenin, V.I. 2004 [1899]. The Development of Capitalism in Russia. Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific. Marx, Karl. 1976. Capital (Volumes I, II, III). New York: Penguin Books. Millar, James.1978. A note on Primitive Accumulation in Marx and Preobrazhenski. Soviet Studies. 30:3, pp. 384-393. Perelman, Michael. 2000. The Invention of capitalism: Classical Political Economy and the Secret History of Primitive Accumulation. Durham: Duke University

Press. Shanin, Teodor. 2009. Chayanovs Treble death and Tenuous Resurrection: an Essay about Understanding, about Roots of Plausibility and about Rural Rurssia. Journal of Peasant Studies. 36:1, pp. 83-101. Thorner, Daniel. 1966. Chayanovs Concept of Peasant Economy. In: Daniel Thorner (edit.) A.V. Chayanov on the Theory of Peasant Economy. Homewood (IL.): The American Economic Association. Section 2: the traditional agrarian question: agrarian transitions, development, peasant wars and agrarian reform

Peasants and class

Araghi, Farshad. 1995. Global Depeasantization, 1945-1990. The Sociological Quarterly. 36: 2, pp. 337-368. Breman, Jan. 1999. Silencing the Voice of Agricultural Labourers in South Gujarat. Modern Asian Studies. 33:1, pp. 1-22. Crehan, Kate. 1997. The Fractured Community: Landscapes of Power and Gender in Rural Zambia. Berkeley: University of California Press. Gidwani, Vinay. 2008. Capital, Interrupted: Agrarian Development and the Politics of Work in India. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Laclau, Ernesto. 1971. Feudalism and Capitalism in Latin America. New Left Review. 67:1. Mitchell, Don. 2011. Labors Geography: Capital, Violence, Guest Workers and the Post-World War II Landscape. Antipode. 43:2, pp. 563-595. Scott, James. 1977. Hegemony and the Peasantry. Politics and Society. 7:3, pp. 267296. Silverman, Sydel. 1979. The Peasant Concept in Anthropology. Journal of Peasant Studies. 7:1, pp. 49-69. Striffler, Steve. 2001. In the Shadow of State and Capital: The United Fruit Company,

Popular Struggle, and Agrarian Restructuring in Ecuador, 1900-1995. Durham: Duke University Press. Wolf, Eric. 1966. Peasants. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall Inc.

Peasant wars and resistance

Guha, Ranajit. 1999. Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India. Durham: Duke University Press. Alavi, Hamza. 1965. Peasants and Revolution. The Socialist Register. 2, pp. 241-277. James Scott. 1976. The Moral Economy of the Peasant: Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia. New Haven: Yale University Press. James Scott. 1985. Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press. Stoler, Ann Laura. 1985. Capitalism and Confrontation in Sumatras Plantation Belt, 1870-1979. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press. Viola, Lynne. 1986. Babi Bunty and Peasant Womens Protest During Collectivization. Russian Review. 45: 1, pp. 23-42.

Agrarian transitions and development

Akram-Lodhi, Haroon. 2005. Vietnams Agriculture: Processes of Rich Peasant Accumulation and Mechanisms of Social Differentiation. Journal of Agrarian Change. 5:1, pp. 73-116. Byres, T.J. 1986. The Agrarian Question, Forms of Capitalist Agrarian Transition and the State: An Essay with Reference to Asia. Social Scientist. 14:11-12, pp. 3-67. Gordillo, Gaston. 2004. Landscapes of Devils: Tensions of Place and Memory in the Argentinean Chaco. Durham: Duke University Press. Kay, Cristobal. 2002. Why East Asia overtook Latin America: Agrarian Reform, Industrialisation and Development. Third World Quarterly. 23:6, pp. 1073-1102. Llambi, Luis. 1990. Transitions to and Within Capitalism: Agrarian Transitions in Latin America. Sociologia Ruralis. 30:2, pp. 174-196.

Mackintosh, Maureen. 1989. Gender, Class and Rural Transition: Agribusiness and the Food Crisis in Senegal. New York: Zed Books. Moore, Barrington.1966. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. Middlesex: Penguin Books. Patnaik, Utsa. 1986. The Agrarian Question and Development of Capitalism in India. Economic and Political Weekly. 21: 18, pp. 781-793. Striffler, Steve. 2005. Chicken: The Dangerous Transformation of Americas Favorite Food. New Haven: Yale University Press. Valenzuela, Samuel. 2000. Class Relations and Democratization: A Reassessment of Barrington Moore. In: Centeno, Miguel Angel & Fernando Lopez-Alves (edit.) The Other Mirror: Grand Theory through the Lens of Latin America. Princenton: Princeton University Press. Walker, Richard. 2004. The Conquest of Bread: 150 Years of Agribusiness in California. New York: The New Press. Woods, Clyde. 1998. Development Arrested: The Blues and Plantation Power in Mississippi Delta. New York: Verso.

Agrarian Reform
Assies, Willem. 2008. Land Tenure and Tenure Regimes in Mexico: An Overview. Journal of Agrarian Change. 8: 1, pp. 33-63. Hall, Ruth.2004. A Political Economy of Land Reform in South Africa. Review of African Political Economy. 31:100, pp. 213-227. Kay, Cristobal. 1998. Latin Americas Agrarian Reform: Lights and Shadows. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Kligman, Gail and Katherine Verdery. 2011. Peasants Under Siege: The Collectivization of Romanian Agriculture, 1949-1962. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Nashieli Rangel Loera. 2010. 'Encampment time': an anthropological analysis of the

land occupations in Brazil. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 37:2, pp. 285-318. Putzel, James. 2000. Land Reforms in Asia: Lessons From the Past for the 21st Century. London School of Economics, Development Studies Institute Working Paper Series. URL: (03/14/2012). Rosset, Peter, Raj Patel and Michael Courville. 2006. Introduction I: The Resurgence of Agrarian Reform in the Twenty-First Century. In: Rosset, Peter, Raj Patel and Michael Courville (edit.) Promised Land: Competing Visions of Agrarian Reform. Oakland: Food First Books. Scoones, Ian, Nelson Marongwe, Blasio Mavedzenge, Felix Murimbarimba, Jacob Mahenehene and Chrispen Sukume. 2011. Zimbabwes Land Reform: Challenging Myths. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38: 5, pp. 967-993. Walker, Cherryl. 2003. Piety in the Sky? Gender Policy and Land Reform in South Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change. 3:1-2, pp. 113-148. Section 3: The agrarian question is dead; long live the agrarian question! The new agrarian questions?

The new agrarian questions: financialization, neoliberalism and globalization

Bernardo Mancano Fernandes. 2004. Cuestin Agraria: Conflictualidad y Desarrollo Territorial. Paper presented at the Lincoln Center Institute of Land Policy. Bernstein, Henry. 2010. Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change. Sterling (VA): Kumarian Press. Chant, Sylvia and Matthew Gutmann. 2002. Men-Streaming Gender? Questions of Gender and Development in the Twenty-First Century. Progress in Development Studies. 2: 4, pp. 269-282. Hart, Gillian. 2006. Denaturalizing Dispossession: Critical Ethnography in the Age of Resurgent Imperialism. Antipode. 38:5, pp. 978-1004.

Harvey, David. 2007. Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 610: 21, pp. 22-44. Razavi, Shahra. 2009. Engendering the Political Economy of Agrarian Change. Journal of Peasant Studies. 36:1, 197-226. Watts, Michael. 1992. Peasants and Flexible Accumulation in the Third World: Producing Under Contract. Political and Economic Weekly. 27: 30, pp. PE-90-PE97.

Food regimes and the industrialization of agriculture

Golay, Cristophe. 2010. The Food Crisis and Food Security: Towards a New World Food Order? International Development Policiy Series. 1, 215-232. Guthman, Julie. 2011. Excess Consumption or Over-Production? US Farm Policy, Global Warming, and the Bizarre Attribution of Obesity. In: Peet, Richard, Paul Robbins and Michae Watts Global Political Ecology. New York: Routledge. McMichael, Philip. 2009. A Food Regime Geneology. Journal of Peasant Studies. 36:1, pp. 139-169. Palau Viladesau, Tomas. 2008. El Agronegocio de la Soja en Paraguay- Antecedentes e impactos sociales y Econmicos. In: Mancano Fernandes, Bernardo (Edit.) Campesinato e Agronegcio na Amrica Latina: a Questao Agrria Atual. Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Winders, Bill. 2009. The Vanishing Free Market: The Formation and Spread of the British and US Food Regimes. Journal of Agrarian Change. 9:3, pp. 315-344.

Peasants vs. neoliberalism

Borras, Saturnino, Marc Edelman and Cristobal Kay (edit.). 2008. Transnational Agrarian Movements Confronting Globalization. Maden (MA): Blackwell Publishing. Boyer, Jefferson. 2010. Food security, food sovereignty, and local challenges for transnational agrarian movements: the Honduras case. The Journal of Peasant

Studies. 37:2, pp. 319-351. Desmarais, Annette Aurelie.2008. The power of peasants: Reflections on the meanings of La Va Campesina. Journal of Rural Studies. 24:2, pp. 138-149. Edelman, Marc. 2005. Bringing the Moral Economy Back in to the Study of 21stCentury Transnational Peasant Movements. American Anthropologist. 107: 3, pp. 331-345. Edelman, Marc. 2008. Transnational Organizing in Agrarian Central America: Histories, Challenges, Prospects. Journal of Agrarian Change, 8: 2-3, pp. 229-257. Moyo, Sam and Paris Yeros (edit.). 2005. Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America. New York: ZED Books. OBrien, Kevon and Lianjiang Li.2006. Rightful Resistance in Rural China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Patel, Raj. 2006. What does Food Sovereignty look like? The Journal of Peasant Studies. 36:3, pp. 663-706. Petras, James and Henry Veltmeyer.2008. Peasants in an Era of Neoliberal Globalization: Latin America on the Move. Revista Theomai, 18, pp. 4-29. So, Alvin. 2007. Peasant conflict and the local predatory state in the Chinese countryside. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 34: 3-4, pp. 560-581 Turner, Sarah and Dominique Caouette. 2009. Shifting Fields of Rural Resistance in Southeast Asia. In: Agrarian Angst and Rural Resistance in Contemporary Southeast Asia. New York: Routledge. Van der Ploeg, Jan Douwe. 2008. The New Peasantries: Struggles for the Autonomy and Sustainability in an Era of Empire and Globalization. London: Earthscan. Visser, Oane and Karina Bidaseca. 2010. Agrarian Modernization, Land Conflicts, and Peasant Mobilization in Russia and Argentina. Laboratorium. 2:3, pp. 296304.


Castree, Noel. 2003. Commodifying What Nature? Progress in Human Geography. 27:3, pp. 273-297. Davis, Mike. 2002. The Origins of the Third World: States, Markets, Climate. Cornerhouse Briefing 27. URL: s.pdf (extracted 03/11/2012). Henderson, George. 1998. California and the Fictions of Capital. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Renfrew, Daniel. 2011. The Curse of Wealth: Political Ecologies of Latin American Neoliberalism. Geography Compass. 5, pp. 581594. Smith, Neil. 1996. The Production of Nature. In: George Robertson et al (edit.) FutureNatural. New York: Routledge. Smith, Neil. 1983. Uneven Development: Nature, Capital, and the Production of Space. Athens (GA): The University of Georgia Press. Watts, Michael. 1983. Silent Violence: Food, Famine and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Citizenship, land rights and human rights

Agarwal, Bina. 1995. A Field of Ones Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia. New York: Cambridge University Press. Bidaseca, Karina. 2010. The Peasants of El Ceibal and Access to Justice: Land Rights and Precarious Land Tenure in Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Laboratorium. 2:3, 257-274. Murray Li, Tania. 2009. To Make Live or Die? Rural Dispossession and the Protection of Surplus Populations. Antipode. 41:S1, pp. 66-93. Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2002. Citizens All? Citizens Some! The Making of the Citizen. E.P. Thompson Memorial Lecture, University of Pittsburgh.

Wittman, Hannah. 2009. Reframing Agrarian Citizenship: Land, Life and Power in Brazil. Journal of Rural Studies. 25:1, pp. 120-130.

The foreignization of space: land grabs and agrofuels

Basu, Pranab Kanti. 2007. Political Economy of Land Grab. Economic and Political Weekly. 42: 14, pp. 1281-1287. Behrman, Julia, Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Agnes Quisumbing. 2012. The Gender Implications of Large-Scale Land Deals. Journal of Peasant Studies. 39:1, pp. 4979 Bond, Patrick. 2006. Accumulation by Dispossession in Africa: False Diagnoses and Dangerous Prescriptions. Paper presented to the Cornell Conference on the Ethics of Globalization, Ithaca. Borras, Saturnino, Jennifer Franco, Cristobal Kay and Max Spoor. 2011. Land Grabbing in Latin America and the Caribbean: View from Broader International Perspectives. Paper prepared for and presented at the Latin America and Caribbean Seminar: Dinmicas en el Mercado de la Tierra en Amrica Latina y el Caribe. URL: (accessed 12/23/2011) Borras, Saturnino and Jennifer Franco. 2012. Global Land Grabbing and Trajectories of Agrarian Change: A Preliminary Analysis. Journal of Agrarian Change. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 34-59. Cartwright, Andrew. 2010. Bread Baskets, Fuel Supplies and Bio Tech Crops: Will the Central and Eastern European Countries Take Part in the Second Green Revolution? Working Papers Series, Center for Policy Studies. De Schutter, Olivier. 2011. How not to Think of Land-Grabbing: Three Critiques of Large-Scale Investments in Farmland. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 38:2, pp. 249-279. Grajales, Jacobo. 2011. The Rifle and the Title: Paramilitary Violence, Land Grab and

Land Control in Colombia. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38: 4, pp, 771-792. Hall, Derek. 2011. Land Grabs, Land Control, and Southeast Asian Crop Booms. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38:4, pp. 837-857. Hall, Derek, Philip Hirsch and Tania Murray Li. 2011. Powers of Exclusion: Land Dilemmas in Southeast Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. McMichael, Philip. 2011. The Food Regime in the Land Grab: Articulating Global Ecology and Political Economy. Paper presented at the International Conference on Land Grabbing (6-8 April, University of Sussex). Murray Li, Tania. 2011. Centering Labor in the Land Grab Debate. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 38:2, pp. 281-298 Pye, Oliver. 2010. The biofuel connection - transnational activism and the palm oil boom. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 37:4, pp. 851 Visser, Oane and Max Spoor. 2010. Land Grabbing in Eastern Europe: Global Food Security and Land Governance in Post-Soviet Eurasia. Paper presented at the 118th seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Ljubjana, Slovenia. Zoomers, Annelies. 2010. Globalisation and the Foreignisation of Space: Seven Processes Driving the Current Global Land Grab. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 37: 2.

Market-led agrarian reform and property over land: land governance and counter agrarian reforms
Akram-Lodhi, Haroon. 2005. Vietnams Agriculture: Process of Rich Peasant Accumulation and Mechanisms of Social Differentiation. Journal of Agrarian Change. 5:1, pp. 73-116. Akram-Lodi, Haroon. 2007. Land, Markets and Neoliberal Enclosure: An Agrarian Political Economy Perspective. Third World Quarterly. 28: 8, pp. 1437-1456. Albertus, Michael. 2010. Democracy and the Threat of Redistribution in Latin

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Gauster, Susana and Ryan Isakson. 2007. Eliminating Market Distortions, Perpetuating Rural Inequality: an Evaluation of Market-Assisted Land Reform in Guatemala. World Quarterly. 28:8, pp. 1519-1536. Kay, Cristobal. 2002. Chiles Neoliberal Agrarian Transformation and the Peasantry. Journal of Agrarian Change. 2, 464501 Lahiff, Edward, Saturnino Borras and Cristobal Kay. 2007. Market-led Agrarian Reform: Policies, Performance and Prospects. Third World Quarterly. 28:7, pp. 1417-1436. Le Mons Walker, Kathy. 2008. Neoliberalism on the Ground in Rural India: Predatory Growth, Agrarian Crisis, Internal Colonization, and the Intensification of Class Struggle. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 35:4, pp. 557620. Lerche, Jens. .2011. Review Essay: Agrarian Crisis and Agrarian Question in India. Journal of Agrarian Change. 11:1, pp. 104-118. Muldavin, Joshua. 1998. Agrarian Change in Contemporary China In Szelenyi, Ivan Privatizing the Land: Rural Political Economy in Post-Communist Societies. New York: Routledge. Pp. 92-124. Spoor, Max and Oane Visser. 2001. The State of Agrarian Reform in the Former Soviet Union. Europe-Asia Studies. 53:6, pp. 885-901. Verdery, Katherine. 2003. The Vanishing Hectare: Property and Value in Postsocialist Transylvania. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Watts, Michael. 1998. Agrarian Thermidor: State, Decollectivization, and the Peasant Question in Vietnam. In: Ivan Szelenyi (edit.) Privatizing the Land: Rural Political Economy in Post-Communist Societies. New York: Routledge.


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