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Hnw dn Bcams In RC BuI!dIngs RcsIst Earthquakcs?

Earthquakc TIp
|ar|nqua|c Dcsign
Reinforcement und Seismic Dumuge
In RC luiIdings, lhe verlicaI and horizonlaI
nenlers (i.c., lhe ocans and cc|unns) are luiIl
inlegraIIy vilh each olher. Thus, under lhe aclion of
Ioads, lhey acl logelher as a franc lransferring forces
fron one lo anolher. This Tip is neanl for leans lhal
are parl of a luiIding frane and carry earlhquake-
induced forces.
8cans in RC luiIdings have lvo sels of sleeI
reinforcenenl, naneIy: (a) Iong slraighl lars (caIIed
|cngi|uina| oars) pIaced aIong ils Ienglh, and (l) cIosed
Ioops of snaII dianeler sleeI lars (caIIed s|irrups)
pIaced verlicaIIy al reguIar inlervaIs aIong ils fuII
Ienglh (Iigure 1).
Beans suslain lvo lasic lypes of faiIures, naneIy:
(a) ||cxura| (cr 8cning) |ai|urc: As lhe lean sags under
increased Ioading, il can faiI in lvo possilIe vays.
If reIaliveIy nore sleeI is presenl on lhe lension
face, concrele crusncs in ccnprcssicn, lhis is a ori|||c
faiIure and is lherefore undesiralIe. If reIaliveIy
Iess sleeI is presenl on lhe lension face, lhe sleeI
yieIds firsl (il |ccps c|cnga|ing lul does nol snap, as
sleeI has aliIily lo slrelch Iarge anounls lefore il
snaps, see ||TK-8MTPC |ar|nqua|c Tip 9) and
redislrilulion occurs in lhe lean unliI evenluaIIy
lhe concrele crusncs in ccnprcssicn, lhis is a uc|i|c
faiIure and hence is desiralIe. Thus, nore sleeI on
lension face is nol necessariIy desiralIe! The ducliIe
faiIure is characlerized vilh nany verlicaI cracks
slarling fron lhe slrelched lean face, and going
lovards ils nid-deplh (Iigure 2a).
(l) Sncar |ai|urc. A lean nay aIso faiI due lo shearing
aclion. A shear crack is incIined al 45 lo lhe
horizonlaI, il deveIops al nid-deplh near lhe
supporl and grovs lovards lhe lop and lollon
faces (Iigure 2l). CIosed Ioop slirrups are provided
lo avoid such shearing aclion. Shear danage occurs
vhen lhe area of lhese slirrups is insufficicn|.
Shear faiIure is lrillIe, and lherefore, shear faiIure
nusl le avoided in lhe design of RC leans.
Design Strutegy
Designing a lean invoIves lhe seIeclion of i|s
na|cria| prcpcr|ics (i.c, grades of sleeI lars and concrele)
and snapc an sizc, lhese are usuaIIy seIecled as a parl
of an overaII design slralegy of lhe vhoIe luiIding.
And, lhe ancun| an is|riou|icn cf s|cc| lo le provided
in lhe lean nusl le delernined ly perforning design
caIcuIalions as per is:456-2OOO and IS1392O-1993.
LongiludinaI lars are provided lo resisl fIexuraI
cracking on lhe side of lhe lean lhal slrelches. Since
lolh lop and lollon faces slrelch during slrong
earlhquake shaking (||TK-8MTPC |ar|nqua|c Tip 17),
IongiludinaI sleeI lars are required on lolh faces al lhe
ends and on lhe lollon face al nid-Ienglh (Iigure 3).
The Indian DucliIe DelaiIing Code IS1392O-1993
prescriles lhal:
(a) Al Ieasl lvo lars go lhrough lhe fuII Ienglh of lhe
lean al lhe lop as veII as lhe lollon of lhe lean.
(l) Al lhe ends of leans, lhe anounl of sleeI provided
al lhe lollon is al Ieasl haIf lhal al lop.
Figure 1: Steel reinforcement in beams - stirrups
prevent longitudinal bars from bending outwards.
Figure 2: Two types of damage in a beam:
flexure damage is preferred. Longitudinal bars
resist the tension forces due to bending while
vertical stirrups resist shear forces.
Inclined crack
Flexure Failure
Shear Failure (b)
Bottom face stretches in tension
and vertical cracks develop
Longitudinal Bar
Larger diameter steel bars that
go through the full length of the
Vertical Stirrup
Smaller diameter steel
bars that are made into
closed loops and are
placed at regular
intervals along the full
length of the beam
IITK-BMTPC Earthquakc TIp 18
Hnw dn Bcams In RC BuI!dIngs RcsIst Earthquakcs? pagc 2
Slirrups in RC leans heIp in lhree vays, naneIy
(i) lhey carry lhe verlicaI shear force and lherely resisl
diagonaI shear cracks (Iigure 2l), (ii) lhey prolecl lhe
concrele fron luIging oulvards due lo fIexure, and
(iii) lhey prevenl lhe luckIing of lhe conpressed
IongiludinaI lars due lo fIexure. In noderale lo severe
seisnic zones, lhe Indian Slandard IS1392O-1993
prescriles lhe foIIoving requirenenls reIaled lo
slirrups in reinforced concrele leans:
(a) The dianeler of slirrup nusl le al Ieasl 6nn, in
leans nore lhan 5n Iong, il nusl le al Ieasl 8nn.
(l) Bolh ends of lhe verlicaI slirrups shouId le lenl
in|c a 135 hook (Iigure 4) and exlended
sufficienlIy leyond lhis hook lo ensure lhal lhe
slirrup does nol open oul in an earlhquake.
(l) The spacing of verlicaI slirrups in any porlion of
lhe lean shouId le delernined fron caIcuIalions
(c) The naxinun spacing of slirrups is Iess lhan haIf
lhe deplh of lhe lean (Iigure 5).
(d) Ior a Ienglh of lvice lhe deplh of lhe lean fron
lhe face of lhe coIunn, an even nore slringenl
spacing of slirrups is specified, naneIy haIf lhe
spacing nenlioned in (c) alove (Iigure 5).
SleeI reinforcenenl lars are avaiIalIe usuaIIy in
Ienglhs of 12-14n. Thus, il lecones necessary lo
overIap lars vhen leans of Ionger Ienglhs are lo le
nade. Al lhe Iocalion of lhe Iap, lhe lars lransfer Iarge
forces fron one lo anolher. Thus, lhe Indian Slandard
IS:1392O-1993 prescriles lhal such Iaps of IongiludinaI
lars are (a) nade avay fron lhe face lhe coIunn, and
(l) nol nade al Iocalions vhere lhey are IikeIy lo
slrelch ly Iarge anounls and yieId (c.g., lollon lars al
nid-Ienglh of lhe lean). Moreover, al lhe Iocalions of
Iaps, verlicaI slirrups shouId le provided al a cIoser
spacing (Iigure 6).
ReIuted - Eurthquuke Tip
Tl 9: Hou to Make Bul|dlngs Ductl|e for Good Selsnlc
Tl 17: Hou do Larthquakes Affect Relnforced Concrete Bul|dlngs?
Resource MuteriuI
IS 1392O, (1993), |nian S|anar Ccc cf Prac|icc fcr Duc|i|c Dc|ai|ing cf
|cinfcrcc Ccncrc|c S|ruc|urcs Suojcc|c |c Scisnic |crccs, Bureau of
Indian Slandards, Nev DeIhi.
IauIay,T., and IrieslIey,M.}.N., Scisnic Dcsign cf Mascnrq an
|cinfcrcc Ccncrc|c 8ui|ings, }ohn WiIey & Sons, USA, 1992.
McCregor,}.M., |cinfcrcc Ccncrc|c Mccnanics an Dcsign, Third
Ldilion, Irenlice HaII, USA, 1997.
Net Upcoming Tip
Hov do CoIunns in RC BuiIdings Resisl Larlhquakes`
Au|ncrc oq.
Indian Inslilule of TechnoIogy Kanpur
Kanpur, India
Spcnscrc oq.
BuiIding MaleriaIs and TechnoIogy Ironolion
CounciI, Nev DeIhi, India
TIs rccusc s u rocrt o{ IIT Kunur und HMTPC Hcu
DcI. It mu Ic rcroduccd utIout cIungng ts contcnts
und utI duc ucInoucdgcmcnt. Suggcstons/commcnts
mu Ic scnt to. cqtstI.uc.n. Visi| or, lc scc prcticus ||TK-8MTPC |ar|nqua|c Tips.
Figure 3: Location and amount of longitudinal
steel bars in beams these resist tension due to
At least 2 bars should go
full length of beam
Figure 6: Details of lapping steel reinforcement
in seismic beams as per IS13920-1993.
Lapping prohibited in
regions where
longitudinal bars can
yield in tension
Lapping of longitudinal bars
Spacing of stirrups
as per calculations
(but not more than
Spacing of stirrups
as calculated
(but not more than d/4
and 8 times beam bar
2d 2d
Figure 5: Location and amount of vertical stirrups
in beams IS:13920-1993 limit on maximum
spacing ensures good earthquake behaviour.
Spacing of stirrups
not more than 150mm
Figure 4: Steel reinforcement in seismic beams
- stirrups with 135 hooks at ends required as per
The ends of stirrups
are bent at 135.
Such stirrups do not
open during strong
earthquake shaking.
10 times
diameter of
Total amount of steel
from calculation
Bottom steel at supports
at least half of that at top
Column Column
Spacing of stirrups
as calculated
(but not more than d/4
and 8 times beam bar
135 hooks in
stirrups on
alternate sides

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