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(lnsert Nane, Bar Numbe\ Address,Phone,Fat, ahd E-nail oJ Attomey or Pa yS bmitting Snbpoeta)



5 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20
THE STATE OF NEVADA TO namber)i n*nq Gnsertwitness addr6s,andtelephone

E Attorney for (NanE): Person I Plaintiff,In Proper In Person ! Defendant, Proper EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA No.: Case Dept. No.: Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s), CNIL SUBPOENA(DUCESTECUM)
(For Personal Appearance Production and of Documents Thinssat Trial or Hearins) and


Name: Address: No.: Telephone YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR AS A WITNESS and give testimonyat the

you makean to 2 1 following date,time, and placepursuant NRS 50.165andNRCP 45, TINLESS 22

of deparrmenr number, place and dak, agreement with the attorney or party submitting this subpoena Qnsert time,

24 25 26 27
Deoartment No.: Justice Center Place:District Court,Regional Nevada Las 200 LewisAvenue, Vegas, the YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED to bring with you at the time of your appearance

or custody, or 28 books,documents, tangiblethings set forth below that are in your possession,

or confol. All documents shall be producedasthey arekept in the usualcourseof business shall

with listed. NRCP45(d)(1). 2 be organized labeled correspond thecategories and to


feesandmileage traveled, provided as by WITNESS FEES: You areentitledto witness and must be accompanied the fees for one day'sattendance by NRS 50.225. This Subpoena or agency.NRCP45(b). mileage, unless issued behalfof the State a State on excuseto obey a subpoena CONTEMPT: Failure by any personwithout adequate a of served uponthat personmay be deemed contempt the court. NRCP 45(e). If you fail to and you may be liable to pay $100,plus all damages caused your failure to appear, by attend, maybecommitted jail. NRS 50.195,50.205. to Please see the attached Exhibit "A" for information regarding your rights and responsibilities relatingto this Subpoena.
(This Subpoena mustb signedby lhe Clrk ofthe Court or atrattomy.)

4 5 o 7 8 a

10 1l t2

Steven Grierson, D. CLERK OF COURT By: DeputyClerk Date:


14 15 16

By: Attomey Name: AttomeyBar Number: Date:


l8 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25
(Sigraare) (lnsert NanE, Bar Number,Address,Phone,Fa, ahd E-mail oJAltomey or Pa y Subnilling Subpoena)

by: Submitted

I Attomey for rx4,',e./: ! Plaintiff. In ProperPerson tr Defendant,In Pioper Person

2'7 28
2 Page

1 2 3



7 I o 10 1l 12

t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22

24 25

27 28
Page 3

I 2


I, linsert nane o7per"on naking service)

) ss.

being duly swom, or


penaltyofperjury, state that at all timeshereinI wasandam over l8 yearsofage andnot a under party to or interestedin the proceedingsin which this Affidavit/Declaration is made; that I
received a copy of the CIVI
rccetved Subpoew)

7 8 o 10 l1



person on 1n'ertdote nakjhs senrce

datepercon makins semice ; and that I served the same on tinsert

sened Stbpoera)

by delivering and leaving a copy with ?nsert hame wituess) of

(inse addresswherewihess flas selwd) at

1 2 Executedon:
(Date) (Signatwe of Person Mahng Service)

13 1 4 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to beforemethis 15 16 T 7 NOTARY PUBLIC in andfor the of State Countyof 18 19 20 2l 22



OR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Per NRS 53.045 is (a) If executed the State underpenaltyofperjury thatthe foregoing in ofNevada: "I declare trueandcorrect." Executed on:
(Date) (Signaturc oJPerson Makihg Senice)

24 (b) If executedoutsideofthe StateofNevada: "I declareunder penalty ofperjury under the law
ofthe StateofNevada that the foregoing is true and correct."

25 26 27 28

Executed on:
(Date) (Sienature oJ Person Makine Senice)

EXHIBIT "A', NEVADA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE Rule45 Protection ofpersons subjectto subpoena (1) A partyor an attorney responsible the issuance service for ofa subpoena shall and subject that takereasonable steps avoidimposing to undueburden expense a person or to on subpoena. courton behalfof whichthe subpoena issued The was this shallenforce duty and imposeuponthe party or attomeyin breachof this duty an appropriate sanction,which may fee. include, is not limitedto, lost eamings a reasonable but and attomey's (2) (A) A person commanded produce permitinspection copyingof to and and papers, or of neednot designated books, documents tangible things,or inspection premises appear person theplaceofproductionor inspection in unless to for at commanded appear deposition, hearing trial. or (d)(2)ofthis rule,a person (B) to to commanded produce Subject paragraph ofthe subpoena before or andpermitinspection copyingmay,within 14daysafterservice and ifsuch time is lessthan 14daysafterservice, serve uponthe thetime specified compliance for party or attomeydesignated the subpoena written objectionto inspectionor copying ofany or in or If is the the all ofthe designated materials ofthe premises. objection made, partyserving and tle except subpoena not be entitledto inspect copythematerials inspect premises shall or pursuant an order of the court by which the subpoena issued. If objection hasbeenmade, was to to may, uponnoticeto the personcommanded produce,moveat the party servingthe subpoena shallprotect anytime for an orderto compeitheproduction.Suchanorderto compelproduction expense resulting from the who is not a partyor anofficer ofa partyfrom significant gnyperson inspection copyingcommanded. and (A) was shallq"as[ (3) On timely motion,thecourtby whicha subpoena issued if or modi$ the subpoena it (D fails to allow reasonable for compliance; time (iD requires person a who is not a partyor an officer ofa partyto resides, employed is or travelto a placemorethan 100milesfrom theplacewherethatperson trial be except sucha person that may in orderto attend regularly transacts business person, in to commanded travel from any suchplacewithin the statein which the hial is held, or (iii) matterandno disclosure ofprivilegedor otherprotected requires exception waiveapplies, or or (iv) subjectsa personto undueburden. (B) Ifa subpoena (il research, disclosure tradesecret otherconfidential ofa or requires or development,commercial or information, (i0 opinionor information disclosure ofan unretained expert's requires in not describingspecificeventsor occurrences disputeandresultingfrom the expert'sstudy madenot at the requestof any party, quash modifythe or subject or affected the subpoena, to by thecourtmay,to protecta person a needfor the is shows substantial subpoena if the partyin whosebehalfthesubpoena issued or, that testimonyor materialthat cannotbe otherwisemet without unduehatdshipand assures the the person whomthe subpoena addressed be reasonably is will compensated. courtmayorder to conditions. or appearance production only uponspecified Duties in respondingto subpoena. shallproduce themas (1) to to documents A person responding a subpoena produce with they arekept in tlie usual courseofbusinessor shall organizeand label them to correspond in thecategories the demand. is Wheninformation subjectto a subpoena withheld on a claim that it is @ materials, claim shallbemade the privileged subject protection trial preparation as or to by ofthe nature thedocuments, of and expressly shallbe supported a description party to that is sufficientto enablethe demanding or communications, things not produced contest claim. the (d) (c)

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