Cefalea Post Puncion Dural

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Post Dural Puncture Headache: How to Keep It the Patient's Headache

Robert Gaiser, M.D. Mount Laurel, New Jersey

The Problem
Headache remains a major problem to both the obstetrician and the obstetric anesthesiologist. Headache is one of the most common symptoms encountered in the postpartum period. In a study of 95 postpartum parturients with a headache lasting greater than 24 hours, 47% were due to tension/migraines, 24% to preclampsia, and 16% were PDPHA.(1) For the anesthesiologist, an obstetric anesthesia closed claims update was published in the ASA newsletter in 2004.(2) The second most common reason for a claim was headache (14% of obstetric claims tied with newborn brain damage). Headache was more common than maternal death, back pain, pain during anesthesia, and maternal brain damage. PDPHA is distressing to the patient. Costigan surveyed 63 patients who suffered accidental dural puncture.(3) After headache, bed-rest was the largest complaint of these patients; many patients could only get relief from their PDPHA when supine, but found nursing and feeding the baby extremely difficult. In fact, academic anesthesiologists commonly disclose headache, local pain, and infection as risks while infrequently disclosing neurologic symptoms, neuropathy, paralysis, seizures, and death.(4)

The International Headache Society has defined a PDPHA as a bilateral headache that develops within 7 days after lumbar puncture and disappears within 14 days after the lumbar puncture. The headache worsens within 15 minutes of assuming the upright position and disappears or improves within 30 minutes of resuming the recumbent position.(5). These symptoms are helpful in distinguishing from migraine headaches. It usually occurs in the frontal, occipital, or both areas, but also may involve the neck and upper shoulders. Although it generally occurs within 48 hours of the dural puncture, it can occur later than 3 days in 25% of the cases.(6) In regard to duration, the largest study is by Vandam and Dripps.(7) They followed 8,460 patients who received 10,098 spinal anesthetics. The needles used were Quincke and the gauges ranged from 16 to 24. They reported that 72% of the headaches resolved within 7 days and 87% by six months. The persistence of headache beyond 6 months has been documented in which it was successfully treated by epidural blood patch.(8) Duration of the headache is directly related to the gauge of the needle causing the dural puncture. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, and hearing alteration. Visual disturbances (blurred vision or double vision) are due to dysfunction of the extraoccular muscles from transient paralysis of the cranial nerves (CN) of the eyes (CN III, IV, and IV) due to traction on cranial nerves from downward displacement of the cranial contents.(9) CN IV is the most frequently affected because of its long intracranial course (and can be corrected with EBP).(10) CN VIII is also involved. Fog performed audiograms preoperatively and 2 days postoperatively in 28 patients given spinal anesthesia.(11) In 14 patients, a 22-gauge Quincke needle was used and a 26-gauge Quincke needle was used in the other 14 patients. Hearing alteration of 10 decibels or more was observed in 13/14 patients in the 22-g group and 4/14 patients in the 26-g group. The alteration tended to occur in the low-frequency range. Alterations in hearing are variable and depend upon the patency of the adult cochlear aqueduct. If the aequeduct is open, loss of CSF leads to an endolymphatic hydrops which affects the hair cells of the inner ear.(12)

The incidence of accidental dural puncture with an epidural needle is 1.5% but the incidence of headache in the parturient depends upon the type of delivery.(13) See Table

In the central nervous system, there is approximately 150 cc CSF. Of this CSF, 75 cc is located supraspinally and 75 cc spinally. The production rate of CSF is approximately 0.35 ml/min.(14) It is generally believed that PDPHA is due to leakage of CSF though the dural tear. Kunkle showed that in volunteers, removal of 10% of CSF through a lumbar needle reliably produced a headache that was relieved by replacement with an equal volume saline.(15) An extradural collection of CSF has been seen on MRI in a patient with a PDPHA.(16) If the rate of leakage exceeds production, low CSF pressure results in a loss of the cushion effect provided within the cranium. PDPHA may be caused by traction on pain sensitive structures. In seven patients with positional headache, downward descent of the brain was seen in five patients.(17) Another hypothesis is cerebral venous dilation. Loss of CSF causes a decrease in CSF pressure without a decrease in intravenous pressure. The pressure difference causes these veins to dilate. There is another component to PDPHA if accidental dural puncture occurs during loss-of-resistance to air. A total of 3730 epidural blocks were performed in 2955 patients.(18) The identification of the epidural space was by loss-of-resistance to either saline or air using a total of 1-5 ml of either

422 Page 2 substance. In all patients with evident or suspected dural puncture, a CT scan was immediately obtained. Although dural puncture occurred to a similar extent in both groups (2.6% for air and 2.7% for saline), the incidence of headache was different, 66.7% for air and 9.8% for saline. In the air group, supraspinal intrathecal air bubbles were found on CT examination in 78% of those with a PDPHA. Air can enter the subarachnoid space with nicking the dura. The headache from intrathecal air was more rapid in onset and ha a shorter duration than a PDPHA. Evron studied 547 women undergoing epidural placement using either loss-of-resistance to air or to lidocaine. While the air group had a higher incidence of dural puncture (1.7% vs. 0%), there was surprisingly no difference in the incidence of PDPHA or severity of PDPHA.(19) The entry of air into the intrathecal space when using LORA after a previous dural puncture has been reported.(20)

Risk Factors
Not all patients who have dural puncture develop a PDPHA. The frequency of PDPHA is inversely associated with age.(21) PDPHA virtually never occurs in those < 10 years of age.(22) A meta-analysis comparing men vs women (excluding obstetric patients) demonstrated that the odds of developing a PDPHA were significantly lower for men than women (odds ratio 0.55).(23) Men have a larger cerebellar hemisphere resulting in a gender difference in the craniospinal junction.(24) The greatest influence on the incidence of PDPHA is technique and choice of needle. Technique is important for the Quincke needle, ensuring the direction of the bevel is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the dural cylinder. The dura mater is a laminated structure built up from well-defined layers oriented concentrically with no predominant direction to the fibers.(25) The cells of the arachnoid mater are oriented parallel to the long axis of the spinal cord and parallel insertion my result in less disruption.(26) For epidural needles, bevel orientation is not as important. Leakage from puncture with a 18-gauge Tuohy needle is similar whether the puncture is parallel or transverse.(27) The thickness of the lumbar dura mater varies. The hole created when the needle penetrated the thinner part resulted in a larger hole and greater leakage than when punctured in a thicker part. For needle type, size of needle and needle design are important. Smaller needles have a lower incidence of PDPHA, especially with the Quincke needle. Kang showed the incidence of PDPHA was 9.6% with the 26-gauge needle and 1.5% with the 27-gauge.(28) Gauge is not as important for the pencil point needle. The incidence of PDPHA was same with a 22-gauge Sprotte needle as compared to a 24-gauge Sprotte needle.(29) I feel that some of the headaches from the pencil point needle are due to advancing the local infiltration needle too far. Absalom described a case of cord injury when the local infiltration needle was inserted to the hub.(30) For needle design, the pencil point needles have a low incidence of PDPHA. Comparing 676 PS I or II patients undergoing spinal anesthesia with either a 27-gauge Quincke or 27-gauge Whitacre needle, the incidences of PDPH in the Quincke and Whitacre groups were 2.7% and 0.37%, respectively.(31) The Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Anesthesia recommend the use of the pencil-point needles to reduce the frequency of PDPHA.(32) Another factor affecting the incidence of PDPHA after accidental dural puncture is management of the second stage. In 33 patients with accidental dural puncture, 23 engaged in active pushing and 10 went to cesarean section before pushing. 17/23 patients developed a headache in the pushing group and 1/10 in the nonpushing group.(33) Active bearing down causes a marked increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure and possibly leads to greater CSF loss, accounting for the higher incidence in parturients. A patient with a previous PDPHA is at risk for subsequent PDPHA. In 258 patients who received a repeat spinal anesthetic, 42 had a previous PDPHA. Of these, 19% developed PDPHA again as compared to an incidence of 6.9% in those who did not have a previous PDPHA.(34)

Several maneuvers have been advocated to prevent a PDPHA. Many recommend bed rest to prevent a PDPHA. A systematic examination of recumbancy following dural puncture with a 22-gauge Quincke needle showed no difference if the patient rested 4 hours (11.6%) and 24 hours (11.9%).(35) Following dural puncture during attempted epidural analgesia, a subarachnoid (SA) catheter may be passed. Norris and Leighton failed to note any difference in the incidence or severity of PDPHA with a SA catheter.(36) In this study, the catheter was pulled at the end of delivery. Liu altered the study design by leaving the catheter in place for 12 to 24 hours.(37) They studied patients undergoing orthopedic surgery who had an average age of 70 years. The authors concluded that a SA catheter with delayed removal was no better than an intrathecal catheter with immediate removal. Ayad studied 115 parturients who had accidental dural puncture.(38) The patients were randomized into one of three groups: resite the epidural catheter, SA catheter with removal after delivery, and SA catheter with removal 24 hours after delivery. The incidence of PDPHA was 91.1% in the resite group, 51.4% in the

422 Page 3 immediate group, and 6.2% in the delayed group. This data supports the placement of a SA catheter after the occurrence of a wet tap and leaving it in for 24 hours and also helps explain why the results of Norris and Leighton were less promising. Extreme care should be used when a SA catheter is left in place for 24 hours. A case report discussed a patient who had the catheter adapter dislodge, resulting in a CSF leak while another presented a patient who developed meningitis.(39,40) The use of SA catheters is increasing. In a survey of practicing Australian anesthesiologists, 36% would insert a SA catheter because of the decreased incidence of headache and immediate analgesia.(41) Another maneuver is the injection of intrathecal normal saline following accidental dural puncture. 28 obstetric patients received 10 cc normal saline injected intrathecally after accidental dural puncture; 6 also had intrathecal catheters.(42) They compared these patients to 26 patients who did not receive intrathecal saline (5 did get intrathecal catheters). Of those patients who did not get an intrathecal catheter, 7/22 patients in the saline group developed PDPHA versus 13/21 in the no saline group. The papers concerning intrathecal saline have significant methodological limitations and its use is not recommended.(43)

The treatment of PDPHA ranges from conservative to invasive. Conservative measures include bed rest, analgesics, intravenous hydration, and other medications. Caffeine is commonly recommended for PDPHA because of its ability to increase cerebral vascular resistance, decrease cerebral blood flow, and decrease cerebral blood volume. The original study examining intravenous caffeine was published in 1978. The authors studied 1932 patients undergoing spinal anesthesia with a 22-gauge Quincke needle.(44) 41 patients developed PDPHA and were randomized to either intravenous saline or intravenous caffeine benzoate 500 mg. Caffeine had an overall effectiveness of 85%. To achieve this effectiveness, 2 patients required a repeat dose. There has been no study examining its effectiveness for accidental dural puncture with an epidural needle. A recent review concluded that there is no valid pharmacological rationale for caffeine as an antinociceptive agent for PDPHA.(45) It is thought that epidural saline increases pressure in the area and decreases the outflow of CSF. In 15 patients who had a PDPHA following dural puncture with a 25-gauge needle, 30 ml of saline administered epidurally provided relief in 9/15 patients. No patient who had a PDPHA following dural puncture with a 17-gauge needle had relief.(46) Epidural saline provides temporary relief that disappears once the saline is absorbed. A case report suggests greater success can be achieved if administered as a continuous infusion.(47) In 1960, Gormley reasoned that blood could serve as the sealing material. In his report of 7 cases (one of which was himself), 2-3 ml of blood injected into the lumbar epidural space at the same level as the dural puncture was effective.(48) Crawford recommended up to 20 ml of blood, stopping if the patient complains of back or leg pain. Using this method, he reported 97/98 had complete success.(49) The postulated mechanism for its effectiveness is compression of the thecal space and elevating the subarachnoid pressure. Maintenance of the therapeutic effect is attributed to clot preventing further CSF leak.(50) Blood in the epidural space will spread between 7 and 14 spinal segments. The mean spread of blood is six segments upward and three segments downward.(51) MRI shows the blood patch as a large extradural collection mainly in the posterior space, with spread to the anterior epidural space as well as out the intervertebral foramina and into the paravertebral space.(52) Complications of the EBP include back pain (occurs during the first 48 hours in 35% of patients and persists in 16% of patients with a mean duration of 27 days)(53) and bradycardia(54). EBP has been done in HIV positive patients without adverse sequealae.(55) A previous EBP is not a contraindication to epidural anesthesia.(56) An EBP is contraindicated if the patient is febrile. In a recent case report, an epidural blood patch (EBP) was performed with compatible allogenic blood because the patient was febrile. This case report is extremely concerning as the patient was placed at risk for transmission of blood borne infection. Furthermore, the patient still could have developed an epidural abscess with allogenic blood.(57) During an epidural blood patch, it is possible to inject the blood subarachnoid.(58) The literature concerning this complication is scant. Subarachnoid injection may result in meningitis, arachnoiditis, or paresthesias. The good news is that patients usually improve. The authors advocated magnetic resonance imaging to monitor the recovery. To give an idea of the effectiveness of EBP, the number needed to treat to result in success was calculated for EBP and turned out to be 1 (means that a doctor will see a lot of effective treatments in a very little time).(59) In the first randomized trial of EBP, 42 patients with PDPHA following lumbar puncture with a 22-gauge Quincke needle were randomized to conservative treatment or EBP. (60) EBP reduced the severity of PDPHA and resulted in quicker resolution. The timing of the EBP is debated. Loeser noted a 71% failure rate if the epidural blood patch was done within 24 hours of dural puncture as compared to a 4% failure rate if done greater than 24 hours. Subsequent studies have also noted this finding.(61) The largest series consists of 504 patients. 75% achieved complete relief, 18% incomplete relief, and 7% no relief.(62) Performing the EBP within 3 days was a risk factor for failure (odds ratio

422 Page 4 2.63). This literature suggests the success rate of the EBP to range from 75-93%. Vilming et al questioned when should an EBP be done.(63) These authors studied the amount of time a patient remained bedridden and the effectiveness of the blood patch in relieving the symptoms. According to these authors, an EBP should be performed after an initial observation period of 24 hours if the patient is symptomatic. This delay increases the success rate while reducing the suffering of the patients. It appears that the optimal time to place an epidural blood patch is >24 hours after development of the PDPHA. Given the improved outcome if the EBP is delayed, one would have to question the prophylactic EBP. A prophylactic blood patch involves the injection of blood through the epidural catheter before the development of a headache. 64 parturients with accidental dural puncture with a 17gauge epidural needle were randomized either to blood patch through a catheter or to sham blood patch (blood drawn but not injected).(64) There was no difference between groups in the incidence of PDPHA or in the need for therapeutic blood patch. The management of accidental dural puncture and its outcomes is highly variable. A postal questionnaire was sent to all maternity units in the United Kingdom.(65) Twenty-eight percent of the units place the catheter intrathecally following accidental dural puncture. Only 26% of the units treat the PDPHA with an EBP immediately; the majority of units attempt conservative measures first.

PDPHA continues to be a problem following neuraxial anesthesia. It is due to a decrease in CSF volume. It is not easily prevented, with an intrathecal catheter holding the most promise. It is easily treated with an EBP. An EBP performed within the first 24 hours of PDPHA may decrease its effectiveness. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Stella CL, et al. Postpartum headache: Is your work-up complete? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2007;196:318e1e7. Davies JM. Obstetric Anesthesia Closed Claims Trends over Last Three Decades. ASA Newsletter 2004;68. Costigan SN, Sprigge JS. Dural puncture: the patients perspective. A patient survey of cases at a DGH maternity unit 1983-1993. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1996;40:710-4. Brull R, et al. Disclosure of risks associated with regional anesthesia: a survey of academic regional anesthesiologists. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2007;32:7-11 Evans RW, et al. Assessment/prevention of post-lumbar puncture headaches. Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the Academy of Neurology. Neurology 2000;55:909-14. Wang LP Schmidt JF. Central nervous side effects after lumbar puncture. Dan Med Bull 1997;44:79-81. Vandam LD, Dripps RD. Long-term follow-up of patients who received 10,098 spinal anesthetics. Failure to discover major neurological sequelae. JAMA 1954;156:1486-91. Klepstad P. Relief of postural post dural puncture headache by an epidural blood patch 12 months after dural puncture. 1999;43:964-6. Zada G, et al. A review of ocular manifestations in intracranial hypotension. Neurosurg Focus 2007;23:15. Bechard P, et al. Epidural blood patch in the treatment of abducens palsy after a dural puncture. Can J Anaesth 2007;54:146-50. Fog J, et al. Hearing loss after spinal anesthesia is related to needle size. Anesth Analg 1990;70:517-22. Pogodzinski MS, et al. Hearing loss and cerebrospinal fluid pressure: Case report and review of the literature. ENT J 2008;87:144-7. Choi P, et al. PDPH is a common complication of neuraxial blockade in parturients: A meta-analysis of obstetrical studies. Can J Anesth 2003;50:460-9. Levine DN, et al. The pathophysiology of lumbar puncture headache. J Neurol Science 2001;192:1-8. Kunkle EC, Ray BS, Wolff HG. Experimental studies on headache: Analysis of the headache associated with changes in intracranial pressure. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 1943;49:323-58. Vakharia SB, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebrospinal fluid leak and tamponade effect of blood patch in postdural puncture headache. Anesth Analg 1997;84:585-90. Pannullo SC, et al. MRI changes in intracranial hypotension. Neurology 1993;43:919-926. Aida S, et al. Headache after attempted epidural block. The role of intrathecal air. Anesthesiology 1998;88:76-81. Evron S, et al. Identification of the epidural space: Loss of resistance with air, lidocaine, or the combination of air and lidocaine. Anesth Analg 2004;99:245-50. Hurtado TR, et al. Pneumocephalus secondary to an EBP. Am J Emerg Med 2007;25:244-6.

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